Golf Players

Jon Rahm to LIV! What Does That Mean For The PGA Tour? | Ep. 59 | Fore Dads Podcast

In this weeks episode we talk about Jon Rahm leaving for LIV, the implications that will bring, our 18 Hole Matchplay, a special guest next episode and more!

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Hey everyone welcome back to another episode of for Dad’s podcast sorry that we weren’t able to get a podcast in last week but uh we had a lot of work family issues that came on up and just weren’t able to line things up with our day-to-day lives so this

Will be our second to last podcast of the new year of the LA of the 2023 should I say and we do have a special special surprise for everybody for the next podcast wait until the end we’ll let you get you guys a little little uh a little teaser on like what that’s

Going to be for next podcast we really looking forward to that one uh but Julio and I we are able to get another round in on Sunday an 18 hole match play it was fun had some good shots had some really bad shots More Often by me uh but it’ll be really

Entertaining and putting together the video it should be dropping on Christmas Day and uh hopefully you guys enjoy that kind of content uh we’re hoping uh the next time that he’s able to come out uh we can get a little force them going uh

We have had a third uh on the last two rounds that we played together uh Corey Graham who probably listen to this podcast he’s been desperately trying to get into our videos and we’re going to add him and one of my buddies Kyle who also watches some of

These podcasts and watches some of our clips and things like that on YouTube and uh as of right now that’s the this is what the plan is I really I really want to get some some clicks I really want to get some views the longest playing the longest you know golf course

In California seeing if we can shoot 10 under and a fourman Scramble with Julio’s distance potentially Kyle’s distance and Cory’s putter Julie’s got a good putter too and Kyle is is a stick dude he’s like a plus one plus two so he he’s he’s a solid golfer uh and with me

Throwing in a couple chips from the side if needed uh dude I dude I I I gotta say I gotta say the last two times that we’ve played you’ve absolutely annihilated your driver you’re I mean you you hit that thing so good every time it’s it’s kind it’s kind of it’s

Kind of annoying I’m like H like how are you doing that like first oh no dude you’re hitting the ball solid me and Cory were talking about it and I was just like you hear the sound he’s catching the center of the face on that thing so well and then your ball’s just

Like this straight little piss missile with either a small jaw or a little cut but you I mean there was a few drives that I I absolutely annihilated and you were right there with me so I mean you’re not short by any means either well I appreciate the compliment but

It’s crazy thinking that for me I felt like I could not control my driver at all that day and you’re watching no I’m saying you know how how it is just like we’re someone’s watching you from the outside and you’re like oh wow like he’s probably so confident he looks so like

Just goes up there and hits and no issues and then the other person’s like dude I’m so out of it today like I I’m not feeling it’s just like at baseball you know you’re pitching your best games are usually when you don’t have your best stuff because you got to focus more

You don’t just can’t just go Loosey Goose you got to focus on mechanics you got to focus on release points and then where to where to pinpoint it and when you have your good stuff it’s kind of harder to play better in my opinion because you’re not really thinking and

Focusing as much because like okay I can just do it because I’ve just been you know feeling it um yeah but I had I had a good time man I had a good time I had a good who play 36 man I dude there was like two since I’m going over the video

And stuff like that I saw one or two times where you like literally went with the the club throw and you holded and you held and I was like ah you gotta let that thing go man you gotta whip it you gotta let that thing

Go man uh but Julio had a tea time at 7 am drives at 4 a. to get here at around sevenish or maybe a little bit before then plays 18 holes so he’s 18 holes ahead of me before getting into this and surprisingly I’m not going to give too

Much away but I hold my own in the front nine um you know and from from him having 18 holes before it probably was really cold in the beginning um and uh but uh you know it was a it was a fun round we had some good shots we had some

Really cool putts we had a few drone shots that I don’t even think are going to be able to make the cut honestly because they are are we we didn’t well I’m not even say too much it didn’t make the cut that’s all I’ll say it didn’t make the cut

Because of where they were uh Julio knows exactly what I mean by that but we had some really cool drone shots and I’m really looking forward to using that in the future to get it out get some shots because it just looks really cool and it does um honestly dude it’s really kind

Of pissing me off uh whole 15 when I lost my ball I still don’t know where that thing went I have it on the shot Tracer I have it on the Drone I can’t pick up the ball from the Drone and I’m like I I I’m literally clicking play and

