My Student Hits PURE Iron Shots In Minutes With 1 SIMPLE Drill!

In todays video we show you the unbelievable transformation one of my students made going from pure shanks at the start of the lesson to pure STRAIGHT Iron shots by the end of the lesson! The best thing is the drill is so simple!

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Now what you better watch is a live lesson that we did with Gabe who was struggling with Shanks hitting the ground before the golf ball but by the end of the lesson he was consistently finding The Sweet Spot taking great ball Turf contact and all we did was work on

One simple downswing move that we know is really going to help you stay tuned and take a look at what we did okay let’s take a look at gab’s golf swing then so first thing is down the line what we see is in the posture we’re a

Little on the heels with the backside sitting back so if we get the early extension line in on Gabe what we’re going to notice as he moves into the swing there’s a lot of movement forward sort of into the middle of the feet now as we start the down swing we see the

Club move sort of steep and over the top and then through the swing we very much on the toes and we move quite a long way away from that early extension line a lot of balance issues but this also causes a few contact issues as well now

From face on this is an important thing from face on what we notice is that the first move from the top with Gabe is that the left shoulder and upper body dip down so we start by moving that left shoulder down the head moves down with

It we swing Steep and across and the lower body sort of spins out with the feet and it’s very heavily driven by the upper body now I think the reason that we’ve got this sort of downward motion of the body and the head is because of

Your concept you said before we got sort of started this you’ll be trying to hit down on your irons trying to compress them yeah trying to compress them as soon as we think hit down it throws everything down so we’re going to change that concept and get you hitting past

But really educate the lower body this is going to be really good in terms of how we change what your low body does the first thing that’s important again for you guys to be aware of this is that we want we talk about this so much we

Want the weight through the middle of the feet right through the Arches a lot of people in their golf posture tend to sit through the the legs Andy old are you going to the toilet like soon as we get this there is always going to be a movement forward so

Today what we’re going to just start with in the posture is getting you feeling like the even weight front and back right through the middle of the feet and we’re going to get the feeling the hips are a little bit more over the the ankles instead of sort of sitting

Back here that’s the first thing that’s going to help with balance and also strike and then we’re going to change what the face is doing I want you to just go all the way to the toes for me all the way to the heels okay now I just want you to find

Halfway find the middle so I really want you to feel that’s it I want you to feel that you’re a little bit more here so there’s a little bit less Flex in the legs but now we’re feeling as if it’s a little bit more active in the lower body

Okay can you feel out the legs feel a little different there yeah yeah feel a little heavier feel a little more part of the Swing okay let’s have a couple of swings okay where you just feeling this posture okay okay and that’s the bad shot for you isn’t it that is bad shot

The real bad shot is when it goes that way lovely strike but we know the face is yeah the face is that way so we got the full swing in Play here and the only number that we’ve got on the full swing is face angle it’s the only number that I’m

Interested in at the moment cuz that’s the only thing really is causing his shots to go um off Target what I’d like to do now is I want to get into the main part of the the goal swing really when it comes to what you’re doing so we go

To the top of the GOL swing and we have this upper body leading we have the upper body leading this where what we want is at the top of the Swing we want the lower body moving this way leading the let’s say the buttons on the shirt

Okay so we want the lower body beating the upper body to the impact line now we’re going to pay attention to the right foot this is this is such a a key part your right foot at the moment is doing this I spin out it’s it’s got this

Spinning effect this way but I want you to notice notice the hip here watch if you just come around here for escape as well this hip notice what happens when this spins see how this goes this way mhm yeah watch what happens to the right

Foot this is what we want okay I’m just going to do a little mini back swing okay so see what we’ve got here with this foot we’ve got a little bit of a roll yeah as we shift the weight and then we have a rotate onto the toe okay

Now here’s a great drill that you guys can do as well you can use a head cover a bottle of water we’re going to hit some shots with your foot here because your foot would normally move this out the way but what we’re going to do is we’re

Going to get you to hit shots so actually just do some drills first where we go move in from this and we through to here and if we can get this feeling good this is going to get your lower body working good and then we’ll tie it

