Hank Vs Jake Marsh 9 Hole Holiday Match | Presented by BodyArmor

Hank Vs Jake Marsh 9 Hole Holiday Match | Presented by BodyArmor

Live live you are looking live at the golf simulator Jake Marsh welcome hello EMP the office how would you describe the office uh atmosphere today peaceful peaceful it is peaceful it’s quiet it’s the holidays best time of the year just knowing you got like time off coming

Yeah I mean no one’s doing this is a great warm up we’re worth playing real golf during the break this is going to ask for a better appetizer yeah this will be the first time I’m playing uh real round of golf after having the simulator I’ve said you know once I have

The simulator I have no excuse but to be better I don’t know if that’s going to be the case uh we’ve never done a match here right no first match me versus Jake Marsh nine holes where are we gonna play where should the chat let the chat

Tell us give us a continent if the chat gives us a continent we’ll we will choose a a golf course on that continent you want to you want to start to set it up and we’ll yeah we’ll see what they’re saying yeah casual casual Thursday Vibe we’re

Chilling this is not in Spanish maybe we should play as is is oh I almost they don’t I’m hung over this is bad what do they they don’t speak careful careful they speak Spanish and Spain right no yes okay all right so maybe we should play in Spain they have Spain oh

Cuz the Spanish and I say might as well for if I was GNA say we’re in Spanish what did you what was your other guess no for some reason I thought it was like they don’t speak Spanish in Spain it was one of those weird things that you sound

Dumb if you think that do we want to log in or I’ll log in okay I’ll log in yeah yeah you thought it was like a trick question yeah are we’re going to log in here golf can see our names golf Zan you play a decent amount I don’t

Really play I I just kind of practice like I don’t play as much uh I’m the opposite I should be doing what you’re doing and practice more but there we go so the handicaps oh look at me I mean I’ve only played probably like two or

Three rounds and and it I probably do like big uh concedes and stuff right cuz cuz putting some putting putting is a crap Sho just takes some time all right so Europe um I don’t know which ones are in Spain St Andrews is in Spain

Right Chad are any of these in Spain can they see the monitor yet yeah they can see what’s John ROM’s home course he’s from Spain King’s Bond someone tells me that’s not Spanish oh here come the feeble knees my knees are going to be on point I’m going

To a guess and say Moscow City Golf Club is not in Spain you just have one on Spain which one we got God speaking to oh yeah there’s the flag you call valderama yeah I think that’s where they uh I don’t know I don’t know what I’m saying I’m a

Little hung over I’m a little loopy I my what your do hang four feet yeah four feet concession green condition medum I don’t even know what that means me either I haven’t changed it so we’ll just keep it all right all right I’m going to give Jake

Uh if we’re doing odds I saw plus 400 that’s probably a little steep I would say Jake is naturally a better golfer than me not by much but I’m also hung over so I’m going to give him and we’re doing match play or stroke play match okay

So that probably helps you a little yeah it does help me a little you blow off you only lose a hole so I would say it’s it’s Jake is like minus 125 like not a crazy crazy High favorite but but definitely not the underdog get this off screen but I am

Going to drink it yummy Stella Blue what’s your favorite holiday Jake I’m I’m excited for Christmas I it’s always the best this this is like the best time of the year although it’s always celebrate Christmas busy I love going home this time of year I’d say Thanksgiving football and food and family the three

FS uh I have lost my glove oh there it is all right wow this is thin Fairway all right who do you got who do you got in this game chat what do you what do they call you hanky hazards they’re going call hazards feble needs

Locka that one’s that one’s not going to be uh what’s a golf word that is alliteration with Jay cuz that’s what I’m about to be Jakey jungle jakee yeah and this course all the trees Jake Jake of the Jungle yeah all right here we go real Club vama the iconic first

Te great start oh baby doors open early Brey Brey if you miss oh you know what Jake I’m in the holiday spirit I’m just going to give you a breakfast ball oh thank you very it’s it’s it is the season to say thank you very kind they call him Jake double bogey

Fist pump Jake has never fist pump on a bogey yeah no on a bogey I may have double bogey no a putt a big putt is a big putt yeah we’re not good golfers take advantage I don’t know jaky jungles that’s that better be yeah no that’s fine that’s imply it’s a

Good drive it’s good good breakfast ball I’m probably going to need one too the feeble knees thing is I’m not going to say to my head what’s wrong with your knees there’s nothing exactly exactly Jake thank you popped it up that’s fine though in play is fine first ball High Fly ball

