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Ranking all 18 AFL Coaches: Who is under the MOST pressure in 2024?? – SEN

Which coach is on the hottest seat heading into 2024?’s Nic Negrepontis, Jack Makeham & Seb Mottram have banded together to answer this question, creating the definitive tier list with EVERY AFL coach!

0:00 Intro
0:59 Luke Beveridge
3:14 Brad Scott
4:36 Chris Scott
6:17 Alastair Clarkson
8:41 Damien Hardwick
9:48 Chris Fagan
12:34 Simon Goodwin
16:05 Ken Hinkley
19:09 Adam Kingsley
21:44 John Longmire
24:50 Justin Longmuir
27:07 Craig McRae
27:57 Sam Mitchell
29:15 Matthew Nicks
31:19 Ross Lyon
32:29 Adam Simpson
34:36 Michael Voss
36:49 Adem Yze


Hello and welcome to the senen YouTube channel my name is Nick necronus from the senen digital team we’re the behind the scenes team that look after this YouTube page and it’s you know we’re going to have some fun with it over the Christmas period I’m with Jack makm how

You going and Sebastian mam thanks for having me P you can call him smart you can call him jack I’m Nick and we’re going to be ranking all 18 AFL coaches in terms of how much pressure they are under next year obviously no one wants coaches to be sacked no one wants anyone

To be sacked but basically what we’re going to do here is we’re going to go through all 18 teams and their coaches their contract situations and what that means going forward so Jack you’re you’re a tier list Master today you’ve got the laptop in front of you I have

Full control this could go anywhere but we’re going to go on a majority rules system so with if smart and I disagree Jack might have the deciding vote we’ll we’ll change the order of who goes first and who has the deciding vote as we go along so we’re going to start with maybe

The most interesting one on this list Luke beverage Luke beverage very much Under Fire there’s a lot of criticism going his way over the offseason cuz particularly on the scn YouTube account I mean maybe uh could be from us but um for me he’s probably the coach that’s on the hottest seat this

Coming into this season the list the talent that they have on that list there’s some big names on there Marx bondon belly Tom lior Jamar heagen stuff people players like that who should be stars in this league and are stars in this league but they consistently underperform they’ve been to a couple

Grand finals what are they going to do this year if they can’t reach it who knows yeah so I’m with you jack so B’s clearly hot SE it the thing I find fascinating is that he’s just got such a wide spectrum I don’t think any of us

Would be surprised if the Bulldogs play finals make a grand final winner Premiership if you look at the list like you were saying but in the same vein I don’t think any of us would be surprised if the dog start 2 and seven and B’s

Gone by round 10 it’s got a bit of MTT house Caron ending about it I reckon it could either be divorced by round 10 as you said or yeah that they could make make a grand final but do we overrate the Bulldogs list probably I get the

Feeling that they have a lot of top end players and a lot of Battlers and not a lot in between it would be it comes down to we see them a lot when it comes to the end of year Awards there’s always Bulldogs representation and they’ve got these big figures even though bayy

Smith’s not playing he’s one of these big figures that we always see jamaro we always see Aaron Norton probably for me very overrated but we always see him around so we see these players we think they’re good they probably are a bit overrated but regardless beever still on

The hot seat yeah I’m I’m I’m with you jack he it’s a talented list but there is a little bit of a drop off towards it towards the bottom but nevertheless they are taking how long is beverage contracted to bever contracted to the end of 2025 so two more years the dogs

Moved at the start of last year to resign him a move that’s been pretty widely criticized especially by our man Kane was criticized at the time and it’s starting to ring true but like I said big wide spectrum big wide campers for what B can do next year clearly in the

Hot seat so he needs a big 2024 but is he on the hot seat are we all agen agreement the hot seat definitely the hot seat all right we are unanimous on that one Jack what’s next well now we’re going to move over to Brad Scott over

The dawns yeah so I’ll take Brad Scott to start I I think he’s completely safe I reckon this club is going to be built around him for as long as as as long as he wants really so he’s he’s signed on to the end of 2026 foure deal when he

Signed I think he’s got the full support of baram he’s got the full support of Craig vzo the new CEO he’s canvas really I’m 100% in agreement with you there smart um he’s contracted for quite a long time until the end of 2026 I believe he’s not going to be going

Anywhere regardless of how well they perform this year how disappointed they are it’s a boring start but yeah I think we’re all in agreement so far Brad Scott he basically runs the bombers if you listen to any interviews with sn’s Chiefs they pretty much just say yeah

Brad makes every decision so they can do what he wants fair enough too he’s ear that position as well he’s tenure at North he’s ten at the AFL house I think he’s one of the more red figures in footy and deserves to scenario finish bottom four next year does Brad Scott

Pay the price or does someone else pay the price cuz Doo is gone they uh scapegoat is gone I I think Brad Scott survives and survives well I think there’s the um I would I would almost go as far to say nothing that could happen in 2024 could see Brad Scott depart the

