Golf Players

Episode 100 – The Century!

Wind Against Tide reaches 100 podcasts. Dave and Joey are in the studio to celebrate.

Yeah Wellow that just went up a notch Joey welcome to 100 episodes of wind against tide everyone great to be here on a Thursday night 21st of December just before Christmas everyone’s happy got one more day of work some of you lucky buggers have already knocked off but

Joey 100 episodes how does it feel to reach this Milestone my friend Dave I can’t believe we’re here definitely didn’t think I’d be around for 100 episodes but I tried to get rid of you but you just kept on coming back yeah but how good is it uh we’re heading into

Christmas weekend it’s just clicked over 8:00 pm on the Australian Eastern Seaboard and I’m pumped to have a Christmas special sl100 episodes of wind against s it’s going to be an awesome celebration um we’ve got a lot of uh friends joining us tonight I’ve got a little secret for you Joey we’re

Actually on about 104 see I I I didn’t want to I felt like I feel cheated I felt like the boat show ones were cheating so I didn’t number them so we we did kind of tick over that a little while ago but I wanted it I wanted us to

Earn it Joe I wanted to be special and because it’s just before Christmas couldn’t be any better timing for us so um it’s been a massive Journey for wi against tide and I guess we want to kick off the show by just saying thanks to

Each and every one of you who tune in and listen whether you’re here right now live listening or whether you listen back back in your car or on YouTube um the reason that me and Joe kept going with this is because you guys love it uh

Obviously we do not make a single scent out of it that is for sure we we owe money we are quite in the red but you know makes a bunch of you bunch of you guys happy and um that’s what’s really that’s what’s really important isn’t it

Joe it sure is we love doing it uh we love the smiles it puts on people’s faces and uh yeah we just love that you and enjoy it so we’re going to keep going for another year at least we we’re resigning our contract for another year Dave yeah I’ve gained your SP your

Signature Joey so you’re locked in um there’s no exit Clauses in there of who’s your real estate um your real estate um contract Rider Joey oh yeah there’s um there’s lots of good uh property conveyances uh maybe we need to get them to look at my talent contract

Yeah get that checked over I got one of them so yeah I and clad baby you’re not going anywhere um yeah so it’s been a week since we last were on air Joey what have you been up to my friend mate I’m going to just rip right into what I’ve

Got up on the list guys and girls if you are interested in fishing boating camping diving putting hundreds and hundreds of liters in your car boat motorbike whatever you better get on to the petrol station because there’s a public service announcement by the way petrol is about to race on up in price

Um I did a bit of a petrol watch just before we went on live on tonight’s uh show and believe it or not Dave there are places in the metropolitan Melbourne um East Middle and West and Southeast where you can fill up this is uh unlet 91 you can fill up for about

A168 per lader $168 when was the last time you saw petrol do 68 Dave oh back in 19 72 I think it was that’s right but even even tonight as I’ve gone on to my petrol app that the prices started to race on up it’s it’s got up to $215 a l

Liter in some places but just a little criminal yeah just a little snapshot at United in carum uh carum Beach $169 per lader uh you’ve got a $1.99 at BP at safety Beach um then over in the West for $1.71 uh United Levon has got cheap petrol and if you’re heading out towards

That Eastern corridor from Metro Melbourne you can pick up $1.72 per liter in cranber at United so that’s my little wow budget petrol watch there publ announcement fill up your cars and boats and stuff now because the price has already started going up it’s already it’s already started going up

Just end the podcast mate because that is some quality podcast material right there everyone get out and get yourself some very large fuel container and stock up CU they you’ve heard it from Joey a live petrol update didn’t think you get that one did you now uh fishing fishing

Fishing fishing Joey You’ been fishing in the past week day I have yes uh Sunday after because how’s the weather been we’re going to touch on that later actually uh the only decent weather window we had was Sunday afternoon um and yeah good friend surage and old mate

Ray Kennedy who I haven’t been fishing with in some time was great to catch up with him we just went out for a a nice evening on westernport which been we’ve been doing a bit lately Joe we really just go out there to have some delicious

Food and talk and and we wear a line at the same time but um yeah westernport interesting fishery at the moment in a bit of a transitional phase I feel Joe water temp nearly 20 degrees dip your hands in the water there at night and it

Feels like a bit of a a bubble bath it’s quite uh quite nice I love fishing with SJ is one of the most happiest men on the planet that you’ve ever met you know the book the happiest man on Earth I’m almost sure it was written after

Surj and uh yeah he’s uh he’s like the Del Lama he’s very spiritual he’s very he’s very insightful and wise he was like Santa Claus the other night he came bearing gifts in fact we’ve got it he sent a gift in with me to give to you um

Which you’re gonna you you can’t wait to open after the podcast and give us a bit of a live reaction yeah can’t wait very exciting so yeah we we got out H Target species was a bit of a mixed bag actually uh we worked along the shoreline of Philip Island Joe um cows

And ventor and uh picked up a beautiful sized squid we just needed one squid we caught that and then we headed off and we end up sitting off uh real and we it was slow we got uh we end up with two or three Snapper and excuse me and a couple

Of um nice eating gummy sharks actually Joe yeah um how how big were the Snapper oh they weren’t Big Mate uh topped out at about 3 and a half kilos so small size um but like I said um this time of year uh you definitely still get some

Good fish but you you do see more of the pinkies and smaller models becoming quite ravenous and potentially the big ones are starting to spawn so did you see many boats out on Sunday evening being so close to Christmas sometimes it can be a fantastic time to actually uh

