Kostis & McCord Off Their Rockers Episode 17 Brings Needed Clarity to Golf Chaos.

Kostis & McCord Off Their Rockers Episode 17 Brings Needed Clarity to Golf Chaos in Their Latest Episode

Legendary golf personalities, Peter Kostis and Gary McCord, are back with the latest episode of their hit YouTube series, “Kostis & McCord Off Their Rockers,” bringing insight, expertise, and much-needed clarity to the tumultuous changes in the golf world. Episode 17, titled “The Game of Golf in CHAOS!” is now available for golfers and fans who want to stay ahead of the curve.

In this episode, the hosts tackle the contentious issue of the ball rollback, a topic that has the golf community buzzing with debate and opinions. With their trademark humor and deep knowledge of the game, Peter and Gary dissect the implications of these potential changes and what it means for players at all levels.

In our regular “Coach Kostis” series, Peter provides another great tip and drill to improve your consistency and ball striking.

There are more tips in every one of our 17 episodes and great, never-before-told stories from Peter & Gary…remember to subscribe (it’s free!) like and share with your golf buddies. Kostis & McCord Off Their Rockers is made possible by the generous support of sponsors, including Swing U and the Swing U app, recognized as the premier golf app in the industry. Foresight Sports, creators of the #1 launch monitor on the PGA Tour, the Quad Pro, and cutting-edge simulators, including the Sim-in-a-Box. Bonos’s Bar B Q, with their amazing smoked meats and sauces, and LAB Golf, creators of the revolutionary and tour-winning LAB putters, known for their unmatched stability through impact. Viewers are encouraged to explore,, and to learn more about these outstanding products.

Peter and Gary love reading your comments on the show and appreciate all the subscribers, liking, and sharing the YouTube show. They invite viewers to follow them on social media, listen to the audio podcast on Apple, Spotify, iHeart Podcasts and visit their website at for more news and info. For sponsorship inquiries or potential guest appearances, please contact Mike Abram at or call 805-748-5557.

Two two of the most iconic voices in golf are back to save the day and ready to entertain in their newly weekly video podcast cus and mcord Off Their Rockers yes you found it this is it this is the place if you love golf and you want to know what’s happening in golf

And here from the greatest legends in the game Peter kasus Gary mccort this is kasas MCC Off Their Rockers I’m Mike Abram I’m producer and co-host and today well we’re going to try to break down some of the chaos that’s going on in the world of golf especially this USGA RNA

Announced ball roll back the guys are going to make a little sense out of it or tell you why it’s nonsense hey we want to thank our great sponsor swingu and the swingu app the best app in golf foresight Sports and their amazing launch monitors number one on the PGA

Tour and of course their simulators fantastic there’s one in Peter’s house that he uses all the time lab Golf and the incredible lab Putters tour winning lab Putters they’re changing the game lab golf it really is an amazing Putter and of course our favorite Bonos barbecue that incredible barbecue uh the

Sauces the franchise opportunities Bonos we thank you so much for watching please remember to subscribe to like to share with your friends and hit that notification Bell below so you don’t miss an episode of Kasa mord Off Their Rockers we’ve got some great ones coming up let’s get started let’s get right to

Peter and Gary and talk about what is going on in the world of golf hi Peter cus here along with Gary McCord for the latest episode of costus and mcord Off Their Rockers what Gary we’re on Gary what seems to be the problem you look a little depressed well what we

Shooting this now are we going to do well I already intro us what’s going on I mean you’re walking around aimlessly you look lost I’m literally consumed with the state of the game at this moment the state of the golf game yeah yeah yeah yeah not my game uh it’s it’s early December

2023 and I’ve been associated with the tour for like 50 years I have never seen so many complex issues that are right now on the table that it’s to me you go start reading through what’s going on it’s not about the golf now golf was like 27th position in this

Whole scenario it’s the politics who’s going where pip programs who’s a commissioner what Jesus what’s what’s your feeling all this one word what chaos chaos total everything total is is in a total state of chaos total right let’s let’s you know we just happen to have a whiteboard here let’s

