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In this excerpt from the most recent episode of SO Live – our interactive weekly show – Danny Flexen and super-sub Steve Wellings preview Deontay Wilder vs Joseph Parker.

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Uh fyon Wild against Joseph Parker um it’s an interesting one because a lot of people seem to think that Joseph Parker’s improving um at a rate of knots recently since he’s joined up with Andy Lee because I know in his last fight um you know he was he looked great that is true

But the level of opposition was Far lower than we used to seeing Parker fight in recent years did that flatter him or did it give us a glimpse of the type of fighter he’s evolving into under Andy Lee um he’s going up against someone who you can never count out

Until the very last minute of the fight unless you’ve got the miraculous recuperative powers of the Tyson Fury in Deontay Wilder I think it’s evened up a bit by the fact that Wilder’s been so inactive um and his behavior on podcasts and and quoted comments seems quite

Erratic typically so you might say um but I just find it hard to imagine Joseph Parker outboxing Deontay Wilder for 12 rounds without getting hurt himself and I think if he’s hurt he’ll get finished um but Steve what’s your take on Wilder Parker yeah pretty similar to you

Actually I was trying to think as to when I first became aware of Parker and I think it was way back about 2016 when he fought Carlos takam Sky Sports showed that one and some of the issues he had then I think he still has no I’m not

Sure he’s completely ironed theot and as you said improving at a rate of not I’m not really sure about that that said Wilder has been very inactive I know he had this sort of was with barely three minutes against Robert helenius before that it was way back a couple of years

Since he was put to the test he’s 38 years of age now he’s had a lot of fights you’ve got to tip over the edge at some point and I wonder if Parker can take him past the fifth or sixth round things could get interesting and that

And that let it be known that I’m a Wilder fan as in I think the heavyweight division is a far better place for his Antics his ability to wipe people out with that one nuclear bomb punch I think a thriving heavyweight division needs a Deontay Wilder but he is near 40 now and

I struggle to see Parker managing to get through the full 12 rounds without sampling that power at some point and when he does it could be over very quickly if it happens I would be surprised if Parker were to win the fight I don’t see much of a chance for

Him to be honest and Horseman TR quadruple for horsey being a bit cheeky saying can you give us both your picks for a betting echer look Heman for horsey or triple quadruple for horsey I’m struggling with his name I’m not going to lie um you’re going to have to

Watch till the end to get all our picks you’ve had our picks I think for D Miller I’m not sure actually I fancy D to come through I think Steve does too but um Steve just picked uh Wilder there I’m picking Wilder as well but if you

Want to pick for Joshua Valen you’re gonna have to wait till the end and the undercard as well if if you watch till the end Hy we will give you our picks for the other title fights on the show as well that’s that’s it’s not even on

Our schedule to talk about the undercard but we will just for you Teo Hoffman even if Valiant and Parker win Saudi don’t want stiner nators closing off R stiner ators revenge of the stin orators J sharp says Joshua is needed as he’s cleaner and can sell articulate better

Than most IE Miller I mean muff Miller’s pretty articulate he’s just not clean NE well he’s clean now don’t sue us anyone um but yeah he hasn’t got a clean History Harry Clark says anyone out the ring for so long is a proper joke I hate

It wish those fighters who are good need to stay active I agree I’m not really sure why Wilder’s been out for so long maybe he’s waiting for the sort of purse that he deserves you know he’s had those groeling fights with Fury maybe he realizes now that to you know truly uh

Safeguard his future and his family’s future it’s worth waiting for those big paydays and if that was his decision he’s kind of been Vindicated by the truckloads of cash that are being chucked at him by turkey and Al shake and that group over in Ria Richard Cameron says Zoro had life and death

With Dex Bellman a blown up light heavy in his fight before last he struggled in his last fight too against an unknown Italian it’s a mismatch with oper Tire got a lot of time for Zoro you know he’s unbeaten he’s a Frank Warren fighter it’s clear

That this is supposed to be more of a showcase for Opa Tyre who’s looked great recently I think if if anything’s annoyed me about it he’s following on from Jordan Thompson in getting what most people would consider an undeserving World title shot because we’re so excited about opery and how

Good he is I think we’d like to see him really tested at a higher level against someone like you know breed this re match or whoever else it might be at Cruiser and yeah so that is that is sad um where are we horsman Parker going to

Fight on the inside from all what he said but Wilder sparing 28 minute rounds will this improve his stamina issues does he have proven stamina issues from past recent fights I mean I think Wilder looked good against Fury and I think they were both tired by the end but yeah

28 minute rounds doesn’t sound like a walk in the park does it I’m not sure how uh functional fitness that is thunder Roose says aan is not poorly I saw him on the sidelines of Ben shalom’s wreck League match yeah I’m not sure that I me aon’s actually I don’t know if

He’s back yet or not but he’s been in Amsterdam for the past four days so I don’t think you saw him in the sidelines of benams match anytime recently uh free aim and KH from Radio rahim’s basement let the brother live says DB Cooper one I don’t think anyone

Wants to know exactly what is in radio rahim’s basement um and Andre newbie will Tyson Fury support Joe Parker depends what you mean do you mean will he be there I think so um I don’t think he’ll be supporting Wilder Steph d07 don’t understand how so many think

Parker will win against Wilder what did he do against Massie to convince people no he’s had a fight since then hasn’t he where he looked really good was it Junior far that he fought um s Keane didn’t they Simon Keane that’s it I’m not sure why I’m thinking Junior far

You’re thinking of FAA opelu who he fought in May oh maybe yeah never heard of him but yeah I’m definitely thinking of him uh Thunder Road says uh less n up to 90 people watching but only four likes stop slacking chat and hit the thumbs up thanks fund the road I don’t

