Golf Babe


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Thumbnail by: @MaximumPanic

#H2ODelirious #Delirious

I got a shark why is that perfect for me I got a shark tip I it’s funny I got a shark why is there white stains all over this hat I don’t know how would you do last night this is squrrel scr’s family right here oh my God look at his tail

Jiggle don’t be looking at my tail jiggle watch him jiggle jiggle cartoons you look you kind of look like um a badass yeah no no what’s the guy who played in The Goonies I’m talking about the hairstyle that the top of the hairstyle I don’t know names

Cartoons why why are you cartoon 3 his Z turned to a three in the top left it’s a z yeah look at that cartoon 3 you guys like how I look I look sick I’m where’s the [ __ ] hat Kyle what the hell I got

That’s not a [ __ ] hat dude that hat and I are over the [ __ ] hat was better why are we called the squirters why are we going to a seat called squirts cuz we be squirted we’re playing a golf game that gives us cards where we can get a oneup

Or we can sabotage with these cards uhhuh and our seed is what delious uh is a dumb that’s all I see look above at the seed mode right below mode oh [ __ ] got him Del isas I don’t know what we’re doing I have no idea just picking cards pick a

Card any card finished not ready I’m still picking cards what are you talking about there’s a lot of look my shark is like my ride is getting a little dizzy over here I pick a glitch I’m ready this about to be sick this about to be sick y’all don’t know anything about nobody

Knows Rog likes you don’t know anything about golf card games or golf so you’re you’re screwed you don’t know nothing about nothing you don’t know what I know you don’t know anything about anything so we pick one right now um I’m going to pick one you going to pick multiple oh

Wait a minute you could put them down anywhere you want what what I just moved what did I just do wait a minute Kyle just went oh wait I’m going again oh baby oh baby [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m going stop this sus I don’t know what I’m doing how

Shooting I’m putting traps down by the way I don’t know I see the traps that you just put down you pie how do you move how do you move oh that was not good that was great click that was great okay okay I understand I almost got a hole in

One did you I’m going down going down guys I don’t know which one’s the real flag wait a minute why did somebody put it behind the fence oh [ __ ] I missed that are you kidding me how do you hit soft back I think that’s a fake is that

A fake that was a fake that was a fake over this wall who put a hold on who put a hole on the roof back there no way I how did you hit up how do you jump I used the lober lober yes a jump way that was nice man I

Almost used Kyle’s jump pad to get in there if you don’t have a jump pad what do you do you can create one cartoons I made you a jump pad has 11 seconds on oh no you got yes I made it in cartoon know what to do what do you know about

These Rog lights cartoon card gam what’s happening cartoons I mean there there’s no way to get over there zoom in on his face look at his face like what am I supposed to do it makes no sense you have no you have anything I just got this I just got a

Jump pad I think every turn you get a move oh put the that’s what I put down was a jump pad oh cool w Co what was that I don’t think that’s going to work I think you can use that jump feel I think I think that jump pad

Is in the opposite direction too I think you can break through those boxes this town music is not bounce off the just fly through the boxes I bet you go through the boxes I’m about to [ __ ] rage like what the [ __ ] kind of design of a map is this you go through the

Boxes the boxes are just items that can be moved dude I’m about [ __ ] I’m about to punch something I’m going to delete this [ __ ] game come on oh you got you got be stronger than that [ __ ] you you got to hit it harder than that great [ __ ]

Job great [ __ ] job you guys are [ __ ] just dumb as [ __ ] get there there you’re moving it how the [ __ ] did y’all all get over here I’m so [ __ ] pissed offed the jump he di y a wor the [ __ ] all right [ __ ] this game and [ __ ] all three of y’all

We stupidest [ __ ] game I ever played the games are goddamn precisely generated what the [ __ ] kind of dumbass AI horeshit was that M it’s because you call this map Delirious as a dumbass that’s why I can’t put down the things I want to put down look at that that was

Sick right oh I understand so the traps you can’t put down in view of other people I think I’m in Ni shot did you that was easy hole Bo um how do I oh escap uh nice I didn’t know how hard I was supposed to hit I suck you in cartoons I

I’ll I’ll help you oh never mind I didn’t suck you in Dam it how do I place this [ __ ] I I’m going in never mind you know this [ __ ] strength oh my God we have Collision we have Collision I just blocked him cartoons I thought you were going to

Just make him wait no I’m about to punch my monitor so I’m about to do holes as fast as possible that hole that was ter so we have Collision um some traps I don’t think you can put in complete view of other people cuz I have a I have a trap that I

Can’t put down there we go this is a little harder of a math okay I’m going get let me get a little bit going fast is better before people use their things to say you know so like getting out of the way before people use all their

[ __ ] get out out squ stop sucking me yeah I’ll suck you what the [ __ ] was that what everybody watching me go try something 3 2 one whoa you hit me my way anybody see what I tried to do no I I used the glid and I Glide it straight

Into the ocean you guys are annoying you’re annoying my you going to hit me again SC how did you jump didn’t work shot dude you hit the ball like a little [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] like how am I supposed to get up here who did that maybe I over you

Legitimately cannot get up this little ramp yeah I’ll help you I’ll help you block everyone go go you get my way I died oh I made Up’s the right oh my god get the [ __ ] out of my way [ __ ] it doesn’t matter let me go I got this

Curve shot ooh curve right in that be sick yeah curve right in Kyle which one which one is the real hole Kyle [ __ ] I couldn’t curve it God damn itle get [ __ ] he got hit with a coin bomb SCS the Trappers the light but with go yeah is exactly what this reminds me

Of are you trying to jump that was clean go roll back squir I think you’re giving away which one’s the correct one I see something they wouldn’t realize how do you curve it’s hard the cartoons uh if you come back and actually win that’s going to be

Ridiculous oh I’m if I get through this game without breaking something that’ll be ridiculous so I put that coin to blew you up oh this m looks cool look like God I need some boosters I did confirm you cannot put down the the the flag traps like near other players balls

Watch this watch this watch this watch this damn it I’m just grabbing 10 coins coins are the points by the way you know how you get points every R like right now I’m at like 130 each coin is 10 points towards your score I think is it

Jesus there’s no strength at all in these damn there’s no strength ised there you go you you [ __ ] did y’all do this or was this already in the game no I I cartoons I put one down just got hit by one he died he brought me all the way back here he dead

Wait are it just killed me you died no who put that F going now kill you guys I helped you out again move quick use it is that the right hole no [ __ ] I used the booster no the water fall the water fall out the water oh yes the L shop