Get get no no you want to take it nah I feel like I’ll give you one on the first toll then no I I think I think breakfast ball is just feel like breakfast ball is like if you really need it you know yeah golf Gods yeah that’s

Fair second shot 160 I’m going to Club up cuz I am tired and tight toy Jake The Rake I like that but that’s only for in the bunker yeah this is this is there’s no bunker I mean maybe up there yeah but no there’s a lot of bunkers narrow green Alama I should

Probably be hitting a five iron but strong knees oh I piped it sh oh oh you got the good angle wow all right all right nice wow that’s a club up cuz like that you clubbed up that was I hit a six iron like but I didn’t not

Bad not bad at all fire me up feeble knees your that dip his right shoulder m all right pressure’s on got to go dancing here oh that looks pretty good got to sit I’m alive I don’t the apron is probably my least favorite uh of this I’ve never

Heard of the word apron before simulator and I would like to like I like I you know you can chip off the apron you can’t chip off the apron here yeah I mean in real life I’m putting this same but sometimes you have no choice mlly Marsh what is that oh Mulligan

Mulligan that’s the thing like golf people are the biggest hard in the world every person on planet Earth that plays golf takes breakfast balls like but then online they’re like breakfast ball it’s like come on they’re scratch golfers yeah now as everyone knows while document the best part my games my putting

So here we go oh I got a good angle get in sit oh and it went long so wow I think I am I think we’re going to do a I don’t know if maybe it’s maybe it’ll be a pre-recorded video but I’ve been talking to the guy that I’ve

Been getting a lesson from about coming in here but could you could you get a lesson from a righty coach yeah of course you can yeah I didn’t know that everything they tell you is just opposite that’s got to be annoying though no like I wouldn’t I don’t know

That I would want to take a lesson from a lefty although I guess like my friend that has like but like a USGA certified coach like knows what to do with me you know yeah like they’ve studied enough tape to be like just seeing like you

Know yeah like it’d be hard for them to like you want it you want it to be like this but yeah I I think that’s it’s going to happen in January for sure I would love that I would pay for that all right let’s put the pressure on to end this

Early oh baby natural birdie come on sick nothing I can do about that that’s a birdie okay okay knees weren’t so feeble there huh or part four where is the chase I’m not better than Hank right now some very weird questions I’m loopy and when I get hung over you

Should play like this all the time yeah I usually do but but you know it’s just a matter it’s not FJ It’s one oh Sean said I like having an opposite hand coach because you can line up facing them and it’s basically a mirror oh that’s a good that’s a good point

Yeah when I when I when I get hung over like it’s just the filter comes off and all the dumb thoughts in my head just come out yeah like things that should be obvious I just ask hang on take the moly no breakfast no we’re all right we’re all right sure

Yeah no I Jake I would never take a mulligan uh ever oh yeah I’m I’m a purist of the game ever all right those thesee are not feeble piped no same spot why’ they give me the good angle yeah maybe it’s like contact maybe it’s just

Like uh I think we might do a little course management here pop out oh this is tough I still can’t tell if those trees are real when you hit through them like are they ghosts or no I think I I’ve had somewhere it like goes negative it it

Either goes backwards or like it hit it like simulat hitting a tree and it it goes like 40 yards when you hit it hard yeah uh all right don’t think just think Mo yeah come say what up no no you just had a birdie oh there that’s a good pun that’s

A good layout that’s exactly what you wanted got the winner of the barcel Town show here last night where is it where uh I think in that that mic you sit with moo when did uh when did you start rapping um uh like 10 years ago yeah I

Was just telling him I’ve been rapping about 10 years plug your your name in yeah in the mic oh up everybody my name Palmer aka the kid from Cincinnati y’all can check me I went for it and it back backfired I so we had a we had a talent show last

Night at River North honestly a good a good mix of talents you I thought you had it and then the the the woman who came up last was a beat boxer and she killed it what she I was like it just hit the thinnest Branch right there it’s so

Crazy though to actually be here though from like being I mean just every day watching this on YouTube like remember the first video yall dropped like when this first I mean first did aour yeah I was like bro I got to get there one day like so just to be here

Right now is like hey so Hank I got a question did you really not know White Castle was a real place White Castle yeah you thought that was yeah like when the when the cuz there was no White Castles around me when I grew up and like I like the

Movies but I thought it was just a fictional that’s in a movie and then I remember like d like oh in Cincinnati like good Burg like I thought it was like a good burger like something like that where it’s just like the fictional you know we’re going to go to

