Golf Babe

Opening & Unboxing Fan Mail! | Merry Christmas 2023 🎄

These fan mail gifts are amazing and we had so much fun opening them! We have officially finished up for 2023, and before we being our relaxing downtime, we had some fun opening these packages from our generous viewers. You guys have shown us incredible support this year… from binge watching our videos, to showering us with generous gifts, sending us heartfelt emails, plus the unwavering enthusiasm for our CEE merch and the endless positive comments… it’s been mind blowing and we have so much appreciation for all of the support! We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and see you in 2024!
Kurtis, Karen & Homey🐾 (& the Georges)

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But there’s so many things I want to rip apart [Karen] he knew straight away where his was though this side is all for Homeless [giggle] how you going guys Kurtis from Cutting  Edge engineering so a big Merry Christmas to  

Everybody because it is Christmas we thought we’d  do an unboxing video from everything that’s been   sent throughout the year so we have finished  up for the year and we did have a Christmas   party at our local top golf if you’ve never  been to Top Golf before it is a three level  

Driving range down range you do have a lot  of holes that’s for you to try and hit the   balls into and then depending where you  land them will depend how many points you get so I was trying to hit the ball as far as I  

Possibly could and surprising  to everybody Karen actually won yeah [Laughter] Karen’s crushing it guys go for 100 Karen woo so you do get a booth you also order food  and drinks and they will bring that to you and  

It was a really good Christmas party at Top Golf  there was Karen and myself and there was also my   older brother Troy who has started with us this  year he’s doing a lot of our drafting 3D printing  

And prototyping of a few parts and just general  pickups and a little bit of machine work Karen   has also brought in one of her friends Krystal she  has come in for a couple of days a week to help  

Karen out in the office with the social media and  the marketing so it’s been really good having both   of them on board that means Karen and I can now  focus on our business growth so this year has  

Been a massive year it has been our biggest one  yet we have put out over 500 jobs this year and   I have sent back to our scrap metal supplier about  67 ton of scrap material so we’ve also picked up  

A couple of really big customers and they are in  the mining industry because of the growth in the   business we have upgraded some machinery so we  can handle the bigger jobs so we did get the Huron

In order to do some of those jobs unfortunately  we haven’t been able to set that up just yet but   we did end up getting the Zayer milling machine and  that has definitely been a game changer so we’ve  

Also started our Franna crane project which has  turned out to be a little bit bigger than we had   planned but it is moving forward and I’m really  excited about rebuilding that crane so we did get  

A couple of our own projects done throughout the  year but I didn’t get as far as I would have liked   to there is still a lot that I need to do but  with the growth to the business it is difficult to  

Allocate time to finish off my own Workshop jobs  for example our Franan crane project is filmed after   hours and generally on a Sunday cuz that is the  only day I have spare to do any of my own work  

So not only has our business had a lot of growth  this year our YouTube channel has also gained   200,000 subscribers this year we are now over  700,000 subscribers that is absolutely amazing   the amount of support we get from everybody  is the reason why we keep doing this so with  

All that said and done we’re going to get on to  unwrapping some presents we have put homelesses   presents aside for the time being trying to get  him to unwrap them is just going to be a riot we  

Also have some gifts from fellow YouTubers and we  have gifts from all over the world so let’s get on   to unwrapping them so the first package I’m going  to open is from Max Grant at Swan Valley machine  

Shop so he is another YouTuber here in Australia  but he’s over in the far West see what he sent us Franna performance upgrade [Karen] this could be anything [Karen] this should be good [Laughter] we got more dice [Karen[ oh that’s why they’re green dice yep  Max is adding his flavour

Thanks very much  Max they will end up going in the crane we did end up getting another set of dice sent to us we   don’t know who sent them and they are a black  set so now it’s the decision of whether we go  

Green or black or maybe put both in there  so the next one is from Dan’s Pro Shop he   reached out to us when he first started his  channel and he is growing pretty rapidly   if you haven’t seen Dan’s Pro Shop go check  him out but we’re going to see what he sent us