Which one’s the right hole Delirious I don’t know but I really want these coins over here I’m hoping that one’s the right one yes what a shot what a lob in the lob was a great buy it was was a great grab you shoot actually with a lot

There’s a power up that literally kills the [ __ ] person it’s called a flag trap yeah good I’m can’t play so I get zero in the [ __ ] hole one trap I I have no clues Kyle do you really need that off the fence Kyle off the fence you got this yep let’s see

It that thing’s pretty power o go go that would have been amazing I didn’t put down a f maybe maybe you just had low health I was I was a [ __ ] what you talking about low health I don’t understand I don’t know so one [ __ ] trap from one person

Loses me 115 points [ __ ] this game this is stupid squirrel you ran into the [ __ ] mind the first game and still got to play yeah s Boogie bomb don’t go over par or you explode oh maybe that’s what happened cartoons maybe we didn’t realize if you get hit

With a trap you die maybe died instantly that time yeah yeah maybe there was like a a event like level event I want to see see what this does no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I was so set up for Perfection Perfection all right [ __ ] you

Ruined you ruined me Delirious cool I landed in another trap and I’m dead for the game I’m so done I’m so [ __ ] done I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive you’re alive going this ramp doesn’t do anything unless we got a speed boost okay top [ __ ] you I hate this game also

I’m dead that me cartoons you just took me out of the game now this is so tricky [ __ ] you know what here get rid of these two confirm let’s create this confirm that’s not going to work that’s a fake Kyle that’s a f what a play look

At me watch this goodbye nice oh there’s a vending machine that was my own explosive you idiot you know what I get a second try that is true you got to go that ra can you spend your coins on that vending machine cartoons do you have any top the good

One yeah you could buy boost that there [ __ ] right here I think you guys are all going to stroke out on this by the way car super high watch this watch this watch this move can’t get around how do you use the glider do you

Just hold it you just hit tap you went over you went over par oh okay okay I don’t think anyone I don’t think kle will make it am I going over par I got two shots left okay you guys don’t see oh you were okay I see what you’re

Trying youit the little now there’s a are you kidding oh I can’t make it my last try my last try you and Delirious are both going stroke out I’m not going to stroke out I believe going stroke Out ooh this sucks ass oh Kyle Kyle may be able to use that that

Booster with you strle that was my own trap too wait a minute he surviv still alive how do he not over your health is in the top left I think my screen spinning why is my screen spinning your health is in the top left I’m out of Health kle hit the

Hit the thing sorry sorry sorry I don’t want toit the thing hit hit my balls I want you guys stroke out Kyle’s going to make it I got stroked out Kyle which one yeah which one Kyle one huh oh my God he got it wow he got lead

That just gave him oh my damn look at me with [ __ ] negative 215 [ __ ] cartoons we all know that I’m going to get last place on this damn thing we all know this I I’m I gain 10 coins how about you gain a ready button under your

Mouse how about you gain these nuts in the in your mouth [ __ ] oh what is that what is that beautiful shiny Crystal down there you know how much I don’t care I care care I’m running run you [ __ ] that took away one Health from me you piece of [ __ ] I can’t do

Anything it won’t let me do anything am I dead like I literally I’m stuck in a screen I can’t press anything I try to use a coin trap and the game froze I can see you moving around but I can’t do anything we got to start over that’s crazy you ruined it

Crazy I didn’t ruin it game ruined it we learned last round we’re becoming better this round all right I’m ready I’m ready my cards my perk is so good my perk what’s your Perk shots prevent the next it’s called lob you know what I’m going for with lobster too cartoons of course you would cuz I cuz I cheered yes you don’t even know what it does you cheered with your beard what do you at dude it allows you to hit higher shots

I’m going to hit it powerfully you know what I’m saying get those coins I’m not I’m going to wait till after that I’m going to fa your mom’s a hoe watch this shot that I’m about to take when this out watch this [ __ ] that’s what I was going to do no you

Have been Co sir no [ __ ] you Delirious why do you have to do that I didn’t do nothing get the hell out of my life all right who did this yeah who put that hole right there who put this goddamn giant piece of [ __ ] in front of me that goddamn chair

Here guys stop this is so stupid no one can get up there D is getting up he’s up there no one can get up there no one can get up there [ __ ] That’s right The Comeback story Starts Now shut up go dudes you were the chosen one oh you

Thank you Kyle Kyle you’re a [ __ ] idiot where’d he go he’s up top you did no you got me right here I missed get repulsed SC you repulsed both of us what the it went away what the hell thank yes thank you for the repulsion maybe I can help you too Delirious

Yeah you almost did you almost got you son of a [ __ ] you killed me wait I didn’t die I’m still alive top left is your health so it only takes away one I don’t know why he was dying in trth oh my God that was almost great I’m not going to make

It come on Delirious wait I got my power shot one power shot then you should be fine no you were not fine Delirious I had to break it you in fact should get those coins one trick is making it up the wall you know what I’m going to I’m going to pull

Kyle that’s usually something you never want to do there we go that’s what I’m talking about from over if he just strug that right there dude I would have died I got that’s what I’m talking about I got par look at that hey I’m not how

Am I not in last place after that a double Bogi uh I got a double Bogi get I don’t give a care about you don’t give a care who I’m trying to see you don’t give a care I don’t give a care I don’t give a care I like underwear if I hit

That that did not jump me because I B I hit you I think it get out my I helped you a little bit help you all those coins yes which one is which one of here is real watch me you both not getting last you’re right

You’re right just in case I I doubled the fun what the [ __ ] just happened that high I I can’t holy hell D who put this fre yeah my [ __ ] I’ll just wait the time you know what cartoons hey oh screw no that ruined me are you

Kid son of a [ __ ] what’s this going to do bar didn’t make it it who would W you know I’ll go around the wall I just wasted time [ __ ] oh my God oh that’s so dirty so dirty just because I’m piss oh my God yes it works I flew outside the

Map which one is the real flag I’m not I’m not taking a risk I tell you which one’s not the real flag the one over there you in the lead this one has to be the flag someone tells me it wasn’t [ __ ] you Del what oh I’m so

Happy all those stres this turn so many strokes you get points for for collecting coins I think yeah I think 10 points that’s that little bit left you got to make it at all cost Kyle has two strokes as well those Bogies me I will take that yeah that’s a close

Game now we definitely learned from last round yeah we learned you can’t if you fail you lose hey I got did y’all get a reward no I got a one coin reward that kind of sucks ass do you not know what a ready button is each time know why I have to press

