The ULTIMATE Christmas Golf Challenge!

Welcome to the one and only Golf Bandits Christmas Special!

In this episode the boys play on Christmas Eve in the Secret Santa Challenge.

Watch to see if they unwrap something good or maybe even some coal….

Stay tuned until the third and final hole to see some golf fails like you have never seen before….

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Yeah all right boys Merry Christmas Merry crimbo maybe it’s Christmas Day today or maybe it’s Boxing Day on Year’s Eve don’t know when this is getting uploaded but today we’re here and it is today Christmas Eve we’re playing golf a bit of a Christmas theme challenge so basically it’s the secret santa

Challenge see those Santa hats on our heads or that idiot elf hat everyone is writing out either a good thing or a bad thing SEC Santa sty you know sometimes you don’t like the gifts and we’re going to randomly pick out three Bs strike play we’re going to see who wins and

Maybe one of the holes maybe one of the cards could be an instant hole in one maybe one’s doing a 100 press UPS who knows so we’re going to find out boys transition right in h know of secret Santa we got Santa himself here giving out some presents to us boys today so

Who wants to go first go first Tom you’ll see a nice graphic on screen of what it actually says so you know what’s he got I got my glove on hurry up oh come on man Club up from normal Club while on green until on

Green until on the green is that your I don’t want okay this is I think this is my own one oh it’s colors yeah I got col yeah that’s easy you’re lucky start on the green 20 foot from the hole that doesn’t make sense you start

On the green yeah start let’s go boys right I’ve won the first hole guaranteed hey come on that’s a nice Christmas that’s a nice present this is what Christmas is about place a huge pike of leas the B you can see it that leaves over the so he’s not going

To be able to see the ball he’s every that’s a really quick and easy to you this is Nick’s I know cuz he’s smirking no con throw the ball for every shot that I don’t mindak let me have mine see what we got here got his own noine

Mine cannot T Drive t- shot you cannot te you can’t te up your drives or your T-shirt all fairware shots on a high te yeah easy you have to shot for a three that’s not bad it’s not bad on here you got to go the so you’re not not allowed to use a

Tea on this shot dog in the shot fine this is a normal t- shot for him just have to get on the green and then you have none of the challenge well done good shot off the green please off the green please yes yeah High te for the chip oh all

Right Conor’s up with the leaf challenge he doesn’t know that was very good Ben’s doing a run up throw look at this dude [Laughter] Zess not bad golf shot not bad at all into the hole Yeah you got with it as so there’s a lot of wind so I would have

Gone for a six but now I got a club up so it’s a five five on on a 150 yard pathway that’s what you take isn’t it man oh my god oh no that’s so long oh no oh you’re right you’re on the green beautiful that’s too easy you need two

Clubs up this is B uh luckily I don’t have to take a t-shot because Connor elf Connor has blessed me and I’m on the green it’s Merry Christmas jingle bells jingle bells jingle bell you want to be doing on Christmas Eve he’s got presents to be rapping happy Christmas got a second

Shot hey you’re not allowed to know where it is mate all all right nice it’s well out all right pick your leaves up mate need said he has use the same leaves we got Kobe Bryant Jr here and he’s going to hit us with a swish straight into the hole so let’s see

It he’s drawn his throw stick to golf clubs I reckon exactly Call D shot this is not good how you you got chip that Pap we are in the rough a lot so this is quite an easy one for us it’s Conor’s normal shot Max home of feet tell you what beautiful on the green off the green off the green fine I’m I’m done

With the leaves now I’m P from there I’ve got a te- line up so I’m going to go for a little driver and bump it on not going to lie I didn’t expect him to have like an out of box thought like this this is a good strategy I was

Thinking he was going to have to hit an iron here but you know what he’s made the most of it big brain yeah this big brain fair play man not bad that’s really good good distance that’s the STP new golf meta better than my normal shot

All right we’re here with Ben he’s uh going for another throw but he’s going underarm it’s a tricky short side of the green who pretty good throw boys he’s LIF it B knee height no I can’t do it from knee height yeah you do yeah that’ll do

Bogey on the first bogey with no golf clubs that’s the new strap here off the back of his T-shirt and you know what it’s actually fine five iron was a bit thin over that i’ usually take 52 taking a picture of five so ain’t too bad too bad just have to drain

It receptive greens bit much there might stay on if you’re lucky if that was a 52 it would have been perfect 3 to yeah four a bogey now no more leaves though I’ll sink this now no leaves in the way I’ll sink this sorry for the wind by the way boys

