DUO XI Downtown Urban Open 2022: PART ONE

DUO XI Downtown Urban Open 2022: PART ONE (1 of 2)
Watch Sublime Flight video coverage of the final round of the 11th annual DUO disc golf tournament with awesome commentary by Philip Bartholomew and Gage Stiles. This highly anticipated event is hosted in North Carolina each year by the Town of Cary and the Capital Area Disc League(CADL) and has an amazing urban course layout that has players maneuver through a parking deck, surrounding architecture and some beautiful public sculptures. Pro Open division lead card players include Gage Stiles, Abel Boyd, Anthony Anselmo, Wade Benton, and Ryan Hahn. Sign up for our Newsletter at

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Thank you guys for checking in to Sublime flight today we’re going to be covering the 2022 downtown Urban open this is the 11th time we’ve run this tournament in 11 years today myself Philip Bartholomew will be doing commentary with Mr Gage Styles and before you do anything else

Pause the screen check out those sponsors cuz without that the tournament would be nothing that’s right and I do believe this is a fundraiser event every year everything’s going to a good cause and we’re coming up to whole one we have got the final round here we’ve got Gage

And AEL tied at the top with Anthony and Ryan tied for technically third place I guess second place we’ve got hole one here 193 ft it is playing a little longer than that since you have to swing it out so wide and looks like Able’s doing a great job of that except

For uh round one we had a lot of rain so the teads are going to be slick um maybe the last two holes it was downpouring but we took a lunch got some food got dried off our clothes and back to it I actually finished on this hole and

It was raining so much I just grabbed the disc cuz I couldn’t fill my hands and it worked out that time so I just do it again what was the temperature like today it was cold um but you could obviously feel your hands and all that

Probably I’d say 50s okay so not too bad not not too bad just uh the the wetness was the main uh temperature oh wow and here Anthony you’re going to see a lot of interesting forehands some really awesome piser forehands but he has got some special flip up to turnover forand

That you’re going to see today um ranh looking like he been a little wide get a gracious kick probably off the building that is right there to the right of this this is the downtown Urban open so we’re going to be seeing a whole new Urban environment that most

Dis golfers would not be used to here’s Wade um maybe a little bit too stable or just SLI out um you do have to push it a lot wider than you think so that’s very common to wind up below this tree yeah and I think going too wide and then

Being too early because of the disc stability just Heering out early is going to be a pretty common Miss on that hole because the shot shape is high and hard right and then immediately fading left looks like we’re dealing with a little bit of wind

Today yeah I think it um it was very Gusty so it wasn’t consistent just missed a little or able missed a little high there y oh he’s a young player still and I think right now he’s uh he’s 16 in this video so it’s pretty pretty nerve-wracking we’ve got Gage taking a

Birdie and Anthony taking a birdie on whole one awesome birdies uh it’s a very tricky uh I feel like par would be just fine right there um hole two I like this hole um as the second hole on the course it’s very touchy forehand to make sure

You’ve calmed your nerves so you don’t end up too short or too long but you’re always kind of going to have a play yeah I think the play for most players here will be a forehand um unless you’re a backand dominant player I think it’s a

Little easier to scoot up there and play this soft shot through these trees um there is a right hand backhand line down the right Gap and then uh like you saw Anthony throw with his left hand forehand um and yeah this is a hanging basket so we’ll see if the wind gets

That basket rocking in the tree but uh it it’ll be a death putt if you’re short and it will probably be an easy tap in if you’re not too long yeah I think if you go long um obviously uphill and there’s a lot of players that don’t like

That but the foo in I feel like is the uh um what you want to try to avoid by going WR y we got a couple players close most of them filter down into this ditch and it has a bunch of rocks so you just have to make sure your feet are stable

Before putting so now how do you feel putting on that basket as it’s moving back and forth does that play with you at all it look like you’re about 25 ft or so I don’t think I have good eyesight so I might not have noticed that so I

Just see the the yellow band and just try to throw it just below that all right next time I go play I’ll make sure to take my glasses off so I can uh test that FY all right we got a couple players tapping in for birdie here this it feels

Like a must get um it’s not terribly long it’s not terribly hard I think the only thing that would get you a little nervous is going down that Hill if you missed um uh this did average the the easiest hole on the course tied with