Get out on the water and actually have a bit of space in peace and quiet yeah it was actually quiet Joe um and once again the weather forecast completely wrong it was supposed to be a glass out and it just never stopped blowing but you just

Come to expect that now and you just put up with it but um a nice evening out on westernport with the lads good to get out good for the soul Joey and uh we had a good time that’s awesome and um you know coming on to I know you and I have

Got the uh the week off next week between uh Christmas and New Year um what do you reckon we should go fishing we’ve got we got a 6m Eden craft there we’ve got some time off we can do anything we like what what do you reckon

We do Dave Joey I’ve got Adventure in miart mi hearty I think busy period everyone’s got time off the bays are going to be absolute bedum local offshore is going to be absolute bedum and I think it’s this time of year where it’s a good time well we’ve got the time

Hopefully the weather’s going to behave we’re going to touch on that a little bit later uh to go and explore some untouched areas and you know get away from the boats perhaps find some exciting new Fisheries so I think we put some on the road and the boat and maybe

See if we can find some new zones to have a look at Joey I am specifically thinking uh Kingfish with this warm water pushing through um we know there’s blue fin around we’re going to touch on that as well a bit later but there’s good numbers of blueing around we’ll try

And resist them for a little bit though Joe um and the other king Jo I’m actually looking forward to getting into the other king oh the whing the king g whing i you know delicious eating good fun for the family so we might duck out

And do a little bit of that as well I tell you what after the last little Whiting hle that I had I just can’t wait to sink my teeth into another crispy air battered Whiting fish taco with some like little coore and squeeze a lime on a soft tortilla beautiful what about

Your token Year’s Day uh Snapp was that when it was Snapper trip Joe you going to be doing that one out off Mount Martha um Uncle Tone’s got plans on boxing day soone yeah look we got we’ve actually got some really good weather on boxing

Day so yeah I might have to work out something to get out and wet a line according for this run sheet you’ll be at Boxing Day sales and all the test Cricket on boxing day that’s other things that happen on boxing day you’re trying to throw people off so they don’t

Go to your fishing spots I love a good Boxing Day Sale and I’ll give you another public service announcement if you need a new TV I reckon one of the best times of the year to buy a television is on boxing day go and get a

Boxing Day Sale go and get a new 4K TV they’re freaking cheap noted noted now circling back to the sorry remotely fishing again we’re fishing remotely um you know Joey we’ve we’ve had some bloody big celebrities on the show over the journey um as I’ve

Just gone off a bit earli as usual um we’ve had some big celebrities on the show over journey and um a few of them have reached out throughout the week um and by reached out I mean I demanded they send us a video and oh we’re about

To watch a video trailer video we’ve got a montage Joe now uh sit back and relax everyone because um uh get your tissues this may bring up some feelings I wanted to put uh Green Day time of your life as the backing soundtrack to This like uh

Every graduation or um montages has had in the past Joe you know that song yeah I do um but apparently it was going to demonetize us so uh sit back and have a look we’ve um had some of our legendary guests sending some cool videos and uh

We’re just going to check that out now Joe all right hey guys I’m Lee Rainer big congratulations to the Boys At wind against tide their hundredth show coming up and let’s just say as fisherman they are very very good podcast hosts good day guys starlo here one 100 episodes of

Wind against tide how good is that an unbeaten Century here’s to the next 100 tight line King Kong Donkey Kong congratulations to your 100 episodes guys it’s been fantastic listening to you and also adventuring with you you keep it real it’s fun it’s adventurous and you’re bringing all that

To us in the fishing industry and Beyond so we appre appreciate you and we love you Captain Dev keep it cool until next time I’m looking forward to more Adventures from you good day wind against tide crew Dave from Mercury here thanks for all your support this year hope you guys have a

Great Chrissy uh M got to get you on that V10 early next year and get out for a fish all the best guys thanks so much team I really signing on just want to say massive congratulations to the guys win against TI 100 episodes amazing eff

Hope to just I may pause for one sec not sure why loio really is not wearing a shirt here but um you know more power to him maybe he on only fans carry on maybe I did dare him not to wear a shirt few more hundred keep taking along

Keep up the great work absolutely killing it um and yeah Bring it on Bring on another summer great fishing and great episodes Chez oh really baby evening guys fantastic news you’ve reached your uh 100th episode what an effort by Dave Joey and the whole wind against tied crew can’t wait for the

Next 100 boys go get them that’s a King Kong Donkey Kong and a big Yar from Hunty wi against tide 100 episodes who would have ever have thought maybe 10 episodes but to crack a 100 guys well done well done to Joey and Dave the whole thing’s been awesome glad to been

A part of a couple episodes guys congratulations from Fergie keep it up and I’ll see you all again soon hello wind against tide crew Luke mccredden here uh congratulations on 100 episodes what a great achievement uh it’s a massive effort you guys have worked super hard and uh it’s good to

See so certainly very proud to be a part of a couple of those episodes and uh some highlights for me include when the Deep drop and win against tide did a live show together which I think uh was a was a real highlight for me we had a

Lot of fun and I dare say there’ll be more in the future uh keep going keep at it have fun enjoy the 100th episode and here’s do 100 more have a great Christmas see you in the new year Dave Joey 100 episodes on win against hide on

The podcast thanks for having us on and hope to be on again soon talking more Kingfish well done great viewing and listening H catch up soon boys one hey Bergie here happy 100th episode guys well done hey guys Dave and Joey congratulations on the 100th episode of wind against

