Tiger Woods vs Adam Scott Slow Motion Swing Analysis Iron

Tiger Woods vs Adam Scott Slow Motion Swing Analysis Iron

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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

Adam scottt swing has been compared numerous times to Tiger Woods’s 2000 swing there are an enormous amount of similarities in both of the swings both coached by but chman at the same time both really nice and wide floow in lovely rhythms to both swing very very similar but there are SLE differences

We’re going to go through that in this analysis today so if we bring them both to setup you’ll see very very similar setup s in that both of their arms hang below the shoulders nice little bit of neutral spine there a little bit of rounding you’ll probably say the subtle

Differences are that if we look at tiger look where that ball is it’s right in the middle of the club whereas Adam is on the heel so subtle difference there and Adam is a little bit more tilted with that pelvis than tiger where he’s a little bit more flat H you could maybe

Constitute that down to using different clubs but you do see that with there with the difference throughout the bag with tiger and Adam but let’s take them away and let’s have a look I mean you’ll see a little bit of difference here on that takeaway so if we bring Adam back to shaft

Parallel very very similar positions but also very very different so if we look in the traditional sense both of them have that club head outside the hands that club head is nicely sort of squared to the back back line very very very similar position like I know the camera angles are subtly

Different but you can see very very similar position in terms of what the club head is doing there now you will notice subtle difference you’ll have to really watch this through at full speed if we look at Tiger there that right forearm is a little less supernate so

More in pronation more facing this way where is Adam’s going to work that forearm a little bit more that right forearm little bit more supern very Sly but it will change the position especially later on in the swing and transition but that’s all from takeaway so Adams just rotating that forearm or

Super nating that right forearm a little bit more than tiger and you’ll see that as well in the way they both set the club but a lot of similarities there the other subtle difference that we’ll notice with Adam as opposed to Tiger is watch out Adam M back back off the ball

Can you see that move back off the ball that’s primarily why he addresses the club in the heel so subtle difference there whereas tiger you can really see it there how that forearms staying a little bit more in pronation looking at the ball whereas Adam is a little bit

More rotated so subtle subtle very subtle difference there but it is worth noting I mean how good is that for a takeaway just very traditional very textb very Butch har and S so this is the next stage where we’ll notice a little bit of difference between the swings is that Adam because

Of that more Super right forearm we’ll then set the club a little bit more through those wrists get a little bit more wrist set as it’s traditionally known in the golf world we just bring it up there whereas if we look at Tiger very little wrist set there more

Structured with his wrist just nice and wide we bring it up so you’ll know that when and that lead on is parallel that tiger has a little less rest set than Adam just because of how initially that right forearms work Adam from fa On’s very much got 90 Dees of wrist set

Whereas Tigers very wide less wrist set there subtle differences to note as well you’ll see how Adam’s left knee is a little bit more in front of his right whereas Tiger’s a little bit more stationary less hip turn from Tiger you could probably say there so s of

Differences but then if we look at the similarities both of the hands are pretty much in the center of the chest there very very similar very nice and wide as well so then if we bring it up to the top because of the way that right AR forearms work with Adam you’re going

To notice slight difference at the top here in that Adam is a little bit longer in the swing than tiger you’ll see that right forearm that right arm a little bit more behind the body just because of how he’s swinging initially at takeaway now if we just just for comparison sake

If we take Adam and stop him sort of short of parallel you’ll see a lot of similarities there you’d probably say Adam is a little bit more more rotated than tiger in 2000 but very very similar if we just bring him back to the same position the top of the back swing here

You you can see it’s a very very similar position from both subtle differences although Adam’s probably a little bit more rotated and a little bit longer in that swing with a little bit more wrist set whereas Tiger’s a little bit shorter a little bit wider you could probably

Say and there’s a s of difference in that lead wrist in that Adam’s got a little bit more of a cup whereas tiger is very much straight with that left arm so very very similar but subtly different as well so if we then look at the takeaway you’ll the down swing

Should I say you’ll see how tiger really starts to drive everything down everything moves down towards the ground look down really compressing down really powerful move and you can see how which talked about Tiger’s head moving down whereas Adam’s going to be a lot more passive you can

See how it’s just a little bit more fluid through that body not as much downward movement so that’s going to cause some subtle differences you’ll also see in the way that the shaft pitches the difference between tiger and Adam tiger is going to move this shaft more down linearly and there’s going to

Be less of shallowing whereas Adam because of that superation in the start of the Swing is going to pitch that shaft a little bit more shallow that right arm’s going to work a little bit more below his left which we’ll really see in a couple of frames time you’ll

See that look how that club just pitches a little shallower whereas Tiger’s just a little bit more on that same plane because of the way that right arm Works in back swing and also how he moves in transition so if you look at the same position here to get rid of those lines