Just start off with this is golf golf December 2023 okay where we are right now okay so okay first thing let let me just let me just kind of go um so the first thing obviously is live live negotiations supposed to be done what December

31st yeah the end of the year end of the year which is like right now we now have live okay what else okay we got to live uh and that whole thing that’s a that’s a whole book there not even a chapter that’s a whole book and then of course

The news right now is RAM is ROM every day today Wall Street Journal say yeah he’s going and he’s going between 450 million to 600 million so R so this coincides now okay live negotiations and then all of a sudden we lose could be the player of the year

Second in the world we lose him to there and now our negotiations get even foggier in this area but for me while this is important in the total scheme of things this right here is Numero Uno the roll back of the golfball and not bifurcation which in

Essence is which is to me if I went to Whisper rock and all the boys are sitting there and go okay guys anybody here concerned with their golf ball going too far anybody raise hand raise a hand now there’s not going to be anybody raising their hand we got a lot to say

About this subject actually we got a lot to say about all these subjects it’s interesting um okay tour now we’re going down um so after okay in these okay in these negotiations who’s negotiating for us do do you think hand right now has the backing of all the players you’ve

Seen lately the players from 50 now it’s going to go down to play in the main all the other ones have now signed a petition they want to get in front of the board to go what about us what happened to us we’ll talk about it but

All the golf balls that Monahan’s trying to juggle right now you can add another one and and just title it unionizing cuz I think that’s what masses are going to do right but so from live we we’ve got the PIP program that the tour instituted to keep players on our tour

Rather than go to this tour uhoh maybe this didn’t work we got we got this to discuss because that’s 100 million there’s a lot of guys pissed off that there’s a100 million going to 10 guys and by Tiger came in second and he played

Once I want I want that progam I wish I had that program so that’s 100 million going to the top players trying to keep that that’s a social media thing who’s who is the top of the social media uh platforms that that get the get the most

Interest on social media um I guess that’s a thing and that’s called pip and that’s 100 million to 10 guys while as you said earlier those soldiers out there the guys that the the good players are beating are now going wait a minute there’s 100 million with of 10 guys and

We’re sitting here really might not be playing this tournament that tournament because of elevated tournaments versus normal tournaments we saw we saw what happened at Honda Honda got stuck between Honda’s here they got stuck between an elevated tournament and another elevated tournament so Honda said I’m out I’m gone so I mean this

Thing gets uh yeah the sponsor relationships now with the tours you know the tour is putting more heat on the sponsors to yeah they got to they got to pay more being less going to char and then hidden we’ll get to this in a second but hidden in the uh announcement

By the USGA and the RNA y they are also going to look at the driver they’re going to be coming after your driver mark my words yep y it’s going to happen so this is the current state of the golf world how you feeling about that how about how about another one to

Counteract what they’re doing and live with a team deal tiger and on Royer doing the tgl you know put that down I’m totally confused by that what’s that a roar shark test no that’s I was good at those that’s the tgl building in South Florida that’s collapsed so now that’s that’s not going

To happen until 20 25 yeah so we got that going for us too and by the way the roll out for the golf ball will take effect in 2030 I’m fairly sure 28 no well 30 by the for the a for the average player I’m pretty sure I’ll

Be dead by then so I’m not really concerned with that whatsoever um I got a dear friend who who called me this morning he said is am I right to say that I don’t have to play the new ball until 2030 I go yep he goes

I’ll be 92 I don’t really care I don’t care I mean we’re I’m going to be short ear I’ve been playing with a a a distance restricted golf ball for the last 20 years anyway so I could car less you let’s break all this down let’s take

A break this will be our intro but we’re going to come back and we’re going to talk about the golf ball stay tuned we’ll be right back Strokes gain stats are finally easy with the most five-star rated golf app in the country swing youu accurately and objectively provides feedback across

