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Welcome to 365 Sports tonight here on the CW presented by gxg Baylor’s nil Collective for more information go to gxg and this is the holiday time so we are going to bring you some of the best of what we’ve done over the year of 2023 tonight one of our favorite guests is

Fox Sports own and legendary broadcaster Tim Brando he’s on the show all the time and he always brings the heat so tonight we’re going to let you hear four of those great segments from the legendary Tim Brando this is 365 Sports tonight on the CW Tim Brando who has been running

Around with his head cut off today running errands uh and the voice of reason truth serum about to come Full Throttle here on 365 Sports how’s your day good I got that holiday feeling smoke you know I got that so uh yeah the holiday Duty and holiday feeling and I I’m sorry I

Couldn’t join you via Zoom but um this will have to do for today I hope you guys are well we’re doing well Craig’s a little bit under the weather he’ll be back all right so I’m just going to ask you one question Paul Catalina you may

Know this is an FSU Alum not just a fan but an Alum it’s been a tough three days for him uh your thoughts about the politics the final four so to speak and how it all went in your opinion of the four well you know the major question

That you get on all of these shows is you know did the committee get it right you know and it’s like this is the same question they ask every year and it’s not about the four teams that they got or the the matchups for me I mean you

Can make if you want a legitimate argument that that Alabama is a better matchup for Michigan given the circumstances than Florida state would be but you know question ought to be instead of did they get it right the question ought to be how did they go about doing this is

That right and it’s never right the the committee is corrupt the process is corrupt it has been since the jump and there was no way you’re going to be able to to sit a square peg in a round hole when this this system was put in place

After having two and only after an embarrassment when they had LSU in Alabama on a BCS title game and a rematch after a game of the century was replayed only then did did they finally go screaming and clawing and finally saying we can’t do this and of course

What what wound up happening after they went to four oh they had Georgia and Alabama playing in a national title a couple years as well so you know it’s a flawed system and it’s corrupt to go along with it there’s no transparency and and now you have media manipulation uh through

Through the most powerful conference in America basically saying we want to speak to the committee and we want the floor and you’re given a 30 to 45 minute infomercial on uh on the Sport’s most popular uh pregame show all day on Saturday this after he Greg sanki makes

The rounds on Friday hitting McAfee and everybody else to basically say how dare you have this event with an SEC team in it I mean that was the narrative no ifs no ands no buts about it so would Alabama give Michigan a better game perhaps even win the game more so than

Perhaps Florida State given the circumstances and with Jordan Travis out possibly maybe even probably does that make what the process is right or correct or a process filled with in Integrity absolutely not integrity was lost Florida state was in fact wronged and they did everything that was asked

Of them they even won games with a second string quarterback and a third string quarterback once Jordan Travis was out this wasn’t even a vintage Alabama team it’s an Alabama team that without a prayer on Force at 31 doesn’t beat a mediocre to bad D free coach Auburn team

That is what it is but as I mentioned that media manipulation which carried through not only through the the game day show on Saturday but through that farle uh selection show uh where it was just I mean here’s the deal it has to be Alabama regardless and the only person

That speaks up on behalf of Florida state is Booger McFarland who covers the NFL more than he does college football that speaks to the problem with one network one narrative and one powerful commissioner that by God was going to get what he wanted and that was

An SEC team in it all I want is for the committee to be transparent look I know bu Corgan very well I mean he is the son of Jean Corgan one of the most um uh Visionary uh men in interc Collegian athletic former ad at Virginia Notre

Dame and ACC commissioner his uh younger brother as a Emmy award-winning producer at ESPN does their NBA he was a broadcast associate when I was ocean game day in 1987 and 88 he’s a good man but you know what he didn’t answer the question the questions were how did you

Get here well we we voted we did it six maybe seven times and it came back this way and so that’s you know tell the truth just tell the truth there were two options here fellas two options if Georgia had beaten Alabama the number one team in America would have been

Without question all right Georgia then you would have had Michigan then you would have had Washington and then you would have had Florida State one two three and four the moment Georgia lost that game to Alabama the committee had made its commitment to the SEC there was

Not going to be a college football playoffs without an SEC team in it not after all the long Soliloquy and diet tribe given by commissioner shanki as I said Friday Saturday all day an infomercial and that’s B so Alabama or Georgia were going to get in no matter

What and when Alabama beat Georgia that really allowed Texas to get that other spot because you could not take Alabama without also taking texes because of the criteria of head-to-head this garbage about Travis and about oh you know it’s part of the criteria yeah we’ve known about that nebulous piece of garbage at

The end of that since they put the thing together all you have to do when you look at that paragraph is say the code for that particular paragraph is you know if there are any issues any controversies this committee will exercise this option to pick whoever we

Damn well please and whoever we damn well please this time will was going to be Al freaking B okay not Florida State period end of story just say it Bo organ just say it and everybody else will cease toist but the lies and the non answers that are always delivered

Whether it’s Reese asking the questions or it’s some sort of serve up the Home Run pitch from Kurt curb Street for boo to knock it out of the park you know that’s a little bit later on they say why why Liberty instead of SMU who beat

Two l b organ’s answer is well they won every game so it worked for Liberty but it didn’t work for Florida state did it it’s situational ethics of a corrupt Committee of a corrupt process that’s been in play since this damn thing was born and nobody nobody ever can go after

Anyone that’s going to say otherwise and prove to me that I’m not accurate and that that’s just it it’s been that way since it started and it’s time for some transparency it’s time for corruption to come to an end and by the way the bigger story on this is when we

Go to 12 they better come up with another uh core better core values to how they come to 12 or we’re going to have this same damn thing happening with nine and three teams trying to get spots 10 11 and 12 so this may not go away I

Mean this could be uh a cause for alarm uh moving forward when we get to 12 because the these these articles and criteria have got to change and I know the Champions will get in and I understand the arguments that have been brought forth hey the commissioner of

The ACC who who did a very poor job by the way cig seni is to be congratulated for the job that he did he used his power to use the platform that ESPN gave him to get his team in that’s what the commissioner is supposed to do did I

Like it no I didn’t like it but he did what he had to do the commissioner of the ACC did absolutely nothing now why did Jim Phillips do nothing because he made a huge error as did George cabob Of The Pack 12 with with uh Warren of the

Big 10 who’s now in the NFL by forming this Alliance that voted against uh the expansion being this year okay so you know they dug their own grades to go along with it they were in F but the system is corrupt Tim you mentioned transparency and I know the NFL isn’t the best

Example for everything but the NFL has uh when the a game is over the head official has to go into a room with a pool reporter and answer questions about the calls they made College referees don’t have to do that the you know there’s no committee so they don’t have

To answer to things on on playoffs and all that but um there is you are right there is zero transparency to the process other than platitudes and and you know non-answers and yeah non-answers and if you’re like this is just if you’re trying to prove that you’re not controversial you’re not

Corrupt or everything’s on the up and up then you should allow your committee members to talk to people and say hey I am Jean Taylor I am you know Jim groe this is why I made this decision but they’re not doing that no and they won’t

Do that ever not as long as this is in place and of course they they they send they send the great soldier that is Ree Davis out all over the media to talk about the great integrity of the athletic director from the ACC bu organ saying today don’t you know he would

Have preferred an ACC team being in but he’s a man of integrity stop just like the syrup off my iPad with that crap okay I’m tired of hearing it all right and I don’t need Herby you know going back on Twitter after he just got through telling us for you know two

Hours why Alabama is the better choice to talk about how sad he is for those poor kids in Florida State and for Mike norell because you know they did everything that was asked of them but unfortunately uh because TCU lost 65 to7 and how about that how about Green that

Kind of crap up we we we suddenly get amnesia about TCU beating Michigan to get into that game that they lost 65 to7 the notion that you’re going to compare Florida State to tcu’s epic run last year and Cincinnati’s as a group of five is one of the most over-the-top incorrect

Historical uh narratives I’ve ever heard Florida State’s got one of the richest traditions in all of college football and wonder where Lee Coro was during the course of that selection show with all that going on the little sunshine scooter of Florida State Fame wonder how Lee felt about that well we didn’t find

Out because he wasn’t he wasn’t out there okay we never heard from the guy that’s been around game day for such you know since its beginning of course wait a minute game day started in 1993 didn’t it no that’s I had right we didn’t do game day in

1987 only when mascots came out on the road that game day ever really exists that’s what they’ll have you believe now Tim Brando with his Fox Sports right here on 365 Sports so Tim um you know the other thing about this I think that’s kind of the distressing is so now

Like for Georgia and Florida State like they’ve playing this Orange Bowl which should be awesome if everything was equal uh but you’re not going to have uh a lot of players in this game for either side um it really means nothing other than Florida State to try to go 14-0 and

Prove that they should have been in the thing to all the naysayers anyway um how do we like fix all of this like to where because this this Orange Bowl and I I feel bad for the be with the Orange Bowl is not as cool as it would have been if

It was Georgia and Florida State in in a normal situation all right well let’s let’s let’s get something straight here real quick to start okay how in the world could Georgia be ranked behind Florida State based on the committee’s decision how how does that happen Okay how does Florida State if it

Meant so much that Jordan Travis was hurt how did they wind up being fourth fifth right around how did they and they’re ahead of Georgia who everyone was thinking was going to beat Alabama was favored to beat Alabama what a Croc no they they coerced themselves into

Looking this bad by ranking them as highly as they did until now I mean this smacks of 2014 when Ohio and TCU dropped from six from third to six okay they they did this to Florida State and it was so very obvious if they really were going to

Throw the Jordan Travis card out there and use that last piece of criteria which is bogus they should have started R rate ranking them around seventh or eighth three weeks ago what did they do without Travis they found a way to win with a superior defense and the team that knew how to

Win other ways besides that with their offense okay and and no just actually say 15 minutes later those guys out there saying well they’ve got a chance to prove the committee wrong if Flor State can go out and beat Georgia really really you’re going to put that on those