Just watching the water to find like little areas okay is there going to be a drop ball there nope okay restart is there a drop ball is there any movement in the water here nope okay it must have just trickled in because I smashed it it

Must have but I even walked by the water and I didn’t see anything in there I mean well it goes steep no doesn’t it go pretty steep out there yeah it goes really steep but I mean still with that with that speed because it’s so muddy so

Like in the the the the holes that c and I played before I hit my driver and I ended up turning it over and I got like right to the edge and so I was like oh dude like that was so close to going in you hit yours really well and before it

Got up in the sky I mean it was down the middle of the Fairway I just don’t know which way it went left or right according to the shot Tracer it went straight to the left but again even with the sun there it blocked it so I wasn’t

Able to see exactly where it ended up but but it’s just annoying because I was like oh I’m going to see where it is you know and uh and I can’t I’m like it’s there somewhere um yeah that some was brutal oh dude towards the end that was

Nuts but yeah so like I said we’re going to try and get another one in within the next month I think about within the next month yeah but expect our 18old match play to drop on Christmas day Monday morning don’t have a time yet probably 8 9: a.m. uh

But in the world of golf news we l hit on it right before uh it happened which was kind of cool um and it was probably one of our most popular videos on YouTube that was podcast related John R leaving for live going to live yep for like four 500

Million dollar some insane price yeah but I thought it was really cool because we literally like the day before we had a podcast like John ROM to live we’ll see and then like next morning I think I was in uh that’s right we’re in it was

Two weeks ago when I was in Sacramento for work and I and I I get all my notifications I turn them I think I have them off from like 11: a.m. 11:00 p.m. to 7: a.m. so like my phone doesn’t go off unless it’s something emergency and I was like oh

Crap John ROM and then like we started picking up some views because like we were like one like talking about I was like nice but I mean like what do you think about that obviously a lot of people said it was due it was going to happen it’s just a matter of

Time honestly I don’t think he could have handled it in a more professional away with his answer which was like who knows what’s going to happen in two to three years right like I I fully expect to be back on the PGA by that point but that was something but here’s

My thing the the merger is not complete right now that Liv has another has another you know massive top yeah massive top World ranked player like what’s stopping them from basically now going back to Jay Mahan and saying like like no we’re we’re pulling out of this

We’re going to actually have a duel we’re going to have a a live versus versus PGA Ridder cup Edition Masters Edition players FedEx cup of our own because again like we we’ve talked about this several times but live is changing golf believe it or not the guaranteed money the hire and

Sponsors right the only thing that they’re missing honestly is the networks because yeah yeah ESPN ESPN owns the PGA and ESPN Disney own all of the all of the networks that that that they’re able to stream it on that’s the only thing they’re missing which in my opinion

Being that it’s a s being that it’s a Saudi ran ran organization dude Saudi Arabians and Indian people are not by any means dumb they can literally make they can literally make one of the best streaming experiences hands down you know and so and that would take them and honestly Bollywood Bollywood you’ve

Heard of Bollywood right in India that’s bigger than Hollywood because of how many people live in India there’s over a billion people in India yeah you know so like it’s insane like yeah they’re not they’re not dumb at all and no they’re I mean I I don’t mean to say they that

They’re dumb I know what you mean there’s a there’s a there’s a lot yeah there’s a lot that they can do and of course of if I’m if if I’m the PGA like I would be a little scared because one they their their burn cash that they

Have is endless being that it’s all oil money second like there’s more Global sponsors that are jumping in compared to just us-based ads right right and on top of that being that it is like a a global organization they’re not trying okay I’m going to skip that part but they have control of

What of what it is that they want to what it is that they want to push to the audience right like obviously we understand what the PGA is trying to do and some of the newer upand cominging types of you know I don’t want to say it but you get

Where I’m going with this with certain certain things on yeah I mean you bring up a good point in the sense that like if they were to pull out the main reason that Monahan apparently did this merger that still isn’t really complete is because like hey like not just the money but the

Fact that they would just be bled out dry is what he was saying with the PJ tour they didn’t have enough to compete with Liv so no if they pull out like Monahan and PJ in a way it sounds like they’re screwed because they’re going back to that where they’re

Going to bleed them dry again and they’re not on the same page they’re not working together and they have they don’t have John ROM anymore which is a huge draw because he’s top player in the world uh the last like three four years winning two majors right just the US

Open and Masters um and the only hope they have is the younger players from the PJ tour that are coming up that can become something and take advantage of the spots but even then John R is so big right now yeah no exactly it’s definely not guaranteed it’s such a risk and it

