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Is Caleb Williams the Next Mahomes? (Caleb Williams Complete Draft Profile) (2024 NFL Draft)

In this video, we’ll discuss the strengths and weaknesses of USC Quarterback, and 2024 NFL Draft prospect, Caleb Williams. It is hotly contested whether Caleb Williams or Drake Maye will be QB1 in the 2024 NFL Draft and many mock drafts differ. Watch this video to help you formulate your own opinion as to who is QB1.

2MD’s Scouting Report on Caleb Williams:
Caleb Williams High Quality Clips for Edits:

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Today we’re talking Caleb Williams so let’s first start with his strengths the obvious thing that everyone knows about Caleb Williams is that he’s a playmaker but what makes him so good at creating big plays is his unique combination of arm strength ability to throw off platform athleticism quick decision

Making and pocket presents let’s take a look at each of these one by one first we have arm strength from the moment he takes his first NFL snap Caleb Williams will have one of the 5 to 10 best arms in the NFL you think I’m over exaggerating well in the words of Cam

Newton watch this on this throw Caleb delivers this ball perfectly in the basket to his wide receiver from his own 14 yd line to the opposite 20 yd line which is 66 air yards only four active NFL quarterbacks have thrown a pass that far Pat Mahomes Aaron Rogers Justin

Herbert and Josh Allen this pass doesn’t even require any adjustment from the receiver it’s a perfect dime thrown after moving the launch point but as I mentioned in my Drake May Scouting Report arm strength isn’t just nice for being able to throw deep it’s also important for two other reasons first

First it allows him to zip the ball into Tight Windows thus giving him more leeway to be late on throws and second unlike quarterbacks with lesser arm strength it allows him to hit throws as he sees them come open without having to reset his feet meaning he can Chuck the

Ball down field while running off balance or throwing off his back foot for example on this play Williams keeps his eyes down field while feeling the pockets start collapsing in on him so he steps up into the pocket spending any extra time here to stop and reset his

Feet to get a good base to throw compromises his ability to throw because he has the defender closing in from his side so instead he just plants and drives this ball off one leg deep down field from his own 21 yd line to the opposing 28 yd line which is a 50 yd

Bomb off one leg while on the run and again this is a perfect throw right in the bucket no adjustment needed from the receiver in general Williams just shows a consistent ability to throw accurately off platform on the run and from different arm angles while varying up

His speed to throw lasers into Tight Windows or to put some some beautiful touch on throws depending on what the situation calls for he also shows great awareness to change his arm angle to get the ball around Defenders on screen plays and passes into the flat delivering the ball accurately both

Sidearm and even underhand and even changing his arm angle to avoid bad at passes by fitting the ball in between defensive linemen his ability to do all of this throw off platform throw from different arm angles and to throw accurately and with strength while doing so paired with his other traits that

We’re about to discuss increases the margin of error for himself his play callers and all the other players on his team giving them a higher floor as an offense and allowing them to create something out of nothing when nothing is there which leads me to my next couple points Caleb’s athleticism pocket

Presence and decisiveness Caleb Williams is a fantastic athlete in a number of ways he has the acceleration to quickly burst out of the pocket and pass Defenders incredible balance to stay standing through sack attempts and run through arm tackles and the lateral agility to make Defenders Miss in space

And in the back field to buy time for his receiver re receivers downfield when paired with his Elite arm strength and ability to throw off platform his athleticism can make the wrong play right or just avoid negative plays here Caleb demonstrates an excellent job playing in structure from the start of

The play he sees his first read is blanketed over the top by the safety and the linebackers underneath making this a dangerous throw he quickly moves to his second and third read quickly turning down the second after seeing the linebacker Prime to jump this route and turning down to third after seeing the

Linebacker carrying the scene he then Works back to the opposite side of the field but is under pressure while keeping his eyes up he avoids the pressure with no wasted movement backpedaling until he absolutely has to step back up and then accelerating into the open portion of the field created by

The defender’s absence he again keeps his eyes up and sees the linebacker pursuing ready to come light him up he holds the ball one extra tick so the linebacker can’t get his hands on it and delivers this in between the two Defenders on a rope to his receiver in

The scramble drill it maybe looks like chaos but Caleb is in control the entire play here you probably want him to at least consider hitting this out route but at the time he’s looking at it he’s likely worried the linebacker is going to carry this horizontally and try to

Undercut the ball so he moves off the read did he maybe move off it a little too quickly in my opinion yes but you also don’t expect the linebacker to come to a complete stop like he did after Caleb moved to his next read Caleb moves through his other reads and then steps

Up in the pocket while continuing to shuffle through his receivers with his eyes to find an open one he breaks this defender’s ankles and continues to roll out and sees number two working back to him and he just delivers a strike with an absolutely awful base but as as you

