Krampus IV | R1 B10 | Bruno, Tesone, Li, Wilson

Krampus has invaded Mercer County Park Disc Golf Course, fiddling with the course and messing with players. Watch as the brave adventurers attempt to navigate this 20 hole layout whilst avoiding Krampus’ grasp!

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Card: Joseph Bruno, Zachary Tesone, Bo Li, Kenneth Wilson

Course: Mercer County Park Disc Golf Course

Commentary: Dave Oster

Tournament Director: Brian Bochantin

Presenting Sponsors:

D-Town Disc Golf- Use code “hyzer23” for 10% off your order at:

Cosmic Disc Golf:

Reaper Disc Supply:

Hole Sponsors:
B.S. Upshot – Tournaments & Shop
Slippery Saucers Disc Golf
Link Disc Golf Supplies
Dan Brooks-Wells
Elevation Discs
Jersey Discs
Out of Bounds Disc Golf
Dark Side Disc Golf Dyes
Lightning Disc Golf
(Promo Code: HYZER10)
Upper Park Disc Golf

Supporting Sponsors:
Norse Gods Disc Golf

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#discgolf #krampus #mercer

Hello and welcome back to Mercer County Park disc golf course for the back 10 of the first round at Krampus 4 we are here trying to avoid Krampus staying out of his grips and avoid all of the meddling that he has done here at this Krampus 20

Hole layout I’m Dave Oster here to be your guide through this treacherous final 10 holes starting off on hole 11 Par 3 273 ft Krampus has put a mandatory left on a very close tree to the basket these players are going to have to go

Around it to the left side and try to push far enough to the right Joey Bruno up first going to go with the forehand going with a flex forehand and turning it over just a bit too much catching that tree never has enough time to get all the way

Back if you’ve ever been to marcer I’m sure you’ve probably run into Zachary tassone local Pro going with the big high forehand trying to get up and over the tree doesn’t make it past the Mando and Krampus has its first victim of this second half of the first

Round so Zack will be proceeding to a drop zone Bo Lee also turning it over a bit too much just Mando looks like it shouldn’t be too much of an issue but getting into these players heads really just need to throw a straight forehand with a finish but we see how much

Difficulty looks like all four of these players are having Krampus getting two of them directly with M Mandos and two turned over forehand so usually one of the easiest holes in the course hole 11 to the short basket but all four of these players are definitely not getting their

Birdies Ken and Zach just short little pitch ups around the tree and I guess technically that was still for a birdie but Joey being pretty far away smart to just get her on the Mando and lay up Zach our current leader giving a stroke back to the field and bow his closest

Competitor stays within one so Ken and Joey will tap in as players go and just take a second peek to make sure that Zach did miss the Mando but he did indeed so we’ll move over to whole 12 par 4 580 ft playing to the short basket from the long te there is

An out of bound wood line all the way along the right side and these plays are are they going to go straight at it with a forehand or it looks like Joey is going up and over the left side and he spikes it down maybe within Circle two pretty pretty good play now

He’s going to have a putt looking at it towards the out of bounds right behind the basket and it is pretty close to the basket as we’ll see as we we get up there b going with a similar line but doesn’t quite get enough stability to

Come back he’s going to be pretty far out in the field these players looking like they want nothing to do with that OB line so they’re just going way out to the left it is a par four so they have the ability to still get up and down with for the birdies should

Actually be pretty easy to do so as long as they don’t overshoot shoot it coming into the green and yeah four for four going up and around the outside seems like just a bit of the easier play and now we’ll be heading into the green with ob with in the circle so

Players having to be very careful if they decide to run it or smartly laying it up for the birdie like Ken and Zach as well now Joey’s a little bit shorter he has a bit of the angle for Hiser to give it that eagle bit oh and he hits it off the rim

And thankfully sitting short enough to not go out of bounds the other three players who laid up will also tap in their birdies and we will have our first star frame so no instances of Krampus on this hole as we head over to our first bonus hole of this 20 hole

Layout hole a playing from 13’s long teapad to 12’s long basket it’s about 190 ft but as you can see there’s an OB line that you have to get across which shouldn’t be an issue unless you get caught up in this tree and Joey going with the

Tomahawk and spiking it down right next to the basket so that will work uh forehand will also work but they’re coming back towards that out of bounds line but will be no issue if you put it right under the basket like bow great shot Zach trying to replicate that with another forehand nice

Checkup Ken trying to match the group getting it nice and close needs to stick and does so very nice all right so it looks like we are potentially looking at another starf frame two in a row so perhaps Krampus forgot to meddle with this hole maybe

You wanted to give give the players a break put them in a nice lull for holes to come who knows but this does seem like a soft part of the course whole 13 part three 310 ft we’re looking at it from the long T but we’re actually playing