Young men after you just did that to them did you not see the had with his head down what is he going to tell those guys before that game I mean you you just took an absolute Sledgehammer to their head and to their heart and now you’re going to tell them well you’re

Not going to go for the national title but go get you some with georia and beat them and then you can claim the committee’s wrong like that’s going to matter particularly given exactly what you’re talking about these players now are going to do exactly what the

Committee told them to do do and they’re going to look out for themselves and themselves only and why shouldn’t they the grown-ups here are only looking out for themselves you think the SEC was looking out for all the student athletes when they were pontificating at nauseum about how this event couldn’t happen

Without an SEC team in it I dare say not we are living in the I’m going to go and get mine by God era of college football forget Integrity power control and money win not winning every game not being 13 and0 whatever happened to 13 and0 mattering remember how Bobby Bowen

Talked about that only undefeated team that he ever had you know it was great to win that nationville title the first time but when he got that one that was undefeated how much more did that one really it meant a lot more going undefeated always means a lot more but

To those Florida State kids it means zil zero Zippy dudah Tim in 2014 there was the TCU Baylor Ohio State and Ohio State went on to win the national title TCU was third and got jumped in fact they fell back to like six Baylor went to five Baylor had

Beaten TCU you know the head-to-head that’s supposed to matter and it did with Texas and Alabama but it didn’t really matter then Bob bsby said not our bylaws whatever but you had that year and there’s been a couple of flare ups but then this year are they lucky this

Has not happened earlier much earlier more times yeah much earlier yeah yeah I and we all knew that the chaos would in they listen the committee really didn’t have a prayer there was no way they could get it right the moment Alabama won that game all right the commitment

Had been made by too many of those individuals that we had to have an SEC team in and Georgia’s schedule was so pathetic that Georgia could not weasle its way in with you know a strength of schedule of you know hovering around a hundred in the SEC I mean their non-conference was

So bad that even an SEC schedule would not would not help it Alabama did have a strength of schedule right around 55 knowing full well that Florida State scheduled because the ACC did not offer the same kind of competition as the ACC as the SEC was going to be upwards

Around 90 95 100 and so you just put the metrics up and again that’s all part of this analytics this FP all the little things that they can put up on a graphics machine to support whatever their mission statement is and this year’s mission statement was we can’t

Have this event without an SEC any that’s what it is so forget the fact that the ACC went six and four against the SEC forget that Florida State scheduled a game with an LSU team and won going away in the second half uh at a neutral sight forget all of that What

Mattered was Texas beat Alabama in Tuscaloosa and Alabama find a way found a way to play poorly and win at South Florida Play poorly and win against Arkansas play really poorly and win and still get in and why because they’re all freaking family that’s why

You have to be and I’m going to bring back the three words fellas pure playoff privilege you have to be Alabama Ohio State Georgia Michigan USC and those things can happen for you you cannot be even Florida state with their story tradition they had been out of the Limelight since

2013 so whatever luster they once had that baby’s gone this was about matchup and the television aspect of those matchups and what they meant you know what I’m sure Kurt just wanted to do Alabama Michigan you know at the Harbaugh Story versus the Nick Sabin story you know either one can win and

Ride off into a you know Harbaugh and ride off to the NFL sa can say I got my e i just bypassed Bear Bryant uh at Alabama with my seventh and now I can uh if I want to leave now and put some more uh Just For Men and make up on like

Brando I can do television and uh I’m good to go that that makes a hell of a lot more television sense than putting Florida state with a second stream quarterback up against michig and you know what fellas I’m sorry I’m sorry when the public believes that announcers have that much control

That’s bad for our sports that’s bad for our sport yeah somebody somebody made this comment somebody made this comment sorry Tim somebody made this comment earlier that instead of talking about the matchups of Texas Washington Alabama Michigan and there’s been a little bit of that but not much of it all we’ve

Discussed was the process and the controversy yeah yeah yeah I mean yeah that’s that’s what they wanted that’s that’s all that was there and they didn’t want to get into that did anybody want to talk about Florida State’s defense I mean no nobody wanted to talk about Florida State Defense I mean it

Was a joke um it just because and and here’s why fellas because all week long on daytime table who’s being discussed when college football comes up same teams all right same teams it’s no it’s no different than the NBA is anybody discussing uh an NBA team that’s not

Named uh the Lakers or the Knicks or the Celtics or the 76ers no in college football today and in the Embrace debate world world we want to discuss just the players and the teams we know something about the ones we don’t we really don’t care that much

About all right and and and badly uh Florida State now falls into that category who knew right who knew flid state with national titles all over stings it really stings when you find out what rooms in the country club you can’t go into uh but I I ALS I also

Refuse to believe that you use Just For Men Tim I think uh uh but uh do you think that this is look Jim Phillips you mentioned that he did not campaign at all and like the nice guy part of me says well I mean why

Would he think he had to they were going to be undefeated like they’ve never done that before but the other part of me says like well watch what sank is doing and maybe learn something that you know I sound like I’m being critical of Greg

Zanki and to some extent I am because he he used his power and and the worldwide leader yielded to that power but he did his job I mean he was out there fighting for his team I think he probably thought in fact I’ll tell you watch in the game

Day shows I was getting ready to go do my basketball game at Wisconsin hell I thought he was I thought he was chatting it up for both teams to get in I think he fully expected Georgia and Alabama uh to get in to be perfectly honest with

You I I really do and there’s nothing that I mean but but Jim Phillips just was asleep at the switch and part of the reason is he had so many other things on his mind like Florida State leaving like Miami leaving and oh by the way making a

Mistake that he made in joining up with Warren and Cabos with that stupid Alliance idea and voting against the expansion a couple of years ago at the final four it was a big mistake and it was something that Dan Wetzel brought up in his column and I absolutely agree

With it uh a lot of mistakes were made by these other leaders and and Jim Phillips who I had great respect for Northwestern frankly I thought he would get the big 10 commissioner’s job rather than Warren before Tony patiti replaced Warren and he went to the NFL but you

Know he’s not done a very good job for his constituency with the ACC that that’s that’s clear at this stage and what what’s left for them moving forward I think he’s going to be doing a catchup trying to hold on to Virginia and North Carolina keeping them from going to the

Big 10 and Clemson Florida State and Miami from going to the fellas we may be a couple of years at Best of the SEC still being an addition yeah I mean I was going to ask you that because what you know there’s the school thought like it was a 12 team

Playoff you should stay where you are you know money notwithstanding and and get in the playoff and that’ll increase your money blah blah blah but there’s also the well we did everything we could possibly have done to get in the playoff and still didn’t get in so yeah anybody that was questioning

Whether Florida state was overstepping by doing what they were doing in the off season all they need to do is throw up this past weekend as exhibit a yep they absolutely had to be doing what they were doing and if you didn’t get it

Before you buy got all to get it now Tim what was the favorite store you went into today and which is the one you did not think you had to go into but you did uh all right I was able to fight off dollar General but I couldn’t fight off

Target I couldn’t fight off Target I mean a Dollar General I I Dollar General you know I put my foot down there but Target okay stocking stuffers Target is awesome for stocking stuffers don’t don’t get caught in like Costco or places like that you’ll never come home you’ll never leave you’ll you’ll never

You know what I don’t we don’t have a Costco here and it’s probably a good thing because if we did I’d be bankrupt yeah hey I that’s ma Ro’s favorite place to shop I love Costco Tim $150 hot dog it’s delicious it’s fantastic my daughter my daughter’s got one she lives

In Madison Mississippi and if if the uh seveny old and the two-y old two and a half year old get a little bit a little bit bored just get the shopping cart and go to Costco and look you know just look yeah hey Jim thank you for your time uh

We will have you on again we hope soon tell Terry thank you for giving you uh giving giving you up for about 30 minutes go go fight the crowds and the lines and thank you so much for your your true serum the chat room just loves

It when you’re on the show but the two most popular Tru serum Phil Bennett Tim Brando on pretty much anything college football we appreciate your time God bless you guys and merry chras Tim Brando with us 365 Sports we appreciate him Tim Brando joins us we haven’t had

Him on in too long Fox Sports Tim your thoughts is J Monahan is he going to uh somehow survive all this if he does then he is the new Teflon Don of all the sport I mean that’s when you consider the uh the um holier than thou representation that he delivered upon

The announcement of Liv and disallowing any of their players from participating in PGA Tour events and then uh really allowing uh the players that that he needed desperately to stay with him uh guys like Jordan spe and and Justin Thomas particularly Rory mroy to become sort of the the pit bulls the pit

Bulls if you will of defending the sanctity of of the PGA Tour all the while with uh clearly uh conversations that that were ongoing clearly while he was in conversations uh with the people from from livz uh to have this announcement made uh under the cloak of secrecy through

CNBC I I I have you know I can’t imagine how he survives but he may you know in in today’s world David you just you never know um everybody speaking out of both sides of their mouths and um it would appear that loyalty at at the highest levels of

Of um of sports and and heck Corporate America uh has gone out the window uh mercenaries all you know just it’s it’s amazing uh you know the things that we see today um if I’m if I’m a a player that’s ranked somewhere between 90 and 100 and 120

And I remain faithful to the PGA Tour and I’m hoping particularly if I’m in that area between 115 and 120 125 uh and I want to hold on to my card um all that just changed you know and the ranking file here are just absolutely getting screwed uh in the PTA

Tour uh I know the fans for the most part and to some extent maybe the television um Executives care more about the star player the ones that are drawing cards for tournaments that we see on television and we’ll see plenty of them and they’ll all you know you can

Make a case that today’s news is is for the greater good of of golf overall but it’s certainly not good news for the rank and file of the PGA Tour I mean not at all Tim I feel genuinely bad for anybody like you mentioned Roy maroy but

Especially the guys on the middle or lower end that could have taken big payday and said look I’m not doing that I don’t want that money and now not only do they their whole sacrifice financially get thrown back in their face but now they have to take that