Can see the wide receiver doesn’t even have to move it’s a perfect throw I think you get the idea of what I’m going for and if you weren’t sold on his athleticism just look at this play where he displays excellent acceleration and lateral agility and again pairs it with

Ability to throw off platform his athleticism also makes him a threat in the rushing game where he can run read options or just scramble when nothing is there to create more yards and even score but athleticism to evade defenders in the backfield is nothing without good pocket presence which is comprised of

Two Rel Rel ated Concepts which are a pocket feel and B pocket movement pocket feel refers to the ability of the quarterback to feel how the pocket is developing while pocket movement refers to the ability of the quarterback to move avoid the rush in the least amount

Of steps while keeping his eyes down field and not compromise his ability to throw Caleb Williams again excels in this area as he has that eyes in the back of his head type trait like momes where he always seems to know where the Defenders are coming and is always able

To avoid them while keeping his eyes down field I’ve already shown you a lot of the plays that best demonstrate this trait but here’s another one for good measure Caleb is not too quick to bail from a clean pocket standing in while going through his progressions while

Subtly moving his feet to create the most space for himself to throw he starts to back up as he sees the linebacker start moving down field lessening the space between them and sees that there’s a giant Gap that the linebacker can shoot into as he does

This the left tackle gives up his block so Caleb was shoot out to the side and fire this laser in for a touchdown he does all of these movements while keeping his eyes down field and adjusting subtly to all the different Defenders as 14 caves in the right side

Of the pocket slightly he slightly shifts to the left as the linebacker slightly moves closer he moves slightly further and as The Edge gets past the left tackle he takes off into the open field straddling the line of scrimmage so he can still throw which brings me to

Another point which is that Caleb moves to throw not to run and he displays excellent ability to move in the pocket and then reset himself to throw I don’t really like seeing quarterbacks who take off every time they’re moved off their spot because it’s going to happen a lot

In the NFL quarterbacks need to be be able to sense the pressure Step Up reset their feet and just deliver the ball to the receiver Caleb is close to exactly what you want to see from a prospect in this regard as he consistently steps up in tight pockets and will deliver or

He’ll scramble to the sides to keep the play alive and make plays in the scramble drill in terms of his last strength I want to talk about his quick decision- making and his processing in general Williams shows the consistent ability to make full field reads and to

Pull the trigger on the ball the moment he sees it without hesitation but quick decision- making doesn’t just refer to his ability to see and throw but also his ability to go through his progressions and decide whether he should stay on his current read and if

So for how long whether he should move to his next read and when he should throw here Williams looks at his first read and sees that the safety is blanketing over the top which means he knows the middle of the field is open so he quickly moves over to his second read

Confirms what he thought he’d likely see once he moved off number one and pulls the trigger immediately dropping in a dime to the wide receiver with no hesitation this next one is an NFL level play you can clearly see him going through full field Reads Moving from his

First to his second to his third and even to his fourth read on the backside which is something many college quarterbacks struggle to do he steps up and resets himself in the pocket while under pressure and keeps his eyes down field he’s quick and decisive and delivers a ball into the intermediate

Field to his wide receiver no scrambling no off platform throws this is your bread and butter as an NFL quarterback and he proves he can do it like this play is just Immaculate from his quick movement off reads to his movement in the pocket and good base everyone thinks

This guy is just a playmaker but why he’s so great as a playmaker is his ability to kill defenses from the pocket too I haven’t been scouting super long but I haven’t seen a college quarterback yet read the entire field and work through their progressions as methodically as Caleb Williams and do it

As often I also haven’t seen a quarterback who has as quick of a trigger to just get the ball to his man as soon as he sees him open but for all you pessimists out there let’s now talk weaknesses by far the biggest qualm you’ll see about Caleb Williams is a

Belief that he can’t play in structure I’m going to tell you straight up that I think this is severely overblown by people but it is still legitimate concern in that I would describe it as more of an inconsistent ability to play in structure I’d actually say he plays

In structure far more than you think and if you genuinely sit down and watch his tape you’ll see plenty of design plays where he sits in the pocket and delivers a completion to his second or third read and there’s no Superman type of football being played but I also think that one’s

Opinion on this is in the Eye of the Beholder because I could find you double digit amounts of plays on both sides of the spectrum to convince you that he is either good or bad instructure which is why I think Nuance is an important part of this discussion will he play

Instructure perfectly every down no but neither do Pat Mahomes and Josh Allen I think he may lean a bit more on the Josh Allen side of the spectrum but it’s certainly not a big enough concern for me to put it as his defining weakness but I did want to talk about it first

Because I think that’s what most people probably expect to hear I’ll demonstrate my point with a few plays on either side just to give you a general idea for a good playing structure here Caleb quickly turns down his reads on the other side of the field not finding

