Golf Players

PDC Darts World Championship 2024 | Round 1 | Luke Littler vs Christian Kist

PDC Paddy Power World Darts Championship 2023/2024

Round 1: Luke Littler vs Christian Kist

Alexandria Palace | London, England

Shaw are Mark Webster and Dan dwson absolutely we are here for what could be the birth of a new superstar in this sport but we are also here for the resurrection of a very very serious player in Christian kiss back at the world championship for the first time in

Six years a world champion himself let’s remember from the Lakeside and a guy who to be honest has been producing some breathtaking stuff both on the second tier challenge tour and when he’s had the opportunity on the pro tour this year this is not just going to be a

Coronation of Luke ller you know anointing him as the next new star of darts Christian kiss can be so so good Mark Webster he certainly can he’s made it to the World Championship up the pro tour order of Merit without a tour card just to explain that he wasn’t even

Guaranteed to play on the tour so he kind of has to make H meet when he get back got those call-ups well he made a final and a semi-final just over a a couple of months ago to book his spot here and you cannot write off Christian

Former world champion as Dan said and he’s not just here to play second fiddle to Luke ller but there is a danger with the prodigious talent that this young man has the anybody could end up playing second fiddle over the course of a 5 set game it is a fascinating clash and the

Most important thing early signs Christian kiss looks all right because the thing that ended his first spell as a pro player was injury and that has flared up every now and again he looks okay dble that is Luke L’s first leg on the Ali P stage at the world [Applause]

Championship 14 DS no sign of early Nerves 85 Bon started okay as well confident from Luke ller [Applause] one [Applause] 34 said at the top of the show that Luke L has already been on this stage and won a title actually I mean retained a title the junior darts Corporation World title

Won a trophy so big he can pretty much sit in it oh look at it oh my Days look at that from Luke litle Chan in the crowd as well if you got school in the morning no sign of early nerves from Luke looking for a break in this opening set winner to face Andrew gilding in round two and that is a terrifying draw for

Gilding whether it be ller or kissed one out five luk require 91 good setup from kiss but L down to a two Darter already while he’s not going the two Dart route he’s going to give himself a dart at the ball and he finds it as

Well so the man of born Luke the nuke pins the bullseye he is two from two it could not have started much better what a start from Luke 26 starts used and he finds himself throwing for the opening set and he’s fired up as well and he’s

En he’s enjoying the chant he’s enjoying the moment and there’s going to be plenty of them assure you you should be nervous you’re 16 years old playing at the world championship for the first [Applause] time well the first big stage experience he’s got actually in the PDC loot ly he got

To the UK open ridiculously the early amateur qualifiers he wasn’t even 16 he was too young to play in him he turned 16 went straight to a qualifier won it kissed with a Max his first of the match bit of a fight back potentially yeah there’s a little tap on your shoulder

Luke and Christian his first opportunity to win a leg and it may have to go in terms of this opening set 11 segment oh brilliant double 14 for the one to one great effort from Christian kiss but there’s some set darts incoming for Luke lit to take the first set in spectacular

Fashion double 16 is astonishing Luke ller has strolled up on stage and when his first ever set at the world championship averaging 110 now you know his name 110 it was Exquisite stuff and for Christian kissed he knows what he’s up against now I think he knew

It was going to be a challenge anyway but this lad luk is the real deal [Applause] it’s just one set that’s all it is and Christian kiss is long enough in the tooth to realize that there are a lot of darts to be thrown in this game but he

Does have to throw up some kind of Roadblock to make life a little bit difficult for luk little easier said than done if he carries on at this PA 59 Christian’s got a hang on in there it’s a set on his darts so he can take the

Positive as well D it’s not the easiest positive to take when you lose a opening set like that there’s not a great deal Christian could have done about it he wasn’t poor he didn’t gift wrap him legs he was just beaten by the better play and sometimes it’s easier to take that

Way yeah I mean he did get one darted double there Christian kiss Oh my days one six four sets up one d double for Christian kiss in the opening set and that was a had gone 180 and nearly took out the one 121 he had to clear 301 points in two visits

Just to get a 14 now the 145 after a brilliant setup it is on oh behave yourself look where Christian is he’s feeding on scraps here Christian kiss just because his opponent is so dominant and it looks like it’s going to be a fourth consecutive leg an explosive start from the 16-year-old Luke

[Applause] ller this is 13 data for L Christian kiss heading straight for the water bottle in the probably vain hope that it might extinguish the red hot fires burning under Luke ller right [Applause] now 98 Luke L just looks like he’s enjoying himself it’s like he’s playing a

Practice match on the world championship stage here he goes can’t find his second Max he’s dominating proceedings [Applause] here quality visit from Christian K he needed it just to get level and Luke lit in again and again and again [Applause] 5 the average from L is above 115 wow 12 D thises but look where Christian is this has look it doesn’t matter who’s doing it if vanwin or PR saw Michael Smith or anybody was throwing these kind of darts at the start of the game it would rattle