Another one so um it is one one to get looks like we got some rain coming in now on hole three this is 128 ft um it’s a very specific shot you want to play it high and very inside you can see here you looked like you threw a great shot

And it was actually left yeah on this one you want to like naturally when you’re throwing that Spike Heiser you want to like push it out to the left on a right hand forehand and then draw it back in um but if you get it high enough

Um because you’re throwing such a steep angle it’s not going to want to drift right so you have to keep it very close to that building which is uncomfortable yep fun fact if you’re looking to throw this shot to make it move more right for a right-handed forehand a slightly less

Stable disc could help it pan out to the right a little further you’ll see a lot of guys throwing Firebirds or anything that is an overstable driver and you see how when it gets up high and it starts to stall it knives down um here was a cool example of Anthony’s uh turnover

Our forehand that I was mentioning earlier unfortunately he caught that tree right off of his drive so we didn’t get to see it pan out yeah this is I want to say um a tough shot if you were to just give a left-handed player and tell him the as

Wade makes that long putt um take a left-handed player tell them to throw this on forehand they’re not going to do it any better than anony oh yeah I 100% agree looks like you’re a little strong there coming down that Hill uh maybe a little awkward putting over over a

Railing we’re not used to that um and I also aren’t a fan of downhill putts so I know I struggle with that and it kind of gets in my head but as you can see Ryan he doesn’t have a problem with that able cleaning up his bird I noticed

He didn’t throw a forehand on that he threw the high turnover backand and I think at this time he was um struggling with injury and was trying to limit his forehands yeah he definitely has some problems with uh I believe his middle finger um we’ve got whole four here it’s

All of what is this 42t 42 ft yes uh if you do not make it up there’s no penalty stroke you just keep throwing I believe until you’re through your third shot um Wade going there with the the jump Putt and got a little turned over and rolled away which I feel like

On this one you just want to land the disc so flat you can see the real frustration on all these players faces or or even in their body language when they don’t make that because it seems so easy to get it up and over um onto the second level or

Third level of this parking deck but it is so straight up this t- box I think on the last hole and this hole it would be advantageous to te like Anthony’s doing here further back on that t box so you get a little less of a

Steep look that way um uh to that point um whenever you’re backing up it not only widens the Gap but I’ve seen so many hit the top ceiling and then just spit back out which can be even more frustrating than just missing the Gap all together so now um Wade with that

Putt I believe uh when you’re in a parking deck and Gage here awesome putt when you’re in a parking deck knowing that if you miss your disc will most likely slide as far past as you were just at it does create some hesitancy um

In your Putt and I and I think that Wade decided to almost just lay that up um rather than suffer that consequences you definitely like unconsciously change your putt when you know it can just instead of laying beside the basket on a Mist just slide to 25 ft and you’re in

The same situation it’s like ice out there for these next three holes hole five it’s um a little over 280 ft and I prefer to try and get it out there in the air rather than playing the the skip game and oh you hit the back wall

Before you touch the ground um I just think that sliding you’re just going to slide into the wall and stick there I’m just trying to hit the wall and bounce back towards the basket yeah and so to your point you can see Anthony here um I

Think depending on if you get the disc flat when it touches the ground versus on on that higher angle um if you’re flat at all wall you’re going to go straight to that wall and have a 30 footer this would be the one miss that you’re trying to avoid um I think Gage

May be one of the best players in this tournament uh with throwing low driven shots so this was your hole and and you show us a why and that’s I feel like um able just put a little bit too much heer but if you are trying to do the low skip

Play um I feel like the angle is a little bit uh matching the angle and getting that skip is too inconsistent to swing it around that sidewall cuz if you’re stuck in that corner you have yeah and it’s it’s either going to be like uh Ryan just through here pushing

It a little bit wider or keeping a straighter disc and trying to play a skip at the end wait here going with the skip shot as well um see that’s the issue that’s my reason why I don’t throw that skip shot cuz if you landed at on the wrong

Spot on the wrong angle you’re behind that wall yeah I think I think if you’re gonna throw that shot you and this always almost Mak a turbo but you always have to commit to what you want your Mist to be um rather than what you you

Know what what the hole is calling for so here throwing it right would have been way better of a Miss like you did here and you’ve got a 20 23 footer maybe yeah and I I feel more confident in my putt than my throwing ability so just giving or throwing the highest