Know why people are so um averse to giving us the thumbs up uh Harry Clark I like triple D but I Reon Miller will be too much for him hopefully on wrong throws way too many punches per round yeah I mean I certainly think he’s Al live Underdog in that fight definitely

Better than six to one odds Andre new anthy Joshua public workout on Wednesday evening yeah that’s correct we had the full fight week schedule through last night Teo Hoffman was no one in the ey F top 15 not available in the next few weeks why does Joy have to go out on the

23rd and AR they entitled to think that ibf has to be on Bard with their selfish interests I mean it’s simple isn’t it really JRE wants that Saudi cash who wouldn’t and fight was already made for that show I can understand why that he wants the the money and he’s willing to

Give up the ibf belt because then he can challenge for it again afterwards I don’t blame him whatsoever it’s a short career and it can be a brutal career it can be over in the blink of an eye I don’t blame him for going for the money

Um if they are saying the ibf shouldn’t have stripped them then there is a sense of entitlement there yeah I mean the ibf have always been really [ __ ] hot on their mandatories and I don’t not always not in the old Bob Lee days but but certainly recently since the Takeover

Horseman horsey says LOL will Frank have an intimate evening me with Eddie Hearn and chat over candle lit Mill I mean whatever your fantasies are um holsman I’m not sure they’re aligned with ours but yeah it’d be nice to think that they’re getting on DB Cooper one how has

Brick top Frank FR Warren managed to be lead promoter when he only has the Bo on the card and got C- broadcast on TNT when AJ is meant to be the Zone exclusive only LOL game changed indeed mate he’s an old Fox what can you do you

Can’t ever count out Frank Warren the Ultimate Survivor in this boxing world give him his moment in the sun you know what I mean you know I was gonna say I don’t know how many he’s got left but compared to Bob arum he’s GRE chicken isn’t he Teo Hoffman I don’t blame Giant

And I also don’t blame the ibf but plenty are yeah I mean being let them but I I think both are well within their rights to do what they’ve done Robert K 1987’s got a question I’ll put this to Steve because I was going to talk about

This should Wilder retire if he loses against Parker Steve what do you think depends on the manner of the defeat maybe um depends how he looks how he feels but yeah he’s definitely up in age and if he if he’s not able to knock him out and Parker out last him or

Something he’s going to have to consider retirement as you said about the Saudi money that’s what he’s been holding out for so if he gets paid well he could think that defeat might um be the right opportunity to go out the door but he’s

A proud man he won’t want to go out that way so will he retire part possibly but would he would he want to retire I can’t see it to be honest but yeah he should definitely consider it if he loses to Parker you sounded Irish then Steve for

The first time I know you lived there for ages but it’s the first time you actually sounded Irish said he’s a PR man me son John he’s a G man now that’s my that’s my best impression unfortunately don’t be offended anyone in either either part of isand um yeah I

Mean I don’t know I think Wilder hasn’t had that many punishing fights let’s be honest on the way up before he won the world title and even after he won the world title in some cases he was knocking people over early and even the ones that went a few rounds he wasn’t

Getting bashed up was he I know that he’s had those two fights with fury like the second and third and he took a lot of a he took a beating in the second fight and it was a real grueling back and forth War the third one but I don’t

Think he’s got that many miles on the clock started late as well um so I’m not sure if there’s still money to be made and with the punch W Wilder has got they will always be money to be made I think he’d go on a bit even if he suffers an

Upset against Parker I think it’ do more for Parker than it would be to Wilder’s detriment um little crypy monster says AJ will regain the eye of the tiger little tiger Emoji there we like that and become a three-time heavyweight champion go AJ my son my son Andre nuie Anthony Joshua

Versus luk Ker’s boing will happen soon does he mean Lucas Brown I’m not sure um Horseman horsey says should Zang be included on the Saudi show I mean it’s not for me to decide um who turkey and Al shake and the lads or Lads should be

Having on their rad season what is this we’ve had rad season opener Fury usk is gonna close rad SE no sorry Joshua waler is gonna close rad season so what’s this Reed season midterm break I don’t know it’s the longest season of in human history but but anyway that’s a bit of a

Tangential rant um it’d be nice to see Zang on there but how many top heavyweights do you want on One show and who would he have fought you know you probably get him on because of the money involved you can’t pay for everyone so you’d end up with him fighting a kind of

Mid-level British or Frank Warren heavyweight or something you know and then people would complain so you know what what do you want Jiang Joy 3 perhaps I don’t think anyone wants to see that least of all joice so yeah let’s uh let’s park Jiang for the minute

And give him his own show maybe make him the main event maybe put him on in China there’s a a wacky thought Teo Hoffman if baby beats the B see everyone’s calling baby now don’t call me baby don’t call him baby um where does that leave him would assume bricks hop has options

Potential baby versus Joyce Yang yeah I mean Joyce against Miller as long as Miller gives a decent account of himself against the that could be sold Jiang not Zang and Saudi not Saudi Horseman you would be an awful contestant on lingo I’m not sure what lingo is but I’ll get

The idea that’s from coning um little crypy monster big baby is very very lucky to be on this card l i mean he’s talked himself into it more than anything isn’t he I think they probably knew that Sparks would fly at the presser as well between him and AJ

Just to alert you to our poll which is obviously still going on we’ve asked if Anthony Joshua we haven’t discussed his fight yet if he were to lose against Otto Valen on Saturday night in Riad would should anti Joshua retire let us know what you think yes or no and please

Do give us a thumbs up because we’ve got a decent audience in this week’s episode we’re getting very few thumbs up it’s like you begrudge giving us credit for entertaining you come on guys don’t hate Appreciate


  1. Why are people so keen to retire boxers all the time!?!! Soon we’ll have none left if that was the case

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