Got a letter so Dan sent a letter and it says  thank you very much for all of the support the   growth and success on your channel is going really  well mate so just keep it up [Karen] hi vis yellow Dan’s Pro Shop [Karen] nice

I’m going to stand out wearing that we also got a hat very nice stubby coolers   couple stickers thanks very much Dan for all the  gifts we’re going to put the hat on the hat rack   with all the rest of them we’ve also received two packages from another YouTuber and that’s Matty’s Workshop

A small gift to say thanks oh they’re actually wrapped [Karen] ooh I think that might be for me no it’s mine [giggle] and a card so this is actually a thank you gift from  Matt and Beck earlier this year we found out  

Matty had cancer and we set him up a GoFundMe  to help them through the tough times thank you   to everybody who has supported with that you have  made the world of difference and just taking a load off his shoulders [Karen] ah nice

So Eden is actually where Matty lives down in New South Wales really nice place   I’ll take the camera and you can open that [giggle] okay hi everyone Merry Christmas I thought I’d jump on camera to  say hello and also open up this gift

thank you so much Beck and Matt for the Pandora it looks like oh wow that is beautiful and oh my goodness oh my God it’s so cute what is  it it’s a little paw and a love heart  

And it says something on the heart  paw prints on my heart oh that’s adorable adorable very nice thank guys [Kurtis] does that go on the bracelet   yeah so that’s a charm that  you put onto the bracelet right

Oh wow Christmas tree that’s so pretty  hang on how do you do it like that now I’m  going to have to buy charms to add to her  bracelet [giggle] yes thank you Beck and Matty this has started my Pandora Collection now thank you very much Beck and Matt I don’t have a  

Pandora so that is very very thoughtful and I  really appreciate it for those people who have   commented saying how come Karen doesn’t  get any gifts I do actually receive some   gifts from viewers throughout the year  some very generous ones the generosity  

Of people is always mindblowing and  I really appreciate it thank you guys hope you get lots of presents [giggle] okay we better put that with his pile mmm what chocolate oh yummy thank you very much Matty and Beck for   the presents if you haven’t checked out Matty’s channel it’s Matty’s Workshop go check him out

Lee from Hawaii Honolulu Okay see what Lee sent oh [snort] it’s Homeless toys it’s not for you wait there something else here oh that looks cool oh it’s a space shuttle for Homey that’s for Karen oh okay that’s for me oh cool

So now the toy in the sticker makes perfect  sense he’s actually spent 35 years working for   a company that built all of the components  for the main engine on a space shuttle very cool so this is why I don’t video things because I didn’t press record when Karen was unwrapping this

so the letter says hi Karen after retirement I moved to Hawaii   and got into woodworking the handle of this  is made from a wood called Koa hope you guys   like ice cream that is very nice thank you  very much Lee for the ice cream scoop we  

Do like ice cream and this is absolutely  beautiful so thank you very much for this gift oh wow they look cool aahh so this is an adjustable center punch so  what you do is you put it down inside a hole wind  

It and then it expands okay so it holds it there  yeah hold it in the center and then you hit with   a hammer Sasha from Germany thank you very much  for the center punches I have actually never seen a  

Set of those here in Australia so this one’s from  Dave in New York let’s see what he sent us what is this we have a letter [gasp] wow oh my God look at that oh how cool looks just like him thank you Dave for the  handmade homeless picture I’m going to hang this  

On the wall in the office so this one’s from  an Australian this is from Eddie in New South Wales so what this is this is a white metal scraping  kit for doing bearing surfaces on the older   machines like the vertical borers they  do have a big white metal bearing that  

Runs under the Chuck Eddie actually got  this about 40 years ago thinking it was   for woodworking but it isn’t so he has  gifted it to us thank you very much Eddie   the next one’s we’re going to be unwrapping  we don’t know who they’re from but they do  

Look exactly the same so I’m assuming  they’re from the same person oh my God [Laughter] yeah okay so that’s that one oohhh is there a letter no who sent these what  this is is 2.6 kilo of my favorite lolly the  

Strawberries and cream I believe this would  have come from one of our patreons cuz we   did do a Q&A there where we did talk about  my favorite things and this was definitely   on that list thank you to whoever sent  them I’m going to open one right now