Percentage shot that gets me inside 28 ft um that’s what I’m always going to throw yeah and Anthony he is a right-handed putter a left-handed forehand player and do you know what hand he throws backhand uh does not throw backhand I played multiple rounds with it haven’t seen it yet but he is

Working on it he is working gotcha gotcha all right we’ve got uh a few birdies there one one bar um we are going on two whole six um the hardest hole to to the par um I with that said um par is an excellent score um so there

Is a double Mando on uh both of the telephone poles as Anthony um gets the forehand up over there I think it sets up well for a left-handed for and I think that’s about and I think this is uh Ryan here oh that’s going to be

Inside um and that’s what the the right hand backand that’s the trying to get it up onto that second level um that’s the air this is probably going to be one of Able’s best type of shots that here we go nose up um kind of air bouncy backhand he throws that really nice

Touch shot very well so Ryan going to the Drop Zone which is on the other corner of the parking deck um still have to go through the double Mando um which is why you swing in that forehand over there and that was really well done keeping the pace of that shot down so

That he didn’t slide too far past here’s Wade with the up and down over that brick wall so now this is a putt that you kind of have to gauge a little bit see what I did there I’m did making sure that and and you did such a good job of

That making sure you don’t just Scream by this because it will slide like I said 20 30 ft if you’re not careful and Anthony’s in a situation where you feel like you can’t lay that up so you have to run it but then you risk going 25

Longs sliding and you don’t want that he caught an extremely good break there AEL did not um he yeah Anthony actually rolled back to the and you can see in his shirt it is windy now that we’re on top of the the parking deck which the

Elements have um the wind has picked up but as you can see some of our jackets um have came off because the wind di down I mean the the rain stopped yep and so we we’ve got uh no birdies uh two bogeys actually um um that’s going to be

Because that is the hardest hole relative to par here’s um now once we got to the parking deck we’re now throwing down um this one actually threw a really good shot during the first round but even though the elements changed the wind direction changed um I still threw the

Same shot just cuz it worked out the first time which I can’t give advice for um this is going to be the hole where you’re if you’re going to throw it left or right if uh if you’re going backhand or forehand um you’re going to have to commit to going very wide

Because as that disc comes in unless you’re using something crazy stable it’s going to move to the left or right significantly I believe the best play will be the overhand and that just looks so simple for Wade there just doing the well and I I think this is what I would

Have done in the past years if I were going to play this hole you have to clear that tree um and I believe this hole is typically sponsored Terry gallops one of the best overhand players in North Carolina for the past well probably 20 years now almost almost 20

Years um Able’s doing a great job of like I said putting it really wide and and getting rewarded maybe with a little tree left down there um right here I think we’re discussing whether or not the road long is OB um cuz there are traffic cones um but I am safe just a

Little upshot bounce off the light pole there yeah and and for anyone looking to play tournaments no matter what you do if if you believe it is or is not in bounds always read what that live scoring scorecard tells you if if they do not tell you that the road is out of

Bounds and your disc is out of bounds and you thought that it would be it would not be out of bounds it always goes by what the ruling is on that live scoring most pdj tournaments do have that live scoring now um talking with Anthony he was saying that this was was

Kind of his the hole that always got him um and he finally put it up there inside with a easy putt but then couldn’t connect cuz probably just wanted that bird yeah yeah wanting it to you wanted it pretty bad there the basket I’m not

Sure how bad it wanted it but it it stayed oh that’s incredible Gage is uh not shy of showing his emotions on the disc golf course mostly only the good ones I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad oh wait get into business was that an under the leg P I

Think I saw that yeah oh my goodness so we got two birdies uh unfortunately one bogey there um we’re moving down to Hole eight 245 ft here um the previous hole was Anthony’s kind of his hole that he couldn’t quite figure out this was my hole that I couldn’t quite figure out

All it is is just you just slide it down the concrete and then have a putt which was my strength but um just couldn’t figure it out it’s a little over 200 ft but there’s just so much in the way yeah there’s so much in the way it looks like

Uh all of One Tree right in the middle that’s 2 ft from the basket so Gage I can see how that was a difficult hole for you um just joking um Ryan throwing the perfect shot where you’re just hitting the the front side of the bank