Next level are you are you fumbling with your balls is that what you’re doing I was fonding my balls oh yeah don’t fumble I got three Health cartoons that’s why you died that one time look at your health right now oh yeah I got do what’s up dude all right what’s up

All right all right what’s up all right all right get [ __ ] that’s a wall I did that wall that’s a wall all right I got plant heyy squirrel you want to see my plants like turn around watch me right yes this one [ __ ] watch watch watch watch

Boom that was a good jump that was actually really good that was so that was so amazing amazing for there you go guys help you out I brought you back let me play the game yeah you think I can bounce in you think

The game is going to be like SC hit it I definitely wanted to push you into the water kle what are you doing I’m trying to think I’m trying to think if this if I can bounce in the water and go in the hole like this like this what the [ __ ] how the

Hell little bit of Power Shot just hit in the side I’m going to have to take a why does it look like you have a wiener on top of your head by the way everything watch me jiggle jiggle wiener physics wiener physics made me wet y’all did Power Shot like this boom

No how did yall you have the stupid La you have the stup look at that look at it’s you can’t come back from that that’s so dirty how much so how much health do y’all get like how do you get health from round to round well maybe’s see I’m at one Health

I got full health yeah after you die so I think we’re all going to die eventually oh that is cool I like that so that means if I wait y’all come to my level you know that’s what the exploding balls are for so I

Could like kill you right now if I if I wanted to no I’m full health [ __ ] oh I knew you do that I was trying so hard man the power shots are weak as [ __ ] you have to like you can double up on him I don’t know which one’s the real

Hole so I’m not going to risk it cuz I die someone else test the hole guys which one’s the real one okay I know that one’s not it it has to be I’m going to just go for if I die I die I see you yes squirrel

Why’ you go do it cuz now we all know which one’s the real one because I didn’t want you guys to kill me with one shot of something we’re not going to kill you yeah right I don’t not by that one I saw that cartoons that’s unfortunate

Oh I got my power shot I could go right in in between between which one which one is it if I roll in this water again I’ll punch same shot where are you Kyle uh almost dead you’re at the spawn still the hell was that we [ __ ] br oh my

God nice Dam nice plan I just wasted two shot so you can overheat by the way like you can pick as much heat as you want but you will overheat and your ball will explode what do you mean about heating you know when you’re it was warning me and I said [ __ ]

It and it uh killed me oh and it put you back home it put you back home in the rough I am in the rough the r ball in the rough K you’re in a rough position and KY you’re you’re like the diamond in the rough just like how Jafar said it who’s

Jafar Aladdin come on what are you a [ __ ] idiot what the [ __ ] you don’t watch children movies when you were children you were a children I’m not last n I’m with the I’m not last I don’t care as long as I don’t become last place that makes me first place in my

Heart I got a three coin reward oh my goodness look at those three coins those three coins reward right there if you go over par how are you supposed to get in that b what is going on wait where was The Fly Don’t Go Over party okay I haven’t

Seen the flag I didn’t see the flag yet either repulsed I just killed myself you suck you a piece of [ __ ] cartoon so damn funny no there was nothing actually funny about it believe it or not why did I laugh so hard then that’s what’s weird see you later [ __ ]

What did you just see what he just did is that flag or is that a fake flag oh my God you [ __ ] oh my God that is the only flag I Team Rocket blasting off B you actually went pretty damn High what you went so far no I

Died I’m dead dead no yeah when you die it hurts yeah I’m hoping you guys all stroke out on this one oh stop yes are you kidding me this is my chance power shot with the jump Power [Applause] Shot everything’s going exactly as planned hit my where’s the

Flag who knows is it low down below down below stop stop why why you know what I’m just going for it all better Pizza what a jump you’re going to gain so much on me this turn please stop please stop please stop I’m going to do this there we go to make

Sure I don’t accidentally [ __ ] up a wall behind it I want to stop watch this oh wait a minute which one is it oh I know which one the one with the coin in the Kyle no one with the coin in the Kyle I got Plus 55 points for getting in right

There carons got 50+ one I didn’t make it l oh I’m catching up to you SC we just see car to die now he’s the last one I’ve only got I’ve got one bar of Health left if you off the map you die rewards plus three pick a glitch I didn’t get

That get a random rare card like it I like it a lot you’re F you’re an idiot I don’t want him I don’t need them you’re an IDI you’re just mad you’re a mad Kyle I’m mad I’m mad and glad I’m mad and I’m glad good God Good Golly old Molly that

[ __ ] is way out there is it for other players good thing I got the exact plan for this guys it glitched again all right well GG’s guys I hate you oh this is a new seen that card I’m going all against you guys this time all

Against I’m just bad idea I’m going for power I want to be strong all a part of the plant there we go we’ll take that’s a little something we like a little bit of that we like that take a boost pad you know I’ll take a boost pad I like this

One too take that one I’ll take that one oh coat the ball rubber making it much more bouncy I love bouncy balls yeah we’re going to do that I think I’m gonna do that I’m G do that do that I’m gonna get a random perk we’re going to do this and we’re

Going to do that and we’re going to do a little bit of this and we’re going to do a little bit of that a little bit of this and a little bit of O my Ball’s flying in in style oh what is that I got a random ass

Perk and I don’t really know what it was it’s you had to hover over it yeah but disapp oh right here wa little bit of night time in my life activate it says activate to lose one energy and gain five Max shots that’s what I did that’s the same thing

I did too well I didn’t pick it it was random it was given to me by a loved one same nice look at we’re all so good all of a sudden we’re great at this game oh my God I went in the hole I didn’t even

Know it was there I was just trying to make it through take a little two shotter I will too come on I take a three shotter I guess Dam it I guess I’ll take a three shotter imagine doing it in three shots and I yeah more like

Three [ __ ] am I right I don’t I don’t even have enough power to get there so I’m just going to get them coins going to do this oh smart smart Delirious ball Delirious you didn’t not tell her to sit I was I supposed to know getting coins coins coins matter right yeah cuz

You that’s a fake coin not fake these are real coins real real lives better Pizza better coins got a is a eagle he did get an eagle look at those points 50 points what how get the same don’t mind me mind me I literally got in there in two shots

Collect the thing [ __ ] what what you collect right I went and jumped and hit it you Crystal you got a crystal what we need to play Strokes not points oh strokes this point [ __ ] is you’re just jealous you see that Crystal in front of

