December Live Comp Draw

Come and join us whilst we draw the winners to our latests competitions.

I have my you for a sleepover yeah reload nice I’m going to have a sleepover when it gets to Christmas well after Christmas no when it gets Christmas what do you mean it’s are you not Santa Claus is going to come here yes I know when I hello people Christmas

Day when open my present oh okay hi everyone hello for those wondering my child there you go Michael Russ knows oh god look look at this way d tur on there yeah Captain turb tur it’s going to be a noisy one folks it’s going to be a noisy one

Hopefully you can hear us over um yeah Caleb yeah this one let me just check if I’ve got evening Craig evening Stewart evening Bri evening evening evening merry Christmas everybody looking well thank you very much drift though evening evening Ellis good to have you all on Merry Christmas

Yeah Merry Merry Christmas hope you are all doing well and he’s looking forward to the Christmas holidays well I’m still working I’m still at work so am I tomorrow yeah I am who’s still at work uh I’m actually working in between you need to do it again

Annoyingly uh so tonight we’re going to be doing all the draws even though we have we haven’t sold out or we haven’t sold the minimum on all of them but some sold out and we just fought let’s get them done ready for the new year and um

There is comps new comps already up ready for the for January’s draw uh yeah we didn’t think that initially we didn’t think that we was going to be able to um draw this did we no um so yeah buzzing to be able to get rid of

All of them yeah thanks for everyone say get rid jumping on last day tomorrow for Michael Russ Bri you on the hot chocolate and Bailey’s Wayne oh he’s not he’s not we were on Tuesday cuz we filmed a uh we filmed like an end of year Q&A which is coming out on

Sunday evening Christina Merry Christmas to you Merry Christmas Bri work tomorrow as well so yeah yeah I know it’s a bit weird like where Christmas has obviously fell on the Monday it’s like oh know yes you’ve got Monday Tuesday off cuz they’re the bank calls have you got the in between off

Well I’m like I’m off that week but um like obviously the office is still open yeah yeah yeah right let me what are you doing so you can see the comments yeah working to Mo then off till Jan that’s all right a it John Cook good evening mate how’s it going good evening

John who’s out fishing anytime soon there might be some people some people do a bit of Christmas fishing yeah some people do actually um some people do a bit of New Year’s fishing as well Andrew mcguy good evening mate and Russell wellard Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you

Mate why am I struggling here he’s on The Struggle Bus What’s um sure on the live aren I think it’s the view that you’ve got have you got the app yeah click open an app see if that’s any better tell me what to do right just

Told you right kind swear there you go bing bang boss quiet don’t jinx it yeah I’m just on the juice tonight but that hot chocolate and Bailey oh and when we were filming the other night um foxy put marshmallows in this one even better they just melted didn’t they foxy unbelievable

Unbelievable Jeff Saka blue so we have got six draws for you guys tonight six all of them all of them and finally we can draw the Nash Indulgence we can uh good evening Steve mate there’s Stevie Blacklock he is the legend that creates our thumbnails for anyone wondering so our awesome thumbnails done

By St Steve uh Ken Bradwell good evening basme good evening mate a up a up lad a up lad hope to get out in January for a few fishing journal on local water 27th nice see I did think a few but I think that that would be a really good time to go

Fishing actually in between Christmas and New Year probably be quite quiet as well can’t imagine many go but Chris kamaro winter fishing is awesome yes it is yeah it is no it’s not love it it’s harder to catch fish it’s freezing cold um I love I love it it’s not fun I

Love it no we’re out again on the what is it the sixth of John is it yeah so that probably going to be cold proba going to get colder it’s going to be colder than the ladywood session yeah ladywood was all right when it it was

Quite warm just windy and a bit wet tucked up in the bivy was nice it was wet Bri I had uh I had have a hot chocolate and Bailey’s after watching your video do you know that’s not the first comment we’ve had from that a lot of people have

Said that after watching it I was taken back how nice it was they are they are banging to be fair like it was so good so this house isn’t MadAss the dog’s crying outside the door now got kid down there Mrs is just in the buff chilling

These new age women man Mr Ting Mr Ting and Ting good evening good to get a session Deo Steve yeah we will have to get a session we’re planning on coming down south quite a bit next year so um we’ll give you a shout mate yeah look so even even Steve’s a