Bombers so like fully safe couldn’t be safer and we will make a Tik Tok of that if it does happen so for now I agree fully safe fully safe let’s move on to his brother old Chris and we’re gonna go straight back to SM the cats man himself

Yeah so Chris has contracted to 2026 and he’s an interesting one because he’s a bit in the same vein as Bevo that cats could like we were running or Premier in 2022 so they could go straight back up and but they’re also tipped to full off

A cliff Jack so they could go straight back down so big wide canvas about what happens there but he’s got the right to choose how he departs this club given what he’s done and it’s another interesting one in the fact that if he wins another flag this

Year if he takes you long back up to the top he’s won three flags he’s suddenly in the conversation is one of the greatest coaches of all time classic jalong angle from from you Sebastian but again if he’s three if he’s two and nine

At round 10 he he might as well just say I’ve had enough I can’t to use it Damen hard I can’t cook the sausages in any other ways this has Daman Hardwick Vibes all over will not be sacked by jalong but there is I reckon there’s at least

20% there are scenarios next year where he is no longer jalong coach can say that and he you know makes his own choice so I reckon if if we’re categorizing this he’s probably safe probably safe he’s the only way he wouldn’t be safe is if he’s not safe

From himself y yeah like Damen Hardwick coming into this year was probably safe Premiership coach you know only thing that could go wrong was team falling off a cliff which it kind of did you could see that happening with trong next year I know you probably can’t I I’ll say if

Things go poorly Chris Scott could probably be gone I think that’s my category I’ve got himor I’ve got him in probably safe I’m going to stick with probably safe I can see where you’re coming from but there’s almost no world where things go that poorly for me that

Works for me too claro claro another figure another staple of the coaching scene who knows what is going to go on with him but he’s contracted for a very long time now that Theon inv ation is in the back back seat he is as safe as any

Coach in the AFL exactly there is no way that North would move on from their protal all time like the it was they they held parties in the streets when they when they signed him there is not a chance in the world that they sack him

Yeah it is in the same vein as Scott though Claro’s comments towards the end of last year seemed to suggest I think it was about George warlock that he almost didn’t come back we was thinking about not coming back at least which is at not odds with North narrative the

Time but remember comments from CL go towards the end of the the season suggested that watching George Ward w wants to make him come back so clearly he’s not well not clearly but to me he doesn’t feel like he’s that invested in the club or publicly at least his

Narrative isn’t he he’s that invested so again it wouldn’t be surprised to see claro in round 15 say I’ve I’ve lost my love of the game I’m I’m walking away that’s a headline we could see in the future so you reckon you reckon there’s a world where alist Clarkson is not

North mour coaching 2025 yes Jack what do you reckon I can see that world I don’t see it as a likely world I might it’s no that’s it I’m not tipping it to say that it happens I could just see a headline that if you wake up from a comr

In 8 months time I could see that as a headline the point you’ve made is give me the inclination to drop him down to probably safe because I can see a world where he does what we’re tipping Chris Scott could possibly do as well follow the dimmer route and just go yeah I’m

Done actually Alice the Clark is fully safe so like like in terms of North me will not sack him and he will not leave unless he wants to so it is it is the same as Chris God in that regard let’s say North loses 17 of their first 20

Games does clar go I’m out of energy I don’t have the juice to to rebuild this club that is the only thought but they have poured so much money into him and they stood by him through some pretty tough times this year oh like you said

North’s not going to sack him so it’s just it’s completely in Claro’s hands and yeah how he want to rank B I guess his subjective but probably safe I’ll be fully safe as well fully safe let’s move him back up should have made a category for could just say goodbye it chooses to

Leave oh fair enough which is weird cuz that’s another thing coaches usually do we’re seeing it a lot dimmer has set the precedent speaking of the precedent dimmer the man himself for me potentially the safest man in the entire competition yeah this is a 12 second conversation dim is the safest man of

The com Club builds around him same same mold as Brad Scott he trying to think of sorry I’m trying to think of someone in the AFL who has a safer job than Damen HCK anybody body can’t be done doesn’t exist I’m drawing nickos Nick Doos would have a safer

Job yeah except Nick deos can get injured Tim is pretty safe off off the field true but no again he’s he’s not going anywhere that club will build around him and it’s a great appointment for the Suns that club would trade anybody on their list before they get

Rid of Damen Hardwick you Tred a fair bit same same as same as Dima same as Chris Scott I think these these coaches that have won premierships are invaluable interesting there’s no many to go around I’m still wondering if di is washed I’ll say that now I honestly

Reckon there is more worlds where go Coast missed the eight and his coaching isn’t quite up to par and the pressure comes he’s not going anywhere but he’s but I think it’s an interesting watch next year it’s a it’s an interesting one point big watch big watch we’re going to

