Golf Players

The Myth of an Attractive Body 😨🤦‍♂️

Build an attractive body when you have the right fitness info. However, many lifters think their body weight gives them an attractive body or an aesthetic physique. Mario Rios goes over what makes a body attractive and how you can build your dream body.

#shorts #attractive #physique #bodybuilding #body #gym #fitnessmotivation #gymlife #fitnessmodel

Tbody thinks he knows how to build an attractive physique this is what women find most physically attractive on a man have to be massive in 200 plus lb he’s actually on the money here this handsome YouTuber I collab with a lot diagnos tons of lits with 50 lb syndrome which

Say the guys need to be 50 lb heavier than they actually need to be to build their most attractive physique after looking at data for an average height guy the most attractive weight is between 170 to 190 lb but what show on the scale means nothing and shape

Matters more than size a lean guy 165 will always look better than a fat guy 180 to build the physique women love is about building your lean athletic be taper


  1. Guys, personality matters most, u can have the most attractive physique in mankind, but if u have a bland personality or is just boring in general then its only going to be a matter of time before they leave u. Theres a reason why fat guys, who are not overweight but just have a good amount of fat, compensate that with being the most funniest, able to hold a conversation, and has a great personality. Physique aint gonna matter whem u cant hold a conversation or keep a conversation alive for more than five minutes. Trust me, theres a reason why our grandfathers or great grandfathers who didnt have a good physique, were able to get married and approach women with ease.

  2. Ngl bro why ppl get big is so they look big in shirts. No one’s gonna know u lift if you’re 120 pounds and your not shirtless 90% of the time

  3. Hey bro I need some advice I had a accident which broke my hand and I had to quit exercise in result I have gained so much fat so can you suggest me some good exercises with dumbbells I have a pair of 5 kg and 7.5 kg mostly the fat is on my biseps and chest ( man boobs ) so please suggest some good exercises without any equipment except dumbbells as I only have those currently 😢

  4. Yea, I'm 6'1 at 228, but I'm training for strength, not necessarily to look good to wahman. Although it is going to take yrs, I want to be as close to Eddie Hall as humanily possible.

  5. I follow you to improve my health and try to gain a lean build. I am 225 lbs at 5'4. So, my goal, improve my lean physic

  6. I think weighing a little more than your ideal “pound” is beneficial because it’s easier to be bigger and then decide if you want a lean physique after that instead of shooting for some imaginary pound because a lot of your weight is water that fluctuate. For me about 10 pounds so that should be taken into account

  7. do yourselves a favour and go speak to some actual women- why would men get advice from other men, about the wants of a woman? but good to know what men find attractive in other men!

  8. I'm doing kickboxing so i don't want to bulk up a lot i always tried to stay between 135 and 155 its the best weight for me to fight but seeing people call me 'victim weight' really cracks me up cuz 95% of the fitness community can't trow a normal punch😂 You don't have to be 170/190 lbs just know how to kick somebodys asssszzzzz

  9. I hate how people think that we don’t workout for women. Yeah u fucking do, that’s the whole point of building a good physique + the health benefits that come with it

  10. This dude Mario needs to realize that Leon Edwards is nothing special but a paper thin MMA with excellent skills at fight with no physique, which he doesn't need for what he does

  11. 6ft 1, 155 pounds here. Very lean but with decent muscle mass and good size in shoulders, lats and arms particularly. What should I bulk to and then cut?

  12. Why not just work for the build YOU want? Fuck everyone else, someone is going to find it attractive.

  13. If u working out to attain a level were the ladies find u attractive u buggin, we do it for the hommies if u know what I mean.

  14. An attractive physique holder is the one who also train their necks, rear delts and calves along with the mains and who has an ffmi of 21.5 with a bmi of 22. That's it.

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