White Castle but yeah in Cincinnati it’s so many of them like White Castle just like good burger like you know it was just that that was the place I W and I love the movie and I never knew the other the other thing like Sonic is a myth there was no Sonics

Within 60 miles of where I grew up I would just see the commercials every day I feel that yeah it’s no Sonics in Cincinnati either like bro but you see the commercials everywhere all right Jak this is basically for the hole right I mean I yeah I’m in

Trouble now I pull it just get out of the bunker go along stay no it’s close you’re safe prob like a foot shout out to uh the capless Capper in the chat used to enjoy Jake now I got to avoid Jake content as he’s watching g j content sounds like the cap was

Cappers capping big brain move he it’s Todd gurley’s knees what what do you think about my knee game moo your knee game yeah call me feeble knees Lockwood I don’t know are they bending backwards right now they look like they’re bending backwards man this is this is an

Disaster these trees is that boy bent I’ve never looked at your knees I’m just going for it pay ATT screw it oh but dude I actually had White Castle for the first time two weeks ago delicious mozzarella sticks delicious I did the uh mini sliders yeah they got the best

Mozzarella sticks that I ever had anywhere bro like ever you got to try yeah I had them at the uh Indianapolis Greyhound bus station yeah right oh yeah right across the street across the street dude yeah wait so that was from the stream right when we talked about

That what when you White Castle had the 24hour stream yeah how how much of that how many hours of the 24 did you watch um um the actual stream I watched like the first couple hours but then that part I saw on the like YouTube you know recap

Thing yeah but that movie was like that movie was actually funny the her on the Kumar like oh yeah but like no in Cincinnati and like in Covington Kentucky like they’re white castes everywhere in Chicago too they’re everywhere yeah the ones we had on that on the stream were gas open 247

No no no so y was playing mad on the stream right choking yeah yeah you are you good no I haven’t playing I I Madden like I’m I’m go that mad bro I think it was just max being bad that day do did you keep playing like I stopped playing

Probably like to like it got too too complicated yeah I mean the new one is actually nice though the new one is like it’s like they actually effort to make a good game am I choking this whole way you might be but they need to bring back the 2K

Football games bro now we’re even dude 2K 2K was my NHL NFL 2K 5 was like my favorite game ever Bro 2 I like NBA like 2K 7 2K 2K9 like Call of troops 2K was I used to simulate a tournament all the time play one minute

Halves and just watch them I would like simulate the whole thing and then like when it was the Gators I would play oh my God God one minute half yeah what was the final score be like 4-2 Jesus Christ cuz like I I want to shoot buzzer beaters kid from Cincinnati’s coming

Just up all my concentration not blaming you but your knees dudee be bucking like what the I never even held a golf club before bro I don’t know about that fire move come on now yes I don’t know I won thatle I mean a kid from Cincinnati three shots in the

Trees start talking White Castle I forgot when I was playing golf that’s why I came here just part three hey so um what was the order I was like hearing this from from stoies and and fans like you’re obviously fans of multiple shows what was the order of like

Exposure to them like where where did it start and then where did it go from down there all right so I was just L tell him that so like first it started with million dollars worth a game I saw a clip from them then I started watching

That then it was PMT then it was KFC radio I I with um fights um KFC shout out to them start and just got significantly like yeah like but then it was then like I I start watching busting with the boys then I saw like a case

Race then I start watching the yak and now I watch the yak every day H yeah PMT watch it every day it depend though if the Browns lose sometimes I might not watch it on Monday cuz I don’t want to hear big cat talk I love it when

People say that that always cracks me up Browns are nice though yeah I’m glad we that win I can only imagine what big cat would have been saying if they would have beat us like I was I just want us to win like I didn’t my parlay didn’t

Even hit either way but I’m like bro at least don’t lose it’s got a set oh good is Jersey Jerry going to be hear oh uh I don’t think so I ped that damn um yeah I think it’s definitely going talk to him about the Steelers I think he’s checked out on the

Steelers 100% checked out yeah I think he’s done this year at least little spoiler for advisers but Jerry said he doesn’t watch football and then I was like Jerry I sit with you every Sunday for 6 hours he’s like but I’m not watching I was like what what is he

Talking about basically says doing his touchdown parlays he’s just looking through the screen that’s what he said nice in all right that’s a par yeah wow pressure back on wait so they give you that in the circles you can make it like bigger or smaller depending he has those Derek every time

I look at this chat hey so um what’s up what’s up with you in a playing all right this is a straight po we’re just really good friends all about the pace hey man to you just I wasn’t I was just asking yeah no it’s like you