Stay up north staying in Queensland we’re going to go to Chris Fagan I’ll start on this one p so is end of 2025 and I’ve got him in the category of if things go poorly and I’ll explain that now so clearly that he’s been he’s been there since 2016 so he’s been there

A fair time and this is he’s probably been there longer than the average average coach now and he still hasn’t won a flag so my thinking is that again if if he gets to a point where he’s or lines five and seven something like that clearly a much more talented team than

That is there a scenario where Chris Fagen says I can’t do anything more for this group I I can’t do anything more the same thing as Damen Hardwick and he walks away I think if things go poorly I can I can see Fagan saying that that’s

Enough I’ve had what is it eight 8 nine years at the at the line sorry seven eight years of the lines that’s that’s it I’m disappointed you’ve gone the middle one mod cuz I’ve got him in needs a big 2024 wow interesting Brisbane I thought you were going to go the other

Way there Brisbane have had the best list in the competition for two years now they had the easiest path to win a Premiership of any team in AFL history in 2020 they have not done it but again it’s only a bounce of a ball that changes the whole Narrative of course

But the ball did bounce the other way so we are on we can only go with the Nar that we have provided to me if Brisbane finish 8th or if Brisbane finish 10th you’ll start hearing he’s a bit older has he got the most out of this list is

There anything else that they can do but again that’s not to say that will happen no I’m not saying that will happen I still think he needs a big 2024 I think there are more scenarios where Chris Fagen and the Lions move on than not at

The end of next year out of contract at the end of 2025 yep which always means you want to get the contract done in the year before precisely you want to avoid that kind of Ken Hinkley scenario that we saw all through this year um H I’m

With you I think he I think he needs a big 2024 I think that Brisbane have correct they’ve got the best list in the competition they’ve got stars all throughout their entire list and they’ve got new ones coming that we got will Ashcraft we got the younger lead by asht

Who sounds like he’s better somehow which is ridiculous that list that he’s working with is easily the most prevalent with star power in the entire competition and he still hasn’t quite managed to get it done they’re playing with the at the gab up nine times out of

10 as soon as they come to the G they’ve just got to figure something out I think he needs a big 2024 I think he needs another grand final appearance y if he’s not on track for that I could see him going to me their Premiership favorites

Next year what do you reckon 100% I agree yep alongside Melbourne Melbourne not hwood I just think it’s so hard to go back to back in this in this kind of year this this uh that’s a fair point the way we’re playing foot now how competitive it is and king would also

Lose gr right which is a big factor that we’ll get to later on so the most interesting coach on this list I think is coming up next Simon Goodwin sm’s Premiership favorites apparently Melbourne equal Premiership favorites goodies to 2026 they moved early to resign him amid all the um all that

Speculation surrounding Goodwin all the reports surrounding Goodwin out of the Herald’s son uh I’m interested to see how goody goes without Adam U who’s now joined Richmond so U was pinned as Mel’s game day coach ESS up in the tacal up in the so I think

When you combine that good still got a cour case going on and he’s also got to deal with multiple off field issues like Clayton how Clayton Oliver plays at Melbourne is going to be a huge headline all throughout 2024 or at least early in 2024 so I think there’s a lot of factors

Against Mel and that being said I still think they’re my equal Premiership favorites around the mark given their list and I have goody as probably safe yeah probably safe doesn’t quite cut it to me I think I think he’s one Cate below it I think there are a lot of

Scenarios both onfield and off field that could see Simon Goodwin move on as Melbourne coach but that contract that they did just move probably puts him closer to probably safe because they did just extend him but it’s been 2 years now the D’s have had a lot of issues as

You just outlined yeah I think I’m leaning towards towards the middle category what do you reckon Jack I think I’m putting him further down I’m not keeping him probably safe at all no I have a lot of questions about the D this season um there’s obviously there’s a

Lot of on their list right but straight sets so time and time again there’s constant controversy off field with them with everything that’s going on let’s not get into the details of it but there’s something about Melbourne that just screams explosion I don’t see I see a world where this club doesn’t even

Make finals because something goes wrong it’s it’s it’s a bold call yeah even on that though even if they don’t make finals let’s not forget that Simon Goodwin is a Melvin hero he he broke he broke the Premiership drought this man dragged them well not solely him but

Taking over from Paul R he dragged them out of obscurity and brought this team back to yeah back to a grand final back to the Premiership like this man he will he will forever be remembered as one of Melbourne’s famous names my favorite favorite coaches and it’ll take a lot to

See him gone at the end of 2024 that is a again that is that is a great Point even in this doomsday scenario that I’m talking about he is probably safe it would take a it would take as a disaster of Epic Proportions to see him move away from that club how

Many years does a Premiership buy you buys you a long time cuz Luke beverage it’s 2024 that’ll be at least 8 years and a new contract last year I reckon the Premiership bought him that contract yeah I I think that’s fair to say I think the Premiership bought bever

