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Kings Matchup With the Suns Tonight – December 22: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

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The Insiders
LIVE Mon-Fri 10a-12pPST
ESPN 1320 Sacramento, CA

D-Lo & KC
LIVE Mon-Fri 12p-4pPST
ESPN 1320 Sacramento, CA

D-Lo & KC Merchandise

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James your mic was muted I didn’t do that no I I think I think I might have on accident oh well I did it earlier when we were trying to figure out if if we could hear if you could if I could make it so you could

Hear the music I was playing got it good morning catty house thanks Ken uh what’s up Pete what’s up gang yo last is school Vibes for sure that’s right except for it’s not the last day of school no we’re gonna be on there next week y’all Wednesday

Thursday Friday your boys are in the building 10 to two DLo and Casey are going to be out so we said hey we’ll take a couple of those hours so we’ll be rocking with you there’s a whole box of gift in Stacy’s office and she wants to know who

Dropped these lovely gifts we should just take credit credit yeah we should say those are from the Insiders you’re welcome it’s actually from the chatty house all right here we go let’s have a good show absolutely nothing is ruining my vibe today there is nothing that can knock me

Off kilter there is nothing that’s going to bring me down I you you I don’t I I tweeted this last night I had a glass of wine I had Christmas music playing my Christmas tree was plugged in I was wrapping Christmas presents actually your your Christmas presents I was wrapping I was

Wrapping Christmas presents and I’m I’m like nothing can disturb my peace right now I am so happy I have never been more in my element than I was last night people are like oh but what if this happens nope could what what if John Fisher comes to the door he’ll slam it

In his face and then he’ll go right back to what I was doing that’s what I feel today that like I always go oh Vibes good today yeah Vibes are Vibes are good today The Vibes are nuts that’s right Ramsey Don’t Kill My Vibe if John fiser

Shuts up at your door you just call me you bring him inside we’ll we’ll Cousin Eddie his his ass we’ll tape him up I wasn’t gonna I wasn’t gonna incriminate myself on the radio we’ll wait for the FBI to storm storm Kyle’s house or you could just drive to my house and you

Know oh boy I’m not gonna that’s what he gets for giving us the the jelly of the week yeah Taz I got him uh both actually and the spicy shrimp flavor of course yeah you just have a box full of Top Ramen over there that’s not what it’s it we’ll open uh

We’ll open James we’ll open why you open your Christmas present a little bit later on right we should probably do a real show like there’s part of me that was like punting sports today except for farza 10:30 like let’s just talk holidays okay I I’m in like I mean we

Could we could but that’s doing a disservice to the people who listen to this I went to uh I drove up to Grass Valley yesterday after the show and before I did a podcast and uh I grabbed the prime rib roast that I’m going to cook on Christmas Day great 15 pounder Kyle

Jesus 15 pounder Kyle 15 pounds oh yeah that is a what it’s did you is it just a c a whole cow it’s incredible oh my god oh All Season the ribs were cut out and tied back in season underneath oh my God Kyle I’m ready I am so ready bro I last

Year I did a I didn’t do a prime rib is it a rib roast is that what there’s there’s a diff there’s like a subtle difference between like a prime whatever it was but I basically to a prime ner last okay and it was my first time it was our first

Time hosting Christmas and I am stressing out about season I’ve do I’m doing research on how I’m gonna season because I I’ve done Burgers I’ve done chicken I’ve grilled you I’ve grilled a lot of stuff but this is like this is Christmas my in-laws are coming over who

I have a great relationship with I love them to death but so it’s not like super high pressure but I want to get this right so I buy this five pound uh rib roast and it’s my in-laws my folks my grandmother and me and my wife so seven

Of us and I’m like all right get this right I hit my buddy who’s a big barbecue guy he’s like like do this and that I nail it like 100% very proud of how I cooked this this roast I go to cut it and I’m like

Well there’s seven of us I’ll cut this five pound piece of meat into seven pieces and that’ll be good and so I cut the first piece of I was like what are you doing that is a huge cut of meat I was like oh yeah s that’s like a little

Under a pound of P that’s crazy oh yeah that’s so much so then I got it I finally got the cut right after after that but okay and you know the secret Kyle is if you’re gonna do prime rib hiding in the produce section they actually have horseradish root and you

Can make fresh horse radish which is off the hook I’m not a horseradish guy but I imagine if one was to be that would be incredible it is spectacular just a little bit of salt a little bit of vinegar to knock down the heat makes your eyes water while you’re while

You’re shredding it but my goodness Kyle that’s how we that’s how I roll obviously no no shortcuts no shortcut no shortcuts in the ham house and no shortcuts for the Sacramento Kings they are coming off a tough loss to the Boston Celtics but now they have to host

The Phoenix Suns a Phoenix Suns team that on paper not awesome 14 and 13 they’ve got health problems they got guys in and out of the lineup but a team that On Any Given night could be the very best team in the NBA given the amount of talent that they have so even

Though the kings are significantly better record-wise than the Suns this this is not to me a game that that I’m going in and going oh yeah this is a this is a game they’re gonna win for sure yeah I would agree with you um the Phoenix Suns are dangerous they are

Like a team backed into a corner and I I do think it it’s interesting Yousef nurkic is out tonight due to personal reasons Josh aogi is questionable uh uh Damen Lee is out nir little is available but um the Kings have some their own injury issues they questionable javil

McGee and Malik monk if you don’t have Josh aogi and you don’t have Yousef nurkic like you’re the king’s two best players are going to Feast Feast I already did my prize picks for today I may have chosen both of those guys to to

Just eat like this is going to be a game where like I I expect a big of a shootout but dearon fox loves going up against uh against Booker yeah and this is it’s gonna be it’s going to be a fun game man yeah the suns are a just a fascinating team

Yep and I don’t I don’t want to like I have a hard time with it because I don’t want to say they’re like they’re they’re not going to make the playoffs or anything crazy like that but it just feels like they’re flawed like they’re fundamentally flawed

The the way we’re we were kind of talking about this with the Kings yesterday it’s a really good the the they are really really good but when it comes to winning a title like can we can we put those pieces together and with the Suns it’s kind of the opposite

Problem where I look at the top end of their roster and I’m going yeah they have they have the necessary top end talent but then what do they have after that yeah and and we can talk about this a little bit later I’m still trying to figure out what they were doing adding

Bradley be I just I’m not really I’m not really sure what the goal was there or what what the point was yeah I I’ve uh I get sort of what they were doing you know they their team who has a new owner who’s trying to swing for the fences

Who’s trying to spend money who’s trying to look like he’s being active but it really reminds me of the 20171 18 OKC team where they went out and you know they had a great off season and they they made like power moves so they you know they had Stephen Adams there but

Then you know they add Paul George they’ve got Jeremy Grant on the roster then you know they had Russell Westbrook and then they went out and added Carmelo Anthony and I just thought like that’s not going to work and realistically it didn’t work and that sometimes you can

Oversaturate a team with with like ridiculous Talent um they did you know they did make the playoffs but they weren’t a team that you you were totally afraid of and so yeah I don’t know um I think this team would have been better if they would have found the right

Defensive minded players the right Shooters and all that stuff to put around them but then Bradley Bill could show up and it could look like what we’re seeing from the uh the Los Angeles Clippers right now where all of a sudden something clicks and they start rolling

And then you can’t stop them because they got three of them and our our our tune changes dramatically sure yeah just I think their their role pieces their role players aren’t good enough right now and maybe they can be better but as of right now I don’t think it’s great

Yeah I’m I’m I’m right there with you and maybe like you said maybe they lock in in February and it’s just a different team but going into a game like tonight for Sacramento it’s one that not a must-win that’s that’s too far but you gotta get this one you gotta

You after what happened against Boston you gotta go get this one or at least play well like I don’t you gotta play well I mean I you know just expecting to beat a team like Phoenix is tough but you got to beat Phoenix that’s well and and you risk

Well with the the Kings track record on backto backs and they have Minnesota tomorrow you can’t you do not want this to spiral where you get smoked by Boston you lose to Phoenix and then God forbid they they have a back-to-back performance against Minnesota like other backto back performances we’ve seen from

Them this year where they’re getting rolled by Minnesota and now all of a sudden now you’re you’re sitting here going into Christmas when the season actually starts and you’re limping to that point after what has for the most part been a really really nice start to

The year I it’s not GNA undo everything but you would feel way way better like the how I feel about Sacramento if they win the next two versus if they lose the next two even versus they split the next two mhm it is wildly wildly different

For me yes so got to go get this one I think this entire season has felt that way though right like you feel really bad about this team at moments and then all of a sudden you just start like huh look they figured it out and look they’re really good again look there’s

Seven games over 500 and then all of a sudden they look bad again and you’re like like there’s this this buildup and then let down with this team which is which is very strange I I I don’t want to describe it as like one step forward

One step back it’s two or three steps forward one step back but sometimes these losses are so egregious that they feel more like two steps back to me it’s indicative of where they are as a team yeah they’re a team that I said it yesterday they can beat literally any

Team in the NBA on a given night and and not they could fall backwards into a we on accident they could go be better than any team in the NBA on any given night conversely the opposite can happen yeah they can go be as bad as any team in the NBA on a

Given night and greatness comes when those off nights are more limited than they are right now yep and that’s that’s kind of what they’re working towards and that’s every conversation that that we have about the Kings and every conversation that people listening to this and people in the chatty house

Having about the Kings is all about getting to that consistency getting to that point yeah the lack of consistency is concerning but it’s early we’re not even at the halfway point it’s early Christmas man when we when we’re doing shows by the way next week James and I

Are going to be on this radio station Wednesday Thursday Friday yep so we’re off at Christmas on Monday we’ll take the day after Christmas off and then Wednesday Thursday Friday we’re rocking on ESPN 1320 we’ll be on YouTube all all the stuff it’ll be like a normal

Week uh we’ll be on 10 to2 so no Dow on casy next week it’s James and I with you 10 to two um carrying you into the real St of the NBA season yeah like that’s every Everybody circles Christmas day so um we will we will begin that that

Conversation in Earnest as as we start building up uh toward 2024 and then and then the postseason uh the Pistons lost again last night oh no and we gotta we gotta have a quick conversation about the Pistons and losing we will do that and I we’ve lost the plot with Brock

Pie I agree we have the discussion has gone completely overboard we’re going to reel it in and we’re going to talk some Niners Ravens specifically about the quarterback position next on ESPN 1320 did you see uh that the the Dodgers sign Yamoto $325 million deal holy smokes 12 year for Yamoto yeah

Yeah I think it’s that’s a super interesting thing to me because I saw some people last night saying like this is stupid um they bought a championship like first of all they have to win first yep can they that’s let the let the season play out first for start

Complaining about a team buying a championship because we’ve seen time and time again that spending the most money on baseball does not make you the best team look at what the Padres did last year and granted that the Dodgers have been a been and better organization than

The Padres over the last you know two decades but um I also think I saw some anger at the Dodgers and I honestly like the anger should be pointed at the teams that aren’t ponying up that aren’t figuring out like if the Dodgers are willing to spend the money then like they’re

Playing within the rules they’re not violating any any kind of rule and if if this causes baseball to do something about their salary situation then great but baseball should Institute a salary floor before it ever institutes a salary cap I yes I I I agree 100% I I’m reading

Some of his stats and over 8 20 Innings pitched he hasn’t he’s posted a 165 ER dominant struck out nearly five times as many hitters as he’s walked and allowed one home run every 28 Innings that’s crazy yeah dude he’s a baller yeah he he seems really good hey there’s Charlie

Yep forgot to get something for Charlie I feel like a real Pace you should have added your name to my uh my bottle of wine damn it I’ve got another one hiding in the car if you want to go give him the same exact bottle of wine say Charlie we want

To get you drunk off of one specific type of wine no I I’m gonna explain this later when I’m when I’m on DLo and KC but so I ordered something for DLo and casc and then I ordered something for Jesse the thing I ordered from for Jesse

Is from a different place yep and it is literally arriving today oh boo so brutal but he might be here next week maybe I had something much more personalized for you that I was working on on but uh I don’t know I I I did not

I I didn’t finish it so let me let me see if I honestly wine in a bottle of whiskey that’s right in my like tugging on all the heart strings yeah wine I figured you might be able to figure out how to make a uh a New York um sour out

Of out of that right there oh for sure oh here we go we back here you go chatty house you can get some of this jacking at now back to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle mson brought to you by Jiffy loop on ESPN 1320 yeah we’re going Christmas rejoins

All day today amazing I feel bad turning down uh I feel bad turning down Nat King go but yeah man what a guy smooth Kyle yeah it’s the the Christmas song by n King Cole shout out it’s of the Christmas songs that one is my favorite

And um I wanted to do Christmas music today because that’s my vibe I’m in absolutely nobody is is taking that away from me all right before we get to Brock pie 49ers have a huge game against the Baltimore Ravens this weekend real quick 91699 1320 if you

Want to jump in on the conversation uh caller I see you on hold will get to you here momentarily but the Pistons last night lost their 24th consecutive game game they were favored in the craziest stat is there are still more Marvin baggley in the world than there are

Detroit Piston thisas oh my God that’s man so not only did they lose to the Utah Jazz 11911 the Utah Jazz r on a back-to-back playing their third game in four nights and their fourth game in six nights the Jazz did not have rookie keontay George

Who’s a rotation player for them no ton Horton tuger no Jordan Clarkson no Lorie marinin and the Pistons still lost 119 11 they didn’t even keep it to like a single possession and if if unless something has changed I believe the last time they played a one possession game was like their season

Opener I’m intrigued to see what happens with Monty Williams here because Monty Williams didn’t want to really take that job and they just kept upping the number until it got so high that Monty Williams owed it to the rest of the coaches in the NBA to take that dollar figure he

Did he he owed it to the rest of the coaches to say yes yeah so then everyone else can get paid that way yeah but now he’s stuck and so I don’t know how to fix that so this is where the 49ers right the 49ers whiffed On trance oh yeah okay that’s they

Whiffed but they had the foundation in place that they could they could overcome it this the Pistons whiffed but on like their entire team building philosophy they looked at their roster and went kid Cunningham Jaylen Duran Jaden Ivy um assar Thompson Marvin Bagley James wisman they looked at the

Boon bogdanovich Alec Burks they got these veterans in they’re going this is a roster that can compete this year they thought that their roster was going to be good enough that bringing in a coach like Monty Williams an adult in the room was going to be able to coach them

To at least a plan and maybe a six seed and instead they’re finding out that none of these dudes that they thought h i shouldn’t say none of them Thompson is fine Kade Cunningham has has been a a right spot but Jaylen Duran can’t stay healthy Marvin Bagley is who he is James

Wisman is who he is and if you’re Alec Burks and Bo bogdanovich why are you going to go out there and end for this team and so now they have maybe the worst team in NBA history maybe I they’re they’ve got the worst record and it’s possible that they will

Finish the season with the worst record in NBA history but I man if they have a fire sale which I don’t know why you’d have a fire sale on a young team it’s more of like a like a candle light sale I guess but this is this is why it’s so

Difficult to build a team like this Kyle was it 25 in a row yeah so the Kings have tried this yeah they were two and one to start the season they’ve lost 25 in a row 25 straight my bad I had 24 down yeah they were at 24 yesterday right

Um yeah but I’m looking at their roster and like hey I like Isaiah Stewart I think Isaiah Stewart would look good in a Sacramento Kings uniform I like Jaylen Duran um you know I keep leaving out Isaiah Stewart he can play too yeah I would like if Kade Cunningham says I

Will not play here anymore you need to trade me now okay I’m all in because I think he’s a baller but it’s just so difficult to start with this many young players like how many players in the rotation are 20 21 22 and it it’s crazy Marvin baggley still is only 24 years

Old James Weissman is 22 uh Jaden Ivy 21 Killian Hayes 22 assur uh Thompson 21 Jaylen Duran 20 Isaiah Stewart 22 Kate Cunningham 22 you cannot build this way again I watched the Kings try to do it in in 2017 2018 it’s just there was no way to find

Success it doesn’t matter how good your coach is he’s got it it’s nothing but smoke and mirrors and what Monty Williams is trying to do right now is teach a whole bunch of kids how to play basketball yep especially and and I’m going to point out a good portion of

These kids they’re covid kids and that’s it’s something that I think people don’t understand like I have a 20-year-old at home like they lost a year and a half of their lives really really crucial year and a half where they were locked down where they they didn’t go out on dates

Where they weren’t able to go out and have a good time and and you know go to high school parties there wasn’t High School these kids didn’t have all the AA tournaments their their games played were much less all of this stuff it’s and that’s this group of kids and you’ve

Got a whole bunch of them socially like you you got a lot of work to do on every aspect of life with these kids and it’s something I think we talked about it before like I kept saying during the pandemic I want to see what this does longterm to NBA prospects and that’s

What we’re seeing we’re seeing like a like a a year or two of just personal and and basketball development that’s not there M and it’s so it’s tough to overcome yeah no that’s a that’s a great point I had even thought about that so many of these guys were Juniors or

Seniors in high school they got their they didn’t get a junior prom or a senior ball they didn’t they those things like stopped existing and and all those a tournaments that all of those dried up like you weren’t allowed to play so yeah it’s it’s really an interesting like experiment that we’re

Seeing how these kids come out of this it’s it’s the the contrast between the the Pistons and the and the Kings is really funny when the Pistons lost last night it was like this is devastating and how do they fit like they are below ground zero they are yeah they’re just a

Mess it’s not like okay this is where there’s no direction it’s just a a mishmash of young players you got fans chanting to fire this guy fire that guy sell the team all that great we did a whole show yesterday about like God the Kings just the way

They’re losing these games H they just what they 16 and 10 now I just oh they’ve lost seven where they didn’t even compete no really put it really puts it in perspective like the where where the levels of the NBA are oh yeah The Haves

And they have nots but it is but for 16 years the kings were were Have Nots oh Big Time 16 years you you put up with exactly what’s happening here except for your team only one year do they they won 17 games right one year and they should

Have had the first pick in the draft instead they fought all the way to four where they draft Tyreek Evans and you know Blake Griffin was the number one pick right so when Blake Griffin Hashim T James Harden and then and then Tyreek Evans and then uh Ricky Rubio and Johnny

Flynn and then Steph Curry at number seven sure that’s the one year where the kings were just so bad that they had a real legitimate shot I think the next year they won like 22 and that’s when they draft cousins right and again they were the number one and they fell all

The way they they were number two they fell all the way to number five and that’s where cousins was taken but like to be that bad the rest of the years the Kings hovered at that like 28 win 25 I covered two 25 never truly like abominable never and that is the worst

Place to play in if you’re an NBA team yes like the only way to get better if you’re that bad unless you’re in a Major Market is to play either really bad or trade everything and try to jump ahead and try to get a better piece and like

This is a it’s a brutal thing to watch I feel bad for for Detroit Pistons fans 91 91699 1320 is the number what’s your name and where you calling from what’s up bro this is Buddha man how you doing he yeah Buddha we got you what’s going

On what’s up man do amazing it’s good to talk to y’all man I was uh first of all Let me give dear Fox some credit he playing like one of the best point guards in the league so like let’s just respect him at all times that National

Media local media like he got potential to be one of the greatest point guards of all time so let’s give him credit so like with that I feel like we really should sign CR at the free agency but since we didn’t I think we got to get like a player like pass

Or cuz for real for real I feel like Pascal HB like because if you trade HB and Kevin herder and pick like I don’t know how many picks but some picks I feel like you might can make that happen because I don’t know how much they can

Really get for Pascal on aspiring and I really feel like with Daren Fox because like I said he one of the best point guards in the league so if you get another player like Pascal with sabonis sabonis is one of the best centers in League because like them triple doubles

Is crazy like nobody’s doing that other than jic so so you want you want them to pick up Pascal SE yakum I want I wanted them to get CR but Pascal cak is a nice option but if you can’t get P I don’t know what the offer is what about John

Collins because I don’t know how much it’s gonna cost but John Collins he’s a four that can shoot he can block shots he he’s uh super athletic so I feel like he got a lot of talent too to be honest but if we can’t shoot for the Moon let’s

Just see what we can get out of that you know thanks Buddha appreciate the call thanks Buddha yeah that’s yeah if the Jazz want to give up John Collins for something then then great yeah I’m not overpaying for John Collins if you can get a if if you can get John Collins for

Cheap and and I mean in a trade he he’s expensive as a player but if you can get him for like nothing then great but I don’t think that’s going to happen I don’t think that’s realistic and and I also don’t think that John Collins I’ve

Been an advocate of John Collins in the past but kind of out on him at this point he’s kind of proven that he can’t impact winning and it’s unfortunate but like his his box plus minus and you know his on court off court stuff a great in

Theory guy like in theory John Collins is a super athlete who can protect the rim and shoot threes and that is what and rebound but like that’s not like go go watch John Collins yeah like it’s not it’s not the move all right yeah it’s tough it’s tough all right goad we got

NFL Week 16 action maybe your fantasy championship this weekend maybe your fantasy semi-final we’re talking about veraz sadiki it’s still a fantasy Friday on the inside Friday Faraz sadiki upperhand fantasy in Odyssey original podcast he is going to join us next answering some of our questions answering your questions so make sure to

Get to ESPN 1320 ESPN 1320 fire away your start and sit questions for your semi-final maybe your championship and we’re get you all squared away with fantasy Friday for rosi coming up next there was something I was looking up and now I can’t remember what it

Was oh I know what it is just popped in my head what’s that there we go um Theon Fox is at 257 six career assist I like that Buddha at the top was like we need to respect Dar Fox like okay yeah no we’ll do that I I’ll make sure

To say more about how I think Daren Fox is a superstar yep I know he was talking about like National media and stuff no oh 2576 is dearn Fox 2580 is Mike bbby as the alltime assist leader in Sacramento Kings history Daren Fox is four away from tying Mike Bibby

Jeez Mike Biby will be in the house tonight because that could happen to tonight is Darren Fox going to be the best Sacramento king of all time or is he already there he’s not already there but he will be yeah no the best in all honesty like the best Sacramento

Sacramento king of all time is Mitch Richmond like you could say Chris Weber but Mitch Richmond is the guy who actually did all of his work and his good work in Sacramento and uh for eight years he was the best King where I think Weber Weber didn’t have the longevity in

Sacramento Darren’s not far away though yeah no he’s gonna he’s gonna get there yeah I think he’s right there man he will end up being the best sacramental king of all time yeah because there’s no way they’re they’re gonna move on from him at all I just I

Just rock with him so hard man I just players that very clearly hold it down for it’s why I like Giannis so much he very clearly just rocks with Milwaukee and dearn very clearly rocks with Sacramento and it’s just like this is where I’m at I’m gonna go be a dog

And I’m gonna go play and when you can do that and also be great then that’s uh yeah it’s a lot of fun I think you kind of wish that for dear that like first of all they missed with bam right if they would have drafted bammer or uh Donovan

Mitchell and the 2017 NBA draft I’d even say hey look Donovan Mitchell probably doesn’t become Donovan Mitchell if he’s playing with uh dearen Fox yeah I would agree hey look there’s faras sadiki what’s up farz hey what’s up what’s up how you hey are you a basketball guy at all have we talked

About this yes you are a basketball guy yeah basketball guy okay I am a basketball guy as a person where do you live by the way how’s my audio am I coming in okay yeah it’s you sound good okay okay cool and where you where do

You live I’m in Jersey right now I’m I’m a ncks fan I’m a big Nicks fan I grew up in New York live in Jersey now as somebody as somebody not on this Coast what are just your general thoughts about Darren fox dearon fox um I’m a I’m

A big fan I think in the right in the right situation he could become a superstar in the right situation yeah are the Kings the right situation careful how you answer this dang oh I’m sorry are we live FR about to do about to make some enemies bro sorry I’m

Sorry that’s because you’re a Nicks fan and you think that everyone can be a star in New York that’s a good point yeah it’s that question that you asked me was literally like yes I do think dear Fox will be will be really good in New York

That’s that’s what I was wow yeah I thought that Becky Hammond had to come out and explain her Jaylen Brunson thing was crazy I know he’s he’s yeah he’s something else man that guy good player I think I missed that yeah she just basically said like yeah he’s a top

20ish guy and you can’t win a title if he’s your onea like yeah I think that’s jayen Brunson true I don’t think true I think that’s wrong oh hey we’re back why would you why okay walks busy sidewalks dressed in h now back to the Insiders with James

Ham and Kyle Manson brought to you by Jiffy loop on ESPN 1320 I need to do this differently I need to make sure to play the intro then the song that’s fine we’re rocking with we’re the insid sponsored by JY if you missed it that’s James I’m Kyle and

Joining us now as he does every Friday during the NFL season fiki for a fantasy Friday Faraz a very merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family thank you so much for taking time out a couple of days ahead of ahead of Christmas uh to to hop on with us man

Thanks yeah for sure and and I appreciate that thank you guys um this is a great great time of year I’m happy that I’m G to be getting a little bit of a break here you know hopefully over the next couple days but um yeah I I’m

Hoping that you guys have a have a wonderful holiday as well and whoever’s listening too this is such a tough time of year as a for for fantasy players because not only is it playoff time so every decision matters you know tenfold but then you got a game on Thursday you

Got games Saturday you got games Sunday you got games Monday how do you navigate that do you set your lineup Thursday and you’re like this is it no save for like injury stuff or every day are you tweaking it what’s what’s your strategy I’m tweaking it every day because these you know these

Practice reports are coming out like oh niik Collins is going to play now oh CJ st’s out oh wait Zach Wilson’s out okay I guess I gotta move Gary Wilson down uh you know like all these things oh Kenneth Walker didn’t practice oh what are we gonna do there Zach Sharin you

Know like there’s so many things that are happening right and then there’s three games on Monday what does that mean that the practice Windows start opening up on Thursday so you’re not going to know if a guy’s really going to be playing until Saturday because that’s

Where the last practice is for the for the guys who were playing on Monday night so yeah no we got to pay attention throughout because something might happen in practice you never know you can’t just like you can’t take your hands off the wheel on Thursday hey I

Real quick real quick real quick I messed this up Faraz sadiki upperhand fantasy and odyssey original podcast get it wherever you get your podcast including the free Odyssey app James yeah and if you’re one of the cool kids you can reach out to farz Anytime and

And he gives you help on your roster uh big shout out to farz for the puka Nuka uh 24 points he scored last night in my fantasy football league also Chris olve goes for 14.3 I was on the fence whether I was going to start olve or not and I

Think you were kind of on the fence about puka with some of the other options um but it it looks like uh we may have hit a home run there I did not ask you about Alvin Kamara uh because I just thought he was a lock to do

Perfectly well and he did not um so that one’s not on you but uh well even if you did ask me even if you did ask me about that I would have told you to leave him Kamar in your lineup like for sure because you know you expect him to to do

His thing but you know didn’t happen yeah I totally I I totally see that uh this is a huge week for fantasy football players this is usually the week before the Super Bowl um just how does your uh how does your mentality change as a fantasy football expert or a fantasy

Football player when you get to this P portion of the Season just the crunch time portion I try not to let it affect my decision-making because I don’t want to overcompensate just because the stakes are higher um you know I will say though I will pay a little bit more

Attention to certain things and I don’t want to overthink stuff you know I kind of look at sometimes I think like hey what would I have done in week eight you know what would I have done then because I don’t want to just like shoot for

Upside I don’t want to uh think that I’m gonna be missing out and just like you know having a YOLO mentality you know while I’m going into this week I want to make sure that I’m doing my due diligence but also not overthinking stuff right I think that’s key so I I

Don’t want to over even the even with the analysis right I’m doing the same stuff that I was doing a few weeks ago obviously my process continues to be that every single week I try to add some more stuff to my tool belt to like help me out but the process hasn’t changed

Like the stuff that I’m doing in week eight and week nine and week 10 to help me out and help everyone else out I’m continuing to do that through the playoffs I’m not trying to do too much because otherwise if I do that I’ll I’ll

Miss the ball and a lot of stuff so here’s what I’m going to do this week foras I don’t want to speak for James as we talk about foras the uper hand fantasy and odyssey original podcast I’m out I lost last week I quarterfinals this quarterfinals was tough um I was

Watching the Jets and dolphins so I was keeping an eye on it and I’m like wow tough day for the Jets and then I went and looked and I was playing against a guy that had the Dolphins defense and I was just I was cooked from

There it was it was over for your boy so I’m just gonna ask chatty house questions that’s gonna that that’s all I’m doing today I have no other no further questions for me um this this is from what we do it’s big time it’s quarter SE if you’re quarterfinals this

Week fix your league but it’s either semi-finals or championship this week uh Russell hunt wants to know uh Tua or py this week for us that’s that’s a good one honestly and and you know pery has a tough matchup against Baltimore but he is at home I’m just trusting that system

And I’m trusting him and I’m trusting his Playmakers just a little bit more right if Tariq was 100% you know I think this would have been a game where I think that you know Tua can do his thing but the way I’m expecting that game to

Go is that they’re they have one of the most effective running games in the NFL we the Dolphins do we just saw what the bills did against the Cowboys uh and they’re a team that is not the most effective rushing team in terms of with their running backs in the NFL so I

Think that’s going to be their game plan especially with a banged up Tua so I think they Lean On The Run game moster in hn so I’m gonna I’m gonna go party here okay I want to follow that up with uh we have another question that that’s

In the same vein let me see if I can pull it up there we go partyer Lamar this what is this one is super tough um in my rankings I have pry ranked one spot above the bar if I’m not mistaken um so you know this is a super

Tough question uh but again similar situation right I am just trusting per a little bit more playmakers that system uh Lamar you know obviously he blew up last week right but look at the his game log before that um it’s not as pretty and I think the range of outcomes for

Lamar is a lot wider and for that reason I think I Le pry all right let’s talk tight ends a position that’s typically kind of a wasteland but this year with some of the rookies it’s been it’s been uh more productive for sure we’ve got TJ in the chatty house

He’s got Sam leor and TJ hackinson which one are you starting oh man this is this is this is rough um I I think I I know Sam leapor scored the three touchdowns last week but I I did mention that before coming before going into that week that leor

Had one of the best matchups of any tight end in the NFL you know in terms of like the type of s single High versus two high Le Porter was that dude I think this week though I’m leaning Hockinson just by a hair um I like the match up a

Little bit better I personally liked uh what I saw out of Mullins last week um I think he ran the offense pretty efficiently all their guys were involved and I think they can move the ball pretty effectively this week um against the Lions let’s stick with the tight

Ends Kad or Waller you know I actually like KT you know as a little bit of a sleeper but but I will go Waller okay if you if you’re if you’re trying to play KT I I get it because Cardinals play two uh two high safety at the second highest

Rate in the NFL commit 1.78 yards per route run against that coverage uh which is seventh highest among all tight ends in the NFL so this is a good coverage scheme that kit tends to play well against however the Cardinals have been really really good against tight ends

Overall haven’t allowed a ton haven’t allowed a ton of fantasy points to the position Waller just the opposite right Philly has been really really bad against tight ends they’ve been really bad against wide receivers also Waller though you know Philly runs the eighth highest rate of single high and D Waller

Has the eighth highest uh yards per route run against single high this year so Waller he didn’t play he wasn’t a full-time player last week however I do expect that to go up uh to a full-time role this week with him getting healthier um and I was encouraged by the

Amount of times that he was targeted uh by by his quarterback I want to stick in that Lions Vikings matchup they played twice here in the last three weeks of the Season as we talked with Faraz sadiki of upperhand fantasy it’s a fantasy Friday on the Insiders sponsored

By JY Loop David Montgomery are tied Chandler in a half PPR League uh again this is a very similar situation here you know Chandler went off last week I like Chandler last week but he was going up against the Bengals that was a very very good matchup for Tai Chandler um

This week not so much right going up against the Lions they they’ve been very very Stout against running backs they haven’t allowed a ton of fantasy points to running backs they haven’t allowed a ton of yards per carry to running backs they’re the one of the best in the