Sucks in a way because I mean yeah we talk a lot it sound like if you watch our podcast in my opinion it definitely sounds like we’re like team live over like you know PJ tour and I’m for the players I’m for the players getting their money that they deserve that

They’re owed for you know putting together the tournaments because they without players there is no tournaments right and like the competition and things like that I’m all for the players whatever sport it is football get your guaranteed money you know especially with that being so violent baseball guaranteed money get your money because

You’re so limited on earning before the next best thing comes out and then you’re out on the end and you know and you’re just out of luck and you get like yeah one bad swing one bad thing you know like yeah I was just gonna say 1,00% I mean we saw it with

Tiger right yeah an accident can happen at any point even if maybe you are on quo or pain pain pillar painkillers whatever it may be like we can’t control that you know I mean life has a weird way of of doing that to some people but

Again like the fact that you have a security for your family for yourself right and now the game it’s one less thing you have to worry about like yep that that’s kind of that’s that’s the one thing and I don’t think that this move could have come at a better time

Being that the USGA rules out the roll back rule which is just the dumbest thing ever in my opinion I mean Bubba Watson said it best in in my opinion when he spoke about it saying like what is the number one what is is the number one advertisement for any PGA event golf

Balls right like why are we going to go and advertise golf balls to people that quite honestly if they want to play with the players are playing they can just go get it but now you’re talking about a roll back to where it’s 5% difference he’s like why not make a course 5%

Longer why not move us back 5% deeper in in off the T boxes and we can still play the ball he goes and what’s dumb is that even if you do or even when the rollback rule does does come into come into place Bryson the Shambo is still going to be

One of the longest hitters on any course because that’s 5% less that he’ll hit it so if he’s hitting at 540 now he’s gonna be hitting it or I’m sorry not 540 three 340 340 yeah 340 like now he’s going to roll it back to what 325 and whoever was

Close behind still gonna be yeah he’s still gonna be the longest guy so it doesn’t make a difference and um the podcast that he was on where he was speaking where he was speaking about that got cut short but he kind of mentioned like why not why not change up the

Lineup right which people have been saying for years change up the lineup except for the majors right so if the majors are always going to obviously Augusta will always be at Augusta right or the Masters will always be at Augusta right but like find different courses find different courses instead of so

Many Nies outes yeah yeah could you imagine like again like could you imagine seen them playing on you know on uh bring him a dragonly bro bring him a dragonfly is yeah pain Valley yeah I was gonna say like pay Valley or I think we talked about this last time or even like

Wolf Creek you know dude Wolf Creek would be epic that’d be so sick you’ve only seen it in video games like you never seen it in person um but I agree and I think you also touched on a little bit how like golf balls are the biggest

Draw but every single year you work in the golf industry I work in the golf industry you did for a lot longer than I but the main draw is like there are two things in my opinion that sell that are like the biggest um advertising that like hook

People in easier to hit golf clubs and farther hit whether it’s a ball or whether it’s a club it’s like oh this is the farthest one ever this is the farthest one ever golf ball this is the farthest ever you know uh golf club this

Is the easiest to hit golf club with the same distance you know great distance or whatever and then same thing with golf ball spin or whatever and so do you think that eventually like cuz like if they have a roll back what are they going to be able to

Do just get more spin on the ball like what could you do if you have such a because I’m sure there’s something right now that they’re hitting a limit but yeah I don’t even know I don’t even know I don’t even know what what it what goes

Into the roll back like what I don’t understand what they’re going to do because for the last what for the last 10 years all the all the golf clubs have been doing is trying to maximize distance every year they guarantee extra five yards right and then and then golf

Balls now like again let’s just talk about tidalist right tius is number one golf ball in the world and even with them they’ve always said you know um they’ve always said more spin off your wedges uh less spin off your driver depending on which one you’re getting if

It’s the prov1x pro prov1 or even the left Dash which I think the left Dash is the best thing to ever hit the ball Market since they releas to the public well in my opinion since since the since tailor made came out with their first

Versions of the tp5 of the tp5 X’s when those when those first hit I was like wow I’ve never seen a ball jump off the face like that I’ve never been able to have you know that type of action on my wedges but now here comes the left dash

At still prov1 and you’re I mean your your flight you know is is solid the numbers of the the number of spin is like so consistent based off of how well you’re striking the ball and I mean it just feels good like it it feels really