Fair weather fisherman like me I just mind you I’m not a fairweather fisherman cuz foxy pulls me out C make him force him to go out so how many we got we got 35 on should we should we get going should we give the people what

They want well listen we got some you know the people that are on are Keen so it’s not making wait any longer it’s not making wait let me do some magic and uh Stuart Harden looking forward to the social at Drayton buzzing for that absolutely can’t wait for that yeah I’ve

Just got visions of us all on the boards CU obviously we’ve got the whole stretch of the boards haven’t we all of us um I’ve just got visions of us like everyone out on the boards at 2:00 in the morning be like head torches I hope

That is the case that would be class if it was the case right that should it’s probably slight that should change for everyone in a second and you should see should be able to see the spreadsheet in the background in a minute can we stop Angie from

Interrogating us at draon I don’t think we can mate to be honest it’s just part and parcel of going draon no and if she puts you on her socials that’s you just have to live with it you just got to deal with it um right so oh that’s caught up yours this one’s

A bit you want to explain that yeah so everyone should be able to see this um so before we were kind of doing it where we had the actual ticket numbers and then we were creating a draw number we’ve managed to sort out like the back end so it’s actually allocating ticket

Numbers correctly sorted the technology it’s even better we have so as you can see on this draw here you don’t have tickets 1 two and three it’s got four six 7 so basically when we do the number generator if two was to be drawn for instance and two wasn’t there we’d have

To draw it again um so it’s got the exact amount of right people in there um for the draw but yeah there will be some tickets missing I hope that makes sense did that make sense no no no basically all the tickets haven’t been allocated right so if it was 1 to 100

But we didn’t sell 100 there’s going to be gaps because we’ve only sold what is it on that one 54 so there’s 54 tickets in there no it did make sense I just thought that it’d be nice to just clear up even further is that it I’m hoping that made sense to

Everyone right so got a few good lucks going around I love how much you love each other it’s like good luck everybody I know should we uh should we do this one then we got Michael Ross saying good luck yeah you’re hoping you win all the

Time no he’s a team player a he be play to him he’s just lucky Stewart Harden fingers crossed I don’t blank otherwise I’m taking up golf obviously at the social yeah oh mate you should be right I’m hoping right should we do this one so this is going to be um

First one is the DNA we’ll go from number four so we start it on four to 90 and it’ll be somewhere in between yeah let’s do it cuz there’s no point putting the first view in since they don’t actually exist cuz if they come out we’ll just have to redo it exactly

So we’ll go four to 90 yes I didn’t I let me just double check that that was correct four to 90 so this is for the five times DNA hookbait pots of your choice oh that that oh 17 17 you done that really quickly there I wasn’t even

Prepared and 17 isn’t there you see ah so we going to have to do that one again we could be here a while 73 have we got a 73 in the house we do we do ah 73 is David Haley David Haley he’s won a few times so David Haley you have won

Yourself five times DNA hookbait pots well done mate well done Dave there’s no one that’s caught up and people have yeah said Bri saying I hope I win the 24-hour session with a finger up I mean we actually were really nice yesterday oh th Tuesday when we were

Filming about his channel weren’t we really nice yeah bro yeah we got some well done congrats coming through it’s caught up sweet so let’s go on to the Parker baits Parker baits 5 kg you know what the the the bait competitions always do well and it’s not surprising because obviously we all like

Fishing we all need bait it’s essential it’s a renewable isn’t it that’s thing you need you need it over and over again and I’m just loving how much the the Parker bait stuff is just selling off as always flies always flies Wicked bait so this one is ticket one to 100

Cuz we sold out so you can see every ticket is allocated so Mr Ting just asked did we film The Q&A yet yes we did we did that um a couple of days ago yes yeah filmed it on CH and it’s going to be out Sunday um so let’s go for the Parker

Baits one to 100 let good 16 is there a 16 forgot there is yes there is James poal oh Jim well on Jim we know Jim personally because he won the 24-hour session with us the last time we did it he did and we went to poppleton um little

Puddle bagging up yeah caught a good Feud didn’t we freshest bait in the game Steve yes you are right there son well done that must be um already going for through so let me just reset the number generator Mr ‘s really looking forward

To the Q&A well um bloody H we do we do know how to talk don’t we mate honestly like we we didn’t plan on the the video being that long we wanted it to be like 20 minutes or something maybe 25 minutes and we about 40 minutes sorry oh it’s so