Uh Christmas Eve wind what can you do Santa slay revving up good uh good distance there pretty good I’ll be happy with that it’s a wonky eye M I thought I saw a bit of a bit of a meander to the left all right Mr Johnson same same Club again P wedge

So I’m still off the green what are you doing right me so here we have Harry with the potential for the first ever- boys 20 foot from the hole Harry’s hole in one attempt left ah not bad you want to tap that in for birdie Harry yeah yeah yeah get out of

Here thank you boys easiest birdie in my life thank you Santa that’s right we have next power attempt on the beautiful it’s a booger not even bad amazing chips this is my Bogey go tap it in was it no no no it’s a competition mate there we go for double A so good watch this no doubt no doubt no doubt so please see the score Oh Hang on we’re not there we go please see the scores below easy all right boys so you saw

What the scores were on Connor’s rack of ABS over the last that’s an update I keep that up we’re here on the second I’m pretty sure well I’m one under so I’m definitely in the lead uh whoever second then there but we’re going again and we’re going to

Bring you five new gifts from Santa and the elves so we don’t have enough paper to write them all down huh not just gifts they could be Co they could be coal could be an orange the numbers indicate who it’s from and we’ll explain what it is WR

Oh just so you know one two three Ben is four cameraman handsome fell is thumnail number three I have Conor me was that and you get a mulligan just one Mulligan any shot you want very much Santa that is nice that’s right why are you picking mine mer Christmas it’s like prism

Break my Four B once you are on the green that’s the ho that’s the hole every time I’m getting the easy ones because I’m a n Santa knows I’m a NB and he’s giv me the nice ones if I don’t win this video well that’s not paper I reckon con’s

Going mine again one okay me seven no me seven IR right trusty Club trusty Club oh no oh no number five driver every shot can you te it up no I have to do drive off the deck no you’re allowed to tea off the deck off the uh Drive the tea box you

Add a tea off the tea tea off the tea this is going to be fun you can tea on the tea so you got you got Harry’s his mine is uh you can play it normal but you’ve got a grip down so you have you

Can’t touch the on any shot you have to I’m play a five iron going to be a little baby we’ve changed it Benny is allowed to tear up now just to make it a bit more fair that’ll do I’ll do I’ll take that s IR for every shot

This could go well you probably hit a six off very well seven just to prove it there is a seven let’s get it oh Center the Fairway Fairway we care so I’m not allowed to touch the grip of the club I see go grip it all the way

Down it’s iron irons only Shar only sh little baby hey on the next potential that had potential yeah I get on the Green in two that’s a birdie so we try wait is it my score onto the green or like it’s a one so if

I get on the Green in two I get an eagle yeah oh I might make a a par Bo so Santa’s been nice he must have been good this year a good editing all the videos very well not bad simp the window not bad at all

Hey holy moly Mullan go for me uh might use on this one we’ll see hopefully I can get some good shots and then Mulligan on the on the p migan on this [Laughter] sh we go again go again we go again boys up now stri it let’s go so we have Nick’s second

Shot oh my God beautiful that was amazing what beautiful 79 that was good right down the MD that’s better than my normal shot Conor’s dshot here is in the other Fairway so we’re going quick not bad he’s in play we’re on baby Nick shot shot number three for junior here

First time playing golf lck lck not bad he’s flushed it he’s flushed it it’s just right at the it’s short right at the green it’s a bit short but you can expect those right well I’ll use my Mulligan so it’s not really ideal we’re in A1 position now so I

Don’t even know range find is not working so I don’t know how far away we’ve got probably about 200 oh lovely lovely that not going to lie I think that was mine money hell it’s down there though right second shot gets to te it up Nick let me te it

Up so uh I’m ever so grateful look at the divot film The divot PR green Keepers love you whoop you if I get this on the Green I get an eagle so I’m going to try and get it on the green we’re just going with a 7 IR I

Don’t know what’s going on here like the Met G that 360 camera so I’m just going to hit uh on the green hopefully and then I get an eagle let’s o oh spank no all right I’ll be on the green for three and I get a birdie again and I’m

Too under for too so I might have some mud on my face do I no you’re good handsome as ever he’s going for higher tea yeah I going for the higher tea cuz I top the last one have to do like a half that is a long G on

