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Men Are Refusing To Date American Women | Only Simps Are Dating American Women | #simps #dating

Men Are Refusing To Date American Women | Only Simps Are Dating American Women | #simps #dating

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00:00…Shaqueefla Jenkins is lonely
07:00…Even ran through AW’s want relationships
14:00…AW’s trying to call your bluff
20:00…AW’s think they’re going to be in a harem
26:00…Hookups with AW’s will cost you
32:00…Liberal Foreign Women cost as well
38:00…Why AW’s need so much attention
44:00…AW’s don’t qualify for anyone?
51:00…Chasing a buck
57:00…The view is crazy
59:00…You can raise your standards
1:04:00…AW’s have no leadership
1:09:00…Post-nut clarity
1:16:00…AW’s hate TFW’s
1:23:00…AW’s have no choice
1:31:00…AW’s are always a risk
1:38:00…We’re going to the top
1:44:00…Woke Hollywood
1:51:00…TFW’s can’t stand simps

Men Are Refusing To Date American Women, Only Simps Are Dating American Women, Traditional Foreign Women Exist, American Men Accepting 304s, Women’s Body Count Matters, American Women Are Hitting The Wall, Dating Coaches Don’t Want You Going Overseas, American Women Out Of Control, Monk Mode Over American Women, The Winner’s Legion Mission, Dating Is Dead For American Women, American Women Attention Seeking, Stop Chasing American Women, The Winner’s Legion

My name is mqu Jenkins and why is you always talking about American woman H why is you always talking about Americans Americans womans oh Kurt if you like them little llings so much how come you do not go overseas H what you doing here why are you always talking

Crap why is you doing this H you need to get a laugh sir you you think you just so funny hm well I got news for you mhm I deserve a seven figure I deserve to be in first class the first class on how to educate on how to be a

Wife that was the pork rinds going down the wrong hole mm oh Kur oh Kur Kur sometimes I fall the sleep at night and I cry myself to sleep because I’m so lonely and I have to take up my dentures because I’m about to turn 63 years

Old oh c and this is very upsetting because I’m just so lonely that is how I cry why is you going in the forest are you one of the M men is you a racist is that what you is well I don’t like you very much so I’m

Going men tell me all the time I’m beautiful when I take off my wig and it’s not funny why you laughing why you laughing why you laughing why you laughing why you laughing you just ain’t funny with your silly sun hat on and you’re going out into the woods is that

What you doing on this glorious day oh wearing your little purple outfit what is you gay or something is that like why you don’t like them women’s that’s how I speak in real life I’m not very edicated but I’m going to tell you how edicated I

Is I don’t like your cander I’m going to report you to YouTube right now there’s sobody reviewing on YouTube because you being racist that’s what you is you don’t even know you racist but that’s what I that is how I think even though I understand you have

Dated women of all complexion it still makes you a racist Merry Christmas to my legionnaires Merry Christmas wow it is nice out it is just spectacular legionnaire you you you you night boom dunk punch the like button as you guys come in finger the Subscribe button comment in the comment section become a

Legionaire remember hit the notification Bell I’m pretty sore today I blasted my body yesterday so I feel sore but I feel live and guys it is just Majestic out I don’t even know how to describe how quiet it is only dogs barking every once in a

While we just had to get a place by the barking dogs but it’s cool guys I go to the lake and it is quiet I am the loudest person out here making a ton of noise Merry Christmas to those of you guys who are on the opposite side of the

Globe and it is already Christmas okay Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate Christmas eve do it do it now maybe we should go down the Trail of Tears because today is gonna be sad for the little ladies so sad again here we go again he’s gonna say things I’m gonna

Cry I’m gonna cry it’s pretty much official gentlemen men are refusing to date aw’s look I know the media loves to spin and say oh guys oh the little ladies are rejecting the guys that’s what’s happening the medal’s here and we’re the little ladies just have so many options oh oh how

How how could the guys walk away from you you’re the ones with the options the media just loves to SP guys I was watching you guys are going to laugh I’m going to tie all this back together I was watching this all aan this little aussy lady and she was like

Yeah what I have I have a rotation I have a rotation of men that I see with her nasty oy accent she’s like I have a rotation of men that I see that’s about 10 Deep and I had 300 bodies this year alone that is what I did she was was

Almost British but it was more of an Aussie accent so there’s a kind of O at the end of everything and I thought to myself this is disgusting and you know what guys here’s what’s funny I’m not even judging her because I’ve been a very bad boy I’ve

Had triple digit body counts and I’m not proud of it what I’m getting at is the media was like well what does it take to qualify to be with a ran through Aussie like you I couldn’t believe what I was hearing look at look at the forest out here guys

It’s kind of nice out it’s kind of nice and this is December there was a lot of rain today and last night but now it’s all sunny and you guys get to come with me to the Glorious ends of the Earth as we stare into the water into the water

We get to see the lake and it is glorious and this this goofball was asking this I I I couldn’t even believe what I was here but at the same time guys I I don’t you know how you can’t believe it but at the same time you go yeah yeah yeah well

That’s what the media is going to do and they were kissing her ass and all this and she’s like well he has to be loyal and then he has to understand that sometimes I may step out we need to have an A I was thinking to myself wow dating really men are really

Refusing see because what’s really funny guys is what she wasn’t talking about was how much she actually wanted to be in a relationship because the dude who was clever whatever his talking points worth even though he was a s he goes would you trade it all today for a for a husband

And children all this and she goes of course of course I would might I would love to have a young bloke who’s going to take care of me and I just started laughing dude Jerry C off topic December in Cali and it is hot enough for the sun

Hat guess what Jerry I’m not in Cali anymore baby I already moved you just got updated I already moved Jerry I moved out of Cali baby I said I’ve had enough of this crap I’m going to a guys I live in a small town now

Guys you not g to believe this with all this forest with less than 9,000 people that live here I’m not making here I’m going to show you don’t worry Jerry I’m going to get you updated buddy for all my new subscrib too I moved out of Cali oh my

God I do not miss all that noise concrete everywhere freaking more noise more cars everywhere lot you know what guys should we go up this Trail we’ll go we’ll take the other Trail on the way back I do not miss C whatsoever because it is perfectly I don’t even know how to

Describe it anyway let’s get caught up Savage says speaking of AWS there was one of these creators who messaged me on Tik Tok asking me if I was was a fan I wasn’t eager for her and she’s waiting for me to respond to this true story Savage I believe you

D oh the poor little lady guys AWS are funny because what’s really funny and I was thinking about this today and I’m going to tie all this back together I promise what’s really funny is after you’re done okay this is back to my hookup days when I was guys I’m

Telling you the most I ever did in one day was three new chicks and I’m not making this up anyway YouTube’s probably going to ding me for that so it’s funny but after you’re done with the deed AWS are always waiting to see how you’re going to

React now I’m gonna tie this back together I promise you what happens is you know you finish with your aw right you you’ve been dating you hook up for the first time and after you’re done she’s so used to being you know tossed she’s so used to being

Crumpled up like a tissue and she’s so used to that that gentlemen if you after you’re done if you show any interest whatsoever they get the quote unquote ick I’m not making this crap up and guys this is from 20 years of being out there with AWS now I

Don’t know if these if my neighbors are going to love me shout I at the top of my lungs but I will say hello and I will be cordial like I always am let’s see how they react most of them are pretty chill but anyway it’s funny because after you’re

Done after you’re done with the whole aw thing why am I shouting I don’t need to after you’re done they’re always testing to see how you’re going to react right and it is really really it is really intriguing because most of the time if you react in let’s just say a more uh

How do I explain without getting dinged uh if you’re more enthusiastic than they are what happens what’s what if you’re more into them after you’re done what happens well they get the ick what happens if they’re into you after you’re done now they think you’re better

Than them the whole thing right so I just thought was that was funny because this Aussie which Aussie’s guys are pretty much almost the exact same as the uh Western counterpart well are they’re the Western they’re very similar to AWS let’s just put it that way so what was

Funny is she you could tell was waiting for one of these 300 dudes or whatever to give her a shot and she even said on her interview that oh I see a I see a cute bloke and what I do is I go up to

Him and I say hey you want a shag which is technically a British British sh but anyway it was hysterically funny because I’m thinking to myself men are still and she wasn’t even ugly men are still refusing to date her does that make sense guys she can say till she’s blew

In the face you know I do this on my o account and all this other stuff and it’s perfectly healthy gentlemen she couldn’t even respond with the comments that were popping up oh wow the lake is almost fulled now with all that water the water level has definitely risen at

The guys I guess we’re going to go check it out in a minute let’s go check it out let’s go on down here so you guys can see the L like as the little Wallies would say but I think it’s hysterically funny Savage that you bring that up to

As well because essentially what’s happening is men are just out out and out refusing because here is something that I’ve been talking about for almost two years gentlemen the fact that AWS have been trying to call our Bluff look at how beautiful it is out this isn’t even a golf course look at

Look at this I can’t get this in La gentlemen let me tell you hell no sorry La sorry sorry bye-bye no I’m not uh enamored by the entertainment industry or any of that stuff guys I never wanted to be an actor I thought about it when I was a