Me I kind of want it that has a lot of that’s that’s that’s 50 points right there on that on that thing watch this fck watch this [ __ ] watch me [ __ ] [ __ ] yes wait we can all get it oh I get a oh wait yeah we all do

Get it you’re right I got a new card [ __ ] all right all right I’m spoted in the water you are spoted in the what the [ __ ] is [Laughter] this no what’s happening what’s happen I am so [ __ ] angry I can’t get out I can’t get out of

The the spawn this I don’t have enough power to go over the hill hey guys I’m going to the flag right now I’m literally SC you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] all right that’s why nobody likes you that’s literally why nobody likes you flag of my life right here sit

Please you tried sucking I tried so hard and I got so F we are losing points right here guys we are losing so so many points yeah try spawning in the water nine [ __ ] times and dying that’s fun I got you don’t worry oh wow oh okay delious that was [Laughter]

Cool it was cool until it wasn’t wait see that ramp in front of us yeah you see that did you see that the surfboard that was so crappy get out my way hey at the be get out of here the hell out of here a little bit

More off the edge you would have sucked him oh wait what the hell I don’t know why he blew up what happened there move oh I got two strok left two strokes Kyle [ __ ] you di I got a power shot I got a power shot got a power shot you’re going to you’re

Going to kill yourself here no I’m not oh good shot yes that was a good shot yes oh my goodness scoll with the perfect I got that Crystal yeah the Crystal’s insane the Crystal’s 50 points I didn’t even see the crystal yeah I hit it and then got pushed in the

Water and SP in the water eight times that’s a hard hole a hard hole we’ve had this hole before we had this beginning so you can double up on the P oh you can double up on the powers nice okay I made my jump Fu this I did my

Jump oh my God please I’m going to try curving and gliding here are you how did you how do you control the glider damn it you just hit one I believe to pull it out yeah but when I did it he flew straight down Kyle come with me okay

What the [ __ ] dude there’s nothing I can do there’s nothing I can do here wait Ser follow me follow me for making friendship you piece of [ __ ] damn it now I got to waste another stroke to get off this [ __ ] corner okay this is going tobly cost me a lot

Of heat oh my Shield’s about to end my shield about end my sh the glider goes delious my shield ended you got two kills with that one [ __ ] I’m about I’m going to punch something okay where you going punch don’t punch don’t punch me I didn’t do

Nothing how do I oh there we go SC how many [ __ ] shots I died I made it I made it when last I died I just realized that no and I have one Health left so I’m I’m done next that [ __ ] took forever that D that [ __ ] all right so squirrel

Loses back punching the monitor back punching monitors squir loses 100 points if we can uh do one damage on him I follow them M once I lose on your points okay so I’m running right off the glider is a piece of [ __ ] every time I use the

Gladder I just dolphin di straight into your yes exactly it’s exactly what I was saying you go straight hold the button what the hell what what it’s under us oh this is brain Meats guys this is brain uh I’m confused all right don’t be [ __ ] thank

You I thought you going to try blocking it no I couldn’t hey guys I got a magnet follow me oh you got all coins thank you you all the coins there uh oh guys I this will be fun watch check this out that GL suck be fun check this out hey check this

Out I just got my head chopped off that that sucks where am I where’s the [ __ ] how are we supposed to get oh never mind we can do this I ran like that okay it’s right up there okay I think this is going to be

Strong enough I was right I was in the wall are you trying to get points huh you trying to get did you get the [ __ ] out of my way now second I’m figuring out move one second are y me why am I in the wall [ __ ] hey what happens if we insert a

Coin right here girl’s cheating and it’s pissing me off is he I’m in a wall I don’t see no wall on you there’s a wall right here and I can’t I’ll help you I’ll help you Kyle don’t worry just set up his jum oh I would be so

Annoyed you said you complaining that you in a wall I tried to help you leave me alone I tried to help you just impact you oh cartoons now Kyle has one Health unless it’s still show my health woo I have one stroke left I have one

Move I don’t think you’re going to make it just don’t want to believe in the Kyle God damn it it’s my own thing last turn he’s [ __ ] you watch this I’m going to use this to help me right here God give me another turn you can use that too there

Damn it right I Kyle ball one shot left by the way I don’t know how you’re doing that Kyle’s actually cheating now two shots nice oh maybe the part I don’t know oh it took away my health took my health every negative at a perfect zero yeah next kill squirrel please I

Got did he die he didn’t die that last time did he double damage all damage is double no what does that even mean what what what does that mean yeah but we can’t really damage you guys what the [ __ ] where am I at I don’t camera about

To make me sick give me a k you guys are still coming in oh I’m dead why am I dead you’re not dead for players oh I I see CU I’ll just kill myself before you guys can kill me I’m dead [ __ ] who did that who put that

Down killed myself [ __ ] car that is so many coins right there oh my God we can’t do this so everyone can get the coins which is kind of nice I’m dead di too all right good this is a good round for everyone to die on I don’t want to die

I to see where cartoons even need to go underr that was not as far as I should have went oh wow that’s a nice little Glide cartoons that nice little that was all right was all right did you hold the button and now just hit it secret

Tunnel secret tunnels down there go down there go down there hey I got a coin going down there we go down here I got a bunch of coinsa lava lava yes yes yes [Applause] yes D you looking hot you looking hot a I got five holes left I got to make it

All the way there wait hold on watch this just in case oh yeah you can suck yourself off y I think you wanted to go down honestly you didn’t take the secret tunnel you should have I don’t need no so many coins right below you I don’t need no

Secret don’t need no secret they could be fake gold my God what a bounce that was insane that was insane oh I lost my 100 points guys yep yep hey get get to pick a glit pick a glitch pick a perk pick a hello I didn’t

Get [ __ ] take a rare card and add it to the deck prevent the next energy lost yeah I’ve got that but I don’t know what that means oh the next time I’m yeah what is energy L how do you prev the next energy loss that’s your life top left oh oh

Oh how do you activate the energy converter I don’t that I don’t know see you guys later uh who did this that was such a good shot how did you do that uh lob and Power Shot oh yeah how would this be hey I uh I prevented my my my last

Thing you gave me the thank you thank you thank you thank you but still you took a damage you know I don’t care about a little damage damage you took a damage you took a damage I’m going to take another damage which is kind of [ __ ] cuz it last so

Long it waits out my other Shield that is so annoying I don’t want to die oh my life is going to be over I’m going to go for C [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m going to go for it again Kyle this sucks man I don’t have enough power to get over these simple heels

Back here I did it Kyle I did it God damn that was a nice shot you got him off that was a little [ __ ] that was [ __ ] up not going to be enough Kyle not going to be enough in the God damn it oh wait I have an