The might find it he just us uses a driver a little three quarts I think this going to be that should do it oh what a shot we’re on the green here he is Nicholas Bailey half swing pitching wedge grip down go mid Bailey oh made it welcome to England Bandits Bandits to

Make their own Golf Course get liked get comments going I’m playing my third shot what’s your organ M but I used it on the te oh you’re just playing golf I’m playing sh go Nice Shot go not bad uh I don’t know how luck has beset me this well stop doing this I’m

The drone’s going crazy it’s glitching I’m here for my if this goes in the green it’s birdie so we witness a bir I a at the big part don’t need to go for the P oh my God you get a right I only wanted a par I want the

Video to be a bit more even otherwise it’s just too easy for me so all right we got a my fourth fourth trop uh with the driver good for this hole Yeah luckily I can see it up though otherwise yeah that would have been an interesting un unted shot what a

Shot you know what there I’ll be happy that I’ll take that not bad you going for here mate I’m just going for a flop shot just need to be on the green and that’s a PA so there you go boys there you go yeah

Not a flop but he got a par i’ got a p and I going to grip down for more control down D down what’s this for like double bogy or something no bogey I know what I’m doing already know go right not bad just the

Completely I have to use my seven to p with yeah yeah that’s fine just asking just asking are you bumping and running or are you thinning hit the top of it or what to be honest Tom I’m not good enough to side I don’t he just got to

Hit it and open he not he stri oh what a shot comfort that was very good I think a bit more that was with the driver ating stroke so at least they got the Stoke down worst bandit in history so what’s this for p migan p not bad oh he’s thread the needle

That’s pretty good part I I I blame the uh I blame the pink te there let me just put put on in yeah Tom’s tapping in for a Bog Easy bogey with a mulligan boy yeah God so it’s a triple technically double be jumping up the leader board here Tom

Cuz it’s my I don’t know what the leader board’s doing there’s a reshuffle happening maybe you can go M you look ready to go what’s this for double desp for the D that is beast mode M do you want to see that one in Nick tap that in Hunchback style hunch back notam

Start oh bit pizaz on it I know I just yeah I wouldn’t take risk mate you’re you’re pretty low on the scoreboard anyway I’m doing all right are you yeah you got a triple on this h i did what’d you get on the last uh bogey so you’re four over

Through two holes it’s good that’s about my normal score he’s going for a grip down challenge plus driver uh let’s see what happens here then not even sure what this is for what a putter pretty good just tap her in you could even SN a that you know if you’re a man

Triple not bad triple from driver only Nick had all his clubs and you got the same score Happy Days all right what’s this for triple as well it’s my Bo for bogey someone’s in play Let’s see 79 into the wall lovely stuff that’s great bogy jump

Up the board we’ve gone from we gone bogey bogey not bad two over through two scores on the doors boys double the first at the end look at that graphic me again first there’s a few few dodgy ones in here this time so we’ll see back into the pocket for Santa elves

Number three Conor I one he’s got he’s got the good rck here so when he gets onto the green he everyone else is going to PP before him so he can see the line to give him more chance of getting a one part that’s a good one so we’re taking

His part for him basically practice part before he if one of us hold it does that count as no no me yeah don’t mind any of them to be fair was yeah you don’t there one I don’t want same numbers as before yeah one me use my clubs

Use them anyway mate no problem yeah there reach in there get in the pocket sh I don’t feel any paper in there oh I didn’t find much I just felt a pencil I got five Ben next DIY goal F the one I didn’t want yeah it’s got to

Spin around for at least 15 seconds every shot that’s a really long time to spin that’s the one I didn’t want you have to do on a timer as well that is actually long go go on that is the worst can you oh there is one

There so live dud that’s mine so he has to play every shot onelegged he’s he’s pirate St only on the front every shot you have to have the your bag on your back for every shot just in a rush a rush to get back right let’s go ready start spinning mate

Take your shot mate hold [Laughter] the he’s got he’s got to do it again he’s just taking his last shot right here we go neck he’s in a rush he wants to get back to the misses all right I mean for most people this wouldn’t be that bad but I have extra

Length Club so I’m I’m clubbing down an inch uh so used to losing an inch and these are hot I don’t have many inches to play with these are hard these players ir and I’m a uber he’s all right did M go I got nice one helping me on the green

For this one so got to get there first well oh now I window hold that up S bounce all right we got the flamingo up here taking his T-shirt let’s see what this can only go well it’s not bad to be honest you hit it the same distance I did with a normal

