The world turned its back on this disc… The Innova Orc was the KING of distance drivers, but its reign was short lived. Does this disc deserve a spot in the disc golf world? Does it deserve a spot in your bag?

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🥏 Wraith-
🥏 Destroyer-
🥏 Orc- lol get real. (jk it’s great we just don’t have any)
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In had plenty of old molds that have stood the test of time so what’s different about the orc today we’re going to throw the orc we’re going to talk about its history a little bit we’re going to talk about why it’s not thrown anymore if it should be

Thrown anymore and we’re going to talk about one simple thing that Inova could do to make people throw it again let’s get into it in January of 2004 disc golf was changed forever whenever Ina released the orc this was the first ever stable High speed distance driver it has

That negative one turn three fade that we’re so used to now but was absolutely revolutionary then the valkyrie and Beast had been released a few years earlier but those discs still can’t handle the torque and the power that something like an orc could this is a 380 ft headwind water

Carry I wouldn’t want to do that with a valkyrie oh headwind putts are on today and on that note of the Beast and the valkyrie the release of the orc actually led to a retooling of the Beast because they were too similar in flight so if you can find a really really old

Champion beast or whatever and you think wow this is more stable than the Beast that I’m used to or whatnot that’s why I’m thr this gstar guy into a headwind again because the star one that I have is just way too beat up but anyway when the orc was released you

Immediately had guys like Scott stokeley and Avery Jenkins these Power Players praising the orc as instant distance because it finally had the Speed and stability to handle whatever you put on it and for two wonderful years everything was going well in Mordor until well actually like Mordor a more

Powerful wraith got involved The Wraith was released in 2005 and the orc which was completely game-changing revolutionary disc quickly began to fade out of people’s bags and out of the spotlight of the disc golf world this holds about 290 pushes straight finishes left get in there and I don’t blame our disc golf

Ancestors for switching to The Wraith from the orc that’s an amazing disc as was the Destroyer that came shortly after that but you and I both know that not everyone can throw a wraith or Destroyer so why not throw a more manageable version instead well this is where Inova really went Wrong I’m going to end up backing an orc this number right here is why people don’t throw the orc this fugazi number is keeping people from throwing what used to be the king of distance drivers because people look at flight numbers and they say oh that must not Glide as

Much must not go as far I don’t want to throw this disc instead of this other one that I’m looking at that has five or six Glide and I’m not even saying the York has five or six Glide whatever that even means I’m just saying if this disc

Set it you’d probably be a lot more willing to give it a shot you being the proverbial you the disc off World At Large and I don’t blame you for making that decision because when you have so many discs to choose from why not choose one that looks like it’s going to go

Farther on paper just as an experiment though my wraith and my Destroyer finished farther left and they’re both like 30 45ish feet farther is that because they’re faster is that because they have more Glide I think it’s more the ladder than the former personally that’s going up over those

Trees you probably can’t see it but I think we have like circle’s Edge downhill Putt and actually upon walking up to those discs The Wraith was about 30 ft farther than the orc and the Destroyer was about 20 ft farther than the WRA which again I think points to

More of the speed being the difference between the distances there rather than the Glide because I don’t think the Destroyer has six Glide compared to a wraith’s five Glide so what I think Inova should do is take the orc Rebrand it I don’t care if you just change the

Flight numbers Recon it like you did the pig call it the irai goblin who cares call this a 10513 orc sails through the roof this is 400 ft that way but I’ve got to take a Hiser out and around is that going to fade I don’t think it’s going to fade

Enough I didn’t quite put it on enough heer I guarantee you that if Inova took this exact same mold renamed it release it as a 10513 and had people throw them side by side people be like oh yeah I really I see the difference in the Glide

Between this one and this one and people would view it as some sort of like pocket Destroyer like a destroyer for slower arm speeds which I think that it already is now I don’t care if you throw an orc I just think that it’s weird that the disl world has forgotten

It don’t be short oh stop being short before his name was synonymous with what is now the most popular Tour series disc of all time Nate sexon championed Orcs I didn’t do that on purpose but if you’ve ever seen someone thr orc it’s probably in their bag for forehand for some sort

Of like slight Hiser flip pushing shot that still kind of Fades much like what people rely on for things like sex and Firebirds today I did not give that enough respect ooh the tree respected it though all right I’ve got a c one look that I don’t

Deserve but what a good players have to do when given lucky breaks take advantage of them I thought that suck was going to fall out and especially now that I’m forh handing it I want to revisit the whole four Glide thing because if it does have a true

Four Glide or what not that’s still even not a bad thing because it helps you range in your shots little bit of stand up and drift and it’s going to come back in at the end which makes it a great woodsy forehand disc I actually threw it way