Tide I think I’ve been on three or four episodes three I think and I made a guest appearance when I broke into the studio unexpected because you guys are giving me like you always do and um yeah but by far um I’ve been the most entertaining guest that you’ve ever had

Um so yeah it’s been good in all honest y well done congratulations huge effort and uh look forward to seeing many more episodes and um yeah hopefully maybe been on a couple more it’s always always a good laugh good fun yeah love what you guys are doing and um even Joey he every

Now and then he does a little cheeky salsa dance or something we all just shake our heads at but we love it so well done boys congratulations and have a Ripp a night cheers peace 100 episodes of wind against tide so I’ve there from the very beginning

Episode one where we bumbled along and basically had a conversation um chatting to each other and right through to number 100 where it’s basically going to be the most polished perfected podcast episode you can imagine um spent most of my time listening to this podcast right

Here right where we are now and I’m about two and a half hours from my destination so um I’m just about to get ready and kick back and uh do what I usually Do Right hey guys congratulations on 100 episodes of live stream it’s a good achievement hopefully there’s many more to come and thanks for keeping everyone entertained tight lines congratulation Captain Dave and Joy on your 100 EP uh podcast at episode I’m really proud of you both and been a long journey but it

Feels short uh there are few things I like to say there’s a reason why I say King Kong Donkey Kong our captain is the best now that best has three qualities first Captain da is a good man he’s a straightforward guy and simple you know you get what you

See second captain DAV is dedicated and not all fishermen are dedicated in the sense we went for Marlin we CAU Marin for couple of days I said let’s catch kingish and that point of time you said no Sur we’ve come for Marin we sticking with Marin and that is dedication third thing is

Passion again we were fishing for Marin we were in the deep water water uh SE started becoming a bit choppy there was only one boat that was standing and that was us that is passion and joy what I say m keep struming keep talking life is short and wish you both win

Against best of luck a good uh Journey I’ll say and have fun guys guys bye ohy you’re not crying I’m crying wait I’m not crying you’re crying and uh does that bring some emotions up for you my friend ah it’s you know we did say we

Did this because a lot of people love it and like there it is right yeah some fantastic guests here and brought back a lot of memories as well um and special mentions for to Jonah Yik for his fantastic acting in that video uh absolutely smooth natural didn’t look

Staged at all really enjoyed it uh I’m going Jason Taylor special mention for your tuna death wall behind you um Barrel Tails can’t wait to pin a few kingies up there with you Jo uh Steve stlo Starling uh for taking time out of his schedule to say good day

And all the guys that contributed there absolutely fantastic and we’ve love chatting to you and can’t wait to have you all on down the track Joey we we’ve got a quite a good talent roster we we do um another thing Luke mccon mentioned there the live show we had that this

Year Joe we you know we went all out we did a live show at Pokerface there in baric uh and that was a fantastic event we met heaps of people and we had a good time so hopefully we’ll look at doing something like that again next year Joey

And uh onwards and upwards in 2024 yeah love it so weather update my friend weather update we touched on it a little bit yes AB absolutely I spr that on you too early no no that’s quite all right not a problem we’ll just get that up on the

Screen so yeah if you’re thinking about what’s the next weather situation for the next 5 days we’re going to give you an update on uh the Melbourne metropolitan area courtesy of auu and oh my gosh ho ho ho it is windy as on Christmas day stay home with your

Families and drink eggnog my friends because that is trash yeah hit the boxing day sales buy a TV and go stock up stock up on petrol that’s it uh you’re looking at about 35 knots from the South Southwest on Christmas day uh over the weekend though um look

We’ll just wind the clock back like we are what are we today Thursday the 21st Friday the 22nd uh looking at 20 knots e southeasterly consistently all day um also sat over to Saturday 19 knots pretty consistently uh East southeasterly also on Sunday the 24th Christmas Eve if you’re thinking about

Having a quick fish in the morning before any plans on Christmas Eve the morning looks like it’s dropping off to a Melbourne average of about uh 10 to 15 nights e southeasterly and then when you get to about 2:00 p.m. it starts to race on up and the wind just accelerates from

About 2: p.m. on Christmas Eve all the way through to Christmas day where it Peaks at about 35 knots uh over from the south de West so that concerns me because I’m erecting a very large trampoline on Christmas Eve Joe really and they’re notorious for taking off in

Winds aren’t they well erect your trampoline in the morning on Christmas Eve and you should be right no can do my friend got to pretend that it wasn’t there when uh my son goes to sleep so it’ll be a nighttime thing just as that wind races up and you may see me flying

Through the air hanging off that trampoline unfortunately and over to boxing day on the 26th it was a good weather situation when I checked earlier this morning but um we still got a bit of a hangover a lot of people going to have a hangover from drinking and eating

Too much from Christmas but that’s all right if you want to go fishing on boxing day it’s still going to be rather windy up and until about about 5:00 maybe that that wind might start dropping from 35 knots down to about 20 knots um and then look from

Then we got Wednesday the 27th looking like also about 20 knots West southwesterly so it’s looking quite average for boating Dave that’s not what we were hoping for at all is it Joe but what do you suggest of some other fishing options if you can’t get out

That brings to m in Joe Bay estries or even you know there’s some protected uh there’s some protected offshore zones in those winds so I guess you just got to fish Smart Pick A somewhere in the Lee of the wind unless you just want to go

Out and get bashed to death by the ocean and enjoy some uh some beautiful Christmas fishing I mean Whiting and bread and butter species like that more than accessible in those winds I was about to say we should go Whiting fishing if it’s going to be howling its