So Allens are an Australian company these are  Australian made these have a strawberry jelly   top and they also have a cream underneath  [giggle] Kurtis is done he’s just going to go eat those   this one’s from the UK and it looks like  it’s some sort of magazine ohhhh what oh wow

Oh there we go so that was the back okay so this magazine is from 1961 that is   in really good condition and it is really cool  to see all of the machines that were available   at the time and the suppliers for tooling and  materials so I’m really going to enjoy being  

Able to read through this thank you very much  Roland so the next one is from Victoria here in Australia what is it oh wow that’s neat that’s really cool so thank you David for the handmade English to bananas  ruler I’m going to put that in my office

[giggle] never argue with a woman ohh [Laughter] his face it’s so true ahh so thank you to whoever sent that there wasn’t actually there might be a oh hang on there’s something else oh there’s another one oh cuuute thank you Larry for the signs Karen definitely agrees

So this one’s from John in the USA lots of goodies oh he loves the corn he does love the corn classic hazelnut [gasp] yessss my favorite nice I shall  enjoy that vanilla syrup ooh Irish cream oh nice never tried that in coffee

Salted caramel oh yum wow we also have he loves these cottage creek stress reduction kit  oh you need that wait Coffee Starbucks Coffee ooohhh we shall enjoy that bang head here [Laughter] that should go beside that other sign it’s got a lid too excellent

So thank you very much John for  all those generous gifts we’re going to enjoy   all of them so this one’s from Caren in  South Australia she is a long time viewer   and supporter of the channel and she actually  makes handmade jewelry so we’ll see what she sent ohhhh look Karen Karen Kurtis

Wow so it’s like a key ring mmm thank you very much Caren for the handmade keychains and the jewellery for  Homeless that is very nice very thoughtful of  you we hope you keep making your jewelry and  

Enjoying the videos so this one’s from Todd in Arizona let’s see what he sent us he’s watching Homeless [Laughter] oh it’s not dog treats it’s coffee oh wow  that’s pretty cool Todd is a retired military  

So maybe that’s a bit of a it’s coffee he  drinks maybe I reckon that one’s going to be good okay mmm [giggle] ooOOooh thank you Todd for the custom made  tumbler it looks amazing and Karen’s  

Also got one so she’s going to open hers  I have upaused it this time very good alright ooohhh wow that is very nice wow cool that is beautiful Todd it’s very unique and I do love the colors so thank you very much dog treats

Spray painter by day but enjoys  making stuff with Timber and resin an   iron bark chopping board with a black resin  inlay ooh the weight of that thing that is nice thank you Brandon for the handmade chopping  board I’m going to really enjoy using this Aussie made Hammer no way

Some stickers oohhhh that’s cool how cool is that nice his little stamp makers mark oh yeah [giggle] very nice can we actually use that I know it’s almost too nice to use be cool if you used it though

Thank you Mick from Farmers Forge for  this beautiful hammer it looks absolutely amazing   I’ve never had a forged Hammer before but I’m  going to go add this one to the whacking stick drawer oh cool it’s even got the bird [giggle] oh does too    that’s so neat

The wall hanging is made from Okumae and finished with Odie’s oil that artwork was created using a Vevor laser engraving machine with shots from our Youtube videos look at the detail in it Bob says that his dad  spent most of of his life in he heavy engineering  

Doing same type of work as you yeah right and he would  be very envious of all of your tools and welding   equipment that is now available he looked at a  similar career with a goal of tool making and  

Was accepted by caterpillar for an apprenticeship  but was warned that tool makers were a dying trade   so he took up an apprenticeship with the Air  Force instead and worked with the Air Force for   48 years so there you go thank you Bob and Robyn  for this amazing handmade wall hanging piece of  

Karen homeless myself and George that’s neat we’ll  definitely hang that in the office this last one is from none other than Paul Kemp Paul has been a longtime supporter of the channel and he has sent  

Us some fun 3D printed gifts over the last couple  of years so I’m interested to see what he’s sent yesss me too says cut here okay here is your mystery box cuz we did mystery  boxes the 3D printer has been churning out  