Little kid I was like oh that might be interesting but then I was like no no no no no no I’m not that crazy I’m crazy but I’m not that crazy so the poor little AWS have been struggling look at look at this look look at the green out here man look at

Look at this look at this this lush green guys this is from deers because there’s so many deer out here it’s not even funny you’ll see them frolicking to and fro sometimes you’ll see them running behind me but um yes I have deer who just walk around I’m not making this

Up you can see it on all my past streams but it’s funny because so many men are refusing to date the little ladies then of course they have to come out and say oh it’s us who are rejecting you oh I’m like a little child there’s so many of them that have

Been called trying and you know trying is failing trying to call our Bluff for the past two three four almost six decades well that those days are at an end because now it is pretty much official the vast majority of men that are dating are actually SS and you can

See it just in how people are moving guys you may not know this but mainstream media is concerned mainstream media has caught on to this stuff there’s a lake guys check it out and I’ll go out to the big part of the lake so you guys can

See but it’s just sad because there’s nothing the little ladies could do and so what does this mean for you guys this means incredible amounts of upside gentlemen it doesn’t matter if she has 500 bodies a thousand bodies it’s irrelevant simps are going to be curious okay she could

Have 20,000 bodies s’s going to be curious but here’s the problem simps are the minority I know a lot of guys say that the simps are the majority and there’ll always be a simp to say no gentlemen you guys don’t you may not understand that first of all simps don’t

Have the resources to to save them number two simps are not in a great enough Supply check out this beautiful water simps are not in a great enough Supply and the other problem with the little AWS is that they bite the hand that feeds them they are attacking simps they are producing

Lawsuits for simps simps are in big trouble gentlemen men have walked away simps are like now of course what’s going to happen eventually is the simps are going to get burned enough and they’re either going to come over and start to recognize the air of their ways Allah

Destiny and all these other goofballs and the you know the Logan you guys already know Logan Paul’s next the Steve Harvey’s Steve Harvey’s never goingon to learn because he’s too old Steve Harvey is way way way too old the will simps he’s way too mentally damaged these guys

Guys to my legionar they’re they’re they’re in big trouble I mean there’s really nothing they can do I told you didn’t I tell you guys that I was going to move I’d be walking along Along by the is that a bear oh Jesus Jesus Christ thought that

Was a freaking bear guys almost had a freaking heart attack I’ve seen Bears before guys and bears are terrifying don’t go don’t worry man I’m not going down without a fight I just got to carry around a big ass Bowie knife okay Jesus Christ freaking bears

And I think I could take him not a grizzly bear but ah Jerry C the Young Aw uh use the men are intimidated card of course they do guys it’s pathetic loser Behavior the older AWS who are ditching their first husbands to go back on the CC are finding that nobody wants

The 89 Yugo with 100,000 miles so to speak oh 100% And what’s ironic about all this see what’s ironic about all this guys to my legionaires you guys are already head of the Curve now the point and the the reason why we do this content isn’t to you know

Regurgitate and what is it called um beat a dead horse it’s to get ahead of the game it’s to get ahead of all the lies it’s to get ahead of all the AWS is to get ahead of everybody else and beat everybody else to the punch so to speak now the

Good news is you guys are way ahead in the media you’re way ahead of AWS you’re way ahead in many respects but the goal is to stay ahead to stay at the top to slap the guys look at it this is gorgeous I love it and it’s so quiet I’m

This I’m the only Maniac screaming at the top of his lungs I got to calm down I got very nice Neighbors anyway there’s a little there’s um there’s a fishing well down there further Downstream and there is a there’s a bunch of stuff it’s just it’s just beautiful man I saw a

Little Turtle pop his head out it was crazy I was like oh man and guys I already love nature I always have and it’s nothing new so we’ll get a little bit more rain most likely and uh the water level will go a little bit higher they’re building a bunch of stuff out

Here it’s really cool and there’s a big it’s so funny guys I a barbecue out here because this is the place to do it it’s just freaking awesome it’s nice and oh I just love it anyway which what our job is to do is to get ahead of all this nonsense so what’s

Going to happen is what well simps are going to continue to make their mistakes simps are going to continue to bang their head up against the wall right but what’s going to happen is more and more guys are going to step back right more and more guys

Are going to say I don’t think so I see what’s happening I’m going to step back there will always be a couple simps for at least a few more Generations right but the vast majority of guys have already said no thanks now the ladies are going to keep saying well you don’t qualify

For us the problem with that is they’re pricing them self out of the market you’ve guys heard this probably many times before but what’s going to happen is essentially they’re going to start realizing that they’re just sharing the top level guys and getting discarded see what’s really funny about

AWS is a lot of girls will say I would share a 1center I would share a guy who makes a billion dollars a year but see what they don’t understand is they think see this is something we’ve never covered before they think sharing means

I’m going to be in a harm see what a lot of guys may not know is that AWS are cool with being in a herum a harm if you guys don’t know is a fullon taken care of group of ladies meaning taking care of their their you

Know uh all their EXP are PID and all this other stuff but what Kings would do is they would have a Herm Kings would have a Herm of wives normally that they took care of right and that they could access when they wanted to this is how

Kings used to operate back in the day well of course AWS think with their with their fantasy brain that they’re going to be in Herm see what a lot of guys may not realize is AWS don’t realize that they’re not going to be in a Herm they

Are going to be pumped and dumped smashed and passed smashed and dashed and flicked to the side of the road do you see what I’m saying guys they’re not getting any they’ll get a little Kickback every now and then but what’s going to really happen is they

Are going to be more ran through by top level guys this is how it goes they’re not going to be a part of the concubine they are not going excuse me they’re not going to be a concubine and part of the Herm they’re going to be kicked to the side of the

Road now what’s really interesting about all this is the top level guys have such a influx of new ladies all the time they have no incentive to settle down what I told you what we talked about before and that would maybe some of you guys missed is the only people that are getting

Screwed in all of this aren’t you guys aren’t the average dudes aren’t the below average dudes aren’t the above average guys you know the only people that get in screwed R in this pretty much pretty much every woman you can imagine in in the west because what’s

Really happening is the nines who used to be trophy wives the eights are going to be asked out the most I know this is very bizarre you guys may not believe me or understand where I’m coming from but what happens is what used to happen back

In the day is a very wealthy man he would normally take an eight or a nine and I put out a polar recently about tens but you guys if you guys are longtime Subs you already know I don’t believe in tens I don’t believe in Perfection but let’s just say she’s an

Eight or a nine I use tens because it’s used all the time in the wanis spere anyway your average eight or nine used to get married to a top level dude he used to pay her bills he used to take care of her and step out on her every it’s what

We used to call a trophy wife a trophy wife used to be the end goal of a dude who had a lot of money do you see what I’m saying but now that isn’t the case a lot of men are stepping back from the trophy wife because they have access

To pretty much every chick they want isn’t that intriguing so the women that are really getting asked out on all this are of course all the average ones the average ones are screwed but the eights and nines guys are in big trouble because the eights and n aren’t

Getting wiped up like they used to and they’re extraordinarily high maintenance guys every eight or nine that I’ve ever met dated whatever you want to call it in my entire life unfortunately well they’re very nice they’re very sweet and stuff but they’re very high maintenance and it’s not even their fault really it’s

Because how do I explain guys you are going to take a Lamborghini to McDonald’s does that make sense it’s not and I’m not defending them it’s just eights and nines they normally have access to to places that most people would never have access to you see what I’m saying and so there

They tend to be a little bit higher maintenance even though they don’t even understand why that is occurring but anyway guys again we are light guys we’re in the future we’re 20 30 40 years in the future that’s what we’re doing we’re here to kick ass so don’t worry about

All these simps what’s up sweetheart what are you staring at Kaye staring at me uh oh if I had one one millionth of a penny for every aw making a Tik Tok in which they cry over Chad and committing I could buy the island a Manhattan and

Turn Central Park into my backyard yeah exactly Jerry se’s on the money dude and by the way gentlemen this is nothing new I I wanted to let you guys on a little secret I did that to many many women back in the day before I understood what I was

Doing I did that to many many women before I understood what I was doing and I screwed myself gentlemen I should have never done it to all my legionnaires I should have never ever ever done as much hooking up as I as I did it was a massive waste of

Time it didn’t matter if I got a five six seven eight n it’s irrelevant because at the end of the day all I was doing was shooting myself in the foot setting myself back decades and that’s why on this channel I want you guys to understand what the cost is of

Hooking up I once had a hookup that happened in under an hour guys it was the fastest I’ve ever done it was so fast from meet and greet to the thing but it wasn’t even worth it gentlemen the the juice was not worth the squeeze you want to know why because

Even though she wasn’t badl looking even though she wasn’t ugly even though she was young all these things guess what gentlemen she was still a headache to get rid of do you see what I’m saying because they always gentlemen if they’re that attracted to you what happens they

Parabon they need to be with you now they stalk you now they don’t leave you alone now they find you 15 20 30 years later and try to ruin your life you see what I’m saying that’s why it’s usually not worth it to even waste your time on

