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[New] Hazel Full Season 2023 🌻🌞 S1.E4 🌻🌞 Hazel Full Episodes

[New] Hazel Full Season2023🌻🌞S1.E5 βˆ™ Dorothy’s New Client🌻🌞Hazel Full Episodes

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You made don’t forget to scrub your teeth do you think this Southern fell is the type that appreciate my chocolate sule chocolate sule would be wonderful that sounds like just a thing you see living as he does at the Caron Hotel Mr suin is used to the finest of foods and

Impeccable service what about an angel food cake and ice cream well whichever’s easier I thought we just settled in the chocolate sule easy ain’t the question you know you got to be in the right mood to make a chocolate sule what’s mood got to do with it what’s mood Got to Do With

It Mr B making a chocolate Soule is just exactly like writing a poem you wouldn’t expect Edgar a guest to write a poem without being in the mood do you well I would if I was paying by the month you just don’t understand the autistic temperament oh Dar don’t blow a gasket

Mr be you want a chocolate sule I’ll do my best to make one but I think I better make an angel food cake too you know just to be on the safe side Carol time to go I wonder what it would be like to have a maid who didn’t have a voice like

An aage siren darling she’s not that loud no well everyone named Harold within 5 miles will be headed this way bye mom goodbye Dad there goes the first one did your ham and eggs I cut up the meat on account of your hand oh thank

You Hazel yeah and be sure and take your pill what’s that that’s calcium on account of you got this brittle bone condition I have everybody gets as they get older I am not quite decrepit yet and I do not have a brittle bone condition be sure that he takes it won’t

You Missy and never mind the dishes I’ll do them after the marke and just leave them on the table oh that’s Harold waiting out in the car wouldn’t you think he’d realize that you need your peace and quiet take your pill darling hurry Hazel hold your hores sport You see the point is Mr Southerland is not used to servants who talk politics while they’re serving wait a minute she isn’t she isn’t taking the station wagon is she yes she always takes the wagon to go shopping what difference does it make no the souland papers on the back seat

And I’ve got to leave in 10 minutes All I got to go to Robinson for the meat it may cost a little more but you get less fat and not so much thumb what’s this Hazel uh-oh what’s the matter we’ve been carrying your dad’s legal papers around all this time he’s going to be

Mad oh no people don’t get mad Harold dogs get mad they growl and froth at the mouth you’re right we better get word to your dad tell them we’re on the Way I’m terribly sorry to hold you up Mr suland I know you’re anxious to get out of the course all right give me a chance to get my swing into the groove besides when your wife phoned didn’t she say the papers were on the way yes sir they should be here any

Minute oh I don’t know what’s happened to my game lately I’ve develop quite a slice well if you don’t mind a suggestion no suggestions I take my golf lessons from the pro Mr B and Mr B here Pap oh Hazel thank you thank you Mrs

Sule and this is Hazel she works for me oh not in his office I’m a domestic engineer how do you doing I’m fine thanks how are you fine I hear you’re coming to the house for dinner he looks as if he could stand a little home cooking goodbye Hazel thank you very

Much thank you hey your grips all wrong I beg your pardon please you’ll slice every time using that grip why you try my grip you see you take this little Pinky and this little Pinky and you put this little pinky right here and this little pinkyy right there and there you

Are so would you please give Mr suin back his Club oh sure nice meeting you Mr suin thank you don’t forget that grip this little Pinky and this little pinky works every time thank you goodbye if there’s one thing I don’t need it’s an Amer to tell me my grip is

Wrong you’ll forgive her when you taste her chocolate sule chocolate sule can she really make a decent chocolate sule sheer Ambrosia well if that’s the truth I’d forgive her almost anything I haven’t had a good sule since I was in Paris two years [Applause] ago Oh 20 minutes to go well better to be safe then sorry here are four pennies I’ll Hold You cone there we are one two three four there we go why settle when we can win because it’ll cost you more to fight it than to settle that sets a bad precedent all

Right Mr suland you’re the doctor would expect you for dinner date right and I’m looking forward to that sule goodbye Baxter bye Mr s how did she say that went this little Pinky and that little pinky hey that felt pretty good we go for right on the swim no

Harold I got to get home in a hurry to have everything perfect for Mr sn’s dinner hey there’s a ticket on the windshield oh no that ain’t a ticket Harold that’s some kind of an ad we was only in there about 10 or 15 minutes for Pete’s sake it is a

Ticket r f up so’s my Dand I’m going to fight this all the way up to the Supreme Court I’ve been driving for 27 years and this is the first time I ever got a parking ticket if I was guilly I wouldn’t mind saying so judge as sure as I’m standing

Here I wasn’t in that meat market more than hold your horses my mouth is fairly watering for that chocolate sule I was telling George earlier the last good sulle I had was in Paris 2 years ago two years is a long time to wait I hope it

Won’t be much longer well waiting for the good things in life only makes them the more enjoyable well here we are your coffee take and ice cream coming up ice cream I don’t know what happened to the sule but her cakes are delicious well I’m sure they are but I never eat

Dessert unless it’s something special like like chocolate sule uh would you care for some brand in your coffee yes thank you really excuse me I’ll get some I’ve waited two whole years for the sule I mean Hazel this morning at breakfast I distinctly told you to have chocolate

Soule and I said I would if I could and I couldn’t look you can’t say I didn’t try but it’s like I told you Mr be you got to be in the right mood to make a sule you got to treat those egg whites like they was

Primadana you got to tease them and coax them and handle them with TLC with what 10 to love care and after I got that ticket I was so mad I just beat The Living Daylights out of the wait a minute take that’s no way to make a nice fluffy

Hazel do you mean to tell me that you’re making all this fuss over a $2 parking ticket you’re done tooting well there’s nothing to worry about I’ll take care of it for you you will Mr be a big lawyer like you well of course oh gee I sure appreciate

Course I couldn’t pay the prices you charge J you don’t have to pay me a thing now to The Branding oh boy if I know you was behind me when I made that twole it would have been a doozy well there’s nothing we can do about it now

Oh the hector r i could whip up another one in about an hour do you think Mr suin would wait that long well I don’t know why not he’s already waited 2 years beat it Mr be I got work to do it’s just delicious oh Hazel if you ever get tired

Of working for the backers just let me know we couldn’t get along without Hazel life just wouldn’t be the same without Hazel oh Mrs Baxter you’re a c thanks again for a lovely evening good night Mrs Baxter hazel good night Geor good night so glad you could come yeah just drop in

Anytime he’s a real nice fellow when you get to know him that shows you shouldn’t go by First Impressions I should have know that from you that’s been one of the guiding principles all my life life no I didn’t mean that Mr B when I first

Met you I thought you were kind of crabby and stuck up you know but after I got to know you I saw you had a heart as big as all Outdoors thank you very much hael so why don’t we go in the living room and start working on my case huh

What case my ticket I got a parking ticket can you imagine that Mr be’s going to handle it for me oh that’s nice of you Joy hell now Hazel it’s not I better tell you how it happened while I still have it fresh in my mind you see

How and have to explain how it happened just let me handle it well how are you going to defend me if you don’t know what happened well Hazel you don’t have to be defended I’ll just have my secretary mail in the $2 mail in the $2

I don’t need a lawyer for that well Hazel you don’t expect me to go into a courtroom for a $2 parking ticket I was counting on it now Hazel and Mr Baxter says he’ll act as your attorney he will won’t you George Dorthy all right Hazel now let’s handle

This very businesslike now you accept me as your attorney I do do you accept me as your client I do sounds like we’re getting married don’t you please now you want me to go before the judge and present your side of the case right right very simple to do now for the

Moment we’ll assume that you’re innocent of the charge assume I’m as innocent as a newborn bab Hazel I believe you but as your attorney I advise you to plead guilty what and how does the defendant plead she pleads not guilty or honor innocent as a newborn babe pure as the

Driven counselor does your client wish to be tried before a judge or a jury a judge a jury your honor your honor may I confer with my client that’s a splendid idea counselor I’m surprised you didn’t think of it earlier the Constitution Article six says the accused should enjoy the

Privilege of a speedy and public Tru yes sir Hazel I feel you should get yourself another attorney ah Mr B I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings my feelings have nothing to do with it the point is an attorney cannot properly represent a client who will not take his advice now

In your best interest he’s my lawyer your honor whatever he says goes double with me very well uh 10:00 Monday the 22nd of this month division 12 thank you yor division 12 here you mean you’re going to try the case your honor I wouldn’t miss it now this ticket was written at

11:35 now I didn’t leave you and Mr Southerland until 10:30 and it takes 45 minutes to drive into town from the country club so I couldn’t have got there before 11:15 that means I was in the meat market for 20 minutes well can we get the butcher to substantiate that

I founded him he was busy that morning he remembers Hazel was there but he couldn’t swear when she came in or how long she was in the store he’s awfully sorry Hazel Mr suland could testify that it was close to 10:30 when you left sure

He could if he’d be willing to take the time in a case involving a $2 parking ticket oh sure he will well he’s not the easiest person in the world to get along with but well I suppose I could ask him I already did oh by the way Mr

Southern’s been having good luck with that grip I taught him why don’t you try it sometime Mr be you know when your hand gets better a prosecution ready ready your honor defense ready willing able and not guilty your honor proceed Mr prosecutor will officer Dietrich take the stand

Please I wish Mr suin had get here don’t worry I told him we wouldn’t get to him until around 11: he’s probably out the golf course and Did You observe anything else in regard to this vehicle yes sir parking meter with the red flag up and

Did you take any action as a result of this observation yes sir I wrote out a ticket I object to what to his given me a ticket I’m sorry your honor proceed um no further questions your honor your a witness counselor now that officer you’ve testified that the red flag was up do

You have any proof of this any other Witnesses no sir sure he has me and Harold we both saw it did yeah was sticking up like a sore thumb your honor I ask that these remarks from my client be stricken from the record she is not

On her oath and cannot be forced to testify against herself it will be stricken I don’t mind testifying I’m only telling the truth Miss Burke yes sir let’s give your attorney a Fighting Chance shall we proceed counselor thank you your honor we ain’t doing so good I wish Mr Southerland had get

Here yes Daddy sir Mel gave me the four pennies and I put them in the slot and pull down the lever every single time oh I just wish I had a picture of that little angel sitting up there on the S now Harold think very carefully did

You notice whether the the red flag was showing no sir I mean yes sir I mean yes sir I noticed and no sir it wasn’t I trust your honor was able to understand that testimony proceed counselor no further questions your honor your witness don’t be scared Harold just tell

The truth hael will you please let me do the talking boy is this a man’s World now uh Harold do you know that to tell a lie in this courtroom would be a great sin yes sir helzel says there’s only one place where it’s all right to lie oh so Hazel says it’s all right to lie sometimes does she not sometimes in one

Place and where might that be if you please in bed my mama used to say that now Harold are you absolutely sure that you didn’t put some of those pennies in your pocket instead of in the meter yes sir hael says there’s only one place where it’s all right to steal

Never mind that’ll be all you may step down um Harold and where might that be in baseball I thought that one up myself your honor I wish to call officer Dietrich back to the stand you’re still under oath officer did I do all right Hazel you were swells SP it’s in the bag

Officer will you tell the court what measures if any are taken to ensure the accuracy of the parking meters in this city yes sir the city has a crew of inspectors that go around periodically to see that they’re working all right do you have a record of the last regular

Checkup on the parking meters in the 1600 block near Main and UK yes sir 8:00 in the evening on the 11th of this month 3 days before I placed a parking violation on the C driven by the defendant a lot can happen in 3 days pleas sorry your H was any subsequent

Inspection made yes sir just a few minutes ago a few minutes ago yes sir it’s just around the corner from here at the request of the city prosecutor officer harrian and I checked it out ourselves and what did you find it worked perfectly your honor oh oh boy there goes the ball game

You wish to cross-examine counselor hold on a moment I want that commotion stopped It’s upsetting the Dignity of this CT it’s Jackhammer J they’re tearing up the sidewalk outside well tell them to Quit ah don’t feel bad Mr B you did your best everybody’s got a right to strike out once in a while boy them things nearly shake the bones out of your skin I nearly got killed by one of those jackhammers the other day I was back in