Idea okay those too strong those too strong on the on the nice yes little Lobby Bobby yes did you get the crystal cartoons too or no I did not no I did I made sure to stop stop dropping roll take a little DET two crystals let you have another death that’s

True might be wonder I think the crystal should disappear once one person gets it same with the coins I agree might be hurrying me neither I don’t know what I’m doing besides getting away from everyone’s damage and not sucks that’s why I’ve been trying to rush away from

You guys so you guys don’t just keep killing me wrong flag woo at least I didn’t lose my points are those Strokes like are me cartoons both 37 stres you have 37 sure Strokes I’m not sure because I could be extra points that you picked up oh maybe

No cuz 50 or 40 points is from the crystal I got two Crystal oh I’m about to lose 100 points which sucks I lost 100 on the first map because I got knocked in the water I’m about to lose my second 100 right now I’m about to lose my second 100 pretty soon

I’m about to use my second hund pretty soon guys I’m about to lose my second hund I’m also going to Glide oh my Glide did not work those coins I hit the one like honestly that’s [ __ ] move [ __ ] Boy status is what that is that coin yeah that coin’s a [ __ ] yeah

Whoever put that there is a literally a [ __ ] yeah who who who would do that [ __ ] hey guys watch this [ __ ] I didn’t even know there was a fake hey hey guys what watch watch this everybody watching totally delious delious please I killed myself I killed myself I’m dead I’m give

Me the crystal can you double power shot this is double power shot yeah you can I don’t think it’s double I don’t know I think it it looked way longer I’m so mad I suck at this game so you had to jump up to get the crystal yeah on that one I

Could not ride right to that one I left it I didn’t have jump and didn’t get it I got it oh everyone grab it everybody can what I didn’t know that well I’m in last place all I got to do is hit this power sh and no what a horrible horrible

Spot wait why can’t I grab this y need to stop squirrel he’s he’s almost there I stopped myself why can’t I grab this what the [ __ ] I couldn’t grab the crystal you got jump got do a little jump to grab it I made it that was such a good

Shot yeah I couldn’t get that one either quit quit jerking yourself off squirrel far back all right I have to jerk myself off no one else is there oh you know I just did such a great shot it was such a great shot I heard you say to

This game I love me did you just Glide while you’re rolling yeah just tried a little something oh was that impact grenade it was it was yeah so impact grenade can launch you didn’t make it I thought you had to hit yeah I thought you had to hit a ball I

Didn’t know you could just hit the ground all right cartoons you got six chances left look at the bridge look look at a fake look at a fake flag how the [ __ ] am I supposed to do this squir jumped across I got to I got to hope I get a lob right

Here what good job telling me I had six [ __ ] shots left well you did but you didn’t have how many Health left huh I don’t know how that works it showed me it showed me six Strokes that’s what it said you may be seeing yours I don’t know oh when I died probably

Okay yeah this [ __ ] going on score not Strokes is like lame okay uh I didn’t even see where the flag I don’t even know how to get to the flag how do is there a free camera not I know probably probably the Crystal’s red on

This map what [ __ ] and I did that was two lobs and a power shot still couldn’t hit the crystal the regular shot in this game is so it’s so weak it like I just rolled further backwards then I went forward oh what the hell I just blew up I need a

Lob yes Kyle no Kyle I got swimming please God damn it listen you’re the only one I can attack you’re the only one you’re the only one that’s ever with me Alam it did you off just pick an item for that c you can get like 60 you can get 60

Points if you get all those coins yes I got a perk I it’s the red on got the power dou power oh my God I power and didn’t that just [ __ ] I hate this game I’m going to take a gamble on which flag’s real I can’t get that shot there help I

Got you I that waa I’m trying to get the damn the purple Crystal thing way too far that was way too much died here we go hey cars hey squirel a just B shot o work you almost knocked me in you I have one Health oh you two

Shots I was say I had one Health I was going to take a gamble on the 50/50 with the the chest the flags I got two shots left it’s not fair you’re so far back still good God that was powerful that was so the [ __ ] the thing is not true the line

Of where you’re going you went over yeah I shot over too that was [ __ ] up Kyle Kyle’s so far back which one’s the real one huh he got it he guessed right uh I died right here wait I’m still alive um all right so I I scrambled to

Get that like you were rolling I’m like he’s going to shoot again I got to just try to hit him I didn’t think it was going to kill me cuz I had two but it took away two health or maybe cuz I was my stroke also took away health I don’t

Know what perk did you get uh to make me hop every time now dude I got one that gives me a power shot every round it’s called generator that I saw that I didn’t take it cuz I didn’t have the L yeah I would have loved that that is good look at this

Watch can’t that’s smart I’m about to lose another 100 points though I’ve been Lo every round I’ve been losing 100 points in there you shouldn’t have lost 100 points I died that game I think I don’t know you just what you used the magnet to go into said watch this I

Can’t miss I don’t remember I kind of want to hit this vandom machine got to see what see if you run into it if you can spend your things yep it open so I could buy a jump pad it’s your coins you can also buy

Perks oh I can buy that gen oh it’s 19 yes I bought the generator that you have cartoons sick oh I where wait what is the who put this here damn it I didn’t reach it [ __ ] it yeah that was cool I fell how how much health do you got s a

Lot so much I’ve choed out of here thing you [ __ ] oh I see a secret tunnel screw you secret tunnel you want to see something really cool that was amazing oh I had to something even cooler a Glide there notic filled dude I I can’t get out of here I

Help you right serious you piece of [ __ ] didn’t help you no no cartoons what is this what is this what am I supposed to do here back grenade we’re going to hope for the best all right d squirrel no [ __ ] you put me in the safe spot now you put

Me with you you son of a [ __ ] this you stupid yo are in a hole what the [ __ ] cartoons is his ass now you got me pin against the [ __ ] wall SI how did you do that I had a love [ __ ] who tried to do that nobody

You [ __ ] Delirious well hey hey take your shot any shot please thank you a did it get my little rat ass in as fast as possible so difficult that spot is [ __ ] you sp on the you may be able to go through the bush now got it that worked out work

Out that’s the only way man a you’re doing great I can’t get out of this that’s actually like so lame hey you need at least one power shot in your inventory yeah oh there you go so you’re fine good job Kyle you did itle fine Kyle you did it

Look probably the one where the balls are in right you don’t want to go that way trust me you want to Center yourself up first how many strokes do you have left a lot he went through the Trap you should have uh sent yourself up first C