Club mate so happy days not bad it’s going to be a bit tough in into the ground though yeah I I don’t know we’ll figure it out though right Connor’s got 7 Seconds now cuz 15 was too difficult less oh he’s HED it but it’s it’s he’s in

Play he’s in play that looks like a nice we’re back with the one-legged Pirate Man and this is going to be hard I’m not going to lie make faway yeah hell I just got sprayed in the esophagus not out of play it’s not out of play but it’s not ideally

Oh y right us are my clubs again mini clubs they’re they’re not that small the faces are small they might want to watch out up green missile coming in good shot just a bit of a divot there boys short of green B of A win a gol baby conditions con bow yeah

Would be a straightforward shot out if I wasn’t spinning so let’s get to it all right ready when you are the more shots you have the harder it’s going to be as well oh you’re right okay Mr margin is here one leg mode Let’s go oh back in the

STS freaking shot boys that’s going right to the pin a it’s a bit right on the green you might be on though f for for what you got to do mate i’ would be very happy thank you thank you he is been screwed over here let’s just let’s just get over

Right start spinning G six shot boys careful Nick Oh shot it’s going right at the flag bit short short the green bad not bad oh this is the worst it’s just got to be me hasn’t it I was very chunky I didn’t go very far so going to take the mini clubs

Again I’m try and get on the green here I’m making my lead a lot more slim so there’s no pressure Harry but it’s yours to bottle see if I had a there that wouldn’t have been thin let just buy those trees fine playable Nick stacked it pretty good shot beautiful shot he

Got his second shot now has he leared from his first swing really hard about to come out hold the poles so I’m still awaiting the green this this is only a second shot so be nice could be a birdie here if we get a CL or at least on the green cuz we

Got four four people showing me the line before go what am I doing no line off the roof boun right I think you got on he’s maybe might be on the edge might count I think you’re our last type though Tom to catch Harry

So I don’t know S boys I don’t know he’s got some tough wedges he’s got the vys I’m normally used to the dun lopies so never know boys four strokes can close up very quickly H was just short of the green I think I don’t for to do it on

The green either need yeah you need to I think I don’t know but get spinning my friend right he Bo it little chipper oh go in go on a beautiful and him moment of over for a sec there we go bad beautiful really throws you off this funny enough who would have thought

That hello waiting for a club to get delivered just I don’t like my chances up down for a b we’ll drain this for a par finish one under demolish the opposition on Christmas Eve like the Grinch I am we have Harry par shot hang on

Let not bad boys I think I might bogey this let’s freaking go Tom’s third shot yes birdie birdie opportunity shut up good touch bad line but you now get the line I got a line wind wind’s picking up a little bit for Nick you might have to aim more

Left a great part unlucky go tap it in Nick hey bro big up for you here one leer let’s see can you do it no you can’t that’s all right not that bad do you want to do it again yeah yeah go again and this is for what double triple

You don’t know this is my score yeah his scores there you’ll see when he gets it in what the score is I think maybe it’s seven or six I reckon seven don’t know know but I haven’t won you’ve definitely not won who’s in contention for winning

If I sink this if i s mine now I even yeah through the whole thing and the boys that could be a three put for me this could be a who’s going you I’m just going to spin get over spinner spinner he’s going

In gry on that ho gry on that ho yeah gry gritty go Fair Play He’s faking being dizzy mate he’s been drunk enough times he’s used to it what was that for you then that probably about triple like n your score is there over three holes that’s what

Connor got probably double figures we don’t know for Tom first but we’re all going so realistically he’s going to have a great read I should probably mark my ball you not want me to mark mine yeah that’s yeah that’s yeah I’m going to be give what giving me bad parts here not you’re

A bunch of wasters right Beckham come on the outside go you’ve all done the same thing now you know you lit got go just next to that pig he second anyway probably oh what a part we gave you the line as well have you not got it boys this tea decides if

My ball goes in that means it goes in where even is the tea there it is you’ve got and the win I’m not going to lie this is not a deserved win I just got lucky with every single thing so thank you boys GG’s this guy’s got heavy

Balls chicken and thanks for watching we hope you all have a lovely Christmas spend some time with your loved ones be your family have a Happ New Year yeah he’s in the Christmas spirit roast chicken roast chicken merry Christmas happy New Year watch the bandits when you hung over thank you Gus Merry

Christmas Gus uh who else probably watching MC mude mcne Phil Walker if you’re out there mate please message we miss You h


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