Leagues in defending the run so I’m not as high on Tai Chandler I think a lot of people want to have him in their lineup because of the box score last week I am tempering expectations for him I trust the Lions offense more so I’m going to lean David Montgomery to hopefully uh

Score a goal on touchdown or two okay uh let’s go to Adam L who uh clearly is one of those uh eight Team league guys but uh mixing Conor mcgomery most H I’m just messing with you Adam but uh who do you got here he he only gets to pick one so

He’s got some some depth there yeah for sure and and I’m going to go Raheem moard here you got to play him like the way that the Cowboys were gashed by the Run game last week most has just been getting it done man look at all these

Touchdowns that he’s scoring um you you can’t leave him and his upside out of your lineup this week okay very good um where am I I lost my spot I’m trying to just go top to bottom there we go Alfonso Valdez wants to know Tyler Lockett obj or Jaden Reed this

Week this is rough yeah yeah I like Jaden Reed too it’s just a little bit of a tougher matchup um however I think I still lean Reed um I want to know is Reed Reed wasn’t practicing earlier this week I want to make sure that he wasn’t practicing on Thursday um did the

Practice reports come out Jan Reed and Christian Watson both had helmets on today so we’re going to get the full injury report in a little bit just keep an eye on that injury report I would say that if Jaden Reed ends up playing I would lean with him just because the way

They’ve been using him even in the Run game I lean him by a hair um if he doesn’t end up playing I’ll go to locket in his matchup uh here’s an interesting one uh One Flex likely Addison or Hunter Henry a man all these guys have you know

Likely not as good of a matchup Addison has a great match up against the Lions or Hunter Henry who has a great matchup as well I’m going to go Addison here personally I really like what I saw um the fact that you know he was getting finally getting targets efficient

Touchdowns last week with Nick Mullins I’m pretty encouraged plus the really really good match up this week against the Lions I’m going to go Jordan Addison here okay very good and again we’re talking to Faraz sadiki upperhand fantasy is where you can find his work it’s an odyssey original podcast Odyssey

Uh Odyssey app of course but it’s also available wherever you get your Podge you can get a ton of info like this so what we’re doing today is we’re going through the chatty house and we’re just grabbing questions from the chatty house ensuring that you The Listener and the

Viewer are ready to rock and roll for your fantasy semi-final maybe it’s your fantasy championship hey did does anyone still have fantasy leagues that go to week 18 I don’t think because if they do fix that like for real for real I hope not I mean we’ve we’ve seen it before when

Championships before they added the extra week we’ve saw fantasy championships in week 17 all the time um and it’s funny because I I would stop putting out as much content and stop putting out rankings the last week and people like hey what what what the hell

And I would say Hey listen hey I am boycotting your week 17 fantasy Champion right your league grow up and understand the schedule come on trying to have to start Sam darn in week 18 all right we got a Kings fan from West Zack asking Justin fields or

Trevor Lawrence Fields has been good lately man honestly I would start Sam darnold over both these I’m just kidding um so uh Justin Fields this week man really really good matchup Arizona’s defense just just terrible so you got to go with Justin field and Lawrence who

Knows if he even plays or not this week okay let’s let’s stick with the quarterback position we’ve got uh from Michigan Wolverines we got Goff or Lamar Jackson uh I got to go Lamar here we saw the upside that he has last week you know you got to go with him golf’s

Matchup you know listen Minnesota has been playing pretty good defense you know lately and um this could be I know gof is still going to be in a dome but he’s not playing at home so uh I’m GNA lean Lamar just buy a hair so the the

Question I have about Lamar I think the thing I’m waiting on with Lamar is I’m watching that Niners defensive tackle situation because they might be without their top two defensive tackles and if that’s the case we might see Lamar how how do you view that are you viewing

That as hey the Ravens are just going to run it down their throats or hey that means there’s going to be more opportunities for Lamar Jackson to make plays with his legs and in the passing game because the Niners don’t have their two interior defense we could see a

Couple more designed rushes right I think in those type of situations um you want to see those design rushes go up right because you’re forcing the guys that are in there to make a play opposed to uh dropping back and then scrambling right and because they’re like kind of

Less involved there right and if we’re not going to be getting as much pressure to Lamar does he scramble as much but you want that right you want him to you want him to run um especially in this matchup right now on the back end the

49ers aren’t as great I think Z flowers is a good matchup Odell Beckham has a good matchup although you know the 49ers have been relatively good uh against limiting deep pass um so for me personally like this is all about Lamar and his rushing ability in this game and

I’m hoping for one of those big games like you mentioned I want to talk about one of the most may maybe the most disappointing fantasy player of the year maybe um bejon Robinson are you still riding with him if if the two you need so we gotta pick

Two here it’s Devon aan bejan Robinson and Deon sleary is bejon the guy you’re leaving out there no he’s not he’s he’s the first guy who’s in and really I I yeah and I know like you know one of my guys on our team you know said that you know bejon is

Like a drug like you want to stop but you just can’t you know and it’s and it’s it’s one of those things where listen the Colts the Colts listen I I it’s really tough okay but we’re we’re have to we have to make a decision here

And we have to understand that at this point we’re at a position where like are we just going to assume that Arthur Smith is not going to use him and I don’t think we can assume that for this game he got so much Flack for it last

Week I think that he’s going to end up using bejan the matchup is just so good the Colts are allowing the third most rushes against them the eighth most rushing yards this is all by running backs by the way the second most rushing touchdowns the fifth most receiving

Yards to running backs per game the fourth most yards per catch like I I can’t give it okay so all right I am rocking with be on this week you know I understand the the hesitation trust me I have hesitation too but yeah in this scenario I think single Terry might be

The odd man out here I think I’m going bejan and I’m going aan a little bit healthier than he was last week I think they’re going to run the ball a ton against the Cowboys I lean with those two I do think that bejan and single ter

Might be like safer I would say between him between single T and Anan but um I think bejan and Anan are the two guys who I’m going to have in my lineup this week right uh yeah some of that like just the knowledge there thank you for

That’s why we have foras sadiki on every week because it’s the crazy stuff they tells us where we’re like oh we didn’t know the Colts were that bad um let’s go to Friend of the show wiie yeah which of the two if healthy Noah Brown Nico Collins Drake London Devin single

Ter I pulled this one up because I have niik Collins I have Drake London and I used to have Noah brown but I figured I’d hit you with this one yeah oh well definitely don’t start Noah Brown over nikic Collins I would say that right Niko Collins is the

Number one I know Noah Brown did his thing last week but just keep in mind that they were going up against Tennessee who are very bad against wide receivers okay this week not not it’s a tough match up against Cleveland Denzel Ward is back right he came back last

Week this is going to be a different uh team right now I I will say that I am starting niik Collins he’s number one on this list it’s between him and Devon single ter and what makes me nervous about this question and the answer that

I’m going to give you is that my answer is to start two of these Texans players without CJ stra in the lineup right niik kins and Devon single ter because I think Deon single ter he’s the clear guy now at this point we have two straight

Weeks of him being the guy last week he was the clear guy right he actually he got it done Big Time against Tennessee you know like this they’re not the easiest team to go to run against right this week Cleveland a little bit of an easier team believe it or not to run

Against so Deon single ter and ni Collins are the two guys I’m going with Drake London’s right there but it’s just it’s really tough to trust him with Taylor hin a quarterback really any any quarterback that is there in Atlanta right now talk with for sadiki upperhand fantasy and odyssey original podcast

Jackson Smith and jigu Garrett Wilson or Gabe Davis in the flex I personally I’m punting Gabe Davis to the Moon 100% 100% like please please don’t start Gabe Davis uh you have to be out on Gabe Davis I think he had like three of his five three of last five games he had

Like zero points yeah not mistaken so you definitely don’t want that I I love Jason as a talent I had to move Garrett Wilson down in my rankings just a little bit with Zach Wilson out which is crazy to say that I wish I wish Zach Wilson

Was playing but that’s the that’s the reality of the situation Trevor simeon’s there right now this is a very very good match up for Garrett which is why I’m willing to still play him so I do lean Garrett Wilson over all these guys right

Now but jsn you know I love him as a talent um I think he could do his thing this week but I think Garrett is the way to go okay I want to ask you one of my own um and then maybe Kyle could do a speed round um because we’re we’re

Running low on time uh rashy rice or Nico Collins rashy rice top 10 wide receiver for me this week oh wait top what top 10 oh top 10 oh okay he has he has uh I think he’s finished like three out of the last four weeks he’s finished

As the top 10 wide receiver for Fantasy we got to as many of these as we could I’m going to go speed round on the ones we have starred and then then we’ll get you out of here for r as always you’ve been super generous with your time we

Appreciate it a ton jacobe Myers Josh Palmer Demario Douglas oh that’s Grim oh man I’m gonna go jacobe Myers jacobe Myers very good um need to play three for my ARB and flex slot bejon moart Conor Henry and Tai Chandler moer bejon and Derk Henry okay

Very good uh did we do this one James Connor Isaiah Pacho or Devon aan no we did not I’m G to go with Isaiah Pacho here all right very good I like Pacho a lot what he’s in Josh Palmer or k KT K KT all right Nick Mullins Baker Mayfield

Or Gino Smith baby sorry about that bro you gotta go Baker right got go Baker gotta go Baker go Baker I love that one uh Gardner muu or Jake oh my God I I can’t get over this thumbnail uh among barries um minu or Jake Browning

I’m going to go Jake Browning this week among Barry said something super nice about me so they will always get their chat in the by the way I’m very it’s super easy hey hey I’m sorry on the last one Garner mchu I forgot that Jamar Chase is not playing I’m gonna go mchu

Garner mchu it is all right last one from our gu zbo Josh Jacobs Noah Browner Antonio Gibson Josh Jacobs very good all right well farz thanks so much man we appreciate you uh immensely for hopping on with us every week um we will uh skip

Next week and then maybe we can have you on uh in the new year to do a little fantasy season recap with you 100% let’s do it yeah Merry Christmas man Merry Christmas to you guys happy holidays everybody and and good luck this weekend you’re gonna need it and I’m gonna need

It too see you guys that’s right thanks bud all right for us sadiki upperhand fantasy an odyssey original podcast you can get that on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast it’s a ton of information it’s rankings it’s start sits it’s really really good stuff and

And we love talking with Faraz each and every Friday getting us ready for our fantasy Seasons uh except for for me who’s up you know I would like if you’re uh you’re in the chat like I I fro won’t see it most likely but uh how much has

He impacted your your fantasy your fantasy season hope he’s helped yeah I hope he’s helped too because um you know I think it if nothing else what he does when I when I reach out to him when I talk to him on the show he provides information that I would never have

Thought of right and I’ve played fantasy for forever for like I think this is year 34 right yeah 33 34 over 30 years yeah so but he provides so much context to why you would start or sit somebody and like for me it’s if nothing else is

Giving me the confidence to do what I thought I was going to do yeah even yesterday I gave him like some starts and sits and and like we were on the same page and that made me feel good about what I was doing I didn’t feel

Like I was cheating Yeah by by going to an expert but I definitely thought hey good stuff it’s the process yeah and sometimes in fantasy like it doesn’t work out but farz puts in way more work than I do so when he says something I’m like all right that’s what I’m rocking

With yeah and if it doesn’t work I’m not gonna be like oh froa no man there’s a it’s not always gonna go the way you think it was just because a guy has a good matchup doesn’t mean he’s gonna have a good week you know yeah just no I

Totally agree and you know there’s a couple of like the leor one stands out all season long you’re watching I mean he’s in my league I think he’s he’s the top rated uh tight end he’s the top producing tight end in the league and he

Told all of us to go draft Sam loraa before our drafts and like for me I was an idiot and didn’t draft him um because I never draft tight ends uh and then I regretted it all season long but if I had him right now in his

134.5 points in my league you know the 754 uh yards and nine touchdowns I’d be a better team definitely all right that’s it for the first hour I have a very important Christmas gift question to ask all of you oh and I want to talk about the 49ers in Ravens game because I

Think the Ravens pose some unique issues for the 49ers we will do that next and we will have more King Suns coming up for you as well in the second hour of The Insider sponsored by Jiffy lubit C ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports leader sweet sweet BC your your quarterback situation is not great

Bro but I will tell you I’m uh I’m playing my brother in the playoffs this weekend and his choices at quarterback are Sacramento’s own Jake Browning um he also has Kyler Murray and he has Gardner menu he has Joe burrow on his IR that’s that’s how he builds his team and

He has of course Jamar Chase who’s out as well ouch yeah yeah not not exactly what you want to go into the fantasy football playoffs with but he still has Z flowers he still has Travis eten uh he’s got KD he’s got um ni he’s all

Right he’s got a yeah oh and he James Cook what’s good how you doing chilling yeah yeah good show so far thanks man shout out to the CH house it’s Jesse everybody um what was I doing oh I’m saving this hour oh all right and I’m gonna answer this question

Um from Tyler Griner James you think Mike Brown could catch uh could coach I I’m assuming is what you meant John Collins into a good player um catch John Colin just Corral him well then he no he adds uh like Malik Okay so Malik he has empowered

Malik right I don’t know that like I know secur the beam says uh Malik was already a good player with LA Malik was an okay player with LA Mike empowered him put him in a position a role that is perfect for Malik and allowed him to flourish I’m not sure that John Collins

Has that because the natural skills and the natural understanding of basketball Malik monk is a brilliant basketball player he is a a High basketball IQ player wrapped up in a flashy guy who makes a mistake here and there he’s not a low basketball IQ player and he’s one

Of the best pick and role players in the NBA and that’s where I would say like look I you know I don’t know with John colins I don’t know if it’s too late to fix John Collins but John Collins is onto his second team and his his Advanced numbers are horrific right now

And I you know I don’t know if you can fix what’s happening there and he makes a lot of money you can’t get him for free I don’t think that even trading Harrison Barnes straight across for him I don’t know that that’s a good deal for the Sacramento Kings John cins

Yeah bless maybe it is oh my God oh my God I always sneeze twice that was it it’s just it’s cold in here I got a I need a I need a hand wve or something so I can turn your mic off oh my bad all

Good but sometimes they just sneak up on you yeah all right 10 seconds here we go I’m Kyle Madson that’s James ham we’re rocking with you until noon then we’ll give way to DLo and KC the Kings and Suns play tonight at the golden one Center Kings looking to bounce back we

Will discuss that a little more coming up the 49ers have a huge game against the afc’s number one seed the Baltimore Ravens I don’t know if you’re familiar with dvoa but it is a metric that basically tries to put a baseline number on each play in a game and then they

Measure success rate on each play or or not and then basically you get this percentage so if your dvoa score is 25% you are 25% better than the average team right okay uh the 49ers right now their dvoa is the fifth thir third fifth highest ever tracked Oh by dvoa and

Their their numbers go all the way back to 1981 they’re so basically they’re the fifth best team that dvoa has ever tracked Baltimore is 11 like Baltimore is really really good they are really good man and you know they’re doing that without Mark Andrews for the last few

Weeks too Isaiah likely can play man he can player Andrews is such a huge key cog so to see them be able to transition right to him is pretty good yeah man they just they pose a lot of unique issues that that we’ll we’ll discuss

Here in a bit want to let everybody know that James and I are going to be on next week Wednesday through Friday we’ll be rocking 10 to two so we will be here talking Niners talking Kings just doing the kind of normal thing DLo and Casey

Gonna take the week off so James and I are going to step in and uh hang out for a couple extra hours yeah right here on on ESPN 1320 so make sure to check that out also on the free Odyssey app you can download the James ham and Kyle Madson Show

Podcast that’s what we’re calling this it’s just this show broken up into into each hour and if you miss anything or if you want to go Rel listen to anything you can do that so make sure to download the free Odyssey app and grab the James ham and Kyle Madson Show podcast we

Would appreciate those downloads and subscriptions from all of y’all all right is a gift card a good gift um it depends on the situation okay okay so like my dad loves he he’s you know he’s a single dude uh and longtime single dude and and is not looking for for a significant

Other like he’s a little on the lonely side sometimes so I think for him getting him a gift card to somewhere like Harbor Freight where he literally just goes and wanders the aisles for like 2 hours straight hell yes and fills up my kind of guy like the little red basket with

Stuff yes wandering around by yourself in a store and just picking up little treats for yourself is the best yeah I totally especially a place like that where it’s like oh I didn’t know they made that oh th% like I know this sounds ridiculously silly but can’t wait they

Have they have this long tube that’s attached to like a a little device that has another tube going off it’s it’s a gas siphon which when you have boats you know how hard it is to pour gas into a boat especially if the boats on the water already I think you’re talking to

A very small percentage of the audience but go on either way the thing comes in handy all the time so you can like if you need to fill up a generator or you need to fill up a lawn mower for like $8 they have this thing where you you you

Put it in your gas tank like if you have like the red cans you put the hose into wherever you need to fill up with gas and you hit a little button it’s got deep batteries and it just siphons the gas right in that’s sick it’s too big to

Fit into like a car so you can’t go steal people’s gas with this thing but like that’s something where you’re like I didn’t know that existed right and yes I and that’s your haror Freight advertisement for today I want one and I’m going to buy maybe I’ll buy two so

In that instance you’re cool with getting your dad a Harbor Freight gift card because that the thing he likes to do yeah or if you have somebody you know has like car trouble um I.E my brother sure just keeps borrowing my subur um and he’s going to go fix his car and you

Can go to the automotive place and actually buy to help yeah to help pay for what they’re doing then yeah yeah get a little Jiffy Lube gift certificate for them yeah I’m not listeners not a big gift certificate guy but again my sister moved to to um Alabama I don’t

Know why but in like March good for her uh good for her and her kids so I’ll send them Amazon gift cards because I that I let them choose what they want to buy bro that’s so look that’s where I land I have I have I know people in my

Life who are like do not give me a gift card get me something like like if you’re gonna get me something I want it to be thoughtful or that it’s actually I should I should reverse this they’re like I’m not going to buy you a gift card because I’m going to put thought

Into this to me he I love a gift card yep I am all Starbucks gift card we had some some friends who knew that when we moved we had to do some some little things around the house got us a Home Depot gift card oh yeah that’s

Like A+ that to me is thoughtful without being like hey specifically you’re doing ceiling fans okay we’re gonna buy you a ceiling fan that’s nuts yeah crazy they’re choosing your ceiling fan that’s going to be in your house for the next 10 years or they’re making us go

Exchange it which is a pain so yeah hit me with a gift card but I always feel so like I was I was getting presents for for for the show for for all of us for you and me um so I was getting and it’s like I

Could have very easily been like I know James likes X Y and Z I’m gonna get him a gift card but at the same time I feel weird doing that yeah I don’t love doing that because I think that there’s I don’t know I I I always I love

A gift card but when I give a gift card I always feel like ah probably could have put more thought into it I think it I think it looks like I’m mailing it in but I’m not okay no I’m with you I like my mom every year she goes to the

Restaurant that the that my wife and I go to and gets a gift card from our restaurant that we go to all the time that’s a good gift yeah it’s something I will use yes it will not go to waste it will not like sit in my wife’s purse and

Then get shifted to a different purse and then like maybe get lost in one of the purses sitting in the in the you know frankly I don’t need stuff yeah I mean I would if you give me a hoodie I will wear that get me

A a backpack I will wear like yeah I I will wear it and love it but when someone’s like hey here’s an Amazon gift card I’m like wow thank you I cannot wait to use this I’m gonna go on my Amazon app right now right now going to

Actually use it right now I’m gonna go buy something I may or may not need yeah yeah no I I I am all laying on the idea of a gift card but at the same time like I said I always feel I love a gift card

When I get one but conversely I always feel not bad but a little bit bad when I give a gift card yep I get you and I’m going to pull up something here in the chat that Steve cetta says the companies are hoping that you’ll lose a gift card

Do you know Kyle the stat is something like 65% of all gift cards go unused they literally are the biggest dude theft for for companies I don’t know if if this is still the case but somebody I know who is very close to me who is one

Of my parents I won’t name names mom had like like a stack of Amazon gift cards from like for like years oh and then one day was like I’m just I guess I’ve just got to use it but yeah that’s that’s the thing is there’s probably a lot of

People that just toss those after X amount of years or yeah they get lost in a move or you get a paper they go I think I use this and oh just brutal man yeah yeah love a gift card all right um anyways Ravens we got sidetracked I

Think the 49ers are in a little trouble this weekend oh like actually okay I thought they were gonna beat Dallas I I felt I didn’t feel great about them beating Philly but I definitely saw a path to it and I see a path to them beating Baltimore but Baltimore is

Really damn good and I was talking to one of my buddies about this and he was like well on offense Baltimore doesn’t have any weapons who scare you like Z FL is a good little player and and Isaiah likely is a good player and Odo Beckham

Jr’s having a nice year and it’s it’s Rashad baitman and and um Edwards and I probably Justice Hill is going to be their other running back like they just always constantly turn out a good ground attack yeah and it’s I get I get like mono Amano those guys don’t scare you

But when Lamar Jackson is getting outside the pocket and extending plays and all of a sudden Odell Beckham Jr is wide open 40 yards down the field and he’s he’s hitting him in stride for a long touchdown or Z flowers takes a little end around and and makes a big

Play like they the the sum of the parts yeah the hole is greater than the sum of the parts okay is that is that right yeah they just I think offensively there’s no situation where I feel really comfortable like even third and 15 it’s like Lamar could take off for 16 here

Lamar could scramble and make a throw um because Isaiah likely got lost in coverage and was wide open for 20 yards like the Ravens I I I think are just a really really tough offense to stop even if they don’t have that super top end talent because Lamar is that good I I

Would I want to see how they look this season and how they appro I mean this game and how they approach Lamar Jackson in this game if I’m the Ravens and what are we week 16 right and I’m looking across the field and I know that they had Fred Warner and

Dre Greenlaw who are just waiting for him to run I don’t know that I’m running him him a lot week six sure that’s fine but week 16 with the playoffs sitting right here you’re not going to back out and you know not play the guy but I

Don’t know that I’m I’m having him take off on a bunch of designed runs knowing that you got two head hunters like sitting over there ready to ready to clean his clock so two two things on that one I don’t think it has to be

Designed runs I think it can be um Chase young gets too far up field on his rush and gives Lamar an outlet to escape and now he’s yeah he’s scrambling and the other thing is he does not take hits he is Elite at avoiding at at at avoiding hits and and

What’s the self-preservation yeah he’s like Marshall folk he is so good at that yeah and so I’m not sure and and now one of the things I thought that the Niners had a huge advantage of in Philly was Dallas GD didn’t play so Fred Warner could essentially spy jayen Herz yeah I

Don’t think they’re going to be able to do that with with is likely and with with what the Ravens can do in play action and on Zone reads I I just I I think that this game is going to go much much differently than the other 49ers

Big games this year okay plus their defense what what the Ravens do defensively oh it’s scaryest they are very very good really at all three levels I think they have the linebackers to take away some of the easy throws that Brock py thrives on I think they have the athleticism particularly with

With their linebackers to not devote so many resources to Christian mcaffrey and Debo Samuel and and George KD where you know hey those guys getting wide open just isn’t necessarily going to happen and then you get a really good pass rush it’s like man I think it’s a tough

Matchup I think the Ravens are I think the Ravens are really really good all right um I won’t bore everybody with a deep dive on the Ravens defensive line just know that it’s a really good group I I think it is too anyways mad props is next I have another Christmas thing I

Want to talk about and then uh James I’m gonna have you open your present live on here oh that’s what’s gonna happen it’s not anything crazy but it’s fun so we’re gonna do that uh Ramsey I see you on hold we will get to you next as well mad

Props coming up next on the Insiders sponsored by Jiffy Lube and we are on ESPN 1320 and just so you know that’s Sacramento sports CER hi friends how’s everyone doing in the chatty house I’m bobber I think I might need to use the restroom James go for it I’m just gonna

Blast that out so I’m not uh I’m I’m here for you you’re welcome you’re welcome for that info chatos you’re welcome what can I say except you’re welcome there it is uh yeah oh Kyle’s left now it’s just me on the screen I kind of like just being in

The single box there I don’t know kind of a no I I don’t um yeah people leave lose gift cards all the time Wheezy you I think that’s the biggest thing you know again um my wife has so many gift cards like you’ll you’ll find like a purse that she

Hasn’t used for 6 months and then like hiding inside there is a big stack and you’re like what is happening here why why are we not using these anyway um has anyone got any crazy Christmas gifts they’re getting or giving for anyone Cousin Pete you’re one you’re a

Good win one win away from the championship in both my fantasy leag that’s good I’m doing I’m doing okay I’ve got a a sniffle it’s not a full-blown cold or anything just like a my wife has a full-blown like she’s not feeling well but for myself a little ragged this uh

This holiday season and so yeah got a little got a little sniffle oh look at that somebody got I got my wife and I a house good for you that’s that’s a big gift just saying oh somebody has secure and a beam has uh an extra ticket upper level for tonight’s game

Um do I wear dress shoes or sneakers for Christmas like today I’m wearing dress shoes because I have a game like when I’m at the house I am very very lowkey I have slippers but I have to wear shoes all the time for the most part because my back is so

Trashed Kyle you didn’t miss a whole lot yeah David don’t don’t do it don’t fall for it never oh my bad we both saw the same thing yep oh we’re back we’re Back let me sing a Christmas Now back to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle mson to youn yeah straight kids did A Christmas album that’s hot isn’t that fire that’s awesome oh that was that was awesome Christmas evil is the name of that song EV L by stray kids it’s great it’s it’s

A it’s a really really fun song I’m G have to look it up I’m gonna to find that one Kyle yeah dude find it they have a whole Christmas album actually do we still have Ramsey on the on the line yeah we do you want to talk to him yeah

Let’s say hi okay hi Ramsey good good morning gentlemen here’s the one key stat that I have for the Ravens and San Francisco game Lamar Jackson is 19- one against NFC opponents does that does that take a dent this week or does he continue rolling uh

That’s a great question yeah and I think honestly like typically on stats like that for me I got they probably just played some bad NFC teams but I think what it is is that he is such a unique player and such a unique mover and an athlete that if you don’t see him

Regularly it it’s it’s it’s way harder to stop him that’s a good point where the way he moves in the pocket and the way he moves in space where you think you have an angle but you don’t uh his Tendencies I I I think that’s part of

The reason that that he is so good against NFC teams I I fully believe that I buy into what you’re saying there I mean because there isn’t another player that’s truly like him yeah I mean Jaylen Herz is a little bit like him but just not really I as far as the development

On as a passer yeah and then the pure like holy cow that’s a big man running at me down the field like Herz is you know a good siiz fella but he’s not he’s not Lamar Lamar you feel like oh that guy could go for six at any point yeah

Man he just he is different yeah very very I think his playoff stuff and the fact that he struggled a little bit in the playoffs and then had some injury issues have has I think some people forgot with Lamar yeah just kind of just in general

It became Jaylen Herz and Joe burrow and Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen like Lamar is right freaking there and the stat that Ram is listen 19- one against NFC teams is crazy you know what’s also crazy we don’t even consider I I mean I don’t think Lamar is fully in the MVP

Run like he he hasn’t been the name brought up to compete with some of these other names maybe he is but I mean it’s I’d also point out that like it’s also weird that Patrick Mahomes is not even in the conversation at all for MVP yeah

I mean he doesn’t deserve to be but it’s weird that we’re having a season where he’s not where he’s just not in it I think there are people like deep dive analytics people who would tell you he is yeah but I think realistically he’s probably not and you’re right that is

Very very strange yeah it’s just weird prediction I think he wins it next year oh okay somebody yeah I think they’re gonna revamp their roster okay and you’re gonna see like 4,900 yard 47 touchdown Patrick mams again well that means I would probably keep him in my fantasy

League again I would definitely keep him at least for one more year all right let’s let’s rip through mad props real quick yeah let’s do this I love this um do we want to or or or do we want to wait for Kenny again no because Kenny’s not gonna be here next

Week screw Kenny okay here we go kitty DLo and Casey coming up in in in about 40 minutes 49ers points or demonus sabonis points this is uh the the so we’re we’re we won’t be back until Wednesday so this will be 49ers points against the Ravens and then demonus points against the Suns

It’s going to be almost a week after that game by the time we get to these but I’m going I don’t want to risk injury stuff for players resting or whatever I’m going de demon sabonis yeah um I mean I think the ners score 24 I always go I always go ceiling

Right with these yeah that’s where I usually lean and the ceiling is hey every time I thought the Niners are going to play a really tight like close ball game this year they have blown the other team out save for the Cleveland game I thought that was I thought that

Was going to be close and they lost but on the other hand I think everything we just talked about with Baltimore’s defense I think they’re going to be really well coached I think you probably see a game where the Niners score like 17 or 20 and that’s right in that range for domas

Yeah I think I’m gonna go 49ers because I think we’re getting a big Dr in Fox game tonight okay so more on that here in a second but yeah I’m going to go I’m going to go ners points instead of domas points the next one Christian mcaffry rushing yards or Suns points scored

Against the Kings that’s that’s not what I meant uh Christian mcaffry total yards oh or Suns points scored against the team so rushing and receiving um I’m gonna go Suns uh let’s see Baltimore’s defense is really good yeah and I think they’re going to have a plan to take away

Mcaffrey I I think you’re I think you’re spot on there and think you mentioned this game might be a little bit of a of a back and forth one at Golden One center tonight and I I tend to agree with you so I am also going to go Suns

Points Brandon auk catches or Keegan Murray made threes man I’m going I’m going Keegan Murray this always comes back to haunt me so I should go iuk but I’m going iuk for two reasons one Murray has been scorching hot lately and he feels due for one of those like two for seven type

Of games oh maybe not bad but but okay he didn’t cash a bunch of them of course the last time I thought this see at 12 but I the other the other thing is I think the Ravens are gonna be able to pressure M uh pry a lot okay and iuk is

Very good at getting open and I think you’re G to see a lot of quick throws to iuk so I’m gonna go with with the the 49ers in Brandon auk on that one Debo Samuel targets so throws at Debo Samuel or Malik monk assists Malik monk assist

Going monk assists yeah I think I’ll probably do the same this feels like a four or five Target game for Debo and Malik is is pretty reliably at six plus assists at this point yeah I like I like that one I’m gonna I’m gonna ride with you on that

One 49ers punts or Harrison Barnes made field goals the 49ers have more touchdowns than punts this year I think I saw h o harison bars have been a little a little more active lately yeah but I know the ners they’re tough they’re they’re up against a tough defense I’m gonna

O I’m gonna go I’m gonna go haris some Mars you’ve picked the Kings for every single one so far oh no way have I yeah uh I have conversely alternated each one and I’m going to do the same here I took the Kings on the last one I’m going to

Take 49ers punts on this one again partly because I think the 49ers are GNA punt it maybe more times than they have all season okay and I also think because we’re getting a what I believe is going to be a big dearn fox game I think that’s the type of game

Where Harrison Barnes takes a back seat and that’s very possible and and takes you know eight shots and hits three of them he’s also so up he’s probably going to get stuck playing against the Durantula for quite a bit Yeah chasing him around slim Reaper he’s got the best

Nicknames it’s it slim Reaper’s so sick yeah I I just really do think he’s got some of the best nicknames that that are out there yeah all right Ravens total rushing yards or King’s total points Ravens I’m doing the same oh see I didn’t think about the fact that I was

Going against my previous thread of going all Kings but yeah I’m going Ravens yeah I I am I am uh as well uh I just with the Niners defensive tackle situation even it sounds like Javon harra is gonna give it a go even if he plays he’s not like an elite run stopper

And I think the Ravens are going to try and exploit that as much as they possibly can okay so they’re gonna run up the middle yeah Malik monk questionable according to the chatty house yeah he is he’s questionable um do I want to switch switch that out nope