7even eight years really so yeah I’m saying Goodwin is is in the middle tier you’re saying probably safe SM I’ve got him as probably safe I think I’ve been talked up to probably safe even no even in This Disaster I think he’s probably safe and so let’s go move on to so are

We we are we 100% sure I’m probably safe here because I I I’ve got the middle category you had the category below that I’ve talked up two categories I’ve been talked up twice I’ve talked up Jack I probably safe it it I underestimated in my own notes how much of a Melvin hero

That he actually is he is an icon to that football club yeah okay I’m happy to be out voted pivotal but if we had a little little bit there you just kind of sitting in the middle probably safe but if things go poorly who knows anyway

Let’s move on to port adelade with Ken Hinkley P start us off he is on the hot seat they just resigned him and yet he is on the hot seat which to me says that they made the wrong decision 100% yes you can’t Reign a coach in August based

On 6 months of pressure and then go out in straight sets and not then be immediately on the hot seat yeah well this is getting into different here but I think you can’t not resign a coach as going into a final series and have him as the headline when

Port all has got his best shot to win a flag in in some years I I think that would have been a mistake but back to Ken in the same realm I can’t think of a coach that just signed a contract extension that’s ever been under more

Pressure what four five months after it that like it seems ridiculous that we’re already talking about this but we are and we know the fan sentiment at Port Adelaide is one that doesn’t really support hinley or unless is a very very very loud minority in that sense so I’m

I’m with you well actually I’ve got him as needing a big 2024 okay so I I can think of three coaches and they all made a grand final after that Damen Hardwick Nathan Buckley and Mark Thompson who were all resigned in pretty controversial fashion stuck around and

They all either made a grand final or 1-1 I do any of us see Port ad doing that next year I don’t see Kenley being in the same mold as any of those names I don’t see Port ad doing that there’s again I’m just going to keep firing off

Boltes because apparently that’s what I’m doing now I can see them falling off entirely out of the top eight um have you got anyone in your top eight next year Gold Coast and that’s about it um Damian Hardwick all the way baby um I can see them I don’t buy the strength of

Their list in anywhere aside from their Midfield and I don’t think Ken hickley is particularly adapted at harnessing what he’s got with those pair parts last season his success was built almost entirely off a wi streak that while impressive a lot of it came down to they

Were just getting the right bounce of the ball they had a lot of close game success and I don’t see that being replicated and I think if they miss finals he’s out yeah without diing too much into onfield I think the main concern on Port last year was their

Backline and it was flooded with injuries all those players come back they get radical in the door they get Brandon Z Thatcher in the door not a grade player but players that can play a role not B grade players not CG grade players maybe maybe C minus grade

Players can be nice can be important players of Port next year and I can see Ken hinley taking port to the Grand Final so what what category we are we going I said Hot Seat I want hot seat smart if I’m out voted I’m out voted

What category would you have had him in I I’ve got him in needs a big 2024 but it’s a fine very fine margin all right well I think we’re I think the majority says hot seat I think we’re going to go Hot Seat but I’ll put him above B yes B

Is hotter B is the hottest seat that is ever yep I’m just broken Jack there anyway next up is gws coach Adam Kingsley who is maybe the safest coach in the AFL outside of Damen Hardwick who has just resigned yeah so I’ll I’ll take Kingsley fully fully safe 2025 he’s um

Interesting yarn written by Andrew slon you last week that uh Kingsley mirrors that of Craig McCrae in his first season so going from so Kingsley takes the Giants from 16th to 7th and loses the prelim final by one point McCrae takes the pi from 17th to 4th and

Loses the preliminary final by one point uh there’s an interesting narrative there to be followed next year depending on what the Giants can do I wouldn’t count against him and I think kingsley’s as safe as they get yeah interesting there it’s it’s when you when you take a

Team who finished bottom four under a long-term coach and take them one point short of a grand final I don’t think it matters what happens next year there’s not there’s not going to be enough media pressure built up on gws anyway to sack Adam Kingsley even if they finish last

Uh so I think he’s safe in pretty much all scenarios when it comes to smaller clubs like this it takes an extreme amount of media pressure an extreme amount of an extended period of losing like look at what happened with Gold Coast it took ages for Stuart JW to get

Anywhere near to getting the boot and that was after they never had a successful season in their entire history so Adam Kingsley can from here on out he can coach for as long as he wants at jws and he’s out of contract at the end of 2025 so we’ll probably see

Some kind of contract extension coming next season pretty soon just a quick one to jump in on there Jack I find it interesting how the narrative’s changed from Leon camon to Adam Kingsley so being in the media we we love this media sort of nerdy stuff but Leon Cameron had

The keys to the Lamborghini and never really learned how to drive the Giants list hasn’t changed overly much since Kingsley took over but now that King but Kingsley doesn’t have that same sort of pressure on him at all like Adam Leon Cameron really was red for for not being