Good and so now it’s like you’re talking about all of that progress that they’ve been making through the last 10 years to where now they’re like well I guess we have to dial back like the compression point we have to dial back the the the uh the coat you know the coating that

We’re using on on the ball like it’s like going from the BSR to like the BB core bats remember that that roll back basball beers yeah yep it’s like the be I mean but like that’s the thing what you do make make the dimples make the dimples bigger know right it’ll be

Interesting it’ll be really interesting to see how they are especially if you’re paying top dollar like 60 bucks a box for a ball that goes like 5 to 10% less yeah like that’s going to be that that’s going to be tough man I’m going going to the Kirkland golf balls real soon if

That’s the case like what’s the point you know or vice or vice yeah speaking of dude what did you so I um I’m very interested in a set but I’m I think I may go I think I may go get some at that price point I might just you have to

Wait for a few weeks but yeah you’re GNA have to wait for a few weeks but yeah because they’re already sold out everywhere and going for double triple the price online yeah I mean there’s over here in San Santa Rosa and the one in Runner Park they still have there’s

Still a few sets uh the drivers are all gone the drivers drivers are all gone but there’s still a few sets of irons that they have who is going to be the what yeah go ahead go for go for it go for it I was gonna say and I saw that

There’s a left-handed set there too really well that’s the thing I was going to say like what does Kirkland have against lefties man like none of their stuff really has been lefties they have only right-handed irons right-handed driver and I don’t know about the wedges

Or putter but like Dam D I feel bad for lefties I’m not even a lefty you go if you go online if you go online you can get it they interesting it’s only onl you think going be the who do you think is going to be the first Kirkland

Sponsored player that just takes these puppies out and just throws darts I want to see like Grant Horvat or fat Perez just with a Kirkland set and just if anything well you got to think Grant horx with Taylor Made You got to think fat Perez fat pres boys are with

Are with Callaway I guess we’re open for I guess we’re open for business huh we’re open for business well think think think of this think of this right like who’s a new who’s a new upand cominging player either on PGA or or YouTube right

Who isn’t tied to to any uh um to any clubs right I mean think about it you were just talking about them they don’t have any ties they promote one Club but they they’re one one set of clubs but they don’t actually play them all the time who the Brian Bros

Oh yeah I guess so what do they promote what do they promote they promote no no they promote the uh the Taha Taha or Tama um irons oh okay okay okay interesting I think I I I think I think but again like and then you are you

Obviously know Rick Shields is gonna be the first person to get a set in yeah okay video and yeah yeah dud yeah they look beautiful though that like like honestly like if someone were to give me a set of those I 100% would play those just to try them

Out hit them they look good the wedges are nice the putter looks very nice with like the super stroke grip you know um it’s just the only thing is though they don’t have Woods right no Woods just the driver irons oh yeah yeah yeah and you

Know so so the so the driver looks like the um was the pxg no no no it looks like the Callaway razor optic let me see that’s an old one yeah let me see if I can find it let me see if I can find it just find out they

Kirkland like two years ago bought out like all of the all the remaining brand new ones on eBay and just like removed few decals and was like all right we got them for 100 bucks you just want to sell them for 200 yeah people buy them yeah

Yeah that’s no that’s not it hang on I remember it’s like optic something I gotta hang on uh optic optic Force that’s what it looks like op C optic Force driver here let me see if I can share my screen hang on thing’s taking for oh I see it oh it

Looks exactly like it dude holy CRA look exact yeah it looks exactly like that like here look let me show you here you go look it see it looks exactly exactly like that exactly like that so that’s where so that’s what that’s what I was that when I saw that that’s exactly what

I thought it looked like um and then the irons look pretty spot on to like the tailor made s 790s with like the big old tungue sand weight in the front but Cory was saying when we were on the rain or when we were on the course that they

Look like the old Nike Nike MBS I looked those up and they were like the vrs they do have the similar kind of look with like the muscle back SL cavity or muscle cavity type type of look so yeah it’s similar but what I’m curious about

Is what shafts are in there right yeah I know that someone talked about it it definitely was not like a in my opinion like a super common shaft that’s like you know True Temper or uh any other one uh True Temper what are the other ones

KBS something like that you know um it was another one but yeah that’s another good one because it’s like imagine coming up to H with like two or ad shafts in like yeah your having like some uh some some uh Dynamic Gos in there or something like