Money because this deal was all made you know without their knowledge yeah absolutely and um someone said something to me today on Twitter about Greg Norman and uh he was clearly not a fan and and uh and lo the all things Greg Norman as a player they for

Uh saw him as a cancer within golf because he set up live the way he did uh yeah he’s he’s he’s clearly gonna give up his position of power and yeah he may have wanted to uh destroy the PGA I don’t I don’t think that’s the case but

He may you know some fans hate hated Greg that much in the aftermath of it and some former players did too um but I mean now you look at what he did and he allowed the players all of them uh through the what he was

Doing with Liv go to get all the things they wanted they could play only a few tournaments which they cut back their schedules he got them guaranteed money so they didn’t have to worry about empty trips by not making Cuts those are all things that players have always wanted

Uh you know going all the way back to the late 70s early 80s they wanted to get some money to defay the cost of of appearing you know the appearance cost themselves getting there is costly for an independent contractor he got rid of all that and uh got them guaranteed

Money and now look uh he’s he’s now gotten a merger to make uh the game more Global which I think was the big picture thought process all along and he took those hits about blood money and stouty this and and and all of that and um he

Comes out of this thing at the very least even though he May no longer be involved because of the merger he comes out of this looking like an Innovative uh mind that was uh thinking big picture at a time when other players did not and and and Nicholson’s had this battle

Going on social media with brand shamble who took a real hard stance and a very I mean way over the toop uh holier than thou condescending view of all things not PGA and uh you know as a as a partner for as a television partner to

The PGA Tour how does NBC and and and the GF Channel look and and particularly brandle look through all this I mean they’re out on an island now by themselves he in fact spoke today and called it uh maybe the worst day of professional golf um he looks stunned

Like he had not slept that remains to be seen about how will he continue to work there or will that be hypoc critical or what um how does the commissioner how does he not let anyone know is he worried about leaks how does Rory maroy who’s really not played well for a

Couple of months since the Masters who has been out there taking most of the battering how how does how does this happen oh well that’s a great I mean that’s that is really the my focus is that uh Justin Thomas Jordan Steve certainly Rory more so than either one

Of them but still all of them those are the guys he went to to hold firm and hold steady with the majority of the tour and uh these are all good young guys really the next generation of golf and they were loyal look at the hundreds of millions of dollars that they turned

Down and for what you know given this decision for what I mean those are opportunities missed and and I said all along a lot of my um uh liberal friends in media uh took shots uh even at me for not condemning Liv golf I actually said I watched it I

Was interested in looking at it I frankly I didn’t like it I thought it was a hard watch uh the team thing the graphics all of that uh unrecognizable voices other than David farity calling and I I I was not impressed with the television presentation of it but uh I

Did admit to watching it and I had some of my liberal friends in media say what what are you doing that for how how dare you do that don’t you know about the blood I’m like wait a minute this what what what happened with the NBA you know

What happened with Nike what happened with how many other corporations that are out there that sold their souls to to communist China you know we have one set of rules for um you know these people versus those people and you know we can all take our shots all you want you look at

A guy like Brook skep by example if you watch the Netflix uh series full swing as I did I thought it was a wonderful uh documentary on Golf and they were they were doing this um documentary right at the height of the live announcement taking place and keco was in a mental

Dungeon he had been hurt uh he he he he came off as vulnerable and and you know I found myself sort of rooting for him to win the PGA I mean I did because of what he went through and unlike Nicholson he was not wearing you know his team’s shirt or

Hat he was really just Brooks representing Brooks you know playing the game he had Nike wear on I think was a sponsor that stayed with him and that’s the other thing all the sponsorship money that left these players you for what you know how do they look now uh

But bottom line is um those guys that made that choice that made that that decision they did so because the team thing they thought would help their so-called Rank and file you know there are a lot of guys that playing on Liv that are not Superstars but they’re

Making a lot of money and they love playing the team game and it’s rejuvenated them uh know Streelman was one example of that um who loves to play uh Team events I think he won in New Orleans at team event uh not long ago a couple of years ago maybe uh with Keegan

Bradley and Streelman was talking about that today on PGA Tour radio and and I caught a little bit of that uh on Sirius earlier today I the players love that part of it the team thing I don’t think fans necessarily do or they don’t understand it but um look I ultimately

Fellas I think this is good for golf you know for the for the people that consume it love it and enjoy watching it now we’re going to see more of the best players competing against one another and that had been taken away because of this hard stance that the PGA Tour had

Taken against Liv Tim Brando Fox Sports with us on 365 Sports Tim as we hurdle through the month of June and the you know the slow times in college football it does appear that um you know realignment is is going to have to be it doesn’t appear it’s going to have to be

Dealt with one way or the other when it comes to the Pack 12 you you’ve stated on this show before that that um you know a way forward for the Pack 12 is is going to be Rocky at best with colado kind of Rick George saying they’re going

To do what’s best for them ultimately how do you feel it stands now with where Colorado and other teams in the Pack 12 are looking into the future when it comes to their media deal and where they should be going forward well I mean uh

My view of it is uh the clock is ticking and we’re in we’re now late in the fourth quarter and you can’t be playing field position football you got to be taking deep shots you got to be going for the Home Run pitch and we’re not far

From Hail Mary time for George Cav okay I mean let’s not forget that USC UCLA announcement to the Big 10 happened when a year ago yeah yeah it happened a it happened Fourth of July weekend when it happen and you can bet that the wheels are turning everywhere terms of when and

Where these announcements have got to be made because at some point the schools themselves before they get into fall Camp they have to know what their immediate future is beyond just this season administratively they they have to have an understanding from a scheduling standpoint you know what

Direction they’re going to be going in and I think the doors are open at Brett ym Mark’s office fellas I think you know that I know that and I think all the administrators there schools that that that I think are in there their their line of sight which would be you know

Those schools on each corner of of the Pack 12 the northern and the Southern Tier and with Colorado in my opinion comes Utah whatever the political issue might be between Utah and BYU that’s got to be worked on maybe that’s what they are working on I don’t know Utah’s a

Tremendous get to go along with BYU I mean it is and but there may be some you know political uh hangover from those two schools with one another I think they just have to learn to to deal with that Utah is a crowd program now that’s the two-time defending champion of the Pack

12 and adding them would be a good thing to go along with Colorado on one end and Arizona Arizona State in my view would would coales uh and to the idea of joining them I I see all four of them going to the big 12 and with that inli

And I don’t know what the time situation is for the presidents of the Big 10 or what their big picture is but I do know uh Tony PTI well and I I I really trust his leadership skills and I think that he’ll take a big picture look and listen

To his presidents and if those presidents in the Big 10 decide that you know from a financial point of view from a scheduling point of view having Oregon and Washington in their league would make some sense then I think the potential is there for that to happen I I don’t think that’s necessarily

Something television necessarily has to happen uh has to see I don’t know that Oregon and and Washington makes um the television deal any better for the three networks involved uh the suits would have to answer to that I think frankly Oregon has been a banner carrier for the

Conference During the period in which USC was down Okay so and they’re a national program now they are uh Washington’s been up and down uh but they’re on their way back they had a very good back half of last season and I think um from an aaou rating standpoint it makes sense to

The Big 10 uh but it could help them from a cost standpoint on travel particularly for the non-revenue producing sports if they were to bring them in I think the potential of all that happening is right there I know Craig an SEC question Tim I got one more

On what you’re talking about if in fact the Big 12 expands what we’ve been told and it does seem to be from a good people is that if in fact they were to expand with two or more that fox uh and ESPN would prate that and that nobody would lose money who’s a

Part of whatever remains of the Big 12 when Texas and Oklahoma leave have you heard that no I’ve not but I I wouldn’t shout that notion down either okay I wouldn’t uh i’ I’ve not had any conversations uh with anyone on the football front recently I’ve been on

Vacation just got back from there we’ll have our seminar at um fox in another month I think the last 67th I’m headed out to Teran uh in California where we have our meetings each year both the NFL and college football but uh that that c

Certainly uh as a rumor it’s not a rumor that I would shout down at this Tim I know that you uh you know had a lot of strong opinions on the SEC and their you know scheduling I guess uh stalemate that that occurred last week I

Was just curious not so much from you know was it a mistake but is this the the first time you’ve seen the SEC kind of have a misstep in what seems like quite a while it just feels like pretty much everything they do turns to goal and this the first time where it’s

Almost like oh wow they’re kind of human too well I think it’s really un fortunate that the commissioner of the SEC Greg sanki um failed to be the leader that we all feel he is in this particular respect I mean um this guy is uh carrying with him the

Label strongest leader in college football and uh you know when when Kevin Warren Ste down that was an easy statement to make and as I’ve said and I said when with my tweet uh a day or two ago you know um you know much is required from those that are given uh

Much and and the SEC has given much it’s taken much and and much is required and I thought uh he really was lacking transparency I thought uh he he he sent the media uh down this Primrose Lane for 15 months saying we’re going to go to

Nine you know even sent out uh you know through his offices who the primary teams would be that they that they would play uh so much so that apparently it got Nick sain’s attention because sain For the First Time wants eight as opposed to nine because his guaranteed

Opponents by by rivalry would be LSU Tennessee and uh and the potential of playing both of those to go along with Georgia were problematic apparently yeah and so now he’s backing off it’s it’s sad when you see that and so yeah I pointed it out and I um I’m not alone

There are a lot of other people in media that had some push back blowback on this because uh it it certainly lacked transparency now they’re they’re trying to through his minions uh of which my friend Paul fine bomb is one they’re saying oh it’s just a one-off it’s but next year we’ll take

Care of it we’ll get it up to nine but well because you know by that time Texas and Oklahoma are in it well okay that may be true but why why did you sell us this bill of goods and then pull back within a short period of time the reason

Is because the commiss the the commissioner decided to yield power to presidents of schools that just want to get B eligible okay this has nothing to do with the power schools that going to be contending for the playoff every year but going to and staying with eight is