Know keep in touch check in on each other oh my God you guys are kind of soulmates yeah I mean like you never know like things just things love finds way yeah now at first I thought I thought PFT was trying to shoot a shot at her at

First like that’s what I that’s just what I thought at first but then I was s like okay you know okay this one’s a little more open you I was a divers yeah that’s I mean I I had those vibes too I just showed up at work one day and she was

Here yeah I didn’t PFT was the one that PFT was the one that uh organized organized everything yeah it was it was like random that episode yeah and they had Clan P I was like that’s dope as F like there was there was a buzz in the office that stream was was so

Dude for a week there was a buzz like yo playing girls coming and then she was here for a week it felt like that’s probably one of our most listened to episodes this year right it was VI I think it’s the one of the biggest uh

Episodes yeah I believe it I don’t I don’t know I think I think we had someone else on that day though it’s probably because of them yeah like Clan poris that’s one of those names when you like just nameing random football players from back in the day like CL

Poris oh and you talk about like Madden like was a no yeah yeah man remember Madden mini games those were fun those are played years just the running back the running back challenge when you get like one Defender two Defenders three Defenders you should never have taken that out

No dude I would play like the D yeah all of them they’re fun all of them yeah like the quarterback evasion they shoot the little things at you you got to dodge them but stay in the pocket yeah what time is I need you guys to go

On what time is it 11:40 we’re going to be done by 12: right no no I mean we can finish you want me to move no no no I’m just joking but once once they get on the yak I’ll be able to lock back in although it’s probably going to be like

But he’s not blaming you right when this round BL you hey Hank you should tell Dave to sign me to a record deal so I can make an album on bar records oh are you’re going to perform your song that you did last night on the ACT yeah

Let’s go it got a whole bar rocking last night yeah like it was like it was surreal honestly bro it was really good like I visioned it going well but I mean Gilly Gilly is the Gilly is the plug yeah I sent you need to get on you need

To get on Gil radar hey shout out to Gilly no really like Gilly and wallow they like bro they like even though I never met them like they like like my uncles like from a you know from a distance like bro they give me so much motivation and inspiration on their show

And like the people that they have on like the you know the interviews they do you know it it’s always like motivation for me cuz you see like a lot of those people came up in like similar upbringings to me is not that bad like you know it’s

Every place got bad places you know I ain’t have a I mean I ain’t grow up the worst but like you know I’m trying to get rich you feel me same but I’m like bro I’m down for that hey that’s what I’m saying that we need like bro I know

I got a plan tell Dave if he trying to sign me to a record deal help me make a album I can get him richer than he already is like hey I could be the next day I suck that’s OB oi o I was just I was just watching the

Yak yesterday in the chat I’m here how are you how you doing man man how you feeling great great how you doing I’m all right man I’m living a dream we’re live keeps asking where uh Brandon Walker is oh yeah where is I think he’s having a heart attack right now yeah

Probably yeah I hope he’s not dying I did the doz with him a second ago just came in and I think he had a ATT walk oh you’re not even kidding we’re not live on Fully live yeah okay yeah no Brandon probably had a hard

Shame no oh no Chay took under 80 for for Brandon’s lifez I mean that’s those must have been tough odds like that’s that’s a lock yeah yeah Max is Ving Big Win Max has got a drama look on his face I don’t that’s a drama

Walk that was Max is a an absolute diva be good Ron nice the clip did you see the clip in the bar last night I was trying to I couldn’t I couldn’t think of the words but the clip of you no Max he’s just like yeah Villanova he goes but the

Order of names he goes we’re live Brandon um it’s all good he was like he goes you smokes you memes you pug no he said f yeah right or or yeah but just the names like the names that he went smokes memes pug that’s ridiculous I like the F yeah pug too you

Can’t you pug Brandon you’re live up alive you’re you’re alive oh yeah how are you the smoked it I smoked it I thought the overhead angle was supposed to be good well it was on the line like they probably it’s probably like not speed

Like it was on like yeah I just I knew I had it too hard I got to lock in chat this is a crazy green yeah no light there go remove the green grd play that that actually we might do that in future streams I think it it would make it more

Fun although I don’t know if you can read it yeah I mean it’s not like you can like you kind of need the grid also we still suck with it so like yeah we we’re all still double paring holes with the grid I don’t know how much that would

Change nice pot it let’s go nice po nice so I got to make this um did you say I lost it I got you’re going to make this to have so you guys are live we are currently live yeah all it’s all good uh I just lost my putter you’re from Cy