We’re just going to rock with it we’ll just rock with it okay screw it that’s what we’re doing all right I’m in there it is I’m really leaning hard on a big Dar in Fox game tonight I think he’s I think he’s G have a big game yeah I I

Part of the reason I think the Kings respond so well to losses like last night is because of him like he is the tip of the spear and I think there is a dog inside of him that may not reside in other players but he is they are going

To go as he goes so I think maybe a 40 piece tonight I’m with you because he hasn’t had I mean you know he’s coming off a bad game but every time he’s come off a bad game this year he’s had a a substantial game it’s really funny that

His his last game was a bad one um yeah I mean he did score 29 Points right where’d he go 29 and well 298 and six was it no he didn’t have he didn’t have a bunch of other stats oh what was it what was it what was the game he had 38

And six and we were like n 38 and six yeah so he had 29 he had three three assists three rebounds um yeah I it’s funny like he he does have these big blowups but the last time he had 14 points he had 41 the next

Night uh 14 points 26 the next night um and 18 points in the opener he had 39 the next night so every game he’s been under 20 comes back the next night with a pretty substantial game all right I’m riding that Trend I have one more

Holiday thing I want to get to we have to open your present oh I will also show off what you got me I’m really excited about it all right and then we’ll have a king keys do a king’s win over the Suns and then one of DLo and Casey will be in

Here and then we will be off for the holiday and that’s what we’re doing all right I don’t have anything else to say let’s go to break now before I butcher this anymore good [Laughter] God yeah this has not been good the kings are 25th win rate challenging calls as bottom of the

League um Mike Brown has been caught up in the moment too many times thousand remember when he did that last year against the Lakers yeah there was a call late in the game and it was like man they’re going to need this time out and he challenged

A called it’s like you’re not winning that and you’re burning your last timeout here yeah and then they ended up I forget the the exact scenario but it turned out they would have needed that is there food out there hey Charlie how are you Merry Christmas my man thanks so

Much that is not to be mixed no of course not I have I have mixing whiskey this looks incredible thank you oh wow thanks man sipping whiskey I might pour a little bit tonight honestly yeah nice I’m just gonna I’m gonna come back from the holidays just still drunk still

Drunk yeah I hate those days I my liquor cabinet’s gonna be looking real nice right now it’s like Jim Beam and some Evan Williams that’s not true I have some nice thank you Charlie thanks Charlie my favores all right sip with pleasure oh oh I’m in I’m in straight Ry whiskey wow

Um I’ve been holy crap go ahead so shout out to Casey hang on no way I’m making sure I have this info right before I oh before I talk about it here I hope I don’t mess up YouTube by letting the chatty house here the rejoins

Today secur in the beam yes that is written house it I can’t wait to break that open like that color is just gorgeous oh yeah that was good like this I don’t know if I’m allowed to do this but that’s what we’re doing like holy smokes man very excited for [Laughter]

This all right Drew relax relax Merry Christmas Drew down oh all right we have 20 seconds I’m announcing that so I’m not like no we’re back all right I gotta shout out Casey when we come back holy crap no yo all right here we go Hey I’ve been letting the chatty out listen to music today I know Mariah will come find us for sure so I don’t want I didn’t want to risk it the timing on that was perfect look I don’t care what you think this is a banger Christmas song oh yeah all I want

For Christmases You by Mariah Carey is a great great Christmas song it’s it’s spectacular is it played a lot 100% And when it gets played on November one I’m like ah get this out of my face but beginning the day after Thanksgiving for me in my home that song can play Whenever

Okay’s incredible music there’s one that I can’t handle there’s only one Christmas song If you would have played Wilson Phillips hey Santa I would have just like walked out I just like pulled the cord and like I’m done it’s just horrible last Christmas by Wham is also an excellent song

Excellent um Christmas song by Nat King Cole Silver Bells by James uh by by um um Dean Martin he’s great okay I almost said James Dean that’s not who sings that chichin Chong Christmas song sure I don’t know I don’t everything everything on the Kenny G Christmas

Album dude Christmas music with a Sachs if you want to get a Vibe going at home hit that hit that Kenny G Christmas album all right I’m I’m not lying to you that is that is good good music okay so we need to shout out our guy Casey uh

Oh he was the he was a winner of one of the ps5s okay okay he also lives in Southern California oh he drove up here to pick up his PS5 yes and and Casey please 91699 1320 if you’re listening and this is not the case please call I have

Questions it appears he drove up here to pick up his PS5 yes and now he’s going to go home he just drove all the way here to pick up his PS5 and then go home that’s as far as I can tell the information that I’m getting from Jackie

And promotions why didn’t he say hi because we’re busy I guess we’re doing a show we got a show to do dude do not try and talk to me while I am working like this is a super serious hard job oh that’s funny yeah so so so

Uh unconfirmed we just had somebody who was like I need that PS5 I’m driving six hours up six hours back actually leaving it this time of day you’re getting to on a Friday before Christmas you’re getting to Sil oh my god oh that’s not a six- hour drive it’s

Not oh I I don’t miss the days where I could like drive that far and no I can’t do that anymore a round Tripper I used to be on a Morning Show and my family all went to Hawaii for Thanksgiving like without me it’s fine okay or they might have gone to Florida

They went somewhere without me where I couldn’t go and so I went to Southern California is your name Kevin mallister kind of just asking kind of no this is on Pur they left me on purpose my family did okay uh so I went to visit some other family in in Southern

California well because of the the morning show I left Wednesday at like 10: a.m. and didn’t get to San Clen until like 8:30 oh it was really tough it was not a good day for me no that’s tough because especially because like I’m I I get on five because I’m driving from

Sacramento I get on five right away I’m cruising I get down to like button Willow I’m cruising I get to the Grapevine I’m cruising I get over the grape vine and did three miles an hour the rest of the way oh it was not a good

Time my GPS is taking me through like downtown Los Angeles I mean I went went through the cuts dude trying to avoid traffic it was it was not it was not a fun time that’s not great uh Silent Night by The Temptations another great Christmas song

This is great please send me all year okay Michael blé has a very good Christmas album as well uh hey who’s this ESPN 1320 what’s your name oh man it’s TC Jess I said Jessie my bad hey KL with him what’s up bro what’s up I’m just tapping in bro

Tell y happy New Year man Merry Christmas I just want to tap in my boys say what’s up Merry Christmas T I appreciate you bro the Niners winning this weekend yeah you know what the ners going win I don’t know by how you know what I’m I’mma say

Uh I got us wi by seven points it’s not going to be a blow out it’s gonna be a close one the Ravens gonna have us against the ropes but uh I’m G give per the benefit of the doubt I think Brock gonna have a game one and dry all wow

All right I love I love this for you hey TC can you say what’s up my two brothers to me and James so we can feel special n even trip hey what’s up with my two brothers go Kyle Let’s Do It come on all right have a

Man appreciate you all right yeah no I think I think it’s going to be close to I Brock having a game-winning drive against the Ravens would be bad that well that’s what how big would that be I I don’t like that’s the thing that I go

I don’t know if Brock can do that like I don’t he’s done a lot of stuff and he doesn’t have to prove he’s an MVP candidate all that but if he walks down the Ravens on Christmas night National TV just bring the MVP trophy right up that’s

That that would put his name on it we’re done here will it out y if that if that’s but again that’s the one thing that it’s a question because we haven’t seen it yeah so um that would be I would I would definitely I would prefer that

Type of game to a blowout by other club definitely just want it to be close yeah yeah all right who else we got oh they hung up oh 91699 1320 if you want to drop in we got about 20 minutes left am I going to open this Christmas present

Yes please do that do we do that right now yeah go ahead and then we’ll get to King son’s keys to Victory and then we’ll get one of DLo or KC in here so for for everybody watching on on YouTube and twitch watching ESPN 1320 TV here’s

What James got for me uh a Rombauer Zin and this goes to show you how good of a friend James is we have talked very briefly about wine and in that brief conversation I went you know I used to be a big malbeck guy you know obviously

Love a love a you know cab Sav a cab fron whatever but right now I’m really into zins and my man picked up a Zen and then he knows I’m into H Bourbon and he got me a little bottle of Basil Hayden which I appreciate greatly and I cannot

Wait to to bust this open so James thank you so much man that’s uh delightful I like to give people the gift of being drunk yeah how i’mna spend most of my holiday yeah so so this is this is just for you I picked this out really special

Oh I’m really I’m pretty excited for it I have an explanation for for one of the things I don’t for the other thing okay so here goes James he’s opening this box that I’ve carefully wrapped this present in yeah you just Dro that that’s a it’s

A you can keep the box too it’s reusable yeah I knew this was coming you’re welcome you’re welcome for this that’s right James that is a fresh Eddie Bower flannel that you can add to your wardrobe you can join the for age kids up on the hill at Nevada Union now and I

Purposely picked that one because I think it’ll go nicely with your PBR hat oh yes so you now own some flannel you can wear that buttoned up you can go T-shirt with the flannel open if you want maybe a little white tea underneath it oh and I know that you love your

Khakis and so that’ll go nicely with khakis I’m in I’m in Kyle good all right I’m glad there’s also something else at the bottom there oh okay so this is my if I like my go-to when I’m out and about is this whiskey it is not fancy it

Is not hard to find it is just some Wild Turkey 101 and in talking to some of in a reading and then talking to some of my friends who are into bourbon they’re like dude Wild Turkey 101 like I’m in I have a whiskey collection like I I’ve

Got I’m sure you may have a bottle already of wild okay great excellent yeah even like yesterday I was like you know I I don’t have a bottle of Jameson on my shelf I should probably pick up a bottle of Jameson just to have it yeah definitely J’s great because people will

Be like hey I’ll have that and I’m like I don’t have that I’m gonna stick this other bottle of whiskey in here man oh dude you gotta hold I was gonna say and you can keep that box that’s a reusable Christmas Box I have been my so those my

Mom bought those boxes it they’re like Russian doll style so it’s that box but then smaller versions inside of it right and we have had those for God like 20 years and my mom has been trying to get rid of them and and my wife and I was

Like we don’t want them so what my mom did was she just started giving us Christmas presents in those boxes all right so we now have the entire collection in our house oh do you want the no now you have one now I have you keep it I have to

Keep Ah that’s amazing yeah cool well thanks man I’m excited and I hope that you enjoy your flannel and your and your Wild Turkey 101 yeah and um I love it yeah thanks I’m going to wear the flannel on the show next week oh God yes

I hope dude if I turn you into a flannel guy I i’ be really excited about that dude the chatty house is already hyped for for flannel ham flannel ham flannel well they do love when I when I wear Fedora yeah yeah that was like the vibe

In New Orleans don’t go Fedora and flannel at the same time that’s nuts that’s asking for that’s nuts yeah that’s kind of yeah yeah Wiz said the real gift for me is getting rid of that box that’s right hey W Wild Turkey 101 Spencer Wild Turkey 101 is very good people in the

Chatty house trying to knock wild turkey get I’m all in man I’m all in I I you know you got 101 is good regular wild turkey okay one1 good play yeah I’m in I’m in the Kings play the Suns tonight they do um let’s get to let’s get to

Some keys to a king’s victory over a good Sons team that I think is is I don’t know if they’re better than their record they are certainly more talented than their record yes what is your number one key to a king’s victory tonight James ham um this show has been

Insane yeah push Place push the tempo the suns are 26 and Pace in the league they’re old yeah although only I think only one player’s old um they don’t have use of nkit tonight um Joshi’s questionable like just just run and I know you tried to run against

Boston and that didn’t work out but do it again yeah keep doing it yep yeah I’m I’m especially with no nkic and if aogi is not playing Josh akog is a very good Defender oh yeah but if he’s not like they don’t have that many quality

Rotation guys and if two of them are going to be out then yeah get play your game right about the building I’m I’m totally there with you that’s a great first key my first key short memory you got to forget Wednesday night be a goldfish don’t wednes night cannot

Impact you whether it’s like oh I don’t want to shoot any threes or I want to shoot too many threes or whatever whatever I don’t know yeah just forget it new game short memory okay second key for you J uh make them hit their threes Phoenix is 23rd and three point attempts

And 16th in percentage uh if if they hit you can make adjustments uh if not just you know like slow them down it if on their end yeah you can push a Tempo but like force them on the outside there’s no reason for them to get inside your

Interior and hit shots well you know not good at it and I think a thing with that too specifically is Devin Booker is is effectively their point guard and he is a he is a decent playmaker and Kevin Durant will will make the right basketball play but they will also try

And go ISO one-on-one and if you can turn it into that kind of game like you don’t love Kevin Durant ISO on whoever or Devon Booker I on whoever but I I think that will that would be a preferable outcome to hey they’re moving the ball and it’s Devin Booker scoring

Up now he’s kicking it out to Kevin Durant now the defense is collapsing up and there’s somebody wide open for three so I’m uh I’m right there run him off the line for sure yep uh my second key Kings Kings dudes got to be dudes dearen Fox gotta play well deonis

Sabonis gotta play well Keegan Murray’s gotta play play well Malik monk if he plays he’s got to go out there and play well if you’re going to beat a team that is this topheavy your stars have to match theirs I agree 100% Stars got a star and the the other thing is you

Can’t let their Stars totally star y but even if you do they don’t have a lot of other other pieces like I mean Eric Gordon is the guy who who typically God love beats you up but there’s no reason for that not in this game no I’m right

There with you dling just what is oh good shout out dowlo uh what is your third key to a king’s Victory James H figure out the effort and energy issue yeah the 30 points in transition with only seven turnovers that’s because somebody’s lazy and didn’t go do their job yeah like you

Can’t do that you can’t do that again that’s effort that’s energy like whatever happened there that can’t be repeat repeated yeah yeah no I if it does there is a I have so many questions yeah about everything this team is doing right now yep uh my third key stay out

Of foul trouble oh Kevin Durant will get fouls on you and if Kevin Durant goes in and he gets two quick ones on Keegan Murray or if Devin Booker gets two quick ones on Fox that’s where this whole spiral things get out of control thing that’s where that can become a real real

Issue so for me you always have to defend without fouling but in this game in particular you have to defend without fouling yes or else things will get out of hand get ugly quick yeah I agree uh like this is a game where you have to

Step up and be good defensively yeah you good over there Dave yeah I’m good man we here Damen Barling in the building for the handoff DLo and casc here coming up next on ESPN 1320 want to remind everybody that DLo and KC off next week that’s right James and I will be in

Wednesday Thursday Friday we’re gonna be hosting 10 to two that’s awesome so we’re gonna be hanging out with you talking NFL we got some Kings games to react to any news that’s coming uh we will be here for you all through through next well not all through next week

Wednesday Thursday Friday next week okay we’ll be uh in here rocking how we doing D good man good vibes are greatday last day of school Vibes today for sure it’s it’s so F this is the funniest work day of the year yeah everyone’s already gone

Nobody cares we we got an email at nine o’clock it was like leave at noon like yeah it doesn’t really apply to everybody but you guys I think are the only show in the entire cluster that’s on next week oh you’re the only ones great it’s gonna be weird in so when we

Were told not to do the afternoon drive so like hey we’re just going to put sweepers on just chill all this talk about books ratings Winter Music all that stuff yeah yeah it’s like well if we’re gonna do that then we gota like let’s just be off off and that’s how it

Came to the Insiders being on 10 to 12 okay all right 10 to 10 to two sorry yeah yeah 10 to two sorry sorry sorry 10 to two 10 to two so we’ll be in here um and uh filling in for two hours of DLo

And Casey hey so I was I was going to talk about Christmas stuff but somebody brought up Z Line’s name which triggered a thought in my head I don’t want to talk about this did you guys know because there’s all been all this Zack LaVine Kings talk right and and did

Where do you land on the Zack LaVine Kings thing Damian uh after much thought and consideration I think I’m a no I am too and James is a no James James hit me James hit me with the ultimate walk-off while while I don’t have an issue with

Zack LaVine the player and I don’t even have an issue with Zack lavine’s contract I think that’s just part of the game it’s part of the league I do have an issue if you acquire Zack lavine’s contract and you can’t resign Malik monk that’s where my issue lies so if you’re

Asking me to pick between Malik Monk and Zack LaVine I’m gonna pick Malik monk yeah I think I would too do you know when the last Pistons victory was um I don’t I just saw a funny tweet from our man Keith Smith that the Texas Rangers hadn’t won yet won the World

Series when they when they last won a game so D say October 30th well the date the date matters than yeah I don’t I don’t don’t they lost or they I’m sorry they beat the Chicago Bulls in a game where Zack LaVine had 50 oh goodness

Gracious and that I saw that last night and that really summed up my anti Zack LaVine thing I just don’t think he’s a player that affects winning that much and maybe it’s because the Bulls stink and that roster is flawed but I just I saw that and was like Ah that’s it thank

You it’s it’s tough man because there there there comes a certain point whereas like is it fault or is it the organization’s fault like I think Jordan p is a good ball player I think Kyle kosma is a good ball player I don’t think the Washington situation is a very

Good situation for anyone involved sure uh I think there’s a lot of talented guys on the Detroit Pistons I don’t that like I don’t like I know like people are starting to follow it with a chuckle I don’t find that funny I feel so bad for those guys I can’t imagine what they’re

Going through right now like they’re the laughing stock of the league they’re the laughing stock of professional sports I don’t wish that on on on I don’t even wish that on Marvin like that’s that’s a tough that’s a that’s a tough weight to carry here’s my here’s my my whole thing

With the with the Pistons like I’m with you I am not like a yeah I want to see him break the record for most losses because what what does that do for the US well do for the league and the fans the other team that broke the the team

That set the record they weren’t they were openly not trying to win basketball game exactly that’s not what’s happening with Detroit Detroit very to win games yeah yeah did you see so two things with it one did you see Cade Cunningham’s face walking off the floor last night I

Swear to God I thought he was gonna cry I’m telling you there’s gonna come a point where he’s gonna look at them and say I am done and I want out yeah I would already I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be here anymore if this is

What we’re doing and this is what we’re doing because trust me it it this has gone on long enough yeah I don’t want to be here that’s tough the other thing with their losing streak is while I don’t want them to to continue it I also

Al don’t want the team they beat to be the team that lost to the Pistons oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah noely believe me we looked at the calendar to see how far the Kings game is from now yeah yeah that’s like I think that would be like lost 33 in a

Row uh yeah the you’re you’re inching towards the the territory of the team you know becoming the team that that that Detroit beat I think the Lakers really skated like the Lakers are in a little skid right now they lost to San Antonio and they lost to San Antonio

Right who also kind of skated they were at 18 straight losses with you know Victor wimy and they just kind of skated because of how bad Detroit was yeah and both of those teams got bailed out they got bailed out by Detroit that’s wild and the Wizards are

Getting bailed out by all of them oh the yeah that’s that’s very very true because they just just win a game here and there and the Wizards are the Wizards are comedy they’re Absolute Comedy I don’t know if you guys follow dragonfly Jones on Twitter but before

The season or or early in the season he quote tweeted a funny I think it was the alleyoop off the backboard in a game they were losing by 20 right and he was like early in the 2015 16 Season I knew we were watching something special with

The Warriors and that they were going to win like 70 plus games this Wizards team I feel the same thing but on the opposite end of the spectrum we might just be watching the most unserious team of all time oh no that’s and there is now a thread of just of Jordan pool

Doing funny stuff and the Wizards in general doing funny stuff and I’m I’m right there hey shout out to our man Anthony Slater he tried to get Jordan paol to talk about the Warriors and Jordan was just not receptive like he talked to Anthony and it’s a really

Really good article that Anthony wrote about the game tonight and just Jordan wasn’t he just wouldn’t feed into it at all shout out to uh he he has a little one this is baby’s first Christmas and Slater not pool Slater MH and he got sent to Denver for

Christmas day oh oh no like Boo oh man so right on man you’re doing a great job yeah he is we know the Warriors are like sub 500 right like what why are we setting a riter there oh I don’t know what the deal is there let me ask you

Something yeah we got 90 seconds okay that’s fine it’s a quick question oh can you hit the night night to win a game that puts you a game below 500 I think in that instance yeah okay against the Celtics let me let me let me try this

Let me try this rephrase the question because that was a pretty emphatic answer could LeBron James hit his version of a night night to take the Lakers a game below 500 if it was against the Celtics like that 100 per. I think he could I think that’s big cap I

Think that’s big that’s that’s that’s that’s the step no if no because if Steph did that against um I don’t know whoit if he did that again no well Detroit for sure I was trying to pick a better team if he had done that against like Utah or uh the

Orlando Orlando’s a good team but if he does that against Orlando it’s like relax I I don’t I think I don’t think they do they eat it up he gets away with a lot bro yeah I mean he’s St I’m just saying he gets away like yes your team

Kind of stinks and you’re running around and you’re doing the home alone and it’s like the Home Alone thing they didn’t stink yet that was very early in the year he’s done it a couple times though oh has he I think he has he hit Dylan

Brooks with like he did like a he did laps around the court have you seen some of the stuff Dylan Brooks he said to Steph oh yeah no that’s fine that’s fine that’s part of the reason he got away with it is because it was Dylan Brooks but I think he did it

Again yeah no I um maybe he did it to Dylan Brooks again and I just missed who he did it against yeah for me for me it was uh well two things one we’re just going to blow through it sorry uh one it was the the situation it was OT it was a

Scra he had just taken two awful shots before that it was Boston they’re rolling a little bit now but just asking James it’s all just that was such a good call because Kevin Harland is great and the shot goes in and you hear Reggie Miller go let’s go like that and then

Was it Candace Parker is also on the broadcast right now yeah she goes there’s the meme it was like okay that kind of oh yeah there’s the meme I heard that repeatedly like Candace hasn’t found her game like it’s okay it’s okay she’s getting there it’s amazing though

That didn’t know until much later that he was pointing at Reggie son oh Steph when he did the when he did the point on the bench he was pointing to Reggie son I did not know that yeah that’s cool oh any all right who was wearing a Steph

Car New Jersey not a Reggie Miller part that hurts Reggie right yeah oh it’s got a little bit yeah a little bit that was me that was me yeah not really bro all right we we’re all done here DLo and Casey are next see you right let’s do this

Um yeah he got me a flannel because I don’t have flannel that was all right CH see you next week Wednesday 10 o’clock see you shot house goodbye everybody oh everybody have a merry Christmas too all right yes Merry Christmas there’s Jesse Charlie brought in whiskey alcohol everywhere yeah my knee just popped

Man oh real right get some thank you my people my people what up my dude I was feeling morning by the end of the show like oh I sneezed once sneez again I’m like oh yeah now talking I’ll do that to you it’s for you manate yeah me too are

You guys GNA get the game tonight I will not be there I won’t be there I’m not there tomorrow yeah I’m not there tomorrow either so I won’t see you before the holidays man have a happy holiday man we’ll see you at 3: won’t we oh be back I’ll be here

Right you staying here all afternoon oh there you go well off that’s stupid that was that was interesting to say the least at AR yeah I don’t even think it was over anything eny friends see you oh these are these are gifts for us what from who

Kyle oh man come on man I’m G State this clearly Kyle I ain’t get you just so we’re clear oh alcohol all over the place this show about to get turned this show about to get turn I’m wait I’m waiting till after Mama Fox joins us before I start cracking this

Stuff uh Charlie brought in that’s the hard stuff Charlie Charlie put some hair on your chest you said that’s a you said that’s a what I said uh it’s the stuff I should have I just I just said to James I should have wore my my insiders gear because it’s the closest

Thing to 49ers gear I have I could have been in solidarity with you on 49 or Friday 49 or Friday oh yeah B big happy Bon Vibes today yes indeed yes indeed big happy Bon vibes okay Wheezy I see you yeah Mama Fox will be with us uh in about an

Hour tell you last day of school Vibes today man uh as in dear’s mom dear’s mom KX yeah yeah we got him screaming we got screaming we a number one spot we a number one spot for some sports huh got the city going crazy when we work huh we top to but we ain’t two we in first huh and when you need the real we is who you

Search huh D KC KC Dow K we your number one spot yo what’s good what’s good hey you know what why not now we do what the hell we want to come on now it’s a game tonight yeah man it’s the last day of school come on man they

Forgot back is real right herein noish so me what now Lan the rebound rebound 916 96 hey welcome in here to the Friday December 22nd Edition did we did we I don’t know what the timeline is looking like did that song did we discover that song did he

Make that song in 2023 I don’t know if he made it in 2022 might have been in 20 young zel Z where you at might be 2023 hit of the year I don’t know I don’t know the first time we played that record I’m thinking it’s 2023 that’s my

Guess that feels right they got cooking in January that makes the most sense I think the seven game win streak was in January yeah that so well seven game seven well they might have multiple but the first one they had the first one was in November a seven game win streak last

November yeah the the um the uh Nets game was late November let’s see last November uh yeah yep that was Cavs all the way through to that Hawks game you go into January January was it was a six game win streak sorry six game win streak six game win streak uh the seven

Games pulled him out of the 0 for four world that they were in the six games another level took them to another level Stephen in the chat says Apple music says December 12 2022 so basically and I feel like we got it before Apple yeah that sounds that does sound that

Does sound about right okay shout out young zel yeah man shout out young zel shout out to everybody tapping in shout out to everybody who’s tapping in who’s on vacation uh who’s not at work uh who’s probably got kids running around somebody shout out to everybody who tuned in for the latest

NBA lad MVP ladder rankings y’all ready I’m ready Joe easy work joic easy Giannis at three Shay number four Luca at number five okay no beef number six he was at the number six spot last week Jason Tatum Jesse’s Boston Celtics number seven he was at number seven last week

MH has been one in four since the conclusion of the inseason tournament lost to the Grizzlies last night Tyrese Alberton number eight previously unranked well see him at the golden one center tonight I’m talking about Kevin Durant number nine what did he do to get ranked previously

Unranked y Man’s first loss in a long time for him kawh Leonard and number 10 previously unranked we’ll see him tomorrow Anthony Edwards dearn Fox mentioned in the and five more listed alphabetically category dearen is in the conversation with LeBron okay Dame Tyrese Maxie okay and Carl Anthony towns Carl Anthony

Towns yeah cause Carl Anthony towns is in the MVP conversation yeah that’s interesting what going on here Jesse it’s Tom fery I guess I don’t know I don’t know what to call it ridiculous D 30 and6 not an MVP candidate KD’s what barely in the playing now he’s in the

Top 10 are they are they are they 500 like maybe two games over or something I think they might be 14 might be 14 13 yeah I think they’re 14 and 13 let me I read that right Tyrese is still on that list yeah not only is he still

On the list firmly not only is he still on the list he hasn’t moved he’s a solid seven on he’s a solid seven why do they do this because you because they know we love Tyrese we love know why they do this it’s not it’s not us is

Them we’re the ones doing this we’re not trying we love tyres Sacramento versus the NBA this is ridiculous man this is ridiculous W should we ask Mama Fox when she joins us at one o’clock why the NBA are jackasses should we ask her that or is that maybe maybe we

Bet I think we leave Mama Fox alone we got the Mama Fox do you think the NBA are jackasses for the way that they are framing your Sun Season that’s some craziness that is CRA that’s pretty ridiculous that is pretty ridiculous and yes Mrs Fox the Aaron’s

Mother will be with us coming up at the top of the one o’clock hour chatty house sees her pretty regularly here in the chatty house so the opportunity to talk to her is she on the stream do we need to send her a link stream yeah we need

Her uh oh you sent the email right there we’ll send her the link she uh I assume she’s here I don’t know I didn’t ask her I didn’t ask her I was talking to her earlier just you know see if she wanted to pull up and she’s like yeah I could

Do that she goes guess that means I’m G have to take my uh de durag off hey Let It Rock so where would you guys put de on this list though for the MVP lad uh well seven to start that’s that’s where I would have him seven to start hey

Who’s six um Tatum oh I’m fine with Tatum being six yeah okay all right we’re seven um I so there there is an argument for Kae I feel like there’s a better argument for Kawai I would I would I would like if if Kawai like like even if we’re not

Talking dearon like Kawai they they just won eight games a row Kawai they got a better should probably be seven I would be fine with that should proba I would I would be absolutely fine with that but I would also be fine if it was uh dear and

Kawai right there well because and and think about how we’re doing it we’re doing it on a week- toe basis right so it’s not like the totality of the season but like dearon team just got beat by 30 right so if we’re talking about a team

Winning eight games in a row that moving up kawhai that’s fine but they’re also not winning four the Pacers just lost last yeah well no don’t get it twisted I’m sorry Mr Albert don’t get it twisted zero shouldn’t be on this list at all all right let’s be perfectly clear about

That I don’t even know if he should be in the next five mention oh that’s not no they’re one game over 500 we’re talking about MVP I understand don’t yell at me I ain’t do nothing Tyrese was inactive for one of these games they’re one game over five like come on man

Tyrese come on and that’s my boy talking MVP we just go we just go this week standby we just go this week standby de uh uh Tai missed Tai missed one game 18 he’s got 15.8 points per game and 12 assists in the in the last five

Week in in the yeah about the last week or so little over a week you shouldn’t be an MVP candidate if um you’re not a top six team team success success does matter to it’s not everything but at least top six should be like the bar

Saying man they love that dude they love that 94 on NBA 2K goodness Mrs Fox do you hate Tyrese oh God I’d never stop it come on man stop like can you imagine like imagine like giving the MVP to like a guy on the playing team and they get

Bounced it’s not even Durk in the first DK and you ever hear Dirk talk about that award JK Dirk is embarrassed by that he said every time he sees that award he sees all the smoke oh stacking Matt Barnes that’s all he sees when he he

Said he said it was embarrassing and and and let’s be perfectly clear here this has nothing to do with Tyrese Tyrese is not making this it’s not it’s not it’s not he’s not like he’s not constructing the list these are writers and nerds that uh you know we’re out

Here making list and doing stuff like NBA nerds too though yeah well I mean you got guys like Kevin oon Colin like these things happen I just wish you would clued me into the bit before you started it yesterday this is crazy Jess thought that man T aimo hey give me Theo

NBA leading I love how you corrected Kevin Ollin right now and you still got it wrong too that was classic right there that’s good stuff Kevin oin but yeah this ain’t this ain’t tyr Tyrese is going out balling that’s all he’s doing doing what he’s supposed to

Do this is nothing about him this is about these people that make make these list and it’s it’s crazy he’s having a great season but it’s almost like they’re trying too hard to push a narrative or something like that where it’s just like this is not this is not

What the MVP is exactly what it sounds so so with the with the addition of Kevin Durant dearon Fox the only 30o scorer not on the list Joe is the leading score he’s one Luca’s two he’s fifth uh Giannis is fourth in scoring he I think was third then you got

Shay who must have been fourth he’s at 30.7 and then there’s lowly old dearon Fox 30 points per game 30.1 to be exact that’s kind of crazy man wouldn’t it be hilarious if like like the argument against fox is like well after everything with sabon off well he gets

To play with another all NBA player so it’s like kind of has work cut out for after all talk now they want to show love when it’s when it’s against see it’s almost like Brock py you know what I’m saying like before it was completely understood that that quarterbacks win

The MVP now that all their Heroes been falling off by the wayside well should be CMC to be honest with you stop stop 30 and six the six you can’t even get in the club 6.2 assists per game Shay gild Alexander 6.3 all the other guys are Center so

Maybe that’s not a fair comparison to those guys Luca donic averaging 9.1 Shay Guild Alexander shooting 31.3% from three Daren Fox 40 boy if he got this number Shay shooting 91.3% from the free throw line dear at 73 I’m talking man if my dude got if dear shot 85 he’ probably be averaging

Like 32 I don’t know if the math completely checks out that way but it’d be like a point pretty damn close yeah it’ be pretty damn close might even be good enough to get him tenth on the ladder might might be instead he’s in the uh five more listed alphabetically

Category we’ll come back uh Kyle matson’s gonna join us in about an hour as we mentioned uh Mama Fox gonna be with us as well coming up at the top of the one o’clock hour James ham back in the studio will Z will be with us to tonight uh preview tonight’s game