Going to be a problem for the SEC if they keep it in play once we go to 12 because then you’re going to be measuring and I don’t care what metric you use uh the conference in and of itself is not good enough even all even with all its championships and even with

All of its crystals and it’s recent history it’s not good enough to have a nine and three team that’s got one power conference non non-conference game on it and you’re playing uh FTF schools in mid to late November when you’re measuring that against the nine and three big 10

Team that’s playing nine conference games and would have played a 10th in their title game I mean that was my point and uh this notion that uh being critical of anyone in a position of of of commissioner sanki somehow makes you uh uh you know a terrible human being

How dare you go after our commission I was just simply making an observation that I felt was true he looked very uncom missioner likee last week and uh this is the guy who’s supposed to be the most powerful man in college football I’ve known Greg sanki a long time I knew

Him when he was at the South Conference I have great respect for him his background however is that of a of a bureaucrat that was on the interaction Committee of the NCAA as well as a former conference uh commissioner with the Southland before my slide brought

Him in I’ve got respect for him I was very disappointed in him and I express that I don’t think there’s anything terribly wrong with that um like I said there are others that have taking their shots on this too Tim I I just think that ultimately Greg sanki meses needs

To them he like listen the 12th team is going to be way more important than who gets to play in the points edable exactly exactly and and uh in the same conversation that he was having with Paul P bomb and this was the reason I

Said what I did they was it was like froing at the mouth Paul who had the answer okay those presidents wanted more money and they wanted ESPN to Dole out more money for the ninth game well clearly they’re oblivious to the economy of of sports Television right now and by the way that

Deal was done it was broker four and a half years ago all right so and by the way it was never up for bid Fox CBS and nobody got the bid on that that was a deal he just decided to do on his own well now you know the company I work for

Cuts the deal with NBC and CBS for the Big 10 to be on over the a netw works from noon until almost midnight and they’re making a billion dollars they’re going to make more money per team than is and uh yet he wants ESPN to bail them

Out with more money they haven’t even started that TV deal yet I mean come on at some point you you got to admit to that you gotta let’s let’s just tell the truth the president’s wanted more money ESPN’s not willing to give it when they are then maybe we’ll get to to nine

Games just just tell us the truth that was my point yeah and a little transparency would have been nice but he chose not to do it and you know and for those that want to protect the mighty I love the SEC I wouldn’t be where I am

Today without the time I spent covering the South Eastern Conference both at ESPN and at CBS has nothing to do with conference affiliations and I’m a friend of Paul’s I don’t dislike Paul at all but if he wants to come after me then he can come on all he wants if he’s going

To be the pitbull for the commissioner bring it big fella I’m just going to say what I see I’ve always said that uh whether I worked at at ESPN or CBS I I said what I saw and I I’ll not stop doing that which is why we love you have

It on the show with a lot going on today and a lot in college football Tim hope you had a great uh vacation hit them straight at Southern Trace whenever you play there next and we always appreciate your time you got it pal it’s always a

Pleasure being on and there will be some news I I Mr ymark I think is GNA be um he’s gonna be the guy to keep an eye on between now on the fourth of July Tim Brando Fox Sports with us on 365 Sports on almost weekly go to us with us in

College football and we appreciate as always his his opinion and his honesty and doesn’t mean you have to agree with him Tim Brando Fox Sports joins us our great friend on 365 Sports well Tim Colorado last week in at might be one two or three more maybe this week with

The the big 12 in the Arizona schools huh looks that way and and uh this this is really playing out David the way we thought it might and uh we detailed months ago here on your show and u i it um the the Washington Oregon thing uh

Potentially with the big 10 when I saw that that report came out uh yesterday earlier in the day I I thought okay well now people are talking because the the presidents of these schools are clearly in contact one another with uh you know their own Survival you know they’re

Talking to one another to make sure that they can cover their financial nuts for the long-term future you know beyond this season uh when you’re in charge and these athletic directors uh are financially along with the presidents of the universities and and you know that uh you’re now 12

Months out from not knowing how much money you’re going to be getting and where you can expect that money to be coming from uh then you get uh you know you’re you’re you’re getting panicky and and uh that that’s what’s bringing all this on and just about every time we’ve seen

Realignment uh the air of panic has been there for a number of of schools in the aftermath of prog aggressive moves being made by other schools and and other conferences so yeah I mean this is this is pretty much the way we laid it out Tim you had talk especially we

Talked at length last week when you’re on the show about the way that the Big 12 schools or ACC SEC even big 10 approach Athletics compared to quite a few of the Pack 12 schools and that it is just not that big a deal and I think and that we’ve kind of seen

That play out from the at least the top of this executive committee and the presidents in that there are some schools that got a harsh dose of reality of how little they were worth because they just assumed that it wasn’t as big a deal and things would happen the right

Way for them didn’t they well I think what they’re finding out and for all the criticism of USD uh through the years and especially uh in the aftermath of um some coaching firing that have taken place before Lincoln Riley got there uh the Grim reality for even programs like Oregon and like Washington

That have in the last handful of years really the last decade have been more successful uh than USC in terms of winning championships and you know having opportunities in the college football playoffs you know Oregon and Washington both gone uh Oregon got to the finals in the first year of the CFT

And uh Washington’s been in there twice so when you look at it from that perspective they’d like to think that they are on par with USD and the truth is they never have been USC has been carrying the water for that league for a long time uh and especially from a

Television standpoint they outrate every other school by a large margin and I don’t know that any of their leadership really took along look at that Washington is the second highest rated School in the Pack 12 Oregon is the third there was a period when or Oregon was ahead of Washington in the

Days of Marcus Mariota in in in the mid 20000 teams in 2014 uh and 15 that that during that period uh but USC whether they are good or bad are going to get the biggest uh games in the in the best time slots because more eyeballs come to those

Games now they haven’t done much with it you know the Trojans have not been ter successful I mean they are in a lot of ways the West Coast version effective you know more brand than Brawn uh but the truth is USC kind of knew where they were and their credit they decided to

Maximize uh financially their their position and and the big th was ready to go and and and UCLA was fortunate to be in the same market so they could hitch their wagon for them and UCLA I think is probably the highest rated team they’re not you know

They’re not in the Dos but they’re they’re certainly not you know Oregon State or Washington State or uh Cal and Stanford they they they don’t fall into that category so yeah they’re they’re finding out now you know that that all that money that was coming in so easily

For them they could really thank USC for and when USC bolted they became exceedingly vulnerable and they failed to understand that to me that’s just the lack of leadership on the part of the those schools when it comes to uh what Athletics is worth and and how you

Should treat the money that you make from Athletics as it relates to uh the long-term future of the institution um so that you’re right I mean there’s no denying uh the Big 12 uh had a football environment and an atmosphere in it that the P 12 did not

Have does not have may never have uh and uh even though they don’t have schools that traditionally get a lot of eyeballs to television sets they present a product where it’s obvious that the schools care and the conference cares and and so here they are now I mean

Think about it Colorado for all that they don’t deliver in terms of product I mean their team barely won games last year but you know they deliver the Denver Market which is great for the Big 12 I mean great and it’s one of the reasons a lot

With Dion that they they come in guns of Blazing with a lot of heat and a lot of a lot of interest for people to watch games involving the Colorado Buffalo Tim I cannot imagine college football in the future whether it’s in two five or seven years that doesn’t include a chance for

Washington and Oregon to compete for a national title but because of the news of this week and last week and then there was a story about the Big 10 has kind of had this committee looking at what they’re going to do they I think they’ve already vetted Washington and

Oregon what’s going to happen with them in your opinion I think they’re going to wind up in the Big 10 I do uh I I like and we I’ll go back again I I said that this would bring a chain of events dominoes would fall and that you’d see the corner

Schools you’d see Arizona Arizona State Utah follow Colorado I still believe that’ll happen now I don’t know that it’ll happen this year uh it it could I mean it could um uh but I but I definitely believe that uh with the big 10 now actively vetting those schools

Washington and Oregon then you know what’s what’s left that’s now if you’re Washington State and you’re Oregon State uh you’re you’re getting in touch with people at Fresno and San Diego State finding out if um you know if they can form an alliance through bolster and and

Make them Mountain West to a bigger and better and more viable conference you know San Diego State uh you know had that letter then turned the letter back in apparently had to pay uh you know up to 17 million not all at once but over a

Period of time to to win their way back into Mount West when they knew the P 12 wasn’t ready yet that they had no TV deal you know that that’s another sidebar story that’s been taking place so uh I yeah I definitely believe that uh the Wheels have now turned to a point

Where uh the Pack 12 is in deep deep trouble here the issue is this fellas if you are the athletic director or the president of a major university you’re probably David my age or your age or old okay uh and when you go back to your Board of Supervisors Board of regions

Whatever you want to call them and say okay here’s the TV deal that George Bob’s given us it’s uh it’s Apple Centric okay well you know if you’re 60 plus years old and you’re telling me that you’re not going to be on Fox you’re not going to be on ESPN you’re

Not going to be on NBC you’re not gonna be on CBS you’re not going to be on you’re GNA be on Apple TV that doesn’t register with your people it just doesn’t now I know Digital television is the future and a lot of networks clearly have invested heavily into it ESPN’s

Heavily invested much more so than Fox but I mean they there’s no doubt there’s a a place for it uh we found that out last year with the NFL on Thursday nights but what else did we find out from that experience on Thursday nights in the NFL they got about half as many

Viewers on those games as they did when they were on Fox or on CBS on Thursday nights you know so uh yeah you might get the money but you may not get the exposure and in this case I think it for the pet 12 It’s a combination of both

You’re not getting nearly as much exposure and your money is based on what they’re telling you is incentive based oh it could be this if we can prove we’ve got that many people watching you think those athletic directors and presidents wantan want to go in and talk

About well we might get this and we could get that but we’re not sure if we’re getting even this that doesn’t go well with your with your leadership uh in a major institution not when you’re accustomed to getting big time checks rolling up to the game and going into