They need to like quadruple the power of the normal shot yeah maybe we can’t edit it or whatever oh nice nice dunk you know you’re not that far behind Kyle yeah I’m just 500 points behind far I might I would be better off re like not even playing the game say say your

Game glitched like I’ve been doing I can’t place a flag guys my game is glitched there has to be you can 100% jump straight over there if you have the right stuff come on give me some good I got Triple Power shots yes sa I got a

Try I’m going to go a little safer like that though all right [ __ ] and I was so close God damn it holy oh my coin [ __ ] oh my coin you gave me you got me out Delirious thank you did I get the coins I don’t know if I got the coins

Shot oh [ __ ] I’m out Dam you would have hit that better you would have hit the tree back it helped you a little bit more well I don’t know if that was helped um um um what the hell was that that was me exploding trying to get out

I’m good I’m dead I lost 100 points squirrel [ __ ] you for that by the way I did a cool shot [ __ ] you for making that shot [ __ ] got negative points squirrel and you’re over here getting hole in ones and [ __ ] on the hardest map

We play hole it was a hole in two it was a SI shot we W even watching you that’s how much we we don’t even know you’re here SC yeah we would didn’t even give a [ __ ] but just finish the game and go get a sandwich so we can talk to people we

Give a [ __ ] about you guys can see me are you watching me can you see me yeah I’m watching you D just move oh that’s that’s kind of amazing yeah a oh there you go oh that was good though it got me there he jumped get those coins I’m just

Having the most me and Kyle went around the long way I I didn’t even notice squirrel did that jump that’s a pretty good jump if you had the right ones I did three powers to make it across when I did three powers I went flying over the [ __ ]

Never even touched the [ __ ] you landed on yeah I like barely hit a hill and it bounced me straight up I think barely hit a hill barely this is sick this is so [ __ ] sick I can’t did you try using Power Shot you try sucking my balls

[ __ ] you think the Lily bouncy oh cool I died for the fourth time in a row you’re not that far behind you can come back this not false 18 holes right hope actually those 18 holes could change the whole game yeah what hole are we on I

Don’t know 11 we have 17 Strokes on this hole though 17 shots left God oh look at the way the camera slaps around look at those crystals no it didn’t ah where are you guys You’ got to be [ __ ] kidding delious I hated that I got you I got you

I got you I got you I’ll help you all you are right here there you go delious [ __ ] dude you took the whole momentum away as soon as I shot that’s so annoying a I missed that Crystal this about to be sick as [ __ ] y’all ready y’all ready D she watching

Me yes [ __ ] oh you hit you dunk what did I hit uh the windmill did not on my screen okay Sor hey I just got 50 points worth of coin you try to hit me off I tried jumping you that was hilarious oh come on

Hitting me and I had my La ready jumped over him that was annoying now you push me way back here can’t see man a come on I could see I I fell through the one Gap are you kidding the one Gap where you at

BR in here too you Kyle I wanted to hit you off two Powers oh that killed me no we need we need to take the powers away the powers that be what the hell you blew me up how’d you do that you said why or how oh God [ __ ] damn I cannot

Find you wait wait you can tell whose traps is who I died you’re the only one that has placed that trap down I died so it’s just Kyle and cartoons now see Kyle you’re about to get third place Nice Shot I was about to get third place please stop please stop please stop

Please stop please stop thank you nice booster oh oh you blew it up cartoons if you didn’t use impact you would used it I every time I have put that down somebody in some way has gaked it every time I might as well not put it down you should use power booster

Instead I do man [ __ ] the arrow I’m I’m the arrow can suck my [ __ ] ass Green Arrow the [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s like here’s where your ball will go psych do you guys think this would be more like better if it was more like Trappers Delight where the traps and

Stuff stay on the map instead of disappear like what if the that’ be interesting what if the speed ramp stayed nice shot yeah yeah deling the map well it’s fine because like you could grief to where it’ be impossible I mean then you get restart once everyone

Dies new map right get or you get things to delete things like like in interesting this this game actually there’s no benefit to getting a hole in one when you might as well take the long way God don’t worry guys I’m coming back it’s czy take a long way and get all the

Coins if if Kyle does good this game and me and cartoons do bad Kyle can get second place that’s true that’s not going to happen that’s also true how the [ __ ] look yeah this is I’m not surviving I hope you got full health I did look how terrible

Wait where the [ __ ] are we what the hell is this oh my God I don’t like this you want to know what’s useless curve shot screw you cop you Del that was you hey guys follow me a how come you guys W spawn power guys weren even spawned

I can’t even go hard enough right here that’s not fair you can’t make it with two power either really you know what screw this I’m trying just to get another lob shot I’m not getting any I bet you that beachball bounces you H trying to bounce on it God I bet you

I’m just going to [ __ ] this game can suck my ass this is annoying I you know I don’t have a lob shot I don’t have the jump shots and [ __ ] no I didn’t make it with that so it does bounce Hello cartoons you son of a [ __ ] now I can’t

Go cuz I’m going to Ricochet off the [ __ ] side I got you don’t worry we’re about to fly far it’s what in the [ __ ] is that I’m going to what do you mean oh I I’m behind you I can’t go delious H Kyle my bad Shut Up squirrel piece of [ __ ]

Okay yeah I got weak shots like we wisted I’m go you can go over par watch this rby is so impressed with me oh [ __ ] I died a are you impressed by chance I made it over and everything too what am I doing I just rolled off I died can you bounce

Off the beach ball yes yeah you can yeah about to go over par it doesn’t matter we’re all dying Today part two may may hit I don’t know how many shots he has left only like seven Parts yeah but he’s he’s almost there I got four shot left which sucks

Ass cartoons how much would you hate if I if I did this you hate how much what you hate I don’t know what this is there is probably did I kill him oh you’re going to die twice you’re going to want to shoot out of that with power

Oh yep I have learned that after many death di twice to it I have three shots left can I make it there in three shots I don’t think I can especially when I don’t many shots do you got cartoon I have no idea don’t you wipe my ass I got 40

Points worth of with of stuff yes yes oh you got on par that was your last shot wow delious this will be amazing did it just pull those coins damn it coins magnetic REM yeah it doesn’t even matter I tried so hard got so

Far he the H2O in H2O going blow up if I go under par yeah look it look it look it he’s right back in it right guys I’m right back in it K don’t worry you’re not that far get close K get close okay it’s time to go