Guts out yep only thing about whing is like that wind just blows around on the anchor and you can move off the school lot I found in the past so usually if it’s like really windy like that it’ll fish a little bit deeper so the current will hold you a bit

Straighter yeah even with oh yeah even with the tide well that’s what I’m saying if if you’re fishing those super shallow areas for whing in those that wind it’s you’re going to Y around on your anchor um which can be a pain and you can swing off the fish whereas if

You go anchor and say you know six seven is where the current’s going to beat the wind you’ll still hold straight and you’ll be able to kick the fish at the back of the boat that is a fantastic whing fishing tip for anyone that’s

Listening it is um so yeah a bit of that and maybe we might go explore some Inland zones and uh just generally have a good time I think Joe we’ll do something we will looking forward to it now uh we have just before we went to air tonight put up a fishing

Video it’s been a little while [Applause] yeah there you go when I was down in t ma sure I caught up with good friend Jonie Yik and um I’ve got I had the footage from his giant swordfish which was uh 289 kilo Joe um and I did did a bit of an interview style uh film shoot

There with him while we were fishing and pieced it all together and there you go went live at 5:00 tonight so so if you haven’t already seen that after we’ve finished tonight’s podcast jump on and have a look we’d appreciate it and give it a share and a like and um comment it

All helps the algorithm it’s uh yeah really impressive it was um it was from earlier this year is it 289 kilo swordfish from his 18 foot uh Cuda craft gunshot so you’ve got raw an exclusive interview with uh Jonah y um and we’ve been able to splice that in into the

Footage of of him bringing in that Behemoth of a fish yeah it’s actually it’s pretty exciting it was quite fun to edit and and how they got it in the boat they almost lost that fish 289 kilo sword fish they they filmed filmed it beautifully with catching the bite and

Getting tight they almost lost it then they had to get the damn thing in the boat um so really really awesome watch um check us check it out on YouTube um goes for about 20 minutes uh epic video yeah watch it or else I mean enjoy it enjoy it

Guys Hey Joe um you know how all day our good mate Shane and I have been um talking about making gravy and it’s gravy day and being a song a songman you would have picked that up really quickly but you had no idea what we were talking

About no I didn’t someone the boy said to me in the group chat this morning today his gravy day and I said well it’s Thursday like but I understand Thursday um as Golden Eagle day because the most common payday in Australia is Thursday so I’ve always referred to Thursday as

Golden Eagle day when you said today’s making gravy I thought you guys were basically speaking Chinese I’m going to read the lyrics Here Joe and see how long it takes you to get it I hope that you actually get this here we go hello Dan it’s Joe here hope you’re keeping

Well it’s the 21st of December and they’re ringing the last Bells if I get good Behavior I’ll be out of here by July won’t you kiss my kids on Christmas day please don’t let them cry for me B it’s it’s it’s an Australian artist yeah I think you might have actually

You’re starting to get it do I go on a I don’t I was gonna is it Tucker’s daughter who I don’t know what is it Paul Kelly yes yes well on applause applause I don’t know what the what’s the song it just sounds a bit bit like

Him how to make gravy okay it’s a classic Australian Christmas song Joe so there you go that’s why all day we were typing lyrics that and you had no idea what Tucker’s daughter J Jimmy bars ain’t no second prize by the way Jimmy Jimmy bares has been returned home and

Well he had an infection in his heart and looks like barnesy is still with us and he’s been returned returned home he’s had heart surgery before hasn’t he yeah probably probably I wonder if Jimmy Barnes actually ever released a Christmas album can you imagine Jimmy Barn’s Christmas

Cows that’d be beautiful be almost as good as my singing what’s your um what just a quick one what’s your favorite Christmas songs Joe ah um doesn’t have to be top five it’s uh like uh um Hall and Oats uh Rocking Around uh Jingle Bell Rock old school yeah that’s a great

Remake of the 50s um it’s hard to get go past Mariah like she is the best yeah she is the best she’s the best you doing any Christmas gigs in the next couple of weeks uh yes on Saturday evening I’m playing out with super band we’re doing

The Elton John and Billy Joel show out and an outdoor Festival in a place called ebury never heard of it ebury it’s past Melton and um we’re playing Elton John and Billy Jos songs um into the evening so yeah that is Saturday night get out there people if you want

To see Joe live slapping the Bas he makes a damn good Bas player actually he’s extremely talented Comes Alive behind the uh behind the base hey uh if you want to Chuck my screen up here Joe I’ve got a little um a little Kish report you’ve got some kind of H fish

Tracking map up on your screen yeah yeah yeah I do so a little po post that uh caught my attention from New South Bales DPI fisheries and it kind of um shows us why tagging these species can be important so new Kingfish speed record set following on from our previous

Interstate recapture the gang fishing tagging program recently received another from Interstate however this one was of the most impressive recapture results the program has ever seen this King kingy originally caught and tagged uh 5th of October 2023 in coffin Bay by Ethan Parsons has been recaptured less

Than a month later fish was recaptured on the 31st of October so only a month apart Joe by commercial vessel fishing off JB New South Wales that’s a bloody Long Way Joe as you can see on the map there uh the Hefty 126 CM fish so that’s

A big one traveled 980 nautical miles or 1,819 km in the space of only 26 days which averages is out to be 37 naal miles or 70 km per day just let that sink in for a moment that’s that’s a lot just I got a question without sorry to interrupt but