Against the uh MVP chasing Kevin Durant uh we’re so happy that you are here with us whatever you are doing our office is cleared out we’re here with you the rest of the day there’s a lot of alcohol in this building we might crack it open Ste

And Casey brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 I want to open my Kyle Manson gift get my slda real quick oh I don’t know how are you ready ask your dad ask your dad I don’t know so it’s weird cuz I always I always

Do it by the way I love the look on your face when you walk in here also that looks weird don’t do that yeah yeah don’t do that how else to no that no that works that works it’s just you were doing like this and that because it’s on this side no I

Got on a she’s flashing the chat house right now hey tell Kim not to cuss to please are you trying to get a Christmas present no one else will buy you one you’re so rude wow you did get presents do you want to discuss some of them on the show okay

Gotta go do you want to discuss some of your presents with on the show out of respect for her I’m not gonna say what she got yesterday I’ll tell you privately we laughed our asses off I’ll te did you huh no I’ll text it right now I’m I’mma text it to you right

Now that’s a that’s a good call so yeah like so because I’ve never been introduced to her before and she’s never to told me to call her anything else that’s what I would call her all right we’ll discuss this Zion thing at some point oh Dr David you ain’t got to tell

Me shoot I went to the store I went to the store early after uh doing a little bit of ksfm work I mean it was still like it wasn’t even nine yet just the grocery store and it was like nope no I I need to get my didn’t get out of

Here this is this is this ain’t it this ain’t it oh she did she she got a she got a classy classy v-neck I might put those v-necks up she seems to really like it oh oh KY is drinking look it yes Casey about to open that kettle

One oh we here are you leaving hey come back do you like that I might put those shirts up if you like them so cute I love it I’m my words I I want one of no it’s good I do I do want one of those that’s

Fire never had one is that to uh we have to assume she did we don’t know we we we don’t know but boy it was a was a hell of a it was a it was a hell of a five o’clock hour yesterday it was a hell of a five

O’clock hour oh boy yeah yeah it was bad this bad yeah we all got questions I told K she didn’t oh man that was crazy yeah it was wild that was pretty wild oh man I’m dying to try this bottle that that uh that uh Charlie brought that brown

One yeah that’s Danger that looks little he gave us a whole story on this this says it’s a hund proof again I’m wait till after that’s all alcohol right like it’s all alcohol damn yeah as we said the office is empty and there is alcohol everywhere we even got

Martini glasses over here I just noticed that is that from James yeah yeah I got K okay we got James J brought uh Gray Goose Charlie brought uh some some whiskey casy already got his mixer over there Kyle got us shirts you know he got us boxes

That look like shirts shout out James you got me the bottle of crown that’s fire oh that’s fire right there is it a flavored Crown I think it’s the regular Apple Crown is B yeah it’s topnotch I love Apple Crown I don’t even really like Crown Royal but Apple Crown every

Time every time I I see Crown Royal I think of um uh Pat Summits had a really close friend named was Mrs Florence she must have been like the LA 90 the last time I saw her but very active mobile drove every day like every day five o’clock every single day five o’clock

Grass glass of crown every day oh it’s five o’clock someone get Miss Florence her her crown I think I I don’t think she’s with I think I talked about it before my grandmother Every Day ring Coke yeah every night she you know go through the day and then I don’t know

Law and Order or something was on at 10 o’clock sit down there that a little rum and coat how old was your grandma when we lost her I think 86 no maybe 87 and she um she’s always ask me to have I was like that’s nasty I don’t want no R go

My grandma couple times I did have some but I was like this is n how do you drink this shout out black bottles 916 who literally sells r Coke in the can now shout out shout out Black Label 916 my bad my grandma used to do the tequila

Shot in the morning get you going for the day yo that’s wild that’s wild yeah man did you have any of the tequila we had Saturday did you try any of that n i was cool because I was driving what was that in that uh the drink crazy bottle uh I don’t remember

What I gave I think I had I might had a Tito did you have something out of the the uh dispenser I don’t know I just you were like what do you want to drink I was like just give me whatever and you came back with a cup I don’t recall this

At all oh snap I don’t recall this at all hey it was a good night I don’t I remember yeah I don’t remember that at all it probably it was probably a Moscow Mule that’s probably what it was I think that’s what it was I think I got you a

Moscout me because that’s what was in the dispenser I think that’s I’m not a big tequila guy either though yeah you got to have the right tequila though there’s thing I don’t think no no no no no there is see y’all be see this is what happened y’all y’all be talking

About shooting tequila that’s trash y’all are shooting trash trash y’all need to we a good tequila you can sip there’s no there’s none of that like you a good a good tequila it’s smooth it’s got flavor to it it’s like wine like it’s got It’s got an aftertaste to it the

Ones that I like are smidge bit on the sweeter side you could taste theave you could taste caramel you could taste chocolate and some of them you get those extra in Yos where they’re where they’re where they’re where they’re barreled a little bit longer that’s fire tiet if

You’re if if you’re if you’re at a bar and this dud teila shots yo you’re shooting trash didn’t they bring tequila shots over weren’t they shooting at uh tiger some probably yeah someone brought shots over it was like oh shots like get you sure shears you’re drapes I ain’t drinking

That that’s why drapes is mad all the time shout out drapes shout out drapes oh that’s right man doing a great thing I saw Kevin John at the mall last he had some uh cranberry yeah he was buying uh his his little brother Jordan yeah I saw him

In the parking lot he’s like is that keny carway who the hell oh oh you gonna cause a riot go yelling out Kenny carway out here Kenny’s at the point where we starting to turn down autographs yeah I’ve seen it no really what I saw him

Turn down a picture like this little kid I saw this as we got separated he doesn’t know I saw this we got separated at at the game yes uh couple days ago and I went over to say hi to you know to Styles and you know I still talk to them

I’m Regular Joe he he took off and hey casy casc they was pulling he’s like hey man I got I gotta I gotta get down I got a meeting with Dusty Baker out on the floor okay lost his mind shout out to my man Darren though shout out to yeah

Darren did you see Dusty Baker I I did I I met D he he pushed all of these people off so he could get down to the that wasn’t even the same place there was two different spots in the arena this is where we are I’m I’m I’m I’m just I’m

Going to support the the designer who put out those new clothes it’s like I’m gonna go get me one of these hoodies hey dowlo like hey man Hey where’s Kenny I I’m not sure man we got separated oh okay and then left what was like last year was on the

Court talk all that’s facts I think that was two years ago oh two years ago two years ago that ain’t true there’s a rumor I don’t know if it’s true because I wasn’t there I don’t have that type of access there’s a rumor that says hey

That that K that in that same pep talk KC told Dean like hey if this doesn’t turn around tell them your ankle sore well no well hey I was at East I was at East there was a shooting guard I didn’t like this is what I did wait wait wait wait he transferred

Wait didn’t uh Tyrese miss the game the other day did Tyrese think about it the didn’t Tyrese miss the game after Pacers Muse said get buddy healed off my team oh someone check Tyrese’s ankle so so Darren so Darren hey what’s up um it’s me Tyrese so what did you do what work

Hey do we still have Mr halton’s number I got it we got we might have to call Mr halberton be like hey hey hey oh man hey check hey check on the mental health of of Tyrese halber right now shout out shout out to my people

Though these are my people shout out to section 215 those are my people up there uh I met my man this morning we was hooping and I forgot his name well I don’t even know if he told me his name but he said give a shout out to two

Section 215 he got season tickets up there so those are my people up there doubt no doubt you have never been up to section stop don’t do that you’ve never don’t do that okay all right that’s that’s fine you’ve been up to section 215 yeah have you sat have you sat have

You sat in the 200s yes I have for more than more than half hour I sat in the 200s yeah I watched the whole game up there like twice dude you can’t even say it with a straight face look at look at yourself in the camera right now I did

What Kings Warriors matter of fact was that was that when you had the kids and all that that doesn’t count well I did is this when the baby was about to fall out of Jasmine there’s no way you went up to section 200 and I’m talking like the

Basketball team when you about the basketball team no no no not them there was another time when I took uh Rees and my other little cousins Kings Warriors de might have had like 40 something stop I’m telling you don’t tell you what happened in the game de might have had

Like 40 something Steph uh y’all remember this one y’all remember this one even I had to be like oh my gosh remember when he jab stepped and dropped Justin Jackson oh was that game Justin Jack no no no no no I can see passes anyone anyone anyone can talk about the

Game what was it like going up and down the steps and up there what was that like describe that what was that like once I’m at my seat I stay so to be fair you look hey that is St that’s like climbing Mount ever to be fair straight

That game was before Kenny blew up so that was who said I blew up remember when remember when WWE used to put out the before they were stars videos that would be there’s probably footage somewhere Kenny walking down section 25 that the WWE would air in the

Kenny carway before they were k out there pal just sit right here watch the TV no man come on listen to these guys you’re gonna work the dog match after the show I did I did go to a Warriors game KD KD was there so was 18 I remember Warriors Thunder I remember

Carmelo and KD got into it and my back was against the wall Carmelo and KD oh in in Oakland yeah my back was against the wall yeah I I I have sat in the last seat at Oracle or yeah that’s what it was called right

Oracle yeah that was that was a I sat in the absolute last Mark Primo thre it in the chat it wasn’t even ever since ever since yeah it was it was we call it since the mor it changed ever since the Moren signing it changed it was Moren

But let I’m Jesse do have you ever gotten a a dinner for a contract you signed come on no seriously listen this is how it happened our boss comes in here sign this isn’t that what happened this time yes well yeah look okay out of all of us there’s been one Morton

Steakhouse contract signing one that is not Jesse was it yours not what that was was it mine they didn’t even take me to McDonald’s KC was it yours no it wasn’t mine PDX came into town and that’s why we went to Mor cap Big Time cap not came

To town okay are there are there are there any photos or videos of any of us signing a contract Jesse you none there ain’t no photos of Me no it’s not on my Instagram it’s not in my phone there’s no photos of me I don’t know what you’re

Talking about no no no you cooking no no keep talking we were at the finest of establishments and they were standing on tables just to get pictures of Kenny signing his contract the finest of establishments hey two of those people aren’t even here anymore well don’t say

That they’re not dead they’re not dead whole world no blanket man no it’s fine just Scroll have it’s on the old phone man look bro they bought a folder in everything man they did bring a folder that’s because they didn’t want me to see how much money they were giving them they had a folder and they slid it down the table to Kenny they were like we got

To make them believe they’re making the same amount of money house city of Sacramento don’t listen to these people listen to me when I say shout out to my people in 215 those are my people in 25 man we had some good little run you know

What I’m saying I’m just trying to get back into my groove I don’t have my legs under me yet I don’t have my legs under me do you remember when we almost got fired because we showed up late to the meeting and then Kenny shows up late 10

Minutes later and they all start clapping for him oh oh yeah oh I remember that I was the building I couldn’t get in the building well neither could Dame so I went to go let him in or whatever I let him in just letting our guy in whatever he doesn’t

Have a fob or whatever to get in we get in oh you guys don’t know how to show up on time sit down sit down that’s facts all right literally 10 minutes later passes Kenny walks in and it’s just a standing ovation like Harry G showed up

To Golden One Center look at look at Kenny before invisaline Oh man even my cartoon had the the cartoon had the gapo look you’re not you can’t find nothing scrolling through Instagram is definitely I can’t remember when it happened like I see our pictures of McQueen it didn’t they they really sent

Our asses out there to do a brunch like the day after they said covid was over it was like hey go host the brunch wow oh okay well we did go to Atlanta that was like 2021 right now go ahead there it is right there go ahead look it no no

No tell me tell me more tell me more that’s way worse than how we described it that is that is that is that is our our that is our our senior vice president with extra short hair look hold is there prawns in the picture there’s big old shrimp those are giant

Ass shrimp those weren’t my shrimp did you get any of those shrimp I I barely got asparagus that’s KC that’s KY right and you know what was eating I was eating goddamn mushroom no bro that’s when they found out uh Daman was uh vegan they’re like oh my gosh oh

My gosh they have great brussels sprouts here oh man yep look it congratulations fire emojis let’s go bro there’s big shrimp there’s silver that giant where is that at I don’t even know where that’s at what is that on KC stop bro stop stop wait what you what do you

Think I just manufactured this picture right here live on the radio bro he’s got everything there’s bread on the table silver cups shrimp contract our boss look at the Kenny carway trophy in the back can you see that not that’s the casy Invitational Cup right there all white too I tell you man

Show crazy crazy you’re crazy bro man don’t listen to these we can’t do it without you America don’t listen to these guys chatty house to these guys pre basing hey stop stop bro stop JLo I’m not KY sources you know Kenny back loaded his deal so they could pay

Us that’s a shoot that’s a shoot that’s a shoot ksfm had to stay under the salary cap come on man this is this this a crazy Place bro I tell you that it’s a crazy price yeah I can’t lie that picture you in 4k bro I’m like I’m like

I’m like John Mor I kept all the receipts I didn’t think there was no photo I kept all the receipts that’s what I wasn’t anticipating that’s just the photos that got po was just talking so cra crazy but I mean only one of us was with Flow

Rider can we do pocket watches for casc they got that on spot oh man let me shout out good kid that City let’s see here Kenny carway hey I’m I’m closest to one closest to one L this this just goes uh so we’ll just go with the first

Number I see Jesse is the only one can who can participate cuz obviously casy knows the so uh uh four years of D and KC K’s looking at his net worth right now how they put that on I’m trying to figure out how this picture got on here

Uh four years of D and Casey just about six months of ksfm career earnings for Kenny carway Jessie tap is what I’ll guess we’re gonna go we at three years about range about 15 mil per I’m going to go 50 mil 50 Mill you want to you want to

Wager a guess bro I hadn’t even been able to get my bathroom fixed so I don’t know I’m all I can do just like y’all do with me all I can do is go with the first number I see when you search when you search Kenny carway career earnings the first sentence that

Pops up and this is what I have to believe is Kenny careway net earnings you should have offered 800 million Kenny carway is clearly worth $800 million that’s a win for me this is not even what see nobody even says that go Google go everybody right now Google Kenny careways career earnings I’m

Googling nothing the first result that pops up says you should have offered 800 that’s Kenny caraway’s that’s his who was Muk rat that’s that’s his negotiation word no because it’s got your Twitter in here too like that’s real you yeah what the yep go with the first number you see

That’s the rule that’s what y give to me what a ballero man I’m the y’all y’all y’all y’all talk about me I’m the broke one on the show know what this is man man yo I’m why didn’t you come out the pocket to sign sh atani you over here

Talking about Farhan and and these dudes in San Francisco why didn’t you come out the pocket well he can’t he’s already helping with sax gy the hell that’s true that’s true Kenny caroway got a win last night signs a new deal with with ksfm and all of a sudden sack State’s got a

New gym wow coincidence I think not it’s not called The Nest anymore it’s called the [Laughter] carway look y’all thought I was playing it actually says 800 million y’all thought I was playing somebody put me on Reddit I wasn’t prepared for this one see don’t listen to these people man hey

Man don’t listen to the internet either oh now you don’t want to listen to the internet now the internet’s a liar all right all right who’s on these phone lines man 91699 1320 we got my man Scott Scott what’s going on baby what’s up gaman how

You doing what’s up Kenny what’s up big dog Daman first of all if you gotta get doel diamane tequila have you had this I don’t think so Blanco that stuff will set you right okay oh okay I’ll email it to you I got it I got your email address I’ll email

I’m I’m agency Scott we met at the office a couple months ago oh yes sir yes sir absolutely absolutely I got it I got it pulled up right here that stuff is magical man absolutely magical okay okay I’m with it that’s what’s up right on Scott’s up all right huh that well I

Don’t shoot tequila so maybe you know you don’t shoot it well I don’t shoot I really don’t take shots I mean I will we out you know all right I’ll take a shot listen your boy I’m just telling you like I don’t I’m saying that to say I

Don’t have a problem with tequila okay I don’t take you ain’t that’s well good because you won’t shoot this you’ll sip it and you’ll enjoy it that’s all I do all my alcohol at this point you take shots anything no you you you swirl it that’s

What you do you swirl it and then you laugh and then you drink it that’s how you drink your alcohol well I just it’s a trend that has caught on here in Sacramento in recent months what I don’t be twir I’ll just be just oh

Yeah is that TC 91699 1320 what’s up TC man what’s up with my two Brothers what up big dog oh man just tapping in y hey Casey you a big dog man what you talking about see Rich Ripley is listening right now no wonder he doesn’t sell anything he

Like K hey look I want to tap with my boys the king’s 1 by6 tonight and I want to tell y’all Merry Christmas bro I already told J and yeah for sure man hey look y’all have a bless a man and be easy but Kenny you know you a big dog

Stop man stop stop hey TC TC before you leave next time we outside and you don’t pull up I’mma to take it personal I got you come on man pull up on us man I got you hey look Kenny Hey look check it out hey I got something special for you the

Ners beat the Ravens on a brock pry game one in touchdown Drive wow I think that’s the first time he picked the ners all year it might be how does KL Shanahan play into this you know what Kyle Shannon he ain’t gonna get in his bag he gonna stay out

Of his own way let’s go that boy TC back the boy TC back it’s a Christmas miracle Christmas wow oh my God it is a Christmas miracle is this true did dearon Fox ask you for a loan is that true no no no it’s not true whatsoever did dear Fox

Ask you to invest in his record label no not at all wow look Kenny did put up the money for the Insiders though well none of this happen the timeline matches right he signs the New ksfm Deal all of a sudden there’s money for the Insiders okay we need to find money for

One more person at least I agree at least I mean there’s about three on the radar but when we one at least oh have we talked about this person yeah oh we’ve been saying like yo hold on up can you text it to me like who we

Talking about we seen him the other day okay with the person that we we both know we’re talking about ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got to get that done we um yeah we got to get that done transfer portal we have we got approval we got approval this is

This is crazy we had a draft day trade y’all want some inside baseball stuff we had a draft day trade we got approved to bring someone on on on ksfm with us when today yeah not not not our show but the station yeah yeah it’s good to go no

Yeah it was good yesterday and got traded to 106 what yo what did we get back cash consideration I think vot made the deal we don’t know this for sure you get the G League rights to Chris dun she had a draft a trade like hey guess who’s coming in blah blah blah

Blah word yeah but she’ll be on 106 wait wait what how’ that happen the hell all right all right man what not terms of the recruiting trip that we that’s a great line I had a better deal two days ago let’s get our man Phil in here 91690

91320 what’s up Phil hey what’s up y’all how y’all doing we good Phil man we we having a good time today man how you doing do all right do all right hey so I the things for the ners are is seven game winning streak right and we got

Three left so that’s 10 and0 let it then win all the games don’t you think I don’t know I think we’re going to lose on Monday night because what was the last team to win the Super Bowl that with 14 and0 I don’t know like with the remaining games the Patriots were what

16 and one so you think the ners are GNA go 14 and0 the rest of the way to win the both the Patriots went 18 and0 17 17 and0 well oh no that’s right yeah 18 cuz didn’t they finish 18 and one they finished no they finished yeah they finished 16 and0 in

The regular season won those 17 18 yeah and then lost 18 and one then they should have gotten the loss out of the way in week 17 I know a lot of people believe that they almost did that close one they did I don’t believe that with

This team I don’t believe that they they just they gonna win they are I love that the 49ers have gotten to the point where hey man maybe they should just lose one well look I I remember I didn’t really believe this uh I didn’t really want this at all remember I was thinking

About that last year I was like they really just 14 straight games well Phil Phil does kind of bring up like a point or whatever like I don’t think like like I think the ners can win out still win the Super Bowl but like patri just absolutely dominant over everybody that

Year no one came close and it’s just like anyone can get you on any day I guess they are locked in though this is what we were talking about I don’t think there’s a let down ahead of them like you talked about that after the Eagles

Game which this this is going to be a question that we’ll bring up when Kyle Matson joins us like since we’re on football I’m I’m gonna ask I told you yesterday that I had a a question that pertained to the Los Angeles Rams and I told you the outcome

Of yesterday’s game didn’t matter it doesn’t hurt that they kick the Saints ass but this is actually I don’t know who to give credit to because is it was actually something that popped up in the chatty house but it popped up while you weren’t here so I kind of tucked it away

And was like ah this could be interesting could the ram be the biggest threat to the 49ers Super Bowl chances want me to hold that thought I did ask at an awkward time we got two minutes I did ask at a tough time actually think that’s that’s a

Conversation to be had to be honest I think I because it I thought I was intrigued by it Jesse was intrigued by it I think there’s a there’s obviously a a a really unique component to it being the Los Angeles Rams right and none of that factors in the

Fact that they’re actually playing well right now so I have been holding on to this question for like two days I’m very very eager to hear your answer so we’ll come back we’ll discuss that Mrs Fox is gonna join us Loren Fox dear’s mother

She’s gonna be with us at the top of the one o’clock hour Kyle’s gonna come in will Z James ham we’ve got you covered here uh on this Friday edition of D Casey on Sacramento sports leader ESP in 1320 oh man that was my bad though I was

Like it was too soon I should wait been like my favorite 40 minutes of this show it’s good this has been fun this is up there 800 million Kenny carway this up there when Aaron uh kicked uh n NZ his ass yeah you imagine adz listen to our show

One time when he just hears that you know you know he would pull up did you get the cookies out there um I think there were some chocolate chip cookies I got this one I don’t know if this is chocolate chip kind of is that that weird brownie Yeah well yeah careful

With them weird brownies not that weird I had to I had to ask Daman because I was like when I was at the party I was taking them brownies down I was like wait a minute he’s good right I like yeah yeah they good they good yeah delous those

Were just regular BR those were our last second edition man that all that food got eaten that was a that that worked out well did you have any of the food um a what I have you got there pretty late yeah I had like a I I had made a plate

Of I forgot what it was but I didn’t eat it because I got to talking and I was playing pool and stuff like that and I didn’t get a chance to eat it I couldn’t believe it I’m gonna show up later than Kenny you did show up pretty late yeah

He walked in right after me are we off the air h no no good I know it’s always me people my man yeah yeah yeah hey hey hey real quick come here come here Jonathan it’s our man Jonathan yeah the goat man the goat we say don’t nothing

Work around here without this dude come on man that dud F Jonathan and Seth man they see they don’t make I don’t make any money what are these people talking about see he ain’t even here with us every day and he knows you know he has

Access to all our passwords he knows he knows don’t listen to anybody anybody that stays here afternoon don’t listen to if there’s one guy you can trust who knows everything it’s the IT guy so that kind of Deads all of this I don’t want to know so he already knows

Get doing here we appreciate you dog hey Merry Christmas Jonathan appreciate you brother yeah I think I think I don’t even think Ken’s here today I haven’t seen Ken I a neither can’t always here hey um soon as soon as noon hit oh yeah they was out

Stacy said noon we out at noon but the other part of that crew’s coming back aren’t they I go you I had to hit oh yeah yeah because I don’t think they’re just going to get food yeah I had to hit Kim with the uh with the Friday line hey come

Back young Ali young zel 12 12 I assume that’s what talking about I assume he’s talking about the record yeah so if we were doing the Grammys that would be 20203 Grammy so yeah can you put that money for soul blue come on hey man come on man hey

Shout out to our dude Alex though man yeah yeah we got it’s cooking right now c yeah I think I think I think it’s it’s like not only is it cooking like I think it might be almost ready to take out the oven text we got we got an email

Yesterday text me dog I got no not we uh complex the boss about D and Casey and soul Bloom hey bro come on it’s a match made Heaven shout out to Alex Alex that that’s my guy I don’t want to say too much you know what I’m saying but it’s

My guy shout out to him and this is we we gonna be we gonna be having a a lot for the city of Sacramento coming up yo is I think he say 1220 yeah he said 122 so so I so he but but up

Here he said 12 22 I think I think he meant December of 2022 yes shout either way we’re celebrating one year of light the beam yes indeed shout out young zel who created an Anthem for us man that we uh we had some fun with to start the show but that that

That that baby is exclusive for King’s victories we we’ve talked about it numerous times here but I mean with this being the last show the year for DLo and KC you know you kind of get reflective and you know to this whole point December 2022 we were like d what’s

Really going on ya y y it was a thing but it wasn’t a thing but we could just enccompass 2023 the beam The Beam Team yeah I mean with without winning a championship one of my favorite teams of all time in all my times having teams to root for sports

That 2022 2023 Kings team is up there with the the uh 1993 Giants that team I love shout out to my man Dusty Baker um I didn’t hang out with Dusty Baker at the game yesterday I wouldn’t say I hung out with Jesse did you they don’t even

Let me down there R yeah okay I didn’t either excuse me tunnel Tapia they don’t let you where I was sitting in section 108 in the last game um what’s your f favorite and and chatty house respond uh if you’re if you’re listening on the radio in the car

Just flirt it out loud or hit us on social media when you have a chance what is your favorite moment this year the the calendar year the calendar year not not the this season January to to to to today a reminder the Insiders will be on uh all next uh uh Wednesday Thursday

Friday the non holiday days from 10: am to 2 PM um we were told hey we’re gonna kind of shut ksfm down for a couple of days want you guys to get some rest coming into the new year and it was like yeah cool we can’t exactly rest because

We’re not doing KS family like yeah let’s see if we can work something out here and instead of going dark and airing the best of Bristol or whatever the hell comes out of there uh the Insiders are going to be on for four hours yeah yeah um best moment of 202 I

Mean there’s there’s four to come to mind okay and I know that’s not one singular moment but it’s hard to choose between uh the Clippers game was unbelievable was unbel and it ended up like it started out so like nonchalant So Random Friday night you know I I you

Know me I always like Friday Saturday night games it’s just a different energy for me personally but they’re on the road Friday I’m at my mom’s house you know I’m doing I’m doing some other stuff watching the game kind of sparingly and then when they were able

To get the lead from like 11 to two and I saw how that all played out I said oh snap they might win this game and little did I know there was two more quarters of basketball like that was insane left my mom’s house she lives in well technically Sacramento but around El

Grove and I said we’re going to the golden one it was raining went out to the golden one had to see the beam had to shoot a video like it was that special and then you’ve got games one and two magic yeah magic I mean that was

That was everything any Kings fan could have hoped for after 16 years of not making the playoffs ABC Prime Time the franchise goes crazy uh for 38 in that game uh my the young boy from Christian Brothers said 40 on your fing close um phenomenal and then game two

Was game yeah it was incredible just as good and then the game I said is the the best win in the history of the the franchise game six game six how they went in there and won that game the March that we had yeah from public to the golden one Center y

Uh and then being in doco at that point and was like lit like was turned all the way up and uh that was that was one of the Great Moments in this City’s history man we also almost uh got brought into a fight by still don’t know how or why

That happened but it did Javier was talking crazy to Warriors fan and goes yeah hey it’s whatever we could do whatever bro I’m with DLo and KC right now it’s whatever like hey hey hey chill I don’t know who’s on the line of that phone dog what are we

Doing um what about you though it’s game one game one was special yeah game one being able to you know TK being here uh meeting her early uh headed over you know going over to the wine bar will Z and and Hannah coming over uh just seeing you know hours and hours before

The game starts the amount of people that were downtown that were in doco that were celebrating that were just outside the arena and then going in having you know that game Steph shot missing everybody hugging and embracing and going outside to see the you know to see the beam and

And just kind of hanging out that that was that’s that to me that’s that’s a a far greater feeling than two two second though yeah yeah two because I think we were separated when it happened I think you guys you and Trista were in the courtside seats with Dr and I was once

Again no I want you tell the whole story there was two seats right behind us and you just left that’s not true I was clearly sitting in a seat that didn’t belong to me and this lady said Hey Ho get up that’s my seat and I was like I’m

Sorry I just wanted to be with my friends for a few minutes she said I don’t care get out of my face I said yes ma’am so I left and I went back to the media area where I’m supposed to be there was two open seats right yeah you

Might have been in her seat but there was two open seats right next to her shout out to Drake yuu I wasn’t I wasn’t aware of that that’s cold Kenny probably didn’t even look at you like I don’t know him yeah that’s he didn’t he didn’t

Say no no hey there’s two seats behind me he didn’t do none of that he just looked forward and kept watching the game actually I saw Kenny was like Hey everybody look at Glenn Davis big baby dowlo over here not cool Kenny y oh I’m in your seat sorry come

On Bab true story so I went back to the media so I reacted to davon’s 3 alone that ain’t even that’s sors shoot but I did but the thing was I was in the media area the Usher though the Usher Yeah but I reacted and you know how crowded that

That uh playoff time was yeah the shot goes up and I’m not a big I’m not a big did you high five styles I know uh cattles did you give cattles bro hug I wasn’t even buy cattles because I wasn’t in that media area I was in our

Normal media area they put they put cattles in the broke media area where you couldn’t even see the game obective you yeah it was like it was like a $6 ticket because you wasn’t gonna be able to really watch it C had a pole the little pillar that holds the stadium

Yeah that’s the shoot now that’s the shoot that really happened I went over to my normal area uh and was watching there know shot goes in yeah yeah hit the hit the hit the hit the hit the tiger fist pump looked over uh caught Matt George’s eyes I was like all right

Yeah we good we good and that thing closed out the way that it did man so that that’s that’s up there um the the game the the Clippers game isn’t a memorable moment for me it’s a memorable game because it was on the road I remember I was exhausted that day

I remember I fell asleep and didn’t know when I woke up I didn’t know what time it was and I turn and and it was right at the start of the game when Mal I I almost went to bed when Malik Malik hit a step back

Three and that was the first time that I thought they might win this and then the Clippers scored Clippers scored like seven seconds later I’m like oh and I think they scored again I think they scored I think the Kings didn’t didn’t score on a possession and then the

Clippers scored again and I’m like all right I’m gonna I’m gonna go I’m gonna go to bed this is stupid I’ll just rewatch the game tomorrow because I wasn’t taking notes or nothing I was just like I’ll just watch this tomorrow and then I’m I’m just kind of like

Standing there watching it and then I sit down and I just don’t get up again and I don’t think I really react to to anything besides the stepback Malik 3 and then the tie yeah the tying three and then from from there I just kind of watched it I didn’t really have a

Reaction when they finally won I reacted to those two Malik plays and then that was it because they kind of got to the I was like I didn’t know what I was are they gonna win this they’re not gonna win this are they gonna win this oh this

Is crazy this game is insane crazy so we going only 2023 moments here yeah all right the end of 2023 that’s true but like cuz the the next the next game the national TV game like I think nov that was November so like I’m cheating here

But that was like I feel like that was the start of everything so so again because I’m I’m selfish for me that’s the Terence Davis moment TD we had TD on what the day before yeah yeah like that was that was big time like every like

That was a that was a topic in the media like our media TD being on the day before T Terren very honest about his role on the team um you know The Good the Bad and the Ugly you know played into the future bit you know was aware

Of it had a lot of fun with it and then the next day they’re on national TV for the first time in in you know in a decade or whatever it was and Terence goes nuts go crazy I remember that’s the game um that was the game where the the

Kids that I coached they came to the game DLo was signing uh uh autographs in the tunnel and you know they were doing like the thing where they stick their Jersey on a a string and like lower down with the pen and like please DLo can you

Sign it can you sign it at all those things what was the cooler DLo moment um that or when he’s walking down the court and he’s that’s the Wave It’s The Wave the wave went viral the wave went viral John John bu all right John the wave the way it

Went viral I mean it did go viral that was like one of the coolest things ever I think I saw that video like like a week ago and you didn’t like like loose stride you’re just walking I was like you’re just just down the I tell you man

That was that was Next Level man that was Next Level I tell you right there I Ain never had no moment not everybody can do that either I couldn’t do like I have to stop hey what’s up what’s up pal I can’t I can’t do the walk and keep

Going I a never had no moment like that that was that was all time but back to that game anyway I remember I was the kids were there and I was sitting with the kids and uh and and the parents and one of the the moms shout out Rachel