You L doing it it will rattle Christian kiss how do you live with it third five legs on the spin for Luke [Applause] ller Christian doesn’t know what hit him here he was expecting obviously maybe some nerves he was hoping for some nerves but none whatsoever averaging 110 he’s five from

10 on the doubles Luke ller Christian kiss is averaging a ton here last time we saw him at Ali P averaged a ton lost 3-1 to Michael vaner who was very good and average 106 he probably didn’t anticipate to have even more thrown at him when he

Arrived here today but at the moment that is what is [Applause] happening ises this a chance for Christian to get his first leg on the board is a chance Now could go back to the 20s or the 17s where do you want to look 37 it’s only 37 it does get him to a finish but the way the L ller has been scoring this is precarious oh 25 beire 17 we’ve seen this early on this afternoon from Ross Smith we’re not

Going to see it from Christian kiss but he’s looking to set it up can’t find one but he does leave a two D will he get a go misses the ball entirely the chance evaporates immediately and Christian kissed this is the best chance only the second chance he’s had

In the whole match to get a leg 20 for Tops room to the right 34 require this could be 2 N in set in double Quick Time Mage be want a ball Bulls out for the two set lead margin he misses out real opportunity now for Christian kiss to get a leg on

The ball three in hand double 10 double Five and Christian kiss gets the leg relief for the Dutchman leg L to thr first for the first time gives Luke something to think about yeah look how it’s affected him unb believable third match Luke ller throwing for a two set lead did you see the snar on him then

It’s like he’d been offended at losing a l 43 if he does go on and win this match Dan and it’s looking likely he hasn’t got long to lap it all up he’s back in Action if he say still if against Andrew gild in tomorrow night [Applause] great visit for 120

Points I feel like Christian tries to throw a third on him then he was just warmed up there another mat in the leg nine down thr throw for a two set lead he’s on 82 chrisan kiss just making sure his equipment’s all right needs a maximum to get to any kind

Of finish he’s not going to get that Luke ller has got set darts incoming to make it 2-0 in sets 61 in legs to maintain this ridiculous average up in the 107 region beautiful d as is that this is astonishing Luke ller is lighting up Alexandra Palace on a night

Where we also get to see a two-time world champion Peter snake B right the job needs to be finished gentlemen third set first L ller is in the habit of winning you saw the St we flashed up at the start of this game 85% of his matches he is one and look just

Doesn’t Stop Christian he’s just got to try and follow R [Applause] smiling the pace he plays as well the Rhythm great to watch there are a whole host of experts Steve Brown the head of the junior darts Corporation said he’s the best teenage Talent he’s ever seen there are people who are expecting

Luk ller not just to step up to the tour and give a good account of himself next year but to win multiple titles and it’s because they’ve seen him do this stuff in youth darts they’ve seen him do it in senior darts in the BD wdf system he’s

Doing it right right now at the worlds he’s averaging 110 require 83 11 D there it is a rare Miss and a rare look against the darts of Christian kiss and as well as Luke’s played in his leg tester into how Christian’s played tops tops maybe a

He went for the travel and he’s just lost the flight lost the way and ller will get more opportunities for the opening lag 16 he’s not needed many opportunities so far in this game and he takes that one St leg Chris the thr first Christian kiss has only had darts to win three

Legs in this match there wer two legs in this match he missed his opportunity there with 100 finish 96 said to the top of the show this is an ambitious Luke liter he wants everything now he said when he won the Players champ well when he won at the

Players Championship Finals when he won the world youth title in M head doesn’t want to be playing development darts anymore he wants to be top 32 in the world when you get into the top 32 you cannot no longer play development T and at this rate he’s going to achieve that

In double quick time he’s got his tall hard for the next two years guaranteed I don’t see that coming under any threat what a way to introduce herself the World DS on the biggest stage when look at the the handful of big stage massive tournaments he’s played in he

Went to the Lakes side people fancied him to go and win that and it was Richard vinstra who stopped him with the highest ever average scene at the lake side the UK open earlier this year he took Adam gabas to put in a brilliant [Applause] display it has taken special things to

Beat this young man 96 wasn’t tempted to play in the wdf world championship he qualified for that he made his intentions clear he wanted to come here on the bigger stage and perform and he’s doing that to some tune here require 74 kissed great thought double 16 very impressive for Christian kiss

Just to hold something together try and mount some resistance he is caught in a whirlwind at the moment because of the impact of L glit really good Christian am mention but Christian’s played okay here averaging around about [Applause] 95 good good response from Christian there bit of shoulder in that last start

To give it some 59 he’s answered every question emphatically so far tonight Luke ller but there is a question yet to be answered what’s he going to be like when he gets close to the Finishing Line you would think a guy who’s been winning so many games for so long in various