All these hookups because you’re going to pay son you’re going to pay on the front end or the back end you’re going to have to choose it sucks ah Savage says basically it’s who can live off a rich man the most their greed will be their downfall they may

Not see it now but time always tells well you’re 100% on the money you see my legionnaires are very very sharp you guys have a lot of experience and or just wisdom Andor intelligence because you understand where things are going even a blind man can see that

These girls are ruining their own lives now how come they can’t see it how come the little ladies can’t get their heads out of their rear ends well gentlemen it’s because they lie to each other all the time older women are lying to younger AWS all the

Time when they get in their feelings when they take their medication they put out a tiktock oh yeah you should just manifest and crystals gentlemen why do you think they’re so why do you think this is happening it’s because they’re on high levels of medication that make you

Crazy what do you think happens when they start taking all these meds Dunkey punch the like button as you guys come in they start hallucinating I bet you guys didn’t know that a lot of the side effects that happen that occur when you take all these head mens from being lonely are

Actual delusional thoughts look it up actual crazy oh let’s take the Chris let’s manifest a husband let’s all I’m not even making this up there is a channel I’m not making this up guys there is a girl on a channel who’s like yeah you could tell she’s high off of

Something don’t don’t demonetize me for that YouTube it’s actually true and it’s on your channel and she talks about manifesting and that the magical spice for today I’m not making this up is cinnamon I’m going to manifest a dude with cinnamon I’m not making this crap

Up now how do they get this out of control because gentlemen they are on all sorts of drug well the dword I can’t even say it they are all sorts of prescription meds that have side effects Savage I have many turn offs what aw’s display is my

Turnoff I don’t blame you guys and see this is what what the Young Generation of men is discover gentlemen if you were a young kid and you saw some of the disgusting debaucherous things that women were doing don’t you think it would traumatize you don’t you think

You’d say wait a minute whoa oh don’t hit the deer don’t hit the deer there the deer goes look guys see see where I’m at see that deer right there you see there she is there she goes I don’t think you guys can see her she just she

There’s lots of deer around here guys got be careful you got to drive slowly so you don’t haveit the deer I’m loving Texas love Texas right now love T I’m in Central Texas guys it is amazing out here I freaking love it Texas is absolutely spectacular I was looking at stats of

For o today and there are 10 million women and 80 million men 80 million s SI not a ray blue man in the house get to heavy well here’s what’s funny about the whole o thing I understand that guys think that uh what is it called

Simps are on only fans but here’s my question what is the difference between only fans and prawn so if guys are simps for watching o are they also simps for watching prawn you guys have to ask yourself now I understand it’s because a lot of guys are like why would you pay

The girl directly you’re going to pay a company and all this stuff but at the end of the day gentlemen in my view and the way I see it o and prawn are the exact same thing there’s no difference because a lot of them are doing stuff on camera so what’s the

Difference now I’m not saying you should put pay for o or pay for prawn or whatever but at the end of the day we’re going to have to draw a Hardline in the sand we’re going to have to say hey this is either acceptable or unacceptable and by the way that’s why

Prawn back in the day was unacceptable right it’s that gateway to more debauchery and that’s why most societies overseas have a clear distinction between liberal women and conservative women in Mexico if you’re a 304 you go to the red light district if you’re a 30 for in Thailand

You go to the red light district you go you want to know what’s really funny guys to my legionaires where do you think they send all the 304s to the American guys to the Western European guys because see the local guys know that American guys are coming there for cheap you know

What but what’s funny is the local guys they just toss all their leftover liberal chicks to to the Americans and that’s why you guys need to understand that if you go to any of these countries you do not pick up a girl at a bar and think you’re going to

Wipe her up you do not pick up a girl at a bar what they call a working girl and not think that she’s going to ask you for money all right use your head don’t use the little head use the big head for a minute take a break take a

Breather understand you’re going to pay you are going to pay and if you don’t pay the local guys are going to come get you you don’t want the local guys coming to get you son because the local guys will do things to you and you don’t want

Them to do things to you they’re not going to be fun hey man I got met this girl in a bar I went overseas and she asked me for $50 I couldn’t believe it I was like man foreign girls are the same no son again you didn’t get a traditional foreign

Woman you went to a bar where liberal women go and they want you to pay all right because conservative women don’t go to bars son wake up use your brain kind of want to go back to the forest Jerry C the only Advantage for simps to use obf is because these chicks

Will give simps the girlfriend experience otherwise prawn equals o well there you go to a okay to a certain extent I see where you’re coming but here’s what’s going to happen gentlemen you guys don’t have to worry about F because unfortunately uh AI artificial intelligence is taking over

Anyway right so the whole girlfriend experience is going to be replicated very soon you’ll see by AI the pictures are already here and there’s no way that the girls could compete with AI because the AI is getting more and more sophisticated number one number two AI can already produce the girlfriend experience which

Is terrifying but when there’s lonely dudes out there in some ways I can’t blame them I don’t think the guys are messed up I think the guys just have a lack of options to be honest with you or so they think in their head but in all reality

Once they leave this country gentlemen your options are endless in fact you have more options than AWS AWS have no options gentlemen all they have is online options you ask your average aw to turn off her phone turn this bad boy off now tell me how many options you

Really have in the real world zero because nobody’s coming for naw gentlemen nobody it’s scary it’s sad so the only people that are actually dating right now are simps that’s pretty much it now for the foreseeable future what’s going to happen well simps will continue

To test the waters but as AWS get more and more aggressive as AWS get more and more litigious as AWS use more and more of the law to try to get top level shadwick Fairbanks tyronia Maximus to be with them hit that like button as you come in what’s going to

Happen well more and more simps are going to be scared see because at the end of the day gentlemen simps are terrified of AWS because they think a W’s are superior to them does that make sense so your average s is shaking in his boots when an aw talks so what does

That mean well over time simps are going to essentially have no choice but to avoid AWS completely because you have to understand gentlemen they’re terrified of a of AWS now with men leaving AWS and simps leaving AWS and not understanding AWS at all what’s going to happen well

AWS are not going to be able to date at all you see what I’m saying there really is no rectification for their problem as we’ve spoken about many times they have to start over AWS are not going to get conservative anytime soon now there’s going to be many variations of just pearly things

And wife school and conservatism there’s going to be plenty of that it’s coming whether you like it or not if you’re a liberal guy you’re you’re going to be struggling because essentially what’s going to happen is the ladies are going to start retraining each other and it’s going to

Take a few Generations because well my generation doesn’t know how to be moms doesn’t know how to be wives Millennials sure as heck don’t and gen Z sure as heck doesn’t what do you think is going to happen well it’s going to take a few Generations first you’re going to get

Chameleons who are going to come out oh I’m I’m conservative I’ve got I’ve got tattoos on my neck and my face but I’m conservative that’s going to that is disturbing but that’s going to be here for a while oh guys are so guys are funny man guys you know what’s you know what

What’s funny with the whole chameleon thing I know you guys have seen chameleons you know the ones that say they’re conservative but they’re really not I know you guys have seen them but what’s funny with the The Chameleons is most guys saw through that immediately see the dogs

Gree it’s so funny because guys are like what you’re a chamele oh God it makes me laugh it’s just guys it kills me it makes me laugh so hard when the little aw’s come out oh we’re conservative now yeah yeah submissive oh yeah you shouldn’t do that

And you want to know it’s really funny it’s all for just likes and attention now a lot of guys will ask me so why do they need so much likes and attention why aren’t all girl you know all girls a like list no guys no they’re not see because the average

Aw never got the validation and attention of the first man she was with and so she is forever sad who’s smoking weed out here I’m just kidding it’s a cigarette so it smells like my grandpa’s cigarettes my my grandfather used to smoke marble Reds he smoked the most

Hardcore he got I’ll never forget I picked up one of my grandfather’s cigarettes like an idiot when I was like 11 and I I lit that up guys it was the stupidest thing so stupid that was pretty funny where’s all the deer deer running from me but it’s just funny because the average

Aw whose thinks she never got the first man’s validation and attention that she was with so obviously she’s always going to be chasing she’s always going to be seeking out this emptiness being filled the void being filled now here’s what’s different about your average traditional foreign woman

Guys she doesn’t need 50 dozen guys she needs one man and that is it and that is all she focused on she focuses on you hit that like button as you come in I appreciate the likes guys daddy issues hence attention is the female coin of the

Realm chick crack yes that too Jerry C makes a great point a lot of them a lot of them never got the attention and validation the structure and discipline from their father that they craved see what a lot of men may not know is your average woman just in general wants

Leadership providing and protecting from every man she’s ever known now if she does not get the leadership from her dad what do you think’s going to happen what do you think’s going to be happening Jim she is going to Crave that for the rest of your life guys you know how many AWS

I’ve met who wanted me to uh discipline them you know what I mean they wanted me to discipline them why do you think that is it’s become oh man somebody is barbecuing it smells so oh God guys I love the forest I love this guys I love

It it’s so quiet man it smells so amazing by the way this is December it’s like 69 degrees and it’s funny because I never told you guys about this but I’ve met a lot of AWS who want to make to uh discipline them don’t hey don’t demonetize me