Rachel watches the show big up Rachel and she’s a Kings fan and kings are up by like 28 in the second quarter and we just sitting there like I can’t believe this has happened like these these dudes are like really good like I cannot believe that they’re

Playing like this they were only going to eight and seven and we was like we were like oh my gosh this is crazy like these guys are hoping it was at that game was yeah that was a Unreal game that was the sixth game of those was a

Six um number six on their winning streak right yeah they start two they beat Memphis after that yeah I think and then lost to Atlanta on a back to back oh goodness um that was win number that was one two that was their fourth win

Fourth got it uh they went on to beat the Spurs the Pistons the Grizzlies oh the Pistons game was crazy oh the Pistons game was crazy that was crazy I wasn’t there you were there I wasn’t there I just felt it on the TV yeah no

It was it was it was wait why weren’t you there uh Reese’s birthday oh okay maybe uh because Marv’s Marvin in his Detroit jacket down there in in in in in Kings Row AAA we’ll get to later but Pistons game was crazy yesterday too oh

Man I did I sh it I don’t know I just know what happened but I didn’t we’ll get to later oh man oh man oh man hey I said it to the inside I do not I feel bad for those brothers that is brutal that is abs absolutely brutal

Losing 25 straight that’s brutal hey man straighten up everybody act right let me let me sit up listening to DLo and KY on km make sure good West Sacramento 98.5 FM Cars qt2 Sacramento ESP 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app how do I look you’re good you’re good good I

Heard the uh look I heard the garage open m clean up real quick clean up all right we good take the take uh the the the food she said take out yeah yeah now the chicken’s been out like what you mean mom bring bring bringing Mama Fox

Mrs Fox hey are you are you here are you here for the holidays no no I’m actually in uh I’m at home in Houston I have uh some engagements like tonight uh Saturday Sunday uh not doing anything Christmas Day and then the following week I’ll have have my grandson here so no I’m

Still in Houston Miss Fox got a back toback too she’s like I got plans we we were talking about some of you know just our favorite moments of the Year obviously Kings related and we talked about game one and that’s when I met Mrs Fox I was trying to get through

The crowd like it was what like 50,000 people out and we I just meet I’m like oh my God that’s how people react when they meet Kenny that’s a shoe Miss Fox don’t listen to this man I don’t know what he’s talking but so we’re like I’m like

Man I’m not gonna for a second I was like man I’m not gonna be able to get in on time like I’m gonna miss everything because there was so many people I’m going through say Miss Fox is that you and I didn’t know because you know there

Be there’s crazy people on the internet I was like do you watch our show like I see you in the chat but I don’t know if it’s really you she’s like that’s me there’s only one in the rain Fox and I was like that’s me I’m watching yeah that was partly my fault

Cuz I was like that’s not her like someone just knows someone just knows her name and creating an account like we’re not like like ignore that we didn’t acknowledge it for like a month like no we even so so that’s why that’s why I was put on back for for a month because

Y’all didn’t think it was me yeah yeah and then and then if we were like yeah Mama fox said this and that and then they come out she’s like that’s not me stop we don’t want those problems so he’s like we just not even gonna say

Nothing we just and then I saw I was like hey you watch our show at all she’s like yeah I watch your show all the time that’s me in the chat I was like oh yes I am if you if my name pops up it’s me

I’m not an alias I don’t use a burner account none of that that’s are there any uh Fox family Christmas traditions no I wouldn’t I used like um growing up we used to go to the movies every Christmas like we would get up um open gifts go to church service

Come back eat dinner and then go to the movies and you know of course whether you full or not you go to the movie you see them get popcorn right it doesn’t it doesn’t matter if you’ve already you just ate you about to burst and you

Still get the big popcorn and what we used to do is um I forget the name of the movie The I think it was the Rave where they would have the flavored salt like had one that was caramel flavor and then when you get the large

You can you know get refills so we would get the large eat it there with the the salt the caramel salt on it and then we get a large bucket and take it home after the movie and continue to eat it like the next two

Days that’s how you got to do it right there take advantage of that I mean like pop you know movies was expensive popcorn expensive I’m not just G to give you get one bucket no I’m going to get this bucket I’m going to dump it out

When it get to like halfway when you get those little popcorn that’s not the whole popcorn I actually like I’ll dump that I’ll leave the movie dump that out go get me a fresh bucket of popcorn you eat to about halfway and then when the movie is over we gonna get

A new bucket and take it home so I’m you got do it that’s how you got to do it right there have at least three large bucks of popcorn with my $26 like like no I just about say I’m use every trick in the book because they

Charging me $50 for for popcorn in a soda no I’m gonna take my pop I’m gonna get three buckets and one of them going home with me and they would eat it like the next couple of days they would still be eating off that bucket so like oh well we got our money

Worth you know you know what I’ve I’m interested in in finding out from you and asking you when when I knew you was coming on is when did you realistically think like yo the eron’s gonna go to the NBA like you when did you know he was

Him right because you know we you know got kids and you think you know oh man yeah you can if you work harder whatever but it’s a long ways away was it like 13 14 you were like y he might really go to the NBA um I think it was

Probably maybe like his June year in high school because then you start seeing his name out there on National the little rankings or whatever because you know like local rankings like you don’t care like they they rank based on what somebody else said that half of the guys

Don’t even go to the game they just if somebody is hot on a kid then they’re hot on a kid damn still happens in the NBA so well they even watch the game they just oh that oh that that guy is good oh let

Me put him in my top 10 and then you got parents parents paying for rankings and stuff like that yeah no no indeed but I think his junior year like um from South more to junior year that summer is when I kind of like okay well

Maybe we maybe he got something here and I knew that okay well cuz he was getting like the offers and stuff from like all the big 12 conferences and then when he finally got recognized by outside of Big 12 and he like okay all right so all

Right and then you know de tell you that um his thing was I I don’t need a backup plan because if I have a backup plan that’ll take me take the focus off my original plan so yeah this this I’m not worried about a backup plan like okay like long as I

Got cuz my parents didn’t pay for College like I went on a basketball scholarship so I’m like as long as I don’t have to pay for college I’m good so but no I think it was like maybe between the sore and junior year I thought that he could go farther because

His name was up there with all the rest of the guys that got drafted the same year he did so yeah were the first few years with dearen here in Sacramento hard for you no part of process right that was part of the process I mean like that was the

First where the team that he was on was not winning that was his first um experience of oh my God like I’ve never lost this much in my life since I don’t know uh ever because even when we first started when he was I think like third

Grade and the first League that we joined was this upward League through the church and so his first game uh that you know when they they you guard the kid in front of you they T they make something match you on that kid that’s the kid you got to guard so

You don’t go P court all that stuff so dear first game he probably scored about 25 30 points so cuz I think they played two games that day and in the second game he scored you know by the same team so after the game the after the second game his coach said

I need I need to speak to dear’s parents I’m like oh God what did he do I’m thinking like okay did he like punch a kid like what happened he like no no nothing like that um dear is too advanced for this team we need to move

Him up so he was third grade playing with third grade then so they moved him from third grade playing with third grade to playing with the fifth graders and he still was the best person on the team so I’m like we he can’t go play with sixth grader those are like men

Over him like we we’ll we’ll tough it out with these fifth graders and then next year we’ll move on from this upward leag but yeah so yeah the first two years in Sacramento is like yeah we’re not used to this but okay like not like you can go nowhere so you

Might as well just stick it out we glad he did man we GL he did I’ll rewind a little bit because there there are some sacramental things I want to ask before before you leave but man Kentucky seemed like a lot of fun like to to

Watch that year that seemed like a blast to go through that year how was that for you guys that that year was a blast now some of the games at Kentucky that they lost was upsetting like of course the game with UCLA I think they they lost to

UCLA M and then they lost to Louisville cuz that Louisville loss was like uh in December like right before they get ready to have a little Christmas break and I’m like y’all lost to Louisville I don’t even know if anybody on that Louisville team is in the

League no uh I was was Donovan still there yeah because he played Donan tournament I think he played he played two years at Louisville so he was there when they lost to this was a regular season game okay they lost to louisv and yeah and I don’t remember

Donovan that much it was another guard that just went off and I don’t even know where that kid is right now but he yeah he he went Donan was fact yeah he Donovan was on that team yes but what what I saw was the breakout because like all year like um Mr Fox

Would be talking to Kenny Payne which was the assistant coach now Kenny Payne played against my husband when they were in high school so we’ve been knowing Kenny for forever and so um Kenny would tell my husband all time like you know uh dear over here BS and dear can be

Doing much better blah blah blah like yeah we know you so that that when they got to the last game The Last regular season game of the season and I think they played Texas A&M and we went down to the game and that from that game on

Through the tournament he was on fire like bam like every game bam bam bam bam and we’re like I’ve seen this since freaking sixth grade and now the rest of y’all get to see it and so when when when dear is doing something and scoring and whatever whatever it’s like

That’s normal for us what to me you’ve been sitting like not shooting as much like this is the first year to me and with the kings that he taken that many shots cuz we be like why is De not taking more shots see I when I was in

College I didn’t take a lot of shots and I regret that to this day why that’s 40 years ago and I still regret that that I did not take as many shots and now I’m like if I had that to do over again yeah every time I touch the ball it would

Been going up but I can’t go back and I can’t Replay that so I want him to I’m not saying be selfish that’s not what I’m saying I’m saying be more aggressive and like last year he started to be more and this year is just

Like I’m going to take this team and put it on my back no matter what and you know when I hear some of the people like oh well Fox took 22 shots or 24 Shots like and like what’s your point real real quick a Funny Story one

Game this was maybe two or three years ago um I guess the whole family was there because Mr Fox was there and Kings lost I remember they lost to the Clippers lost by like 20 I think it was like New Year’s Day or New Year’s Eve or

Something like that dearen shot the ball like 12 times and I’m just kind of hanging out in the back or whatever and you know people were like man vlot uh V and like to nobody in particular Mr Fox like raised his voice he’s like it ain’t

VY this the point guard the point guard need to shoot I don’t know what the point guard doing we ain’t got no leadership on this team man the point guard is is the issue right now he need to step his game up that’s I was like oh

Yeah he don’t be C him like they they tell him what it is man and it feels like since then Fox shooting the ball around get any shot I want to like you can get any shot you want to so take the shot but yeah so this year

Has been great to see yeah the went uh 12 for 27 I okay that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I need right as long as you get the 27 up don’t make it two for 10 is a problem 12 for 27 is not yeah yeah

Like get get the shots up one for four is a problem like no I would rather you shoot you know I rather you go 6 for 18 than one for seven like come on like get the shots up so I mean you shoot all summer all summer all summer so you need

To shoot in the game and yeah he’s he started to shoot the ball more which is great what’s your phone like on a night dearon goes crazy like we were just talking about the the famous Clippers game when him and Malik scored 40 each it was 176 to 175 what’s your phone like

On a night like that well like there’s there’s three of us in like a chat that I have it’s just uh me and two other ladies that their sons play aaou with dear from like fourth to 8ighth grade so I have another group that’s basketball moms that’s what we call ourselves but

They not as invested or into the game as the three of us so every game the three of us are like talking the whole game Talking the whole like phone is blowing up the whole game but that that that uh Clippers game in particular I think they were down by like

13 and I was like oh yeah this probably a loss and then all of a sudden they score then they get a stop and then they score again and then I’m like cuz I like I I like to watch like in my room like sitting on my laying on my b and they

Started like cutting cuz it was like 3 minutes and something left in the game and they were down by 13 and they start scoring and and getting stops and I just kind of set up in my bed like okay okay maybe we can do this and then when uh

Malik hit that three to put it to tie the game and then they went into overtime I’m like okay all right and then they went down again I’m like oh Lord here we go so that that that game put you on an emotional roller coaster I

Had to go back and rewatch the game because doing the game I think I miss stuff because you so like emotional tied and wrapped up in it that so going back and watching it the next day like oh okay I could watch it and relax as opposed to watching it on pins and

Needles the whole time so like my heart and my chest I don’t know this for sure but I think the entire city watched the game about was I mean I think everybody woke up and watched it a second time the next day oh that was the third time oh go was

It was like unbelievable in the fact that they were down so much with so little time and then they came they they came back twice not just one time they came back one time in the regular regulation and then they did it again in the overtime it was like you were just

On emotional roller coaster so yeah I had to go back and watch the game with a clear head and relax you know you know what I love about it feels like I I haven’t talked to everybody but this is the feeling I get about the whole Fox family uh is how

Much they love Malik right like that’s my favorite player Malik I talked to you after game one she’s like I knew monk was gonna That’s My Boy monk he gon they love Malik I I just love that Dynamic man yeah Monk on boy Monk on boy so I hope the Kings do

Whatever they need to do to keep monk out there for next year or the next four years or whatever but yeah monk monk monk that do yeah you want to see an angry fan base don’t do everything you have to do like he he he’s he’s up there

With with with with with dearon is the most beloved players in this city like they love that dude and and Miss was the person I was talking to after game one but she’s like that ain’t surpris that’s what they do she it’s like that’s what they do when

They get going I knew what time it was I was good at that point yeah but before let you I just noticed something did you catch this what did did dear not send you the new the new gear are you allow get in trouble we need to blur that I don’t

Want I don’t want to get you in trouble hey look look I’m G tell you right now I’m G tell you right now mama mama fox is like me because if Rees signed with somebody else you still gonna see me in Jordan night look here I I I don’t have like I

Don’t have no new Under aror gear I have Under Armour from back in the day when he when his aaou team was sponsored by under arour so I wear whatever I got in the closet that’s comfortable is what it is Nike if Nike want to send me some

Gear right now I W see you wear it so we’ll get you some D and Casey we got well send me some DLo and Casey I wear that too but um no like I’m I still wear my Nike stuff I mean I got a closet full

Of Nike stuff and I yeah I’m not gonna like get rid of it so yeah it’s okay he on the armor Steph Curry I didn’t exactly exactly I’m not I’m not attached to any brand like anybody want to send me their brand yeah I will wear it for

You wear it proudly for you and KY gear coming soon and real quick before Before I Let You Go I remember I used to get frust ated with dear about his free I used to get m i used like yo it’s my point guard I need you to close the game

Out and then when I found out M fox was like 95% I ain’t even gotta say nothing no more because I know she on his head about the free throw so I ain’t even saying nothing no more oh Lord and you know what I noticed about

The fros and I noticed like because a lot of times de be talking when he’s at the line and I don’t know if you guys noticed it or not but it’s like if he hit the first one and he’s like talking and telling people where they

Need to go or whatever whatever and then he’ll miss the first the second free throw it’s like can you like just shoot the free throw and then let your coach tell them where they need to go like like I need you to make two in a row like can we

Make two in a row uh Mrs Fox thank you so much for joining us today it’s it’s no problem and thank you so much for the support of the show everyone loves seeing you in the chat and and obviously your your your your your family is goated here for for

Eternity thank you for having me I enjoy I enjoy listening to you guys every day yes thank you I look she even gave us 10 extra minut when I I text her yo just 10 minutes of your time she didn’t gave us 20 man so we appreciate you well I ate I ate

Lunch already so I’m not in no hurry right now so but it it was good chatting with you if she hadn’t eaten though this this conversation would have gone in a different direction if I hadn’t eaten I would just have my bow right here like kitty eat on the show all the time

Hey now you know she watch I got some food front of me right now yeah Kitty’s always eating on the show so I’m figuring y’all won’t mind if I’m sitting here eating my while I’m on the phone so happy holidays to you and the whole family happy holidays you you guys too

Thank you than Youk all right bye Miss Fox Mama Fox free agent by the way 91 she was she was pretty clear hey look I see she sign her she was pretty clear uh he signed to Under Armour I did not what a what a wonderful woman man

That was so much fun that was so much fun um thank you to Lorraine Fox Mrs Fox Mama Fox Mama Fox for joining us here um want to throw Kyle just Kyle come in yeah man we just keep going on us man a nobody even here to say anything to us

So we do whatever we want to no one’s going anywhere yeah we here baby is that the 27 Yankees out right there is that what that is of dreams when they played there oh that yeah that’s that was classic that’s the one thing well I shouldn’t say that

I like a lot of the things baseball does that’s one of the things that they do really well the f yeah aren’t the Giants playing there this year are they I think they’re maybe they’re playing next year I think the Giants are locked into play

The Giants are playing in at um oh my God the field that that Willie May played at in a Negro League field Negro League field that’s right and Kansas City maybe or something or Alabama I don’t I can’t remember Birmingham there you go Birmingham that’s right that’s right Birmingham car Matson ladies and

Gentlemen host of the Insiders the Insiders will be on next week 10-2 uh make sure that you are locked in here as we just continue to roll we’re shifting our conversations a little bit you got a favorite moment sports moment of 2023 favorite sports moment of 2023

Holy smokes this is cheesy end of year radio stuff right here got no it’s so cheesy that I didn’t even prepare I didn’t yeah we don’t prep here we just start talking yeah my favorite sports moment of 2020 let me I’m G to H I’m genuinely going to have to get back to

You oh that’s fine because I don’t I’m GNA have to really think about it is it football maybe I know man oh I got itors I know my favorite sports moment in 2023 was the reverse boycott game in Oakland that that was in the building as

A as a fan just full-blown cell t-shirt uh the works it was an unbelievable time and obviously like the circumstances are awful yeah but getting to do that and then they won the way they did yeah um the last at bat you get uh Trevor May

With the strikeout it just was like a and being there with my my homie Wade was was great so I hate to be a downer uh when I asked this question but I mean what um what are you gonna do now as a baseball fan like we talked to James

About it James is like maybe the Padres or nothing but like like what you because I remember when the kings were gonna leave I I thought about I was like man maybe I’ll go to the Warriors N I can’t do that maybe I I mean I do like

The Knicks but I was like I don’t want to deal with 4 pm G like I was just like I was just gonna be around gonna be like yeah just gonna be around so is that kind of what what you gonna do just just gonna steamroll over that okay cool

What’ you say I said you’re just gonna be a Lakers fan well that’s just not gonna happen Kyle never would have happened Lake Show Oh see this show sucks today outside of Mama Fox this show sucks what are you talking about I thought that was great you’re worth $800 million fake Internet

Stories okay Leg Show I mean it’s just a terrible show and Mrs Fox knows you eat on the show for goodness sakes uh no I’m surprised she didn’t bring up the Frozen Donuts you real life said like yeah no problem Kenny does it it doesn’t matter yeah right

Right uh yeah I will not I won’t have a favorite team anymore I’ll go to baseball games because I like the sports so much but I’ll I’ll go to some Giants games GES when there’s a when there’s a star in town won’t be a giant player

Right that’s why I said in town um I I’ll go down we go to SoCal enough I’ll go to Angels or Dodgers and go see Shi or whatever I’ll go to use it an excuse to go to a couple Padre’s games a year because I love San Diego yeah but I’ll

Mostly just be a I won’t because I can’t just pick it up like you can’t just be a fan of a new team we’re too we’re too deep into the game at this point that’s why I can’t it’s why I can’t pick up a Premier League team like I just can’t

Care about something that and like I don’t I don’t have it in me so awes very nice nice KY very good hey hey hey a holding penalty right there holding penalty did you see the Travis Kelce Jason Kelce video of them talking about the water bottles no no today no I’ll

Show you at the break oh boy I think we could play it on the show to be honest it’s not it’s no we can’t oh yeah no we definitely I don’t think they swear it’s literally just malice at the pal is posable though it is 90 seconds of pause

Okay like that’s an 86 game suspension I would have handed up oh my God our test it isest melee as it say ke the Kelsey are are suspended indefinitely they’re they’re with Draymond right now they got some steps to take before they come back [Laughter]

So uh all right I might not be able to find it super quick so I’m going to that’s what I was gonna show you the break I’m going well I want we can break right now okay we can do whatever the hell we

Want so so we so we go to break can we come back and stay with Kyle for a while yeah we can go to 58 all right I’m I’m gonna pour some of this stuff oh it is oh we’re doing that you want to do it we’re just doing that you why not

There’s literally no one here great Point that’s a great Point get the projector God I love this show let’s go to break right now okay see little casy SPM 1320 you guys also have to open your Christmas presents from me I worked really hard to wrap them Travis Kelsey

What what account can you tag me can you can you just tag GNA email I’m a terrible present rapper like horrible does that work better than no tag tagging me can you tag me on the actual tweet because I have I have Twitter pulled up this is just this is crazy um

There you go I’m tagging you now it the the Tweet can say a bad word right but not the video yeah the Tweet doesn’t matter the Tweet won’t be on the radio I’m gonna go get us some cups hell yeah Charlie don’t mix this I can’t no I got it

Dog is that the oh yeah do you have do you have any uh Christmas traditions like my family they open gifts Christmas Eve night yeah we um we well my my wife and I now because we get to start our own Traditions our thing is we do our stuff

At home together we open our stockings and our gifts and stuff then last year everybody came over her folks my folks um but this year we’ll go to my parents house and we do gifts and have you ever thought about um like going away for Christmas like hey super funny

So my dad grew up moving around his military family and my my mom well my dad W up in Fremont for his fortive years my mom from Northern California me Northern California so none of us ever had a white Christmas right or my family from so that lives in SoCal either from

Northern California and moved there or or from SoCal so we’re like hey let’s go to Tahoe we’ll do a we’ll have a we’ll have a snowy Christmas in Tahoe yeah so we get to Tahoe on on like December 23rd not a drop of snow on oh man it did not

Snow an ounce while we were there there was no snow we could have been in Tahoe in June damn we we went for a walk and we’re walking along the and then or along the the lake and there’s this like patch of snow about the size of a

Football cousin Cameron’s like time like oh snow dude we were so mad that would have been hot like we’re sitting there we’re like God please let it snow my man appreciate you dog oh no this is gonna be real social social drinking is my if I’m with the people I’m my people

You know I have a little something this is the 100 joint huh yeah this is this is for the BS I wasn’t ready I don’t know what I was waiting for should open the great Goose Instead This is like uh this is like uh and how

It like you know snaps you out of this like smelling salt wait we can’t hey Jesse can you confirm that we can play that on air well yeah like I think they say they don’t say bad words right I don’t think so I got a dump button dude it’s fine

That dumb button already and nobody’s listening don’t care about like fact like if I hit the dump the radio’s Gonna Hear It YouTube Don’t Matter ody is fine like we’re fine bro hey it’d be so funny if we came back from the break and we got hit with the FCC fine because of

Never in my life we’ve been running from the FCC like we running from the feds or something you guys want to open your presents now or on air we’re doing on air oh okay content baby I worked so hard to wrap those I actually didn’t I’m just good as

Hell at rapping we used the cheap Dollar Store paper though so Kenny I think yours got ripped a little bit I’m not mad at that it’s all good it’s all good yeah this video is nuts dude facts no one’s ever said we’re fine bro and then everybody been fine what’s the

Worst That Could Happen yeah I got it that’s what they do on the sitcoms all the time just live life on the edge and Just Vibe out that’s all it is Cheers Cheers hey hey hey hey oh all right Charlie did you shoot it yeah do you you

You drank the whole thing my God that’s what you do no it’s not that’s what that’s my boy right there that little thing that you I well pause sir hey hey hey officials offal that what well I I didn’t I’ll give you a I’ll give you I don’t think I need any

More now I guess not you you I gave you a little bit because I I didn’t that was a shot hey we all took our sips and then Kenny just watch I looked over I’m like damn it’s like that then I saw him put down

An empty cup it’s like oh my God that’s what we do know Kenny parties well hey I guess we got watch The Dump for this guy well asfm will be an adventure today oh co we’re coming for you wouldn’t be the first time let’s check in with the Kelsey Brothers uh this highly

Recommended video from uh their podcast no dumb questions at Joe defran why don’t players squirt their own water hey that is such a good question honestly somebody comes up to me with it already like right here yeah and all they got to do is just go around from person to

Person and just like do you want one I can shoot you real quick yeah it’s way easier than handing the bottle and handing it I don’t know it’s maybe not that much easier but it is convenient you kind of just know when somebody reaches up to squirt you to open up your

Mouth squirt and then you just get squirted but you don’t always like they don’t have to do the squirting you can do the squirting sometimes but you know when you develop a relationship you just know when when you’re about to get squirted on you develop the relationship

You got to have a good relationship squir okay stop they talking about a water bottle just stop that’s a lot that’s a lot my goodness my oh my goodness that was crazy that was they off the deep end it was like they heard it they heard themselves doing it then we’re like all

Right originally it was just they were just having a conversation and they’re like oh they realized what was going on let just go I told you I was malice at the palace right there for pause moment yeah and that was like half of it that wasn’t even the whole the whole video

You’re out of here I gotta uh I want to get back to the question I asked earlier especially with Kyle here but I wantan to he wants to yeah I I bought you guys Christmas presents Jesse buy you anything that’s fine no you you have given me the gift of friendship and a

Job so very nice Jessie thank you I did a I did a hell of a job am I the gift gu am I the card guy you were talking about on the Insiders 1,000% you’ve got an Amazon gift card on the way no um I got you something from a different company

Than I got DLo and KC’s and they’re haters so the it’s arriving at my mailbox I might have shot down a gift idea I think yeah no that’s fine that’s to I definitely shot down a gift idea for you thank yeah yeah Kyle asked the

Question and I was like no I don’t think so not not that he said bro he said don’t get me Prada of bro said that’s what he said he said not Louis don’t talk to me this Kyle I this very nice rapping so I hope he got us

Underwear I think that’s a th% what I got there’s a lot of H very nice a GI gift from KY Brock part I did not get you guys is it a Tre Lance Jersey they were on those what idiot would get you a Trey Lance Jersey hey shout out hope you

Don’t have I have a story about yours I hope don’t have what I got you okay I’m pretty sure Kenny doesn’t have this one but you could definitely have the what I got you already what is this I don’t I like the oh snap oh snap

This is a griffy yeah that’s that griffy hoodie I got I got an I got an Ali Frasier thrilling Mana so he the day after I ordered this was the day of the holiday party and after the holiday party at your house you came down in a thrillin Manila hoodie like literally

Less than 24 hours after I was like oh no so if you have that one already let me know when I don’t no I these are the most comfortable this is roots of fight this is the most comfortable yeah it’s the most comfortable attire like on the

Planet I love their stuff they’re great great yeah man for sure thank you thank you very much that’s that’s so I’m really glad you don’t have that that’s very nice of you and two as a home run good I’ll I’ll buy you some I like that

Yeah Retro Retro uh what what they say they retroactive or something like that yeah I gotta get I gotta get this is fire and Jesse your Harrison Barnes Jersey is on the way fire ni hey hey can it maybe be the one um whereas the maybe Celtics Harrison Barnes Jersey from a

Couple years ago when that was never happening yeah that was never happening can I tell him what you were going to get him or that ruin course no no no Jesse you’re also getting a hoodie so he text me and so the the thing with roots of fight is they work with like

Different athletes right they have like brand deals with athletes they obviously have the rights to Muhammad Ali’s name they had Tyson once they have Ken Griffey Jr they have had I don’t think they do now they had Allen Iverson but they have some wrestlers like they have Brett Hart Andre the Giant

And I hope I got this right I think I did Kyle text me and was like Hey for Jesse Ric Flair or Ray Mysterio and I hit him back bro I have no idea don’t don’t judge me I hit him back and I was like I don’t think either one of

Those that’s great all right now that’s fine that’s I appreciate the thought yeah those are not those are not my bag I’m not a r player guy I’m more of an Eddie Guerrero guy yeah no I genuinely I know zero no no and that was fine no no

No I I was I was I was confident that I was it was a pretty strong no I was confident in that yeah um but yeah I thought I thought I thought I steered everything in the right by the way though I wouldn’t have been like oh you

Got me flared I wouldn’t have been like that by the way no I know and that’s why I wanted to make sure because I knew if you didn’t like it you wouldn’t tell me anyways it’s facts so would wear it th% you be like I guess I gota wear this

Today well I mean sometimes when you get stuff at work you just you just choose not to wear it I said you should but what are we talking about here what happened the the text I’ll I’ll fill you In I said I said you got to you have to she said I said it too I was mad didn’t have it on today said absolutely notor you should have seen how fast she ran out of here when I brought it up on the live stream earlier you got to walk

Through the wind walk by the window once and you’re good after that just walk by once they just smile I said you not go we understand why but you you got to it’s a gift from you know a coworker is there a conversation that needs to be

Had you know I’ve been trying we can talk around it we can talk around it we don’t need we can we can talk around it did you get somebody smash them boys hoodie oh God I’ll text Kyle so he’s in on the bit okay thanks text Kyle so he’s

In on the bit here the the only reason the only reason we can’t get more in depth with this is I know at least rich. Ripley was listening so I don’t know who might be driving back from lunch who might be you know we’re just gonna we’re just gonna keep this

Generic but I think there was a major gift giving faux bro we joke about it like I said it’s like half tongue and cheek we’ve had like 12 episodes of life and odyssey this year oh easy oh had 12 last night’s episode would have been finale last’s episode

Would have been fire the perfect Christmas episode oh it would have been the best yeah yeah it like like you you do you like talk like hey so what’s up like yeah like there has to be an acknowledgment of what happened yeah well look like I said

Could you got you got a wear like not even like not even like ironically like somebody at your job got you something like without naming names could we tell the chatty house what happened I would I wouldn’t even chance yeah no no because yeah we’ve already yeah no somebody went

Shopping to much in San Francisco I need like where do I stand in your life I’m confused so I told someone who knows all parties that person was mad that person was legit angry who gifted or received neither like I told the person I told them what happened I told them

What happened and I’m laughing that person wasn’t laughing so like there you might have to talk about it bro it’s come to work next week we W do the show we’ll just show up serious you guys sales bro we just all come around the corner hey hey no all right be back

Tomorrow and and and look I do feel like there needs be an exp explanation there does there does because because I I laid out the scenario yesterday where I was like yo like this is kind of maybe what happened yeah yeah we tried to rationalize it we tried to explain it

And that’s got to be what I oh this is what happen what I need to know is what the other person was thinking what if they didn’t know can that can that excuse be I don’t know how there’s no way they couldn’t known there’s no way

There’s no way yeah I got I gotta know where we stand here it took two seconds it it yeah it it and the it got worse it just got worse it just progressively got wor I think okay we got we got to stop okay here’s just a word of here’s just a

Word don’t tell us anything because we got four hours we got 20 hours a week to kill if you tell me something and think that it’s not gonna hit the radio we’re off for a week you think we’re not GNA talk about this you have grossly you have grossly

Overestimated uh my worth because I’m gonna tell there’s nothing worse than when I’m in here and I’m like oh hey I want to have I have this little like funny thing I want to say to dami and so I’ll just text you separately and then

You’re like no get on get get on and we’re gonna talk like no that’s not what that’s not what I wanted yeah that’s not at all c o e we really need to treat this like uh treat this place like they did the wire like the wire wasn’t a live

Show but it was literally based on events that happen right somebody just needs to make the the the I wouldn’t say cinematic because it’s not a movie but you know what I mean make the show sure and we’ll give all the information figure this out too soon because like

This will come to light sooner or later on the show yeah yeah look I’m tell now going to come to yeah figure it out no look I’m gon tell you right now I ain’t saying it I’m not the one I ain’t gonna say nothing I’m not gonna be the one to

Say maybe if you shoot another give give him another drink give him another drink another one he would have c i hey just open your bottle bro try your Kettle One hey don’t tell him to open his gonna be gone by the time the show’s over hey everyone will know what’s going on

That’s true there’s you just can’t you know let’s let’s I got a questiony 49ers put the Ravens on Monday There’s a man that uh I think last week celebrated his 102nd birthday great y song by the way what’s that I got a question oh go ahead it’s a good

Oney there was a guy last week that said uh he he celebrated his 102nd birthday and he said his key to living that long is he minded his own damn business so I’m gonna listen to my elders we try to mind our own business but boy we get brought into everybody else’s business