Don’t you dare interrupt is that tracking like sending sending a signal back to base all through that time like are they actually swimming um you know from Adelaide going over the continental shelf and right in that deep water or is it when it comes into rain

That they get a track on it um good question uh so as far as I know it’s a SAT tag which I believe they only get the I think it does ping when they’re like close enough to the surface but they get the bulk of the information if

They can recover the SAT tag it’ll tell them um like temperature graphs and stuff and what depth the fish um fish was at and it’s an exact track right um which you know I may be talking crap here but I think that’s basically the gist of it no it’s just it’s it’s just

Interesting um yeah because like we’re looking at this map here and this migration pattern of the kingfish it’s like they completely avoid Victoria imagine that for a good um selling out of the industry idea Joe you bought a bunch of sat tags sat tag some kingfish

In like barrels and that and you just sold the SAT tag cordinates to people so they could go out and just like catch them yeah that would be that would be that be that’s a good fishing subscription uh business venture I mean it like $5,000 a pop for the SAT tags or

Whatever you’d want to sell a few subscriptions but you could call it sat tag God yeah it’s very good idea so uh you if you see that map I don’t know if that’s actually legitimately exactly where it’s from but it appears to have gone out over the

Shelf which um you know if it has done so that kind of makes a little bit of sense that it’s kind of ridden the currents and that’s how it’s moved so far so quickly so um incredible and uh I think we’ve mentioned before like it

Could be a little bit of a concern that um that uh we are saying we see so many Kingfish recaptures because it means the biomass is not very large so you know we’re interacting with the same fish again and again so very you know you get

A lot of you get a lot of information from um from these from these programs so I just realized Joe it’s not sat because we just read a thing saying that was tagged by Anglers so it’s just a normal tag oh wow yeah okay so there you

Go so they’ve just gone point B one of the other um up on the map there one of the other interesting landmarks that these fish go past you’ve got the two islands um what’s that King Island and that’s King Kong Donkey Kong Island and that’s flinder island flinder’s island

Yeah don’t tell R about the secret spots okay King fisherman are very Shifty aren’t they probably the most Shifty of all the fishermen look they’re hard in Melbourne I reckon they can be you you just got to put the time in I think like anything uh yeah so really interesting thing there

Joey uh coming into summer we’re about to see boat ramp Madness so Public Public Service announ Announcement uh it run be kind to each other at the boat ramps we uh see some funny stuff this time year a lot of inexperienced people and people that maybe get out only once

Or twice a year um so go say good day lend them a hand and don’t sling abuse at them yeah that’s good I like that that just help each other out that’s right uh do we want to have a look at some fishing reports Joey oh yeah let’s do it we love this

Segment welcome to the hookup where we go around Australia and indeed the world for the freshest fishing reports all righty Joey it’s uh the weather has been up and down so they’re a little bit limited but one thing you commented on to me earlier was that’s

Simon raldi bit of a gun isn’t he yeah there’s a beautiful bag of very fat lighting is accumulated there Joe they’re they’re Whoppers so thought we’ give a shout out to Simon an OG Charter operator still got it definely yeah we’re seeing a fair bit of that at the

Moment Joe big Widing coming into Western Port like look at those Whiting they just look like a freaking baby’s fist mate like right okay yep no worries um I don’t know if they like in massively bigger numbers at the moment or whether it’s because it’s about now everyone

Switches from Snapper to whiting it’s just the done thing it is so you always see way more Whiting captures about now but um plenty of guys seeing good reports of whing fishing usual areas middle spit T us head Bank Chris C c fishing charters he got some fantastic

King George whing as uh as late as this afternoon he’s been hosing him Chris has um as usual so yeah get stuck in the whing everyone and uh and then go and get yourself some nice King George whing fish taros uh Lakes entrance Snapper Joey I

Don’t have a photo but we did see fire out charers this week crack a bunch of really nice fish so that’s starting to fire up oh yeah there it’s about that time of the year where the um big uh will the Snapper start coming on down

That Eastern um part and we have young Nicholas Gillum here fishing he got a sha there actually look at that bruise Jesus the Snapper won the fight there niik uh Nicholas Gilham with a 19 pound big red fishing port welshpool with Dad Rodney I’m giving that one King Kong

Donkey Kong cat oh here he goes King Kong Donkey Kong mat look doesn’t get old that so those those areas lakes and Welsh tend to fire up a little bit after Western Port and Port Philip so you’ll see good fishing there throughout the summer period how’s the

Color of the water down that part of the world in this time of year as well yeah it goes like not electric blue um what’s the word I’m looking for how would you describe it Dave um clean but yeah like a clean blue I did maybe pump the the uh

Saturation up on that to make the Snapple look a bit redder okay it’s a bit Aqua actually that watercolor yeah look we I remember look last year we were fishing with Simon Webster over the break um out of lakes entrance for Snapper and I had the the UV polarizing

Filter um on the camera and the water was just like looked like that we were up in Queensland somewhere it was like clean and uh very blue here’s some fun fishing uh Snapper reports here Joey good M Kev baher fishing with John K Hill in Port Philip chucking Plastics

Which I’ve been telling you we need to do all season um they caught a bunch of really nice fish um such a fun way to fish K says I’ve got no idea where I was because I don’t know Port Philip um but they were in like 18 met

Plus and they caught a bunch of good fish Joe and he said he got smoked by an absolute Giant and bitten off so uh that’s only as of a few days ago I believe got the looks like they got he’s up the front of the boat holding a