YouTube come on man all I said was they just wanted some discipline I didn’t say how and some some of my more experienced guys you know it’s happened where your aw says can you um can you give me direction can you uh Focus me I love it dude it’s is funny you guy

Is like riding Monterey blue man where you at aren’t you in South Texas or Mexico I can’t remember where are you located Jerry C where you guys all located where you savage I think is uh in England is that where Savage is I can’t remember Savage is in England

Monterey blue man is uh South Texas or uh Mexico or something I can’t remember and uh Jerry C where you at buddy anyway Mission Texas there you go I’m right in Central Texas honor BL man love Central Texas holy mackerel love it love love I got to get myself some chickens I

Need to get my myself a smoker one of them offset smokers Republic of New Jersey oh he’s from the house oh my God I don’t know how ghetto I haven’t I haven’t I think I went to New Jersey when I was a little kid I just can’t

Remember excuse me guys hold on a sec sneezing over here uh but uh I can’t remember I think I went to Jersey as a couple times as a kid when I was in New York with my dad I can’t remember I don’t know ask my dad one day

We’ll figure it out but anyway where’s all the beautiful deer guys check out this beautiful beautiful we’ll C we’ll probably get the sunset today these little Peaks and valleys and oh just love it men’s daily advice is here Merry Christmas to all my legionaires donkey punch that like

Button I really appreciate you guys coming on in we’re going to ring in the new year with power but I find it so amusing that of course the little ladies are flipping it and they are saying that essentially we’re the ones that are being rejected but the problem

With that whole scenario is gentlemen women don’t have any other options in the west see it sounds cute and it sounds believable the women are just too good and their standards are too high but I want you guys to know something women cannot be alone now just go bear

With me on this one okay it’s all my Skeptics bear with me stream is much better today thank you Merry Christmas thank you men’s daily ADV oh there’s a deer right there guys there’s a whole there’s a herd and deer right there there’s a herd and deer check it out

These beautiful look at them look at them just staring at me they’re curious they don’t know what’s going on guys they look deliciously juicy oh boy they’re just staring at me they look a little nervous don’t worry hi there’s no bucks out where are all the Bucks

They’re a little nervous I wish I had some corn I’ll feed them right they they’ll eat it right out of your hand but it’s funny that it sounds cute oh we’re too good for Western guys we’re the greatest now I want you to go with me on this this is going to Fascinate

You if that was true if the girls were too good for us let’s just say the average dude yet they keep here’s the problem they keep getting kicked to the side of the road by the you know the dudes that are top level what other choices do they have

Ouch think about it guys what are their choices to AWS have okay so first of all they’re going after let’s just let’s just go with the whole RP thing they’re going after top level dudes the top 1% they’re getting rejected by the top level guys the average dudes the guys that are below

Average are essentially completely walking away and not even interested in hooking up then what options do AWS really have how can they actually say do you see what I’m saying that they’re the ones in charge they’re not gentlemen because see here’s the problem the average western guy the top

Level western guy the mid-level western guy the low-level western guy can still go overseas if he needs to and get a traditional foreign woman in her country the average dude here can pick up a ran through a isn’t that intriguing so in actuality the average a doesn’t have any options at all

Gentlemen ouch because what she is doing is forcing herself to having no options that is the biggest problem with the whole aw I’m better than you know guys one day I’m just going to walk out right in the forest and I’m going to give my

Uh my uh my pants on my jeans and stuff I’m going to go right out into the forest we’re just going to go on a little trail trail hike because uh most of the most of my reception is pretty good and I’ll take you guys around and

It is just spectacular over here and the view is amazing everybody’s nice but um yeah guys the whole I’m better than American men it doesn’t fly because it doesn’t make any sense in actuality what’s happened is they have forced themselves to have no options at the end of the day they could

Say just guys she could tell you till she’s blew in the face that look at all these look at all these simps in my DMs that doesn’t mean anything what does this prove nothing because none of these guys are wiping them up ouch because a woman’s real options the options the only options

That matter are how she keeps the attention and validation of one man that is how women judge their success not the amount of money they make not the extent of their career not how many degrees they have law degrees and all this nonsense nobody car see I got bad news from my AWS

Nobody cares about any of that stuff in fact most people just think it’s sad most people just look down on you but they’re not going to tell you this because most guys are afraid to call your bluff now here’s the difference between me and them I don’t

Care because I’m not attracted to you the vast majority of the AWS gentlemen I have zero attraction to you want to know what’s okay here’s an example I live in a town now of less than 9,000 people oh there’s a little stream down here what the hell it’s like a Cove or something

Anyway I live in a town of less than 9,000 people and this sweet little uh aw at the register today she goes she was smiling she’s just like and I go and I go well I’m I’m glad you’re smiling she goes my crush just walked in today

That’s why I’m so happy and I’m like what the and I’m thinking to myself oh boy these and I’m like so what are you g to ask him out and she goes she goes I don’t know and I was like thinking in my head wow just the poor aw’s man oh God bless

Their souls they just don’t care oh she’s so young she doesn’t know any better man you already know it’s coming I she had a couple too many piercings and she had a heavy makeup on I was thinking in my head oh boy this guy’s just gonna

Flick he’s GNA toss it on the side of the road oh man sad guys it’s the saddest thing when you could see their future just and do you think was a 10 no she was not guys and I just thought to myself this poor young girl man they are

In for a world of hurt pink hair too Jerry C yep yeah and and this is a small town girl you see what I’m saying guys she wasn’t no she wasn’t a she was like a la I don’t know four if that so A New Jersey a New Jersey

For oh poor girl she’s going to learn man ah poor AWS you know what guys maybe we should go all the way back maybe we should keep going I kind of want to should we keep going I don’t know I don’t know let’s see off to monter meod we’re on our

Second home Mary Chris Paul I don’t even deal with AWS anymore always surrounded by most traditional Latinas now enjoy yourself Monteray blue man good guy oh there’s a buck there’s a beautiful Buck look guys beautiful Buck right there look at him go did you guys see him oh oh there he

Is right there there he is let’s chase him he looks delicious he looks delicious what is he up to he does not see me he does not hear me guys sh maybe I could sneak up on him I could sneak up on him guys you want some venison for

Dinner you want some venison brisket you want some venison doesn’t hear me guys let’s see if I can sneak oh sorry car he can’t see me guys let’s see if I can get him right guys there serious wait wait right there oh he sees me right there see him you guys see him

Right there guys he’s like 10 yard he’s five yards from my face right there there guys he’s five yards from my face he’s right there there he is right there he’s five yards guys I’m gonna so bad right there oh oh guys he’s walking up guys he’s coming towards me very quiet

Yeah wow he’s beautiful he’s a big boy he’s a good size look at that look at that look at that look at that I can’t hunt him dude guys I can’t hunt him because he’s not he’s in the Stream I can’t hunt him there he goes don’t don’t

Don’t okay damn I can’t hunt him I can’t hunt him guys let me go chase him let me chase him guys let’s go chase him let’s see if I chasing him I almost gotone almost got him I wish I had a rifle oh well dude guys he was big he

Wasn’t the biggest you ever seen but he’s a good Size why did I do that man daily advice tons of women are lonely as hell during Christmas that is one of the truest statements of the day gentlemen you guys don’t see a lot of the time but the holidays are the most depressing time for AWS guys You Think You’re

Lonely oh no you are going to be perfectly fine because you can get either a LLY aw pretty much anytime all they’re all leftovers anyway your average aw is a leftover check it out guys you got to see this see that be let’s see if you can see the leg

Right out there is that great when I get to the top of the hill you guys will be able to see all the way down there oh my God all you to my Legion you guys would never settle for some New Jersey chick oh I’m from New Jersey I kind of I

Sound a little bit like I’m from New York but it’s actually New Jersey yeah I can’t do the New Jersey accent anymore gotta practice wa wait wait there we go that’s better I’ll get to the top don’t worry I’ll get to the top yesh so essentially what’s happening

Is guys are refusing to date now see here’s what always happens in the media the media is first going to say that it’s the little lady’s choice that they’re rejecting men and they’re too good but see what happens always almost 99 99.9% of the time is after it starts getting two and two

Sparse and Men Staten Island that accent is Staten Island dude yeah yeah Jerry’s right it is that island but what about Brooklyn Brooklyn Long Island I’ve got the Long Island accent nine I’m a 9.9 I kind of remember a little bit of the accents on the East Coast

Wait which way should we go this way or this way I don’t know uh the new season cycle is women cuff in the fall they dump the guy right after Valentine’s Day and preparation for hot 304 summer well unfortunately that’s not going to be the case for much longer

Gentlemen because see the biggest problem with AWS is they always tell on themselves they all here’s how far I hiked up guys check it out so we were at a water level like maybe 30 minutes ago check it out you guys are going to love this is that great is that

Spectacular that’s how far I hooked up isn’t that beautiful freaking Lake up here let’s go down let’s go this way but Jerry se’s right unfortunately the little ladies who think they see cuff it used to be called cuffing season Jerry C but the issue is that I was

Getting out too before is what is going to H I’ll get to even nicer view in a second Jerry see just give me a minute I’m going to be able to I’m going to show you guys an incredible credible Spotlight of the lake guys it’s quiet as hell out here there’s no