Right yes sure right here no I got it born and race are you guys playing for money yeah how much are we 500 a hole no no it’s a holidays for funid a holiday cheer just Vibes three picks today coming on PMT can’t wait yeah I’m going to go

Grab a snack get there Studio Jake two up now one up all right we’re all right so you owe Jake 500 bucks currently yeah he said I gave him bad luck when I came over here here P if you’re going to Hank said that yeah I

Didn’t say bad luck no it’s just I didn’t say bad luck I just said factually like I was really I was playing I birdied the first hole as locked in and then Quin like is it a coincidence that he came over and I started playing back I don’t

Know that’s how almost bad is like buers the buers when we kick their ass M that’s fine I swear the Browns not fair super BS this year alone off of that they have the Bengal oh Bengals fans that’s their favorite line when the Browns beat them this is you got super

Bow what team do you hate the most in your division oh um like I can wouldn’t say it’s the beeng cuz like before I was a Browns fan until I was like 12 I was a beeng fan like I got to say the Ravens like and they they won two Super

Bowls off Browns principles you feel me so it’s like those are supposed to be our Super Bowls trouble that’s just an absolute pop job they always then they took um what’s the dude name the tight end to play for the Browns oh Azie Nome made him the gym then he drafts all the

Players that I wish the Browns would draft like I wish Lamar Jackson would have came when like we had a chance but no they took Baker Mayfield but you got your BR now which is nice no I’m I’m a Browns fan are you’re a Browns fan yeah yeah I’m I’m

Not a bingo fan the Bing you got your FL yeah you got their leader he’s a elite he is oh three that’s going to cost you 500 bucks 50 I don’t think you understand that it’s not like it doesn’t matter till the end get that through your head it’s 500

Hole every hole matters exactly the same this isn’t you’re not doing the escalating one but you’re saying that’s going to cost you $500 but if I win the money it’s going to cost me nothing no it’s still 500 less than you would have it’s not over I don’t have to pay

Anything it’s okay you don’t understand you don’t understand be good what what did that hit how’s that going 50 yards hit four trees the trees at real Club Val valderama are ruthless Wilder valderama is me right now hey I got a question so do you remember when um first T used to be

Called cold pizza is that what it used to be called what’s his name j no he’s got in trouble J Dana what’s her name Dana Jacobson oh yeah uh and Jay Crawford Jay Crawford yeah that’s where that’s where skip bis really got to start yeah remember that like I

Then I remember it like out of nowhere it just start being C you know what’s crazy there’s cold pizza in the office right now yeah no I was talking to about that like he he said he never like knew that it was called Cod Pizza at first I

Think oh wow there was like a that was actually fine sounded it felt terrible that was I think it was called like first and 10 or maybe and then that evolved into First Take because that’s where they find out a Skip and stre just scream at each other people like that

Now they got Shannon sharp yep yeah Shannon sharp is the goat bro the funniest is when you tell the story you said shanon sharp pinched you in on my elbow yeah Titus was there witness bro I would have been like what the is going on all right can I

Just concede this I think you’re close you got to double par actually no you have three shots you can get there in three I don’t want to take three shots that’s a good that’s great you can make this for double bogey you’re putting for par no oh

Yeah um Pat ever come here P Bev I don’t think Pat B has been in this office yet no no shout out to Pat B shout out to Pat Bev it sucks I think they’re playing uh they’re playing like this week or like they’re playing they’re here I

Think oh during the they just lost the other day I didn’t hear him talk about that LE was here last night not here but the Lakers were just here LeBron was in the office last night yeah he did he do wake up M this morning oh yeah where

Missy at here he’s that’s a good question well we’re live so we can’t be here yeah see M his naal New Orleans next week sit you doing oh my God uh I’m just going down with some friends Billy string show playing some dols h b or whatever it’s called Bourbon

Street French Quarter French Quarter yeah I um have like when was the last time yall been to Cincinnati uh I went there on the way to the Super Bowl in La you so how you feel about Skyline you a Skyline I like it once a year man

Skyland is a everyday thing for every day damn near bro I used to work at the skyline in Cleveland Skyline and White Castle that’s year not like a local thing you feel me Skyline is like bro if I’m somewhere like Chicago they don’t have Skyline bro

Like somebody need to open a Skyline in Chicago they would be Rich so all right you you have it almost once a day and you used to work there no I mean like when I work there I had it every day that’s what I’m saying I mean I

Don’t have it every day now honestly even know it’s one like right where I live at like I mean it’s like a delicacy you feel me like it’s it’s Skyline what what goes into the chil how long is how long is that honestly I’m not allowed to tell you