Beautiful Snapper and he looks like he’s got the electric motor deployed there as well so definitely everything you need in a toolkit to do that style of fishing and the Beautiful Circa 2001 sunglasses adorning the face as well I thought they were pretty good sunglasses yeah no

They’re nice they’re nice yeah um yeah so I don’t care van John there uh blue blue fin blue blue we’re starting to see the blue fin turn up so these ones these Lads caught are right in the Eastern entrance that’s Kate will I behind W um is that a slug oh no that’s

Uh yeah it looks like on a metal so right in the entrance these guys were flatty bashing and the school of fish came up to the boat and they cast The Lure out and bang on we also saw quite a few fish caught off inlock and quite a

Few fish caught off bow and heads over the last week or so so they’re here they’re actually firing up even earlier than last year Joe it’s bloody insane ring the bell it’s nonstop signal the hordes King Kong Donkey Kong match look did you just give out an unauthorized Donkey Kong no rang the

Bell oh I was going to Signal the charge we need like some sort of charge music Joe yeah I got an air horn we’ll we’ll work on some sound effects coming up um luo really here with a bronze Whaler out of Westport 170 kilo holy cracka moly

Look at that thing uh still plenty of them around terrorizing the local Snapper Stingray and whatever population they usually come in short to terrorize Swimmers at Ry um Front Beach do they yeah they just Sun themselves and everyone’s like oh it’s a shark I read an article about that um Naval plane

That crashed into Port Philip and it was you know very sad lives lost but apparently when they were recovering the the wreck the D recovery divers were getting harassed by sharks quite constantly so there’s a lot of sharks in Port Philip wow must be a lot of bait

There’s a lot of bait and there’s about to be hordes of people at the beaches splashing around Jo um yeah so Kingfish coming on The Chew at the moment too uh good mate Nigel actually got a really nice one just the other day uh Nigel AR Nigel

Aran and um a beautiful cray and a couple of Kings I think so oh please can we oh go let’s go cray fishing oh I’ve been told him allow to share location on the king fish or I’d be killed that’s all right but you know what they’re kind of

Everywhere not everywhere but if you work out an area where they’re likely to be and put time in they’ll be there at some point so it’s a matter of persistence and even areas where you think they may not be Joe like when they were right up westernport last year yeah

So uh anyway my tips for Kings is is is structure and current that’s what tends that tends to be likely locations and uh where’s the crayfish uh they’re in they’re in various crevices oh yeah um but you were telling me that you thought you were

Going to just free dive for him no no that’s actually takes quite a lot of skill it does I still still got fond memories of uh um cray fishing with Shane Lowry down the um West Coast went to this beautiful beach somewhere between Port Ferry and um I don’t know

Going to say yanuk maybe somewhere somewhere around there and we went to this beautiful calm Beach and um I watched I didn’t I don’t I don’t have the skill to dive that deep free dive and and pluck some lobsters from under this uh this great big ledge that was in

The water all the lobsters were living under this ledge and now I was The Bag Man I held the hessen bag open for Shane and I watched him kind of sounds like you a bit of a shark diversion to be honest Joe yeah the one guy left

Flapping around at the surface while the other guys were hiding in thep maybe but yeah Shane Larry’s a fantastic diver and um watched him dive under this great big crevice and just pluck these Lobsters by the antennas straight out from underneath them and I was just

Waiting there with the bag Joe if anyone knows how to sniff out a crevice it’s definitely Shan very very good at crev sniffing and plucking but yeah if it’s uh too rough in the boat maybe we can go and collect some some uh some cish even some pan fried scallops i’ settle for

Some pan fried scallops in some uh white wine if it’s too rough in the boat why is it a good idea to then go and sit near a Rock Ledge in the ocean and dive into the water I don’t know about your thought process there Joe no well I thought it

Was really dangerous but uh I’m sure with some help for some from professionals we’ve got some um some nice calm protected spots out of the Joe you know how much I love alaj yes to death yes he really ground my gears on Sunday really ground my gears

Oh we now go to Peter Griffin for you know what really grinds my gears thanks C you know what really grinds my gears Joe Public Service Announcement do not take red wine on a fiberglass fishing vessel I don’t I can’t believe I’ve had to say this so many times but

Uh Jael coat it’s porous it will just if you spill red wine on Jael coat it will just absorb it it’s impossible to get out this was sadly about the third time s has brought red wine on my boat and inevitably spilled it everywhere and I never thought I’d get angry at that

Little man but I bloody did gr my gears Joey let me tell you all listening on the podcast how actually look it happened to him the other night but then two weeks ago uh Dave’s got these beautiful um got these beautiful cup holders that clamp onto the to the bimy

Cover of his boat oh yeah that one was Jonah I think and um yeah there was some half drunk red wine in a one of those party cups where it’s paper so you can’t really tell actually how much uh wine is left in the cup so it’s probably about a

Third of cup of wine that was uh being rested in that cup holder while we were unhooking banjos and gummies and all sorts of wonderful sea animals and um yeah um when it was actually quite up high cuz Dave’s like 6′ s so short person can’t really see um if there’s

Anything in the cup so somebody else just came and uh plunged their cup straight into the other wine cup that had red wine in it and it was just a red wine explosion and Dave’s gel coat on his boat it all up just mopped it all up like a scrubbing

For hours like a good Italian with a piece of bread mopping up some leftover pasta sauce by the way pre podcast dinner tonight on point Mama Fernand spaghetti BAGI absolutely beautiful that’s going on a bit of a tangent but it was delicious Joe yeah it was uh left you

