Should you throw the Prodigy A2? (Review)

Check out our Prodigy A2 approach disc review!

Hey what’s up everyone it’s Christian here with Reaper dis and today we’re going to be taking a look at the Prodigy discs A2 the A2 is an overstable approach disc coming in at 4204 and being one of the best known Prodigy discs currently in their lineup

The A2 has graced the bags of many many Prodigy professional players uh coming from you know players like Ganon B currently uh all the way to previous players such as big jur and Jeremy coing whenever he was on team Prodigy he threw the A2 a lot and it was a staple in his

Bag helping him win his us disc golf championships so what exactly is the a24 well realistically it’s for anyone really wanting a good forehand friendly approach disc or something that they can reliably approach the green on a variety of different holes consistently every single time well that might be what it’s for

But how does it do it how does it fly well let’s get into that when throwing on a Heiser the A2 just held a very typical Hiser line it didn’t really waver too much it didn’t flip up very much at all uh and it didn’t really try

To fade more than the Hiser angle that it was initially put on it just had a good uniform Hiser flight for well the entire flight it didn’t really waver too much just a really nice consistent smooth Hiser now when thrown flat it did fly straight for about half the flight and

Then it slowly started to get back over onto that Hiser once it did it still had a pretty strong finish at the end it never really wanted to turn over and again it didn’t really want to dump at the end it just had that nice consistent fade after a really nice straight

Flight now when throwing on anheiser this thing got up on anheiser angle fairly well and even though I kind of slightly yanked it it held that angle for about 2/3 of the flight now then it did start and because I did kind of yank it a little bit and kept the nose angled

Down uh it never stalled instead it panned back to Flat flew straight for just a little bit and then had a nice strong finish back at the very end without feeling like it was stalling out now when throwing full power this thing did have a little bit of a flip up

To it it never quite got all the way over to turnover but the resistance to high-speed turn that this disc has and does really well uh is going to keep it from doing that instead it did just get up to Flat had a nice straight flight before having a really

Pushing fade now that is something to note whenever I’ve said this disc you know it’s fading at the end of the flight this isn’t a dumping fade this is more of a gliding and pushing fade at the very end here now what that means is that as it’s fading back instead of you

Know just dumping out and getting to the ground really fast it’s continuing to push forward as it goes so you’re still going to be gaining a little bit of distance and that that’s in no small part to the little bit of extra Glide that you’re going to find with the A2 as

Compared to other approach discs now all wrapped up I think the A2 is a really userfriendly uh approach disc and Prodigy even says so themselves they made the A1 to be or the A2 sorry to be a more userfriendly version of the A1 this is not quite as overstable as

The A1 and has a little bit more Glide so you know that’s kind of where the A2 fits on the spectrum that means it’s a little more user friendly it doesn’t quite take as big of an arm to get it to fly properly you’re going to get a little added extra

Distance out of it and you’re going to have that pushing fade instead of dumping fade all of that means that you know this is again more user friendly for folks with slightly slower arms though it’s not going to be flippy or overly glidey it’s still overstable

Don’t get me wrong it’s just a lot easier to use for the general person now the A2 also feels a little faster in the hand than the for Speed gives it credit for it does feel just a touch faster and comes out of the hand a little hot now

That Dome also on this one kind of made it a little uncomfortable to hold however once I started getting used to it I wasn’t really having any issues it still felt good still felt good for forehands and all in all it’s something that I would recommend to

Anyone who is looking for that forehand friendly nice overstable approach disc if you want an A2 for yourself click the link in the description of this video to head over to reap to get yours there follow us on social media at Reaper dis that way you can keep up with

All all of our product restocks as well as exclusive drops and new releases subscribe to the channel here click the like button on this video if you like it and if you want to be the first one to know anytime we post anything new go ahead and ring that

Notification Bell it doesn’t cost you a dime and it makes sure that you’re kept up every time we put out new content again I’m Christian with Reaper Diss and I’ll see you guys in the next video

1 Comment

  1. That rim looks interesting. I like that it doesn't seem too sharp. Might have to check it out

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