Different format will be fine but it is the world [Applause] championship new trouble visit needed here for Christian needs a break a throw in this set to keep his hopes alive in this world championship [Applause] 26 L us to 106 liter plenty of time to

See this off could do it in three dos double top he is one leg away the front highest checkout of the match 106 for Luke ller hasn’t needed six visits to win any of his legs they’ all been five visits or less Luke ller 15 darts up or [Applause] below [Applause]

134 genuinely astonishing numbers 1 an astonishing display from a special talent 16 years old there’s only three players younger ever played at the world championship and he’s fired in another maximum that is 180 number seven we are only in the 11th [Applause] leg it’s just incredible isn’t it

Christian kiss doesn’t know what’s hit him and ller is edging closer to round Two Penny for Andrew gilden’s thoughts at the minute he’s up next for what looks like is going to be Luke ller Christian kiss has played some brilliant stuff this year it’s been

Great to see but he has not had an answer to Luke ller tonight does Luke ller have the answer to this question 96 for the match trible 19 for [Applause] double 32 he didn’t need to go there with his last start he could have stayed on the

20s he’s got a little bit of fiddling to [Applause] do 64 for a place in round two staying there well it’s tops and Luke ller the nuke has detonated himself onto the world stage it is an astonishing display this special special talent has Del delivered in his first

Ever game at Alexandra Palace and is this a night that will be looked back upon in years to come to say it was the star of The Saga of Luke ller because he has all the ingredients to be a big big player in this sport the numbers Mark are absolutely stratospheric it’s just

An incredible performance no leg was above 15 darts he dominated from start to finish that was a former BDL world champion he’s made to look very ordinary on that big stage and there’s the clinching moment Luke liter the first of many wins you feel on that world championship stage and he will go

Through and face Andrew Gilden which will be a different test for him tomorrow but he’s just going to enjoy the moment for now and why wouldn’t he he’s an ambitious player he wants a spot in the top 32 quicker and he’s speaking to Abigail Davis well Luke ller what a breathtaking

Display that was we’ve I’ve seen you put in numbers like that on the dev tour but to do it on your Ali P debut just sum up your emotions over the moon you know my debut my first game and I can’t believe how quickly I settled into the game cuz when

I was walking on I was a bit nervous but as soon as I found the Rhythm I was in and so much composure what was going through your mind when you had that DED tops for the match well obviously I was 2 one up then if he did Miss and

Christian took it then I had the darts for the final leg so I always fancy myself for a last leg but I’m glad to do it then and we know you’ve been playing darts since you were 18 months old this game means so much to you where does

Tonight rank it’s got to be at the top obviously I’ve been what been playing him since I was 18 months old obviously looking up to Phil Taylor I know he’s watching that’s for you Phil but yeah I’m I’m over the moon and when we look at your mini section of the draw James

Wade’s already gone do you feel like things are opening up for you Luke it’s fair when when Wy went out I got a bit excited but when then I went I’ve got to play Christian first and then next up next up is Andrew tomorrow night so

That’s what I like I like playing today and I know back on tomorrow yeah as you just mentioned Andrew guilding up next do you feel like you’ve got the mental strength and the resilience when he he kind of upsets your Rhythm slightly I’ll be honest I play people slower than

Andrew so I know what it’s like but that’s what he does he’s a slow throw can’t do anything about it so I think tomorrow I’ve just got to find a Riv quick Luke ler lap this up an incredible debut display ladies and gentlemen Luke [Applause] Ller


  1. Stuck a tenner on him at 50/1 for a bit of intrest and a laugh,christ the lad is down to 10/1, and btw Kist actually played well and had a very good average,Littler is frightening.

  2. Fack me.. Only just started and name dropping.. Tayloresq.. Lol… He is good but won't win it this year maybe next.. Look last year Rocky was all the talk.. I have said for a while this kids the new van gerwin, but he needs to keep grounded.. He does seem grounded. And I hope he is the next big thing.. I loved Taylor but didn't like his constant name dropping.. Lol.

  3. From 66-1 down to 10-1 after playing a single match in the world championship tells you everything you need to know about his debut.

  4. Littler is so technically strong. The side shots are the most revealing, so balanced and stable. He just doesn’t move.

  5. Been keeping an eye on him all year I am the least surprised person watching this tonight but still an incredible debut well done Luke

  6. This boys going to take over. 16 year old man and can produce darts like that. Such a solid technique aswell and he's so easy to watch. Looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow

  7. Great play from Luke Littler. Does darts prematurely age people? They always seem to look twenty years older thsn they are!

  8. He's got all of Warrington behind him, knew he'd have a good crack at it but didn't expect him to destroy kist, who himself is a great darts player.

    Looking forward to tonight

  9. Unfortunately, with the shock defeats of Fallon and Mikuru the tournament has not quite the excitement and quality of previous years.

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