Too long five Glide that was a joke the point of this video is not that the orc should have five Glide though I do think Inova could say that it has five Glide if they went up sales numbers all way short I’m just saying it’s a forgotten gym of a disc and I

Don’t know I think it’d be cool if people threw it more if you haven’t already let me know what you think a forgotten gym of the community is whether it’s an old disc like the orc or a new disc that for whatever reason people just didn’t hop on on release or

Whatever I’m going to get one final hole in with this orc and then I’m going back to WTH and destroyers I kind of hope that hits a tree that might go too far oh thank you if I throw this Eagle you owe me a nickel drop drop


  1. I found a gstar orc and I threw it a little bit before returning it and I must say I was impressed. It was the perfect amount of reliable stability.

  2. There's kind of a dearth of speed ten straight bombers in non-champion type plastic. Orc, PD/Roman, and ???

  3. Innova Bulldog (Not Bullfrog) is my favorite overstable throwing putter and nobody knows about it. Imagine a Pig rim with an Aviar top that flies like a Jokeri, all in a stiff grippy R-Pro plastic.

  4. Orcs are the best version of a control driver. They get the distance but they can keep a tight, straight line. Thunderbirds are too stable for most people (and have no glide, ironically). What’s frustrating about the Orc flight numbers is that the Destroyer and Wraith both originally had 4 glide as well which was the standard for drivers at the time.

  5. Orc was the first distance driver my brother gifted me as he introduced me to the game. Always have had one in the bag since then. Have three of the halo factory seconds coming in!

    Imo to your point, sexy birds are just flippy firebirds with $40 price tags… Why not get a $14 version of the something similar that isn't hard to come by? I have a firebird and orc in the bag and that's all I need for the 9/10 speed slot.

    If you can manage a firebird 300+ and a wraith 400+ the orc has a place in the bag and it just hasn't been tried yet 🤘🏼

    If you liked the gstar, you'll love the pro plastic Orc. In Norway and Denmark it CARVED the woods for me on longer 3s and shaped 4s.

  6. I'm currently bagging two PFN flat top Orc's and they are great. I've got one in Star plastic that is very stable and a 166g Champion that has a nice flip up and ride. I prefer the flat top version to the regular mold.

  7. Bagged an f2 orc last year. i called it my boring disc because it just went straight about 75% the distance of my distance drivers but very reliable..
    Another mold i think is unpopular because of the flight numbers is the whippet(x). its a 5 fade but its really more like a 3 fade and holds its own agains discs like a bobcat. great skip around corners disc, the ground work has one flare skip then kinda dies.

  8. Great video. Never understood the whole 4 glide rating thing on high speed discs. Orc also reminds me of the Grace, all the distance with all the control of a 12 speed

  9. Another lost one is the tee devil. Love that disc but I am pretty sure it’s discontinued. Loved that for a forehand disc.

  10. was just thinking about adding this disc back to my bag. A dx orc was the first disc i ever threw "far" when I was just starting out and learning how to play. It was given to me by a friend and sure was super super beat up haha Cool to see you guys talking about it. Do you think James Conrad new 10 speed will be somewhat similar? I feel like most 10 speeds are just forgotten or overlooked but seeing Simon talk about James new disc in his new video made me excited to try or to just throw my orcs more.

  11. Innova's glide ratings are based on other Innova discs of the same speed. So compared to a Beast 5 glide, Monster 3 glide, Innova puts The Orc's glide in the middle of the two.

  12. I personally believe that the glide needs to be thrown away by all manufacturers. Speed is important because it is a way of differentiating discs but glide over saturates the market with discs that all fly the same if their speed is the same

  13. I have a buddy who plays MPO who advocated for the Orc as a great workable forehand disc. This is personally my favorite use of the orc

  14. I had a champion Innova Archon for a long time that was my go-to control driver, and lost it in the snow a couple years ago. Ended up finding a Cryztal Sparkle Scorch with no name that I also liked, but the Scorch has a weird feeling rounded rim, so I still miss my Archon. Good intermediate driver that never got too flippy, I'd get a gentle S-flight every time.

  15. I have a PFN flat top Orc and I think what lessened it's popularity were the other 10 speed discs, not just the Wraith. Really the Starfire is very similar, and as you mention the Beast-X mold was pretty stable. So while the Orc and Starfire can be found in Limited, Full Production, and Factory Second runs, it seems to me the Invictus has taken over that slot. But I think people throw the 9 speed and then 11 speed discs, and largely skip the 10 speed ones. I can see the 4 glide for the flat top ones. I've yet to hold or throw a domey Orc. If they retool the mold to have a consistent dome, they could justify the 5 glide. That would be enough differentiation to fill the gap between Invictus and Beast.

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