Crazy um what’s it called crazy bums there’s no drug druggies it’s incredible I’m going to show you guys a spect okay wait hold on do you guys see this hold on a second right there see that right there it’s beautiful so what’s funny is at first the media is going to say

Things like oh women are strong and empowered and they’re choosing not to date they’re going to say that the women aren’t choosing to date but see here’s the problem when things get really really bad when guys just give up see we were down here earlier guys check this

Out we were all the way down there we were right there earlier there’s a guy building a house right in front of me is that beautiful so what’s going to happen is uh oh I don’t know how the reception is over here gentlemen uh okay we’ll test it we’ll test it if

It gets bad I’ll go in the uh I’ll go in the opposite direction but see what’s going to happen is the little ladies are going to say oh we refused to date now they’ve been saying this they’ve been saying this and the media catches on well the problem is the guys started walking

Away before women said they were refusing to date you see what I mean guys already guys have been walking away for DEC they just didn’t talk about it guys like Monterey blue man he just said you know what F this I’m not dealing with anymore of these angry

304s do you see what I’m getting at so what happened is now the little ladies the dogs agree the little lady oh it’s a husky it’s a puffy husky it’s a Siberian Husky so what the ladies are going to do is tell the media oh I’m refuse today

And you need to qualify for me hey look at the Husky why would you have a husky in Texas man I know husky I know I know you’re a sled dog he’s got to get hot out here I see you hi hi buddy calm down calm

Down they get so they get so animated man so I think it’s funny that your average aw is talking about how she has the power well the problem with that sweetheart is G in general guys have been walking away and with the Advent of all these laws

That say don’t approach me don’t talk to me I’ve got bad news from my AWS 60% plus of men of all levels have said they are not interested in dating at all they’re not interested in hookups they’re not interested in any romantic activity whatsoever and that’s a big problem

Because guys if it was only 10% if it was only like 10% 15 it wasn’t necessarily the majority we would have no we would have no uh we wouldn’t be able to really say anything about it isn’t this beautiful guys check it out look at that it’s just spectacular

Man and it’s quiet that’s what I love about this place it’s freaking quiet so unfortunately the little ladies bit off more than they could chew unfortunately the little ladies are going to have one number two two they’re insufferable nature number three guys have the options they always have they always

Will it doesn’t matter if you’re a tall guy it doesn’t matter if you’re a short guy doesn’t matter if you’re ugly guy it doesn’t matter if as you come in Donkey Punch the like button check out these in spectacular views guys you have the options number

One isn’t that great God I love God I love nature you have the options because essentially you have time on your side they don’t have time on their and not only that you can always change your situ situation number three women don’t care as much in traditional country I know you guys are

G to think I’m crazy whoa damn look at look at this drop here guys I don’t want to fall down here I gotta be careful man that’s a big drop your average woman overseas doesn’t care oh Oh sorry gentlemen bad reception area went a little too far I’m going to go uphill I’m going to go uphill so it’s funny because your average ugly guy your average homely guy Your Average women over they care more about your guy or you beautiful Dead Zone Dead Zone it was The Dead Zone the dog the dog jinx me a it was just a dead zone that was funny hold on let’s see let’s see yeah I’m getting my stream it’s funny because

There’s certain dead zones out in the middle of nowhere makes sense this guy has a separate garage from his beautiful home wow that is spectacular one of the biggest problems of AWS is that they hitch their wagon to a hate movement well that’s Monterey blue man is on the money well and

They’re also a loser movement because they’re in the fail your triangle right do things that ruin your life get your life ruined blame everybody else for your problems do things that ruin your life ruin your life blame every blame everybody else for your problems gentlemen you can’t get out of that freaking

Cycle at all once you’re stuck there now you’re stuck what are you supposed to do how are you supposed to break this cycle you have to essentially what you have to do is essentially admit defeat you have to admit you screwed up you have to admit you made things happen that

Weren’t supposed to happen that you hurt yourself and unfortunately the vast majority of AWS cannot do this because they’ve doubled down on stupid they doubled down on failure Merry Christmas Merry Christmas enjoy your walk yes you too oh I love my neighbors it’s so nice they’re so nice and they’re always

Smiling and stuff God I love it here you go guys you go to Los Angeles everybody’s like frantic everybody’s having a a a stroke every five seconds and working every 5 seconds and about to Keel over dead because they’re so stressed out by money and traffic and

Noise and now I H I’m in this small town it’s freaking great I live near a big city but got to love the view baby let’s go back to the lake yeah so the little AWS are going to struggle man the little AWS are going to have a heart attack the

Little AWS are upset guys aw is know they’re in trouble they know it they know that there’s a problem they know that they’re messed up they know these things but the issue is they don’t know how to fix it because they have no leadership ouch how they supposed to fix

Something that they don’t even know how to fix so what’s happening is guys are refusing to date them especially if they’re over the hill especially if they’re post wall especially if they have high body counts now of course there are there’s going to be some simps

That accept this but I said men not sips I would agree with the 60% of men gone yeah it’s it’s I didn’t think it would happen so quickly right because but the Advent of social media sped things up guys social media women are sharing their disgusting Endeavors they are sharing all of their

Debauchery and men are like whoa guys even for a guy like me who has a high body count and has done some really wild stuff even for me it’s a little bit much these girls are just completely because the problem is a lot of them aren’t using okay okay

I’m not going to shame them for their activities because I’ve done some pretty pretty wild stuff but first of all no protection a lot of these girls are bragging about no protection like uh I don’t think that’s such a good and I’ve done that before and I PID guys

I paid the price I had to uh you know throw a Hail Mary we’ll get into that another day I talked about that briefly before but guys you gotta yeah some of these stories I can’t even say them on you guys all the deatra stuff I’ve done I

Can tell you stuff that are you guys would go wow dude you’re a freak but uh I can’t say these on YouTube maybe if I make a patreon and you know little patreon stuff and I’ll do everything uncensored and you guys can you guys will laugh because some of the stuff I

I’m I’m a I’m a man I’m a freaking I’m a wild man let me tell you something but anyway what I’m getting at is it’s too much they’ve gone too far and they don’t even see here’s the thing AWS don’t even know what the edge is guys listen

That can you hear that guys there’s nothing I went from La horns honking freaking bums everywhere on the beach carons freaking rush hour traffic like you wouldn’t even believe isn’t that crazy God damn sorry guys there’s some buffering even Though there’s some buffering even though it’s um I’ve got a full bars hold on I got to run past this dead zone run run donkey punch a like button donkey punch the like button donkey punch a like button donkey P the like button donkey putch the like button donkey PCH the like

Button donkey punch the like button man Dy punch the like button H sorry for the buffer guys there was two dead zones two dead zones but I figured out where they are cellular guys cellular eventually I’m just going to get satellite get satellite internet then I can just walk all around and there’s

Certain range extenders that you could just yeah it’ll get there but for now got to suffer a little bit so at least I found the second Dead Zone hi how’s it going neighbor my neighbors my neighbors are very nice he even said for a guy like me at least you are honest yeah

Men’s daily advice I’ve been very debaucherous I wish I had NE what a waste of time okay let’s put it this way I’ve been with AWS I’ve been with liberal foreign women I’ve been with conservative foreign women traditional foreign women I’ve been with women from the continent of

Africa I’ve been been women with women from Western Europe I’ve been with women from Australia women from Hong Kong China maau what is the other one uh guys you name the country you name the continent and I’ll tell you this much it wasn’t even worth guys the juice wasn’t even

Worth the squeeze it really wasn’t even worth it yeah okay but post not Clarity because at the end of the day even the dating roaches look a little stream right here even the dating roaches will tell you that you know you just got to keep getting more

Nuts now you can do that you can live that lifestyle but you’re going to pay eventually you are going to pay so anyway and more look guys if you’re into the whole hookup culture enjoy I’m not going to judge you enjoy however if you do want to settle

Down at least okay let’s put it this way if you want to enjoy the hookup culture go right ahead however now more than ever you’re going to pay and AWS are going to find a way to make you pay whether it’s today or 30 years from now they’re going to find

You and that’s just how it goes gentlemen go AWS are making guys pay from 30 40 years ago so just keep that him yes Japan also Jerry C my first uh my first foreign girlfriend was traditional Japanese from uh what is it the uh Hokkaido region prefecture if I’m not mistaken a

Kaido Japan if I’m not mistaken and she was adorable I met her at the gym and she looked like a little tiny tiny Japanese doll she was 4 foot 10 and she was like 80 pounds and she had a big here’s what’s so crazy guys she was 4 fo1 with 80 lbs

And she had about 10 PBS of chest I said what the hell my breasts are very big because in southern Japan we have bigger breasts my breasts are small compared to others and I’m telling you gentlemen wow she was I was way too young to be in a relationship but my God

She was an incredible girlfriend she was like a Japanese five she wasn’t gorgeous but she was incredibly cute like everybody said how cute she hated being cute no she liked it she loved it but what am I getting at So what at the end of the day okay now what