Driving approach shots chipping and pitching Bunker play and putting easily identify your strengths and weaknesses and laser focus your practice time so you can quickly shave Strokes off your score download Swing youu and start owning your game today imagine a putter that will actually transform your game introducing

Lab Golf Putters the revealer shows how the lab keeps the putter face Square through impact unlike any other putter lab is the hottest putter in professional golf with multiple Global victory in 2023 including the PGA Tour lab breaks the mold with better science so you can stop struggling with your

Putting elevate your game simplify your putting and un torque yourself visit labg to discover how lab Putters are rebaking the game visit our website Casas subscribe to our YouTube channel or podcast and follow us on social media at casus mord off their rocker now let’s get back to casus and mcord

Off Their Rockers with Peter and Gary all right Gary our first subject up is the ball roll back now from my taste I’m going to be right up front I I’m against this I I don’t think it’s necessary I think it’s coming at a at an ill-conceived time I’m going

To be upfront with it I know people are going to say well you represent tidalist yeah I’ve been with tius for a long time you’ve been with tailor made for a long time whatever we’re allowed to have opinions uh apart from any associations we may or may not have so in my

Opinion they went they meaning Mike Juan Martin Slumbers RNA R USGA Seth W the PJ of America Fred Ridley from the Masters and then J Monahan and Keith P the leaders of the two major professional tours they’re they’re the leaders of of our golf world and they went looking for a

Problem to fit their solution in my opinion I don’t see the problem the way they see it and and as as a result um I I don’t I don’t look none of the manufacturers like it PGA Tour doesn’t like it amateur golfers certainly aren’t going to like it so who

Are they making this change for Jack Nicholas remember Jack Jack was beating the drum 40 years ago about this because basically Jack’s in the golf course architecture business and he doesn’t want to have to make 88,200 yard golf course so the Crux of the problem is and

Let me the average Club head speed arguably in the United States for about 30 million golfers and that means when they look at that a golfer plays at least once a year is about 84 miles an hour which means that the ball fly 22 yards that’s the average now

Depending on Fast Fairways slow Fairways whatever but the ball flies in the year 22 now as you know we play at a golf course uh in Scottdale West for rock that has 37 tour Pros there the best in the world and when I play with these

Guys I’m probably right now at my age of 75 I’m probably I’m guessing 93 94 miles an hour okay so not that much over the median they all Drive Me by 80 yards and everybody all the amateurs if I win in right now probably any club

United States and got in the grill room with all the guys hey guys I got a question for you anybody here worried about they’re hitting too far I’m I’m not going to get one hand in the a no not one no but I can see when you play

With these guys that really know what they’re doing the average Club head speed on the tour I believe right now is 150 mph3 something like that uh the ball’s going fast and the ball’s going a long way and when you watch these guys 600 yard power FES they hit

It on and two all the time there’s no amateurs are doing that so this whole thing again it gets back to bifurcation it smacks a bifurcation and why we wouldn’t go okay you guys are hit it too far don’t here’s where we’re going to stop you you other guys the amateurs

Everybody having playing this game now a lot more people are in this game to have fun they want to hit it far I that’s my only goal in life right now is they hit it farther not shorter me farther my end of my golf career is coming up and most

Amateurs probably feel the same way they don’t get it farther nobody practices putting everybody is hitting a driver on the driving range so that’s my opinion and bifurcation Peter tell me why bifurcation won’t work explain it the concept behind not having bifurcation is that we all play by the same rules the

Same equipment the same guidelines so you can measure yourself against whomever you want to measure yourself right now I understand that there’s different shaft flexes and and and different Lofts on drivers and and whatever but but basically if you buy a A Tailor Made Driver or a Titus driver

Or a ping driver whatever um you’re getting the same quality that the Tour player has and the same specifications in terms of limitations right you’re going to get a different shaft and maybe a different length and different size grip and whatever sure that’s customization but when you when you

Start to separate the the really elite players from everybody else you got nobody to look up to nobody to GA gauge your game again that’s the that’s the standard argument right right right now I will say this um the real problem in my opinion is Club head speed and when