The cold storage picking out a nice roast for Mr Southerland and they came and and started to tear up more payment out in front of the store I’m done if I didn’t almost get bean by a side of beef hey so wait a minute you mean in

The meat market sure where else would I find a side of be your honor may I ask if this court be recessed briefly and that it be reconvened at the scene of the alleged violation for what purpose counselor the defense is in possession of new evidence your honor which can only properly be

Presented on that site granted oh gee this is more exciting than them trials on TV this court is in recess it will reconvene at the corner of uclid and M in 15 minutes well I’m here Baxter what’s going on how soon can you get me on the stand we’re

Recessing and reconvening at the parking meter site well how soon will you be through with me I I can’t sit around here all day waiting to testify on a $2 parking case that you’re sure to lose I’m sorry Mr Southerland but if I can prove what I think happened we may not

Need your testimony after all well just remember Baxter you’re not going to look very good with my people for losing a silly case like this we’ll see never bet on a b game until it’s over why don’t you stick around and see what trick Mr be’s up to I’ll bet it’s a Doozy now with the course permission we will reconstruct the defendant actions as you can see officer Dietrick has adjusted the meter to co assign with the testimony 20 minutes parking time still allowed now then Hazel will you please show us exactly what happened oh sure come on we’ll show

Them Harold and me got out of the car we were eating ice cream Kong and then I took four pennies out of my change place oh I don’t have any change I don’t have any pay you back later only [Laughter] Three thanks Jud and I gave him to Harold and he put him in the meeting one 2 3 4 that’s exactly the way it looked at 11:15 and then what happened then we went into the store and a few minutes later Along Came this Jackhammer operator start using it right Here stop That your honor I would like to call the Court’s attention to this parking meter well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle is there anything you wish to say uh not in public your honor no the court finds the defendant not guil thank you your honor and believe me

The next time you come up for reelection you can count on my vote thank you part to J well I’m going to go home and fix this a special lunch for celebrating come on Mr s why don’t you come along we’d love to have you well in that case

Fine we sure got ourselves some SW legal legal ain’t we I should say we have that was a good example of deductive reason oh you’re Dar toting Mr be’s almost the greatest deductive since Sherlock H who’s the G it’s everybody’s bow it’s Hazel she’s the one can make the sun begin toow

Ma the gr it’s worth their while to stop and watch that smile ha hael ha B Hazel this has been a screen gems Film Production from the Hollywood Studios of Columbia pictures about that corner of my living room yeah and you should have taken their advice Miss BN it’s like going to

The doctor and then not taking medicine because it has a bad taste no I didn’t mean that I know what you mean as and I agree with you well if you don’t care for a love seat in that difficult Corner how about a a desk if you could find me

A wonderful old antique desk I’d love it I know just the desk have you been in the pebody Mansion about 35 mil south of town well old Mr Peabody left a fabulous collection of antiques and the Estates being liquidated hot dog they got a desk for Miss BN it is the most beautiful

Elegant little French desk you’ve ever seen it looks like a table but it has drawers it’s really a desk tell me I went to the house last week and oh it’s an Aladdin’s cave I’ve never seen such fabulous treasure say do they have a paper we with a snowstorm in It hi Mr be I heard you drive up evening Hazel here’s the salad oil you ask me to get thanks Miss be’s in there shining with Miss Balwin thank you hello dear hi Peggy hi darling George do you know you have the most wonderful wife in the world I certainly do every

Day and every way she’s getting better and better oh I don’t mean that when she was decorating the house she kept saying that’s what you need in that corner that’s exactly what that corner needs oh not your corner our Corner you’ve been in our house you know

The corner it’s the corner right after you turn the corner from the other room oh that one for a moment I didn’t know what you’re talking about I’ll go tomorrow and make the offer oh I wish I could go with you but tomorrow’s my Red Cross day promise me though if

Anyone makes a higher offer you’ll out bid them bid don’t you worry Peggy that desk is yours I can hardly wait till you see it it’s positively ancient it’s covered with wormholes has those lovely bone legs well you look at that desk you say that’s Peggy Baldwin

Oh do I influence Hazel or does she influence me Hazel I have to talk to you oh hi Mr be say you don’t look so good I better fix something Bland for your dinner if your stomach’s acting up it’s not my stomach that’s acting up it’s my wife you know

What she’s going to do tomorrow she’s going to buy a desk yeah I know Hazel she’s going to buy that desk at an auction an auction are you sure well where else do they make bids and you know what happens every time she goes to

One of those things sure I do she comes home with a whole bunch of stuff I have to dust polish and glue together she’s been like that ever since she was a little girl there’s something about auctions that makes her lose all her marbles don’t tell me I know she buys up

Everything with the auctioneer’s gavel no you’re wrong there Mr B we got the gavel and don’t make a bad Nutcracker though you know if I was you I’d go with her so she won’t buy a whole lot more junk oh no you ought to go with her

Tomorrow to keep her from buying a lot of junk why me well because I’m in the finals of the bridge tournament at the club besides if I go with us she might talk me into something oh Mr B you’re asking me to to poke my nose into

Something that ain’t none of my business now when has that bothered you before for somebody that wants a favor you ain’t being too diplomatic now for someone who’s going to have to wash it polish it and glue it together you’re not being you talk me into it Mr B when

You put it on a practical bases like that how can I refuse now be sure and call me before I leave for the club and let me know what happens it’s a little difficult to relax with something like bankruptcy hanging over my head oh Mr B

Now if you’ll just sign here please Mrs backers yes now this desk is to go to Mrs Baldwin C here’s the address oh yes thank you I’ll just copy that off on the delivery order oh Hazel isn’t this the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen yeah feel like we wormholes I got

Nothing to gang them that much less wood to polish can’t you just see her sitting there who Madame pomidor Marie Anette ain’t she the one that lost her head yes oh that reminds me I got a phone call to make Missy I thought this was going to

Be an auction oh most of these pieces are going to a museum a few of the less historical ones are being sold to interior decorators oh here you are Mr Baxter Mr ber I know that none of the statuaries for sale but I’d like to look

At it why of course it’s around and back in the garden thank you excuse me uh is there a phone around here yes just inside the door to the left oh thanks that’s a real pushy piano it’s the last thing we got to lug out of here today yeah I think so I’m

Sure glad to hear that hello you got nothing to worry about cuz it turned out not to be be an auction after all yeah I knew you’d be pleased she bought a swell wormy desk for Mrs Baldwin and now we’re just about to take off oh oh you’re still out there

Look on your way back if you pass any of those roadside stands I know selling sweet corn get some you sure like corn Mr be maybe that’s why your jokes are oh I was just kidding see you later [Applause] here are the keys would you get the car please oh sure Missy Oh Oh well now if you get that open we’ll be on our way missy now we’re away from the peab body place I can tell you Mr B thought it was an auction you know how nuts you go at auctions I had to come along to see you didn’t lose your head can’t you

Get it open I’m trying to open it well for Pete sake don’t snap my head off sorry Hazel I’m nervous it must be if you can’t open a simple lock like that here you hold these I’ll open it oh for Pete sake this is the front door key Hazel did you see that

Beautiful Rosewood spin at piano yeah it maybe a museum piece and it may cost a fortune but it ain’t much on Chopsticks I bought it what you you bought it how much I haven’t the nerve to tell you but it’s being delivered to the house this afternoon Cod hey Missy look

At me are you telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me well there’s nothing to be nervous about we just got to be cool calm and collected hazel look that’s the key to my Workshop please stop asking me why I did it I don’t know why I did it I took one look and fell in love with that piano and the next thing I knew I was signing my name and telling them to send it C well maybe we ought to go down the

Corner and turn the street sign around that’s a wonderful idea oh forget it do you see anything nope nothing but a beautiful Empty Street boy the suspense is awful like one of them westons where you look down a deserted Street waiting for the bad men to come shoot up the sheriff I

Wouldn’t blame George if he shot me if I were any kind of a loving helpful wife I shoot myself all you got to do is to cross your fingers and pray that the truck breaks down and I got to cross my fingers and pray that Mr be makes Grand

Slams all afternoon doubled redoubled and vulnerable I wonder which would be better for George to walk in and see the piano or for George to be here when the piano walks in oh there’s nothing to worry about all we got to do is to convince Mr be that he wants a piano

Before he knows he’s got one Hazel do you have a plan well but we better think up one pretty soon I hear Mr be at the front door George darling it’s you well yes Mr B how many Grand slimes did you make this afternoon I played the worst game

Of bridge of my life and I don’t wish to discuss it the only bit of luck I did have today was sending Hazel along with you to that auction she told me on the phone you weren’t bringing anything home and that’s the absolute truth we didn’t

Bring a thing home it wasn’t even an auction I Know Dorothy what are you doing rearranging the Furniture oh not again well George the only reason I keep rearranging the furniture is because I keep trying to find some kind of solution solution to what this wall it’s so bare well George look you can see for

Yourself how bare it is well of course it’s bare you just move the chair away from it CH is right for this wall what it requires is is something about twice as wide well piano’s about twice as wide George why didn’t I think of it Hazel

Did you hear what he said a piano of course that’s the very thing if you don’t mind I prefer the chair I can’t sleep on a piano George the chair simply isn’t low enough it requires something this height and and your idea about a piano it was inspiration now just a

Minute we had a piano here when we first moved in remember a grand piano but you said it made the furniture look too small so we got rid of it another piano is the last thing we’re going to get for this house truck coming a truck it’s a laundry

Truck it’s a laundry truck what were you expecting a [Laughter] piano Hazel will you please take another look and see there’s inside of that truck coming NOP how do you like that them fellas are sure taking their time Heaven says there the one thing we have

To be thankful for I know I know but if we get things straightened out before they get here I’m sure going to let them have It out of the mouth of Babes Oh how don’t you think it’s about time you started taking music lessons I didn’t know why why well if you’re going to learn to play an instrument you got to start taking music lessons early right Mr B what are you talking about how’s music lessons what music lessons

Well the music lessons he ought to be taken right away you know you got a terrific ear for music Mr be well thank you hael and since Harold inherits it straight down from you it would be a shame for him not to start taking music lessons right away well I suppose how

Old were you when you started Mr B oh about Harold’s age oh yeah well uh what do you think we ought to do first get him an instrument well I think a thing like that should be left up to the child how do you feel about it son you really

Want to learn sure I do if you did oh I certainly did I wanted to be the greatest musician that ever lived and so do I I want to be exactly like you thank you [Laughter] son uh darling uh we were just talking about Harold starting to study music do you think he’s too young no I’m not not if you did it oh I think it’s a wonderful idea now I don’t want to force you into anything because if I did that you’d

Learn to hate me music and that’s the last thing in the world I’d want when can I start the sooner the better Harold if you’re going to be like your dad we got to get you a piano right away right Mr B no I didn’t study the

Piano I studied the violin then that’s what I want to study Harold wouldn’t you rather study the piano it sounds better not if Dad studed R In but how violins is so expensive I read the other day where a famous violinist paid $25,000 for an old secondhand one now you wouldn’t want to put your dad in the poor house would you well he doesn’t have to have a strat of Various but suppose you get it and then it turns out he don’t like to play the fil you spend all that money for nothing and you won’t even have something you could put the family pictures on the violin won’t cost a scent I still

Have my old one where is it up in the attic oh boy can we go get it sure thing son I race you up the stairs Hazel how could I buy anything so expensive without consulting George he wouldn’t buy a car without consulting me

Or a suit or E even a tie I have to buy a piano don’t move if we don’t answer it maybe they’ll go away opportunity only knocks once but a piano move it keeps right on ringing we don’t answer George’s going to hear it I got an

Idea you stick on a doorbell I’ll see if I can Rous somebody around back [Laughter] you’re looking for the backers that’s right they moved they didn’t leave no Flor withen address uh we’ve got your piano for you Mrs Baxter and if you don’t mind we’re in a

Hurry we got to deliver a desk over to Mrs Baldwin it’s uh cood I know Missy put his finger right on it on what if there’s one thing Miss bwi’s nutty about it’s antiques don’t you think she’d like a little oldfashioned music wait right here Bust really darthy it’s sounds Divine I have always wanted an antique Rosewood spinach oh but I could deprive you of it Peggy you don’t understand I want you to deprive me of it I’m running on a crazy impulse and if George finds out things are going to get pretty noisy around