After the the rodent I’m turn on my monitor I’ve never used this damn energy converter rent is going down you know what I’m just holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] we wait why did I lose that I’m Triple Power uping Triple Power uping yeah but what about this you ever

Seen anything like this squirrel did it go well y really yes I no I didn’t survive shot how wait how are you guys like get going like super fast like far I’m using holy [ __ ] my power shot is not like that powerful no I almost killed

Myself just trying to fly across the map here this is I dead I died [ __ ] no I’m going to die too I should have just did a safe damn it don’t be safe I’m using five I used four power shots in that last why give me three Cur I live though that was Good oh you guys are I’m about to cream ready for this I’m about to cream every time I what the [ __ ] God damn it I [ __ ] we’re not going to make it what’s the point we’re getting first what’s the point I got to make it to his jump what

Was that I just that’s when you overheat when you overheat you uh your ball bounces in that was insane do it bounc in air told you I’ve been I’ve been slacking on you guys all right I haven’t been trying I haven’t put my full 100% till now that

Was actually huge I’m dead either way you died right yeah so if I all right so with Kyle’s logic if I were to hit this this [ __ ] and I hit this and I put this down keep overheating there there you go in front of him like this mhm I

Don’t have any more overheats to to overheat oh and then and then I use this you better use your pad in two seconds one second use this I don’t care about the pad huh just trying to get the damn coins man yeah if you had the maybe not

I guess the pad may you over Co you got some of them my problem is is my cards are more about violence than zero violent cards I only Power Cards is what I pick sucks man three shots left and oh it I didn’t make it either way

You’re not allowed to if you if you do that you lose health I didn’t know that you got this L why did it launch me in that direction at least we’re all going to be full health after this come on it’s SC change at all this m the

Little arrow Arrow can suck my ass this yeah the arrow is a piece of [ __ ] you what that helps me get over this that’s actually a really good power I like that one zero my last shot like the wor my last shot this is try to at least get

Some coins or something you get some extra points this is going to make sure I I get on the thing what the [ __ ] get it get the coin get the coin so when you flew up in the sky what happened I was still able to hit my ball

Up in here I am in the last place now aren’t I like I am maybe not actually actually well we all are going to grab that right crystal give me three powers in a lob you want to do I’ve got five power shots I’m getting a crystal

Bch I can’t even jump to get it I didn’t get it either Y what oh my damn why the [ __ ] what are we going to do now squirrel I got it yeah but what are we going to do now there cartoons I got you how are we

Getting home I’m going to use a lob I don’t have one can I have a love I’m going to overheat myself look s squ watch this watch this watch I can put this right here that was sick the ocean I don’t have a law but I’m sad I

Just got a la I got the crystal I skip across the water no this is not like real life what the [ __ ] unfortunate so damn unfortunate just more I I couldn’t Follow the arrow the arrow lied what the [ __ ] oh thank you no I jumped over the crystal I needed to hit

It oh this is bad hey hey hey scrp what the [ __ ] that was impact grenade okay 10 9 8 sh it we can’t we came over here and we can’t get off of this hey you want to bet no no no no no no squirrel I’m in

The [ __ ] spot I’m in the impossible spot I’m about to die so don’t worry about me the arrows not accurate the arrow is not accurate I died I am dead again the arrow is not accurate please don’t roll off please stop please stop you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh thank

You you okay I’m just you know dying AR you all right what’s happening then he’s almost in I’m not I’m stuck in this little spot he is there you go please stop now you’re out of it that was so [ __ ] up delirious that was so [ __ ]

Up that’s the only thing I had left squirrel did you kill it no F if you would have took enough life from him you you got to be [ __ ] kidding me he was dead he was so go [ __ ] yourself all right I’m dead anyway you’re over here at the beginning like a

[ __ ] idiot unable to do anything for yourself why don’t you pick some CS that are worth the [ __ ] I don’t have CS that’s worth anything watch this where’s it at where’s it at where’s it at the ball flat up your own ass somehow you [ __ ] [ __ ] godamn it car would

Have got first right there we’re all about to be negative would been over by 20 you [ __ ] [ __ ] you would have been 380 no yeah yeah yeah 380 yeah you been over about 20 I told you I’mma break something you just had to make sure godamn I want to go ahead go ahead

And lob yourself over there I hope the try I hope you try I will watch you try I’m actually going to play a little safe oh my God D I actually no the squirrel actually made it over there and then watch this [ __ ] hit that tree what

I hit somebody’s [ __ ] ball did you I think so that didn’t work bye sir all right may have to do this one the same way dude you went away got to be kidding me oh my God you know I’m going to do this legitly sit no that’s on top of the fence

Post you’ve got come on come on come on game I just flew off the map I can’t make it dude I can’t make that jump all right three three powers in a lob should make it two powers in a l didn’t three powers in lob should you piece of [ __ ] I almost

Won guys sit sit sit I got one Health you know what five power shots off this [ __ ] let’s go what the [ __ ] which one score how were you over there you stop going for crystals cuz you’re a [ __ ] the cross is going for the cryst how do you turn

The camera angle around the C my camera angle won’t turn change it e t c c c c c c I lost 100 the [ __ ] actually trying to have fun you know I had fun no you didn’t you look like a [ __ ] [ __ ] F acoss the crystals are the baby way

That’s the free point you saidst give you perks P yeah but you also said there’s no point of going for hole in ones because you can just go crystals and win you were trying to go crystals and win I went for a whole one I went Funway you went Crystal

You’re a [ __ ] squirrel it’s okay just admit it you’re the first one in a hole every time cuz you’re Russian trying to get away from everyone I did it I’m a champion I got the crystal I’m Champion wait a minute if I can get that Crystal I could be there’s a crystal

Behind you too yeah why is it so many for people who can’t make it oh my God still can’t turn my camera I don’t understand my [ __ ] cameraman whatever the cameraman cameraman cameraman the cameraman all about the cameraman oh I got it you want those coins KY didn’t you that was my first

Add a temporary power shot to to the hand each round that’s good that’s a good one but whole 15 should have used that power shot impact grenade sucks it’s very AR just you just go wa okay shot shot put this right here and then why is it is going the wrong oh I

Put it backwards say are you doing I can’t see my camera’s not moving pissing me off whatever where’s this way go I couldn’t look around I’m in last oh you didn’t get last you know if you’re not first you’re last can I who ever picked 18 holes [ __ ] you 18 holes

Is a lot my camera angle working now 16 I’m only getting coins [ __ ] any fun [ __ ] I’m trying wait how do we give how do we get over there I don’t know the arrow literally can kiss my [ __ ] ass I’m going to try curving curving with a lob nope did not work