You delve into Club head speed now you’re really going down a rabbit hole example this was my last driver that I used before metalwoods it was a McGregor driver so that’s basically the this the CC’s on this centimeters or it’s probably 175 I’m guessing centimeters for it’s

Somewhere between 160 180 CCS yeah right which is a fivewood nowadays now that weighs with with the dynamic X shaft yeah that weighs I measured it yesterday it’s 14.5 o that’s a lot okay that’s a lot this is my current driver yeah 460 CC’s it’s 11 it’s three inches longer

And it’s barely 11 ounces so my club is longer and lighter by 25% yeah lighter so I’m going to be able to swing this faster than I could ever swing that going in right now but here’s the kick ER for me what this club has done graphite shafts metal woods whatever what it’s

Done is it’s allowed and you’ll remember some of these guys it’s allowed bigger stronger players to come into the game back in the day you had George bear maybe way back you got you had George Archer 65 a little over 65 65 and a half and they all had to scrunch down and

Make themselves like 5′ 10 because those clubs couldn’t be made long enough for them cuz they were too damn heavy right yep so now what’s happened with all the lightweight shafts all the new materials that we have 6’6 6′ 7 there’s a 6′ n guy out of South Africa right now playing

Gorgeous golf swing hit it a mile but now this equipment allows him to play our game whereas before he couldn’t I I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing but it’s a fact right so as bigger stronger players come along here’s what’s happened I got some stats for you

2007 Bubba was the leading y Club head speed guy on tour 124.80 it was Charlie Belgian local guy 124.0 2020 Cameron Champ M 12686 so between 124 and a half and 126 that’s not a huge difference right but here’s the difference 2007 there were nine guys on tour with 100 20 mph Club

Head speed or higher MH 2015 that number went to 14 MH 2020 it went to 21 and this last year 29 guys had Club head speeds over 120 so if you get more guys getting getting to that higher Club head speed obviously the distance averages are going to increase but the increase

At the very top is minimal in my opinion so you can’t just blame the golf ball for all of this and you can’t fix it all with just the golf ball if and I mean in common sense would say okay you know in in professional it’s y cliche

Professional baseball you use use wooden bats College because it comes off a lot faster okay um they’re using aluminum bats okay so there is a bifurcation in that sport why did they do that why why did they go to aluminum bats probably for the cost Bingo yeah right so now I’m

I’m going okay this is real simple okay you golfers who play for a living the I’m guessing Point % 0 five% of the golfing public 0 five five. five whatever it’s it’s it’s a minuscule number take advantage of the situation because that’s what they’re made for they’re made to hit it a long

Way to reduce golf courses to nothing none of our buddies reduce golf courses to nothing none of them so the idea of just okay guys on the tour will bifurcate and you guys are going to have a roll back rest of you guys go have fun

Hit as far as you can why wouldn’t we do that other than the fact that bifurcation because the USGA and the RNA are a little crusty and they want to keep the game on the same plane as we evolve in sports going through the years

They wanted to keep it the same and I’m not arguing one or another is that right or wrong and it seems to me the simple answer is okay tour guys stop the other guys go ahead as far as the bifurcation issue tour players elite players don’t pay for their clubs right so somebody’s

Got to Bear the brunt of the cost of bifurcation right it’s like major league baseball they they pay for all the baseballs right right so I mean somebody’s is the usj and the RNA going to pay the manufacturers to make Tigers clubs and and whatever I don’t think so

So there’s a cost issue every everybody’s talking about the manufacturers uh being against this because of money but the reality is money is the root of all of this in the sense that the RNA and the USGA they’re trying to protect St Andrews they’re trying to protect Augusta National

They’re trying to protect prot Pebble Beach because they want those Marquee places so they can sell their rights fees for for bigger dollars uh when they have their major championship so it’s all about money regardless of how you look at it it’s a little bit hypocritical to just say it’s just the