Here well in that case why don’t you just have the men delivered here with the desk oh Peggy that’s the nicest thing anybody’s ever said to me she going to take it pH oh thank you thank you I’ll be looking for the man and I can’t wait to see it bye

Darthy Phil guess what darthy has found us the most priceless Treasure of a piano a piano a Rosewood spin at at least 150 years old Isn’t that fantastic yes fantastic that’s a good word for it have you taken a look at our bank balance lately well no well I want you

To take a good look at it and then I want you to call Dorothy and tell her not to send that piano over here but I’ve already told her I take it I can’t back down on my my word well I’ll back down on it for you going over to the

Backers and get a few things straightened out back to Residence oh yeah just a minute it’s Mr blowen maybe we can sell him some more stuff Hello Phil oh oh you don’t want the you don’t want the the piano but Phil it’s so beautiful and it goes so well with that desk oh

You don’t want the you don’t want the desk neither you coming over to see George oh boy we’re in real trouble now yes pH we’ll be looking forward to seeing you those piano movers aren’t going to move a foot until they’re paid maybe I can think of something else to move beside their

Feet man that Hazel sure can cook I don’t understand it no reason at all right out of the blue and she put on a feed like this for us now Phil calm down you don’t want to lose your temper in front of the ladies I certainly do they the reason I lost my

Temper Mr bwin I remembered how you liked avocado dip from the last times so I made some special just for you thank you I’ve always maintained it was bad policy to mix business and friendship but Dorthy really Academia your favorite kind of nuts Mr B Missy went all the way

Down to the market to get them just for you she’s always so considerate well thank you dear now Phil wait a minute I haven’t finished Dorothy did a good job on the house you’re Don toon she’s the best interior decorator in town but she won’t stop decorating time I turn around I’ve

Got another bill to pay oh now Phil slow down a little bit last night I distinctly remember that Peggy asked Dorthy to get that antique desk that’s right Phil yeah and and Missy never said a thing about the Pea body sale until she did I distinctly heard it Hazel

Please but it was Dorothy’s idea to get the desk in the first place only because that corner of yours is a problem I see in other words I shouldn’t blame anybody I should go home and get into an argument with that corner well the fact remains that Peggy asked Dorothy to buy

That desk did she ask her to buy the piano too piano what piano haven’t heard about the piano well George I can’t keep from butting in no longer it seems to me you men expect a lot from your wives when you come home from the office tired you like the house

To feel lived in and comfortable like an old shoe and when you bring home a client you expect it to be kind of rzy but you don’t want to pay nothing for the furniture any wife that can decorate a house like that deserves the Nobel Prize

Phil Hazel has put her finger right on your trouble thank you Hazel oh that’s okay you see you’ve allowed Peggy to buy all the House Furnishing because you didn’t want to be bothered with it you’d rather be out playing golf somewhere like you were today oh playing bridge or

Something like that right that’s right now I think under those circumstances a man should be gracious enough not to complain about what she buys ain’t it the truth now I’m going to have another bit of this cake and we got to get this thing in there we don’t want to wear out

Our welcome no Mr B and Mr Beast just as bad as you are about buying furniture he hates it well I guess I do but I’ll say this for him even though he don’t always agree with what Missy buys he always goes along with it and pays the bill without

Complaining another macadamia nut Mr B George you um you make me feel ashamed of myself what’s that Pi your wife bought it at the Peabody sale it’s uh cood now if you’ll just make out a check I’ll write you a check for that antique desk it’s worth it to see that

Expression on your face George what expression oh I love the piano well doroth and I discussed it thoroughly today it’s exactly what we need for that bare wall I couldn’t be happier happy dear oh George you’re wonderful there’s only one thing what’s that Hazel well now that we got the new

Antique piano Don’t It Make all the rest of our old stuff look kind of [Applause] [Applause] new [Applause] this has been a screen jams Film Production from the Hollywood Studios of Columbia picture you mean they live for 25 years without furniture new furniture they had some old stuff that relatives loaned them but now he’s got some money I co-signed his loan uhoh what’s the matter every time I hear

That word cosigner I get the Shivers what is a cosigner George well in financial and banking circles a cosigner is described as a Psy with a pen it means that if Gus doesn’t pay back the loan Hazel will have to pay it and if she doesn’t have the money well if I

Don’t have the money I’ll just find some somebody that does hi G oh hello hazel H draes just got back from the cleaners and I had to hang them cuz they get creased if you leave them lying around Hazel I just came from the bank oh good tomorrow’s my

Day off I’ll meet you at the store and we’ll pick out Millie’s Furniture you know I know just the kind she wants cuz T and me have got the same good taste uh I didn’t get the money why not I signed the note uh that’s why didn’t get the

Money ain’t my signature good enough for that bank oh no they said it’s good it’s just you you you can’t use it so often you co-signed somebody else’s note and you can’t use the same collateral twice oh what are they talking about I pay my

Bills and I got some cash in my savings account and I got some stocks and a few bonds and a good job they they also said no now now mind you I’m not saying it they said it said what well they said they prefer a different signature

They said they’re just a little bank with with only a couple hundred million doar uh they’re not a big International Bank they don’t feel they’re big enough to deal with a brilliant finer like you who said that that baldheaded guy near the door didn’t he yeah that’s him yeah

That’s him he’s real sarcastic yeah he objects to the way you try to tell him how to run the bank oh I knew he’d never forgive me for that boy one day I told him I ought to have my interest compounded daily and one thing led to

Other and and I told him how he ought to reorganize the bank and I think I mentioned something about his Baldhead too well the point is I I don’t have the money poor Melly yeah when we were married we decided to wait a few months before buying living room furniture the

Relatives let us have things they didn’t want it was only temporary we said that was 25 years ago isn’t that the doorbell yeah but Mr be’s in the living room he always yells out I’ll get it Hazel and darling please please sit down I pay Hazel answer that door and I

Expect her to answer it cuz if you don’t yell out I got to take it on the double coming oh I’m sorry Mr Egan to keep you waiting Haz George Mr Egan I was going to drop by your office later on in the day it will not be necessary to keep that

Appointment I am here Mrs Baxter hello Mr Egan how are you how am I don’t ask oh Hazel I did want to thank you for that delicious dinner you served the other night oh the pleasure is all mine oh excuse me Mr Egan I don’t

Mean to be rude but uh I got company in the kitchen it’s perfectly all right Hazel if you feel it’s absolutely necessary to tear yourself away we’ll excuse you thanks George George George do you know what this is well off hand no what is

It do you know what this is uh no what is it do you know what these are well of course those are earphones this is a microphone a miniature broadcasting station I was straightening a picture in my office this morning and I found this planted behind it you mean uh your office was

Bugged oh I got out of there as fast as I could well I don’t blame you I got hold of an Electronics expert and he said that this thing couldn’t broadcast very far so we searched the building we found this receiving equipment in the basement you mean you

Found the person that did it no he got away well you know who might uh possibly bug your office of course I have an idea I was just about to begin some extremely confidential negotiations and that’s what I want to talk to you about George oh well if

You’re going to discuss things that are confidential I think I’ll just run along upstairs Mr Egan maybe we’d better go into the [Applause] den well I guess I better be getting back to work you had any lunch no I’ll skip it I had to go over to the bank and I oh don’t mention that Don bank to me again sit down I’ll fix your sandwich I got half a mind to draw all my savings

Out and close my account every time I go to that bank and I pass old baldi’s desk we get into the same old argument boy I even went to the library you know to to get out some books on banking to prove that I was right but Don

It he was right I wasn’t and I was in too deep then you know to back down besides I just didn’t want to give him the satisfaction hey thank you George in the last 10 years I’ve built 10 new department stores in this state dedicated to our expanding population

And every time those Cut Rate Cutthroat Mohawk people have built a store right across the street from me yes but Mr Egan nobody knows better than you that competition is the heart of the American economy I don’t call that competition that’s downright piracy I’ve spent a fortune George a fortune giving my

Customers every conceivable convenience spacious parking Lots gracious restaurants and coffee shops baby minding services and artistically appointed restrooms well Mr Egan it Mohawk stores don’t give them anything like that so their customers use my conveniences but buy across the street well Mohawk can sell cheaper because they don’t have the overhead they’re

Selling the merchandise and I’m Furnishing the customer conveniences Hazel mother want you What did you say SP mother she wants you to help her with something she’s upstairs oh okay where did you get that Contraption I didn’t don’t tell me you spent your money for another radio we already got them coming out our ears I didn’t buy him Hazel well don’t tell me

A traed you watch for it Hazel coming I can’t figure out how it this works why don’t you take it out in the kitchen to G might be can help you don’t leave them things lying around the lemon room I want you to see this George I just received it from the Architect there you are the architect’s drawing of the new store I’m going to build beautiful isn’t it magnificent just beautiful what’s that what’s that Harold it’s a radio I think with ear earphones radios haven’t had earphones since Guy Lombardo in the 20s well the scouts use earphones but I can’t get

Anything on it well here let me try sure here’s the blueprint of the lot plan what do you plan on building it that’s what Mohawk would like to find out that’s why they’ve been bugging my office you see I’ve been secretly buying up all the surrounding property through

Third parties ah I see now I have all the properties I need except this one big lot across the street if I can buy that Mohawk won’t be able to get anywhere near me Maybe the battery’s dead no I’m still getting a hum I’m getting close to

Something and that’s why I have to keep it a secret because if Mohawk finds out the property I want you don’t have to tell me I know all they have to do is tell the owner they’ll top any offer you make they’ll have me trapped I think I’m getting something

What a couple of men talking well maybe the ham radio operators maybe on this crazy thing I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Marone and Edison George I need your advice very well I don’t think we have a moment to lose you can’t be sure how much of this

Has leaked out I think you have to act fast oh I don’t think that mooha who’s handling the property you want National real estate well they’re good reliable people now look never mind all that third party SE stuff I think we better open negotiations right away me well if

They know I want it the price will D if they find out they’ll be asking more but it’s better to pay it than lose a lot to Mohawk I know you’re right now I can assure you the price will be fair I’ll tell you what I’ll have my own real

Estate agent open negotiations I’ll call him right now you just sit down and relax I could use a cup of coffee just as soon as I make this call never mind I’ll get it what’s the matter one of the hams just signed off me to get some

Coffee see if we can get some music Hazel oh Hazel’s upstairs Mr Egan oh well would you ask her if she’d serve some of that wonderful coffee of hers in the den yes sir thank you Harold nothing else on the [Laughter] Air George baxer fine I’ll was everything in the real estate business I tell you why I’m calling you all that lot down on the corner of spring and Fairmont that’s right it’s being handled by national real estate well my client Mr Egan has to buy it before Mohawk department stores get

Their hands on it uh price is No Object speed is the important thing how soon do you think you could open negotiations good because Mohawk could wreck Mr Egan if they found out What Mr your house is bug too what you must be out of your mind there’s a man in the kitchen a man he heard every word a man in the kitchen you must be what’s his name oh he’s all right he’s only Hazel your friend who’d you say that was out in the

Kitchen you mean Gus Gus that’s it forgive me for saying this Mr Eagan but I think you have bugs on the prade he’s a friend of Hazel oh sure he’s a great guy he works at the Mohawk department store mohawk mohawk department stores yeah at the information booth when it

Comes to information they don’t come in any better than Gus b a massage his neck some more I think the blood all went down to his feet what happened I don’t know I ain’t figured it out myself yet George what’s the matter this house is bugged that’s

What’s the matter what I gave George some confidential information and there’s a mohawk man in the kitchen listening if you mean Gus he’s the sweetest Hest EST guy in the world is it honest to plant a microphone on somebody he didn’t plant it on you Mr Egan it was

Your own mic you were carrying it around broadcasting then I asked you is it honest to EES drop on me with my own equipment look Mr E if you’d come here to EES drop wouldn’t he have brought his own equipment that’s mohawk for you they take advantage of every facility I have

To offer well I don’t know what secret you and Mr be was talking about but I’d certainly vouch for Gus and so will I he ain’t no super spy well the first thing to do is to find out how much he’s heard he heard everything we didn’t miss a