Something that I had an idea for a while  ago as always it was an absolute pleasure   designing and making this please don’t  think that I’ve gone over the top this   year the finished item snowballed from a seed  of an idea I did not think it would turn out  

The size it is so today is new machine day  oh woah what no way so what Paul has done is he   has recreated the headstock of a lathe out of  3D printed parts it is absolutely amazing you  

Have buttons on the front to turn it on and off [gasp] no way rotation forward and reverse as well as the speed that’s crazy and then you can reverse it and the chuck turns and the workpiece lights up  so that is just just unbelievably amazing that’s crazy

He has also made a little audio box and  in that audio box has a lot of my sayings that   I say in my videos whether it be talking about  a train or something’s growing legs and taken off how you going guys Kurtis from Cutting Edge  engineering how you going guys it’s Karen from  

Cutting Edge engineering and send it because  this is an American machine it’s all Imperial   bananas so I’ve just had a new set of calipers  come back from calibration so we’ll get them   and see what it measures up at so that one’s a  fraction over four bananas so we’ll keep cracking  

On and also he’s taken audio from some of our  videos stating what job we are doing for that   day so that gives us a good idea of the sort  of work we have done over the time we’ve been  

Doing our YouTube channel today’s job job is an  ex 1200 excavator bucket cylinder a d10 Dozer cylinder   rod in for repair and we just listened to it  it does go for quite a few minutes and when  

You hear it put together like that it is amazing  to hear of all the sort of jobs that we do and   that we have accomplished but what’s even more  amazing is Paul has taken the time to 3D print  

The headstock of the lathe and the audio box and  record all of those audio clips just to put them   in this little box I didn’t think he’d be able  to top the banana micrometers or the calipers  

But he has just set himself on a whole new level  so thank you very much Paul I’m going to put this   in the office on display so everyone can enjoy  it so that’s all the packages for us opened we  

Also received a couple of cards from viewers and  a heap of stickers we’re going to be putting on  our lathe so that’s all the goodies for us but  we’ve still got a heap more that need to be   unwrapped so we’re going to get homeless out here  so we can unwrap his presents

You have to sit sit ah hang on oh hang on that’s not for the dog whoops aye [giggle] that is oooh goat’s Tails  homeless you can’t destroy it all ooh what’s that a turkey Christmas turkey [squeaks] oh for the birds hey Homeless [giggle] [sniff sniff] next one I think that’s for Homeless

[destruction mode ON] oh hang on he found another box [Laughter] what a nutter wait what’s in it you can have this [chomp chomp] oh my God jeez what a mess wait is it all for him what is that wait is for the birds that ain’t for you dog [giggle]

This way up does that matter okay um it says fragile Homeless hang on maybe  take it off him stop oopsies what is it oh that’s a good idea in the shop without protective equipment you have to set a good example his big old Dome ohh

Ohhh [Laughter] they look cool though right one more for Homey this one’s going to be tough to get into tape measure oh wow that’s so cool and WD40 that’s pretty cool another sticker  oh nice oh that’s a good sticker [squeak squeak]

So a big thank you to everyone that sent  homeless gifts this year he thoroughly enjoys   them and big thank you to everybody who has  supported the safety officer merchandise and the   Homey calendar with the profits from that and  the super thanks contributions we’ve been able to  

Make a donation again this year to the Queensland  staffy rescue so all the money raised we did match   it dollar for dollar so we were able to donate over $5,500 this year

Righto guys so that’s a wrap for all of our unboxing we do have a lot of very generous viewers out there and we really appreciate the gifts you send thank you very much for all of the support on our videos this year  

So we hope you keep on enjoying the videos and  have yourself a very Merry Christmas thanks for watching [giggle] come on let’s go go get him how you going guys Kurtis from Cutting Edge wow that was such a good start [giggle] no no no no no no no no just sit

Sit sit [sniff sniff] he’s like oh guys homeless I can’t resist stop it look here ohhh hehe ah ah you just going to have to wait your turn ooh ooh ooh oh that’s so pretty [gasp] oo  wow nice oh oh wow am I centered your [ __ ] hat’s not on straight wait [Laughter]

