You Will Drop 5 Shots and Hit The Ball 10 Yards Further

I guarantee this move will drop 5 shots off your scores and have you hitting the golf ball 10 yards further by fixing your driver AND your irons. It’s the key to being super consistent with your golf swing and ball flight and even better this works for all golf clubs.. When you do this really simple move you will hit more fairways and greens. The ball will flight high and straight and you will have much more control of your golf swing and ball flight. Your direction will be under control at last.

A lot of golfers struggle to hit the golf ball consistently well because they have a hard time controlling the shaft in relation to the body. Once you understand how to control the shaft and the body your golf swing gets a lot more consistent and your ball striking will improve straight away. You’ll enjoy the game more as your golf ball flies higher and straighter than before.
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For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Imagine you could knock five to 10 shots off your score by hitting the ball five to 10 yards further with a shorter golf swing sounds crazy sounds unachievable but do you know it actually is doable if you enjoy the content in this video please hit the like button subscribe as

Well obviously but just smash the like button before we start that’d be lovely just do it now you even seen the video just hit like love it let’s get 1,000 likes in this video th000 likes would just share it around YouTube and more it’s shared on YouTube the more golfers

Get to see it and everyone wins we’re trying to help everybody here thanks so that sounds too good to be true 5 to 10 yards further off the T or with every shot so you’re hitting the ball 5 to 10 yards further right and you’re going to reduce

Your scores by 5 to 10 shots five shots better if you’re a if you shoot 85 you’ll now be in the high 70s that’s brilliant and also this is going to be done so 5 to 10 yards further 5 to 10 yards off your golf score with a shorter golf

Swing you heard that right hitting the golf ball further with a shorter golf swing so a shorter golf swing your golf grip is 10 in long okay 10 in long golf grip now if we can reduce your back swing by 5 in so half of the golf grip then you’re going

To hit the ball further Okay so we’ve got 5 or 10 yards we’ve got five or 10 shots we’ve got 5 to 10 in so 5 in less back swing is going to hit the ball further and reduce your SC now when I say 5 in I’m not talking

About Club head travel we’re not bringing the club up and stopping it 5 in short of where it naturally is I’m talking about hand position where your hands go where am I going here okay that house there so I’m going to start off with 79 we’re going to hit driver we’ll get to

Driver with this I’m just just now I’m just poking a 7 iron up there off a mat to save this tea so red reducing length of Swing that’s what we’re going to do and I’m going to explain it all very easily there’s a couple of parts to this to get this ball

To go further to get the shots to come down and hit the ball and swing 5 in less but as I say think about hand position so we’ve watched guys on tour we watch really athletic guys on tour and when I say athletic I mean these

Guys are in the gym every day I’ve not been to the gym for years I do a lot of running but I don’t do much gym work at all so I’m not the most flexible now I’ve got rheumatoid arthritis as well doesn’t help and I’m nearly years old can you believe

That so Justin Thomas Justin Thomas gets up here I I can’t get up there your average golfer shouldn’t really go up there so he’s up here and then from there your average golfer goes up there left arm’s up here the right elbow tends to trail out behind so there a high elbow and

Then from there to come into the great position which we’re going to call the slot to come into the slot with the club head behind the hand handle is hard and the slot I’m talking about is when we get into here hands at hip high the club

Head is behind the hands not ahead but behind now that’s a hard position to get into from here so if I’m up here to be able to drop that shaft down and turn the body to get to there is tour stuff let’s be honest that is tour stuff and

That’s hard to achieve but today we’re going to make it easier to achieve so here look at the right elbow sticks out it’s so easy to come down and then now I’m never going to be able to get there to there I’m always going to wipe across

This golf ball so when I say 5 in shorter with the hand position I mean at the top of your swing if you could lower your hands from where you are just now by 5 in what a difference it’s going to make to your delivery of your golf club

Into impact lifechanging a delivery with the CP head behind the handle when the hands are at hip high all because you dropped your hands by 5 in at the top of the back swing how do we do that you need to flatten the plane you need to

Flatten the plane so if we swing on a plane so I’m going to put this let’s give myself plenty of room I’m going to put this here okay and it’s a visual now it’s above the LI angle of my golf club just slightly above now you can see that from the

Camera I’m sure it’s probably not lined up perfectly but you’ll see the idea and from there when I take the club back let’s get a little bit closer I don’t want to hit it you see so seven iron angle we’ve moved up a little bit let’s move it down a fraction Okay

So we’ve got a gap here probably about 5 in that’s a joke so I take the club back I swing under this cane up to here and as I come back down I want to be under behind the cane and look all of a sudden the hands are ahead

Of the club at parallel Club head behind hands sorry so way to think about it cuz the handle you always lead with the handle we don’t lead with a club we always lead with the handle so I’m here up there coming back in here and that’s

Where I want the club to be perfectly to be able to turn through so dropping the hands 5 in or swinging 5 in flatter is what makes the difference up here look how close I was to the yellow K in the way up look at that okay and if I don’t

Drop my 5 in and just come back down on that line I’m outside not sure about camera angle I’m outside if I’m there that’s my natural position I was to drop it 5 in 1 2 3 4 5 and then just come back down look I’m under I’m under that

Cane and I’m able to deliver club path from in to out which is going to increase distance you’re going to hit the club face with a the ball with a closing face not a flipped over face but a face that’s closing instead of a laid back open face it’s going to wipe

It so if I’m normally there I’m going to be here so I like to think about the visual of the shaft angle or the static angle of the shaft address so if I think about that cane being flatter so there’s the visual of my club shaft I try and