Quick it’s like Twitter Casey like you want to avoid it but it’s just too good too good too too good I have a question I I I threw this out there earlier Kenny actually hasn’t responded responded to it but I was waiting for c yeah I would

Like I would like both of your your thoughts on this the 49ers are cooking they’re the hottest team in football I don’t think it’s particularly close obviously there’s a huge matchup coming up this week with with with with the Baltimore Ravens we’ve seen the Eagles we’ve seen the

Cowboys Cowboys have a stigma that they’re they’re they’re they’re either going to have to shake or just continue to hold this stigma forever the eagles look like a shell of the football team that they were last year and anyone who called those close wins bad football are feeling very Vindicated right now

MH I asked the question are the Los Angeles Rams the biggest threat to the San Francisco 49ers getting to the Super Bowl they’re obviously a division rival which is you know a that that that that’s a whole new wrinkle to the conversation and they are playing well right now

They’re the only team and this is early in the year when Cooper cup wasn’t even playing they’re the only team when the 49ers have been healthy that has like hung with the 49ers like they were the better team in the first half back in week two they

Just they they were and then the Niners eventually you know pulled away and won by they won by seven but they were up 10 and then the Rams kicked the field goal late like that was the closest game the ners have played this year that they’ve

Won so um yeah I don’t I don’t hate that um I think I’m still probably leaning toward Philly really yeah I think I think Philly is just a little bit shook right now and they don’t they’re not GNA have the the benefit of a buwe like the N

Like they’re going kind of through what the niners did and they’re not gonna have the benefit of a bye to okay let’s regroup and get locked in they’re still super talented though um if Jaylen is banged up like I think he is yeah he is he is converted to now that

The Eagles are B oh wait was it the Eagles aren’t a good football team or the Cowboys aren’t a good football te Cowboys are I said I said the Cowboys are question you said Jaylen Herz was asked and then you said well didn’t say asked

But I did bring in the question how good is he really you did ask that and I left he did I just walked out I didn’t want to KY ky’s looking at me Qui can I explain yeah I don’t sure go ahead and I’ll answer your question

Um yes so when Jaylen her yes the Rams are the biggest threat maybe very good very good that’s Kyle Matson ladies and gentlemen the inside with Jaylen Herz I really like Jaylen Herz like I I like Jaylen Herz as a player um I’ve always liked him from the way he handled the

Alabama thing I just admired a young man because of that and he’s I’ve always been a fan of him so I don’t I don’t say this like lightly saying like you know I’m taking shots like serani or something like that um but I remember watching him in the the the 2021

Playoffs in Tampa Bay and he was awful and I said guy’s not that good but he’s just I don’t really know what Philly’s gonna do because like I was like he might not even they’re gonna have to look for a franchise quarterback because he he was

Awful that game and I just like I don’t see it really getting better it’s not a thing of like he’s young and he needs to learn I just don’t I don’t think he’s good enough to lead him to a championship fast forward to the next year he was phenomenal it

Was phenomenal in that mvp season or should have been MVP season um got him to the Super Bowl in the Super Bowl he was he was great you know the two turnovers or whatever but still he was he was great they put up 33 or 35 whatever it was

And I was like damn I guess I was wrong like I was wrong I I you know put a label on him too early and and he did get better he’s that dude and then you had this year and he’s been he had I know he was

The MVP favorite and all this other stuff I I don’t think he’s been that good this year he’s been a little above average he hasn’t been an MVP to me an MVP caliber quarterback this year can I respond to that one thing when we did this exercise we looked at all of their

Numbers this was a few weeks ago this was before the losing streak I think so it was probably a month ago they were all he was on par with virtually everyone he was below the he was below Dak and Brock he was he was below D and

He was but below but it’s not like like grossly below not grossly but it wasn’t it’s like a little less they were all they were all like plus minus what a couple hundred yards a touchdown or two interceptions two or three well the turnovers he’s had a gang

Of turnovers but I feel like that’s I feel like that a lot of that has been in the last like five weeks well he didn’t have any against the 49ers he had two against the Cowboys or maybe one and then I don’t know if he

Had one or two last week so he had he’s he’s had a fumbling problem the one game they lost he threw three picks I mean Brock Bird’s thrown a bunch of PS I just I don’t think I don’t think he has has he um his so he’s thrown since week uh

Basically since the end of October he’s only thrown four picks prior to that he had thrown eight really he throw eight in the first jayen Herz five six weeks yeah damn for the first two months because I know he’s got 17 turnovers total I think that’s the number I saw he

Has the seventh highest interception right in the league mes I just don’t think I feel like last year was a little bit of an admiration when it comes to jam Herz I don’t think he’s I don’t think he’s last year from Philly here a little bit of a what admiration or

Admiration what I say admiration come on man sh out take another drink take another stop playing with me well I well no because I you said an admir so I thought you were saying like you were admiring J shout out Kevin oconnell an aberration U I thought last year was

Last year was the exception not the rule when you talk about the type of player Jaylen hers is in my opinion that doesn’t mean he’s bad it doesn’t mean I because this is the exact same thing you and I were talking about with Jordan pool the other day that’s

Right it was like exactly the same it was Jordan p is just not very good but but wait what yeah yeah no I want to get I want to get to that PA is coming back to go on state tonight but um going for four the the difference between the two

Is Jaylen had a horrible College season Jordan never had that I okay all right that’s fair wait was there a whole Jaylen Herz Jordan P discussion that I miss no it was just Jordan no it was just Jordan P he’s just using he’s applying the same kind of logic that I

Did my logic was Jordan P’s first two years in the league was not that was not a very good player and then the 2122 season when they won the title he was really really good like he was awesome he is a huge reason they won that that

Title and then the next year he wasn’t very good and then this year he’s not very good again and I think that that’s because he’s not just that good of a shooter but maybe it’s because he got punched I disagree with Jordan with the Jordan situation we talked about that though it

Might be because he got punch to the face I’ll conc that could be who knows who knows and before we leave to answer your question please um the question for those who got lost in all of that are the Rams the biggest threat to the San Francisco 49ers chances to get to

The Super Bowl I think they are I think they are I didn’t I gotta be honest I did not expect you to say that I think they are I think I think the Niners would handle the Lions so it’s I think so too I’m gonna I’m gonna go through

The standings right now okay okay Niners at home against all these teams Minnesota easy work that’s that’s a dub Philly I’m not gonna say easy work they beat him though yeah I think they win but it’s not 42 to 19 i i by 10 by 10 all right

Tampa Baker by Baker I don’t know man close game close gamey close game Baker’s hooping right now what’s uh what’s your kicker’s name again the Moody yeah moody moody at the buzzer maybe maybe maybe Moody at the buzzer against my boy Baker and the boys you

Done yep okay yeah I’m done big Tampa Bay guy big Tampa Bay guy uh Detroit I don’t buy them yeah they the ners might score 50 yeah I don’t buy it at all they control that game like no wether I think the lions are the Pacers no well well that’s not

Well I like the Pacers by the way I had the Pacers in I got the Pacers in the playoffs the lons are in the playoffs I I just I don’t I don’t got the Pacers winning the East and I don’t have the Lions winning the NFC okay okay they’re

Probably a year too early you know they can build on what what’s going on yeah they’re they’re they’re fine I just I don’t what what I’m just not can I say that what is it 11 and four 10 and four I don’t buy it I’m I’m digging I’m

Thinking way too hard on the Pacers thing can I say this with all due respect of course I think they’re more like the Kings because they areer the LI yeah because the lions are because the Lions and the Kings to me are like man the lions are like a dominant

Linebacker away or whatever like whatever they need defens I don’t want yeah I I don’t watch super tight where I’m like but they are like the Kings to me are a piece away and the lions are F there’s nothing wrong with Defender away there’s nothing wrong with from being

Being really there’s nothing wrong with that I wasn’t trying to take shots I don’t think I would have picked the Kings to win the finals last year so it’s fine and I’m not picking the Lions to win the the the NFC and then Dallas yeah so this is what I say I have

More Paws with Dallas than he does well this is what I said yesterday about Dallas um if you like kind of like go down the the the roster you know the the checkpoints or whatever like they’re kind of barely a good team like they’re they’re Elite on the defensive line

They’re good CD lamb when he’s going he’s as good as anybody but after that that linebackers are all the secondary yeah they make plays but they get toasted sometimes too offensive line is cool it’s a little older it’s not what it was but it’s still cool running back only PA’s all right

Quarterback that I think one like they’re not they’re not like they got a lot of holes okay I think I think I a do nothing one one of the biggest issues one of the biggest issues I think is I think the offensive line is solid except against that defensive line

That’s what like when you when you get into because the question isn’t the Cowboys versus the field the question is the Cowboys versus the 49ers and that’s where that matchup I think becomes an issue for Dallas because that defensive line and they’re playing without Armstead right now is nasty yeah I mean

It’s clear as that like I I’ve been yeah I’ve been on the whole train all year of like like Dallas gonna lose on on Sunday Dallas ain’t going on the road and beating no good team they’re not equipped to that’s the that’s the you talk about advantages the Niners have

Over Dallas it’s the coach back absolutely absolutely the talent the talent matters less so I say all that to say and then you say the Rams and as we talk about that I think the the games that would scare me the most if I’m the 49ers it’s it’s Philly

One Rams too so for me with the Rams it’s all of the like extra stuff like it’s all of the different stuff it’s all of the what’s the word I’m intangibles you know what I mean it’s the Shawn McVey Kyle Shanahan stuff it’s the locker room pep talk is

This guy gonna kick my ass again it’s it’s it’s it’s the yeah the familiarity it’s that type of stuff where it’s like that’s the same thing for me I don’t know man and they’re and they’re playing well we’ve seen teams we we you referenced the the Patriots earlier when

When uh uh someone called him was was talking about are they just going to win like the next 14 games or 15 games or something like that like well the you have that the the Patriots sad you know falling short late familiarity right the week 17 game I

Think that’s a big deal the fil uh familiarity with a division rival that’s a little that’s a little scary and then you had the Giants getting hot at the right time you got the Rams getting hot at the right time I think it’s a little scary that’s a big part of why the

Niners a to win this weekend make it so you can beat the commanders and wrap up the one seed and rest dudes against La that way that becomes just that little bit less of a factor I agree I was looking at this earlier because um when

My man brought that we gotta let K go home oh yeah no it’s just two second and we gotta go break PPM it’s 58 right yeah it’s 58 real quick so I was like damn like what did the 81 team do or maybe I was looking at 84 what did do what did

The 94 team do as far as like winning games in a row and the 94 team because it I’m sure it didn’t matter at all they lost the last game of the season well no no they lost on the last game of the season they they won their I can’t count

Here it would probably be about they probably won 13 of their final 14 games of the season but they L that was the year the Eagles beat him like 40 to eight yeah yeah and Steve Young got pulled from the game and everything yeah

What did they win last year 13 14 in a row it was like three months it was a lot I think it was like before the Philly game yeah and if they if they won the Super Bowl this year I think it would be like 13 games in a row 13 14

Games was week seven on no they lost week seven and then week eight on they won so we got to go everybody all right no no we’re coming back you have to go you’ve been here we got a break well no you’ve actually been talk on the other

Side on the other side bro that’s DAV don’t do that we’ll come back we’ve got um I don’t know what we have we’re not do we’re yo come back for Vibes yeah I got a question I got a I got a I got a question no I’m done can take another

Shot I’m done I’m done you got a question though yeah is a football question uh Sports question all right we’ll come back D Casey I oh will Z’s joining us too will Z take a shot bro let’s get James in here let’s give James a shot

James I bet I bet James already had a couple D and KC here on ESPN 1320 J try some of this 100 proof1 J oh James already had some wine there you go James little H proof for you oh oh that’s what we talking that’s what we doing it’s a

Party it’s a party yeah that dud that dude Kenny really shot a glass of whiskey almost died after dude really shot a glass of whis oh Kitty was like yeah ky’s a rookie yeah that’s good stuff Hammer that’s good stuff oh yeah I’m going to need those cuz this is a stiff ass

Drink I got you’ll be fine you’ll be fine so F anyone seen James Mike thank you bro I appreciate you Merry Christmas you too man tell the family uh give the family my love I’ll be back di in best fries in the game yeah he got the half the French

Tip oh K oh yeah have you had that before no fire Tac salad everybody else got French dips and Fries yeah I might uh I might get dinner there to be honest um do you want the rest uh oh yeah go ahead um will is 2:15 so yeah we we could break it 215 thank you yeah I tried to keep that por small because I knew you had

To he and happy holidays Michigan oh hey happy anniversary yeah yeah yeah for sure of course awesome that’s awesome man give her as well appreciate you see you guys in a couple weeks let me know if you need anything by the way this lit this show is you all right show is

As lit as I thought it would be yeah this is the fries oh yeah I’m I’m definitely get some fries need another plate I would just put them on this plate it’s nothing it’s nothing to a boss yeah because I’m gonna eat those fries this

Time they gave you a lot of fries that’s the Jame like every time I they don’t like do is there a special hey can I get the James handbag of fries well Aaron of course he ordered like a like a giant riye I don’t even know Aaron Aaron dude I swear I’m

Like hey if he can order riye on the card I can order an extra order of fries for the guy ma ax like lunch a RI bottle what happen who sings that song uh because it was pling out in the kitchen uh I didn’t I just used the one

I had before no oh I just I meant you got fries oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this will this will be great radio content what what song were you gonna ask me about that song to goooo oh you’re thinking of um I know the song you’re talking about

I can’t remember the band I don’t know what I think it must be the eagle that’s playing out there cuz I actually knew the words to a song when I went to get the uh the cups a few minutes ago yeah I did don’t know the word but I know that

One wooo I don’t know you’ve heard it if you if you oh I’m sure I have you heard but I think my musical taste is a little more diverse than yours Wake Me Up When September you a know nothing about that it’s green day you don’t know nothing about right

It’s Green Day you got the you got the Shazam up right now that’s how you what do you mean they saying it’s song to by blur oh I don’t know what that is okay that’s all I know of the song I don’t know if they have Wonder that’s

Got to be the eagle it could be the it could be all I love working at a radio station by the way just for those on the radio I drink the rest of Kyle’s whiskey so just just Cas you’re wondering what the next two hours are like James brought us some french fries

From Bennetts shout out to Bennetts I’m coming by Big Ups Big Ups Kim’s got her chatty house Social Club shirt on I don’t even know yeah Charlie’s here they just left Bennetts obviously well I’ll be damned we always told Kim she could have her own segment boy today is the

Day I’mma ask her she want come on do it go ahead oh Kenny was gonna ask me a question too and I forgot it y’all need to call cause oh who oh James is in here by the way I’m serving James uh hprof whiskey so yep got you uh James’s six quick

Thoughts could be a bit Wild tonight it’s a 100 Proof so be careful oh yeah well this is I I tried to I I I yeah go ahead enjoy anyway 96 uh 916993 20 you want to do the show today come on big time you want to do the show no you need

To sit down and do the show yeah well there’s fries right here there are fries like there’s fries in alcohol everywhere we’re on the radio right now this is the radio this for the record there’s no one in the control room right now this isn’t anything this isn’t a commercial break

Wait can I flip the camera you know how to do that I don’t know how to do that need to do so give us your thoughts on the Kings oh no don’t flip that the king why am I talking about because this is e ESPN

This isn’t one I’m not on no you are on I can’t hear myself CU you don’t have you don’t have oh my god dude this was a bad idea show her out show her out look so look what what were your thoughts on Jordan P when he was a warrior

Um what are you doing I’m reading the comments no get out of the comments bro yes that’s a dangerous place to live get out of the comments bro Amateur hour oh my God oh my God it’s on site who are you drew down that’s your boy Drew Down was the one who was

Wearing the chatty house Social Club shirt you said let me let why I got this shirt okay all right you have to go it’s a bad place here run away I don’t like these comments yo bro this is get out of the chat I it’s just like right there it’s

Just like a car accident keep looking at it thank you Katrina it is a dangerous place okay sorry I’m looking at you Damian eyes on you I want you guys to know that I beat Kenny and pull five five games that’s what we’re doing do no that’s what we’re doing Kim Damen don’t

You dare that’s what we’re doing there I know where you’re going don’t go there I was gonna ask you how your night was no we’re not leaving that that’s what we’re doing is that true is that true not true I beat Kim’s ass five times can I just acknowledge something because I

Acknowledge me cut that Jesse’s gonna be so mortified when he walks back in the studio and at uh 207 on Friday Kim no no no no no acknowledge the four no no no look at the 409 that’s the number Jesse needs to cut the 409 in the chat in the Stream

That’s that’s where Jesse can cut it where you see 409 the red where it says number oh got you got you y so I just want to just point this out to the people listening watching the whole thing you two did play pool quite a bit on on on Saturday you both stink

Oh no no no don’t do that theall I haven’t played in a couple years I would beat you I’d beat your ass but you notice that he never no one else wanted to challenge me no you both stink y’all played like one game for an hour let’s

Be honest like y’all we played five times play five games in an hour isn’t any better like y’all weren’t very good and I you ain’t gonna beat thing you have the pool table in your house so the only person who will beat me is in that studio right there Kyle Kyle’s very

Good I don’t know about that I’m not saying y’all are bad I’m telling you all right I I I’ll come through next I felt like I was good I’ll come I’ll come through you I had what do you call them hits what hits yeah what do you call

Them there was there was there was about I’d say 15 times when Kim would hit the the QQ ball and also hit the ball that she was trying to hit with the with the pool stick talented that’s not that’s not even legal that would actually probably end the game can you show

Alcohol on here can I show alcohol yeah we’ve been drinking for an hour have you guys oh I have been too honestly we were at no we know we were at Bennett the best yeah love Bennett I had the French 75 I ordered two of them I only got through

One and a half Aon had fin M went no they’re so drunk so strong the last time we were at Bennett I had an Uber home I’m glad I’m glad that’s not happening today no I know like are you the Charlie came back a uh you I came

Back because complex actually left me for dead man have you ever noticed complex leaves you a lot have you ever thought about why that is um no he said he was in the hall when he was waiting for me but he just left me for Dad so it happens for those

Watching and listening who are expecting Kings talk just hang on wait couple minutes not like look at yourself all day in the camera I mean no I’m aware like no I’m I’m aware I do red light therapy and eye cream and so Botox next week because I have a line

Right here and my older sister doesn’t sorry are you want to talk about sports no no no you don’t line I do it’s like right here that’s because you just scrunched your face maybe if you didn’t look mad all day it wouldn’t happen oh that can’t well yeah don’t be a bully

Around here I’m not a bully how was your night last night did you go to Trader Joe’s last night no I uh facetimed with someone oh who you know yo I I’ve said this a thousand times I wouldn’t be able to survive in today’s dating world this girl let talk about it

This girl’s on like apps like nine apps like she’ll she’ll send like a screenshot of something hey look at this and all I can see is the 10 notifications from is the guy with the diaper on remember that did I not that

Bro he had I to find the P I send it to complex speaking of the double Li appear he’s over there I had the guy in the diapers over there no complexes I sent it to him but there’s this guy and he had a diaper on it was like his thing

What can I say and can I not say you could say that but that’s wild I did Jessie like that’s crazy like what yeah that’s on his dating profile yeah it was like his thing I’ll have to find it and he he messaged you well I

Was just swiping I was like oh no that was like his thing that he wanted to be um treated like a baby you need to report that bro this is wild like whatever you’re into I just don’t want to be a part of it what you doing for the holidays you

Cooking um I make we do a breakfast casserole every Christmas for like Christmas morning so I’m making that and then my mom’s making the dinner okay okay last year I made the dinner I smoked a prime rib on the Trager hey is that that’s the shoot you really did

That yeah oh good for you and then I did it the Christmas before that too Dam so again y y’all getting to know Kimberly Kim is the only person in the building who who has close to as much money as Kenny I don’t have she’s got way more

Money than I do that might be true she’s got a movie theater in her house that’s facts she’s got like sorry Dam don’t you no I have well no you’re right you are right Kim you are right with a short throw projector and those things are

What like maybe 2500 3,000 yeah this is a shoot no this that’s that’s a good call good call it’s a good call say you don’t have say you don’t have a movie theater this isn’t about me this is about y’all the Trager was a gift it was a like a birthday gift from

Someone my sister maybe wow you don’t even remember do you want to say hi to your sister here you’re on can I say you know for the world to see do you want to give a shout out to her hey girl you know what’s great this is my favorite part

About all this hey girl Jesse’s gonna cut this video no he’s not oh this one on YouTube you’re on the show Kimberly talks about like the Kings in the comments are gonna kill Jess yeah Kim say something about de Fox being MVP so I can throw in the title I

Don’t I have okay this is way too much information about me I have a three-bedroom house and one of the bedrooms is a movie room the other one’s has nothing to do with de okay we’re gonna get back to our regular schedule show wi wow bro you see hey complex came in

He’s like hey make sure you have your hand on the dumb button yeah no we know appreciate compx say goodbye to everybody to oh hey okay no Kim no we’re still on the radio sweetheart we’ll come back is Ste and KY number one number one number

One look at just an empty chair right in the middle of Us’s well shout out will Z one up guys will if you don’t go get some whiskey bro you’re not catch up with us if I wasn’t working today I would have started when you guys started oh we’re

At work what you talking about I know this bag of James ham fries is nuts I love that you two are just like the epitome of the late night Munchies right now after a full evening of drinking it’s incredible I only have one just a couple

Of glasses of whiskey yeah I just love B fries ZW down say still better than 11:40 hey man we just doing what we can we just doing what we can one two and three one two and three you’re having fun chiny house is having fun did anyone have a bigger year

Than than Pat McAfee show well I me PO he didn’t even get no money well that’s true we should have knew that instantly he back his deal they gonna sign yo how crazy is it that Shad tiny got less money than Kenny that’s fact man hey did Odyssey

Defer your money till the end of the contract I told you they backloaded it so they could pay us oh that’s right that’s right Odyssey gave me all the money up front which explains why I’m broke let me get a couple so you can kill the bag no after one more

Hand I’m out the game got fries on cookies this is crazy yeah that is pretty alud did um leevar do his in 2023 did you start that in 2022 boy that’s that’s a good call though leard gotta that Hof is a I’m just staying away I have my I had my drink

That ended up being a shot are you out at 4 oh oh Lord what is going on in there Kenya I still can’t believe you’re out here doing shots of I’m not nice whiskey no Dam you’re doing it right Kenny yeah come on oh yeah I don’t know what she

Doing you’re not supposed to be in there hey just stop the bat signal if you need help bro St up the bat signal if you need help tuck your ha behind your [Laughter] ear oh will will you ain’t got to work man you don’t have any meetings today you told

Me I don’t doesn’t mean I don’t have to work though no unfortunately all right hang on will all right back to your regular schedule program what a day if Miss Fox thought I was eating on the air before Oh my God I just got this is crazy if

You ever go to Bennetts particularly the one in Roseville just ask for the James ham size bag of fries because I’ve ordered food from them a million times and have never gotten a bag this big full of french fries yeah shout out to Ben Kim says you’re

Welcome thank you Kimberly my card she used her card oh it’s the Odyssey card wow should have used the Odyssey card for that gift you got last night it was welcome in will Z here to talk uh Kings and Suns tonight and probably a variety of other things will what are the um

Well obviously new dad but what are the what are the the the will Z and Hannah family traditions for for Christmas um we usually go Christmas Eve at one of our family’s house Christmas Day on the other kind of depends on some other schedules around the family as

Well but usually split it her family does I love the this we always do fondue uh for dinner usually on Christmas Eve if the schedules line up just a fun a fun way to have dinner um and then just get together with my side of the family all the grandparents and obviously with

The baby this year it’ll be fun to to do that and just we all just sit and stare at her when we’re all together right right are you a uh I think Jesse asked this yesterday uh a Christmas Eve presents versus Christmas Day presents yeah it’s always been a mix of both uh

Growing up it was with my dad’s side we would do Christmas Eve and do presents with them and then Christmas morning we do it with my mom’s side um also I think my mom shout out to my mom she’s uh in the chat right now I think she always Tunes

In but yeah so mix of both depending on on the family that we’re with DLo and casy your mama’s favorite show that sounds about right put on a shirt I’m just saying put it on a shirt all right TR it yeah I um yeah for the longest we

Did Christmas Eve you know as a as a like your your full family but the immediate family that lives in the house like we always Christmas Day and that’s how we do it so good stuff um will are you I don’t know I don’t I don’t know if

I’m were speaking or not I you want to talk about the the text that you sent Daman yesterday oh yeah okay I didn’t know I didn’t know yeah I know I thought was a cool story yeah I finally got off my butt and went to Target to get a few

Things um was going towards the baby section pick out a fun new toy and turn around and see Malik monk just the West Sack Target that’s awesome what so I went up to him I got up the courage I was like hey hey Will

Did he do that no I went up I was like Hey Malik I do stats on Twitter like he would care that I do that and he’s like oh the nice man uh happy holidays Merry Christmas like H I don’t know what I was expecting but just one of those things

Where like he doesn’t care about me like he was super nice like don’t get it wrong super nice um had a bunch of people coming up to him the worst thing hey on Twitter oh man the worst thing is my ankles completely covered oh so bad yep it’s all right at least I wasn’t wearing my Crocs though so that’s a that’s a plus that’s awesome we were wondering I couldn’t remember when you sent that message Casey was like where’s where’s will I

Was like God I can’t remember so it was the West Sack uh I was like it’s probably somewhere near near downtown but I can’t I can’t remember where will is I know he live downtown but yeah West that’s fantastic yeah and they were doing a bunch of stuff they had cameras

There slamson was on his roller skates just speeding through all of Target on his roller skates in classic slamson fashion was dearon there because didn’t they go out together I didn’t see him was this a this was a was he like just did he just run out of like body wash no

They were doing something uh I think dearon was there too you must have just missed him because I think Fox I we got we got something from the Kings this morning I think Fox and Malik went out together yeah they’re doing something pretty clearly um something to support

The local families which you got to appreciate and love and it’s just one of the many great things that this organization does yeah for sure well speaking of well and we’ll get to the game tonight we have a good time tonight um favorite moment we’ll keep it King

Specific I won’t even do that Sports any sport yeah my favorite moment 2023 for you yeah it’s a copout but it’s game one um it’s it’s just one of those things where there will never be another sporting event live that I go to I think that will ever top that just because of

All the circumstances around it the 16year playoff drought the me getting into this little hobby of stats and stuff and being uh just more involved with the team in that way the atmosphere getting there at like noon and just the buzz you could feel it from the get-go

And then them winning and taking all of those expectations the energy and having that result from it it was just a once in a-lifetime sporting event that easily top moment for me you know what’s really sad about that when I referenced game one I referenced me and TK going to the

To the wine spot and eating and drinking chne how will Z and Hannah came over to us you notice when will told the story he left out me and me and TK that shows you I am like if if it was KC there with TK oh it would have been it would have

Been big news and and as we as we segue to this game tonight versus Phoenix y’all want to know especially in the chatty house how much trouble we’re in look who’s in the control room oh yeah we’re in big trouble whenever whenever whenever Charlie man Bott away

Charlie well to be fair it was Charlie that gave us the bottle well that’s true bring it back out that’s how you know we’re in trouble when Charlie’s in the studio um that’s incredible first night of a back-to-back will yep it’s it’s the Kings and the Suns obviously they’ve already played

This year know Kevin Durant the first time they played Now Kevin Durant is on the NBA MVP ladder how about that good for him a 30-point score in the NBA MVP ladder there’s only one that’s not I like you guys guess who it is um one let’s start with this no two-part

Questions because that’s bad journalism let’s start with this what went right in in in the first game where where where did you feel like the Kings hey they had to do this better than Phoenix and they were able to do that um as my dog barks in the

Background well it’s a Malik monk fan they’re they’re they’re excited for this I think last game what went so well is the Suns didn’t get to the free throw line very much and when they did they didn’t make them and that’s such a huge Advantage for

Phoenix um I think Durant being out was a big part of that but the kings were able to hold strong with 16 made free throws compared to the Suns 15 uh Sun shot 65.2% King shot 80% that’s really kind of inverse on what we’re seeing for the season

Splits so it was just kind of them not letting the Suns play their game of winning at the free throw line I thought um and then just doubling Booker they made others beat them which I don’t know if you can do that tonight again the Kings like to send like the quick double

Team at the half court line Blitz off a screen if you do that with Kevin Durant on the floor that’s very different from doing it to Booker without Kevin Durant yeah then it’s literally a game changer I feel like will I I I feel like will is saying

That uh Kevin Durant is a Difference Maker in tonight’s game little bit kind of I don’t want to put words in your mouth will but um but yeah one of the go ahead k no go no keep going I was going to say one of the things I looked up was the games

That KD and Booker have played together there’s been 14 of them and the suns are eight and six when they both play which is fine it’s something where I think their Supporting Cast still doesn’t do enough on a nightly basis the I mean looking at Booker and

KD have combined for at least 50 points so between the two of them in 13 of those 14 games so like they’re getting theirs I think they topped at 66 and they lost that game it’s like they’re going to get their numbers it happens they’re going to combine for at least 50

Just write it in pen odds are it’s going to happen it’s can the others score enough and that’s just been the it was a question mark coming into the season question mark now for the Suns and I just don’t know if they can you tweeted and wrote about uh Malik

Monk’s contributions to the bench and then the the the bench overall uh what is Malik meant to that second unit and how is that going to factor in tonight yeah he does such a good job of not only scoring Off the Bench but it’s also the

Playmaking we all know it we talk about it but when you look at his numbers he has 135 assists this year those are all off the bench the rest of the king’s bench combined has 124 and that’s specific to games that they played Off the Bench that’s not

Like if DTE started a game and got assist those aren’t counted he just has the unique ability to impact the game in both ways I don’t know if the Kings have a bench player who can come in and do his playmaking skills I think they have plenty of guys

Who can come in and score and pick up his 14 to 18 points but to me it seems like if he is out still questionable I think is it maybe just going to be more Fox handling more sabonis more of the starters kind of running the offense with that second

Unit than we usually see without him being out there to kind of facilitate that second unit offense there’s a uh a tweet I know he’s listed as questionable um but Mark haes the Sacramento Observer tweeted out not too long ago he’s hearing that Malik is playing

Like yeah Malik might have to die before like Malik’s going to play like he was questionable the against Boston yeah so he gonna play he’s expected to play as as of right now um we see how plays out but um do you will do you how do how do

The Suns Shape Up on the defensive end um it’s kind of hard to tell because they got so many guys in and out of the lineup but is the I know they Kings faced a a really tough defensive team um in Boston obviously and you know they

Had their their ups and downs with them is Phoenix a little bit of uh little bit of the same type of defensive team or a little bit easier they’re a little bit easier they come into the game with the uh 16th ranked defense they’re very average across the board in

Terms of strength and weakness weaknesses they don’t have something that really jumps off the page in terms of like oh they give up a really good three-point percentage or they give up a lot of free throws it’s just kind of everything is in that 15 to 20 range or so in terms of

Ranks so I think that the Kings should be able to find some spots throughout the game but none that are kind of super glaring but at the same time that goes for their strengths on defense as well is they’re not going to shut you completely down in any

Aspect there’s uh it’s it’s when you think that you guys are talking defense there but when you think about Kevin Durant and Deon Booker I think the first thing that pops to your mind is is is offense obviously Kevin uh Durant not around the first time these two teams

Played can the Kings you know that’s a 30 point per game score and Kevin Durant can the Kings withstand a big night from Kevin Durant and a big night from Devin Booker do the numbers show that they can they can they can withstand that because I I look at I

Look at what Kevin Durant’s doing and then I look at the Phoenix Suns record I look at what Devon Booker’s doing I look at the Phoenix Suns record obviously a lot of that has to do with the fact Bradley Beal’s not there they still haven’t you know really gotten their

