Today, I give you some tips on how to golf in the cold. Walk with me through a few holes. Playing in the Midwest this is a MUST to extend the golf season!

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Hey guys Mr short hitter here you don’t look like a short hitter to me got a quick video for you on playing golf in the Winter we all can’t be lucky enough to play in warm weather climates got it so there’s some things you can do specifically geared towards cold weather golf that could help you play your best the first thing is we want to definitely dress in layers thermals on I’ve got a

Thermal top on under this long sleeve jacket and on top of that the easiest thing to do is to put a pair of rain pants on that’ll give us some extra warmth now heat escapes rapidly from your head you want a stocking cap a fleece hat something that’s going to

Keep your head and your ears warm another thing if you’re able to walk the course walking keeps the blood flowing keeps you a little bit warmer than getting in and out of a golf cart but if you do have a golf cart you might want to invest in a cart

Cover after your head being warm the next most important thing is keeping your hands warm whether you get yourself some hot hands hand warmers like these or a nice electric rechargeable hand warmer either way works I’ve got two of them keep them in my pockets and I can

Keep my hands nice and warm throughout the round I’ve got 101 to the pin one thing that can also help having a GPS watch so you don’t have to go in and out of your bag for a rangefinder like the T9 wash that I normally have we almost all always assume that

The greens are a little more wet when it gets very cold it also could be the opposite if it’s been cold for an extended period of time their greens can be rock hard and Frozen so you got to kind of pay attention and sometimes unfortunately

You may not know that until you get into the round some people say try to keep your balls warm throughout the round all the studies I’ve seen show that once you get out on the course your balls quickly adjust to the temperature that is outside once you put them on a te and

Hit them they’re going to get pretty cold and I think that’s not the biggest determinant on distance lost it’s almost negligible for most people now one positive for playing in the cold weather May first sound like a negative and that’s the lack of rooll that you get on

The golf ball less roll not only means that you’re going to have longer approaches into the green it also Al means that your Landing angle is a lot wider the ball’s not going to hit and bounce and rock it into the rough that’s a benefit to playing in the

Cold this video is brought to you by the M Shor hitter shop there’s over 140 items in the Mr Shor hitter shop including hats like these or hats like these or hats like these or a hoodie like this that you can wear in the video where you pretend to be jogging will

Really you’re just walking into the mailbox check the link in the description in the cold weather I would really advise you to at least consider ditching those long irons and getting some hybrids you can carry the ball a lot further closer to the hole don’t have to worry about whether the ground

Is wet it’s going to roll out whether it’s going to stop you can carry it over more trouble when the weather’s cold unpredictable I like to get the ball in the air as much as possible I hit that ball a little to the right

And if I had a long iron it would have caught that bunker with this hybrid carried right over it definitely want to invest in some cold weather gloves and hand warmers and you also want a neck warmer especially if that wind starts flowing if you don’t have a neck warmer

You can get a scarf that’ll keep you nice and warm so guys our carry distance is definitely going to be affected by the cold air I can hit this seven iron from a good lie if I catch it solid about 146 anything below that would probably be a little mishit anything

Above 150 is just a really good shot got the voice caddy out and we’ll see what it says pretty solid 137 yard and that would probably be the one that I hit 146 or so I hit that pretty solid little left 125 yard wow I didn’t quite catch that

When I hit it a little left so I’m guessing on course that would probably be that mishit seven iron that I maybe hit 138 or so on the course let’s try another one really good 148 yard 148 so that one was the one that I probably would have hit

Really good on the course I would expect that ball to fly like 155 like I really caught that one solid seven yard shorter the one to with 137 n yard shorter let’s hit one more they feel like they’re going between s and 11 yard shorter than I would anticipate

149 yard on course in conditions like this where it’s about 38 40 degrees I would probably play it to go 8 yard shorter if the greens are soft it’s going to hold more depending on how much roll you get on a seven iron it may be 8

To 12 yard shorter just like playing in the rain a little easier to stay warm and also to stay dry when you’re walking especially if you have one of these umbrella holders here it’s very important to have some waterproof shoes in the winter time everything gets wet

Soggy and if your feet get wet you are in big trouble just like having hand warmers and cold weather gloves you want to have waterproof shoes and maybe some tow warmers in those shoes hey guys I hope you enjoy the video I got a couple tips for

You for when you playing in cold weather couple tips for you when you’re playing cold weather if you follow my instruction then you bound to play better for the head keep your heat stock and cap with ear mus NE warmer for the wind it should keep you warm enough cold

Weather gloves is a necessity hot hand warmers the exact recipe thermals for the top and thermals for the bottom make sure the dressing layers and your s won’t be a problem walking helps to circulate the blood and keep you loose if you can’t make sure to throw a cover

On the roof Frozen G will be hard if not they’ll be soft and studies don’t support if you’re warming up your balls the angles play wider that support you hitting driver but watch for conditions cuz you still can hit a flyer more hus less Long eyes waterproof shoes play

Your best in the cold with Mr short hit of rules like comment subscribe I’m going to go get some hot cocoa Mr short hitter out go just 1 need to my way in got hit more greens my game of seen now hooks


  1. Just subscribed love you're stuff. In Tennessee where I play we have Bermuda fairways so once it gets cold there is no lie 😢 those fairways look amazing

  2. I came to indiana to move my fatger in law and work on one rental. Won't be home till March-ish. I miss my clubs SOOO VERY B

  3. There's one benefit of playing in cold weather. If the temp's low enough, water hazards will freeze over. Saved me several times over the years! Take the help when you can!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family MSH!

  4. Merry Christmas M.S. H. Great cold weather tips. I have to play it again just for the rap!!! Nice . Christ is Lord of all! Peace

  5. Great video! I get my best results in cold weather by clubbing up. My bulky clothes tonstay warm restrict my movement so I'm not swinging as fast or wide. High quality athletic attire really helps. I love your music!

  6. Great video full of great tips for playing in the cold…for me after two hip replacements and back issues I am relegated to cart golf so I have cart cover, heater, and just as important a seat blanket and keep hot hands in both my inner and outer vest pockets as the inner pockets help with a little extra core heat and outer pockets for my hands as well as toe warmers for my feet. Its really quite comfortable to play on relatively cold day with a little preparation

  7. Great video MSH. Went out this morning, forgot my winter gloves. Let just say not pleasant in 38 deg weather. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  8. Merry Christmas MSH and Seasons greetings from Scotland. Great tips…..sounds just like a summer's day here! Enjoy the holiday season and AWRA best for 2024.

  9. Great stuff as always MSH. Lovely to see you wrap the Ireland scarf around your neck to keep warm. Seasons greetings from Dublin Ireland🇮🇪

  10. Merry Christmas 🎄

    The best thing about winter golf, you have the whole place to yourself 🏌️‍♂️🎄

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