Point well if he’s heard too much we’ll just have to keep him here incommunicado until we close that deal then we better find out before he gets to a phone oh I never thought of that that may be my real estate man Harold huh I can’t wait any longer for

Hazel I’m late already and I don’t want to lose my information job I need that money if that’s my real estate agent tell him I’ll call it back I take the message Yeah Harold Harold where what’s his name who well who is it what’s his name I never going remember it it’s Gus Gus Anderson oh he just went out the back door he was sure in a hurry he said he had to get down to the Mohawk department

Store right away he said he needed the money from his information job where you did everybody went that Away where are they going trying to catch Gus well that was Mr be’s real estate agent on the phone he says that Mr B and Mr Edan come right down to his office that they can close the deal today hey so you better go after them

I’ll go get the car keys oh I’ll get my clo I have been hunting all over this store looking for sneakers where are you hiding them they’re in the basement go down those stairs over there and turn right I’m sorry Mr Wilson and since when

Did we take an hour and 25 minutes for lunch I’m terribly sorry I’m the floor Walker I’m not supposed to handle your information desk while you have a siesta you see tomorrow’s my wife’s silver wedding anniversary and I wanted to get 5 minutes not an anniversary present

From the store no sir you’ll be do yes sir I know I don’t want excuses I want you here at the information desk where you belong yes Sir uh you’re uh who’s it which’s his name Gus Anderson yes I am and you’re Mr bter I don’t like it he looks too happy yes I am we’ve never met but I recognize you from pictures I saw of you at your house I uh I I’m a friend of Hazel yes I

Know uh as a matter of fact you’ve been to my house many times haven’t you oh yes I’ve been there lots of times when you didn’t know it many is the time I heard you talking in the other room uh this is Mr Egan the owner of the Egan department stores

How do you do Mr Egan it’s an honor to have you visit us here at Mohawk hand me the Phone get me the boss’s office Quick time Mr Roland Wilson floor Walker on the first floor something’s going on down here I thought you ought to know what do you mean Mr Egan is here Egan the Mr Egan Egan department stores and he has his attorney with him George Baxter what are they doing they’re

Shaking hands with our man at the information desk why that’s what I thought you might want to find out get to the point George get to the point uh Mr Anderson suppose you tell us what you heard today heard Oh you mean the bad news well the

Bank wouldn’t give me the loan I needed you see tomorrow’s my silver wedding anniversary and uh I needed quite a bit of money he’s setting us up for blackmail I’m talking about out in the kitchen of my house when you had the earphones on just what did you hear oh

Well I heard a couple of hams talking uh about a lot on the corner of a spring in fairou oh Hazel what are you doing here hi Hazel getting to be a regular family reunion where’s Mrs Baxter oh excuse me you just minut us I got to tell Mr B

Something very important oh Mr B your real estate agent called and he says if you get down to his office right away maybe you can close that deal today well at least that’s good news come on wait a minute wait a minute what about him he knows about the corner of spring and

Fair Mound Hazel I want you to stick right here with Gus huh don’t let him talk to anybody oh I can’t do that Mr be this is an information bu he’s got to answer questions when you do all the Talking around our house I can’t get a

Word in edgeways so would you please do as much for Gus and don’t let him out of your sight oh no I can’t I mean suppose he wants to wash his hands bring him some water from the drinking found now keep him in sight and don’t let him talk to anybody come

On G yes Hazel for your sake I hope your hands ain’t dirty Anderson yes sir uh Wonder Mr Egan and his attorney doing here excuse me could you tell me where the ladies kimonas are yes over Anderson oh just a minute I haven’t told him what kind of a kimona I’m interested

In well we carry only one kind Madam I know but if he describes it then he could save me a trip there Anderson what were they doing here and you had better speak up if you want to hold on to your job here they didn’t come in here just

Ask you where they could find men’s underwear oh where is men’s underwear what type did you have in mind have you been feing them any information about our operation here men silk underwear oh no Mr Roland well then what were Ian and his attorney are you doing here a men

Silk box of shorts do you have box of shorts Wilson here says that you were smiling smiling and shaking hands with Mr Egan don’t you realize they’re competitors they’re Rivals they could do anything to put us out of business men box of shorts with a strike down the

Side they weren’t here for nothing what are you trying to pull behind my back with the rainforce back I’m not pulling anything Mr Roland uh I’ll admit I was out to Mr Baxter’s house quite a few times this week but with the reinfor back I was there today at lunch when

When Mr Egan was there but lunch he had lunch with Mr Egan and Mr back well I don’t know what you’re trying to pull Anderson but you are fired f r i e d fired pardon me Mr Roland but fed is fried you’re fried johnie we did

Did it Mr got the property oh well congratulations now Mohawk can’t touch me now I can give my customers the best of everything and still make a profit and look what he brought to celebrate with champagne well smile Hazel smile uh Mr Eagan you will stay for dinner won’t you

Hazel will cook the finest dinner George I I don’t think Hazel feels like cooking dinner tonight what’s the matter it’s Gus who Oh you mean who’s it what what’s his name Gus Anderson he got fired he’s out in the kitchen George he hasn’t the nerve to go home and tell his wife and

Tomorrow’s their silver anniversary a fine present he’s going to give her his boss saw him with you and Mr Egan and he found out he’d been coming here to the house so he suspected the worst that Gus had been giving you business secrets well do you mean that I have to lose my

Dinner on a account of a little thing like that little Gus has lost his job and it’s all my fault cuz I was the one that put put the bee in his Bonnet about getting Millie new furniture well don’t worry I’ll see to it that he gets another job just what

It’ll be I don’t know but I give you my word oh Mr B I love You what can I do to get a reward like that I’m glad you asked I was thinking maybe it’ be nice if your store was to give Gus some new furniture for his anniversary Hazel the way I feel right now he can have anything he wants at

Cost oh well I wasn’t figuring that way I was figuring maybe for free oh no wait a minute wait a minute I don’t mind not making a profit but as a matter of principle I cannot take a loss well remember Gus saved your new store for

You if he told Mohawk what you was up to but you just said he didn’t know what I was up to no but he’s real fast he’d to figure it out in no time in 10 minutes he would have had you right in the palm

Of his hand but he’s too nice a guy to take advantage of a wonderful man like you Mr Egan please take some advice from your lawyer I’m speaking from experience you better give Hazel what she wants before she talks you out of the whole store one for

You and one for me I don’t know how to thank you Hazel oh that’s all right Mr Egan said we could have whatever was left over the way I feel right now he have anything he wants George just talked to a friend of his downtown he

Has a new job for Gus and it pays half again as much as he’s been making that isn’t all tell him Mr Egan I called our best interior decorator and I arranged for Mrs Anderson to have any household Furnishing she desires free of cost George you better figure out some way

For me to take this off our income tax I’m so happy for you Gus all week you and Hazel have worked so hard to give Millie this President well look how it turned out to Hazel to Hazel to Hazel A screen Jams Production why do you know that he tried to bribe her by saying he might buy buy her a car well they don’t call Mr Griffin the steamroller for nothing with this contract we know that Rosie’s ours for the next 5 years and I do appreciate

Your drawing It Up George forget a doc I may need a free consultation sometime anytime goodbye George bye oh uh incidentally doc I just assumed Hazel didn’t know anything about Rosy’s contract why not because I still think it’s a silly idea and Hazel May you want one all right George I’ll alert Rosie

That we’ve got a secret George even if Hazel did find out about Rosie’s contract she wouldn’t want one she’s a member of the family why Hazel wouldn’t want a contract or any more than Harold would would you care to make a little bit certainly but if I’m right

You have to buy me that set of matched luggage I’ve been wanting oh hi Rosie come on in hi girlo I just happen to be passing by on my way home from the market so I thought I’d stop in and Chin a while well I’m

Glad you did I didn’t have a chance to show you the new things Mr be got for me look at my new refrigerator it defrosts all by itself without me doing anything oh how nice and look at my new stove considering all the things this stove

Can do by itself you think it had gone to college you don’t say and my new dish wash it oh what’s that you got in your pocket oh oh nothing nothing oh Rosie hammerer you finally got it got what her diploma from Charm School congratulations Ros oh no AEL it’s not

Oh come on let me see it did you graduate with honor oh no AEL it’s not a diploma Sunshine girl’s honor Sunshine Girls honor well then what is it well I can’t tell you I promise the doctor well what are you going around with a sticking out of your pocket to make

People curious for well I like to have it with me because this can’t I mean this document gives me a lot of emotional security you sound just like the doctor what is that all mean well you know how some of us get to worrying about Automation and about being done

Out of our jobs what is automation me well it’s like machines doing things that people used to do you know like that refrigerator defrosting itself oh well automation don’t worry me none well it does some of us and I I don’t have to worry now for five whole years and it’s all legal

Legal oh maybe I had not have said that well since you said it and since the doctor came over here this morning what’s Mr B got to do with it I can’t say another word Hazel my lips are sealed I promise the doctor well I got to go now bye Harold

Bye Hazel bye Rosie bye nothing Burns me up more than having a secret right under my nose when I ain’t in on it me too come on Harold your dad’s out in the workshop oh ain’t that the painting you’re going to have in your office yes

Do you like it H real nice Hazel did you want to see me about something oh yes Missy since we’re one big happy family that don’t keep no secrets from each other I just thought I’d tell you what Mr Griffin said when did you see the steamroller

After church last Sunday we was chatting oh what about oh this and that mostly about Missy he said in that new outfit you looked as fresh and pretty as a whole field of yellow buttercups you mean that’s the secret and a very nice one thank you Hazel you

Got any secret you can it tell us Mr be I do not but Dad what is it son oh nothing on second thought Missy maybe you better put that picture in Mr be’s Den what makes you say that Hazel well he’s in there so much you know reading his mystery novels

And sitting with his feet up working on his legal documents you know she has a point George you’ve been working on any good legal documents lately Mr B Hazel I am constantly working on good legal documents have you worked on any good ones for Rosie lately

All right you two now why are you trying to get me to tell something that Rosie’s already blabbed because Rosie wouldn’t blab that’s why the doctor sealed her mouth and I mean it ain’t right Rosie knowing something that some of us in the bosom of the family ain’t in on what

Kind of a bosom is that all right if I tell you will you promise that’s the last you’ll ever hear of it sunshine girl’s honor well Dr Craig has decided to put Rosie under a 5-year contract what does that mean it means that Rosie agrees to work for the Craigs and Dr

Craig agrees to hire Rosie for a term of 5 years H my secret about Missy and the buttercups was better than that why were you keeping it a secret well Hazel because because he was afraid if you found out about Rosie’s contract you’d want one oh for Pete’s sake Mr be Rosie

And the Craigs ain’t like me and all of you Bo i’ know more want a contract from you than little Harold here you know there’s a terrific Echo effect in this room I like the Acoustics in here but there’s a favor I want to ask

You Mr be what’s that the next time you have a secret that you want to keep try and make it one that’s worthwhile going to the trouble of prying out [Laughter] again you know how sometimes we all get to worrying about Automation and how it might do us out of our jobs out of our jobs out of our jobs out of our jobs out of our jobs ever since we sent Hazel on our Permanent Vacation the food in this

House has been fabulous even my cod liver oil tastes good and for the first time in my married life I’m off those starvation portions what’s for breakfast your your favorite blueberry Pancakes I guess that’s enough to start with we’ll have our coffee now [Laughter] oh no no please don’t throw me out again just give me a little cruster bread just a little cruster bread oh just a crust of bread just one little crust oh oh I got to get Mr B to give me a contract I wanted to tell you what Mr

Griffin said Mr Griffin said this and that and this and that and this and [Applause] that hi son hi Dad well what are you doing out here all by yourself waiting for hazel well Harold you know Hazel works for Mr Griffin now yeah but this is

Their day up and she promised to take me for a ride in your chariot Chariot what Chariot this well new one then Mr Griffin B Dorothy what’s for dinner my usual apricot whip oh no since Hazel left we’ve had nothing but apricot whip every day for breakfast lunch dinner

Well I’m sorry darling it’s the only thing I know how to make if I don’t get up decent meal soon I’ll waste away to nothing me too dad will you play cids with me the way Hazel used to oh I’m sorry son I’m just too weak would you