With the doo grin yes it did very inappropriate um what’s some you’re angry as well Joe you’ve got a grind to my gears I believe yeah I’m just I’m just uh oh yeah I still don’t understand why every time I log on to Facebook I’m getting trolled by carp videos like like I’ve

Caught one or two carps in my life but like first it was I was getting trolled by carp videos of them you know uh sucking up boilies off the bottom of a pond floor and yeah I’ve done some course fishing and all that sort of stuff but it’s just cranked up another

Gear this week uh all of a sudden now I’m getting videos of uh carp eating and preparation and it’s showing me all these videos across I’m going to say somewhere around Eastern Europe and it’s actually like an art form where they’ve got these carps that are like um

Butterflied and and spayed out like uh I don’t know like gosh it it’s like I don’t know like a chicken that’s cut in half and butterflied and it’s like put on these like little uh crosses like a crucifix and there’s just like a decoration of all these cars in this pit

Of fire and um like it looked impressive but anyways I probably should st stop talking about C because then only keep getting these stupid videos yeah you’re going to get handed by them in some countries they’re actually delicacy apparently they’re pretty they got weird like bones in them but actually I have I

Have seen a few people up on the Facebook feeds uh eat carpon um mainly down towards in Victoria in the Far East where the water’s really really clean well I was I had um a friend on the boat the other night Chris and he was mentioning he eats car he goes fishing

Catches car and eat them and he said some places you catch them are are terrible um the eating quality like um I think more so like muddy dams and stuff but when you catch them in like flowing water they’re quite clean and and not bad to eat yeah so they’re actually not

Too bad Joe I don’t know we live too close to the water here in met I won’t eating any but you know it would be nice if that was a use for the resource because basically they just need to be cold but you know people could actually

Eat them rather than just dump them on the ground I know we use them for fertilizer and stuff but it’ just be cool with um you know in a world where food’s more and more expensive a few people can go out and catch easy to catch carp and eat them and it tastes

Good then that’s a good thing yeah I love it Dave I want to talk to you about your favorite of all time Christmas Foods we’re about to enter an eating holiday this week I know I’ve got some uh Christmas food plans but I’d like to hear what your Christmas uh food plans

And um maybe a list of some of the Christmas foods that you’re going to be enjoying this weekend uh Joe I used to go all out and lead up to Christmas when I didn’t have kids and had more time in my life and I’d go and harvest sorry and

I was gonna say and no hyperinflation no hyperinflation and I’d go and harvest some whing some crayfish uh maybe even a kingfish and I’d come to Christmas and be king of the world Joe but uh these days I work right up until the break we need the violins

Playing right now there’s no time to get any seafood and um it’s just turkey and ham my friend it’s nothing overly exciting this year you’ve gone the old land spread but I know the fan will have something up their sleeve what about um well I’ll tell you what I’m looking

Forward to um on uh Christmas uh Eve going to head to the local fish market and line up with about a million other people and wave my fist furiously for some uh prawns and crayfish and some oysters I really really love eating oysters El natural with a nice squeeze

Of lemon and Tabasco sauce very very tasty my friend love it buddy love Christmas Seafood love prawns CRA maybe it’s like $110 a kilo cray hence why I want to find out how to pluck them myself from crevices um but and actually you know what when it’s busy on the water and

It’s bloody hot and the fishing’s crap because there’s too many boats around it’s quite nice to be in the ocean rather than on it on the on the boiling floor of a boat maybe we do need get into that Joe yeah I think so um questions had a couple of questions come

In right let’s do it uh just a request for us to take someone fishing um jib wants to know what knots do you use with Kingfish for leader hook lure do you use a swivel um so personally I run a uh like an FG to a a shock leader so probably

About 4 met of say 80 pound later um and then you can even run that straight through the hook but I I I run a swivel because um if you’re yaka dies or whatever and it starts spinning it’ll mess your line up really badly so I do

Run a swivel but um in terms of attaching a weight what would be per absolutely ideal would be a downrigger but I don’t have a downrigger so what I actually do is rubber band Sinker up the line a little bit and then when I do catch a fish I just wind that rubber

Band through or I rip the Sinker off and um then I’m in direct contact with the fish again but the idea of having the rubber band up the line a bit is to keep it the weight away from where the actual bait is Joe so it’s a more natural

Presentation so yeah just a not and then the hook is just a uni even uh last year when there was an incredible run of uh Kingfish up in westernport I even heard some Anglers were catching kingies Towing around King George wiing because there’s stacks of King George wiing

About um in the upper reaches of westernport they’ve got a perfectly long nose that would make them um yeah pretty good for Life baiting I would think yeah it’s natural resource isn’t it they’re in westernport they’re eating everything that’s in westernport plenty of whing in westernport yeah and they’re GNA eat it

I love it but yeah looking forward to getting stuck into some Kingfish hopefully this year didn’t time it right last year but maybe we can change that this year Dave I really want to eat some Barbe lemon peppered Kingfish nothing beats fresh KingFish on the to to eat I can’t

Wait your food related it it again yeah I love it um my sister-in-law’s asked if you’re single that’s a bit weird we haven’t had a love life update from Joe for a little while but she’s lovely your sister-in-law she they both are they both are Joe yeah you’ve done

You’ve really hit the jackpot there in the witty family I have that’s absolutely true but um Joe’s being all Shish now but we’ll get some love life updates from him a little bit bit down the track I think few few little bit going on in Joe’s World um uh request to

Take someone fishing another interesting question we had come through uh was your worst fishing injury Joe I mean we had sur’s um hook through finger the other day is that actually a real photo I thought that was a joke photo and then this actually reminded me of this