Footing yet as a as a complete team like these guys have for the most part been around Kevin Durant’s been around Booker’s been in and out particularly early in the season but I know that’s probably the first thing that comes to Kings fans mind is can you sustain a big

Night from their two big scores yeah and I think that they can um I want to look up how many 20o games the other guys have had it’s I think that yeah I think that it’s something where they definitely can suain it and I think that’s what the

Eight and six record with both of them playing kind of shows you’ve got Eric Gordon who can get hot from three I think On Any Given night and you look out for that but there other there other guys Grayson Allen again he shoots 44.9% from three

Which is great but it’s only on 4.9 attempts per game um Danny FR they just don’t have high volume three-point Shooters outside of Gordon at 6.7 uh even Kevin Durant like he’s only taking 4.7 threes per game so he’s shooting a ridiculous 46.7% but the volume isn’t there so I

Think it’s just limiting those open looks as much as possible for the others I wouldn’t get carried away if they start hitting them um but yeah I’ll look up if you guys want to want to talk I’ll see what I can find yeah well he looks this up I mean

As if the day couldn’t get any weirder my son is in the chat why is that weird he’s never been in the chat before and he told me his sister is awake well and then on top of that he says is it close to guaranteed win for the Kings since

There’s no ner basketball take I didn’t even know question yeah I didn’t even know he was out this guy’s breaking news on here that’s a really good question so nurkic if you go by onoff net rating difference n has been yeah nurit has been the sun’s best player

By so that’s a big deal yeah that is a big deal I didn’t know I literally did not know N I didn’t either I I didn’t I only have the injury report up when we’re cons like I don’t have any concern over Malik monk playing I only have the

Injury report up when we’re concerned about one of our guys playing and then if if it’s if it’s someone on the other team I just wait for the Tweet to pop up I didn’t even see the nerkish tweet I didn’t I don’t know have Twitter I don’t

Even know how he found this out hey Reese’s D and case’s official chief medical analyst no that’s fine yes that’s fine yeah he’s out for personal reasons tonight oh okay Reas Bea well do better W Los to 11 year old I love it um will

We got a do we have a swing set for tonight I didn’t put one in the article I might still find one um have one the last time these two teams played um I don’t know I can find it I don’t know why I expected you to memorize every

Swing stat from every game 20 games into the season but I guess that’s just why I guess that’s just what I did yeah I do have an answer for the kind of the other players so there’s been I put in 20 who on the Suns has scored over 20

Points this season so you’ve got Eric Gordon obious obviously Kevin Durant at 22 Devin Booker at 17 Eric Gordon’s at six nurkic is at three Grayson Allen’s at two and Bradley Beal’s at one so they just don’t have other than again that Gordon game that’ll come every now and

Then at six naric is out like ree said big deal so I don’t I don’t know if they they have that really other offensive Firepower to keep up yeah that’s the thing I mean even if I’m not look they might go for 80 a piece I’m not trying

To jinx nothing or nothing like that but even if book and KD went for 40 a piece it’s only 80 points probably gonna need another you know 35 to 40 somewhere else to to win in theory that’s how it should be yeah in theory in actuality I don’t

Think that works because if those guys are going for 80 there’s probably something going on on the other end of the floor that’s not going great you know what I mean’s a lot yeah that’s what I’m saying like I’m going crazy of course there’s the yeah we’ve talked

About we talked about it with M of course there’s the Clippers game where Malik and dear went for 80 plus and it was a one-point game so maybe there is actually no you know factual basis to that idea um I I was a little apprehensive about this game this

Morning but I feel like when the Kings have games like they did you know the other night against Boston and they’ve always responded pretty well you know we talk about I think it was the Pelicans game that responded with a win against the nuggets and you know it was no Jamal

Murray but whatever like they beat the Denver Nuggets uh I feel like and I think you could take this back to last season too they’ve responded pretty well after after games that infuriated the fan base Casey I think you said this yesterday win a couple they’re going to

Get blown out and we’re going to start this cycle all over again um but I was a little I was a little apprehensive going into this game but like overall I think I feel pretty good about him they’ve done a good job responding regardless of of the outcome I don’t think they’re

Getting blown out tonight so I don’t I don’t I don’t know I don’t like this Phoenix Suns team though I’ll say that yeah like Kevin Durant a lot like Devon Booker a lot don’t like this Phoenix Suns team and then just to close the book on

The swing stat if we have time I don’t know yeah yeah absolutely got time goad for last game it was fast break points and teams are pretty much right in the same spot so last game I looked at how they were both right next to each other in the season standings for that

And they still are right next to each other in the season standings so let’s just double up on it swing stat fast break points kings are averaging 11.7 suns are at 11.6 the Suns play a very slow game they like to get to the line they are I don’t have the the number

Right in front of me but they’re pretty low in pace so see if the Kings can get out and run and get some easy buckets which is still something that I feel like we’ve been saying it over and over and over again is can we please get more

Transition buckets so something to keep an eye on for tonight you might have said this and I apologize if I missed it did you say the fast break points from the first time these two teams played uh I did not but 16 to3 got it right here

16 to 13 in favor of the Kings uh so the Kings won fast break points Second Chance points by a lot 16 to six yeah uh but they got beat up in in in in points in the paint I I I say but they won that game by yeah and that’s gonna happen

With this team the Suns take so many two-pointers not just the mid-range they they just are a two-point heavy team and that’s where you get into the whole question I have the same question about the Lakers it’s just the whole concept of three is more than two repeated over

And over again just don’t know if I can trust a nonheavy three-point shooting team and that’s what the sun’s team is the sun’s sneaky are struggling yeah like I yeah I I got beat by Portland the other night blew a lead yeah like 12 13 that was a low that was

Like what was it I I don’t like 109 106 105 something like that it was a relatively low scoring game they lost seven of 10 going I didn’t know it was that rough they’ve been really propped up by a seven game winning streak in like the middle of the season the middle

Of where we’ve been other than that it’s it’s not great 14 and 13 on the season let’s put them at 500 let’s do that I’m with that yeah I’m with that uh will happy holidays man Merry Christmas thank you guys enjoy your time off we’ll

Miss you guys but hope that you get some recharge and I look forward to seeing you when you get back well we appreciate you my friend thank you as always well we’ll be following tonight and tomorrow thanks guys all right thanks will Z that’s our man right there uh and yes we

Will be off next week for those just tuning in the Insiders will be on the air from 10: to two so you won’t be uh without your Sacramento Kings coverage man you’ll get the best of it with uh James ham and K mats and James ham uh if

He soers up will’ll join us and Charlie out there drinking whiskey together man that that H proof it’s h proof it is yeah it don’t miss the people who are here still are big chilling right now oh yeah major chill that’s cuz they the the the alcohol consumption with the people

Who are still here is pretty strong this is Old School radio baby this is what the 70s was like who’s talking is that step who’s talking in the in the yeah that’s okay she’s well she’s trying to get some stuff done in there croan oh Rich

Ripley did you know I I can’t believe we didn’t lead the show oh I know why we didn’t lead the show with this what did we lead the show with the the rookie ladder or not the rookie ladder the MVP ladder hell froze over John Hollinger wrote something

Relatively positive about a member of the Sacramento Kings that’s Say It Ain’t So that’s true story true story he wrote an article he wrote an article entitled all NBA stocking stuffer team and the idea is he’s talking about guys who have done really well in their role expected or unexpected one of the

Players undrafted in 2022 Keon Ellis played only 71 minutes as a rookie with the Kings and was clinging to the edge of the roster on a two-way contract then a funny thing happened Mike Brown got frustrated with his bench and started playing Ellis a a lot and talk talk talk talk talk he’s

Essentially snatched the rotation spot previously held by 2021 lottery pick Davon Mitchell goes out to point out a number of things that he has done well in his role I triple checked John Hollinger wrote this article can he pronounce his name though n Ellis well Jus Ramsey shout out step baby baby

Steps baby steps is moving I guess you would say moving down in the Sacramento hate hate rankings he saw an opportunity after what Kevin o Collin did this week he saw an opportunity and he’s like let me get this nice little blur out about Leon Ellis yeah and if

He’s talking Keon too we we always talk about this that means he’s watching that’s actually that’s a sh H he knew Keon is now and I said Leon before that’s what he would call him I know it’s Keon but he know Keon yeah he for those who have missed

Hollinger’s only appearance on this show big Jus Ramsey what he said the the Killer part was he said that after like Jam’s two like worst games like maybe the two worst games as a professional ath questioning if he should be in the NBA and he was like well they got him

Well who was that oh Bob Bob Wood oh Bob was would have been a fine defensive Bob was rough hey speaking of defensive ends where’s your boy Carson Edwards at Europe is he really got he is Europe I saw him playing might the year uh not the year

But when Sasha was still over there I saw him playing was he too short I don’t think he knew what like Isaiah Thomas was short and but he knew how to get to the rim and use his size where like it worked every time Carson Edwards got to

The rim it was just like a car crash he just didn’t know how to use his size he just knows how to do leg squats Carson was a bucket I liked Carson he was good in the summer league for Boston every time he played but he never never connected with during the

Regular season I thought he was gonna make it um who who that a it’s a good question though who what are the we could talk about this when we come back what are the we don’t like you rankings here in Sacramento all right Carson Edwards is in Germany by the way playing

For Bayern Munich okay uh we’ll come back we’ll have the we don’t like you rankings that’s a positive way to go into Christmas I’ll I’ll pull James ham away from his uh whiskey over there I we we we mentioned it yesterday we didn’t talk about it the Zion thing the

Contract um and then of course like I said James I got a question for you too and James can answer it to it’s it’s whatever bro I’m gonna pour another glass B Sacramento’s naughty list when we get [Laughter] back oh that’s tremendous Jesse throwing the brakes now I love shout out Sherl

And and Bal I almost said El gr Sherl and Baltimore what’s going on shout out to lezy um we got our uh I haven’t been able to really watch it yet but we got the the wedding video to us man so that’s what I’ll be watching I guess I could do 13th round

But um yeah okay I’ll do it real quick I’ll do it real quick hey shout out Ryan Garcia I never thought I’d say that well I gotta hear about this hold on one second I gotta hear about this 13th round with your main man Kenny carway

Shout out to the Jordan brand Big Ups to my people over there shout out to the dope ones and shout out to Cola seos you already know what it is Go Peep that go get you some some good stuff um they got a big like uh

Heavyweight like I don’t even I don’t even know what to call it like it’s a big heavyweight fight card over in Saudi Arabia uh tomorrow and it it’s actually pretty good it’d be better if it wasn’t in Dubai um did I say it’s in Dubai somewhere um but yeah it’s a great card

Anthony Joshua is on there Jerel Big B baby Miller is on there and Deontay Wilder is on there as well and the whole thing with this is if Joshua and Wilder win their respective fights against Odo wallan and Joseph Parker they’ll fight each other in 2024 now the unfortunate thing about

This is it’s going to be in Dubai again and this is the worst thing that has happened to boxing in a long time is having these fights in Dubai I mean it is awful and that’s where a lot of these guys want to keep going for some money

And go get the bag and all this other stuff I can’t fault them for trying to get the bag bag but it’s it’s terrible it’s not doing anything to grow the sport I absolutely hate it when you talk about Joshua and Wilder you think about that fight being at the very least in

The UK in the weak buildup to that fight or if it was in Vegas or New York City in the week build up to that fight instead it’s gonna be in Dubai garbage absolute garbage so fight card should be pretty cool though I’m looking forward to see what comes of it

I think both guys will win that will set up the fights that they’ll have in 2024 and um yeah shout out bomb squad 13th round what did what did Ryan do because he’s want like he’s going after the top fighters like they’re talking to Haney and stuff like that

That’s all I’ve ever asked like he’s not a good fighter he’s not a good fighter I’ll say that like he’s not good or whatever he’ll lose to Haney and stuff but I got respect if you like huh hany got a little glass jaw I want to see

What that look like if Ryan get the hook off hate on Ryan a little too much he’s fine he’s he’s not he’s not like those guys Good’s he’s I’m not saying good he’s okay no he’s a good fighter he’s a based off what below just the eye test

You see the eye test these guys yeah I I saw him get knocked out by Tank Davis T everybody get knocked out by Tank Davis everybody is everybody there’s nobody from 130 to 140 that’s standing up to tank Davis it’s not happening that’s I’m not gonna criticize him for that I but

This is what this is what Ryan does that fight happen in part because of Ryan yeah you know what I mean Ryan was like nah like forget it let’s make this one happen I don’t think if him as a Tik Tok fighter anymore I’ll say that yeah uh I

Want to see what he does with um I think he’s with Derek James I want to see what he does with Derrik James in this in this corner this studio is a mess does he beat Shakur I think Shakur is better but I think I think Ryan Ry that left hook is

For real for real and and he got tank with it a couple times tank was able to stand up to it can Devon and Shakur stand up to it that’s gonna be the key T answer your I’ll get off the fence I think Shakur wins but Ryan’s got a puncher

Chance well we’re back this is definitely a radio show it’s a hell of a radio show James Ham’s going to join us in just a couple of minutes this is one of our best I think so this is an alltime I think and Kim finally got to be on the radio so

Yeah we got two drops out of Kim too and acknowledge me and hey girl that was funny she did hit us with a bye you have to forgive me I’m eating a brownie that commercial break was a lot shorter than I thought me ask let me ask

Um one of the questions I know for sure oh shout out to Mama Fox pulled up on that was that was great stuff um the Dodgers are getting Yamamoto so sorry now they’re gonna have Yamamoto this the star pitcher from Japan yeah and Sh Otani um good for the sport yeah so I

Did form an opinion on that stuff and normally I just kind of let baseball go and don’t really weigh in just watch or take big conversations I’ll take part in whatever I really don’t like the Deferred money thing that feels that’s not a show thing and it’s

To be to be to be fair it’s not a Dodger thing it’s a thing that the Major League Baseball allows and it feels obviously in in sh’s case or in any athletes case you have to agree to do it right so that’s that’s that’s on them but the idea that it

Essentially does not affect your salary cap or what major league baseball has in terms of a salary cap it’s obviously a lot different than the NFL it’s a lot different than Major League Baseball but there are penalties for massive Spenders to find a loophole in that to me feels

Like it throw like it throws the like it defeats the spirit of it and do I think it’s bad for the sport no because for me like ters got to prove they can win so no it’s not it’s not bad for the sport in that sense I just don’t think it’s

It’s fair like every free agency comes around and it essentially just who’s going to sign with the Dodgers who’s going to sign with the Dodgers like I don’t there’s like the Yankees even getting them no more the Dogers so and that’s the and that’s the other thing like from a

Um from an in like is it bad for the sport in the sense of like an interest level in the off season yeah it is because I don’t care when the off season comes around Show’s a free agent it was all okay I’m interested of course he’s

One of the he’s a generational player he’s very very literally one-of a kind I’m very curious to where he winds up it’s the Dodgers okay hey yo there’s this hot you know is I think Japanese product he’s a pitcher Giants are involved okay so sh just did that

Deferred money and you don’t want me to connect these two dots okay we never talked about it was like I’m like I don’t I’m not supposed to see this breaking news he sign Yoto signs with the Dodgers okay bro like it’s not it’s you ask is it bad for

The sport it’s not good right cuz it’s just kills my interest right and it feels like all we’re talking about and and you’re right you make a great point the Yankees aren’t even in the conversation but even when they are that’s all we’re talking about is it

It’s it’s it’s it’s the Yankees and it’s the Dodgers and this offseason was all about the Dodgers but I can’t get over the Deferred money thing that to Crazy feels absolutely insane and if shohi wants to defer his money and it creates some cap relief so be it but to create

Like you’re paying him be a percentage the fact that you’re paying him is uh $70 million yeah or you know that’s that’s what the contract averages out and it and it counts towards two right that that that’s that’s there’s Beane there’s got to be a percentage limit

Where it’s like okay you can defer up to 10% or something like that can defer 90% of it that’s that’s not the look for me I get that but the MLB like all those teams have like the same rules they can play but I think the issue is the issue

Is I think is like you talk about like the Yankees like the Yankees and Dodgers think were the only two left for you it’s just the Dodgers it’s the Yankees maybe a couple other teams there’s only four teams in the MLB that really spend now everyone else is cheap they don’t

Spend I think that’s what the issues is they all go to the Dodgers because it’s like okay you’re going to go to New York or La that’s all it ever comes down to because it’s the Mets the Yankees and the Dodgers the angels and then the

Giants I guess if you’re into that fake hustle stuff the Giants are never these other teams need to start spending more like the Red Sox are basically the Tampa Bay race they don’t spend like they used to or anything like that they just get by or whatever what the hell happened to

Them they don’t spend baseball doesn’t spend it’s not a Dodgers problem it’s the rest of the league bball baseball’s in a weird spot these owners are just trying to pocket money who shoot I’m sorry was it the Mets someone matched the Yamamoto contract I I didn’t seen I think think it was the

Mets probably one of the New York but I guess that’s a New York team so maybe maybe maybe maybe that doesn’t matter but it it sounds like and I and I understand your point Jesse but it sounds like the Giants not trying to you know piss you

Off as you like to say Double J Kenny carway off um the Giants were willing to spend $700 million it sounds like and and if and if I have the team wrong I’m sorry I think it was the Mets they were willing to spend uh 3 20 million or whatever yamamoto’s

Contract was it sounds like there there there are some teams that are willing to spend and let’s not the Texas Rangers just won the World Series yeah but it’s only it’s it’s it’s like a less than a third of your league though still it’s

Only a handful of team I get it no it really feels like the league is you know we like we kind of talk about this in the NBA but I don’t know I don’t know maybe it’s smoking mirrors it really is like this in the NBA too but it feels

Like everybody’s a part of the league you know what I’m saying like what do you mean like the Brewers they can’t compete with this they have they’ll have a good guy for two years and then he’s gonna leave yeah I got you you know what I mean like and

He’s gonna go to the Dodgers or maybe the Yankees maybe the Mets and that’s about it like people always say this about the the um the the Lakers but it really does feel like the rest of the league is uh a minor a farm system for the Dodgers and the Yankees

Because if if you don’t sign there as a free agent your team is g to make a deal sending one of those guys there all the time and I don’t I I love baseball maybe I’ll even maybe some of it has to do with the fact that it’s the Dodgers and

There’s bitterness there for me but this is interesting I’m not this isn’t interesting like the way the league is set up going into 2024 not interest like the the regular season at least like the postseason is always interesting but this isn’t captivating so I I I got you in that regard

But does it help that they’re not winning like the Dodgers do all of this the Yankees you could talk about all these teams that do all this I think the Rangers did spend some money but they they do all this and they they wind up not winning anyways but you got to wait

Six months to get to the point where they’re not winning because like the regular season it’s like they’re not going to compete they’re gonna win like 115 games they just and that’s just what it is they’re gonna win every night win games and then the drama really starts

Once you get to the playoffs so you have the length the sheer length of the regular season and the fact that it’s not competitive working against you if you’re major leag it’s not competitive then the thing that they they thought was like uh supposed to help the the

League I don’t know if it really helps is now you got the the extended playoffs like the the teams that make the playoffs that ain’t helping nothing that makes the regular season even more of a waste because now to me because now it’s like oh man maybe the Florida Marlins

Who are three games under 500 they can make the second wild card team stinks who cares that’s not intriguing it’s much more intriguing when you got four spots and somebody you know a a pretty good team is fighting for that last spot that’s much more intriguing than an

Extra round in playoffs in my opinion you’re listening to DLo and Casey on kfm West Sacramento 98.5 FM CarX qd2 Sacramento ESPN 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app we’re talking baseball you know Ramsey wants to weigh in 916 99320 Ramsey what’s going on baby not too much gentlemen merry Christmas happy

Holidays brother thank you and the and the talking this whole Dodgers talk probably the most underrated move that nobody’s really talking about is the trade that they’re about to complete getting Tyler glass now who was the ray top pitcher added to their roster so it’s technically they’ve already made

Three moves and I and sadly I don’t think they’re done probably not I mean probably not they’re going they’re going to do whatever and as they should hell I’m the 49ers fan that said go get everybody do what you have to do to get as close as you can to guarantee in the

Championship so I don’t I don’t blame the Dodgers or anything like that for doing what they got to do to go and I don’t mean this disrespectfully buy a championship I want the Niners to buy a champion I don’t care so go buy a World Series but they’re doing what they’re

Supposed to do so so a different question if all of these moves had been spread out across the league atani and mamoto Trey stars move all would it have made the offseason more interesting would forget the offseason would it have made the start of the regular season more interesting absolutely it would

Have absolutely because now we got these guys it’s it’s almost like it’s like the NBA almost like you can you you can you can be interested in almost any team in the league right because any every team in the league has somebody that you want

To see even the Pistons I want to see what Kade looking like they’re probably gonna lose but I want to see what kade’s looking like the Washington Jordan and KZ um San Antonio uh wimy everybody got somebody there’s the Giants definitely don’t have nobody I want to see not one person and there’s

Probably another 15 teams like that in the league I I I hear you I want to get to shot of man and Jeremy too but like I I I hear you but doesn’t that make the start of the Season interesting for like a week or

Two because I go back no C well I go back to our our frustration I think it was a week ago Friday why the hell are the Spurs on my television again put 20 games into this thing I don’t want to see them anymore they’re terrible I

Don’t I don’t want to see them either but at the very the very least Spurs on TV we see what wimy does if the Marlins are on TV what am I watching that far no I we were not happy that they were on TV last week no go ahead Jesse oh no I

Don’t got Oh I thought you said something sorry let’s get oh no go I want let’s let’s get uh let’s get shotam man here real quick we want to get Jeremy we got James him uh let’s start with shot man 91699 1320 shotam man what’s going on baby sh man’s selling

Real estate out which sh man do we got do we got the rapper or do we got the businessman businessman sh of man here DLo and KC what’s going on with y’all fellas what’s up baby a not much man I just wanted to give y’all some props and some flowers hey

Man I I I wear a lot of hats man y’all know I like sports man I be I do real estate all that man so that’s what’s up I wear many hats but but I just want to give y’all flowers man on this uh show y’all got this community y’all created

Man this is y’all the ones thank you my guy thank you my guy appreciate that was the uh last show of the year so I just wanted to tap in real quick let y’all know even though I don’t be on chat as much lately radi with every day Olivia left

And we lost shy yeah that’s all right that’s all right shy out there grinding we saw it no man we appreciate that dog we saw his real estate picture uh let’s bring James ham in here and get one more call from our man Jeremy Jeremy what’s

Going on brother hey what’s up man I was just wondering first off Kenny did you cop the Kobe reverse grinches and then second do you think there’s any possible way that the Kings can make a deal for demard Rosen without giving up anything too big interesting uh Kobes uh

Absolutely not not because I didn’t try but the soon as I got on Nap they were sold sold out yeah that’s how James did you get the reverse grinches no I don’t like being I don’t like being completely let down by shoe websites for shoes that

I don’t care about a good strategy it’s I really like the reverse grinches I really do I came to the inclusion the other day they’re still not better than the original grinches those are the original grin original grinches might be top 10 shoe of all time I feel like they

Are I would never wear them um those were so but I would I would I would be be a lot closer to wearing the reverse grinches than or the regular grinches than the reverse grinches those are s uh what about Demar de rozan what did you what did you think about uh Jeremy’s

Question there yeah so a couple of problems with dear number one he’s 34 U number two he’s in the final year of a deal where he makes like uh a little under 20 9 million a year so like he might leave via free agency if you were

To trade for him and then the other problem is is I think the bigger issue it’s that he is a a player who lives in the mid-range and he’s he’s not a three-point shooter at all so if he’s coming off the bench which is disrespectful for a player of his ilk

But if he’s coming off the bench that’s one thing but for the Kings the way they flow the way their offense works is by having three point Shooters at every station and that to me would be a little bit of an issue he is shooting 35.6 from three but

On 2.6 attempts per game and for his career he he only averaged 1.5 attempts per game I mean I’m I’m kind of with James I you know I don’t know how he fits with this team um but I don’t know I’m not completely closed off to it I mean

That’s a that’s a veteran that’s a big- Time clutch player I do believe even though he doesn’t necessarily fit um the way we think about this team playing I trust Demar D rozan will find a way to be effective um in in any situation he

He went to I I just like I I hold him in that regard and think he’s that type of player so I agree to a certain extent but the problem is at 28 million bucks you’re talking about e either Kevin hder or Harrison Barnes out the door as part

Of a trade you probably have to have like one or two other contracts involved to get a deal done so you’re going to leave a hold to go get him and I don’t know that he’s a big enough game changer at this point that you would be like

Okay that’s just like the answer he’s not a perfect fit he’s not at 34 he’s not a great defender he’s been a he’s been a really solid Defender throughout his career but I would say at this point he’s probably not like a top tier Defender and I I think that there are

Other players out there that just make more sense because again if you’re trading a guy on a three-year deal like Harrison Barnes for a guy finishing up the final year like what do you do next season if dear’s not back what do you do and that’s that’s the thing forgive me

If you you said it but he is uh he’s on a last year of his deal isn’t he yeah he is on the last year of his deal and you won’t have pure cap space next year even if you were to get a deal a Kevin hter

Or a Harrison Barnes like you have escalating salaries on all of these other players that will like make that more difficult so your cap hold I think even on um on a player like Malik monk is going to be like 16 million so you you don’t have a lot of ways that you

Can actually improve uh if you were to trade for a player who left uh I want to deviate for a second and get the mother of the $800 million man here on the phone cheryln El Grove hi Mom hey what’s going on what’s up what’s

Going on with you mom where we at what we doing uh uh nothing much I just wanted to call in and you guys get on me all the time I just wanted to wish you guys a Merry Christmas and happy New Year and all of that and tell you just

Leave those darn Kings alone just let them do they need to just sit down and keep the team they have and St time to do all this kind of craziness I don’t like your tone when you talk about the Sacramento King Cheryl to say I’m having a hard enough

Time with golden steak nobody worried about the cares about nobody worried about that I told you I told you the other day my mom was at the house and you know the mom wowski she saw Tatum get hurt oh oh yeah he’s out he’s out he’s not coming

Back no he did come back into that game but oh and behold he didn’t play the next game yeah well because I saw him I saw when he got when he rolled his ankle he messed up his anle Dr Cheryl LEL Grove in my experience Cheryl LEL Grove sh

Like she shares Love by bringing in uh lemon cake and I haven’t got any lemon cake so I’m feeling like feeling like I’m not loved anymore come on you got to get James some lemon cake I got you I got you don’t worry gumbo on Christmas correct yeah gumbo on

Christmas I’ll have to send I’ll have to send some gumbo in I’ll have just make sure it’s done before make sure it’s done before about three cuz I need cuz you know I can’t eat during no 49ers games I don’t eat I’m sorry for your son Cheryl I’m I

Really am uh we love you very very much thank you as always guys I’ll make I’ll send you guys this stuff but you know just get the Kings to just stay where they are no I need you to no I don’t I don’t like you doing this because I

Don’t know your motives ma’am no I’m no I am so serious I’m gonna give you guys a you it’s Christmas time I’m feeling good I got my Santa hat on and stuff I mean you guys are doing good stay there why do you want to go mess up the Mojo I

Don’t understand we’re trying to get better want to mess anything up hey can you say like the beam real quick oh God light the bean light the be no say it with enthusiasm ma’am enthusiasms like the bean like the beam you guys would give me some tickets to

The games maybe Dam well your son Courtside for 90% of the games don’t that we’ll get some from Aaron there you go shout outon yeah Aon dude I’m you guys’ number one fan I’m always promoting and marketing that’s facts the fact it’s amazing Cheryl does know every single human being in Sacramento

California she’s pretty popular yeah pretty popular kind of a big deal yeah very big deal no but I love you guys Merry Christmas send the cake if you want some gumball Kenny will give you the address okay love you too thank you okay like the bean am I your

Favorite I think she said yes Jesse faded her down right right right as she was about about to answer but quick sh out Grove Story one time I’m at Kenny’s baby shower I meet Shan out Grove for time yes by the lake yeah was that’s not

My house and I’m meeting sh she like oh yeah Jesse you can be my son too and then Damen right after that you know he’s a Celtics fan it’s cash after that no chance after that yeah she don’t like the seltic she did she did she give you

Mess for that one di him she she don’t like we we go back um back and forth about the Celtics all the time now she hatte the Celtics amazing I was in and then I was out this is Slick Rick has a great like Casey has $800 million and

Can’t get his mom King’s tickets wow come on I I don’t have $80 let alone 8 million all I’m saying Google Kenny carway career earnings the first number you see is $800 million everybody did it the tweet that that I made I don’t think that’s what it was that’s not that’s not

I Googled Kenny car away how many times do we play Pocket watching we play all the time it’s never deviated it’s never it’s never steered us wrong right never it’s always been there we’ve always had the results and the numbers but now all of a sudden it’s inaccurate yeah okay

Kenny this might have been the worst shows this was easily the best show we’ve ever had got James drinking whiskey and wine and bringing in the biggest bag of french fries in in history it’s a large bag of fries Charlie is still out there talking to Stephanie everyone else went home like

Three hours ago this place is a ghost town it’s a ghost town shout out to my man Ken he’s the only other guy who’s come into the building yo the the the lights like the sensor lights you never see them go out in the daytime oh yeah

They’re out that part of the building haunted to be honest like it’s just kind of all the time when the five o’clock traffic jam starts on ksfm the whole building going to go black cuz complex is going to be in his room we’re going

To be in our room and all of the lights are going to shut off this is the moment we all go get Insider hoodies extras extra Insider Hood right everybody meet us in Roseville and we’ll hand out Insider hoodies it’s a pop-up shop popup shop uh we’re gonna step out we’re gonna

Come back we’re gonna talk with more uh we’re gonna talk more with uh James ham and we’ll talk about tonight’s game against Phoenix we’ll get James’s feelings on that of course the first time the Sacramento Kings will face Kevin Durant this year uh as he missed the game earlier this season so that’s

All coming up here D KC brought to you by Sky River Casino on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 okay uh guys we need a second we’ve got to flip over and handle a couple of ksfm things so hang on one second and we’ll be right back talk among yourselves

Thank you yes I look fly I look good how many points for herder tonight I don’t know 11 12 I I agree with Patrick K how about 11 tomorrow is Sneakerhead night at uh Golden One Center oh is it maybe pull out some kicks no you got a nice old collection

Don’t you me yeah don’t you no I just have a couple pairs oh I need your Gumball recipe Russell hunt Alex Lenn is out he’s out six to eight weeks from like November third fourth fifth eighth when did Alex Lenn get hurt man gosh it feels like he’s been

Out a while probably hasn’t been that long though four weeks maybe probably five weeks no it’s like 19 games at this point or something he all of a sudden he’s ineligible for postseason award oh damn it damn goes that all NBA bid uh November 13th he got hurt the 15th I

Believe they told us he’d be out six to eight weeks so uh that what was his ankle a high high ankle sprain so six weeks is the new year um he is back on the court but um not not not running and doing everything that you would expect from what I

Know he’s missed 17 straight Chris Herrera the lemon cake is amazing have no Limon cake in a minute hopefully should make some over the weekend yeah that was pretty fire I admit that was pretty amazing is this the best Monday Night Football game ever that’s what they’re asking it’s probably something where

This certainly the best in the last this is probably the highest win percentage combined win percentage this late into the season was the last great Monday Night Football game um Chiefs Rams that was a great one that was a great one like is there a notable one

Since uh I may be biased I thought the Niner Seahawks game uh in 2019 was great the one to went into overtime Niners lost I thought that was Niners were undefeated at the time I think we need a Kenny I might be by a shirt I might

Be and we back in here man it’s the go home edition to the holidays we appreciate everybody for being with us for what’s been a very eventful day uh here on and casy we had uh you you may not know that we had Mama Fox on earlier

I saw a picture of that what was that all about yeah Mrs Fox joined us just talking with us a little bit just catching up yeah spent about 20 minutes with us um good people man good people oh she’s the best yeah she’s a good lady