Like me to play with you Harold I don’t think so you throw like a girl hey here she [Applause] comes and make a swell Chariot hi Mr B how about going for a Spin if it’s the last thing I do I’m going to talk Hazel into signing a [Applause] Contract Hazel Mr be I didn’t expect to see you till breakfast what are you doing up at this hour I might ask you the same question well I couldn’t sleep very well I thought I’d heat me up a cup of hot milk well I couldn’t sleep either so I

Thought I’d fix myself a little snack just a tiny tidbit how would you like a big avocado bacon and tomato sandwich must be dreaming I got a nice avocado out in the fruit bin it’s amazing how quick a bullet board can get cluttered ain’t it Mr be

Ain’t it I mean isn’t it what I say it’s it’s amazing how quick a bulletin board can get cluttered up with Junk hael just a sec oh I forgot I used the avocado in the salad last night well I guess you’ll just have to settle for coted Cheese what was you going to say Mr B well I was just about to ask the meaning of this oh it means talk to Mr Griffin well I could have figured that much out myself what did you want to talk to him about it’s something kind of personal Mr

B oh here’s you kind of cheese help yourself I’ll be talking to him the first thing in the morning Mr Griffin I mean Hazel I have something to say to you and I don’t want to beat around the bush oh good the only place i’ ever get

You is dizzy hey have you been happy here with us happy is a clam and I hi well we’ve been very happy with you to is that what you didn’t want to beat around the bush to tell me well no not exactly do you happen to know what time

Mr Griffin gets up no I don’t and what difference does it make well because I’m going to talk to him first thing in the morning Hazel whatever Griffin offers I’ll match you will I give my word on it so now I’d like to get down a brass tax

And discuss your contract you’re going to give me a contract that’s right the same as Rosies oh with certain reservations so if you’ll come into the den I’d like to go over copy of it with you and show you all the advantages and protection you’ll have oh sure where I turn off the

Milk this sure turned out to be an interesting evening paragraph 17 and this is the last one simply says this agreement may not be altered modified or changed in any way except by an instrument in writing signed by both parties well Hazel what do you say just two little words I do George what are you doing Dorothy I’m sorry I tripped I mean what are you doing up well if you must know I’ve been signing a contract at 3:00 in the morning that’s right with hazel oh George you’re joking go to sleep it’s no joke I hate

Burke party of the first part do hereby agree to render my services as a domestic engineer exclusively to George Baxter party of the second part for a period of well if you’re not joking you’re out of your head we don’t need a contract with hazel Dorothy you don’t

Know how close she came to going to work for Mr Griffin oh I don’t believe it well that’s because you just don’t want to believe it but she was all set to talk to him the first thing in the morning now with his contract we sure of

Her for the next 5 years without it I was sure she was ours for life oh George a contract with hazel won’t work it just won’t why not it’s a perfectly business-like Arrangement oh oh I didn’t know we were running a business I thought we were running a home well now

Don’t be sarcastic of course we’re running a home well I know one thing for sure George you don’t keep the home fires burning with a lot of where ases and where fors Dorothy look at it this way don’t you want Hazel to have a sense of security George

Baxter if you have to ask me a question like that we’d better get someone to introduce us Dorothy will you listen to me for just a minute now under this contract Hazel knows she’ll get a raise every time the cost of living goes up she knows exactly what her Duties are

And what they are not she knows how many hours a day she has to work and how often she’s entitled to a rest period She also knows that your minut up well thanks a lot for being so unreasonable George the man who thinks that contract to such a good idea is lawyer

Baxter but the man who lives in this house and who’s loved and trusted Hazel for 12 years and has been loved and trusted by her that’s Mr B now they’re two very different people George with two very different sets of values am I getting through to

You well I don’t know I think you’re just feeling sentimental let’s go to sleep good night Mr B Hazel Hazel yes sir I’m late for the office and I have a loose button can you fix it for me oh sure I got my in basket right here lawyer Baxter according to paragraph three employer shall neither demand nor expect Services of a personal Nature Is your eggn Mr be oh thanks Hazel did you put plenty of nutmeg in it lots of vanilla oh sure that’s the way you like it ain’t it Ambrosia Hazel there’s no one in the world who knows how to pamper a man with

A cold the way you do oh go on Mr B lawyer Baxter a according to paragraph 5 when employer requires specialized skills he hires Personnel so Trained mhm yes to L Mr be oh excuse me Bob goodbye Hazel have a nice day off just leave the dishes I’ll do them when I come home gee thanks Hazel Bob I’ll meet you at the first hole in 15 minutes paragraph nine on employees day off employer agrees to do the

Dishes sorry Bob no golf today I’ve got to do my dishes Will the prisoner approach the bench for Sentencing lawyer Baxter for continued and flagrant violation of paragraphs 359 and others too numerous to mention I senten you to a 5-year contract on the rock pile but your honor I’m not lawyer Baxter I’m Mr B I’m Mr B I’m Mr B I’m Mr [Applause] B boy when I make a mistake I don’t kill around why I wouldn’t want to contract anyone little Harold would well I wouldn’t want a contract any more than little Harold Would well there’s no use talking there’s something to buy the uniform and I got my own personal offices club right here in my own kitchen hael you can’t feed all these men why not because food costs money and according to our contract you agreed to exercise due restraint in incurring

Unnecessary household expenses oh I forgot about that paragraph I’m sorry Fellas you need us for anything Hazel will be over at Merz Merz Hazel what are you doing oh what kind of a question is that it’s Missy’s birthday I’m making her a cake but you can’t work on your day off why our contract States at an employee must get double pay on days off I will not stand for it oh but

Mr B I’ve been making Missy a birthday cake since she was a little Sprout that high I ain’t never missed one well I’m afraid you’re going to have to miss it this year there’s no point in having a contract if we don’t live up to it oh there we are that’s the last

One Hazel will you listen to me say my prayers oh sure Sport this is the best part of the day dear God bless quitting time Hazel you put in your eight hours and I don’t want you going into Overtime oh that contract’s the worst thing that ever happened to me Oh I’m certainly glad you to finally came to your senses last night I am too you can’t beat Mutual trust and respect I second the motion I third it oh oh Mr B remember that promise you made last night about matching anything Mr Griffin offered the one you gave me a

Solemn word on Hazel we have terminated the contract oh well what I talked to Mr Griffin about this morning was a contribution to the Sunshine Girls Health and Welfare fund oh he gave me $25 contribution so anytime you want to F it Over thanks Mr [Laughter] me This has been a screen gems Film Production Hazel is brought to you By Dorothy is dinner has been a lifesaver anybody for more coffee no thanks I’ll have some please Hazel Dorothy once again let me tell you how much we appreciate your inviting us over for dinner tonight oh the pleasure is all ours of course it is after all reita

Shouldn’t have to cook after all that work of moving into a house of course not uh on moving day uh most people go to a restaurant and incidently there’s a very good one on the other side of the park and very handy but fortunately uh living next door like

This we can have the pleasure of your company and we certainly appreciate your letting us have that bed boy am I going to sleep tonight oh me too I’m Bush I’m hold the lawn all day all day yes Hazel I noticed that if you cut that lawn once

You cut it 10 times I’m a perfectionist she wanted to see what the movie Men took into your house well okay so I’m curious well if you’ll excuse us I think we better be getting back next door we got a million things to get straightened out and put away it’s terribly rude to

Rush off like this but everything over there is in such a Shad we don’t feel guilty we understand now don’t forget Dorothy I’m depending on you and your good taste to help me decorate my home oh I’m looking forward to it well good night all night good night oh Harry um

You go on I’ll be along in a minute Hazel um before I go I wonder if I can have a little talk with you sure uh uh privately oh oh yeah sure let’s just step into the D you excuse me certainly Rita Where does she get that stuff let’s

Step into the dance Dorothy that’s my room my study my office when I’m home suppose I had confidential papers lying on the table George if you’re not smart enough to put confidential papers away don’t blame Hazel now come on help me clear the dinner today

Hazel I want to ask you for your help oh sure anything I can do just name it George the idea for years you’ve been criticizing Hazel for Eve dropping night you’re doing the very same thing yourself come on Dorothy you know what Reed is going

To try to do don’t you he’s going to try to get hazel to do a lot of her housework on my time well Harry and I have only been married a few weeks and I do so want to make a success of this marriage one year that’s how long I give

That marriage one year George that’s a horrible thought to have for a newly married couple a guy who’s been a Playboy all his life suddenly marries a professional singer they’re just not geared for domestic life one year marriage is something so new to me I’ve

Already had my success as a singer now I want to be a success as a wife and that’s why I need your help well if Hazel’s going to help 6 months that’s how long I get that marriage 6 months I want our marriage to be like

George and Dorothy’s I want you to help me be like Dorothy isn’t R sweet and I want you to do for Harry what you’ve done for George I’m very fond of Harry but I don’t want to waste that on him you’ve created a an atmosphere in their home

Atmosphere is that what they call it I thought the word was catastrophe well it’s true their marriage is the most important thing in the world to me I suppose every now and then I get under Mr be’s skin but really down inside he knows I love him he knows oh sure he

Knows it ain’t the sort of thing you can put into words or or show by doing little things it’s it’s love and he knows well let’s uh get the dishes off the table somehow all all of a sudden I don’t feel so smart Aly darling we can’t just sit here like this all day why not because we’ve got all these things to put away we’ve got all the rest of our lives to do that no why don’t we get hazel to do it because Hazel works for George she’s got enough to do to run his

House now Harry look this chest of drawers that you brought from your bachelor apartment it simply won’t work here in the bedroom there is enough room for it all right we’ll put it in the guest room all right let’s transfer your things to the new dress all right d Harry Yes

Dear why did you wait so long to get married I was waiting for you now you really can’t expect me to believe that it’s true all my Life I Lived like a Hermit just waiting for you you know I wasn’t born yesterday myself I know there have been girls in

Your life I suppose I should be ashamed of it but until you there’s never been any real romance in my life no not a h I’ve buried myself in my law work a pretty girl having to pass by I was too busy even to notice it you what

Dear where are you going I think I heard the telephone ringing what telephone I better answered the telones haven’t even been installed yet Harry hi Miss no I brought you another trash can ain’t that something so and love you don’t know anybody else is alive Dorothy our phone hasn’t been a sold yet may I use yours of course Harry right There I you the [Applause] on it’s personal and how it’s [Laughter] [Applause] personal Mr n’s office Susan this is Mr n oh hello Harry please Susan since I’m married not Harry Mr n yes Harry I mean Mr Susan I let you and your roommate use my apartment for a month while I was in Europe remember naturally I remember they were redecorating our place and

When you but did you or your roommate leave a chiffon necklacee in the bottom drawer of my chest of drawers you found it then you did we couldn’t find it any place my roommate thought your cleaning woman took it but we didn’t say anything about it because we didn’t want to get

Anybody into any trouble oh you didn’t want to get anybody into any trouble oh good morning Hazel oh good morning Miss null look at this where’d you get that in the trash can really it’s practically brand new well it’s it’s very beautiful isn’t it oh sure it’s real a more to a more

Stuff you didn’t want to throw it out did you you know you know sometimes these things get mixed in with the trash well I sort of had a hunch and Mr n made a mistake Hazel I have a hunch your hunch was right well I got to go find

Harold oh Harry George will be down in a minute he’s getting Dear is this what you’re looking For well everything tuny Dory next door I tell you it’s a wonderful feeling helping a couple like that start off their marriage on the right Foot that NE was practically new Mr n must have picked it up with some other stuff and dumped it in the trash can for heaven’s sakes well boy he ain’t much of a lawyer if he ain’t more Wide Awake than that boy that must have

Cost 30 or 40 bucks at the cost a d that neglige well if George ever did a thing like that to me he would never hear the end of it well fortunately I was on my toes and I guess after this Mr n’s going to be too

Did Rita get mad at Harry for doing such a thing no she had the sweetest smile when I told her not a cross word I tell you my spirit’s hanging over that house like a guardian angel where’s George Harry what where’s George well well he’s gone to the office

I have to talk to him well I don’t think he’s there yet Harry well how soon will he be there well it depends on whether or not he stops somewhere on the way Mr no I’m fixing some chicken noodle soup for you and Mrs N for lunch it’ll be