Out to maximize his his List have you got any thoughts on that Nick I think that’s because Adam Kingsley drove the Ferrari as as hchi pointed it out I think he he took the keys he got in the car and he actually drove it Cameron

Took them to a grand final as well he did he ABS he even B Callingwood in in a pre he absolutely did and I think some of the criticism of L Cameron was unfair y but Adam what Adam Kingsley did was he took a team that had almost no ability

To move the football for two years and turned them into the most dynamic offense in the AFL yep so I think that’s to me why was a bit difference he’s also a first year coach no one expected anything of wws last year he’s under no pressure so we’ve all got him in fully

Safe yes yep fully safe second safest coach in the entire competition for me third safest I reckon third safest I reckon there’s one that’s you are 100% correct and he’s coming up right now here we go we got John longm right here what do you reckon very safe very

Safe John longm there is no one safer smart outside of dck no one’s safer but in the sense he’s also coached over 300 100 AFL games there’s how many professions can you stay in for well I think he was appointed in early 2010 so how many professions can you stay

Willingly involved in for more than a decade you have to have a lot of passion for it a lot of passion for it so I’ve got no quals with what John Longmire has achieved as a coach I think he’s done a fantastic he’s done incredible things for that football club but again this

Swans a tip to really improve next year with their trade period going after Taylor Adams BR Grundy the improved development from their youngsters if the swans aren’t going that well mid-season do be a bit surprised but don’t be overly surprised if there’s a a shock press conference called mid-season John

Longm saying I’ve done all I can with this club you reckon he could be he could do a Dimo I do yeah and like I I think the line is not as big for some of these people as we think if a few results go their way go against them and

He’s not 100% committed to turning this club around which I don’t think anyone could blame him if he’s not I could see it well where he’s not coaching the Swans in 2025 but that’s not to hit out at his coaching credentials at all I still think Sydney

Are right up there in the Premiership Market I’d see in comparison to the other coaches that we’ve we might be expecting to pull a dimmer um I don’t really see longm as one of them considering how invested he is in that culture at the club the infamous Bloods culture has been something massive

That’s part of the club for as soon as well obviously before his tenure but he’s embodied that Spirit the entire time he’s been there and I don’t obviously from the outside looking in it’s a bit hard to tell we don’t particularly know what’s going on in

Their Guys these guys’ minds but I would be stunned if longm decided to call it a day if they were going not so great the swans and I don’t particularly see a world where they don’t end up going at least okay enough for him to stick

Around I’ve got one one thought on the swans the best offensive mind in Australian football for the last seven years has been Don Pike he took Adelaide to a grand final we know what happened after that I think that was a little bit you know more off field than onfield um

He they had that had lay team in 2017 was extraordinary offensively he comes to Sydney takes a dow defensive team and turns them into one of the most interesting attacking teams in the league he’s now CEO of West Coast big narrative to watch Good Can can the

Swans without Don Pike keep that because we know that when when key assistant coaches leave they take their IP with them we’ve seen that you know Nathan Buckley’s last year Justin long leaves for freem manal suddenly they’ they lose their defensive identity so this is what I’m really curious to see Sydney minus

Don Pike Don Pike was also the natural successor if John longm wanted to move aside so you could look at it both ways I think he’s fully safe I’m going to go with fully safe happy with fully safe so we’re going to go move on to a man with

A remarkably Sim similar name Justin long and a remarkably s distinct um situation to to John longm 100% I think he’s on the hot seat you better believe he’s on the hot seat we’re going to put him in the middle we’re going to put him

To the left of Ken more more hot than Ken and less hot than than beverage but he is out of contract next year which I think is a big factor yeah I I think that’s that’s right on not as under pressure as Bevo but certainly got a

Fair bit of H on him and the problem with long mu that I think we’re not really talking about the the Dockers need a rebound and they probably need to play finals if they are if he’s going to keep his job even though it seems like Sly the the Dockers have suggested they

Cut back on their list too hard but how do you play finals Jack when your list has got worse over the trade period they’ve lost he’s lost Liam Henry and he’s lost Loy Schulz how does this team actually rebound and get better I I don’t see whether I just I don’t see it

Either the expectations are high but for this team but it I can’t see a world where they actually live up to those expectations especially when they’ve got such a a baffling list construction the whole tossup between Luke Jackson and Shawn Darcy and they’ve just extended Sha

I I this is a huge problem for Justin long to solve and I don’t see a world where he does it I think he’s out I don’t think they play finals next year but I think they stick with him so I’m not expecting he’s still on the hot seat

I think he’s absolutely on the hot seat but I think one thing to consider is freem menal has one of if not the youngest lists in the AFL all of their key personnel are 25 and under so this is a big decision to make do you stick

With long M or do you reset and bring someone else in a question with that notice for you do you know where they would go if they chose to bring someone else in do they go for a big wa name do they bring Adam Simpson across oh no we