Your week knowing you can turn on the Monitor and uh your games are either going to be on Fox FS1 ABC ESPN the deuce or you know any other network that you have been getting traditionally on network television or cable television how about did if the the apple plus

Brett McMurphy had this story today that apple plus basically said you have until Friday or they’re going to pull the offer can you can you yeah I could too but can you imagine what if they knew what if kopov knew that like two months ago but then only gave up the details

Tuesday of this week well he might that might have been the plan to have them backed into a corner so that they would have really no other option but the truth is if due diligence has been practiced by these presidents and these athletic directors and I believe that it

Has then they know they’ve got options and they are exercising those options as we speak um look they I’ve met George and I like him I I think he’s a a good man but he just got outplay big time by Yar and um you know this notion well we’re going to do our

TV deal later why because you thought the economy was going to get better the economy got worse you know probably the smartest thing ymar did was cut his deal when he did because he knew that there was after all the money spent by ESPN on

The see all the money spent by Fox on the Big 10 there was only so much to go after there was only so much money in that uh righty bank so to speak and he went in and tapped the market and he got out

Ahead of the Pack 12 he did his deal a year early and once that money was spent then uh the Pack 12 was in a world of HT and and and and catop was thinking I don’t know maybe there was going to be a sudden change in our nation’s economy

And the buying Market would be different no it’s not I mean uh television is not like I mean we’re we’re just like anybody else the market is soft budget cuts are happening across the board major layoffs of some Premier Talent is taking place at ESPN it’s being well

Documented I mean you you got to be asleep at the switch if you don’t see that and that’s what I think happened to the P 12 yeah I I’m kind of surprised they didn’t especially considering ing that one of their two of their schools are right there in Silicon Valley didn’t

Understand that when big corporations have problems in other Realms that may not have anything to do with sports you know all the money is in the same big pot you know so when it comes to prioritizing things the Pack 12 getting a TV deal is probably not as important

To Disney as figuring out all the things that have hit the wall across the board not just ESPN but across the board and that’s another thing that kind of surprised me is that look none of those things are the pack Troll’s fault that the you know the actors and the writers

Are on strike and that’s one thing they have to deal with that you know streaming services exploded with content and most of it didn’t pay off that’s not their fault but you still have to read the te Leeves a little bit better yeah absolutely and you know in in in our

Business and that’s you know the sports television business now is a big big deal because uh more people are tuning in to network television I I I get such a kick out of fans when they call in and you hear it from time to time on radio

Shows and whatnot and they’ll say my God it’s just a disaster what’s going on it’s awful and don’t you think pretty soon we’re gonna have to be paying for all these games and I’m like wait a minute have you not check your your allocation of funds that have been going to cable television

Since the subscriber fees you’ve been paying for ESPN all these years if you not check that out people people think that you know when they’re watching their cable television that they’re getting this stuff for free and they’re not they’re not they haven’t been for a

Long time but you know it’s just no it’s not a disaster it’s it’s you know getting games on and there’s you know talk that the ESPN may be free and the new if Disney does downsize and and they sell and that’s their business we’ll see what happens but um that maybe in the

Future that they’ll be uh separate of the rest of the cable channels that they have that may be the case maybe it is time to do that I don’t know it’s their business not mine but but look uh the good news here and I’ve said this for a

Long time is that Network television is going further and further away from dramatic programming and this is the issue that they have out in Hollywood now um all the great shows that people are watching even people my age they’re watching them on peacock they’re watching them on Paramount plus they’re

Watching them on Prime video they’re watching them on Netflix they’re not watching the garbage that’s on network television anymore they’re not so what is network television doing they’re putting more games on in prime time okay they are and fox does more of it than anybody all right we we have what I

Think maybe is is Tim Allen show still on I’m not sure if it is it’s probably the only one anybody watches on FOX NOW okay what what everybody’s watching on Fox is World Cup Major League Baseball the NFL college football college basketball that’s what’s on that’s where they’re taking their product they’re

Putting it on big F and eyeballs are following and uh because they’re not heavily invested into the the Digital World um they they they really don’t have to they don’t have a nut to cover the same as as Disney does or as bacom does or other companies Time Warner any

Of those that that recently sold I think time want recently sold but still um it’s been a smart business move um by the people I work for to do what they’ve done basically fox is in the news business with its cable news and it’s in the sports business with its overthe a

Network that’s what fox is and those games are available to people for free I and I still think all the great championship games uh and the deals you see done from college football playoff the NCA tournament by and large those games are going to be there for people

To see on overthe a networks for a while but when people complain about oh my God we’re going to have to pay more for this you’re already paying and you’ve been paying for quite some time you just don’t look at it that way because uh you’ve been doing it for so long uh

You’re numb to the idea of oh that’s the cable bill well all all streaming really did like ESPN plus was find a way for you to get to pay for pay for viw every week as opposed to once in a while when built up exactly and they and their

Their idea there was to their idea was to get people accustomed to doing that and in truth that meant they were going to take a loss and they have taken some serious losses because of the investment they made into that but they really believe and and in time it will be very

Very good for them uh I don’t think there’s any question that the future uh is in streaming there’s no doubt about that I’m not trying to to to to throw scaming under the bus at all I think that there’s a great future for it but right now if you’re Pack 12 and you’re

Trying to sell streaming as your main girl that this is your primary carrier versus Fox and ESPN which is what the big 12s I’m sorry you’re not ready for prime time coming with an offer like that yeah it’s been a disaster and and and some things worked against him but

Wouldn’t you say this is a self-inflicted wound or maybe worse for the Pack 12 yeah it’s definitely self-inflicted and the signs of this happening I think were there for all of us to see during Co that their presidents uh and their leadership was not they were sleep at the wheel during

That um they almost let that season get entirely by them uh what was it the the uh patf Champion that year was Oregon they went three and two I think MH heard me correctly they beat USC in the P 12 title game uh yeah they they they were

Asleep at the wheel during that uh and since that particular time and everybody took bath during the co Year everybody lost money and that’s the other thing um the network were cutting budgets and you know since that happened you’ve seen what have you seen you’ve seen more games being done from with announcers

Not at the games but in a studio somewhere you know all that is a byproduct of the financial strain from a production standpoint the networks were put in with the money going out for right fees and having to deal with covid and all that Co brought on everyone from a travel

Standpoint from a Personnel standpoint how do we how do we manage to get this season in and you know college football’s credit especially I think the SEC and the Big 12 those two leagues helped get that helped get us through 20 20 but it wasn’t without uh a lot of

Pain staking work and a lot of lost Revenue there was plenty of both Tim can you give us any insight into what Florida State and any other ACC team strategy might be to get out of a 12 to 13e grant of rights uh and yeah I I listen I flid State president at

Least was being candid and he was being transparent and I applaud him but what the hell is he gonna do I mean he signed a grant of rights that is very costly I don’t know how you get out of that I mean I I really don’t um

The the only the only out we were talking about the Pack 12 situation uh someone wrote a column recently it might have been in the athletic could have been a could have been Stu Mandel and maybe because he’s a past 12 guy and a uh that went to

Northwestern and he he follows Cal closely because he’s out in Berkeley uh and I like I don’t always agree with him but I like I like him I know he cares about college football he seems to think that that that possibly the uh what’s left of the Pack 12 could strike a deal

With Jim Phillips and the ACC to help bolster the payout from ESPN so that they could at least rival what the big 12 is making in the future and it sounds like a reasonable idea but I just don’t know again as you were mentioning uh fellas that that uh

The mission of the of every University is different and the mission of the schools in the ACC may not match up at all with those left over in the in the Pack 12 you know it’s politics are different uh along the Atlantic seab board and especially in

The southern sphere of the Atlantic seab board uh from that of um you know Silicon Valley and um and the state of Washington okay those are politically those are states that are far far apart timas uh with your thank you for your time but I want to get to your top 10 I

Saw that it was released it’s always something that some people like like want to go and slam their head between a door and a and a wall but but I here’s what we said we mentioned it earlier we have it up on the screen what I love about it is it’s

Not just falling into place like you know what it’s nice to be a little bit unique not that there aren’t some dogs right there at the beginning but I I you know it’s it it’s it’s it to me I’m not going to say it doesn’t make sense cuz I

Don’t know but you want to go through your top 10 well let me just uh again I have to remind people of this all the time it’s like having to remind fans that uh uh college football is not run by the NCAA okay you know NCAA I’m like

No they don’t they they lost the Supreme Court ruling in 1984 that’s why the College Football Association was born it’s why the networks make deals with conferences and not with the NCAA all that people forget people always forget David when I put out this stop in and

You know I started it when I had my own show and I kept doing it after I stopped doing my own show fine bomb had me do it and now you know I did it on craning company yesterday I really like Jake they do a nice job with their show each

Morning um on daily wire but my poll is not a starting grid okay it’s not going to look like any other poll because I’m not projecting where teams deserve to start the season I mean all these polls you look at and the USA Today uh Lindy’s um you know name the

Top 10 that you that you look at okay 247 this and all that okay they all put out polls based on uh where they think teams should start the season rank okay and look television buys into it because the networks use those rankings so I mean look we’re guilty of using it

So that’s just the nature historically of college football my toll is the anti christ of that uh mine mine is is is where teams finish I I’m projecting with my poll where I believe teams will finish in other words one through four are going to be in the playoffs all

Right but that doesn’t mean that all four will have won their conferences for example a guy wrote Today on some website uh I presume Brando thinks LSU is going to win the SEC Championship or that they’ll play for the SEC championship against Georgia that’s not true I never said that I

Believe LSU could very easily lose to Alabama in pescala okay and then Alabama could get absolutely hammered by Georgia in the SEC Championship and that could be Alabama’s second loss well if that’s Alabama’s second loss and LSU’s had a great year they only lost the one game in Tuscaloosa and they beat Florida