Yep that’d be pretty interesting oh man that’ll be fun oh man I wish we were big YouTubers so we can just get a box and just try them out [ __ ] yeah that would be but what’s the what’s the what was the price point on them 500 bucks for the irons 200

Bucks for the driver and I think 125 130 for the three sets of wedges and then probably like 125 bucks for the putter so you’re probably looking at under easily under a, bucks for that whole set yeah yeah which is insane it is um but moving on

Really quick I just want to mention one cool thing there’s not anything that you’ll see with him in our video that we have that I forgot to mention earlier but ryson n Shambo was at dragonfly when we were there it was crazy Julio and uh Corey were able to actually see him

While coming off the 18th because he was hitting some shots right off the 18th hole which is right where their little white tent is where his uh old coaches and uh I was pitching I was doing some uh chip shots onto the green before our before our Round And if you know

Dragonfly I was literally facing where you hit the golf cart that’s going right next to the 10th hole so if you go up that way like you’re coming from the the car parking lot basically and you’re coming up and I’m pitching I’m chipping that way and I’m looking at this golf

Cart and then I hit a chip and I’m looking I’m like okay’s this person I’m like shoes okay you don’t see those shoes every day they’re kind of like the the foot Joys The Comfy foot Joys they don’t really have any grip but they’re like the they look more like running

Shoes kind of things and then I’m like okay guy looks kind of familiar and then the golf bag and I’m like it says Crushers and I’m like you got to be freaking kidding me that’s Bryson and the whole time I don’t realize this until the end he’s been staring at me

While driving up just like watching me just stare him down just like kind of like slowly putting it together in my head of what I’m seeing right now something to say kid pretty much and I was like oh hey Bryson and he’s like hey so hey bu like

I was just so Star Struck I was like uh welcome back welcome back welcome home no I think I said welcome home and uh I was like man I feel like a freaking idiot man go just get out of here I feel like an idiot uh he’s like gosh he’s

Like people like that just I just want to be treated like a normal person dude I felt like such an idiot and and I was like dang and and then I texted my buddy Brandon who works with Mike Shai who’s Bryson’s Old Coach or his original first

Coach that he had over here in Central Valley and I told him and I was like I really want to get a picture with him next time because he always he’ll know when he’s gonna be there but he just doesn’t know the times and I was like I

Really want to get a pick and he goes dude should you just ask he’s really cool about that stuff and I’m like if I would have stopped him there yes yeah but once he got past I’m like once he’s practicing hitting golf balls in the

Range excuse me hey hey hold on hold up hold up hold up hold up can I get a picture real quick please like yeah I feel like uh I might not be welcomed back over that white tent anytime soon and uh but it was really cool because I

Did not expect it and I kept trying to call Julio I was like I called him like twice so I’m like want to be like dude Bryson’s here Bryson’s here he’s not answering I’m like did he really play 7 o’clock is he really here where is this

Guy and yeah but you’re able to see him right you saw him come I saw yeah we saw him right there on 18 and I was just like hm and of course you know I’m gonna throw this in there because it’s a nice compliment from Cory but Cory’s like

Dude your swing looks better than that and I was like I don’t I was like don’t even start man he’s like we haven’t played the match yet bro yeah I was like he was like dude you strike the ball better than any other two player that

And he’s like and I’ve I’ve caded and I’ve I’ve I’ve played with some good ball starers and he’s like there’s no one I’m like all right Cory like just buy me a beer all right just buy me a beer hey Bryson I was going to do 18

Holes against the teds here for my podcast but uh if you’re down yeah are you ready for buddy yeah exactly but no I mean dude it was it was great I mean the first round I shot I think I think playing playing the second round with you I think uh I think I

Shot six six six shots better and I only had I think I just pared out the whole the entire course almost I think I only had one Bogey and then I missed that I missed that eagle for from like dude that had to have been like six

Feet dude that was nuts we did not expect that I did not expected and then you almost had that like 95 foot putt for birdie that if you would have pulled the pen out yeah that would have been epic you guys were stand you guys were

Standing there I was 90 away I know I know and then and then actually I was going to say um next time we’ll probably record with everything on the ground because we are shaky dude like you watch the things and it looks like the camera’s just like

Going like this and then you see the ball go the camera goes up and you’re like oh no like it’s like oh my gosh like you don’t you don’t you think you’re pretty like you know pretty good still and yeah you think you’re really freaking still and then you watch it