Quiet yeah it’s about 40 minutes in the end isn’t it so so next up we have got the all powers s700 this is a prize and power station and I think this sold out yeah it did yeah 150 tickets is this is great um you can’t go

Wrong with them to be fair like we used it in Fr used one in France we’ve got multiple we’ve got multiple um stations from uh from all powers and they are class so um yeah whoever wins this you are getting a decent bit of Kit 1 to 150

1 to 150 so let’s go for it we’ve been quite lucky in hitting them first time 71 do we have a 71 is there a 71 yes who we got Ian boo Ian Bo well done Ian You’ve Won yourself a all powers s700 it’s worth saying as well with

These normally would obviously get stuff straight out obviously with Christmas is probably going to be a slight delay in terms of like getting prizes to people but when you do receive your prize please make sure to take a picture of it so we can put it on our socials website and stuff what’s

Up flying through these what’s the matter what’s the matter you’re thiry right want some of this back in a sack you have some of this okay drink sorry ladies and chance no I’ll make you drink don’t be kicking off while we’re on the line this is real life stuff here this

Is Dad stuff YouTuber foxxy’s turned into a dad like that it’s like Superman about the cape Bri saying ask for it hand delivered in you know we we were doing that when we first started doing the com Ian’s local Ian’s local yeah save us on the uh delivery fee you doing

Done where’s Floyd now Floyd out there locked out yeah there You what what how much does that wear about 15 kilo something like that 10 15 that one’s a bit lighter that big one we’ve got 15 isn’t it oh yeah the bigger one that one might be like between 5 and S something like that right it’s like

That one’s probably the size of like a small car battery oh we’ve just had a a new a new order new ticket purchase from the new competitions yeah so everyone jump on them and get on them bad boys cuz there’s some good ones and actually whilst we’re there we’ve actually done

The first set of instant wins so there’s a uh prize for a 250 angland direct vulture and there’s also four instant wins attached to that so there’s a fresh fish in beanie there is a fresh fish in sweatshir shirt there’s a pair of Marino one more cast socks and then there’s

Also some Sonic distance sticks that you can win instantly so um they’re just random ticket numbers and yeah basically once you buy it if you get that ticket number you’ll win it instantly oo Peter docky just made an order so I wonder if he just got it no

That he didn’t right comp that was a different comp wasn’t it he fancied the uh s rod and real yeah so um we will try and do more instant wins as we obviously grow um the comps but let’s get back to these bad boys so tracker cr3 threepiece suit

Um let’s just have a quick look so we’ve got 103 ticket entries in total on this one uh only 14 people so so one to 110 so one yeah just get in touch with us and let us know what popups you want just seeing that message come through

Drifto yeah literally just message us on um social or email us whatever whatever works best so 1 to 110 this the could be numbers missing on this one so let’s see number 40 number 40 who is it James poal Jim Jim Jim he’s one two

He’s gone again he’s a lucky man whoa I think Jim to be fair to him he dropped quite a bit didn’t he he spent quite a lot of money he dropped quite a bit um so fair play Jim you’ve won a three-piece tracker suit a do you know

What that a lot of people wanted that as well I know yeah there were a lot people in for that uh let me just reset so he’s going to have to get in touch with us JY let us know what size I’m assuming it would be like what a large extra large

Probably large I would imagine cuz they’re quite big I think quite tall he do you want to come be on YouTube or something yeah yeah he’s quite tall Jim isn’t he he is yeah way yes mate on Pardon The Lodge I was on oh at the

Lodge yeah I know you you’ve been in loads of videos you’re a superstar you’re a lot star mate right this is the 24hour oh sorry mate what I oh please don’t spit it out that’s yucky yeah so this next one is the 24hour session with us so basically the

Consensus of this is whoever wins it Cal just watch your tablet please yeah so whoever whoever wins it basically will get in touch with and we’ll kind of find a destination that’s kind of in the middle or whatever yeah we’ll hopefully pick a a venue thats both of us yeah you

Know and yeah we’ll pay for everything we’ll decide which venue between us so two yeah so we pay for your ticket your grub just bring yourself and your fishing tackle basically Mhm so 2 to 148 who’s going to be lucky 104 or unlucky no 104 no 104 no 104 so it’s a redraw the suspense the suspense number eight going right up number eight we got Mark Fair brother Mark do you know what I seen Mark’s order and I’m pretty sure he orders