Manufacturers who care about the money or the tour players who want to get paid to play this golf ball or that golf ball or this driver or whatever bifurcation to me becomes an ugly mess I I know it sounds simple but the execution of it I

Think is is a little bit problematic so in that aspect of of money so I I believe I trying to remember these stats 70% of the advertising on the PGA tour on television is golf club companies 70% okay so now all of a sudden this thing

Goes through and I’ve Got to Now go out and tell these people and sell these people from uh Callaway that my driver go shorter and my ball goes shorter wait a minute wait a minute wait I got to redo my whole advertising by the way you tour guys uh we’re going to

Pull those contracts because we really got nothing to sell yeah I can’t I can’t sell going shorter guys I can’t sell it so sorry you’re out so there’s a lot lot of implications and ramifications if this does go through from a marketing of the tour through the through the golf club companies and

Would they ensue and have a class class action suit against those people making the rules I can see the headlights coming this way I know it and it’s a train coming right at them and and the other argument that they’re making which I think is a really

Spacious argument I mean it’s just it’s a straw man argument that that thousands and thousands of golf courses are being forced to increase their footprint add back tees to accommodate the golf ball going too far all right first of all I haven’t found these thousands and thousands of golf courses you found one

Secondly secondly right yeah I went to the uh Golf Course superintendent of America website okay and they as you know because we have sneaky little bastard aren’t you yeah damn right as you know here in in the Scottdale area we have a water problem right so superintendents are right on top of

Being echo-friendly yep and and and making sure that that their Golf Course is sustainable right 2005 okay acreage average acreage median y of of golf courses y 149 Acres okay that’ be about right yeah 2015 10 years later we’re shrinking 147 Acres yeah 2022 down to 146 Acres yeah right not

Much but but it’s going down it’s shrinking if thousands and thousands and thousands of golf courses were building back te’s this would be going up Fairway size 2005 28.8 Acres 2015 27.7 2022 27.1 Fairway sizes are shrinking they’re watering less and less right but they’re already making golf

Courses more sustainable and t- sizes have have remained R about the the same 3 to 3.1 acres for tees which means they’re not adding a whole bunch of new tees unless they are adding some place and taken away someplace else if the acreage stays the same well let me ask

You this question in in all all of those very nice facts and everything the one thing that you do is is the marketing aspect of this game and how it’s perceived by those people watching the consumers okay watching it what is the the one product that we see on television that

Is the most viable most visible and the most pushing pushing the needle oh it’s no question it’s Augusta National and the Masters you know they are what happens they keep buying the other land around it getting bigger and bigger and there’s that’s the Crux that’s the Crux

Of this distance problem at St Andrews they have to go onto the other Golf Course over the stone wall to add some teas in to make it relatively competitive and so on and so forth you know but I don’t see them going back to the to the regulations old preswick

Which is a phenomenally fun Golf Course to play held the British Open for the first 30 some odd years it was outgrown right and I don’t hear people bitching about not being able to go back to Old preswick eventually golf courses become obsolete they’ve become obsolete it’s

Fine but I mean we got one golf course on the PGA tour there every year they have fits with and it’s 6800 yards when it started off was Hilton Head more golf courses were played on the PGA tour last year under 7,000 yards MH than over 7200 yards MH

So that we don’t need to build bigger golf courses that that’s a straw man argument in my opinion right and and when you start looking at this this is just a this is just a they’re hiding hiding a problem of of of trying trying to take an infinite percentage point of the

Golfing populace and using that as the standard for the ball going too far and as far as I know the new standards 125 miles hour of Club head speed 2,200 RPMs of backspin a launch angle uh of 12 11° okay and a driver of 10° Loft

Not 9° right okay so all of these changes that that that’s the new standard to the best of my knowledge there’s no one on tour with those launch conditions okay so they’re using they’re using a standard that isn’t even in existence right now on tour

MH so I mean it’s it’s it’s crazy I mean I I have I have never had less confidence in the leaders of the golf world in my existence in golf never there they’re they’re corporate people they’re business people they they’re they’re there to make money for their organization they are not golfers they