You’re like you just look at the bottom and it’s just like you’re on a boat just you’re like oh my gosh dude and then I’ll say this the first hole you didn’t get my drive what I had it recording I pressed record and then you press stop to

Recorded again and then that stopped it I was watching I was like no okay no worries okay and then it and then I think on the second and then on the third hole I didn’t get my drive I was the one who had the camera on the ground

And I didn’t for whatever reason they didn’t get it but everything else was good besides that and I was like oh gosh man if we’re already like missing two shots in the first three holes oh man we are screwed this is gonna be a day this is

Going to be a day that right no but but uh but I mean yeah we besides that we got everything else it was a good day a good weather day too not much wind not really cold Till The Sun started go down but I mean hats off to Julio again for

You know making the trip all the way out there he didn’t get home till 1 a.m. he left at 4:00 a.m. got home at 1:00 a.m. and it wasn’t because of him I don’t know if he wants to talk about it but that’s just something that’s just insane

On the way home um fortunately he had a safe drive home and he had YouTube and Netflix which saved him Tik Tok Tik Tok right exactly uh you know oh did you did you catch any of the PNC was it the PNC Championship the uh the pr this week I

Did yeah what did you think did you I know obviously everyone’s following Charlie and tiger that’s like the main thing everyone’s like Charlie tiger W yeah um I loved I loved the moment with the with the kid uh um he’s like eight years old or something or no

He’s like 14 I think or no 12 uh his mom was on the LPGA but like he really he like told his mom he’s like hey slow down like let’s take in this moment as they’re walking in on 18 I forget who it was um but he like got all emotional um

The dailies look like they like they did really well it was cool to see it was cool to see uh Justin and his dad playing especially with like you know I mean we talked about it right he’s just like dad you’re fired like I’m not you’re not going to you’re not you’re

Not going to teach me anymore you know um so it was cool to see them but I think really the the biggest talk was obviously the first day right tiger shoes being that they were they had no logo they were potentially uh prototypes that of new shoes that were coming out

And then right and then his press conference that was you know everyone was talking about like well are you leaving Nike and he’s like I’m still wearing him I’m still wearing him and you could tell he is getting like annoyed but again dude like it just seems weird that it’s like you don’t

Even want to wear your own signature shoe like Jordan never did that you know yeah I mean it is interesting in the sense that I I remember I know Rick Shields isn’t anywhere near Tiger Woods but like Rick Shields had a video like a year or two ago maybe two three years

Ago where he was like I’m leaving Nike and it’s like and then he was like I’m not really like I’m still going to wear Nike but I’m going to wear what I want to wear I’m not going to push Nike products and things like that but I will

Wear it you know so like because I like Nike I will wear it but obviously if you can make money off it do it but he’s like that that just means I can wear whatever I want now I don’t have to always wear Nike I can wear Jordan I can

Wear uh Adidas you know anything I want um and if Tiger’s out here saying I’m the person that always reads between the lines because I W I worked at uh what was it Comcast for about n as short as you can without getting fired nine months because all the terrible salesman

Um great customer service great customer service guy but just could not upsell anybody because I felt bad when people come in I’m like that person would not want to be upsell I can guarantee you you know you’re coming in with three kids and you can’t even speak English um

I don’t think she wants to know if she wants the deluxe package okay I think she just wants to pay her bill and play exactly like and then H man it was terrible times but like because of that like so many people would come in they’d

Be like oh it says like $50 for like the best package ever and it’s like right next to it right and it’s like oh they make it look like it’s right like that that’s what you’re going to but but if you read right here literally right

Below it says for the deluxe package not for the cheap one or whatever and if you read between the lines what I’m getting back to it’s like he could still maybe wear this stuff but he’s also probably be like hey I’m not gonna promote it if

I don’t if I’m not if they’re not doing what I want like I’m Tiger Woods like you said Jordan wears his own stuff Jordan wants something he gets it I’m sure Tiger Woods does too but there might be some tension going around in Nike where his new stuff sucks you know

He he’s not comfortable well no exactly but I mean like because his body has changed so much you know what I mean he needs something different than what he has had in the past and but I mean like again Nike is one of the top brands in

The world like how can they not just bend to his knes because he moves the needle he is golf yeah yeah yeah you got a point it’s I I mean I don’t know I I just going back to Rick Shields I think it’s funny that you mention that because dude do