It was uh it was a lot of fun then we had Kimberly oh well Kimberly’s good people too it’s just different just a little different it’s different a little yeah it was just different uh we opened presents with Kyle had a couple of Dr drinks giant bag of french fries from

Bennett and now here we are to close out the show we’re commercial free the rest of the way uh as we had to take care of a couple of things over on ksfm there during that commercial break uh but we’re commercial free the rest of the

Way with our man James ham who will be with Kyle Matson all next week on the non-holiday days Wednesday Thursday Friday uh from 10: am to 2 PM so make sure you tap in you won’t miss a single second of Kings coverage uh here on ESPN

1320 and obviously uh James part of the conversation will start tonight uh it’s the first night of a back-to-back which I don’t think really concerns too many kings fans it’s always the second night of a back-to-back that they talk about but it’s a really difficult first night matchup and it’s the Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns aren’t playing well uh Casey you said I can’t remember the number they lost they’ve lost seven of 10 seven of 10 which I did not know that’s wild to me they’re a game below 500 but they’re game above above 500 sorry sorry a game above 500 but Kevin

Durant’s there and Devon Booker is there and that’s all you really need to know no I think the Sacramento I don’t I don’t like this Phoenix Suns team but I really really like those two and I think when both of those guys are on the floor

Our bets are off yeah I would point out one of their wins is against Washington Wizards and another is against the Memphis Grizzlies but Grizzlies one too straight but pre johnar Grizzlies okay well that’s that’s definitely different and they beat the Warriors go ahead I

Know what you were going to say go ahead I was just G say they beat the Pacers they I mean that’s it’s kind of easy work right now Pacers one and four right Pac I think the Pacers and the lake are you okay over there you guys fed

Me I’m fine as far as like but Jam you want some more Hunter proof I’m a little tired that cancern I’m like oh man oh come on James get lots of wine big lunch and minutes and and come back and well you do drink like nine cups of tea when

You’re at the game don’t you yeah typically well I I might have a cup of hot apple cider now okay and then probably two T’s okay two t two hot te’s two I’ll be fine uh the Lakers and the Pacers I think the numberers one and four sounds about right since the end

Since the the the n Season tournament finale oh well curse of the curse of the tournament question mark there it is there it is you you don’t want to make the tournament no well that’ll be the new that’ll be the new thing don’t want to make the tournament um so the the the

The the the the Phoenix Suns aren’t playing great the kings in my opinion have done a great job responding after games like the Celtics game Houston Rockets notwithstanding is they just came out and got their ass beat by the Houston Rockets the second time when well when they lost to the Pelicans

Though it was better than they but but they came back and beat uh Denver after the second Pelicans lost and that was kind of after the second Pelicans lost it was like the hell is going on here or actually it might have been the inseason tournament loss that they came back and

Beat Denver the next time yep they did it might have been that one well they got Phoenix they’ve lost to Denver a lot I’m trying to keep track uh I mean not Denver they’ve lost to New Orleans a lot no they they they they beat the Warriors

They got beat up by the Clippers and then came back and beat Denver yeah so they so it was actually they lost two to the Pelicans they beat the Timberwolves and then uh beat Denver uh when they lost to the Pelicans the third time they beat the Suns they beat the

Suns no KD no well no book no no KD yeah they’ve had good responses um I’d also point out that dearen fox after like every game that he scored 14 I think the lowest he scored afterwards is 26 so he had like a a bad first game where he got

Got like 18 or 19 came back with like 39 uh he scored 14 came back with 36 scored 14 against one other team came back and dropped in like 41 or something his bounce back games have been substantial so I would expect him to have a big

Night I’d also point out that um that Phoenix is short-handed again tonight so Reese told us yeah they are always short-handed but uh I think they are the the short-handed Phoenix Suns uh Bradley Bill of course is out but little is out well no nir little is available Yousef

Nurkic is out and Josh aogi is questionable that nurkic deal and same with aogi I was gonna say I kind of feel like the iogi one is a big deal yeah but they don’t have anyone else that can like they can go out sabonis so like that’s that’s rough they’re they’re

Goingon to throw some guys that I mean shz metu might have to play substantial minutes against sabonis uh Drew Eubanks will have to play minutes against sabonis Banks actually is bad I’ve never felt that way but you can feel that way you don’t think EU Banks

Is good not really I I mean I mean if you’re asking him to like play 35 against saon it’s like yeah that’s an issue but in the role that he was supposed to be in coming off the bench it give you 15 solid minutes he is shooting 1,00 well he played 16 minutes

The last time these two teams played scored eight points yeah he’s shooting 100% from three this season I mean that’s something say 100% yeah 100% from three one of one that’s uh two of two actually get him in the Three-Point Contest then yeah best shooting big man

Of all time Drew EU Bank well there it is yeah yeah so no I don’t think that they have the depth to manage some of the the keys for the Kings oh they absolutely don’t I don’t like this basketball team I don’t like the way they’re

Constructed I I like KD yeah I like KD too but I like KD and book you need to run these dudes that’s they don’t like to run they’re they’re 26 in Pace they’re um on top of that they don’t like to uh to take a lot of Threes um

And they aren’t particularly great at them so they’re 24th and three-point attempts they’re 15th and three-point percentage but that 24th and makes you know play little Zone like mix it up like give them something to look at and and force them if they’re G to beat you

From the outside you know that’s it’s not fine but you can make an adjustment if they prove they can but uh if it’s not Booker and it’s not KD I don’t know who else is going to score on this team it gets a little rough and you know historically the

Kings have really struggled with Eric Gordon I’m not sure why but like Eric Gordon throughout his career has been like a he’s just one of those dudes um but again run him like this is he’s a 35y old Eric Gordon now um you know he’s

He’s a big dude just go at him like put pressure on him have Kevin herder like do the like the marathon thing where he just runs and runs and runs and see if Eric Gordon just gives up at some point because he probably will um yeah that’s

What I would do just like put the pressure on this team you already beat him once you have confidence you can beat him you know it shouldn’t be that uh I mean this is a tough game every game is a tough game but you need a

Bounce back you can’t go 0 and three and that to finish this home stand that’ be a bad look yeah for sure I mean I I look at um these next two games and in the grand scheme of things when you talk about this road trip like you just

Mentioned you know find a way to get one of these and then you can come out of this saying six game Road Trip or six game home uh you go four and two that’s more than acceptable that’s that’s that’s that’s good stuff you know even aside from how things played out on on

Wednesday night you come away with that you I think you you can you can sleep good at night now one of the things you talked about with running them I agree what I also want to see is like don’t get beat in Fast Break points or open transition buckets when you’re not even

Turning the ball over like happened on Wednesday Wednesday they had what seven turnovers they got outscored 30 to something and transition bucket I mean that’s just that’s just lazy that’s just not working hard no that’s an embarrassment like I not to like you can’t you can’t not you know call it

What it is oh 30 to six yeah but the 30 is the biggest problem not getting out in transition is one thing but you didn’t turn the ball over and I mean I know the the live ball turnover we saw I think sabonis had one right in the

Beginning of the third Fox had one too but I think that one went out of bounds problem is that you know first of all you got dominated on the on the glass but there were so many opportunities for the Kings just to get just get back just

Get back and play defense that’s it like don’t make it just a layup line for the other team and I think that that would be like one of the most discouraging things if you’re uh if you’re Mike Brown not only did you like we talked about it

The other day like when this team misses free throws it’s a problem you can tell that there’s a lack of focus but when you’re giving up that those types of numbers or even the rebound numbers those are a lack of focus like something something is shut off in a team when

That happens and you got to figure out what it is with this team that all a sudden some magic switch happens and they’re just done for a ball game and you’re like I don’t know what just happened you know they’ve come back in a game or two this season but the

Predominant like message that I keep seeing you is that when they’re down it’s pretty much over like when they’re when they they let guys get up 18 20 like first of all you shouldn’t allow that but secondly it’s they’re pretty much cooked and you see this team just kind of

Go okay on to the next one real quick I want to ask Asam this um because I’m interested in his take what did you think about the press conference on Wednesday Mike Brown was it bar for the course or was it a little did it have did it have different

Energy no it had different different energy yeah I think what did you what was what’s the energy that you took out of it okay so I mean we’ve talked about this a little bit but um you know the Kings for whatever reason like I haven’t got haven’t asked but but uh the fact

That they sent Keon Ellis out after they just an ass kicking MH a two-way player who played hard James samam said after you got smoked that’s what he said and I did say that didn’t I yeah you got you I think I said a handful of games this year you guys have

Got smoked like that’s like Keon Ellis can come out and talk and that’s fine but Keon Ellis shouldn’t be the one answering the tough questions that’s reserved for your stars and that’s reserve for your veterans who have been there and to not be able to get one of

Those guys to come out to the podium that was I mean it’s just not okay I mean again Keon L shouldn’t be answering those questions that guy played hard there was nothing wrong with his KN he hit four threes he played defense and so I mean that’s something that that like

They need to think long and hard about that’s that’s just not the way to represent because it’s it’s not I I don’t know if it’s to or not but after in a post game every other game this season we get two players and then Mike

Brown so I bring all of this up because Mike Brown usually has like another 15 or 20 minutes to prepare because we’re sitting there waiting for the next player and then after that player’s done then Mike Brown comes down the hallway maybe three or four minutes later so you

Take away that that buffer and I thought Mike came in and maybe didn’t have a formula at a game plan for what he was going to say in postgame and that happens but uh you know again what he said is we got our ass kicked including me yeah no I think

He he took it the right way he he talked about it um but like at the end of the day like we just can’t keep hearing that same thing like it can’t happen once every three or four games where you just get thumbs I mean seven of their 10

Games this season they haven’t been competitive seven of 10 losses and that’s just weird like the feel in those games is off it’s weird it doesn’t make sense and you walk away from the game saying I would like to tell you why they lost but I can’t really put it into

Other than the fact that they didn’t play defense but you start looking at these Focus points and the focus points are going to be rebounding it’s going to be made free throws it’s going to be transition buckets for the opposition those are things where you can point to

And say okay they really just just didn’t have it that simple yeah like they came in they they weren’t prepared um because the fact is to play into what you just said a minute ago if it’s that simple they’re not having it a lot yeah you said seven of 10 those more

Than we would like right I mean seven of the 10 losses have been double digit losses yes four I think have been by 20 plus points yeah but there’s like an 18 in them or something in there yeah yeah so I mean that’s what I’m talking about

Like I’m not used to I I think it’s that you always expect some sort of carryover from one season to the next and the thing about the 2022 23 Sacramento Kings is they were so resilient like every single game you saw it they fought all

The way to the end even if they they didn’t have it they still kept themselves in a game and they even stole probably three or four games last year that they had no business winning it all just by playing hard all the way through the whistle that’s not who this team is

Right now it’s just not either they blow someone out or they get blown out and there’s very few Middle Ground games there’s some games where you win by eight or something you got the one game against Golden State where they came back in one by one or whatever but

Outside of that in that one there aren’t a lot of those games like the predominant like theme is that either they they show up or they don’t and I don’t like that to that there’s something going on there that doesn’t make sense they got to figure out what it is

I guess yeah whether it’s Mike or it’s dearen or it’s the group collectively as players it’s domas whatever uh you know uh someone got a message like and and I this this isn’t I don’t think a unique statement or or conversation talking point but fans think the team

Has regressed from last year despite the fact they’re at a great greater win percentage than they were last year at this time it speaks to what James you were saying a second ago it feels different the losses feel different the 20o losses this year 20 some odd games

Into the season are exactly what they were last year through 82 games of the season that’s why it feels different but in the end what does it actually mean if they’re winning at a greater clip than they were last year they’re losing at a Le they’re just

Losing by more the hell does that actually mean no it’s it’s a really good question like I I don’t know at the end it’s it’s like this weird anomaly like we you watch them play and you’re not sure who’s going to show up and we looked at we looked at like other teams

Kind of in their tier and above there’s there’s there there there wasn’t another team in the league that had lost like that yeah not not not one yeah I mean it’s why this team is like they just slid down to like number 22 in defensive rating and in one game and in most

Seasons yeah in most of the Season they’ve been right around like 14 in offense 14 15 offensive rating 15 16 17 in defensive rating they’re almost like an even Steven uh team but an even Steven team where there aren’t close games so it doesn’t feel like they’re an

Even Steven team so you beat somebody by 20 then you lose Somebody by 20 so those like really there is no Rhyme or Reason for what’s happening and I’ve yet to see like Mike Brown used the uh he told us that that he thought that the common theme was that when they start

Complaining about the officials and they start asking for calls and they start you know getting in trouble with the officials they get distracted the other team sees it and the other team punches them in the face and they don’t get back up and like I’m confused by that because

I but I I also see it like we saw what to me was a horrendous call the flagrant foul on sabonis to me was just garbage Terri sabonis had had already planted he didn’t slide under a dude the fact that that guy jumped towards them and you

Know like flipped his feet out to the side and landed on sabonis his foot like sorry you rolled your ankle there but that’s not a flagrant foul that’s not the like the IDE behind the flagrant foul for is for a dangerous play where you run out and you slide under a player

And give him no place to land sabonis is standing there and the guy comes down on his foot we can’t call a foul every time somebody comes down on somebody else’s foot that’s not the rule that’s not the way it’s supposed to be interpreted but I do agree that the second that that

Happened you just saw this team like oh we’re done and it was like whoa so they he hits a shot they get the free throw and and then they get the ball back and then I think they fouled again and had three free throws and it was like a six a six

Nothing uh run and then the Kings turn the ball over twice and then Mike Brown pulls Kevin herder and and uh Harrison Barn who didn’t turn the ball over that was not their turnovers that was Fox and sabonis and the whole thing spins out so quickly you’re like what in the world

Just happened like you guys were in it you got angry at the officials within like a minute of the second of the third quarter starting game over like all right next one really strange yeah do you do you feel like this team can kick out of this do you think

That they’re this is who they are and this is the story of the 2023 2024 Kings is good team just not consistent enough or do you think it’s some some form of weird growing pain that they’ll k out of byby about February because I I think

They I think they will be a more consistent team around you know February um they won’t be the same team that we’re looking at right now yeah I wish I had an answer like in all honesty this could just be a blip they could never have another game like that again

Because that’s what it looks like on the court like it almost looks like something goes haywire and it’s over and and then we’re forced to watch the rest of it no like oh look at that we got another 20 minutes to go and this thing is cooked like that’s not fun but that’s

What it kind of feels like so there is no Rhyme or Reason to what’s happening and you know we’re right now we’re like six or seven games into this trend over you know a six week period the first time it happens you’re like oh that wasn’t good and then they lose back to

Back to Houston you’re like oh neither one of those were I don’t know what happened there let’s just write that off as an anomally and then it happens in new uh New Orleans the first time you’re like okay that looks really really similar to the other game that we saw

Like that’s weird and now we’ve started to accumulate these games where we’re starting to have more of a of like a track record for something that we’re seeing but again they’re 16 and 10 16 and 10 you it say somehow you you split this uh right here you go 17 and 11 you

Got three games you can win on the road in uh Portland Atlanta Memphis uh then you start playing some bad teams so this team could easily be 8 to 10 games over 500 in in like three weeks and we’re super concerned about what’s happening within these games but it could not

Matter like they could continue this trend all year they could win game one of a playoff series get clubbed in game two come back and win three and four get clubbed in game five and win in game six right like who knows I mean it’s just

Kind of like this weirdness to the well as long as they win game six of the NBA Finals I I guess keep doing it all the way through like G be the first NBA champion with a 0.0 Point differential and we’re all gonna be sitting here like man all these opportunities for Davon

Mitchell to steal his shot back and he still hasn’t done it I can’t wait for hollinger’s column about the fra andet NBA champions yes yeah 0.0 Point differential yeah that’s the sorry James that’s the tough thing about those Celtics game or games like the Celtics one like Pelicans Rocky there’s nothing

To like what do you do with it right especially when the record is what it is yeah like how do I all right there’s seven games over 500 they just got beat by 30 like I don’t even know what and even in a more micro look like

How do I evaluate what herder did when Deen didn’t play well yeah or or how do I evaluate what you know Harrison did when Malik didn’t play well yeah it’s uh it’s just a hard game to walk away with I’m kind of I I know this is what he

Says publicly I do believe this is what he does in in in real life though I think there’s obviously a great discussion amongst the team and in in coaches following the game but dearon well we lost go home put it out of my head don’t think about it come in watch

Tape we’ll practice and we’ll be better the next time we play yeah be a goldfish I I do I I it’s so simple and I genuinely believe that’s how he operates and because that’s how he operates I think that’s how a lot of the team operates no it’s how you have to be

Though like it’s the you know be a goldfish like just forget what just happened and move on to the next stage they’ve got like guess no short-term memory at all so you’re just like hey you can’t have a short-term memory you just gotta like hey I don’t care what

Just happened we got to go back out and do something different the next time and that’s kind of the weird Trend where again like how how do you judge I think the only the thing is all we can do is overreact when this happens right because that’s the way the game feels

Like it feels like you need to overreact because it was so egregious what happened it was so bad and you’re like I don’t know how else to handle this but to say what is wrong what is wrong with you and I don’t know we’ll keep asking the same tough question because it feels

Like this isn’t the last time it’s going to happen but like what do you do like do I just keep adding the number so Mike uh this is like the 11th time out of the 14 games that you guys have lost where you literally got stomped on and it

Looked ugly like what do you think to to your kick to your point James they’re probably gonna beat the hell out of the Suns and the Timberwolves uh these next two games and probably win the Atlanta game we like everything’s good and then and then Memphis with jaws GNA punk you

Right like damn what do we do now like it’s a cycle that they’ve gone through about three times this year and we’re just waiting for like the cycle to end in a good way right like we don’t want it we don’t want it to end where they

Just start losing games but like be more consistent and I think I think the biggest thing about it is the way they lost losing to Boston is not anything to be ashamed of or Ring the Alarm about no if they lose by 11 to Boston we’re not having this discussion we’re giving like

Hey that’s a really good team over there it doesn’t matter if Jason Tatum’s playing or not right it’s a really good team but they had five guys scor over 20 including Payton Pritchard who didn’t have to take a shot from anywhere but one spot on the floor he scored 90 in a

A what summer league game was it summer it wasn’t summer league like a Drew League yeah like not NBA Summer League it was a like a Seattle Summer League all right I’m still waiting for somebody bucket right there show though like it it was the same shot again and again and again

You’re like wow there’s not an adjustment being made at all Mike say we ran the same play seven minutes in a row that’s what Boston was saying we were just kept giving the ball to pton Pritchard in the same spot why not yeah I think is the number one thing they got

To figure out Mike has to figure out the team has to figure out is where does it start because I think the biggest concern about this team losing games in that manner is the fact that that’s not a dearon fox issue that’s not a damont sabonis issue that’s not a singular

Player issue it’s something goes wrong it’s forgive the use of this term but it’s like a pandemic that hits the team and they’re all stricken by it and it happens to everyone in a king’s uniform it’s like how how does that happen there’s no player who can step on the

Floor and Elevate them and it’s not that they can’t dearon can we’ve seen it he can’t that night Malik can we’ve seen it he can’t that night it’s like they all can’t at the same time it’s crazy right but it it has to start somewhere though

Doesn’t it yeah I don’t know it’s like Follow the Leader like and I guess but I also Darren had 20 nine and a quarter or whatever it was I think he had a 40o game in a in a game where it was just not competitive at all I think it was

The first Clippers game you had 40 i’ I just quick quick math here they have eight games this season where they’ve won by more than double digits where they’ve won by well over 10 so again it’s it’s not just that they’re losing that way it’s that they’re winning that

Way as well and and it’s it’s funny in a way it kind of reminds me of the San Francisco 49ers season where they just moop the floor with so many people but then we hit this like three- game stretch where it’s like holy cow they forgot how to play football they just

Went out there on the field for three games in a row and and I I know like we can say they could have won the Browns game if if Moody hits a field goal that doesn’t change the fact that they look like they didn’t know how to play

Football for the entire game they were just they’re so good that they can’t lose by more but then we get to the next game and again the Vikings I think they could have won if they had like a couple of things go the right way towards the

End but you’re just like it doesn’t matter if you could have won you look like you were going to lose that game the entire time and that’s what I think the weird thing is about this season where you never feel like they’re going to win uh lose a game when they’re

Winning and you never feel like they’re going to lose come back and win a game when they’re losing and and then like how many games this season do we already have it where they’ve wire to- wire beat somebody I think it’s like seven that’s quite a few six seven it’s wild where

They they have a team that has never LED an entire game and just like it’s non-competitive so I don’t know maybe maybe that’s part of it where like you just get lulled into this thing where one team is going to show up and punch the other team tonight and you don’t

Know which one it is more often than not it’s the Kings who are the ones who are punching because that’s why they have 16 wins and only 10 losses but then there are these other games where you’re just left really frustrated and questioning like the whole entire makeup of

Everything and it like the games they lose it always feels like they’re revealing the issue that the Kings have like again Kevin oconor we can discuss all as much as we want like how frustrating is to see somebody who only jumps on the Kings when things are going bad sucks yeah but

At the same time what he said wasn’t all that different than what we we’ve said they don’t have the size I don’t want to hear it from him James I get it and and also that uh Jack asked Kevin Ollin he the the thing about him is it always has

A sabonis slant he’s not saying that as a basketball Observer he’s saying that to slant uh to take a slant at sabonis sabonis that’s ridiculous sabonis his wife maybe have maybe maybe maybe Kevin okono had a crush on her or something because like that dude talks with Venom

Towards Damon sabonis like yeah he snatched his girl from him that when it comes to sabonis it always feels like Kevin o Conley Colin Colin Kevin o Conley oh it it always feels like with with Kevin that um he had a take about sabonis at some

Point fans didn’t like his take and went at him and now every time he can point out something that sabonis does wrong he takes the opportunity to troll that’s what it feels like and I don’t know why he does that but it’s as a writer slightly imature what he’s doing it’s

Like as a a sports columnist or whatever he is for the ringer like it has like a certain immaturity to it and we we can talk about like the Stephen re stuff where we just think it’s the biggest joke with the with Brock with regards to Brock pie right it doesn’t make any

Sense but at some point we all have to realize that’s why he’s doing it he’s doing it so we keep coming back and looking at his page and yelling and screaming and it’s the same with with Kevin I like he’s a nice guy I I’ve met

Him quite a few times like I think he’s a nice guy I don’t know why he’s chosen this hill to climb to die on but it’s multiple there other writers who have done the same thing and I I hate like if you’re wrong about somebody say you’re wrong that’s fine oh

Can’t do that James well I mean like see that’s the difference James that’s what a journalist would do well yeah but like okay so in the in the chat right now Drew Down is here right and Drew like got pissed at me because he thought I was taking a shot at him but

Realistically what I was telling him is during the pr preseason that that what Jonathan kaminga was not repeatable he was not gonna average 26 points a game and a bunch of rebounds playing that style with the Golden State Warriors now look he can be a part of the rotation

And he can be a valuable part of what they’re doing but what he can’t be is what we saw in preseason and it’s not because he doesn’t have the talent it’s because that’s not Warriors basketball it’s because they need to dump you know who that was my point well he’s played

Really well with you know who gone yeah a lot of them have yeah well weird wait are you saying no that’s just saying I’ll turn into Kevin oin on that one because I heard they I I heard they wouldn’t have any championships without him so anyway my point is that like look

If I’m wrong about kaminga and he becomes an Allstar okay playing that style being that guy and I think that there’s a good chance that he goes somewhere else that doesn’t play the warrior style of basketball and finds great success because I mean like look

This is a top 10 pick he’s what the six pick seven pick in the draft like he’s a very talented young player I think he’s good too but the style of play and the way he goes about his business in preseason is not something was going to

Be repeatable at the next level and that’s why I almost feel like the Warriors did him a disservice and set him up for failure because there’s no way he could live up to that in the regular season now everyone’s like hey man how come you were able to do like

Because I’m playing against like dudes who aren’t even in the G League that’s who I’m playing against so again I I think he’s a he’s a reasonable player but I if he becomes an All-Star for them I’m willing to admit I’m wrong hey I was wrong you know there have been plenty of

Players I thought wouldd be really good but that’s the difference between you who I think you pride yourself as a journalist and those other guys who just write and want to be social media relevant social media attention I don’t troll either I try not to like it was a

Weird discussion it was a weird discussion we got into and it kind of got out of hand but again I don’t have any love loss for there’s no problem with me and Drew well no the I don’t think the well even with that the kaminga take isn’t crazy it’s simply

Because the minutes weren’t going to be there what we’re seeing right now is they are because you know who can’t stay on the floor and he’s a big part of why they uh uh beat the Celtics the other night and and well I’m sorry go to but to your point your kaminga take

Like there there’s it makes sense just like o Collins um Tbone or King’s take makes sense but you don’t you’re not doing it out a slight of kaminga you’re just looking at the team and be like Ah that’s not GNA work yeah he’s saying that to slight sabonis like we he’s made

His STS perfectly clear his buddy made his stance perfectly clear how he feels about sabonis everything so because of that and this is the bet that he made so he’s gonna have to lay in it when you have when you have something to say that’s how I’m going to look at it it’s

A slight it’s a bonus you’ve made yourself perfectly clear that he’s the guy that needs to move move on yes so don’t be like well you know they need to get bigger and you know I’m just talking about the kings in general no you’re talking about sabonis yeah and again

Like with kaminga he was never gonna get to dribble the ball like 15 times on a possession and that’s what he was doing in preseason like that’s not how they play was sabonis it the thing I would point out is that Kevin oconor is in the minority with national writers because

We know this because sabonis finished sixth I think it was in MVP balloting so that means there are people who believe that what sabonis is doing is spectacular we go out every single night and you can’t take it for granted he’s 18 12 and eight every single night like

This is a Hall of Fame player he’s he’s getting to that point where we’re entering that discussion and you got one or two guys out there way on the peripheral on the East Coast that are like saying he’s not move on like again don’t feed the beast don’t

Read his stuff if you don’t I don’t yeah well and I would tell Kings fans so like don’t give him the page views because that’s what he wants he the same thing with Stephen rues he wants you to come back every week where he still has Tom

Brady above uh Brock py even though Tom Brady doesn’t play football anymore I mean someone in the chat had a great idea where we should do a contest where you can enter if you aren’t following Kevin oconor or Zack Harper no as long as you’re not following them you can

Enter the hoodie Zach is an interesting thing as well no he sucks too I’ve friends oh that’s your boy well you have to tell your boy text him call him right now FaceTime him put him put him up here say Hey you suck and then hang up on

Him I mean Zach get him on happy hour Zach is who handed I’m a premium subscriber that’s right Zach is who handed cowbell to me he he had to move to Minnesota because he he had a girl in Minnesota and he left Sac I find that hard to believe just bitter bitter and

Angry dud damn near worse than Kevin o Kevin o Collins Kevin o Collins I don’t know nothing I don’t know nothing about I don’t know nothing about Kevin Ollin or uh Bryce Harper’s basketball takes I don’t know nothing about that yeah well

I it’s I I love it I I mean I think it adds to the general discussion I just you gotta be honest I can’t even remember why I’m mad at Zack Harper oh the defense stu oh that oh that was just trash that that was actually worse than

Uh Kevin oin yeah that was way worse didn’t even talking about oh Davon Mitchell doesn’t play Harrison Barnes is their best defender bro what the hell are you watching yeah I’m sorry what FaceTime him come on do it and then call bont yeah I was texting on bontemps the

Other day we settling all family businessday bontemps ain’t pissed me off when we come back we’ll have the uh the hate list when we come back oh yeah week two weeks we’ll start the new year off on a negative foot who’s at the top right now who’s number one oh Colin over

Harper yeah yeah okay all well all right he definitely moved up the rankings uh The Insider next week Wednesday Thursday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. we’re off from both stations we’ll will be back with you uh regular programming beginning on January 2nd uh thank you

Guys for the amazing support uh this year thank you for the support on the YouTube channel on the radio on the Odyssey app on Twitch uh wherever you watch wherever you listen man we appreciate you so much thank you for your support uh of the Insiders it was a

Really amazing year here on ESPN 1320 and it was amazing amazing that D and KC got to add an afternoon show because we aren’t done uh we’re going to head over to 1025 right now and close out our year over there we appreciate you so much for

Being with us Merry Christmas Happy New Year we’ll see you back here with the Insiders on Wednesday beginning at 10 am here on ESPN 1320 BOS Kings like the beam happy holidays we did it we did it little alcohol some french fries hoodies it’s good day and whatever those things are out there

From uh KY is it KY in Huntington Beach oh yeah that was crazy yeah shout out to him oh I think that was his name right Casey that his name yeah Casey and he brought all kinds of good stuff yeah that’s the good stuff out there Minnesota Timberwolves just announced

That out for tomorrow Clark with right Achilles rupture rehab Miller g-league assignment Mino Minot is is uh on a g-league assignment Nicks is on a 2A towns left knee soreness is out wow okay no Carl Anthony towns tomorrow night at g1c that means MVP MVP uh five more in alphabetical order right

Yeah he he got on there and uh how did how did he get on he should be on there and should not how who tyres should not be on that list the MVP got him seventh who did NBA oh yeah that’s that’s ridiculous Darren Fox the alphabet MVP that’s 2024

That’s the shoot alphabet MVP and what’s the uh umy um Bon Temps he hit me up about his MVP ladder for ESPN did you vote yeah I voted oh the the uh the straw pole yeah oh okay I didn’t read it though it was good we we talked about it

Yesterday mhm where was fox in that not oh he no he was he was like 11 is that where he got like two votes or three votes got he got a fourth place vote and a fifth place vote yeah I was a fifth yeah he got a fourth and a fifth um

There were a couple of geniuses please tell me it wasn’t you that had Joel at fifth oh no I believe Joel there was a couple of guys who had Joel at Fifth and a couple of guys that had joic at third or or no I’m sorry there were

Three guys that had joic at fifth two guys that had him beat at fifth yic at fifth I mean I can tell you right now what I what I text him back because we had a funny exchange how could you have embid at fifth that’s what I’m saying I

Had number one embiid yep number two Tatum oh number three yic okay number four donic number five I had SGA SL Fox tied and he said LOL pick fox or SGA you can’t have a tie I said Fox he’s much easier to watch so yeah I was part of

That I’m all good with James’s MVP Val wow coming up next week why James ham hates Yannis on the comoo oh I forgot about Giannis didn’t wow oh like can you imagine Giannis like yeah this stupid SPM poll this one guy didn’t even vote for me oh yeah that’s

My bad show yourself no Mark Jackson last year with say James I thought we were going by position sorry clear mistake he’s a winner I’m a winner that’s tremendous James got it from Golden State last year I was GNA get it from Milwaukee that’s right man amazing that’s funny normally I

Would get a text oh what about soand so and you’d be like oh man I forgot about what I did is I looked at I I always do I look at the top teams Celtics are the best team in the league right now Jason Tatum Des deserves to be up there but

You can’t put him above embiid who’s averaging like 35 and 12 incredible yeah embiid he’s he’s got the belt for me yeah yeah he’s that dude look at that we’re still in the chat all right I got how’s your belt I thought we were doing like a whole like tournament this

Weekend or something no no not you I’m talking about Kenny embiid has the belt I said if Kawai were to keep this winning streak going to 11 by beating OKC they play somebody else that he would the belt he didn’t even play yesterday and they lost so it’s like

When Bret Hart won the final four in 1997 and then lost it the next night to Sid that’s what he was trying to do okay I got it he was trying to do one of those it’s added to Kawai was gonna in said Kawai got beat up in the B behind

The arena yeah Kawai is gonna lose his smile or some amazing all right CH yes yes we’re leaving thank you thank you secur and to beam uh we love y’all man we will see you we got to talk in two minutes and 20 seconds we’ll see you yes

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