From the short T so it’s the left side of this open field and the OB on this line is pretty close behind as well oh as we see Joey flirting with it those orange Flags indicating the out of bounds within the circle again B with a nice little scoot

Forehand should be pretty easy for him and again Zach trying to replicate that forehand two kind of similar shaped holes this one is probably over 100 feet further maybe about a 100 feet further oh and Ken pulls it a little bit does it have the stability oh and it checks

Up so Ken furthest out and you can see that OB line actually goes down that path which will give a little teaser is an double-sided out of bounds line for one of the holes for the Safari layout out that entire path between this hole and the next is the Fairway so make

Sure you stay tuned for that oh as Joey spits out left side the players who avoid Krampus on this first 20 holes get the opportunity to defeat him on the Safari 9 Hole coming up after this so we will see who’s able to do it here and then move on just a

Touch of Krampus for Joey just barely spitting out left side other than that would have been a third star frame in a row of course Krampus did not want that as we go over to whole 14 part 3 250 ft playing to the short Pin the woods are playing out of bounds if you go long of the basket so players maybe a little hesitant to go full power as we see B come up a little bit short but he’s Circle Edge maybe Zach looks like he’s looking wide kind of straight yep calling for it to go

Left and does curl up at the end to give him a 18 to 20 footer can similar line but not quite as much distance kind of Fades over to in those trees so it be maybe a little bit of an obstacle but won’t be too bad Joey going with a forehand

Turnover and if he didn’t get caught up with those trees that should work he’ll have a look at it for sure can almost getting the birdie from 70 or 80 feet but with a little bit better of an opportunity in just a bit High similar distance for

Joey and just spit to look like nose down we’re getting towards these Open Fields where there might be a little bit more wind coming into play and Zach with the only one left for birdie opportunity and takes advantage so he will extend his lead to two over

Bow and the rest of these guys will be tapping in their pars as we head over to hole 15 R 4 470 ft playing from the long teapad the way the Drone is flying will be more so the right side where you could play the normal right line but

You’re pretty much forced to go left as there is a late left Mando which we’ll see once we get likely to their second shots being a par four um these players are going to have to go left at this first split we see right at center of the screen um to

Really set themselves up to go through the Mando on the second shot distance-wise you could potentially get through on your first shot as you see Zach gets a great kick back out of the woods and lands right in front of the drop zone that is at the Mando line so you

Don’t need a lot of distance you really just want to set yourself up for the second shot Bo got a bit of a bad kick kicked over to the kind of right side of the Fairway which will give him a strange angle for his second shot can he going with a straight shot

Maybe looking for a bit more Hiser or finish so he’ll have kind of a pinched off angle trying to get through that Mando Joey is lining up forehand turnover oh had the distance but missed the Mando but got almost all the way into the circle unfortunately he left to

Go back to the Drop Zone getting bit by Krampus again Bo missing the mandoa as well on his second shot coming up short of it trying to just pitcher around it so he’ll be moving backwards to that drop zone that we see right in front of Zach

As he pulls one a bit left he’s probably almost pin high but that does not look fun there Ken looking like he lining up a big turnover oh and gets caught up up high and didn’t make much progress he’s going to be in the left side rough again

So now Bo and Joey will be from the Drop Zone Bo with one stroke more and Joey but able to give himself a putt to save I believe the bogey from there and Joey will be able to try to save the par so now Ken and Zach will be going

From the left side rough just trying to get up and down nice little thummer getting Ken in a great roll so that’ll be enough to save his par Zach is pretty deep in there I have to see what he’s looking at and just able to get out and yeah 15 fet from the

Pin so bow for bogey just a bit too far left so Krampus certainly grabbing bow on this one Zach able to get the par after a couple not perfect shots going left side rough on both of them having to pitch out getting his par Joey able to save the par from the Drop

Zone and I believe this will be the double yep double for bow giving the lead to Zach by four strokes now but lot of challenges left to come as we go the whole 16 part three 300 ft there’s an OB line all along the right side with this hole being kind of

Bending left to right is the direction you want your this to go so if you do it too much obviously you’ll end up in that OB line Zach going real high and wide and almost running the basket came within a few feet of hitting some chains Zach is not afraid of Krampus

Today it seems can a little low oh that’s running and right out of bounds got just the worst cut roll angle went straight right kind of landed pretty far left side of the Fairway and all the way right side and Joey getting caught in a tree and didn’t

Mention it because it usually doesn’t happen but Krampus has enacted the 2 meter rule for this tournament likely we’ve never even covered a tournament where was in effect but this one it was and Joey was the unfortunate victim of that kind of a strange place for it to

