Premium Golf Ball Comparison. Kirkland v 3, Srixon Diamond, ProV1 and Bridgestone BXS

Can a ball that costs a third of the price of the Pro V1 really compete on results?

Welcome once again down to Golf Tech today I’ve got a golf ball comparison video for you I’ve got three premium golf balls in the stricks and Diamond the prov1 and the bridgstone bxs and I’m going to compare it against the kland signature this is the new version the V3

I’m not going to go into too many details about this ball particularly because if it turns out well against the other golf balls I’m going to do a separate review on that the only thing I would say is that this ball is only £650 a dozen as opposed to £ 48 for the

Titless pro one so let’s get into it let’s see how they compare if you’ve seen a previous review that I’ve done you’d know that I normally compare in five categories and the one that I would add on to the end would be feel but feel is very subjective some people like a

Soft ball some people like a hard ball so I’m going to leave that one alone and we’re just going to look at Cost distance Spin and durability well we can do the first one the cost we know that the provie ones are about £46 a dozen

Diamonds are about £35 a dozen if you shop around same as the bxs and the Kirkland are only 16 15 a dozen so what I’m going to do is I’m I’m going to rank them in terms of where they are the score or the ball with the lowest score

At the end will be the winner first of all then I’m going to do a spin comparison I’m going to hit two shots one from 50 yards and one with a full wedge we’re going to add those numbers up we’re going to take five shots with

Each and then we’re going to see which one spins the most at this point the golf balls don’t spin too much so the one with the heest Wins spin section of the experiment complete some surprising results but now we’re going to move on to the driver and we’ll do five shots with each ball again come up with an average just a note on the driver I’ve only counted anything that would have hit the

Fairway So within 20 yards left or right and I’ve also taken total distance as the uh barometer because that is a blend of ball speed launch angle and also run out that I’m going to get the spin of the ball so that’s going to be a better

Test in terms of how far the ball goes okay test complete then and it comes down to dur um as you might expect in the studio there’s not an awful lot of wear there’s one little tiny scuff on the prov1 from a wedge shot that hit in fact a little

Bit of the cover came off into the grooves I’ve got fairly new wedges and so that would be the only Mark maybe a better test would be outside hitting bunker shots bouncing it off paths hitting trees and stuff like that but there’s literally nothing between them quick note on field the bridgstone feels

The softest the Kirland probably feels the hardest but there’s not an awful lot of in it and some of that is sound anyway so let’s have a look at the results regarding Spin and distance overall results time then and if you’re interested I’ll put a better version of

This chart at the end of the video so you can pause it not have a look at the actual numbers uh spin test the uh Diamond came out on top with a spin of just shy of 8,800 revs uh there was only 200 revs between that the bxs and the

Kirkland and that’s over an average of 10 shots as well the lowest spinning ball was the Prov V1 it’ be interesting to see if the Prov V1 X performed any difference that might be something we do at a certain time distance-wise the prov1 was the longest but only by four

Yards over the shortest which was the diamond and the bxs at 284 and the Kirkland sat in the middle at 285 overall rank then would put the tight list in last place but that’s locked down to the fact that it is so much more expensive 46 to 48 a dozen as opposed to

£650 for the Kirkland and then the uh diamond and the Kirkland produced the best results but again part of that is down to the fact that it is a lower priced Ball but in terms of how the ball actually performed very little in it couple of downsides to the

Kirkland for me is that you’ve got to buy them in bulk which doesn’t really matter in the studio because I get through balls like crazy so I’m going to buy a load of those in CU I think they’re going to perform really well and I think that anybody who comes to use

The studio will be equally impressed by them and also at the moment you can only get them in yellow which for me I don’t really like that but I’m willing to overlook that at this point because they are so much more more cost effective finally keep an eye out for the full

Review of the Kirkland golf ball that’ll be coming up in the next few days thanks for watching


  1. You have some kind of audio issue going on with your sound and microphone configuration. Sounds like you’re speaking from the bottom of a deep water well.

  2. Interesting results. Here in the US, the white version came out before the yellow and have been out for roughly two years I believe. My experience with them is different than yours. Especially with irons. With my irons, the Kirkland were about 1/2 to 3/4 of a club shorter than the premium balls in the summertime. Now in the cold and mud of the Oregon winter, the disparity is a little greater. I continue to use the yellow Kirkland because they are so much less expensive than premium balls, and balls are easily lost in the mud this time of year.

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