So this one is from Dave in new nork [pfftt] [giggle] new nork what they are is a strawberry jelly top  and a white creamy bottom [Laughter]   is that why you like them so much [Laughter] today’s job is an ex 1200 excavator  bucket cylinder rod this is an ejector cylinder  

Out of a 657 scraper d8t blade lift cylinder in  for a bit of a rebuild the 789 rear strut rod   a 12m grader to do some work on the articulation  steering cylinders of the machine the Hitachi ex1900  

Boom lift cylinder rod in for repair triple 7 rear strut that’s got a bit of a problem a   100 tonne Jack cylinder rod be machining up the  new nut for our ex1200 cylinder rod we have  

Two lift cylinder barrels off a ZX 670 to be  repaired and two Pistons to manufacture a d11   blade lift Rod a cylinder rod in from a 390  CAT Excavator a 785 dump truck hoist Barrel   in for repair a stick cylinder in for a massive  repair three cylinder rods that need to be  

Re roded how many jobs you do part two of our  789 hoist barrel rebuild a d10 dozer cylinder rod   in for repair a 740 articulated dump truck front  suspension strut in today is the day we’re going   to start making space in the workshop we are  finally getting around to pulling apart our  

Milling machine to replace that noisy bearing  we’re going to get started on our Franna crane   project we’ve just unloaded our new machine  and got it into the workshop [Laughter] wow

That’s a lot of work what he’s done it’s crazy to to crop  that audio and record it all he’s been a busy man [Laughter] so that’s in reference to the tools  that Kurtis has lent out over this past couple  

Of years yes that never returned so a lot of  questions have been asked about the dog so his   name is homeless got a hell of a [ __ ] pair  of balls on him [ __ ] like a ripper shank Homey yep Jesus man [Laughter] it’s stuck on his lip

Poor Santa’s only just holding on [giggle]


  1. 🎄Merry Christmas everyone! We have officially finished up for 2023 and now enjoying some relaxing downtime! You guys have shown us incredible support this year… from binge watching our videos, to showering us with generous gifts, sending us heartfelt emails, plus the unwavering enthusiasm for our CEE merch and the endless positive comments… it’s been mind blowing and we have so much appreciation for all of the support! We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and see you in 2024! Cheers 😎👍 Kurtis, Karen & Homey🐾 (& the Georges🐥)
    Subscribe and hit the bell icon to turn on notifications so you don't miss our weekly uploads. 👇 🤳

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  2. Well deserved gifts. I'd love to just come and watch. You both seem like a treat to hang out with. Merry Christmas from USA!

  3. Merry Christmas guys. Thanks for your work. Big hug from Portugal.
    P.S. kurtis and karen thanks for sharing a bit of your work. Thanks again


  5. I could have sworn you had your work clothes on playing golf Kurtis 😂, . You received some wonderful gifts guys ❤ a real testament of how people luv your channel. Nice to see Karen receive some beautiful gifts, girl behind the camera appreciated👍👌. I luved that cut out of homey and the Aussie made forged 🔨 hammer. Homey is a rock star ⭐, well luved🐾 , birds too😂. Thank you guys for all the most interesting content 👍🙏. Raising that money dollar for dollar for the staffys, unreal 🐾👍👌.Homey with the Santa suit on 😂 so cute 🐾 . Happy new year guy's 👌🎉🎉⭐👍👌🙏.

  6. ich bin ein eifriger fan von diesem kanal . sehr schön macht ihr das , immer interessant euch zuschauen zu können . ich wünsche euch viel erfolg in den kommenden jahren . beste herzgrüsse aus deutschland – nordsaarland – beste wishes JOE

  7. Can we take one second to talk about how just universally liked Kurtis and Karen are obviously homeless is the star. From a fabricator rancher contractor someone who spent their entire life in all the skilled trades you have my respect. From someone who has rescued animals with their wife and family for decades you have my respect for the way you two treat homeless. Out of the hundreds of rescue animals we have on the ranch the geese ended up being one of my favorites. Love the man you are Kurtis the work you do is a amazing but just a bonus. Karen we don’t see enough of you! Homeless will always be number one though sowwy:(

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