That bunker this a secret Trade Secrets this is your opening H my opening like I think it’s cinnamon I honestly there there’s definitely some bro but this is the thing why some people don’t like Skyline they get extra with it bro you got to get be simple Skyline is me

Threeway spaghetti chili cheese or you might get such a random combo though well it’s not regular chili though bro it’s is it like bolog I have no idea you could say it’s kind of like a bolog you go I love over oh he’s got the angle

Bro have you ever seen that video of fights sky like that all right you’re dancing disgusting like bro all right here we go I like still don’t think he ate it just slurping that was like a that was like one of those like oddly fascinating

Videos that like shows up on like I wish I could have went today show when they was down there but I had to work that night I was so syty I love like bro yeah like I said like KFC was like the probably like the third thing I start watching it was like

Play that’s so bad cops are going to show [Laughter] up whoa almost tripped got a sus walk Max has got a drama walk on right oh yeah I got no drama walk did you hear did you hear the drama no there’s drama there’s drama yeah there’s drama there’s a little

Drama he can’t talk about it right now you know what else self hunting bro confirmed drama or drama confirmed drama but you know what else is funny when um I think Max was telling the story didn’t you say you woke up in your um your roommate’s bed or something like that is that

True my girlfriend buto that I remember that I was laughing at that for like a week I was over served it’s crazy you made it out of that situation good though were you nude no I was wearing clothes clothes or just do you remember are you sure know

Happened I was wearing cloth I don’t know I think it was wearing full I think it was wearing full clothes you wear clothes to sleep yeah go go go go go all right I have to hold this out I have any chance that’s not true no Hank

Might miss his butt oh yeah no yeah I have to hold this out you’re losing Jak no no he’s he’s up I think three holes two holes about to be one you’re playing for 500 bucks a hole not true 500 bucks a hold no that was never Jake is a huge

Gambler yeah hey I understand gambling like bro that just became legal in Ohio like this year like bro before that like I feel like I’m a whole different person now like my life has changed better going take this one yeah you get that one there yeah it changes

Just how you watch TV watch like I watch basketball games that I would have never watched before like random ass schools and like like bro I was watching Florida A&M against um that it was the football game Florida A&M against Howard like I’m like BR I would

Never watch this on this over fam you the Rattlers against the Bison but no like bro that open my eyes though like people should probably watch more HBCU football though like Oregon they look I mean FAMU look like a baby Oregon like like yeah I feel like if they get more

Teams like that you know it might be more interesting we watching a lot of it when yeah it’s good match exactly bro like I wanted him go to University of Cincinnati so bad uh I think I I left before you I’m popping everything up maybe lower the

Te yeah I think it’s a different tea can’t blame me there that’s what that’s why they call Lockwood the knees I’m not the knees aren’t in my head but mean about my knees it’s a lock that will be in the woods isn’t your knee like scratch the up I was thinking

Boners oh my God you suck that was pretty bad I know OB there’s no OB on this course that’s nice I would I feel that’s worse I would play the other Fairway I don’t want to tell you how to play the soul ch this is a disaster up yeah I got oh Hanks

Up oh was mik oh man I suck I think I’m playing tomorrow in real life I hope it’s better where you playing I think down in boka oh yeah yeah Bermuda I all ready for this absolute sting job s off hobby we her husband her husband is lunatic a wild card I love

Him he the best shout out to Kate too she had a baby get over just uh Stinger was that Stinger yeah it works absolute sting bat oh the baby last night that baby is going to be big that’s a big boy sweatshirt every

Day they hook it up I I I gave a box and Studio P oh yeah what what is that tuen story I got a buck for you sorry for party are you kidding me I’m here nice to meet you bro second place to show which place did you get uh I didn’t I

Didn’t make it to the podium first in the game um I ain’t a comedian but I got some jokes that you can have you know if you want to you feel me like I just you know need hope I think Hank did a great job not going to

SPO anything I think I think it took balls for Hank to do what he did I wrote a joke about the song Jessie’s a girl you know yeah yeah like it’s about like how if somebody made that song now they would be cancelled Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay

Stay Stay please please please please please please no people that design golf courses are just sickers I mean this one’s a tough one there’s trees everywhere I’m going to put a sandit right in front dude the funniest I was saying to them but the funniest clip of Max celebrating vova

Win was just the names that he said and he goes yeah smokes yeah memes yeah pug trash just a ridiculous truth bunker versus bunker I’m up TJ is is maybe the skinniest person alive so skin it’s quite quite inspiring tough tough rough Bermuda Bahama all right let’s capitalize