Don’t have the history of golf they don’t have a sense of of they don’t have a sense of the feel of the game of golf and why people really play in my opinion right okay I I just don’t buy it it’s I mean and then add in the most visible player on

Tour with distance gains in the last three or four years uh hold it um um uh Matthew Fitzpatrick Bingo mat oh got it right so in he was 2879 mhm in 201819 when he started with the stack system yep sasio McKenzie’s and Marty Jon’s yep uh speed system for gaining

Speed right he is now up to 34.1 average for the year he’s gained that his clubs have basically stayed the same the golf ball stayed the same so there is there is a player aspect of this that’s going to continue to grow right they’re getting faster and faster

And F they’re not going to get slower these guys so we have a problem I think it’s bifurcation I would do that and go okay guys stop stop the guys that are that are doing doing the damage and let everybody else have some fun I’m one of

Those other guys I want to have fun I want to hit it out reading the USGA statement buried deep in the thing like most people do they they said they they’ve got two other issues that they’re looking at one is called driver creep which is you know if you if you

Use your driver enough times the face becomes a little bit more flexible and it exceeds the limit so look they’re looking at that ways to measure that they’re also looking at ways to measure off-center hits and how straight the ball goes or doesn’t go whatever the

Case may be where they may they may come after your driver which I think that’s going to happen that’s a given they’re going to come after the driver next and then they’ll go for the three-wood and then they’re going to keep biting off and biting off because they’re going to

Realize that the changes they made aren’t working I guarantee you tour players will figure out a way to hit this new golf ball farther between now and 2028 so that when they get out there it’s going to hit the same distance but the average golfer is not

Going to be able to do that yeah not gonna want to how about this one to get rid of all the stuff and everything else make this real easy just make the current golf ball lighter oh they did that make it lighter no they did who they they they did that

The USGA did that back around 19 31 thereabouts okay and it ended up being called the floater when they were having the debate over the 1.62 and 1.68 ball the US wanted 1.68 and they wanted it to weigh 1.55 o okay right okay the ball would actually float yeah right

Yeah but they got out there and they played and they realized it wouldn’t even bounce straight it would go up and do there you go there you go let’s find out who’s really good that’s not fun okay make it heavier all right we weat I don’t think we accomplish anything we’ve

Beat this horse enough we could go on for hours and hours really you know today’s seven iron is yesterday’s five iron uh blah blah blah but you know what enough with the golf ball the confusion and Chaos behind the ball roll back is going to be a while before

It gets sorted out hopefully I don’t need to be any shorter and I know you don’t either so we’ll see what happens with the golf ball stay tuned because coming up Peter is going to give us a great tip that’s going to make you a better ball Striker we’ll be right back

With more Costas and mord Off Their Rockers Bono’s Pit Barbecue an authentic Southern Pit Barbecue experience you won’t forget at Bonos you’ll find a genuine down home Pit Barbecue experience our entire menu is smoked and prepared in-house from a mouthwatering Smoked Meats to our delicious sides made

From scratch and our smoker is always smoking and everything’s to order no shortcuts with 20 locations across the country from Sunshine State of Florida to the Rocky Mountains where I live Bono’s culture is unmistakable at each of our restaurants we offer incredible opportunities for franchises find out more visit our website Bonos

Slf franchise and remember if you don’t have a pit it ain’t legit imagine a putter that will actually transform your game introducing lab Golf Putters the revealer shows how the lab keeps the putter face Square through impact unlike any other putter lab is the hottest putter in professional golf with multiple Global

Victories in 2023 including the PGA Tour lab breaks the mold with better science so you can stop struggling with your putting elevate your game simplify your putting and un torque yourself visit labg mord Off Their Rockers now it’s time for Coach Costas Peter gives us some great tips to help our

Games ultimately everything you do in your golf swing manifests itself at impact if you get to impact correctly for the shots you’re trying to hit what you did doesn’t make any difference it was okay had to be because you got to impact correctly but a lot of people don’t know