It’s fun for a minute guys but then after that it’s not even about the challenge it’s about there’s there’s no payoff because post-nut Clarity isn’t just about coming back to reality it’s also about realizing that all that work wasn’t even worth it that she was a five or a six or seven

Okay let’s say she’s a nine well now you’ve got the maintenance of a Lamborghini on your hands do you really want some nine obsessed with you no you don’t gentlemen because now she’s going to make you pay she is going to make you pay she’s going

To make you pay with sanity time energy attention or money sanity time energy attention or money she is going to test your brain why do you think I’m so out of control guys because I got pushed to the Limit Hokkaido equals northermost Island I know I know I know I was just making

An example Jerry C I knew you were going to point I was literally counting the seconds till somebody pointed that out I I I was using it as an example oh man my my legionnaires I oh my God I I I know you guys are very high IQ you’re very

Will I was literally thinking my I know one of my subscribers is going to say something in about 30 seconds that it’s in North I’m not laughing at you jery it’s just oh my God my it’s funny because the comments oh my guys are smart my guys

Are smart I was I was thinking in my head I shouldn’t have said something oh my God you guys are funny man you make me laugh dude I’ve been speaking Japanese since I was an undergrad I believe you too kichi wa and uh what what is um

Um she would always say that to me you’re lucky that at an early age you had a chance to meet foreign women Thank You monter Blue Man Jerry C that’s really cool too by the way buddy I’m I’m learning um I’m learning Mandarin right now and Spanish and next is

Man I know Japanese is going to be hard by the way Japanese that is really commendable jery but cuz man Japanese is what is there like 20 different dialects or what was it 80 there’s so many characters oh my God that’s a hard language anyway shout out to you bud Jerry C

Knows where it’s at Man by the way if you guys are looking for a traditional foreign wife or girlfriend Japanese women are hard hard to to it’s hard to get any better than Japanese man they I mean oh my God the amount of training that they have in terms of just

Language in terms of just history knowledge the the levels of perfection that they go to to create a harmonious house household it’s just it blows me the F away it just blows me away but Jerry see I actually met her at the gym in Los Angeles I didn’t meet her in her

Home country but she was pretty traditional guys she was she was there was no hooking up or any of this type of stuff you had to be in a relationship and all anyway the bottom line is I’m definitely traveling to Japan after I go back to China maybe Japan

First we’ll see but I have to go back to China gentlemen because China has a lot of what I’m looking for so I’m definitely gonna go back to China but maybe I’ll go to Japan first so we can do the whole TFW interview thing because I won’t be able to stream

Live in China because YouTube is banned right I don’t even think I think Facebook is banned too as well over there I have to check I don’t think I’ll be able to stream live maybe I can stream on Facebook but I I highly doubt it so all right where we

At Men’s visce have you ran into a crazy Matrix X that’s seen you with a foreign traditional woman in public and was happy with her and seen her reaction in real time I’ve never had an ex who saw me with traditional foreign women but I did have women that I hooked

Up with that were AWS before find me or you know just flag me down in public and see me with other younger women I’ve had women oh geez there’s Bambi there’s Bambi right there there she goes I’ve had um what’s it called past flings see me with younger women and go you know

They they know they can’t compete but I’ve never had an ex have I had an ex no because remember guys in general Los Angeles and other megalopolis are so big you rarely run into people ex’s stuff like that unless they really are trying to find you big megalopolis is hard to find

You the deer are out today cool Monterey blue man with learning a foreign language learning their language almost seal the deal of you finding a traditional woman instead of a Liber one correct traditional foreign women are highly educated and usually speak just their language in some instances they will

Speak outside languages but traditional means traditional guys traditional means I’m not into Western culture normally the exception being the Philippines okay that’s the only except oh dogs are going to chase me uh uhoh uh uhoh uhoh uhoh get over here get over here over here uh oh don’t get hit by

The truck the Dogs Out the street Merry Christmas uh oh you got them they don’t they don’t fight get you that’s it get over here no go go go go get over here L get over here Merry Christmas oh my neighbors man those dogs were running at me guys too fast they

Made me I don’t like oh that was funny my bad guys uh there were some dogs running at me you could hear in the background it was funny mon Blue Man feminism only flourishes in English that’s true men’s daily advice a so just past Matrix flings in

One night stand seeing you with a foreign traditional woman in public uh um not really men’s daily advice but there were plenty of other Western AWS who saw me out with traditional women and were very jealous that happened uh more times than I can even count

On I I I don’t even know how many sometimes what they would do is wait till the traditional woman left or the foreign woman left to go to the bathroom or just left my side to go get groceries and they would say something to me or approach but yeah gentlemen you’re

You’re going to be the AWS are going to be very jealous of you let’s just put it that way they’re not going to be happy about it if they see you with a foreign woman with a traditional woman and they could tell this makes them Furious they don’t like it at all infuriates

Them but it is it is funny see the look on their face man they get so they get so mad oh you guys are gonna love it but shout out to you guys for knowing different languages especially Jerry C I know Monterey blue man knows uh Spanish fluent in Spanish because he’s got

Himself a Mexicana a beautiful Mexicana he just spectacular so what’s going to happen as men continue to walk away well unfortunately this has been happening for decades and it’s not going to get better anytime soon she didn’t wave at me that’s rare she must been upset she might be an A W

What’s going to happen is guys are going to continue to walk away it’s probably going to get to about 70 80% to the point where the little AWS are scrambling uh living on the side of the road right crying uh oh is this is this sewage or

Is this water I hope it’s not sewage it’s just water because that would that would really suck I don’t want to be stepping in sewage he better not be looking at me funny is that a septic tank I don’t like it doesn’t smell like sewage so that’s good it’s probably just water just

Making sure doing some illegal dumping here son we be doing that just watch okay okay it smells like water so that’s good probably probably oh because of the rain oh okay that’s what he’s doing he’s pumping anyway yeah gentlemen I mean there’s nothing really AWS can

Do and so what’s going to happen is simps are going to continue to try they’re going to attempt but you guys already know try equals fail they’re going to attempt to comply here’s what’s funny simps will comply with AWS right for a certain amount of

Time and the RP guys are going to get mad and you know everybody is going to be out of whack it’s going to happen for a while maybe a couple couple years but then after that what’s going to happen is the vast majority of guys hit that

Like button as you come in Donkey Punch that like button donkey punch the like donkey punch it over time what’s going to happen is there’s going to be no more there’s going to be no more guys that are interested in dating at all let me take this freaking hat Off my head was getting getting hot I got guys I have really thick hair my head gets hot it it’s not really hot out it’s probably like 69 degrees so what’s going to happen is probably about 70 80% of dudes are just going to be walk walk away and they’re going to find

Alternatives which they’re already doing traditional foreign women passport Bros passport Kings and their Hobbies their purpose and you will see a certain amount of ss going back to the well trying to appease AWS well okay you know let’s get the six sixes and all the stupid you know all these buzzwords and

Then what’s goingon to happen is when the simps are frustrated and when they understand that AWS don’t want them because they’re sing what happens AWS are asked out AWS have to become conservative again there’s no other guys they have no choice because what’s happening is the liberal ones are doubling down and

There’s saying okay we’re just going to stay liberate but the problem is they’re crying themselves to sleep every night they’re insufferable nobody wants to be with them gentlemen do you guys understand that actual celebrities women who are over the hill post wall celebrities from the 90s and

The early 2000s are jumping on dating apps and they can’t even get an average guy ouch we’re talking Halley Berry that old old you talking Alicia Silverstone from like the ’90s you guys probably never even heard of these chicks they’re jumping on dating apps they can’t even

Get a dude and you want to know what’s funny is even then even then when they understand holy cow that eagle is huge I wish you guys can see this Eagle he is massive I’m not gonna Jesus Christ he’s huge it looks like a godam looks like Batman

So even these post wall celebrities really have no options even these post wall celebrities it’s really sad guys donkey push that like button as you come in there’s like Forest everywhere it’s just go we’re just GNA go to the forest let’s go down the trail let’s get I need my walking

Stick yeah it’s unfortunate so then after that as the well dries up and day in dies which it’s already pretty much dead and I’ve gone over that multiple times the simps are going to die off as well because simps will not procreate because women will not procreate with

Simps and essentially we will have a restart from the ground level of men and women being conservative again in the west this is going to take a while guys it’s going to take about two to three generations it’s not going to happen overnight because there’s just too much

Debauchery at this point in time it’s it hasn’t peaked is what I’m getting it hasn’t Peak because the grandmothers are just getting into it the mothers are getting into the seeking and the only fans and all this nonsense it hasn’t peaked yet but it’s coming don’t worry oh like legionar are like

Dude this is crazy uh let me catch up here my wife does not speak English it’s all in Spanish and I wanted it just that way just as far as away as I could get from AWS moderate blue man knows man Main’s daily advice don’t forget the

Blue Book gentlemen are leaving as well overseas I believe that weather must be great there since the first day of winter oh guys it is spectacular so what are so what man is why do I keep I’m screaming at the top of my guys there’s nobody on this road it’s like

Nobody look at this so just forest and trees there’s a clubhouse up there this is just amazing I’m going to get hungry soon but let’s let’s keep going so what is the average aw gonna do well gentlemen unfortunately she’s not g to procreate and all the stuff Kevin Samuel