State to open their year that’s a non-conference game they don’t have to play I mean that’s a non-conference game they don’t have to play and they’re playing it in the State of Florida then it’s reasonable to assume that LSU could jump into the college football playoff

In in the four spots and not even play for the SEC title hell Alabama did that one year they played the BCS in a rematch with LSU when they didn’t even play in the conference Championship game it was LSU and Georgia that played in that game and yet uh Alabama got the

Rematch against LSU for the national title when Oklahoma State lost that Thursday night game to Iowa State remember that I mean that happened in 2011 yep so we’ve seen this thing before it’s happened before it it should be understood that when you see my four teams it doesn’t mean that all four won

Their league or that if they even played for their League Championship uh tan I’ve got it number 10 because I believe Tain is the best team outside the so-called power five even with the losses they lost their great running back in quar they’ve got a great recruiting class coming in I think

They’re going to win the American again and by the way when you win that League that means you’ve played some really good teams they’ll have to beat UTSA which I believe is another great team okay I think Jeff got a hell of a team they’re they’re on the they’re in my

Group of teams just out I’ve got I’ve got utfa as as as one of those teams I think UTSA can beat Houston uh to open the season I I I believe that in Houston so you know I’m I’m not I’m not gonna go with what everybody else does my my top

10 is way the way I believe they will finish the season not where they deserve to be on a starting grid because of their damn brand names okay it’s about time fellas that people realize there are 133 division one college football programs in this country and by God I am

Not going to diminish the play of those teams that are outside the power five as long as I’m talking college football you can rest assured that whether it’s t lane or it’s UCF or it’s Cincinnati or it’s even Kansas State out of the Big 12 some people have problems with me

Picking State why on Earth would you have a problem with me picking Kansas State last year I picked Baylor I was wrong Bor wasn’t the team from the Big 12 it was TCU but some team like that is always gonna make a run and this year I believe Kansas state will return enough

And kimman is a good enough coach and yeah I think they’ll beat Texas at Texas why the hell does Texas automatically get put at the top every year or near the top every year because they’re Texas so what you you think they’ll get through the Big 12 unscathed this year

With the target they’re going to carry on their backs forget about it Kansas state is a team that’s worthy of being number seven in the country and I believe at the end they’ll find their way to number seven T that the rule on Texas is it was a Papal edict a very

Long time ago so you know like the guy just said he said Brando has disdained for the University no I don’t have disdain for the university the facts are what the facts are they’ve not won anything since ‘ 09 okay they’ve had three losing seasons in

A handful of years and every summer all of a sudden they Skyrocket back to the top of the preseason rankings sorry I watch college football other people with these rankings don’t that’s obvious oh the the chat room is just on fire I mean from they love it to having

Like Tim finally is someone with common sense I and then there’s others of course which is part of being and broadcasting as well man isn’t that the truth we love the segment Tim thank you ver how’s your golf game well you know what I’m getting

In as many as I can because I’m going next week to St Jude I’m gonna play in the cbam and pram at the St Jude World Golf Association get together at such a blast and can’t wait to get back I’m going to play the the great course uh in

Colliersville too that’s where the celebrity am is going to take place and uh so I’m uh uh my home course is closed this week they had to punch the greens but I went out and hit some balls at another place uh today and I’ll go back

Out again tomorrow um I’m G to try to drive at least drive for show in front of the folks when I’m in Memphis because um there’s nothing worse than getting in front of people and hitting Yanks and shank oh I know I know can’t do that you

Got to at least somewhere if being Crosby once said uh in a beautiful song right down the middle I’m gonna try to get it right down the middle at least on the gallery hole you know I played in a pram back in the day in Tyler was the

Eisenhower Golf Classic in between the Nelson and Colonial and for one year I was asked by by the way a former Arizona State President George ham who was at UT uh Tyler he said he want we want you be on a team and I was scared to I’m pretty

Good you know like right now but I was a little bit nervous and I’ll never forget somebody gave me one of the pros I did an interview with the night before this big Gayla he said don’t hit your driver I said why not he goes hit the club that

You know you’re going to get airborne not that you won’t but airborne and straighter and I hit my three-wood and I just had this little draw down the middle and was peed in my pants I was so happy I was so happy yeah absolutely yeah and by the way unless they got a

Shot tracer on you they don’t know how far it went that’s exactly right yeah thank you sir appreciate your time fun times all right Tim Brando Fox Sports with us appreciate the the times he’s given us Tim Brando joins this Fox Sports and I was going to read this

Tweet before we had you on on Tony petiti this commissioner of the Big 10 uh you actually spoke with him is that correct from the reminisced a little bit about the TV business and and you’re knowledge of what he’s done yeah we talked a little bit today

Uh and I I had been uh interviewed in a piece that uh Chris Vini and Nicole arbach uh collaborated on that was in the athletic today and um he was just kind enough to call me and thank me for the uh the kind words that I said about

Him I had a wonderful experience working for him for nine of the 18 years that I was at CBS and uh I actually knew Tony long before that too he he was um a young attorney and then a young programmer at ABC when I was at ESPN in

1988 so he’s 62 I’ve got him by about five years but we basically came up uh in the same generation and uh when the occasion occurred that he was elevated from the general manager position at WCBS in New York to executive producer uh which happened I think around

2005 or six somewhere right in there uh he stayed for about uh gosh I think uh eight years six seven eight years something like that at CBS and he was our executive producer so I saw him every Saturday uh that that Spencer and I were in the studio whether it was with

Arie Manning or Tony barnhard or um you know any of the other guys that followed Aaron Taylor and a few other guys that would be our third wheel in the studio for the SEC on CBS I saw him every week and U and and talked to him a lot about

College football he was very very involved very active uh had tremendous history uh with it uh really wrote the BCS uh plan for Roy Kramer to take credit for even commissioner Kramer gave him that credit uh every time someone interviewed him about it and uh he knew

That I was taking pot shots at the BCS from the moment it was created and he understand my point he understood my point of view uh and and I also understood that his point was we do need a playoff but we cannot get there until

We first and foremost get the big 10 and the pat 10 involved at that time uh and away from this this roseb thing that screwed it all up up for everyone we we were having too many uh matchups that couldn’t happen and so this uh in

Essence had to happen to get a one versus two had to happen first before we could ever you know see a a time and place for a full-fledged college football playoff which ironically is is uh inside two years of of becoming a reality and and here he is the coming

Commissioner the Big 10 after being out of really out of the college football Circle for quite a while he he CBS to help put MLB Network on the air he was also a big baseball guy Tony and and then when he left that position it was

To be the associate commissioner uh of M League Baseball I I I frankly believe they would have been wise to have hired him as the commissioner uh rather than the assistant commissioner but they did what they did and I and I also tweeted years ago I mean years ago when the Pack

12 job first came open uh when Larry Scott got the job I said they should hire Tony to P so uh I I I have a strong record of support for for Tony and um we we we got along famously uh it you know sometimes management uh and talent relationships

With management uh are somewhat I think at times strained a little because um there are so many egos involved on the front side of the camera I think a lot of times the suits that are in charge are hesitant to become too friendly with the people that are working on the air

Um and and Tony was somewhat that way he he he he had a quiet hand and a quiet demeanor about him but when we were in the studio on Saturdays and he’s the only executive uh David that I ever worked for that came in every Saturday you know

Most Executives people that run the department they’re always there on Sundays for the NFL but they’re not always there on Saturday unless it’s a mammoth game or a big weekend Tony was not like that at all he was a huge college football historian and um he and Mike oresco were

Joined at the hip Mike was the uh uh the vice president of programming uh for CBS for college sports and Tony and he were they were side by side and whenever Spencer and I got through with the pregame show and we watched the games on Saturday we watched him together we

Commented on what this or that win might mean for um the the conference and and maybe even from a national standpoint so he was wrapped up in the sport big time and uh I I really thought we lost um we lost our mojo a little bit with leadership as it related to college

Football you know just the college game in particular uh when Tony left and it wasn’t quite the same because on Saturdays it was just you know you know we were having a blast in there and he was part of it um it wasn’t like after

The show was over he would come have uh dinner and drinks with us but while we were at work man he was involved and I’m just really really pleased that he’s coming to the Big 10 because I know he’s got a vision of where not just that conference is going but also where

College football as a whole needs to go and because he’s worked in so many different areas of leadership in athletics uh both college and pro and because he’s been involved in TV when we get when we get to this point where we have a a new television

Contract for the CFB uh I think he’s going to be just absolutely the perfect man to to be really the point man for that for that deal to be done from the from the the people that hold the rights you know the the college football playoff will be uh negotiated um

Probably a little over a year from now the negotiations will get going you know the first year of the 12 team playoff will still be under ESPN’s umbrella but a new contract goes in place in 26 and um I I’ve said to you many times I believe it’ll be more than one network

Involved and and I think that that Tony will be looking out for the best interest with not just the Big 10 but everybody involved in college football with that new GD deal Tim that’s uh that that that kind of warms the cockles of my heart to to hear you say that because

It does seem sometimes that the power Brokers in each league uh kind of move straight forward in the well I’ve only got to do what’s best for my league and then they don’t take a step back and go well what does this mean for the rest of

It and I’m not not what Kevin Warren did for the Big 10 was unbelievable but it was very like the eye on the ball was them and no one else and right and to have a a commissioner that would say like okay how do we all win here I think

Is something college football really needs yeah well when you’ve done what he did with the BCS uh and at the time he was still a very young programmer okay at at ABC when this happened uh and and he was working for people like Dennis Swanson and run Arc okay the the biggest names

In in college athletics at that time were all at ABC Sports and you know uh he he he absolutely was in awe of Keith Jackson uh and was around Keith quite a bit and in fact tried when he was at CBS a little here’s a little nugget for you

That you may not uh realize uh when when Vern Lish got the job uh to be the voice of the SEC on CBS it happened only because Keith Jackson was was being wooed big time by CBS and Tony was the lead man for that uh everyone thought that that Keith was