You realize this guy literally single-handedly got American Eagle to start like a golf like a golf uh is that who it is yeah yeah I was I’ve been watching his videos but I was like okay I see the I see the golden eagle but I’m like wait is that is that American Eagle

That’s American Eagle I was like what is that brand I didn’t I didn’t want to click and search the video or that was the [ __ ] in seventh grade if you weren’t rocking Hollister American Eagle you like were you you weren’t anybody that Nai bro I was like the only

One who was like I don’t care I just don’t care and I don’t have the money but I didn’t realize am yeah I remember when I got my first pink shirt I felt like I was like the coolest dudee in the world dead dead serious I thought I was

Like the coolest dude in the world I was like dude like for five straight Monday through Friday literally literally I sprayed down with the with the with the am body spray like all right who’s who’s ready for some of this be like you’re your cologne’s a little strong eyes are burning

Man oh man good times man I didn’t realize that that was American eag okay that makes sense now but but yeah I mean if there’s someone to do it that’s in the golf world besides good good and that’s a YouTuber Rick Shields I could definitely understand

That I know and um oh I didn’t tell you but I I did order a breezy shirt uh just just like one of like the just one of the blue just one of the blue ones very simple pretty solid quality shirt um it’s funny because I

Remember when Nick told us that you know like his his shirts come from the same Factory as all as all of theirs and I was like there is a there is a significant difference like I feel like Nick shirts you know the the forefather shirts are yeah are really they’re

Really fitted you know like they’re they’re a little bit more tight up up top yeah maybe just because I’m just just be maybe just because I’m just a bigger dude but like the Breezy sht is exactly that it feels like like an older foot Joy like it’s just open it’s nice and comfort

Like you feel relaxed it’s kind of like the shirt that I wore that I wore um Sunday yeah that’s exactly what it feels like but it’s not thick it’s just like a nice easy yeah light light shirt interesting yeah yeah I mean I I feel like majority of these new

Companies that are coming out like no laying up uh bad birdie um birdie Bros birdie boys whatever it is like no no bogey boys bogey boys boys there’s there’s like all swag scratch golfer yeah exactly like all the shirts are like the exact same just different logos that’s pretty much

It they they’re very similar maybe different cuts like you mentioned with forefathers and Breezy uh but yeah I mean they you’re going to get a nice shirt nowadays it’s just can you find a good one at a at a decent price point and I was looking at some of the Bob D

Sport Breezy shirts dude and I’m like what are they 80 bucks 90 bucks yeah I got mine on black I got mine on Black Friday well yeah of course where you have that’s that’s when you were that’s when you should probably get them but see but that was what’s crazy I

Bought it on Black Friday and it wasn’t like an older shirt it was you know it was that was yeah that was just like 30% off and it took until like today to get it what where they shipping them from China geez I don’t know it didn’t smell like cat

I’m D okay all right all right well right well I feel like it’s a good spot to wrap up the podcast for today if you made it this far obviously we appreciate your support next week as of right now we are in line to get a PGA Tour player on the

Podcast our first one ever Woody whooo um our first one ever it’s been a year and with the a cool little story that I’ll that I’ll talk about I probably even talked about in our podcast like a year ago or back in February when we when I saw him personally um but really

Excited about it it’s unfortunate what happened but with with with what’s going on with him right now uh physically you’ll you’ll hear about that uh but we’re really excited uh that one should drop Thursday we’re meeting with him on Wednesday that want you to drop Thursday Christmas video is coming out on Monday

So just you know make sure to keep them noties on uh you know and uh keep checking out our Instagram YouTube and Instagram YouTube and Tik Tok just definitely posting a bunch of our content some of our Clips some our from our round since the video

Is not up yet I’m still just trying to like build some you know some cool thing some what do you call it anticipation is that is that a good way of saying it um for the video uh it was a good time good company and uh yeah I mean anything else

You want to touch on before we uh end the wrap up the Pod I won both of my matches I beat John and I beat Corey so [Laughter] spoiler yeah yeah you did and watch watch what happens a lot of cars I mean I was shocked some I was shocked with

Some of the ones that I was making like outside of8 feet I was like yeah I was like f you dude I was like come on bro Cory gave me Cory gave me one little tip and it was like night and day I just saw

The line I was like just do your thing just I was like yeah man yeah and I had some Miss some miss putts that were like a 50-50 or that that I just messed up on but yeah great it’ll be a fun video Christmas video um and

Yeah don’t forget to stay flying goow we’ll see you next week thanks for watching

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