Ready just as soon as the water boils oh good that’s just what I need some more hot water Hazel thought she’d cook it here and then bring it over she wasn’t sure what your gas was on take my word for it the gas is off what’s the matter

You’re not your usual cheery self that neglige she gave my wife belongs to my secretary your secretary what was it doing in in the trash can that’s what I’ve been trying to explain to my wife for the last half hour Mr Bast yeah Susan thank goodness you’re here why what’s the trouble judge

Cafy called about 10 minutes ago and wanted to speak to Mr n but I can’t reach him his telephone hasn’t been installed well what was it about you know he wants to examine the pre-trial testimony of the Wilson versus Hamilton case he needs it right away oh well

Technically Mr n is still on his honeymoon so I’ll handle it bring the testimony in here I’ll and see the judge caffy gets it right away that’s the trouble what do you mean we don’t have a copy of the testimony in our files well

Where is it it’s at Mr n’s home at at his home well I just came into the office now don’t tell me I have to go all the way home again well I can go get it for you no no no there isn’t time for

That I have to check it first and if judge CA has to read it well I can go with you and when you finish I’ll take it to him it’s a good idea come with me thank you besides I’m curious as to what his new wife looks

Like well if anyone else is curious ious about meeting the newlyweds just tell them to drop around my house anytime night or day they’re always There did Mr Baxter say where he was going I see all right thank you you came in the office and went right out again oh I’m terribly sorry Mr no when I found the neglige I didn’t have the slightest idea no you’re not the one

That needs the idea I’m the one needs an idea I think I’ve got it what what is it well suppose you two go over to my house to sort of help breita straighten things up you know she’s been asking questions about my secretary but she’s never seen

Her I suppose you casually start to describe my secretary mention the fact that she’s 62 years old 62 years old I mention the fact that she’s Liv with the firm since it was founded back in 1800 wait a minute if she was with The Firm

Back in the 1800s she must be over 62 by now good good the older the better you don’t have to overdo it just describe her as an attractive gray-haired woman with a mustache sort of sort of like mine Harry don’t be Preposterous describe her as the motherly type that

Ain’t no way to start a marriage Mr n now listen Harry you said that you let your secretary and her roommate use your apartment while you were in Europe yes theirs was being redecorated well one or the other left a neglige by stake well there’s nothing wrong in that unless you

Make something wrong out of it where you pulled the bone and was trying to hide it as you see you created suspicion where there was no need for it I know your secretary Harry she’s a very lovely girl just because she called you by your first name don’t mean it’s a great big

Romance R loves you Harry Harry she doesn’t care anything at all about the other girls you knew before her no any more than Missy Minds the girls in Mr be’s life what girl I was thinking of Phi who’s Phoebe you know the girl Mr be was going with when he met

You well I didn’t know George was going with anyone when he met me oh sure you do don’t you remember Phoebe what’s her name her family Cook was an old friend of mine she was always bragging about how no girl could get Mr be away from Phoebe George never met mentioned a girl

Named Phoebe oh well naturally not after he met you but one night when he was talking in his sleep it sounded to me like he mentioned a girl’s name Phoebe my secretary is 62 years old no Harry you have to go over there and get everything straightened out with Rita

Yes and tell the truth yes I suppose it’s the thing to do but the only thing admit that Susan is pretty I’ll do it yeah so she’s young and pretty what’s the harm of being young and pretty I’ll do it okay and we’ll go all with you and back you up

It’s the only way to build a beautiful marriage Harry keep everything open and above board she’ll admire you for it I’ll do it if I once start lying I’ll never be able to stop I’m going to get this marriage back on an even ke Harold we’re going over to the noll’s

House will you answer the phone if it rings okay come on Missy hurry up baby oh forget it go On Rita darling don’t forget Harry tell the truth and nothing but the truth I know it’s the only way oh hello hello Dorothy Hazel Mrs no your husband’s got something he wants to tell you I’ll bet darling about that Nee I’m going to tell you precisely what happened it

Ain’t as bad as it seems you know it ain’t even bad at all when I was in Europe a few months ago I let my secretary and her girlfriend use my apartment her own was being redecorated somehow or other she left her negl in my dresser it was all perfectly

Innocent especially when you consider that my secretary is 62 years old I didn’t know that well never thought it was necessary to mention it well she’s been with the firm for years and years and years and years she knows how valuable she is to us in fact she knows more about what’s going

On in the office than any of us last year on her birthday when she was 72 all fell in the office chipped in 72 I thought you just said she was 62 but you know how ladies are sometimes they shave a few years off 72 is the

Correct figure so I feel very ented hael will you stop punching me Dad what is it son I saw your car drive up this is the phone ring it’s your office they want to talk to you about something real important oh all right uh come along with me oh uh Harold uh son will you ask Mr

No to come over to the house tell him I want to see him okay what on Earth is the matter the three of you were staring at that front door though you expected a tornado to hit it’s H oh hello oh hi Harold dad just got home from work he wants Mr no to come over to the house right away all right I’ll count no you got these melon sace I’d go get it only we got our hands full 72 years years old Harry I don’t

Care what kind of a jam you’re in at home I want that pre-trial testimony in the Wilson Hamilton case you told your wife I was 72 years old well not you I said my secretary was now I got to let you go and find a 72y old Secretary you

Can’t do that Mr null it ain’t her fault you’d fire me to back up a lie you told your wife I have to if a man has no Integrity he has nothing when I tell a lie I stick to It Mr back I’m warning you if he fires me on Browns like that every secretary in that office will walk out now wait a minute they will they’ll put whatever they’re doing and walk right out the door well well he’s not firing you I have to George I have to have a

72-year-old secretary if I go every secretary will go with me will someone please tell me who started this mess anyway I just hope I never see another trash can again as long as I live I know what his secretary looks like there there’s a picture of her in

His album the two of them in bathing suits ohita well preserved for 72 isn’t she I hope I look that young when I’m that age if he wanted to hide anything he should have hidden this album no no Rita I I know his secretary I know her

Very well she’s a really lovely girl I don’t doubt it that’s not what I’m mad about why did he have to tell me she’s 72 years old oh he wanted to tell you the truth he tried to tell you the truth he just couldn’t get up the nerve

Now that’s what I’m mad about he’s acting as though I’m some kind of greeneyed truish jealous monster it’s a reflection on me Harry will you quit stalling I want that pre-trial testimony judge CA is waiting for now get going I’m going I’m going you will introduce

Your secretary to your wife I will and let the chips fall where they May I’ll be right back with the testimony and the chips George we left them kissing and making up oh sure everything going to be peachy reading you all along Susan was young and pretty she saw your picture in Harry’s photograph album now all he has

To do is explain the other 20 girls in the album well I’ve checked all the testimony I kept this over to judge Cy as soon as you can oh yes sir bye Mrs back and after all that George Rita had asked Hazel to help them make their

Marriage as successful as ours has been so I talk some sense into them yep I got them all figured out I’m just going to drench that house with love I’m going to give them everything I can think of so they’ll be as happy as you and Missy George yes who’s speak who who

Phoebe well I don’t know any Phoebe Hazel said you were going with a girl named Phoebe when you met me oh her you never even mentioned her to me well there’s no reason why I should was there a reason why you shouldn’t of course not why well George

Baxter one night when you were mumbling in your Sleep Hazel never mind the house next door start covering this house with light and Love [Applause] A screen Jams [Applause] Production Hazel Hazel why aren’t you answering my sister-in-law is going to be here any minute and I I need your advice oh Hazel what are you doing with the cotton in your ears huh what are you doing with the cotton in your ears I don’t want to

Get mixed up in any Feud with you and Miss Miss Thompson well there’s no Feud it’s just that well she tries to tell me how to run my life hands off is my motto she says it’s my duty to help Steve’s career and she also says it’s my duty to

Join the symphony Society it’s also my duty to help him with his social Prestige I’m going to put the cotton back in my ears again she say the same thing with the art museum group well I don’t believe in getting mixed up in family feuds but I’m going to give you a

Little advice try a little positive thinking well if that’s the best we can do that’s the best anybody can do expect the best a little positive thinking never let anybody down okay I’ll expect the best that’s right be an optimist expect your sister-in-law not to mention anything and mind your own business and

Not to mention the symphony Society or the art museum again the last time I was here you had decided to join the symphony Society well yes I I yes you were very enthusiastic about it well yes but well other other things came up and the Art Museum group I assumed that you

Were already very active in that well I I want to join I really do I just assumed you already had well I guess there’s just so much you can expect from a little dab of positive Thinking now wait a minute just cuz you got nine lives don’t mean you have to eat 18 meals a day when I joined the symphony Society I hadn’t the slightest interest in music in fact I still don’t but I made some valuable social contacts which helped Harry in his business didn’t they Harry

Harry can see that he couldn’t have those contacts on his own and he’s always been very thankful for it haven’t you Harry very thankful and very appreciative I’m sure he is and Steven will feel exactly the same way about you if you assist him in his career as I assisted Harry won’t he Harry Harry I must say you’re not contributing much to this conversation you know that’s one thing that I’ve never understood about Harry he’s so um um uncommunicative you know he’s sort of a shy introspective type likes to keep things to himself Barbara I meant to ask you how

Is Susie doing at Miss Peterson’s School Harry can I get you something can I have Hazel bring you some coffee or anything as a matter of fact I think I’ll go into the kitchen have a little chat with hazel if you don’t mind I do mind we

Didn’t come here to visit the hired help oh we don’t consider Hazel hired help she’s one of the family Barbara I have a feeling you’re evading me I asked you how Susie was doing in Miss Peterson’s school well I haven’t enrolled her yet yet but my dear a month ago I told you

How important it was I know but well I I talk to Susie and well she’s not really too keen on the idea keen on the idea she is your child isn’t she you are her mother yes but but you don’t let her decide everything for herself do you no but

What all you do is simply enroll Her we can’t let children be their own masters that’s why we become parents to look after them and to show them what’s good for them Susie Susie what are you hunting for I’m not honey I’m hiding who from Aunt Debra she wants me to go to that Miss Peters in school if I stay out of sight maybe she’ll change the subject but dearra she’s only 8 years old but that’s precisely the age to start that’s

When I started she’ll learn all the little niceties of good manners how to introduce people how to enter and leave a room the art of walking up and downstairs gracefully and believe me it is an art that’s so important isn’t it Harry oh yes it is dear you haven’t

Fallen downstairs since we’ve been married I have her number I’ll call her and make all the arrangements it’ll save the trouble my dear oh but I besides I’ll enjoy talking to her [Applause] [Applause] Again are you darling honey Harry Dave Barbara phoned me at the office and said you’d arrived how’s the real estate business I’m doing just great how’s your business D’s doing just great Harry I think you better explain that that was a joke that was a

Joke how the Houdini did you get in here Boy should have frisa she must have a pass key how long did it take you to drive over about 2 hours oh you made pretty good time Harry’s an excellent driver so are you sweetheart you’re one of the greatest drivers in the world he I just can’t cope with her

She’s been at it ever since she got here still hopping on that Symphony Association oh no it’s not the symphony Association it’s sending Susie to miss Peterson’s elocution school well what should she go there for oh to learn social graces well I’ve heard of them but I never could make out just what

They were well they’re things like well you know speaking in public an eight-year-old girl lectur no she’ll learn you know good diction and things like that so she won’t slur her words oh maybe I ought to go to that school Miss Peterson they learn how to speak distinctly like Peter Piper picked a

Peck of pickle peppers where are the peack of pickle peppers Peter Piper picked Peter Piper I don’t know maybe it’s all very good for her but well I just don’t want to force her into going if she doesn’t want to go do you want her to go no not unless she really wants

To go and Mrs Thompson is trying to force her to go she practically had her enrolled in school 5 minutes ago she was on the phone arranging it when Steve walked in the door well if you don’t want her to go and Susie don’t want to

Go why you letting Mrs Thompson for her I just told you I can’t cope with her well why don’t you tell Mr Steve well how can I he thinks his sister’s perfect well as you know she practically raised him it’s only natural for him to assume that she’s got our best interest at