About 10 tickets so fair play get in Fair Play Mark well done mate You’ve Won yourself 24 hours with us at a venue of your choice and uh yeah we will get that sorted soon and then finally we’ve got the Nash Indulgence ss3 big boy so we

Only had 40 tickets available for this I think in the end what did we sell 20 it might have been uh where is it it’s on the next page car car can you stop singing please nope doesn’t f see it I can’t even hear you he’s in his own

World found it taking ages uh 23 23 yeah so yeah we sold um 23 tickets in total and yeah as you can see there’s a there’s a few names popping up there but not many people bought more than one or two ticket think why is Craig saying go

On Mr Russ probably for this one cuz I think um he wants it Russ has had a few tickets on this one ask ctis in Christmas carols you don’t need to put it up just put it on your lap well I don’t want to well put it on the floor

Then that’ll do there you go I bet everyone at home is really enjoying this yes sorry about this blame my blame my wife um so I said that genuinely I reckon people they probably are enjoy enjoying it so this could be one cuz you can see there’s quite a number of gaps

So it might take a little while to actually hit the the correct number but we’re going to go one to 40 now this is a top top bed this is a top top so comfy going for it yeah it is let’s do it let’s do it 29 is there anybody there yes Barry Rose Barry Barry was on the social with us he was play baz get in good lad I’m pretty

Sure he he said he wanted that bed so he’s uh he’s done well there so well done everyone well done all the winners yeah well done and thank you very much to everyone for get involved taking part much love means a lot massive massive appreciation from us

Boys um no I mean we’ve said it on the on the Q&A that we just recorded I’m a bit tired oh do you want to go to bed then no if you’re a bit tired why don’t you go to bed no don’t all right okay well you just keep watching that mate

I’m a little bit tired okay well I’ll put you up to bed soon no momy might come down here okay right Mommy can put you to bed soon I’m just a bit busy at the [Laughter] minute yeah no we’re just saying that like way kind of said it but yeah

Massive shout out to everyone that’s headed obviously this is the first year of us actually running the comps we started them in J and they’ve gone amazingly um yeah they’ve kind of surpassed our expectations and we’re hoping to build them do bigger and better as we’re saying with the instant

Wins looking at getting sight credit improving the website and just just really kicking on and we’re saying next year we’re probably going to set up a separate page for the comps we obviously still share stuff from our normal page but it would be amazing if you could all

Go and like it share it we’re going to do a competition a free competition to kick that off M um and try and get a few likes on that page um but it’s just so we’re not like cluttering our normal page with com stuff all the time yeah

Yeah um split it off um try and make 2024 um even bigger than what 2023 has been yeah hopefully we can grow on it massively push the YouTube stuff loads of vids coming from obviously team fresh fishing uh so we got all that to look

Forward to next year um yeah as we said the comps bigger B better yeah um and new logo new logo in the works new merch coming this logo is it’s sick it’s sick like I I the previous logos we’ve done we’ve never probably really thought it through

As much as what we have with this one yeah we kind of work with a designer quite closely and it’s been good it’s um kind of designed to kind of hopefully fit or hope I say we think it does but hopefully you guys think it kind of fits

All all the Avenues in terms of like the channel the competitions all the yeah the merchandise and stuff so hopefully you like it so that’s what 2024 he’s going to bring yes but yeah make sure you’re all tuning in Sunday to see the Q&A if

You can put up with listening to us for nearly 40 minutes but I think people are all Miss wishing everyone a Merry Christmas so yeah we just like to say Merry Christmas to you all thanks again for getting involved in the comps and um

I’m going to go and try and put him to bed in a minute Mike sorry let me just read some of these last comments um so we’ve got people obviously give him Barry Rose their well wishes uh Michael Ross I blanked it’s a fix behav I mean he’s W enough that boy

Yeah um drifto thanks Lads Merry Christmas Craig Smith Merry Christmas Christina Well Done everyone have a good Christmas Brian Rogers Well Done baz Mr Ting Merry Christmas all tight line Stuart Harden well done to all the winners finishes off quite nicely lovely thank you very much guys and um yeah we

Will see you all in the New Year nice love cheers


  1. Buzzing a double win ! I will look like a proper fisherman now when I’m next on the bank instead of being in the jeans and white trainer brigade.Thank you boys you and your families have a great Christmas and see you in the New Year. Oh and you better make it extra large I will be drinking and eating now for the next 10 days.

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