What it feels like to be an impact correctly they they try to to hang back on their right side scoop and lift and get under the ball they don’t really know what it’s like to get good pressure in the left leg trap down on the golf

Ball and rotate through so we have a drill called Left Foot Right toe which is simply designed to give you the sensation of what the left side of the body should feel like at impact I will set up correctly and I’ll pick up this right

Toe and just put it up here on my toe so all my weight is over here from this point I’m just going to Simply learn to post around my left leg strike down rotate around my left leg that’ll give me the sensation of the pressure in my left leg left hip left foot

It you’ll feel the pressure in your left leg you’ll feel a little bit of shaft Ling because of your setup position and you’ll most definitely feel hitting the golf ball and taking a divot so you’re going to learn to strike down to spin the ball up in the air Left Foot Right toe

Easy beautiful I got a great sensation of what it’s like to be on my left side hands forward Club head striking down once you get that Sensation from the drill you try to make your golf swing but recreate that same sensation just prior to impact and going through impact

So it’s here boom back on my left side striking down Left Foot Right toe to get rid of the Scoops to help you learn what it’s like to post up on your left leg hope you enjoyed Today’s Show thanks so much for watching thanks to our great

Sponsor swing you and the swing you app foresight Sports and their launch monitors and incredible simulators thanks to Bono’s Barbecue amazing barbecue and barbecue sauces and of course lab Golf and their tour winning lab Putters remember to like subscribe share and click that notific if ation Bell so you don’t miss an upcoming

Episode we’ve got a lot more and bringing you a lot in 2024 including some great guests so for Peter for Gary I’m Mike Abram we’ll look forward to seeing you soon again on another costus and mord Off Their Rockers


  1. The average golfer doesn’t play with the same equipment as a pro. We don’t have money for custom fitted equipment and new wedges every month and lessons from elite teaching pros and not to mention perfect fairways, greens, and bunkers.

  2. Also, if they are worried about pros attacking par just change par for tour players. A par 72 becomes a par 70-68. No par fives just holes 550 yards or shorter.

  3. 180cc v 450cc so now can swing 100% at the ball… the old days an off center hit with a wooden driver was a disaster

  4. ST Andrews is already done….the last Open C;ship there had to use ridiculous pin positions so the winning score wasn't 30 under.

  5. U 2 need 2 take charge of the golfing world! Y all have made more sense in 30 minutes than everyone else has the past month or so!

  6. This is about the powers-that-be in golf wanting to protect their hoity-toity "name" courses, that are threatened with being made obsolete for major championships, only because these same people keep insisting that winning of scores of majors should be closer to par than 15 under.

  7. The tour events don't grow the rough high enough, when ever there is high rough the top players disappear. If there's no premium for hitting fairways they are going to blow it all over the place and have wedges into everything

  8. DOD Driver off the Deck. Eliminate the golf tee on tour. LIV should refuse ball roll back and encourage more distance on modern courses that would love the exposure.

  9. The golf ball is like everything else. If there is a market they will be produced illegal or not. Most amateurs will just start buying illegal balls which will be plentiful.

  10. I have a friend who bought the LAB putter and it shaved many shots off his score, unfortunately for me, if you are struggling get a LAB putter

  11. Golf is a game against par, if the best shoot way under:par who cares, no bifurcation no ball roll back, it's just par and the best will still win. It's a ridiculous argument. 100 yard sprinters are always getting faster

  12. When watching Augusta, I prefer seeing the 2nd shot at hole 2 on Sunday…eagle waiting to happen after 2 or 3 great shots.

    Watch accordingly.

  13. The problem with bifurcation was that the manufacturers wailed like banshees when it was proposed – by the "crusty" USGA and R&A. That level of complaint has been followed by lawsuits in the past, which has cost the sanctioning bodies a LOT of money. The specs in the rollback do seem like they are trying to handicap the higher speed swingers a good bit more. But if you could hit on a workable bifurcation rule, that would be the better solution.

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