Three Ways To Improve In The Offseason | Titleist Tips

If you’re looking to not only keep your golf game sharp but make some gains during the winter months, Titleist Staff Member Rico Riciputi shares some advice on three areas of your game that you can focus on – especially if you plan to practice indoors.

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Hi my name is ripu I’m a PGA golf professional and we’re here in Northampton at my coach Club Facility in our golf season in New England ideally we only have eight months to play so there’s four months that we can’t play outside so it’s ideal to have a facility where you can work on your game indoors during the winter and in the summer so some elements to be

Able to make sure that you’re improving during the off season number one is creating a fundamental swing that allows you to have consistent with your ball striking and your shot dispersion number two would be variable practice making sure that you’re not just hitting shot after shot with a

Seven iron making sure we’re hitting different shots we’re shaping the ball a little differently and number three make sure that you have the right equipment in your hands so that you can take them out to the course and hit all your numbers the three variables or three parameters that the amateur golfer

Should be focusing on when indoors number one club path number two face angle and number three angle of attack if you focus on those you should be able to allow yourself to have better ball striking yes yes do the Conta how to practice effectively indoors it’s about hitting different shots in your practice

So it’s not just hitting ball after ball after ball it’s about creating a certain shot whether that’s 130 yards or 170 yards just practicing different clubs because that’s how you play on the golf course is you’re not constantly hitting one Club over and over you’re going from

A driver to a seven iron or driver to a sand wedge so that’s how you should be practicing indoors it’s important for our players here at coach club that we’re trying to provide the most accuracy we can we chose the track man simulator to help that and we also chose

The RCT golf ball prov1 and prov1x it’s going to allow our players to capture their spin a lot more accurately which affects a lot of the other parameters like launch angle carry distance total distance having that accurate parameter like that is going to allow our players

To do a true gapping find exactly how far they’re hitting their Club which is very important when trying to take your swing out to the golf course if you follow these three steps your game is going to improve you’re going to have more confidence on the golf course

And you’re going to have more Fun


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