Question came up and then Shane had sent us through this photo again today um that is my and many years ago Joe when we were uh fishing for tuner at Eagle Haw neck and Tasmania no I was going to bet I was about to say Marlon from the

Looks of that no so I um we hooked a small school tuner so about you know probably was only like 10 to 15 kilo that’s embarrassing bro man it had it had a seal up its cler initial run I I got on the radio probably the most embarrassing things I’ve ever done I

Called it a barrel um because it had a seal off its clacker and it was screaming and then when it did get to the boat I was so disgusted it was a tiny schoolish I took about five wraps of the line and was planning on just dominating it into the boat when

It uh took off and basically seared the line into my hand um before it broke the line not my hand that is you talk about a uh a Christmas uh ham uh your H your hand with uh the beautiful line burn marks through your hand looks uh perfect

For the Christmas table there days I’ve still got you probably won’t see it on camera but I’ve still got that scar you can’t quite see it yeah I can see it the the the lower one you can maybe just make that out just under the knuckles still got that scar on my hand

Today you look cool you’re a real man it’s cool I like it it’s a little helps me remember back in the day when we were at Eagle Haw neack and a tuna absolutely dominated me we will never forget what about you Joe fishing injuries Broken Heart from losing tuna no I’ve

Haven’t no just just had a I just had a bit of bruising in my groin from Winding all those barrels oh you poor man yeah oh yeah the bruise groin I doubt that was from the barrels mate doubt that was from the barrels oh you know you’re just ramming this metal

Stick into into your balls like you’re going to get some freaking bruises after winding on a 115 kilo tuna for a while wow hey I feel like you set yourself up for here Joe with the words you’re choosing to describe these things yeah I’m a very desri descriptive man maybe

That’s why I got a job on this podcast it is use your words uh Rodney Gillum saying where’s Simon webstar it’s his daughter’s 18th birthday tonight Rodney so happy birthday to Simon’s daughter uh hope you enjoy it I suggested that watching win against Tod would be a

Great way to spend your 18th but apparently not well it could be a good way um for Webby to maybe relax while the the 18y olds are going crazy in the other in the other room just could just Retreat to parents Island and uh pop on the Telly

The um back on the injury thing the only other um oh actually once when I was about 11 I was getting off the boat fell off and broke my toe on the prop um and it’s still older formed and terrible um and another one was I

Grabbed a very green black marlin by the bill and it proceeded to bash my arm repeatedly against the side of the boat uh I don’t have the photo I should get it at some stage and um my whole arm is just like blue and grazed blue and black

And blue and grazed Joe he just reminded me of uh someone else’s fishing injury uh poor Uncle tones he was uh Beach launching his um 5 and a half meter boat um at fenders um Beach and uh when he was pushing ing the boat off the trailer

He had um like a tie off rope in his other hand and something slipped well the weight of the boat um rolled off the trailer and he had his hand and it got tangled up in the rope and it almost uh squished his hand into into pulp oh

Well um poor Uncle Toad yeah well you know like far out there yeah anyway we’ve seen some ones from knives gaffs through body parts knives through body parts hooks through body parts it’s a dangerous profession my friend it’s dangerous profession fingers everyone be careful out there over this summer break

People hitting whales Yes actually that was quite a fishing industry from uh injury from Mark olivin Takes the Cake um yeah so that’ll uh oh I think we’re nearly ready to wrap up I reckon Joey um we’ve got in there we’re going to mention um in the New Year I’ll be at my

New job that’ll be cool oh yeah that’s right Marine you are becoming a boat salesman yeah so um first first time ever you’ve been in the industry um in a fishing capacity for years in the media format I guess yeah so um yeah come down

And uh say hello and buy a boat that’ll be cool you’ll be you’ll be selling haes Hunters I believe I will be H hunters and um there’s a few other brands the guys have there that be pretty exciting so yeah come down say hello and in the

Meantime we’re going to be out and about on the water so if you see us say good day and uh let us know your fishing reports we’re going to try and maybe do a podcast next week Joe’s Joe did mention if the weather was good we’d probably go fishing but looking at that

Weather forecast looks like we could be podcasting next week so um we might be talking if we’re not fishing we may well be so we will see you all then don’t forget to jump on check out our swordfish video that’s just gone up uh anything else you want to add Joey

Before we wrap it up for this evening no um I just want to wish all of our fans and supporters um a great uh safe and happy Merry Christmas um look sometimes Christmas is not a great time of the year for everybody so I’m also thinking

About those people that um might not be having a great Christmas this year hopefully this uh this show brings you some joy as well and uh warms your heart um we’re definitely going to be back next year but yeah have a have a great Christmas and enjoy your break and I

Hope you get to get out on the water and spend some time with your loved ones yeah I I think um absolutely good point Joe some people find it a really hard time of the year um people are missing loved ones and stuff so if you are

Really struggling um feel free to reach out to us on our socials and we’re happy to have a chat and or if we’ve got a spot going on the boat we’ll get you out for a fish because fishing is the great equalizer Joe and hopefully um it will

Cheer someone up so uh good night every everyone have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year I hope we’re going to see you before that and enjoy the rest of your week if you finished work well done on your year working um and if you’ve still got a day

To go like me let’s be honest we won’t be doing very much tomorrow anyway so get on it tonight go in to work hung over and have a good evening everyone good night peace out Where’s the whiskey Club Joe in my cabin let’s go let’s roll baby let’s roll

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