Henry Hank remember Hank you remember when you thought that the Poconos were in the Caribbean because because that song yeah I mean down in the POC no else said that I’m going to the POC over the break and someone was like aren’t you going somewhere tropical I’m like no I’m

Going to poon I who just said that to me it was like uh it’s like when the Angels had like hoe Kendrick and uh who was the other guy just sounds like they had they had a how he kind they had a white guy with a

Black guy’s name and and how and black guy with a white guy’s name no I forget but the Pocono sounds much more Caribbean than what it is it’s like the opposite of the okay be your the PO no oh who’s the other Play did you play that song on the guitar yeah yeah five minutes I don’t know what the off I’ve been learning a lot of uh playing lot of Po songs this week remebrance of Shane mcgallen you heard do or the Eagles do fairy tale New York right yeah yeah it actually a

Really good version of it it is weird tra it’s the one song that Travis is on and he’s talking about Philly yeah interesting who the Eagles did like a a Christmas album Maybe Taylor wants to move closer to home she could just buy a house there if

She wanted to and go whenever she wanted that’s where maybe they’re going to raise their family Philly she does f word I it was so funny people getting upset again about that I just love it this hole was mine for having I’m choking HEK I heard you ate one of those

Slices of pizza yeah what’s wrong with that like where who do we think we are at this office what’s going on you ate Max Max the Gossip Girl and everyone here like I someone I was eating a slice of pizza it’s like lukewarm Pizza is fine yeah cold pizza is great it’s the

Best it was sitting out all night I would I I would it too I was honestly on your side I someone else was debating whether they should eat it and I was like you should have th% someone else was like yeah that was the first thing Hank did when he walked

In was right for that pizza I don’t blame him at all dude like I I’ve doesn’t go bad no the amount of times like if you go out at late night and you like you not put it in the fridge you just wake up and just crush it or just

Put in the microwave like yeah that’s what I said I like lukewarm Pizza more than cold pizza I hate cold pizza yeah I like lukewarm Pizza better than cold pizza as well that pizza was good too you need to cut it one more time though

Yes I think even if you cut those in half it’s better yeah perfect such a triple that’s such a choke man yeah you had that one Jake still up I’m still one up so I win this it’s over you probably ask yeah whose box is that Hank you have the honor short

Shorty Hank box huh it’s Hank’s box after that last hole was his for the having yeah I need I need to at least get 180 on this I’m going to really try and send this one what poet oh M it’s the mic thing uh oh uh oh sick of Jake’s

TRS cheating yeah we’re different he rigged he rigged he rigged the system yep I don’t know how pancakes sit whole year sit give me a look you got a look all right be fine luck Jake thank you I’m alive I’m Stinger sit I’ll be fine I’m up 72 y get

Ready I never like hitting when the thing’s moving mhm got to reset it choked oh no Jake choked CH G Hank an opening I’ve given Hank an opening every hole he’s do to take advantage that was like that’s that’s that is a classic Jake Marsh insult compliment if I’ve ever heard of

Him he’s due to take advantage he’s done so poorly doing that so far I am do though my second my second round picks been hurt who Robert hunt that sounded good oh all right Jake he’s alive he’s alive HK good shot HK thank you thank you thank you thank you claps in the

Chat claps in the chat think’s he’s health I want to do Jerry after dark looks like fun should do with Brandon Titus no people mad at them yeah very mad still oh my God off on advisors I won’t spoil it it’s so funny though about like he just kind of did his thing

Where he like just plays it up one hole for all the marbles like when he went at me for yeah yeah exactly I I want to do I have an idea for a uh like a subscriber still like how crazy would it be how all right put it this

Way on the approach challenge they have like 90 yards 110 yards 120 130 140 150 what if you just did like a 10 hole hole inone stream how do you think that’s or like three I think three holes in ones different distance and just It Last Forever that might go forever yeah Jerry

Said he wants to do that well Jerry’s going to do a hole I’m thinking like multiple holes in ones or shorter hole in ones I don’t know Hole In One Challenge it’s going to be not everyone could be like you J I also think yeah yeah you can’t cheat on a simulator yeah

All right that’s a good point let’s go two birdies on the round good job Han I feel like the chat for Jerry after dark would want a little bit of variety they wouldn’t want to just see they’ll be they’ll be shots there’ll be punishments it is it’s like locking

Yourself going to die on on that stream one day it’s like locking yourself in hell for 4 hours he just does like one of our punish like losing bets challenges like losing bets streams every week yeah sounded good Han no it doesn’t stop it I sounded good I’m sorry wasn’t