And and killing the speed by doing that and here’s one of Anthony’s signature forehand flip up shots with his Lefty forehand that was the tree I was talking about yeah no and and um I believe uh in in the years like 2023 they cleaned this up well the the basket actually used to

Be pushed back maybe 100 ft on the other side of this parking lot um which I think is the better hole cuz you don’t have that 300t mid-range um but this is still a tri driver on that hole that that was in years past me giving a little bid with the

Forehand I feel from that like 60t range I just feel more comfortable giving it that forehand bid rather than trying to force a putt overthrow the Putt and uh I’m a lot less accurate that way yeah with a with a forehand like that with that amount of touch I I don’t blame you

Here’s able went a little long oh didn’t get the basket off good have good have Ryan here to check the wind always check the wind then check it twice make sure sure it’s nice typically the wind is not nice but he makes it work it didn’t look like he

Had too much going on there maybe inside 20 ft and this would be a hole that I think we’d like to get birdies on you know one birdie otherwise you know even for the card if you take the Boog and the birdie you’re up by four still or actually uh

You’ve lost one stroke to them I believe so far but you’re holding on to your lead um this is 420 one so the basket’s actually um pushed to the curve so all you have to do similar to um the previous hole with a lot less trees involved um just get it

Down there on the asphalt slide it down to the curb tap in yeah easy piece yeah it looks like Wade got that one a little bit nose up I think that I don’t want to jinx you here but I think you’re going to do a pretty good job of getting that

Disc low and sliding it up on that curb like you just said typically his baskets push back off that curb another 50 ft right uh yeah I’m not I think it was just muddy back there um and pace of play was easier yeah um something I

Think um I did well on the previous hold not to brag but um being able to land a disc especially on asphalt where it’s more susceptible to a skip um getting it to land flat so it drifts straight rather than um like Able’s hitting with that angle and then it’s just going to

Skip significantly left yeah I think uh between knowing the wind and then knowing your discs that would would make up most of the battle and then obviously uh maybe just your skill level if if you’re good at throwing that nose down shot we got Anthony here he’s going to

Clean up this looks like a pretty short putt for for such a great player like himself he’s going to make that almost every time yeah he um every time it just seems like it’s the his putt is going to go in wait that was a a nice clean up

There it was it looked strong and confident y everybody looks like they’re starting to get in the putting Rhythm that’s always good it um it always seems like it takes so long to get in a good putting Rhythm and then you’re 12 13 14 holes

In um if you can if you can start putting good at the beginning and keep it good the whole time that’s pretty much how you win tournaments I engage I I would agree with a pretty good hole with it being the longest hole so far with three birdies we’re moving on the

Whole 10 here what do we got Gage uh 212 ft uh a little uphill but a lot of asphalt to work with so you just want to throw a stable disc out there with a right hand forehand and just let it skip off the asphalt to kill the speed um and

Kind of maneuver your way to the basket it was definitely more Heiser than I wanted um I think I just lost Focus um through nine holes just relax we’re just playing disc golf there’s nothing serious about that nothing serious at all yeah Anthony there he’s trying to go

With that Hiser flip forehand which he is so good at throwing but in the wind when you’re throwing that much Hiser Wade excellent shot there played perfectly in the wind with that much Heiser sometimes it’s hard to get the disc to fully manipulate um I think throwing maybe a slightly stable disc on

Some anheiser may have panned out better but uh you have to trust Anthony with that for and he’s so good with it yeah the uh couple rounds that I’ve played with him uh the only weakness that I’ve seen in in this game is if the wind does

Pick up trying to throw those under stable discs a little bit less inconsistent yeah oh just chaining out a little bit left and low there for you Gage um Anthony here we’re going to see if he can make this for par that’s a pretty good par putt um showing his

Nerves of Steel um and how good of a putter he is yeah I feel like um kind of halfway through the tournament this is always a fun tournament and I I might have been just a little too cable with that one rather than be being focused throughout

Yeah well when you’ve got uh as much of a lead as you were able to have it it’s easy to give one back and and not mind it that’s going to be the first 10 holes really appreciate everyone for stopping by uh checking us out there’s going to

Be a part two that you can go check out on Sublime flight Channel come back for part two and watch how it plays out yeah appreciate everyone watching go ahead and subscribe give us a like and we’ll see you on part two

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