On to how we get the ball straighter but this is what’s going to make the biggest difference to your consistency of the strike okay cuz the upper body is just taking over too much so just go like this for me good so we’re going to go

Eyes down where the ball will be good now all I want us to do now from here I want you to shift that lower body towards the target for me good now we’re going to start to roll onto the foot and now we’re going to finish we here

Okay feel the difference there yeah finish finish nice and Tall yeah nice and Tall yeah so when a good point there what happens is this as well Gabe if I spin out and go down mhm we’re going to finish like this yeah if we can shift the weight and move through we’re going

To finish nice and upright as well okay so let’s just do a few swings where you do this and we’re going to go back little bit of a mini back swing and then we’re going to get that lower body and everything working through okay hold it there for

Me okay really important I’m trying to lead with these hiits if we can’t if he can’t do it without the golf club in his hands we’re not going to get a golf club in his hands there’s no way we’re going absolutely no way we’re going to rush it

Beautiful beautiful so how much can he be practicing this now Andy how how much should Gabe practice this about 10,000 reps a day you should be you should be okay yeah only have time for 9,000 9,000 or do so before we put a club in gab’s

Hands if you want a chance to to be Gabe and have a live lesson with me and Pierce make sure you be a subscriber and also check out the me and my golf app that is where all our best content is okay don’t about the ball at the moment

I just want you to have the same feeling and I want you to go the same speed so just get yourself set okay good and again Gabe’s only been playing a year so important that we get the right pattern now for him great thing about this drill

Is it’s great feedback and it’s going to force him to do the correct movement if you struggle with this struggle shifting weight brilliant drill for you okay nice now now we a little bit of speed in that one we get it more comfortable okay we are good to go same

Speed don’t care about the ball all I want you to do is do the same motion hold it that’s it good yeah so I’m not bothered about the ball yeah all I want you to do is really get this I want you to be focused on this cuz we’re going to

Get the ball going straighter soon but I want you comfortable with what we’re doing here hold it don’t move how is that shot it’s pretty straight even a little right right take a look at the face angle nice okay 0.3 beautiful swing got the result that we

Wanted in your third shot third shot or second shot second second shot just by not kicking the bucket yeah yeah and it was easy and it went 80% of my best shots anyway it’s nice to get that one where you the movement was good and and the result was there

Brilliant hold it such a nice shot look at the look at the balance at that poise okay much better than that one such a different looking golf swing that is now and at the moment it’s like could it be better yes but you’re doing really good for probably six or seven swings here

Oh like so good absolutely look at the face I know first one that’s gone a little to the right sweet but now you’ve got the body sequencing in a much better way this L that lower body was moving this way like fantastic a fraction of the energy in

Yeah say that again sorry putting a fraction of the energy in yeah just like so much effort so much more effortless good so good so good okay let’s look at the difference now on screen the before and after you’ll see that the posture now from Gabe is a lot taller a lot more

Balanced with weight in the feet but this is the key thing as you swing through now Gabe we can really see the big difference in your balance the the the one at the start of the session there’s a lot of twisting of the feet

And on the toes you can see now the last few shots you’ve been very much poised balanced and the feet are a lot more grounded now when we take a look at the face on this is the where the big difference is from the top of the back

Swing down we’ll see now that that lower body now is actually leading the upper body rather than the upper body leading the lower body so it’s getting more over towards the Target and this is what helps you get that consistent ball Turf but this is what’s helping you sequence

In the right order guys hope you enjoyed that look remember that was step five in our Pure uion system if you want to be so much more consistent with your ball striking with your R click there to check it out and we’ll see you next time


  1. Another great vid. Not had any issues with posture or my back foot. Main take away for me is the finish and making sure I'm tall at the end, which I've just found that I'm not. Keep up the great work.

  2. Very interesting with the foot and object drill. I always thought it was just a rotation of the trail leg and have always struggled with taking the weight off of it. This could help me a lot if I can actually do it!

  3. The thing is about all swings is never be lazy with it. That’s what I see with him Be sharp 👍

  4. Hope you enjoyed the video! Do you use and training/swing aids when you practice? Let us know below👇

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