Talking about where it went just be alive man be alive I like how this course doesn’t out of bounds everywhere yeah actually you were close look at the map oh yeah we got to like make a list of courses that some look wherever you guys played that one time insane no

What the what’s the angle well at first it looked that that looked can I get this over you think um is that a hey there’s no tree directly in is that can’t tell if that’s and somebody filmed plan and then fell out of the plane they not a left I’m

Just going to try and play it smart cap what would you do in this situation I would die I think everyone would die I think I would close my eyes smart play there be some blood still hit a tree though yeah but you got

To look you go up and down for par a of course you have a all right all right this is the match right here yeah one good shot well we haven’t even talked about the Billy s the pendulum Billy it it can’t be better than new Billy clip just surfaced new

Billy clip just dropped no way another one old Billy the old Billy clip is so funny it was a little different but uh this most recent one I was like do you think that you could run to out to space can you run to is space close enough

Where if if there was like obviously oxygen deprivation just the amount of miles could you run if you had like a tube to outer space or to space I don’t know what outer space is but um I think it’s only like 62 miles to space and then Billy was like you know it’s

Actually like a good discussion though like you might be able to run to the Moon and I was like no you can’t Billy he was like no wait cuz there’s this guy and you don’t even know how far he ran I was like I don’t care how far this guy ran

You can’t run to the moon and he’s like no but listen cuz he knew this one guy in Africa that was running like I don’t know 500 miles and I was like I don’t care the Moon is way further the moon’s like 300,000 miles yeah it takes like8

Days in a like you don’t know though you don’t know this guy the clip of him trying to explain sex said yeah is the funniest thing I watched it so many times I watched the nice shot Jake good match 22 seconds let’s go great shot there’s not three words that are strung together

That make sense the entirety of the 23 does not move the conversation forward at all in in half a minute it’s so funny I need to watch it again and that kid was definitely with him too it’s like 100% Billy’s like no in Uganda they don’t even know like how to make

Babies shot of a lifetime has to happen right now oh you just play that in my back swing Thanks Max in the hole all right this is a must make right uh most likely oh no she can’t be yeah most likely oh no she can’t all right don’t go short

Here oh it’s so funny oh hit it oh oh it’s going to go off the green I mean that was it yeah he had to go for it he had to go for it wow so you owe Jake 500 no it’s not over 500

A hole so oh this would be this would be a th000 yeah oh good putt nice putt a little pressure on yeah a little pressure no I mean Jake just hit shot of the lifetime well you know what happened the last shot of the lifetime the guy lost

So shot of Life Time would be Bad and he makes it wow oh and the fist pump good match good match Jake congratulations so he oh you only owe him 500s 500 yeah me nothing uh thank you everyone for tuning in school streams last of the Year happy holidays PMT tomorrow it is the holidays

It is the holidays three picks coming you guys play one hole for an extra pick it’s a good I mean again that’s like it goes to four or it goes back to two this should be great content or like three holes or nine three holes and if you tie

Does it push over no Blood Ties blood no blood I love this so three- hole match four pick is it four picks for everyone or just the two of you yeah’s let’s let’s I don’t think we should do this why well we should let’s

Do it on the show oh wow Hank scared I’m just thinking of content I’m down to do it but like I don’t want to how we do the GOL we’re doing the show in two hours it’s the holidays Hank it’s the holidays let’s do one hole no three ho

Three holes see that you’re not afraid about that you’re afraid about losing no I’m not it’s not that I just uh yeah or we should ask big cat inclusive decision yeah we about memes mes chop Li yeah memes EV chain we’ll Circle back we should make

The decision pug runs the show should we go like live on Instagram if we end up doing it or something sure yeah all right thanks every for tuning in I’ll be back next year the chat’s got to be yeah I mean the chat good te the chat the

Chat saw I was ready to do it Hank backed out I was ready my hand was out there I don’t know why you’re not doing this I don’t know either you need all the pcks you can get you want do


  1. This golf simulator setup is so cool but something about the stream pacing (or maybe even just overlay layout) makes it kind of slow and boring to watch. I always expect it to be more watchable than it is. Maybe the editors or producers can work some magic to either put some stats on the screen, or even more ambitious try and make it seem immersive (like hank is actually standing on the course). Could just be an idea for post stream edits or something.

  2. The pod desperately needs Billy back. I’m always a loyal awl but I feel like engagement would be so much higher rn if Billy was around, especially with the setting of the new office

  3. Going to need a rematch. That kid from Cincinnati completely derailed this before completely derailing the Yak

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