Haven’t got to him yet but I think I think there are scenarios where free man or ghost of Someone Like A John long or a Chris Scott sorry John longm or a Chris Scott and says we have a really young list and we would really

Like you to coach it here is all of Western Australia’s resources please come coach us whatever it is I think it’s fair to say that 2024 defines Justin Long’s coaching credentials yep I think that’s pretty fair yep on the hot seat and we’re going to move on to a man

Who coaching credentials were defined in 2023 Craig McCrae Smart Start us off 15sec conversation doesn’t need anything else fully safe bang yeah I forgot him when I was talking about Adam Kingsley being the second safest coach in the league Craig McCrae there is no one

Safer there is no one he’s the head of dimer I reckon I’m trying to move him the only thing I do want to say on that actually I shouldn’t have said the 15 second com Graham wght We Know has been a steam foot operator for a long time

The amazing things of Hawthorne now he’s gone to Collingwood and done the same thing reshaped the whole place he’s on leave from March to September next year seems important unclear whether he comes back for finals and also unclear whether uh sorry unclear how much influence he’ll have over Collingwood while

Overseas just one to watch just one to watch for me Jack and Nick how coling would go without Graham R fair enough but I think we’ve all got him fully safe easy super safe super safe Sam Mitchell one fully safe fully safe fully safe can

Do what that he wants with the club he um he runs that place now he can he can choose whatever happens I think the I know Jeff Ken’s no longer there and it’s a completely different board but the egos who sacked aliser Clarkson let’s not beat around the bush they sacked

Alist Clarkson with a year to run on his contract brought in s Mitchell got rid of the the um Handover plan went straight to S Mitchell if they a sack sand Mitchell within 2 years of doing that outrageous I mean I know they’ve already left the club but I don’t think

The the incumbents could do that either I also thinkon will be one of the most improved clubs next year yeah the only thing to add quickly is that you can’t finish bottom three six for three years running with no R ramifications so I do think oron will improve but if they

Don’t I’d watch for some sort of narrative to start building what category do you have him in I’ve got Mitchell as probably safe I’ve got him as fully safe yeah I’ve got him as fully safe only he’s got one more year he’s got one more year where he can do anything without

Reproach I think yeah because of the the proximity to this the clar O I’m fully fine with I’m completely fine with fully safe yeah I don’t reckon there’s any danger with him we’re going to move on to Adelaide Matthew Nicks now this one’s interesting because he is the only

Coaching the AFL I believe who is out of contract next year other than just m I think it is just those two and I believe Michael Voss and Michael Voss yeah that’s that’s a fair point will get to him his his own kettle of fish but Matthew Nicks is an interesting one

Because the crows have already come out and said they’re not going to be in a rush to resign him they’re not going to go down the same path Port Adelaide did in terms of having a public narrative when when they’re ready they will either make they will make their decision for

Me if I’m Adelaide I’m waiting I’m waiting to the end of the year and I’m making a call based on what they do this year they yes they should have made finals last year they missed out on an Umpire era sure they’ve got to actually

Do it this year though yeah I agree like they that’s one of the most underrated things I think in in the football landscape it’s time to actually do it when it’s time to do it who can actually do it and we need we do need to see that

From Matthew Nick so I’ve got him as probably safe and I think David King’s been hot on it all throughout the year these rebuild coaches don’t survive so if he does it’s a massive credit to Matthew to Matthew Nicks but still to be seen I am 100% in agreement there we’ve

Just got to let it play out over at Adelaide he’s a good coach we just got to see if we can actually take that crew to the next level that’s it I’ve got him one below I’ve got him in the I think if things go poorly because let’s say Adela

Finished 16th they go backwards out of contract coach I don’t think an out- of contract coach can be probably safe unless they are like literally Al Clarkson I think that’s a fair point that’s a fair point but I think it’s I think it’s pretty stiff on Matthew Nicks

As well it would be but if they finish 17th next year I think ideally Matthew Nicks is contracted till the end of 2025 if you’re Adelaide right now you’d rather Matthew Nicks be contracted to the end of 2025 but you can’t resign a coach for one year so you can’t they

Don’t want to be making that decision right now they’re the Adela front office is probably not overly happy with their entire setup with his contract at the moment but they’ve got to figure it out that’s what they do have I convinced either of you you have convinced me okay

SMI I’d still have him as probably safe well two to one sorry if things are poly we needed someone in that category it was looking empty he was getting lonely um so let’s go to Ross lion St ker same thing as a few other coaches we’ve mentioned today blank canvas at the

Saints to do what he wants he’s contracted 2026 I’ve got reservations about how the Saints will go that being said but I think even if the Saints finish 15th 16th 17th God forbid anything anything like that I think Ross is still the man in charge and he’ll be

The one that calls the shots on how to fix it so fully safe for mine I’m with you fully safe um I think they love him over at silda he can do no wrong in their eyes I don’t think there’s going to be any problems with him even if