Heart oh Asel I just can’t tell him what she does to me what does that mean well that’s a horse of another color what do you mean well I don’t like to get involved in family Affairs but if she’s trying to Buffalo you into making Susie do something she don’t want that’s

Different you mean you’ll help yeah I’ll tell you how to manage that sister-in-law of yours how well you go up to her with a very sweet smile on your face and you tell her to mind her own business you say that you married a younger brother and not a busy body like

Her oh I’m sorry Mr Steve I didn’t I didn’t hear you come in obviously darling Hazel I don’t I don’t want to hear another word against my sister from you yes sir my wife and my sister get along beautifully well I I wouldn’t really okay I I I don’t ever want to

Hear of you trying to stir up any unpleasantness around here yes sir all right P pickle well I’m sorry I should have told him that you were only helping me well why didn’t you well I I just couldn’t it would seem like I was criticizing his sister oh I said it

Before and I’ll say it again Peter Piper pick a pea pick pepper how many times a week would you have to go oh Saturday afternoons and maybe one or two days after school you see there I’d rather be with mother and Hazel Susie I ask you not to

Interupt I sent my daughter when she was Susan’s age and I guess I don’t have to tell you how she turned out oh a lovely girl wonderful girl well at the risk of sounding immodest I’d say that she’s one of the most refined graceful young ladies I’ve ever seen she has such

Composure and uh she wasn’t born with those things I saw to it that she acquired them don’t you have something do in the kitchen well I just wanted to make sure nobody needed nothing Miss Peterson is a personal friend of mine and uh I don’t want to go Susie if you interrupt one

More time I’ll have your father take you upstairs to bed without your dinner that’s one of the things she’ll learn not to interrupt well what do you say Barbara shall we enroll her mother please I don’t want to go just try it Susie I’ll get you that present you wanted for your birthday

Now what did you want a chemistry set a chemistry set she wants the kind that Hazel had when she was a little girl the kind that makes stink bombs yeah and if you know the formula you can make gunpowder if you haven’t an need it gunpowder oh not really gunpowder Steve

Oh no not really but it makes makes a terrific puff of smoke oh Steve a chemistry set is not for a little girl dolls for a little girl but I have lots of dolls I want a chemistry set young lady a chemistry set is quite out of the question isn’t it

Barbara I’m afraid so Susie chemistry set is out of the question excuse me that’s enough to make me blow my CB oh I’m sorry well maybe deer is right I mean Steve agrees with her well if you told him your side he’d agree with you too I’m so confused right now I don’t

Know what my side is well your side is that you and Susie are having a lot of fun together and you want to go on having fun well yes we are and if she needs improving you’ll improve her yes I will right now you ain’t interested in

Sending her through any cause of poison charm you’re absolutely right and when you decide it’s important you’ll make the decision keep it up Hazel decision is going to be yours and yours alone right right and you’re going to March right in there and tell her right now

All right I will and I’m going to be right behind you I had to do it she has to learn some discipline excuse me everybody but I have something to say Barbara I have something to say darling what is it Susie and I are having a world of fun

Together and well we like things the way they are and if going to miss Peterson’s school is going to change any of that well oh but my dear it wouldn’t change any of that it would only increase the fun enhance the joy of living so you put

Any idea like that right out of your head where is Susie I sent her to her room why she wouldn’t behave well I guess it had to be done it did Hazel would you take her supper back to the kitchen please yes sir Sayy I heard a very funny story the other day it seems That sh shh nice Now sh [Applause] Sh [Laughter] Oh Hi Hazel hi I just fixed this sandwich for Susie slip it in your pocket will you why well because I can’t get by your Uncle Steve’s Eagle Eye and and the poor kid must be starved by now she’s gone gone gone where she left about 20

Minutes ago left for where she made me promise not to tell anybody well well did she say where she was going she had a suitcase she ain’t run away she made me promise not to tell any now you tell me or she’s either going to be a parachute jumper going to show business Suy suie suie You can’t find it no and I’ve looked up and down every block around here what do you want me to go look for her what she left with her suitcase and her cat tell her mom and dad a she made me promise not to tell anybody the only

Reason I told you was because you made me well that’s what I dreaded it’s telling our folks do you want me to go home and call the police oh no we got to tell our folks first oh you said she had a suitcase uhhuh about this big Uncle

Steve’s big one oh well she couldn’t get very far with that she had a cat with her but the cat came home when oh I don’t know when I I left the house she’s trying to get up into the Attic no don’t wake a let us Sleep [Laughter] come on honey oh goodness Daddy Mommy I was scaming you found me oh no no I’m sorry I disobey you and mother I’ll try never to interrupt anybody again oh no honey we’ll talk about that tomorrow no we’re never going to talk about that again ever come along

Honey we’ll put you to bed uh Miss Thomson Miss baxa has something she wants to tell you oh what is it I do oh I mean yes I do you know Mrs Baxter is very very fond of you Miss Thompson oh how nice but she feels that when it comes to Susie she

Should be her own problem I’d rather not uh burden you with it I’d like to try and struggle along with it all by myself and she feels the same way about the the same way about the art museum group and the symphony society and she feels that

She she shouldn’t join just I don’t feel I should join just because it would help Steve’s career that she can help her husband and in lots of other ways I feel there are other ways I can help Steve besides making social contacts where I don’t feel at

Home I may not be as important a woman as you are or as socially prominent but well I’d like to try and do as much for Steve as I can with the little that I do have in my own way Harry I think it’s time we return to our hotel good

Night I did it you sure did I did itel I didn’t let her intimidate me I didn’t let her make me feel insignificant boy I just stood up there and I just told her just how I felt she sure did boy I was you’re proud of you now there’s nothing to be concerned

About sis may have been a bit offended but that that can be smoothed over oh I don’t know about that you should have seen the expression on her face oh she’ll get over that I’ve always let sis tell me what to do as long as I wanted

To do it it didn’t hurt me and it gave her a lot of pleasure she certainly intimidated me honey look I thought you were just going along with her the way I was why didn’t you tell me well I did want to offend you and well Hazel was the only one I

Could turn to well I held off until the subject of Susie came up Hazel you were absolutely right to encourage her to speak up Susie isn’t going to any Miss Peterson school until you want her to go this is your family and your home and uh

In my heart you’re the boss oh darling I was only agreeing with her because I thought you did I knew something was going to explode but I didn’t know who it was going to be until I let the You good morning Hazel who you talking to me not only is she talking but I’m talking and now that I’ve heard the sound of it I think I have a very nice voice it seems to me you were talking all night good morning morning sis Barbara I feel that after what

Happened last night an apology is in order I hope I didn’t offend you you by being so blunt well it wasn’t a pleasant thing to discover about oneself but if you hadn’t brought it to my attention I’d probably go right on doing it Stephen I didn’t mean to meddle in your

Marriage and try to make Barbara like me uh Harry very sweetly not unkindly showed me that often my social Ambitions are more for myself than for his business career she insisted on stopping and buying this present for Susie oh for Pete’s sake ain’t that Susie suie what is it come on there’s a

Present for you from Miss Thompson wow nice he yeah a present for me yeah what is it what is it I don’t know until I unwrap it well I you going to say that thank you thank you oh no it’s with suie let’s see oh a chemistry sh isn’t that

Wonderful that’s just what I HED you’d get let’s take it out in the kitchen and give it a Dr oh nothing takes me back to when I was a kid like a good old stin [Laughter] Bom [Laughter] Happ And uh how was your day I guess typical is the word for it I took back your new shirts I got a larger size thank you oh and then the plumber was here George he says we need a new water heater so I said go ahead oh something all the time

And then Harold fell off his bicycle and skin his knee poor kid boy should be born with cast iron kneecaps oh it wasn’t serious oh and then Hazel’s nephew Walter phone from California oh I didn’t know she had an nephew in California oh George you’ve just forgotten he’s her brother Steve’s boy

Steve he sends her candied fruit at Christmas oh yes yes I know well anyway Walter phone to say he was flying East today and he was looking forward to seeing her well knowing Hazel I bet she’s excited you can’t imagine so I told her he could stay

Here you what I told her he could stay in the extra room oh Dorothy you know Hazel’s relatives are the EST people in the world now George we shouldn’t judge a man we’ve never met well one of Hazel’s relatives I’ll take a chance tell her you change your mind oh I can’t

George the plane’s already landed he’ll be here any minute well I guess we can suffer through one night it may be as long as a week George it depends on how long his business takes him well in that case we’re in for a nightmare now darling we

Haven’t met him yet he may be perfectly all right well I guess you’re right but remember the weaker cousin stay here the professional wrestler oh tell me that wasn’t a nightmare that was a little playful yes a little well the big ax picked me up and put me in an airplane

Spit every time I came through the house so what if he’ Dro me but he didn’t George he was very strong and that’s another thing people should ask permission before they tear a phone book in half hi Mr be did you hear the good

News Well I heard the news oh boy I’m so delighted I haven’t seen him in 15 years I hope I’m safe in assuming that he’s not a professional wrestler oh oh I know what you mean you’re thinking of my cousin Alfred oh boy wasn’t he something always

Clowning remember what he’d do when you come in the house yes Hazel he’d lift you over his head and spin you around in this airplane Sprint I remember he was laughing all the time a person just couldn’t get mad at him I think a person could well but he just

Did it to amuse Harold you know he just loved kids Alfred did fine but I want to hear about Walter oh oh well he’s my brother Steve’s boy you know the one that always sends me the candy fruit at Christmas that you like to eat the

Pineapple out of all right Hazel but I want to hear about Walder what does he do oh well it’s kind of hard to explain cuz first he does one thing and and then he does another I guess you could call him a promoter is that a

Condor oh oh he’s here he’s here darling be nice to him why hael I’m waiting I’m waiting give me a big hug oh it’s so good to see you you haven’t changed a bit well you sure have I haven’t seen you since you were a teenager boy that must have been 15

Years ago ain’t he the best looking thing he ever saw well yeah lady I guess so oh well most pictures don’t do people Justice do they lady I’ve never seen his pictures well I’ll show you some when we get in the house and Hazel I’m sure he

Has to get back on the job he only take a second I got the family album right in the kitchen how’s your mom and dad fine they send you their love oh boy I sure miss him did you have a nice flight perfect clear sky all the way I bet you

Had pretty hostesses buzzing around you like bees huh driver yes ma’am she’s here here now you just take off your coat and make yourself at home there we are D you hael sit here and this is Harold I know I wrote home about him you certainly did hello Harold hello Mr bur

And then Mr and Mrs Baer and this is our Walter how do you do well how do you do this is a real pleasure I’ve heard so much about you both in fact a collection of ant Hazel’s letters would provide a history of the Baxter family how do you

Do Mr Burke while you’re with us please consider our house your home a thank you Mrs baxa that’s very nice of you oh uh and what was your name St Stu Albertson oh well St my name is hael Burke and you met my nephew Walter Burke you met him

And Mr and Mrs Baxter and this is little Harold and still here want to see our photograph album lady I got to get back on the job there 420 on a meter Mr Burke oh certainly certainly I am sorry to keep you waiting oh uhoh can you change

100 100 are you kidding well I have my restaurant credit card can you charge it to that not a chance an Hazel I only have a dollar and a half in my purse I had my head done because you were coming want me to open

My py bank never mind son I’ll lend Mr Burke the $4.20 here’s a $5 bill well thank you very much Mr Baxter this is an awful way to start a relationship but do you mind if we make it five even I’d like to give

Him a little tip uh no oh OD that’s fine there you are and thank you very much thank you sir Haz put some cookies in your room and I didn’t touch one I thought you might like to nibble on them well wonderful why don’t we go up and

Get some swar I hope they oatmeal no to house well I want some oatmeal before I leave I remember them from when I was a kid well I’ll make some right after dinner I’ll show you where your room is oh thank you Harold how much did you have in your piggy B over

$10 oh Mr Burke don’t you think that suitcase is a little heavy for your aunt oh my gosh a Hazel give me that no no that’s all right I can manage it not while I’m around ain’t he Terrific yes it’s possible for a man not to have change but did you actually see the $100 bill no he just looked in his wallet exactly and it was probably an oh now we don’t know that what if he had taken a $100 bill out and waved it under