Three okay four no you guys are not understanding what I’m trying to do two moves [ __ ] I didn’t even look at my health let me see Delirious are you watching yeah shot delious no shot D it oh I can’t do it man I can’t do it it

Won’t let me do it that there this there one Power Shot Two Power Shot magnetize [ __ ] I died yeah I wish that didn’t like damage you yeah yeah carons where the hell are how did you even get over there how he got over there how did you get over

There probably got first off that a little bit of double power uh lob Glide oh my God the Glide helps a lot with L so when you hit Glide do you hold the button or no you just hit it it pulls out for like one second then goes

Away no you can you can keep it out if you just click it keeps out and you click again to ref and run it away I’m telling mine has only ever came out for one second that’s weird M I’m telling you when I jumped off a cliff and then

Hit Glide it just div straight down into the water Yes mine does the same exact thing how are you gliding by diving if you’re going straight down I don’t understand understand no I’m talking about on the maps where it was very high yeah oh okay he’s trying to get this I don’t

Know what he’s doing though how do you have 50 coins right now I have 31 okay I have 50 coins I guess I don’t know how points you got to go to a vending machine oh okay what are you doing just wait Delirious it’s going to work nothing you

Haven’t done anything just wait uh oh it went away that’s not good what the fck now you can’t even oh did you put rubber on you were so bouncy five four three what the hell is that what is that trying to do the bouncy bounce I’m just trying to time this I

Die and we go next all right we lost this one last round no we got two more rounds I think yeah I’m so far in last place what the [ __ ] oh my God I went and pissed and came back in in first place little bit of you know s I’ll take

It back [ __ ] take I’ll take it back I’ll take it back now s all those damn he grabbed oh I grabbed two crystals and got 140 points for landing and start start start insulting him like he insulted us yeah please you [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah I don’t have the

Lobber can’t I’m going to try this yeah I hope if I Glide dude all I needed was Glide and that’s good and now I got Glide no now I’m just missing [ __ ] the other one sad you know what see my glider actually Glides me yeah see that whoever just us that

Glider I had to hold one last time I tapped it yeah I have you have to hold it I I just T yeah that’s weird and then you can take it off if you Reit one like if you’re going too far uhhuh I did not know

That was that a crystal right behind me that I there a lot of coins right there K I was trying to get I’m trying to get rich Delirious watch this okay thank you for helping me with all the coins that was my coin yeah but you sucked

Them for all of us I suck nothing I don’t know I felt a little sucked could have swore I felt some suckage felt some suckage no [ __ ] that Crystal behind me cuz it’s right behind the tree am I I feel like I’m feeling a little bit of

Suckage watch this cartoon see you later did you Glide no went off the edge so shortle damn it you’re in my way Kyle I just keep going wayo damn k a squirrel I tried doing something cool who did that ha no I can’t I’m dead again I tried

Cheating so many corners there I can not I’m going to help you out go go Kyle double double it how far did you go I made it I made it hit it hit it hit it oh wow you did oh I didn’t I didn’t go as fast as

You bless the power shots this is my first time being in a hole in like forever you’re not there yet Kyle my last shot I don’t understand carons is there oh come on the Arrow is like the worst it’s the worst anybody see that I saved myself that was

Amazing no I’m dead oh no is on par I got on par oh Rangers he’s on that was like such a what’s the word delious wow I had impact grenade to just that was what a perfect Landing like what a great spot to land woo a I hope you died

Here was that your you out well finally made it as as golf goes I am in my my home the last the point Chang so fast there yeah the last two holes I got the hole and two crystals on the way it’s been kind of did you did you kind of insane

Crystal Crystal Crystal [ __ ] yeah that’s me you know you guys relax y’all being a little angry little bit of boo action all I need little bit of boo action on my side oh cool so you die instantly little bit of boo what happens if I do this if I do

This here what if what if what happens you you Crystal toucher I did touch a little Crystal oh hang on I’m just one more stair come on come on stairs a double the Boost double the flavor he I didn’t know that was lava in there hey I got a crystal I got a

Crystal put this fake coin in front of me [ __ ] I mean only do that oh Mr Crystal [ __ ] my ass don’t don’t suck me no oh who’s sucking me that was 100% squirrel no it wasn’t squirrel squirrel just did the thing nope oh no I died

This is lava everywhere I’m trying to do all these little trick shots and there’s lava I got three power shots oh my damn no [ __ ] dude I can’t get any of this to work am I dead yet no a to the lava lava I got three power shots and a jump watch

This lava lava [ __ ] I can’t make it no I should have just took it slow I just tried doing it in one tank hit it hit it hit it hit it boom holy [ __ ] there should be like a little Rampage to that how come lava just kills you instantly

Never seen any [ __ ] lava thing just bounces you I fell three times why is everything everywhere I go is in the lava lava lava lava lava lava lav do it I never made delious you CH oh my God that was insane was it insane insane it was insane Delirious you’re insane insane the

Membran bro you died I’m dead dead all right this is where the hell is he at oh what a Glide where’s he at hell off there a damn it there’s a edge here Delirious come on now oh I can’t do this thank you oh oh thank

You that do that go down I only got one shot left so I’ve got to land this time okay lob shot secret stash glider oh [ __ ] this ain’t going to work there you go a squ squir squirrel watch me yep yep a that would have been

Beautiful man and if I’m going to die I’m getting these first there’s there hey you know what kill me I was going to I’m dead it’s your turn to die you’re not going to make it I’m not going to I’m going to make it but I’m

Not going to you are not making it I’m not going oh man this a pretty easy game pretty guys can I can I get up there please no you stay down there Delirious please I’m just happy to be amongst the crowd everybody read what’s the top of the screen say I can’t read

Cartoons is a pro Kyle you got 30 points you didn’t go negative I can’t read Kyle you turned your monitor on I’m upset I felt sorry for your shark does not look y’all both y’ all felt sorry for me and let me Hy Speed Right now it’s time for delious like I’m out of my mind I’m Delirious every day all day it’s Delirious we will forever always delirious right now it’s time for Delirious like I’m out of my mind I’m delirious


  1. I love how every single one of them didn't read the tool tip for Glide. It says right on it, "Activate to deploy a glider that slows fall speed and slowly steers towards the cameras direction." In other words you need to be airborn and pointing your camera in the direction of your landing target.

  2. Lol, Golf is supposed to be relaxing but it’s always chaotic when these guys play. Super entertaining and funny af

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