Swing on that visual of the shaft and back on that shaft I don’t want this club handle lifting up or down really I feel as though I’m there so it’s a low hands at the top left arm marries up with shoulder plane or slightly lower not above don’t go above just try and

Get that position there with left arm Maring up the shoulder plane and that should be 5 in lower than your normal there low hands turn through low hands I’ll get to there there club Behind the hands there club Behind the hands I mean it’s an absolutely pure

Little sweet draw seven iron and all I thought about there my visual was to stay under the yellow cane there but my feeling at the top was low hands now the hands lift the club up the body turns it the hands lift it if it was all body Turn Only that’s where I

Would be so the arms have to lift the club up somehow but just don’t overdo that well done you’re now swinging on a different plane so the plan’s flattened the hands are lower just feel low hands at the top that’s a great thought low hands at the top is going to keep me

Under the yellow cane and under the yellow cane That’s exactly the same shot as before under yellow cane under yellow cane the last thing we want to do the last thing anybody wants to do is chop wood and that there ladies and gents is chopping wood if I’m up here I

Can still get lots of power out of this because it’s more rotational hands are flatter delivering and better delivery is here there’s my delivery lots of power up here longer swing elbows out that’s not power that is not power that’s all that is so it’ll feel shorter it will feel as

Though there’s more rotation of the body so you might feel as though you’ve turned more with the body to get the hands lower higher not as much turn lower more turn back through Club head behind handle under yellow cane Club head behind handle under yellow ke yeah

That’s that’s a really good shot that’s three in a row I mean they’re all lying beside each other WS with driver same thing driver same thing you can arguably flatten this out a little bit because the lie angle of your I’ll show you just just grabbed 7 hour so Li angle

Between the two so the driver sits the flattest of all clubs your wedge is the most lofted or upright of all clubs so the most lofted Club sits the most upright so you can move that down a little bit there so same idea I’m underneath the yellow cane low hands low hands lots

Of turn I come back to there and Club head is behind the handle it’s not way behind stuck in there maroy 10th T Master hook you’ll love me for reminding him of that but the club head is behind the handle a fraction there just a fraction

When the hands are hip high or line with right hip so I’m feeling this here pick my line it’s pretty good low hands yeah stay under yellow cane with low hands I’ve just absolutely smashed it down the middle of the Fairway that was a very good [Applause] drive a very good drive

Indeed when you break the swing down into simple Parts like this so there’s less distance to clubs traveling there my hands are 5 in lower than they we or your hands will appear 5 in lower than they normally are there and then from there we turn

Back through Club head is now behind the hands and we keep turning through of course it’s going to add distance it has to add distance to your game and your dispersion comes in as you’ve seen there so if dispersion comes in and you’re adding distance then of course your Strokes

Your scores will come down here’s another one 10 y left of that one that one’s middle of the Fairway as well well it’s uh it’s a simple repeatable action and it’s very much like Eureka gol swing eure golf swings open stance round and in check out the website eure golf

Obviously but feel that under the Yello cane hands are 5 in lower than normal I come back through my clip head is behind my hands so swing below yellow canes the visual the feel as the hands 5 in lower so lots of reps to feel that

So just think low hands under the cane low hands same again little draw just down the left side the fav that time so maybe not quite as under getting carried away with myself go to the range keep practice practice practice feels feels feels under there is my hand are my

Hands 5 in lower do they feel 5 in lower than normal yes they do as I come back down I now feel as I’m a little bit more in here as I come through and I’ve hit the ball 5 to 10 yard further I’ve knocked 5 to 10 yards off my score and

My handicap is coming down we want your handicap Down eure Golf go there hit the like button from this video please hit the like button for this video don’t even bother subscribing just hit the like button it’s much more beneficial for me saves your time as

Well of course subscribe see you in the next video


  1. I can vouch for a lower swing plane. When I do this, I feel like the clubhead is rotating around my body better, and I am avoiding an over-the-top move. Thanks.

  2. Changing the 'feel' that my back swing was swinging round waist high (reality use it isn't that low) , changed my consistent out to in shots to in to out and a baby draw from a consistent slice.

  3. The right elbow seems to be key. When I geht my right elbow in front of my body my face is square and back of my hands🤔When my right elbow turns a bit behind my body in downswing the shaft gets steep and often I have contact at the heel🤔So should I concentrate on my elbow perhaps? Tried it for a long time with poor results by the way

  4. I believe I have a shallow back swing, according to the PGA pros that I play with ( I’m being sarcastic ) they tell me I’m “incorrect” however I tend to come out on top more often than not when we play ….

  5. I realise we are trying to keep it in play etc etc.. but the long drive dudes and dudettes go the other way with this one, one of the things they talk about it is increasing the length of the hand path to apply more force to the handle for speed/distance

  6. Hi Steve thank you for all your a big 50 on Saturday and loving my golf but I'm really struggling. I feel I do get the handle ahead of the ball ok but I struggle with my long irons.i usually hit a good drive and my second shot with long irons seem to be pretty much pin high only to miss the greens left then struggle to make par.i would love for my birthday if you could please fo a video for me on how I could fix this problem.thanks and merry Christmas 😊

  7. Is it correct that your body is a touch upright but your knees have a bit more flex which allows the effortless lower swing plane?

  8. Wow! quite revolutionary. I was a +2 handicap and since I tried swinging around my arse like you, I'm now +7. So grateful I've shaved 5 shots off my score.

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