Our noses wouldn’t you have thought he was showing off well I well he’ll be down in a minute he’s upstairs watching if that ain’t like a man you know what he did he forgot his razor and shaving cream well I prefer he wouldn’t use mine Hazel if that’s sugges oh no Mr

Be he wouldn’t impose like that but what I want to know is if I could phone the drugstore and have them send the things over and charge them to Mr be’s account you know just till he gets changed well all right Hazel but I’d suggest you

Mention to waler that the banks open at 10:00 in the morning oh yes he was asking me about that oh Missy is it all right if Walder bars your car in the morning so he won’t have to take the bus I suppose so well all right I’ll pH in the drug

Store oh boy that guy’s a doozy and I put are allow in it every week good idea save for a rainy day in fact I wish I had had a piggy bank to shake some money out of for that cab driver well if you ever need any money while you’re here

I’ll lend it to you thank you Harold I’ll remember that what that little present I brought along for my aunt Hazel should we go downstairs and give it to her okay no that’s all Mr Casey you’re sure that the blades come with the razor oh well well

Will you send them right over and charge them to Mr bax’s account bye Hazel he brought you something oh no Walter you shouldn’t have it’s nothing and Hazel I remember you love them when I was a kid oh boy if these are what I think they are chocolate cover cherries oh they

Just make me drool are you going to open them oh yes I’m going to open them but everybody’s just going to get one on account of I don’t want to spoil your dinner look what wal brought me chocolate covered cherries ain’t that the most thoughtful thing you ever heard

Of oh well Hazel that’s very nice only one Mr Bee no thank you I don’t care for any you don’t care for any are you sick Mr be I feel fine I just don’t care for any oh Harold thank you Hazel W well thank you ant

Hazel a delicious melt in your mouth Mr Burke uh what brings you to our city is this a vacation trip oh no no strictly business I’m after money Missy said you can have her car in the morning well that’s very generous of you Mrs back I

Had expected to rent a car well uh maybe that’s a better idea then you’d both have transportation of course of course it is one of the expenses of my business Mr Burke uh I’m not quite clear uh just what is your business well I’m a promoter Mr Baxter oh I come to

Successful men such as yourself who may want to invest a few thousand Mr Burke I don’t have any money to invest he sake Mr B well that’s all right an Hazel I’m sure Mr back is just trying to set the record straight I think that’s putting it very

Well Mr Burke oh wal’s got lots of prospects ain’t you Walder indeed I have one of them is a man named Griffin Harvey Griffin but yes well he happens to be a very important client of mine perhaps Hazel has mentioned him in her letters to you yes I believe she has

Ain’t that terrific wal has given one of our old friends an opportunity now we said Hazel’s letters were practically a history of the family oh I bet he’s going to call on every client I have he must have a list of the wealthiest men in town it’s possible all

Right the question is what shall I do now there’s no point in telling him to Simply stop and go home that wouldn’t phas a man like Walter a bit now darling it isn’t fair to say a man like Walter we have no evidence he isn’t honest and

Honorable no we have no evidence but you better count all the spoons the first thing in the morning George really well what do you think about him I have no complaint against him except for the way he treats Hazel asking her to make oatmeal cookies after she’s

Worked a full day asking her to bake muffins for dinner well she waits on him hand and foot did you know he asked her to press his suit for tomorrow no I certainly did not well he did that man is the original moocher and I calling Mr

Griffin the first thing in the morning and warn him not to have anything to do with him that’s right Mr Griffin I arrived late this afternoon tell him I said hello my aunt Hazel says hello his best to you I hope you receive the data and samples I sent you from

California oh good good naturally I’m anxious to discuss things with you and I wonder if you have any free time tomorrow 10:00 will be fine I’ll be there thank you Mr Griffin good night well I’ve got a flip in the door oh that’s terrific and that reminds me I need a

Shine oh well you just slip them off I’ll try them just as soon as I finish the soup now come on slip them off I’d love to do it all Right tell me what it is you’re working on you know I might even invest a couple 100,000 myself well I didn’t know the ant was loaded oh sure I’m a regular Fort kn and an apron come on tell me well it’s a new plastic a Los Angeles chemist invented a fantastic material it

Can be molded into any shape oh you can do that with any Plastics can’t you yes but this material is acid resistant and it stands heat up to, 1500Β° fah a plastic mhm why cooking utensils can be made out of it boy it sounds practically unbelievable well I hope Mr Griffin

Doesn’t agree with you I I won’t raise a dime oh you’ll convince him I hope so oh you know what I like for breakfast no you tell me and I’ll get it for you eggs benedict do you have the fixions oh sure we have and I wonder if I can have

Breakfast early say about 6 well I have a lot to do in the morning I have to work on my presentation and rent a car and I certainly don’t want to be late for Mr Griffin oh I’ll have your breakfast ready for you don’t you worry good let’s see it’s 10:30 here that

Makes it 7:30 in California do you think the boxers would mind if I made a longdistance call course good I’ll uh I’ll find out what the charges are and pay Mr The Backs to back as soon as I get some change you go right ahead oh W I can’t tell you how terrific

It is to have your own flesh and blood right here in the house morning good morning hazel good morning Hazel Hazel what time does that nephew of yours get up he can’t expect the family to tiptoe around just so he can sleep oh he’s been gone for a half

An hour Mr be you didn’t even hear him did no I didn’t that’s cuz he was tiptoeing around so you wouldn’t hear him I wanted to call you so you could enjoy an early morning breakfast with him but he said no a man your aged probably needs a

Sleep casel I’m not quite seile yet a live wild like w probably gets up at 6:00 every morning you want me to call you early tomorrow morning Mr be no I don’t he sure has a terrific appetite he had two Helens of eggs benedict oh are we having eggs benedict this morning no

The ham is all gone I told you he had a terrific appetite he was talking about his project oh it’s terrific if you had a little extra money Mr be I think waler might let you in on it I’m not interested in getting it on

Hazel thank you oh well a lot of people are he made some long distance calls last night on our phone that’s all right he’ll settle up with you when he gets the bill changed he called Mr Griffin too Mr Griffin sure that’s who he has the appointment with at 10:00 this

Morning he hopes that Mr Griffin’s going to put a lot of money in it Hazel just what is this project it’s a plastic you know you can make kitchen utensils out of it even frying pans it’s practically unbelievable yes isn’t it oh I don’t I don’t mean really unbelievable Mr B

Hazel plastic melts when it’s heated oh but this doesn’t it heats up to 1500Β° well that’s what waler said and he’s my nephew Mr be I know Hazel and I hate to say this but I suspect your nephew is a phony oh no Mr B well now

Hazel think back the first thing he did when he came in the house he barred $5 from me well that’s because he he didn’t have anything smaller than a hundred but he’s going to get it changed he said this morning when I gave him the bus

Fed he he he was going to get change he charged longdistance calls to the phone shaving things at the drugstore and made you press his suit well that’s cuz he wanted to look nice if for Mr G nothing and that’s another thing Hazel if a relative of mine tried to raise money

From friends I mentioned in my letters I’d be furious you would Mr me yes I would I would consider it most unethical how do you feel well he’s my nephew what do you think we ought to do I think we ought to warn Mr Griffin of

The type of man he’s dealing with I feel we owe him that but Mr B we’re only guessing you know I want to be fair to Walter too well I have some Connections in Los Angeles that could check on Waller but we just don’t have the time didn’t you

Mention they have a meeting at 10:00 oh yeah I tell you what I I could go down to Mr Griffin’s office and keep him apart for a couple of hours would that give you enough time yes yes Hazel that would but what if you can’t keep them

Apart well I’ll just I’ll just have to tell Mr Griffin myself so you you call me at Mr Griffin’s office if you hear something I better hurry if if I’m going to get there before water hi Jamie Hazel this is a surprise well I just happened to be in the

Neighborhood and I thought I’d drop in and say hello to Mr Griffin is anybody in there with him no not at the moment but he’s expecting somebody at 10 oh swell I’ll only take a sec Mr Griffin Hazel Burke is here to see you Hazel send her in go ahead Hazel thanks

Jamie well h what brings you down this way oh you brought me some brownies how you know I smelled them I can detect the aroma of one of your brownies at 100 yards oh here they are enjoy them oh I will oh no don’t open them now they for

Your dessert oh one well all right just one I’ll eat it slowly and make it last I have a message for you from my nephew a message well I’m expecting him here any minute well uh that’s what it’s all about he’s going to be delayed delayed why well uh it’s something about a

Telephone call from California oh well a few minutes doesn’t make any difference well it it it may be a couple of hours the things have got to be checked for a man who’s trying to get me to invest he’s being pretty independent yeah well that’s the way he is so why don’t you

Buzz your secretary on the intercom and and tell her to change the time of the appointment uh he’s not trying to cut me out of this is he oh no no no he wouldn’t do a thing like that why didn’t you just buzz Janie and and tell her to

Change the appointment huh if he hadn’t mentioned in his first letter that he was your nephew I never would have answered yeah why don’t you just buzzer it sounded like such a crackpot idea but I said to myself if he’s her nephew at least I can be courteous enough to reply

If you just Buzzard a plastic frying pan I spoke to my research department and they just laughed plastic gets soft when it’s heated how is it this thing work oh the intercom yeah oh well when I want to speak to my secretary I just that switch

Milin can I do it well of course I wouldn’t know what to say yes Mr Griffin uh this is Hazel uh Mr Griffin want you to tell Mr burck when he comes to change his appointment from 10 to 12:00 boy how am I doing just fine Asel

Oh and another thing just tell Mr brke to sit down and wait until Mr Griffin ask him to come in what sound like a real executive huh you can join my staff anytime as long as you make brownies oh if a phone call comes from

Mr Baxter for me just put it through on Mr Griffin’s phone it’s fun being an executive go ahead play with it no I don’t want to play anymore uh you were talking about your research Department oh yes the boys in the lab advised me to have nothing to do with it they said

Your nephew was a phony for peace sake so when I wrote him I said he’d have to send me a sample of the plastic and he didn’t send it huh no he didn’t he sent me a finished frying pan you’re kidding no I got the boys to

Check it out it’s an amazing material stands temperatures up to, 1500Β° for p sake but I still wasn’t satisfied he might be your nephew but I want to know more about a man than that before I do business with him a man in my position has every con man in the

Country after him oh sure fellas without a scent in their pocket will steal somebody else’s idea and then try to get me to finance it what happens I finish up with a big lawsuit yeah so I had some investigators check him out and and and you didn’t get the report huh well

Certainly it got here that’s why I had your nephew come east what he’s got a AAA rating in done in Brad street respected in his community active in the Chamber of Commerce a thriving business and he’s putting $20,000 of his own money in the plastic

Now that’s the kind of a man I like to do business with Fe sake have another brownie Mr yes Mr Griffin is it is it w Burke out there he came in a few minutes ago well tell him to come right in Mr Griffin’s waiting for

Him and Mr Griffin’s k say it could revolutionize kitchen wear as a matter of fact he was so enthused he put up $100,000 oh that’s wonderful you know I was just thinking I could probably scrape together 5,000 or so you know that might be smart George get in on the

Ground floor well that’s how fortunes are made and a person can’t go too far wrong following Mr Griffin’s lead in Investments excuse me Mr and Mrs Baxter I want to thank you for your hospitality and Say Goodbye Oh you you you’re not leaving well yes I’ve wound up all my

Business here and I’ve got to get back to California oh I’m going to hate to see him go it’s been too short a stay Mr Burke we didn’t really get a chance to know you well we had a chance but I guess we muffed it well forget it I

Would have felt the same way in your shoes we are all square aren’t we uh telephone calls oh absolutely and Waller to show my confidence in you I want to put $5,000 into that plastic idea oh I am sorry Mr Baxter but there are no more shares available I bought the last $200

Worth Mr B you did and it’s just as well too because you ain’t in no position to be making any more Investments no well Missy he’s got that big bill for fixing the roof and his insurance premium is overdue and you need a new coat and Harold’s growing out of everything to

Say nothing of my birthday coming up for Pete’s sake but I will keep you in mind for my next project uh what’s that well I don’t have one at the moment I got a wonderful idea what about an oblong umbrella so two people could walk together in the rain [Applause] this has been a screen gems Film Production

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