Done around 98 or 99 and he did not want to leave but it looked as if he was being shown the door by the management there at that time and I think CDs caught wind of that and they they tried really hard to get him to come over to

Be the voice of the SEC on CBS but um another gentleman took over uh as the head of ABC Sports at that time and it was about to come to an end ESPN being purchased by Disney uh Cap City selling uh uh its its um Holdings to the Disney

Corporation and uh Howard CS came in and Howard was very close to those guys and and uh he was able to to get and convince Keith to stay that they wanted him to come back and uh so that his his run of doing all those Rose Bowls could

Continue and Keith was getting up in years and wanted to stay closer to home so ultimately he said no to petiti and and Shan mcmanis but they really wanted to get him and imagine what would have happened if if that had actually occurred you know oh yeah but but but

For Vern uh who who was being replaced by dick inberg on the NFL for Vern it me the opportunity to do the SEC on CBS and I think everyone believes and even Vern would admit probably it extended his career by at least a decade maybe more

You know getting that job Le leaving the NFL number two position for the SEC on CBS was a great thing for his career um and I think a lot of guys in his position and even Vern at the time didn’t think so you know that he had really become comfortable and loved

Being the the second guy on on the NFL but again it goes back down to that deep and Abiding Love of of the sport and what would the fans really want to see and I think that’s the way Tony patiti is cut he he knows what the fans want he

Has a unique understanding of what uh the game really needs and uh yeah I think without question I mean he’s not going to come in and say okay we’re gonna do this this this he doesn’t govern that way he’s a um he’s one of those guys David you know the smartest

Guys always come into the room and they don’t come in too loud because they don’t need to be loud people know how smart they are so they eventually come to them and after he hears what everyone else has to say he’ll saywell what about this and the what about this is usually

The right thing to do yeah that’s the kind of that’s the kind of leader uh he is do you think his relationship with aresco will help any with what Mike aresco wants and those who are considered the non-power five conferences yeah I do I think so uh and

I think the relationship you know they’re they’re very similar in the sense that uh they were both considered outlier outliers that were hired to be um commissioners of conferences uh you know he did not have a career in college athletics like Greg sanki by example had or uh Bob bsby when

He was at the Big 12 head or um you know John Swafford when he was at the ACC head these these guys are first and foremost television people that’s how they were raised into the business programmers knowing what games needed to play be played when um but at the same

Time you got to have relationships with those people you’re dealing with at all those schools and trust me that’s what happens here these last you know week and a half to two weeks he’s been on a tour of big 10 presidents just as Mike aresco was on a

Tour of Big East presidents and Mike knew what he was going to have to do eventually was uh a lot more um of the legal leas he he was going to have to uh get a deal done where the Big East basketball schools would be paying for the

Rights the league Big East and to pay for the right to make sure that they got the the tournament at Madison Square Garden which they were contracted to have by holding on to the title well all those schools in the American Conference that were Big East schools that had

Football they reaped the benefit financially of this payout that came from those schools that were only going to do basketball and you know you got to know your stuff when you’re doing that you know none of that is any you know that that was those were big hurdles

That Mike had to deal with when he took that job you know originally with the Big East conference but no such problem for the Big 10 I mean these are the most established schools and Powerhouse schools with the largest alumni bases in all of sport uh and it’s easily the

Highest grated television football that we have in the college game so I think in a lot of ways um with the with the TV deal done for the Big 10 which it is for the next seven years you know he can I believe he will ultimately do a lot for

A game globally you know that he’ll he’ll be able to uh talk with and maybe I think he’ll be really well received by the other Commissioners I think your mark and and cleab cop if if theack all the skill in business certainly Jim Phillips knows uh Tony PTI really well

With the ACC I think he’ll have their ears in a way that certainly Kevin Warren did not uh and and and that’s important you know because the Big 10 in the secb are the two conferences and those two men uh are in the best positions and I think there’s a

Similarity really between uh petiti and psyche in their demeanor and in the way they do business uh both both cut right to the chase neither one are self-promoters um but I think both are magnificent leaders and as they develop a relationship as well uh I think it bodess well for all those conferences

The mid America conference the Sun Belt uh certainly the Mountain West and also Mike’s conference which has been really the next best conference since really the college football playoff got underway now they’re being challenged a little bit by the Sun Belt now because of overall talent and what’s happened

With the poaching of so many great programs that he had into the Big 12 by example um but but the bottom line is uh having all of division one college football I’ll use the cliche on the same page is really what the college game needs we need to stop with the U the

Labeling of of this is the big conference and this is the little conference this is the group of and that is the Power Group uh we need to get rid of all of that and and I I would rco’s statements resonated in a lot of ways to a lot of the other

Conference Commissioners and I’m pretty sure that Tony feels as Mike does about that Tim Branda with us on 365 Sports Paul Tim do you think it was important to the Big 10 to get someone who was more um widely trusted than maybe Kevin Warren yes I think it’s important that

The Big 10 have someone that’s not going to leave to become a president of an NFL franchise absolutely this should be a destination location and and I and I really believe that it is you know I had someone tweeting me today saying uh well is he getting ready to become

Commissioner baseball and my response was just my my opinion but I really believe it uh MLB had their chance to hire him they didn’t do it they went with Rob Manfred um he could have very usually been and what what what professional sport needs more help in television than Major League Baseball

You know think about that uh I think he would have made a great commissioner for baseball and um I thought the Pack 12 should have hired him too as I mentioned and I think they’d be in a better place had they done that uh it’s just you know

Amazing how the the general population in general public even some young people in the media um did not have an understand understanding about who Tony Fati was you know when it was first announced I got oh my God another outlier oh my God this is another guy from outside College athletics how many

More we of these are we gonna have and I’m like well if you knew him like I know him you know you would know that this guy’s a lot more inside than outside when it comes to the uh the history and uh and currency of college

Football I mean he really has you can be in a different area of uh of of business um being an entrepreneur as he was you know when he when he left ml Network he he took over a a Content company that was streaming uh was in the gaming

Industry as well as uh this company blizzard was which was being run at one time by Steve Borstein my old boss at ESPN and who took over uh television negotiations for the NFL after he left there um you know Tony took that position and and and grew that business

And he had another one uh a streaming content company that was working on prior to this announcement going to the big 10 so the future of of Television content and where we’re going with screening and all that he’s way ahead of the curve in that area and fellas uh in

Today’s world that’s where the college that’s where colleges need to you know that’s that’s where they’re going to make their future money you know it’s going to be in that area and again these are all areas that he’s been involved in uh as well as the TV business Tim

Obviously that’s what cleof COV and the Pack 12 are hoping that Amazon Apple whatever come up with a nice chunk they would obviously still want to be a part of linear and hope is more than 50% whatever happens they’ve kicked the can down the road again a little bit again

But could they actually be ahead of the curve not that they don’t want to be on Fox or ESPN everyone does but are they almost ahead of the curve on this all not not all but a large chunk of it streaming almost forced into that I don’t think so I think it’s too

Soon I think it’s too soon to be you know thinking about it’s really kind of concerned me when what was it about a month ago the Arizona president proclaimed that they would have a deal within the week or two weeks and that it would be larger than the Big 12 deal you

Remember that okay I I was I was like wow that’s confidence uh so I thought there was really something there I think a lot of other people in the media did and turned out that they were nowhere near having a deal with either Amazon or

Apple and um and in order to get that linear network uh that that you want on the hook you got to have some leverage and at this stage the Pack 12 is still without that word they do they don’t have any leverage right now and they

Won’t get it until they find at least one of the two entities that they want to do business with um I’ve heard and I’ve and I’ve read where some people in the business have indicated that at this stage they’re so they’re so behind the P the other conferences the Big 12

Especially maybe it would be better for them to stand Pat and get through and start maybe this season before they really get serious because at that point Point uh maybe just maybe some of those carriers that they’re trying to get interest from uh by example ESPN lost

All of its Big 10 programming uh that that that was a lot of programming that they had Fox had the main game yes but you know a good bit of their programming was Big 10 football well uh when they got the big 12 thing done and they got sort of a

6040 deal on the Big 12 to carry uh the a package Fox is not far behind it in terms of the money they’re paying but it is the secondary package uh you know the Pack 12 is in in a in a big a bit of a pickle uh Fox is carrying Mountain West

Games in that time slot so it’s not like they don’t have people to take care of and ESPN even without the Big 10 still is the high volume dealer in all of college football they still have more conferences and more deals to be done so you know the longer they they wait the

Further this goes along without an announcement from either apple or Amazon about how much money they’re going to pay the the Pack 12 I think that you know again this is just my opinion I’m not I’m not paid to give these uh have no contact whatsoever with our people

That are in the procurement of Rights for college football but I think it’s reasonable to assume that uh if if the deal is not made soon with either one of those streaming companies that either uh the folks in Bristol or the company I work for could be uh uh in

In a good position to still have the Pack 12 but not for nearly the amount of money that that the Pack 12 would want that’s that’s my fa Tim Brando with his Fox Sports on 365 Sports I I remember a few weeks ago and it might have been

Watching the the the the PGA Tour event on at Pebble Beach or Tory Pines and I saw where Max hom was walking from the teabox down the Fairway with a pair of earbuds and carrying on a conversation and we saw that at Augusta ashal Tim I never thought I would ever

See that but I love the idea yeah and you know but leave it to a few scribes that are out there that write about television sports they don’t broadcast it they they’ve been screaming for more access more access but all of a sudden Justin Justin Tom does one of those and

He goes bogey double bogey double bogey to make sure the players now know hey man maybe you weren’t as focused as you should have been you know that’s that’s that’s so serendipitous to the point uh those guys were all ass uh and and I thought it was interesting I did

Not I did not think this I would have thought that it was the CBS production people that did the asking but it was the green jacket this was something that uh the people in charge of the Masters uh Ridley and those guys asked the players to do they they’ already done it

