Do This Setup Hack to be More Consistent in Golf!

Coach Josh goes over a setup hack that can help you be more consistent when your out on the course. Try it out for yourself!

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Hey golfers so excited to talk to you today about a super simple setup hack that you can do anywhere that’s going to give you a really clear visual picture of how to improve your ball striking and consistency I’ve got a few props here we’re going to get into that in a second

But when I talk about consistency a lot of times golfers will say they want to be more consistent so I usually will ask them what do you mean by that could you unpack that a little bit more for me what you mean by consistency and usually

We’ll hear terms like well I want want to be able to compress the ball or I’m hitting the I’m hitting the ball thin a lot or I’m hitting it fat a lot or um I’m just yeah I’m I’m having a left miss or a right Miss I just want my my window

Of dispersion to tighten up right so those are all terms that you might have heard before and they all come down to delivering the club face to impact on a relatively neutral path on a consistent basis so sometimes if you’re not set up to the ball properly it’s going to going

To be almost an accident for you to hit a great shot so if you’re set up improperly um you’re going to have to do a lot of compensations to get into a good position Jack Nicholas one of the all-time best said it doesn’t take any athletic ability to actually set up to

The ball properly every time and he’s right it doesn’t it does take some mobility and postural awareness so and that’s what we’re going to get into so when we’re setting up to the ball a lot of times if you’re a right-handed golfer that and a lot of right-handed golfers

Are right-hand dominant CU most people are right-handed dominant if you’re setting up to an iron say and you’ve got that that dominant or driver it doesn’t matter and you take that arm and you want to reach out for the club and grab it so this right arm is going to be a

Little more straight and this left arm is going to be a little more bent you can see I’m really kind of grabbing the club with this hand so this hand is kind of coming over top that is also going to open my shoulders up a little bit and

Point them left of Target rather than having them Square even set up a little closed where I would have to drop this hand down here so to get up in that setup position we want to feel like this arm is dropping from from the inside here underneath the club rather than

Putting this arm over top you can see how that opens my shoulders up so it may be a setup problem or it may also be a Mobility problem in terms of the actual swing motion so if you can get your setup right but you’re still having those those misses in consistency

We need to look at your tra arm Mobility okay for one so traal arm we want to make sure that you’re able to stain your golf posture keep that elbow straight up from your armpit and rotate your shoulder externally this is external rotation so that your forearm is past

Your spine angle so that would be close to equal to spine angle with my forearm I want to get past my spine angle so if you’re struggling to do that it’s going to be really hard for you to do this which is what we need to get on that

Shallow path on the way down so really important to have that shoulder Mobility in the trail shoulder so check that if it’s not a mobility issue and it’s maybe more a setup issue and how you’re moving into the ball now we can get into the

Props my favorite part so this this is a really simple way to think and visualize how to hit a golf ball so I got my hammer here most of the time if you’re hammering something it’s straight down here so I’m going to hammer a nail this

Way so I’m going to grab the hammer raise my arm and strike it down and whack it now what if the nail was in here sticking out and I could I had to hammer it into this wall in one shot what would I do would I set up would I

Set up like would I set up like this and try and go like this because I wouldn’t be able to I wouldn’t be able to hit it straight so I wouldn’t be able to come from low and generate a very big blow so I’d be tapping it all day long to get it

In there so if I wanted to do it in one powerful hit okay I would probably stand up but would I do this would I line up this way like this with this arm and just try and swing like this no you would never do that instinctually you would probably do one

A couple things you would probably tilt your body back this way right a little bit you take your grip you get yourself leveled out and you drop your elbow in this way so we could get this kind of path moving right so I’m I’m basically going to turn that elbow in going to

Lead with the elbow and then I can really drive through here get my legs into it and then Wham deliver a really powerful Square blow if I’m here and then I’ve got to adjust you can see how that that hammer is not coming in level and flush with the nail okay that’s what

We want we don’t want it to be coming in this way a glancing blow then you’re going to Dent the nail all those kinds of things so we visualize that nail I’ve got a prop set up here so I’ve just got a golf club set up on a chair I put a te

In the back and the butt end of the grip here to represent that nail we can visualize that nail so we’re going to get into setup you can take your Hammer at home and the difference there’s some differences though between a hammer and a golf club okay so when I grip the

Hammer I’m gripping straight in line with the object with the part of the face that is going to strike the ball so that’s directly in line with the shaft with a golf club okay the the part that hits the part that actually hits the ball would be out

Here so it’s not directly in line so it’s it’s not this way it would be me like me trying to hit it this way because the face is out here so if I hold the golf club this way it doesn’t quite feel right but if I hold held the

Club this way okay now I can feel because the end of the club that I would hit the hit the ball or the Hammer with is in line with the shaft now I can feel that smooth move here okay so I’m going to get a feel of that in a second but

I’m going to take that hammer come into this te and have it set up on a chair get into a good athletic posture and if I was to try and Hammer this straight into the butt end of the golf club in one shot I’m not going to

Set up like this because you can see that hammer is not going to be coming in square I’m going to come in this way get leveled out you can see my shoulders are going to close a little bit and then I’m going to keep my head steady back here

And try and impact it here I’m going you can do this really slow this drill and feel what it’s like to come from the inside do it super slow so that you can see that hammer hitting the nail flat and flush on the head you can get a

Closeup view of that and you I put a golf ball even underneath the te so I can V visualize a nail sticking out of the back of that golf ball and I’m coming into impact this way I’m opening my hips up and I’m getting that flush

Impact sort of Leaning with the elbow so that hammer is going to strike boom right in the back of the nail right so once I’ve got that feeling and I’ve do that multiple times then you can go back to your golf club and again I would even turn it this

Way to start okay and then you can get a feel for I would hit have it this way so you can get a feel for oh okay so that’s what it’s like I’m coming down instead of here I’m going to come down to that golf ball and I’m going to say yeah this

Is the feeling I want so if I’m going to get that the very toe end of the club coming in now I can feel what it’s like to come from the inside so that’s going to be a more powerful feeling and you can see that driving right into the

Center of the ball okay so then when I flip the club the weighting of it it’s going to feel a little different but the motion should stay the same the setup should stay the same where I’ve got my shoulders squared up or even closed a little bit weights kind of bump towards

The front foot but my head is back keeping the head behind the ball not letting the head move forward here so my head’s not going to move forward I’m going to come stay behind the ball and bring the club into the back back of the ball so do this really slowly

Visualizing that nail sticking out of the back of the ball you can take a slow motion back swing and then work at feeling that club head coming in Square from the inside squarely into the back of the ball so feeling that in slow motion having that concept of getting to

This position here right as opposed to having this arm extended and reaching out is really going to give you a super clear pict of where your body should be as you’re moving into the downswing okay and you’re kind of covering that ball but you’re really driving that through from

The inside here so one you need to check your Mobility can you physically do this so that you can deliver kind of the elbow first almost as if you’re going to another visual would be imagine this was a flat stone and you’re going to try and

Skip it if I was going to try and skip this ball across the pond I would simply load up and I would shift weight my elbow is going to lead my hand going to stay back and we’re getting in this way so it’s a very similar move okay like

This if I was going to skip a stone and then release it okay that’s what we want to feel elbows leading the way as you get through impact here so those visuals will give you a really really clear picture and visual of what it’s like to have a more consistent setup and

Downswing into the ball so practice them slowly slowly slowly and that’s going to help you build up um a lot more consistency a lot more repeatability and power so you can compress the ball have a lot more fun playing I hope you guys enjoyed this video uh please subscribe

That helps us out so much I’ll see you guys in the next One

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