Silda don’t go too well he’ll be fine he’ll be there for at least another couple of years I can’t see a world where he’s out anytime soon agree they just brought him in they sacked Brett Ren out of nowhere after just resigning him to bring Ross in even if Sina wins

The Wooden Spoon next year Ross lion will remain coach of the Saints yep yep he’s as safe as a house safe as a house houses safe as houses speaking of someone who’s not safe as houses Adam Simpson the only reason he wasn’t sacked this year was because of his contract ex

I think we can all 100% agree on that W coost just didn’t want to pay him pay him out I’m here to see what you guys think on this because I’ve got Simo in the if things go poorly Camp because only because you can’t come out and Sack

A coach with already very little expectations of what they can actually do for next year after coming out an unequivocally backing at the end of the season i’ it it would be horrendous leadership and that’s not what the Eagles are known for either they they’ve stuck by their man the whole way I’d

Expect them to do it again and I expect Simpson will be there in 2025 even if they win The Wooden Spoon providing they show something of Sword Jack is that going to be the could it be the straw that broke the camels back though three straight wooden sprin finishes is that

Is that enough to get someone sack it should be is anyone expecting anything else I’m hoping for something else I think anything above 16th for West Coast would be a big pass or would be a big big big big pass would that count as a big 2024 for Adam Simpson is above 16th

This is what I was going to say if things go poorly how much more poorly can they go that’s it if oh sorry when when you say things go poor if the Eagles are 0 and 17 or something like that and we are hanging on a win for

Adam Simpson like we hanging for them to get to North Melbourne and play North whenever they line up in 2024 come the end of the year then then that’s if my things if things go poorly for I’ve got him on needs a big 2024 only because second Don P mentioned for the

For the video I think he’s going to be pretty ruthless in charge of that club and I don’t think Adam Simpson Will Survive another year in the bottom for and I think I don’t think he’ll want to coach that club Beyond 2025 unless Harley Reed looks like the greatest

Player of all time I think that’s pretty fair honestly I it seems it seems a bit mean but I honestly hope that Adam Simpson goes just cuz West Coast needs some change they need a fresh voice they need something cuz it’s just sad at this

Point yep fair enough I I can see it I can see it either way but there’s no doubt that Simo needs to be 2024 so we’re going with needs to be 2024 yes fair enough i’ voted again all right sorry smart um we’re going to go over to

C and the carton man himself Nick n ronus is going to talk us through Michael Voss a very interesting case he needs a big 2024 yes I know car just made a prelim no but the way they made the preim is unprecedented I I’ve got bossy as fully

Safe because fully safe and I’ll explain it is because he’s a contract no one’s ever turned a club around like I think I think Vos will be resigned before the season starts as well but no one’s ever turned well no one that I’ve seen and I

Think it’s be very hard to think of in historical sense has turned the club around midseason like Michael voset so I think even if they finish three and or 3 and 21 or something like that next year I think vosy can go to the board and say I’ve

Done this before I will do it again and and I think they’d be silly to doubt him as well if C goes three and 21 he won’t be the only one sacked what what number would he beat to be sacked in the last 10 years for carton uh five

Or six you can’t they can’t do it they can’t do it they can’t vosy cannot get sacked this year I really can’t see a world where VY get sacked this year yeah no there’s think back at the halfway point of last season where everything was going wrong for cartton they done

Nothing before they sporadically turned things around and there were question marks all over bossy are we going to let a 3mon sample completely change the future of the club this is the thing this is C we’re talking about car could be four and five at the buy and fans

Will be calling for the coach’s head this is how C works trust me I’m well aware he can’t be fully safe no Caron coach has ever been fully safe outside of MC molas in his first year I’ve got a hell of a lot of respect for Brian cook

Cookie and Char cats angle cats angle cats angle I yeah I’m Resolute on having Vos fully safe what what have you got him jack soart got him at fully safe you’ve got him at needs a big 2024 I’m going to go split the difference if things go poorly yeah I think if if

Things go poorly because that is literally what will happen if things go poly he’s in trouble yeah that could it could they could be in they could be winning a flag who knows they could also be hilariously bad it’s carton we don’t know happy to me in the middle yep and

We’re going to end it off here with adamu first year coach at my Tigers Smart Start us off yeah so like we were touching on before with goody seems like U was as Melbourne’s game day coach and to see what what he can achieve at uh at

The ties will be will be fascinating I think I’ve Got No Reservations on him as a coach I think everything we’ve seen so far has been positive he’s a good media performer and uh whatever happens in 2024 he’ll be there in 2025 100% fully safe he’s a firste coach and personally

I’m thrilled to see I can’t wait to see what he’s going to do with the tiges I’ve got tremendous respect for him as a coach considering how involved he was in Melbourne’s game day operations I can’t wait to see what he’s going to do it would have to be like a implosion

Level Scandal for him to not be Richmond coach in 2025 yep fully safe fully safe well that’s our list we’ve got them all there as as you would expect a lot of the coaches in the AFL are fully safe that’s how contracts work that’s how you