On some ptaa events as you mentioned uh the the one with hom and um they they agreed to do it I can’t say enough about Rory mroy as a leader uh for the PC as a matter of fact uh they they did him on Thursday so it was day one of the

Masters when they interviewed him uh and he was kind of hanging around that point around even par he wound up not making the cut the next day uh homo was hovering around even par maybe one under he actually played pretty well after that did make the cut uh and and did

Finish the Masters but yeah uh access is what everyone wants and uh you know the champions tour has been doing this for probably three or four years now not as many people watch the champions tour and those guys are more relaxed they’ve already made a lot of money they’re

Playing more for fun and pure joy than anything else but to do it at a major like that maybe the premier major uh was magnificent I thought it was tremendous I I uh I I was I was a little critical of some of what I saw on Sunday

As it related to the lack of coverage of Phil Nicholson particularly not having an interview with him post round when he shot what he did 16 greens and shot 5 you know in the past when he wasn’t wearing a live outfit he would have been interviewed the moment he stepped off the 18th

Gream uh that didn’t happen this time and uh I was C as curious as to why if CBS asked him and he and he chose decline that’s understandable but normally um when that happens Jim Nance is quick to point out we we uh asked to speak with Phil he politely declined I I

Didn’t hear him say that that and I thought I was watching Pretty closely uh but word is that may have been the case just as Phil didn’t want to talk at the Champions uh dinner on Tuesday night maybe he didn’t want to talk uh after his round either he was trying to keep

Um keep it just about the Masters keep it about Golf and I thought he and Brooks Kea and really the their playing Partners did a great job of handling that well I think a lot of people thought there might be more fireworks those guys I thought were very congenial

And handled themselves with the kind of class and dignity that were accustomed to uh placing on the sport of golf yeah I think time space has allowed that thing to to to cool down a little bit some of the sniping is not quite the same let me ask you this um I thought

Brooks Kea was incredibly T did you ever watch the uh the full swing the U the the miniseries I watched all of it I did I watched all of it Brooks kepka looked like a mess and he admitted it I mean he was lost yeah but I thought in the press

Conference perhaps Thursday after he shot 667 I think it was or 67 that he was asked the question if you thought that you were going to get back to this level of play would you have left for live and he said I thought he said you know probably not you know

Because he never thought he was going to be healthy again but he also said he goes I don’t regret my decision but I thought that was very transparent and I think he might have come out of this a lot better than when he were where he

Was three or four months ago as far as the the public absolutely uh look Nicholson is the lightning rod that’s playing and certainly Greg Norman is the real big lightning rod that’s not playing and a lot was made of maybe what Greg said about uh you

Know having a party at the 19 Cole and whatnot and then he was respectfully asked not to show up by the green jacket um and then and then uh you know Phil did you know Phil did come in and uh he did have a a very quiet sometimes even I

Would say awkward demeanor for Phil for those of us that know him uh and but he wore the suit man he had that outfit on and he was going to get Liv golf some exposure uh by doing that but my God what what an incredible round like like

I’m saying I other than the winner okay other than what was done to win that golf tournament uh by John Ram who I really thought had the best chance among the the big three coming in to win it because his his swing he is so good so

Compact and yet so powerful and strong uh if he gets the putter going you know he is the best player in the world in my opinion right now uh but beyond that story fellas I thought Bill Nicholson was definitely the story on Sunday and and I I just thought they did not cover

Him now now Jim Manz went out of his way over and over again to talk about the history he was making both both at being 53 uh and shooting that low of a score on the final day uh the best score he’s ever had and all the stops that he’s

Made at Augusta is a three-time champion uh but I thought from the standpoint of supporting that uh with where Nicholson rank we’re we’re just a couple of years removed okay from him being the PGA Champion yep the oldest ever at plus 50 and maybe yeah the peak

Of his popularity right at that point too yeah absolutely and so he’s gone through all of this with Liv and put himself on the line I thought there was a lot of pressure on him to perform at this Masters because he had been horrible on the live tour he had his his

Numbers were terrible his statistics were were bad I mean he looked great he’s lost a lot of weight I know that new uh coffee that he he’s he’s taking I’m might like look at that yeah that coffee that he’s he’s drinking but uh you know he I thought if

He had gone out in two round shooting 75 and 76 I mean he would have been probably as um embarrassed as maybe he’s ever been in recent memory and then he goes out and lights it up you know to shoot 65 and hit 16 Greens in regulation I mean

Even when Phil was winning tournament after tournament and really rivaling tiger he wasn’t known for hitting uh Fairways in Greens no you know he was he was getting up and down around greens getting out of trouble you know the shot of his life from the straw uh on on 15 I

Mean my God those were those were his epic moments uh it wasn’t about Fairways and green so this was just a different uh uh Phil Nicholson in terms of the way he performed on the weekend um you know I I thought I saw 71 and you

Know now he makes the cut but he’s right there did I think he was GNA finish second on Sunday absolutely not I under no circumstances did I feel that he would finish that so to me uh and by the way the number of seconds that he’s had at Augusta I think

It’s only Nicholas that’s better than him on finishing second there um I just thought he was worthy of more n did everything he could I thought to remind people of what Nicholson was doing but they were not showing his run on the back nine when he was going birdie

Birdie birdie they they were not cutting to shots with him I I just thought that their coverage lack uh from the standpoint of following the big name just because that big name is no longer on the PGA tour doesn’t mean you you don’t have to you got to follow that

Story you know you you just do yeah you I agree Tim thank you very much it’s about that time you work on your golf game and it’s beautiful weather and yeah get out get some sun and uh what do you I mean is this a downtime for you is

This when you have some freedom to kind of decompress yeah yeah and and you know you haven’t mentioned it yet because I spoke to you and this happened right before I got to the ble for uh I know this it been since we talked I’m trying

To did we talk two weeks ago it was it was two weeks it was right before the final four weekend okay well then you know uh I this was as early as my contract’s ever been renewed at Fox and so to have all this time off before I

Start my new deal which begins in September is really cool you know normally we’re grinding about every we’re grinding about every two years to figure out whether you know it’s over or not and uh you know to know for the next four months and three years that I’ve uh

I’m going to continue to do what I love uh I couldn’t be more excited I’m GNA spend some time obviously chasing grandbabies and uh more time than usual playing some golf uh in the next few months but I am working on that book that I’m talking about doing and when I

I get to um when I get to 20125 which is a couple of years or more away I hope to have the book ready and I’m gonna really get down and dirty on that in the next at least for about a month of these next four months that

I’ve got off and uh and really get the you know the manuscript started so to speak yep I’ve been doing a lot of research going back and finding old clipping I hoard stuff I’ve been going through that but the guys that are helping me with the book The Writers are

Are um you know GNA you know begin talking to me interviewing me going over things and uh that’ll be the 40th anniversary of my uh my national television career and at that point I think is a good time to get the book out maybe it’ll help some young kids and and

Bring back a lot of memories to people uh our age and older David Tim we appreciate you all the time and you’re a great Storyteller we appreciate you we’ll have you on sometime during this Hiatus and uh and thanks for your time as always we appreciate you oh always

Happy to talk to you guys you know that yes sir you too uh Tim Brando Fox Sports with us thanks for watching Everybody our best of 365 Sports tonight we hope you’re having a wonderful and happy holiday season we’re back with new episodes on January 2nd but we’re still

Here giving you the best of all week long again Merry Christmas Happy New Year and happy holidays to every single one of our viewers thank you for watching whenever you get a chance to have a great holiday season we love you everybody


  1. Brando is a known LSU fan BAMA hater. Screw him. The old BCS poll/computers would have had Bama 3 FSU 4 and Texas 5. The Head 2 Head is only ONE DATA POINT, Bama beat Texas on 4 data points. The SOS, SOR, top 25 wins (4 vs. 3) and on best loss to Texas vs. OU. So, Texas should have never been in from of Bama, NEVER. But the Committee who put in TCU last year needed to justify, in their minds, leaving a 13-0 FSU out, and comparing Texas to FSU should have been an FSU pick (besides the QB issue) so they jumped FSU over Bama because picking Bama over FSU was a much easier debate in their minds, no one is leaving a undefeated in the SEC Champ out. But the truth is the odd man out should have been between Texas and FSU, dingbat Brando can't even figure that out. IDIOT.

  2. This man's ruined his rep long ago, he's an LSU homer and a Bama hater, he can't keep his BS Bam a hate out of his comments, notice the POS is still talking about 2011, as if Bama was not the far better team.

  3. On The CW? They must be happy with their initial dip into college sports.

    a) It really was a perfect storm to snub FSU. The desire to get an SEC team in. FSU acting the a** losing respect outside the ACC and friends inside. A key injury. The more I think about it, I doubt that CLEMSON, UNC or MIAMI would have been similarly snubbed.

    b) ~0:09:30 Brando is wrong here. First, Phillips had 3 undefeated teams for a third of the season. Second, defending FSU's claim to a playoff spot suggests the claim needed defending, which it didn't in a non-corrupt process. Third, FSU should have been 1 of 4 not 1 of 12 in an expanded playoff.

  4. I'm so sick of this FSU fatigue that will not go away. Everyone is sick of hearing about it. So many other good sports stories, move on already.

  5. So are all conferences equal? Are you what your record says.. get ready for 8-4 9-3 teams that make the playoffs

  6. I have to admit I have not listened to Tim Brando before but I will be after this. He speaks the truth and if he disappears one night on a lonely Alabama road we will know why.

  7. Tim brando is 🐕💩 to continue to push this SEC narrative like we don't know his affiliation with fox sports the only reason why he saying that nonsense when its actually the weak big 10 thats been getting propped up year in and year out just to 💩 the bed 🛏️ in the playoffs and thats not the SEC fault with them proving year in and year out on the field they're the superior conference . Thats why Tim can take his biased big 10 propaganda narrative and shove it where the sun don't shine. I swear journalistic integrity is in the trash 🗑️

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