Even stick just dead stopped wasn’t even kind of falling out of the tree but luckily close enough that he might be able to save his PO no not quite now trying to get a down now but with a good drive and rewarded with a birdie there kind of overlooked it as we

Were talking about the 2 meter rule but he went up in probably a better spot than even Zach is although Zach did give it a run and he’s still able to cat in that birdie so Ken after going OB looking to save his par here and Nail’s the

Putt if I haven’t mention it yet the top 40 to 50% of each division qualify for the final nine so battling Krampus is what you’re trying to do just to get to that final nine having to be top 40 50% of the field that’s the goal here the scores

Will continue they don’t reset in the final nine so Zach and B pretty close to being able to just Coast through obviously got to finish these last two holes but Kenny and Joe and other players in the field are battling to get above that cut Lev

Line right now we’re looking at 17 part 3 290 ft there is an OB line just beyond the basket all these guys going with the forehand turnover or flex line Joey going for it oh and he goes over that out of bounds line so he will be putting fairly close

To the basket but will be for a par Kenny trying to do the turnover putt not quite able to keep it moving left to right but he’ll have a putt to save his par this one for birdie for Zack and maybe smartly trying to just give it

A light bid no need to be giv up Strokes they do still count for the total tournament so trying to just maintain his lead going into that final nine and great putt by Ken getting that par knowing that he’s tied with Joe oh little low left side for

Bow check in at the end of the round to see how the rest of the field is doing looking for those top four spots to make it in to the final to get the opportunity to defeat Krampus again remember there are 20 holes we had

10 on the front nine 10 on the back nine so there’s actually two more holes still hole 18 part three 320 ft these are two out of bounds ponds water hazards whatever you want to call them if you land in them it is a penalty stroke play

From wherever you want out of bounds technically so trying to land short or long or left or right and Zach does it pretty much perfectly Landing right in the middle there’s also OB over the fence to the right and if you wind up short there’s technically Hazard Flags but there

Shouldn’t be that shouldn’t be an issue for these guys B with a pretty good shot too lenon just off center him and Zach will both have pretty good looks at it oh ken pulls it far right that needs to come oh and it hits the telephone pole

And kicks all the way back to the very dead middle the telephone pole that we’re looking at right over Joey’s shoulder is I believe the one Kenny hit so that was got to say quite quite a bad shot by Kenny but very lucky to get back in bounds and Joey going a

Big high shot going into a bit of a headwind wasn’t able to get the distance but kept it in the Fairway so Ken after a very fortunate kick back into the Fairway does take advantage and he should be able to save his par all right and Joey maybe looking at

Scores is trying to make it with Tomahawk trying to throw in a highlight for our Channel we appreciate it but scores are still pretty close and almost goes long on the comebacker into the OB pool oh just a little bit low for B Zach to get one more stroke oh and there’s that

Headwind pulls it up and just short of that wood line make the comebacker and does save the par as these guys tap in we are going to be heading over to the final hole of this 20 hole layout we had two additional holes hole a and we’ll be heading over

To Hole B the 20th hole of this layout Joey with the bag tap in and we’re going to take a little bit of a walk over towards the parking lot where we’ll be teeing from the main Road as you’re walking in navigating through few large pine trees with a temporary

Basket posted up on top of a mound so rollways certainly a possibility and just getting close to the basket will be a challenge only 180 ft it shouldn’t be too much of an issue forehand line definitely makes sense but tough to get that skip up the hill to get too close I

Think this really is going to be more of a putting challenge as you can see great line by B but you get that straight skip as you hit the slope that’s sloping down to the left making it difficult to get all the way up Kenny trying to combat that by giving

It more angle it’s a little bit low but winds up getting maybe within Circle two give himself a look and Joe deciding to just take a different route altogether up and over right side and lands pretty close to the basket but on that Hillside and rolls to outside Circle two maybe Circle 2’s

Edge tough to get it that high winds up just putting it under the basket Krampus was a big challenge for Joey today he fought back there in the middle last these last couple holes um kind of got him back out we’ll see like I said where the uh the rest of the

Field winds up he will be fourth on this card nice putt by Zach squarely in the lead and Kenny with a birdie gives himself a good chance of making it on to the finals both is going to be probably pretty squarely in especially with that par anything under

Par with this layout battling the field battling the weather battling Krampus is a pretty good Score shot of the round though before we move on see who’s see who is moving on is this beautiful shot putting it almost leaning on the pin by Bow we see is in the finals along with Zach Timmer Savin Kenneth Wilson Kim a Cass unfortunately Joey the only one eliminated but we have

A tie for fourth so we’re going to have a five player card heading to the finals to battle Krampus in the final nine Safari layout at marcer you’ve probably never seen it so make sure you click on that nine hole Safari layout thumb bottom left right there to see how this

Conclusion with the Battle of Krampus Finishes


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