Said and all the guys say about dying alone unfortunately that’s going to come true and it really is just sad because a lot of them unfort you know what’s funny about AWS a lot of them could have been great wives a lot of them could have spared us a lot of

Headaches but unfortunately weak men we already know created these Hard Times They gave in they said you can do whatever you want with zero repercussions and the little ladies said oh okay and now you get what you get and it’s going to be a learning lesson for

All of us guys but here’s the great news is that now you guys have the opportunity to upgrade until the day you pass on you have the opportunity to upgrade to the day you pass on and this is what traditional foreign women know they know they better take

Care of you or you’re out that see moay blue man his girl knows that if she doesn’t act right if she doesn’t do what she is told if she is not on point he’s going to bounce he’s going to say bye-bye take it easy that’s what a montere blue man

Knows he knows that his wife knows this instinctually guys there’s all these like beautiful Trails out here check this out there’s no scorpions yet I haven’t found any scorpions I got a good eye for Scorpions there is a massive Carolina wolf spider this son of a he’s like this big he’s a big ass he was a he looked like a tarantula and I told you guys I’m kind of I’m not scared of spiders but big spiders I got to get used to them I’m

Like oh oh Jesus Christ cuz they’re they just freaking oh there’s deer scat that deer scat yeah deer scat okay just checking guys you don’t want to know you don’t want to know bear scat or else I’m going to have to get out of

Here with the sh with the uh the SL the shotgun with slugs guys the only thing that’s taken down one of those big ass bear is either a spear you better have a big ass spear or you got to have some slugs you know what I mean you need to

Have some powerful ammunition take one down one of those Grizzlies Jesus Christ man what are they 1,000 pounds or something crazy like that I’m just a city boy uh man’s advice rebel against defeat Channel said that in his opinion it might take about three generations to

Die off before we see improvements I say give it at least 20 years plus give or take yeah I think about it’s going to take about three generations a pro because okay the only reason it’ll probably take about two two to three generations is because we haven’t

Reached the peak yet of liberalism it’s getting there it’s definitely it’s getting there but it’s not quite there yet that might take another five five years give or take because my generation has to die off right the the Gen x’s and the B the Baby Boomers have to kick it

They have to kick the bucket they got to go my generation there’s plent simps in my older generation there’s no doubt about it oh my God that is just like terrible so it’s going to take about 5 to 10 years at least right because even like

My generation the problem is Gen X like the tail end like my I’m actually a young gen xer the older gen xers are just a massive problem right now Millennials not so bad because they’re more Tech saavy there’s they can kind of come on board and jenzy guys are completely

There saying F you what the hell is that the hell is that it’s a big ass Rock I don’t know what the hell that thing was anyway we’re going trail run look at me guys I look like a city boy out in the freaking country it doesn’t make any sense I’ll date and

Have fun with Western women but they get no commitment or marriage enemy one foot out the door at all times fellas and Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you Geon NOA please Geon NOA wrap it up and make sure again you have to understand guys geonova included you are taking a

Massive risk if you hook up with AWS and especially if they like you that is a massive problem they are going to keep you gentlemen they keep all their records They screenshot everything you say and they are incredibly vindictive make no mistake guys I could get burned at any time from an aw

From 10 20 years ago 30 years ago who knows she can come after you me you want to know why because gentlemen they never secured the attention and validation of the first man they were with so what makes them stop from attacking you that’s why I can’t sign off on the

Hookups anymore Jack guys it’s too dangerous even if you’re not okay Geo no let’s say you’re not necessarily a rich guy let’s say you’re not necessarily I don’t know oh these are cool little workout station here oh this is cool this is cool there a little pull-up bar

And stuff I got one in my garage but this might be kind of cool it’s a little dip station all this what is this stuff that’s kind of cool the problem is geonova what’s going to happen I haven’t gone down this Trail before I don’t need these glasses what’s gonna happen geonova is

If you if you are let’s just say you’re not not necessarily rich or you know you don’t have any of the things that this girl might chase after that doesn’t mean she doesn’t keep records that doesn’t mean she doesn’t tally up all the guys who have kicked her to the side of the

Road oh guys check it out there’s a deer check it out guys Bambi guys think we see if we can sneak up on him see if we can sneak up on them oh they see me sh guys see if we can go get him see see if we can go get

Baby you see me oh crap damn I look guys she oh oh she’s scared never mind she I was gonna go eat me some deer yeah you just got to be careful Gio Nova close to her she’s scared she ran away okay she ran away damn oh there’s another one scared they’re scared

Her I’m trying to go get guys I’m trying to get Bambi trying to get her she’s running way he right there at her she’s guys she’s five yards away guys she’s five yards she’s right there look at her she’s just staring at me she’s staring what are you thinking sweetheart

Oh there’s one right there there’s the mama there’s the mama oh crap she’s right in front of me guys she’s right there she’s right there oh she’s a big mama she a big mama oh no no it’s a buck it’s a no no is it a mama it’s the mama

Is it a buck it looks like he has a horn does he have a horn no no it’s a young buck I don’t want to scare him I’m leave him alone just leave the B book alone oh we have fun on this channel guys I love the outdoors man oh sh geez

It was a young buck my bad he had two R small he had two very small antlers anyway I wonder if there’s any Cougars out here oh I really need to get a pistol pretty soon after I get my next paycheck I’m gonna get myself a pistol

And probably I don’t know something I can draw quickly because those cougars man I don’t know there’s not a ton of them over here this doesn’t look promising them Bears anyway the poor little AWS guys it is what it is I mean is it sad yes is it

Embarrassing that the women that we have in the west are so messed up of course it is is it is it is it going to get better anytime soon no it’s not are guys going to continue to refuse to date them of course they are men are very

Practical they vote with their feet donkey punch the like button as you come in I appreciate it guys are really practical what they do is they consider their Alternatives they cons they weigh the pros and cons now the only problem that we’re going to see is guys that are

In the bargaining stage these guys aren’t quite over from simping per se but they don’t even know that they’re doing it check out these Rings right here guys I’m going to go work out on this probably tomorrow freaking rings in the middle of mwhere I like that the problem is you’ve got these

Dudes who don’t even know that the average aw is not even up to his standards do you see what I’m saying and so what he does is he Bargains well you have a 500 plus body count but you’ll cook and clean now what he doesn’t understand is that is all she

Knows how to do to all the to my AWS out there who say yeah I could be a housewife now I learned my lesson and all this no you haven’t because all you know how to do is be out in these streets you get the

Itch the hell did I hit the button or something I don’t hold on guys I hit the button you get the itch wanting to go out and be promiscuous you know you do sweetheart because all you know how to do is have shortterm activities with guys now I’m

Not criticizing if that’s what you want to do for the rest of your life had at it but you chose a specific path you thought you could act like a guy and now you’re realizing that there’s repercussions well sorry not sorry what do you want us to

Do guys to all my legionnaires who’ve been watching for a long time I told you guys I was moving out of La I told you guys I was going to the forest oh there’s a deer right there you thought I was kidding I told you guys I don’t care what it

Takes I’ll get a part-time job if I have to to make this channel I got to get to where my views are high enough every time you guys share this channel every time you guys hit the like button gentlemen eventually I’m G to have enough views to make a living from just

This channel from just this channel alone and then we’re going to go all around the world do our thing what is that a little Nature Preserve or something what the hell’s over here I don’t know where the hell I am oh gotta get back to the trail sometimes this stuff is confusing

Guys there’s no lights out here there’s just lights over there I don’t know what the hell all this other stuff is anyway we’re going straight to the top gentlemen I might even stream tomorrow too as well Christmas Day I I got the itch and I got so much energy and I’ve

Lost so much body fat and I’m just getting ripped feels good but unfortunately and by the way to those of you who are new I just finished a year and a month worth of Monk mode and to be honest with you guys I had chicks that I left I had a beautiful

Korean she was from deu South Korea probably about an LA 7 six and a half now CU she’s getting kind of old but um tiptop physical condition her body was ABS it was just Bonkers it was ridiculous and I also stopped sing a Colombiana from Bogata Bogata and

She gez her body was insan her body might have been the best body of any woman I’ve seen in the past 10 15 years and what I’m getting at gentlemen is oh and I had a chick I had aw uh she was like 21 22 from

Kentucky and even then and she was nice she guys she was not she was she’s just whatever I’m such a jerk she just what the hell is going on over here but what’s funny is I had all these chicks and I said you know what no I’m good

It’s a little garden here oh they have like a little the hell they I have a mini garden here is it for kids oh it’s a garden for kids oh I got it and so I left all these chicks and I said you know what I got to

Get back on track I got to get to where my purpose to where my channel to where all these things are moving synergistically and I’ll be honest with you gentlemen it was worth it was worth giving up all those chicks again the the juice is not worth the

Squeeze especially when you don’t have your business purpose and your personal purpose on point there’s just no point in dating now have they hit me up yes they have not uh let’s see the Korean no no I talked to her like I don’t know five six months ago she’s who knows who