What you’ll see is that Adam’s right elbow is a lot lower than his left where tiger still lower but it’s not as much as Adam and that results in a shaft plane that’s much more shallow ER than Tigers so it’s again a subtle difference and we’ll also talk about how that

Affects the body movement later on in the downswing sort of difference there but again from we just look at it from sort of the Naked Eyes perspective it looks very very similar you could probably also say Adam has a little bit more rotation through the hips here and

That is apparent because he’s also shallowed it more which is the sort of match up you’ll see when guys like tiger are a little bit steeper in transition you won’t see as much body rotation through that midsection so if we just get rid of those lines and bring them

Down a couple of frames further let’s bring them down to a similar position here just back up Adam so we’re in a very similar position you’ll see again Adam’s a little bit more shallower in both positions those guys are dissecting that shaft plane in between the forearms

Love that position I can say that right elbow is just a little bit lower in Adam swings than Tiger but as well what we’ll see with both guys is that right shoulder is pretty much in line with that right elbow it’s great position for transferring the power you’ll see a lot

Of amateur get that right on behind or in front which is not a great way of delivering speed and power to the club head so they both do a great job there they both sort of maintain paining that posture through you’ll know as well that Adam you’ll see this in a couple more

Frames actually how Adam rotates a lot more than tiger primarily down to the way that right arm Moves In transition so it’s just more of a matchup so we’ll try and get them both at the same frame here and this is where you’ll start to really see some differences in the body

Now in terms of the club very if I try and get them at the same position similar positions you’ll see the club shaft is nicely behind the hands in both guys that right knee is kicked inwards very very similar but you’ll see look how much more of tiger shirt we can see

Than Adam Adam you can’t really see that center of the rib cage or the sternum whereas tiger you can that’s just because he’s pitched the shaft a little bit steeper in downswing very subtly whereas Adams just laid it behind him more and I think primarily that is due

To that takeaway difference so then if we bring them down couple more frames just before impact you’ll see again very similar very different as well you’ll see how Tiger’s much more face on whereas Adam’s a little bit more rotated through that thorax you’ll see it through the hips that Adam you can

See more of those butt cheeks than tiger a little bit more rotated just because of how that shift shaft has shifted more um less steep should I say than tiger in down swing so that is why the impact positions are subtly different but very very similar

At the same time then if we bring them a couple of frames through so let’s get them to this position you’ll see very Butch harmones in that the way that the club head is releasing through the ball you’ll see a little bit more active hands through tiger in that release just

Because he is a little bit less rotated whereas Adam is a little bit more rotated so you see less of a release there from Adam but you see subtle differences there look at the difference in that chest position tiger is going to look a little bit steeper through the

Shoulders but that’s just primarily because he’s not as open as Adam you can see that there how his chest is pointing very much towards the target where as Tiger’s more down you can see how Tiger’s head’s a little bit more down whereas Adam started to rotate the eyes

Out to the Target subtle very different but very similar bit of an oxymoron there you’ll see also Adam’s foot you can see how you can see the um spikes on the shoes whereas tiger you cannot that’s just again through rotation if we bring them up to again a couple of

Frames later you can see because Adam has a little bit more rotation I mean you can really see that through that foot there and tiger where it’s more planted and Adam shaft is exiting more left than tiger where it’s up over that shoulder and you can see also look at

The head look how Adam’s pointing out to the Target where tigers more down so again s differences there bringing them up so similar position you’ll see how Target is exiting much more over that left shoulder where T where it’s Adams from really under that left shoulder so subtle and he’s also a

Little bit more up on on that heel again and let’s bring him up a couple of frames after very very similar position there but again you’ll notice Adam’s a little bit more left in his exit hence why you see less of a separation between those arms where his tiger that left arms just

A little bit more out just because it’s more up let’s bring him up to the Finish again very similar that club’s wrapped around them both pointing at the Target nice full release with the trail foot you’ll notice SLE difference in that tiger shafts a little bit more horizontal whereas Adams more vertical

If you could say that more 45° but very very similar in a lot of ways now when we look at these swings at full speed or even in sort of slow motion without analysis you can see that there is a lot of similarities in the tempo in where

They pitched the shaft at the top of the Swing so you see a lot of lot of similarities especially in the Finish how they got that nice full release finish but it’s a very very different swing probably unfair to Adam in 200000 that he got a lot of comparisons to

Tiger cuz that ultimately made him the next Tiger Woods which never really happened for him still had a great career or still has a great career much like Tiger but very very similar but again subtle differences no two swings are the same no matter what the TV commentators say and I hope hopefully

This subtle little analysis has shown there are some little differences that you might not know at full speed but you can definitely see when they broken down but I tell you what I’d take any of these guys swings great action just love the swings both

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