Know it’s how you’d want your Club to be but before we finish is there anything here we don’t like or any ordering here we would change we can move some things around smart you disagreed on most of them is there anything there you don’t like someone’s got to provide a

Different narrative no I think I think everything’s pretty fair but it’s I think it’s interesting to look at that and say that there’s nine coaches that could potenti that could move next year without incredible surprise that were we stiff on Fagan no well we we were really

He’s a fantastic coach he’s done amazing things for the club but that doesn’t mean that we that doesn’t mean that he’s not where he is the longer I stare at it the more I think he should be one category above but if if we’re happy to

Leave it I’m happy to leave it I’m happy believe that I think that Chris fagen’s right where he deserves to be at the moment after his track record and that’s not a bad thing as track record it’s also just not as good as it should be

Pressure is a privilege they say and and has earned that so good on him now it’s time to perform again well Jack Seb thank you for for doing a teer list with us let’s let’s see how the SC audience likes it whether they do whether they

Don’t whether they hate us whether they like us we’ll find out and if you do we’ll make a couple more of these perfect can’t wait thanks for having us p Beauty p


  1. Simpson has already been put under the pump today in the West Australian paper. A scathing editorial piece by Peter Sumich on why is Simmo off on a 2 week coaching education tour and break in the US. Seems a bit harsh after the immense pressure he had this year. Players have up to 8 weeks off each year, yet a coach who works immense hours for 10 years plus (and travels every second week interstate) can't have at least 4 weeks off. Simmo was there for the end of year planning and involved in trading and recruiting discussions and then back into training. Also coaches like Hardwick and Clarkson have gone for long study breaks overseas previously. Yet here we are a few days before Christmas and we have Simmo being smashed in the local media.

  2. So "easiest run the win a flag ever" for Brisbane in 2020, is basically equivalent to the run of every Melbourne team to ever exist. Absolute load of tripe. Brisbane bloomed early in their 2019/20 years (way earlier than anyone thought) and you're kidding yourself if you say any punter had them winning it at the start of the year. They simply were too young and inexperienced in 2020 to really take the gabba advantage that we see today in that finals series. Tell me you're Victorian without saying it ….🤡

  3. You're wrong with Eagles. They've just come off two years with Covid and injuries, where much of the time they only had 25 fit players available. So you can't even do proper training drills as you'd have less on the track. Their best experienced guys were out, so had to rely on kids and guys in early-mid 20s clearly not up to it. So they've wiped out the guys in the mid 20s and are now kids and veterans. There is a real positivity there currently and there has been a lot of change in roles at the club, while keeping the stability. Fact is that the last 2 years were decimated by injuries but 2024 and 2025 are probably going to be the toughest years. But with less injuries we should be playing better. Its been a blessing in disguise the injuries as Eagles have had exposure to early draft picks in national and midseason draft. Kids have been gifted games and played in major roles. The interesting thing is that due to travel Eagles and Dockers will always have shorter careers on average. So as guys get into their late 20s its inevitable that the injuries will arise and careers will be shortened. So the national draft is always important.

  4. Goodwin is nowhere near safe. The buck stops with the coach and in that regard he has massively under performed. Player attitudes are suspect. Poor game day coaching. Needs a big 2024.

  5. To be fair, I don't think any coach would do well with the amount of injuries Adam Simpson has had to deal with over the past 2 seasons. It got so bad we sometimes had 20+ players on the injury list and had to call on amateur players and already-retired Will Schofield to play in our reserves side.

  6. Agree about Clarkson. Not sure he still has what it takes to be a great AFL coach. Racism saga aside, he seems to be lacking motivation and drive, and his gameplan for much of last year left a lot to be desired. If he is intent on hanging around, he needs to reinvent himself and quickly.

  7. Only thing you need is some face cams and this is a high quality YouTube video format

  8. Not sure where youve put Yze as a Tiges fan, but yeah he has to hit the ground running for me. Like keep this rebuild going well over this year and 2025. But its so early even after McQualter as well, in post Hardwick era to think too much about any pressure too much

  9. Reading between the lines I believe Port have agreed to a succession plan with Josh Carr to take over the reins in 2026.If Hinkley wins a flag in 2024 I don't believe he will get a contract extension.Hinkley has been there since 2013 so another extension will not happen either way in my opinion so Hinkley has a couple of years with the players he drafted like Marshall Rozee Butters JHF Bergmanns Georgiades etc to see if he can win a flag then hand it over to Carr and those players will be all mid 20's by then and that would be a good start for Josh Carr to start his senior coaching career.If Port fail to make finals in 2024 good chance Carr may take over in 2025.I believe this was the agreement made when Port resigned Hinkley,they spoke to Josh Carr about it because they don't want to lose him so is Hinkley under pressure to keep his job……….think Port have decided that already

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