She’s doing now the Colombiana the what’s it called the chick from Kentucky keeps hitting me up Mississippi Mississippi Kentucky I can’t remember that’s just my my opinion above um yeah and look men’s daily advice it’s going to take a well it’s going to take about 30 years three generations some within that

Range by then gentlemen again I’m GNA be great I’m gonna be old I’m gonna I’m gonna probably have kicked the bucket by then it’s G to be too late for you know older guys uh some of you younger guys you may see the tail end of it but or

The beginning of it excuse me but in all reality the your best bet is to stay on your business and personal purpose then when you do want to settle down you get yourself a traditional foreign woman and to my future Generations who are watching this to my future

Generations this is the type of hell we went through when the little aw said that they could do better and they’re so amazing and they’re incredible and they nothing will ever phase them and they’re Unstoppable and unbeatable and I’m Wonder Woman and I’m I’m uh I’m Captain Marvel how’s Captain Marvel doing right

Now not too well Jesus Christ oh my God Captain Marvel a oh here’s a car finally the wokeness is going to take a a beating gentlemen and by the way you guys think woke Hollywood is learning anything anytime soon you got another thing coming to you woke Hollywood is

Doubling down on their nonsense by the way I don’t know if you guys know this but Warner Brothers which is one of the top three movie studios of all time the one of the richest movie studios of all time is having serious trouble Disney having serious trouble all these woke

Companies are starting to feel the pain they’re going to feel a lot of pain if they don’t wake up soon gentlemen if they don’t wake up it’s time to bounce you see what I mean and here’s the biggest problem with woke Hollywood Tinsel Town where I used to live I lived

About uh probably about 30 40 minutes south of Hollywood right of the Hollywood’s more of a concept let’s just say West let’s just say that area I got bad news for them they don’t get their act together soon the rest of the globe is going to take over because

There’s tons of competition guys Hollywood is not the big is not going to be the biggest player forever when it comes to movies China is in the game South Korea is in the game there’s a lot of other country and by the way a lot of you guys

May not know this but India is a heavy player Bollywood they call it in the movie industry so you think this woke crap is going to last forever no it’s not it has no choice but to give in they call them the Hollywood Elite so you think guys are going to be

Coming back to dating anytime soon you got another thing coming to my AWS you are in massive trouble and the biggest problem about all this is that you still haven’t learned your lesson a lot like woke Hollywood you’re still doubling down and telling each other that it’s all going to be

Okay that the guys are going to fix this how are they going to fix it they’re not even dating you anymore ouch JC Jerry C woke Hollywood is learning how to lose money correct guys do you know Jerry to Jerry C’s point to my Legionnaire do you know guys that

Disney has lost one billion almost a billion dollars this year from their movies one billion do you guys understand do you do you guys you understand I don’t know if you know this but Disney used to be a major player Disney used to be Lion King it

Used to be what was it the what was all the other wait wait Lion King what was the other big ones oh God the hell Disney you used to be on point Disney used to nail its Target oh The Little Mermaid way back in the day

Uh what was the other big ones from Disney God there was so many big ones I I just don’t watch little kid movies oh what was the other ones oh my God you guys will figure it out socks to be a stock Disney stockholder oh I got out of that a long

Time ago Jerry C I knew Disney was in trouble when um I knew Disney was in trouble when they the uh the woke agenda started probably about a decade ago a little over a decade maybe more and it was just I knew there was going to be big

Problems yeah Disney is in a tail spin guys now you want to know what really funny you guys are going to laugh but Disney plus is their streaming service has been losing money since day one because of that woke nonsense number two the only streaming platform that actually made money this year was

Netflix you want to know why guys because they didn’t they dropped the woke agenda the vast majority I of stuff I’m seeing on Netflix is now is non-woke stuff which is intriguing so anyway my point being this all ties back together this all is part of the aw agenda this is all part

Of men refusing to deal with aw nonsense the wokeness the I can do whatever a man can do I want to become you I don’t want to be with you I want to become you sorry AWS Those Days Are Over You are going to have to contend with the

Fact that you chose to be a man and now you are going to have to figure out how to contend with men you are going to have to figure out what is it going to take you are going to have to figure out all these things you don’t have the answers

To AWS are in big trouble gentlemen this is just the tip of the iceberg and they aren’t gonna here’s the saddest part of you want to know the saddest part about all this guys AWS are not going to find out until it’s too late the point of no return is going to reach

The moment of truth and by then it’s going to be rough the last thing I’ll say about guys refusing to date and this is the worst of it all is AWS don’t even know that traditional foreign women are being imported to the west to get the birth

Rates up it’s really dark out now guys should I just walk backwards traditional foreign women are being imported to the United States and to Western countries to get the birth rate up because AWS aren’t birthing enough they’re only having 1.3 to 1.8 kids per household that’s not enough for replacement effect the

Government knows this and so what the government is doing is implementing Mass immigration a lot of you guys may not know this or be but behind the scenes this is what the government is doing the government is doing everything everything they can to get the birth rate

Up and this is another reason why men are refusing to date AWS and Y AWS are only going to be able to choose from simps because I got really bad news for the sips all of your pandering all of your nonsense traditional foreign woman would never deal with traditional foreign women

Cannot stand simps traditional foreign women are sickened by simps traditional foreign women are turned off more Beauty and the Beast damn you’re good men’s daily advice allenson Wonder Tail Spin Darkwing Duck chip Andale used to have Disney stock and you watch Disney production it was one head after Another Disney production used to be one hit after another what the hell’s going on with my stream guys hold on a sec the sun’s going down oh there we go sorry guys stupid stre I don’t know if there was any lag but but simps are nauseating well my little Japanese ex I’ll never

Forget one time she uh I I never saw her get upset or irritated or angry or anything like that but the one time when she was absolutely disgusted I’ll never forget she was disgusted when look at this guy running look at this guy running in the dark look at that

Guy it’s awesome dude that’s awesome it’s good to see people running in the dark it’s funny because you one time my little Japanese ex she was kind of disgusted I’ll never forget she was a little bit disgusted by a dude who was she could tell was a s

And I could tell it bothered her because this little guys she was 4 foot 10 she like a little like a little think of like a little munchkin she looked like a little little doll she was Tiny and she goes she I could tell her fa her whole

Demeanor changed she’s like she she almost looked like she was sick to her stomach she’s like she saw this s and he was like oh honey she goes why is he doing that she started to get mad the hell my little Japanese my happy little bouncy bubbly tiny squishy little Japanese this tiny

Little and she goes why is he doing that she goes I do not like that that is that is she it’s because he was there was this stupid simp right I was out with my ex this little tiny Japanese and her she was just adorable man her last name was

Sh well I won’t say her name but you guys you guys know what I mean it’s sad because she got upset because there was this monkey s who was like oh honey you go ahead of me uh you go ahead oh yeah uh you’re you’re you’re the boss and my little tiny

Japanese ex wasn’t having none of that she got really upset and I’ll never forget because she’s like why is he doing that and I said I said what are you what are you what’s going on she’s like that is not his job she is supposed to cater to

Him and I said you are right her initials were KS not Kevin Samuels don’t worry guys but she was just so adorable because I didn’t think I didn’t understand that traditional foreign women are repulsed are sickened by simps by pathetic losers by these weaklings these guys with no

Backbone no spine these jelly backed weaklings and that’s why simps are in big trouble that’s why AWS see the dogs agree that’s why AWS are in big trouble guys and that’s this dog agrees I’m not going to bother the dog I’ll be good but anyway gentlemen plenty for today the dogs are

Getting upset leave the dogs alone donkey punch the like button gentlemen on the way out finger the Subscribe button comment in the comment section Merry Christmas to all of you we celebrate Christmas over here in the west I’m not saying no happy holidays we celebrate Christmas

I’m tired of this nonsense you know K Quanza and all the look Merry Christmas Jesus Christ but I I might even pop out a a stream on Christmas Day I really appreciate you guys share this stream please it really helps hit the like button stay in stay fit stay on your

Business purpose stay on your personal purpose at the end of the day guys we gota we got to look out for each other it’s been a hell of a year we’re going to close this year with a bang all right so be ready Disney is talking about selling to Apple possibly oh I

Believe in man’s daily Vice they’re in big trouble man they’re in the tail spin but for now until next time gentlemen donkey punch the like button figure the Subscribe button comment in the comment section become a legion and remember hit the notification Bell and as always I’m definitely watching you so let’s

Get to it

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    00:00…Shaqueefla Jenkins is lonely

    07:00…Even ran through AW's want relationships

    14:00…AW's trying to call your bluff

    20:00…AW's think they're going to be in a harem

    26:00…Hookups with AW's will cost you

    32:00…Liberal Foreign Women cost as well

    38:00…Why AW's need so much attention

    44:00…AW's don't qualify for anyone?

    51:00…Chasing a buck

    57:00…The view is crazy

    59:00…You can raise your standards

    1:04:00…AW's have no leadership

    1:09:00…Post-nut clarity

    1:16:00…AW's hate TFW's

    1:23:00…AW's have no choice

    1:31:00…AW's are always a risk

    1:38:00…We're going to the top

    1:44:00…Woke Hollywood

    1:51:00…TFW's can't stand simps

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