Anything good there and he sees the tight end clear the linebacker level so he just waits for the tight end to get past the ref and he lobs this in beautifully in the intermediate field in between the linebackers and safeties but on the opposite side Caleb looks like

He’s looking at number one here which he maybe turns down because of the safety but you’d like him to maybe stick on this for an extra tick to see how the wide receiver adjusts his route and gets open but that’s also not really my qualm

On this play I just figured I’d point it out it’s more the fact that he just continues just casually working through his reads as the pocket collapses and after his checkdown ran wide open right past his face you ideally want him to have his internal clock going saying get

Rid of this now and you want him to find his check down here especially in open space instead he holds the ball too long and gets it stripped from him and this is generally what a lot of his failures and structure look like just refusing to

Throw the ball to his open man to live to fight another down or pick up easy yards it does seem like he’s big play hunting too many times where he’ll just hold on to the ball for far too long and try to create downfield rather than just taking easy yards this observation is

Pretty easily confirmed by the tape first of all but also by looking at his average time to throw in 2023 which was 3.19 seconds the fifth highest of 162 quarterbacks with at least 300 dropbacks holding on to the ball this long lends to more negative plays and sacks similar

To Drake May PFF has him charted as being responsible for 30% of the pressure he faces as a whole which is first in the nation 4 percentage points higher than Drake May who has the second most there are also a bit too many times on film for me personally where he turns

Down NFL level reads in the intermediate part of the field like this one where the wide receiver is wide open here and he’s staring right at him but for some reason he moves off of him but again you still see plenty of times where he’ll take the easy yards or just take the

Designed play my guess is that it has a lot to do with context as he starts to abandon structure a little too much when the game script starts to not go in his favor or when he’s under pressure a lot which I don’t think is necessarily a bad

Thing but it’s also not a good thing either as we’ve talked about he has the ability to be amazing out of structure but it can also lead to more negative plays which makes it harder to be efficient as an offense I really think more than anything it’s an issue of

Maturity as he’s still extremely young rather than some innate inability to play in structure like some might have you believe even Pat Mahomes struggled ini once the league implemented the two high safety approach to try and stop him because he had such a hard time taking

The easy throws and not waiting for the big play but he got past it and whether this is a weakness or not for Caleb really depends on whether he can get past it in the same way which is not something we could know as not being a

Part of an NFL team because we have no opportunity to meet him and we don’t know how he deals with diversity so whether you think Caleb Williams can play a structure or not kind of depends on how you want to see it me personally

I choose to see it in a way in which I think that he shown enough that he’s willing to take easy throws and he’s willing to do the easy stuff if he feels like it and I think he’ll just want to feel like it more in the NFL as he

Matures more and works with NFL coaching but I can’t really blame you if you see it the other way but in the same vein as working in structure I think that Drake may definitely takes the cake as an anticipation thrower when compared with Caleb Williams Caleb seems to be pretty

Inconsistent at throwing with anticipation and even when he does it’s not with as much anticipation as I’d like to see quite honestly his tape gives me the feeling that he does a lot of looking and confirming whether a guy is open first which seems to contradict what I said about his quick decision-

Making but I’ll explain when he’s working within the structure of the offense and moving through his reads he is a quick decision maker because he does a great job timely moving through his progressions and starting the processes of throwing the ball as soon as he sees an open wide receiver what

I’m talking about here is when receivers are not open and he’s asked to read The Leverage of his receiver and the defender’s leverage in these situations he’s not as confident or consistent pulling the trigger on the throw until he double checks the wide receiver’s leverage to confirm that they’ll be open

NFL reads often require the quarterback to throw the ball before the receiver is open and there are times where I question his ability to do so I think at times he can show really good anticipation on some of these throws to the boundary of the field when he’s

Throwing like a back shoulder but there are many times on his tape where I feel like he’s just a tick too late on a throw because he’s spending a bit too much time confirming what he sees instead of ripping it his game is not to be a Precision passer and it’ll never be

Like tua’s game for example Le where he beats teams with crazy anticipation and will just carve them up by having the ball to the receiver the second they get out of their break but even if it’s not the defining portion of their game you still like to see it from a college

Quarterback and I think that this can come by working with NFL coaching and it’s not particularly uncommon for very traits see guys because when guys have less armed Talent or physical traits they’re required to be way more strict with learning the game because they have such a small margin for error whereas

Guys with traits like this have a way larger margin for error so typically not quite as precise as those guys so it’s not like this is really uncommon another somewhat concerning point for the beginning of his career is that he almost exclusively plays in shotgun I

Can’t really find a number of how many snaps he’s taken under Center and I can only recall a few where there was like a quarterback sneak or a tush push or something other than that he’s always in shotgun the reason this is concerning is because from day one The Playbook will

Be limited to only plays ran out of the shotgun as he learns the footwork and timing required of him to play Under Center it doesn’t seem like a huge difference and it’s not something people would really think about but it’s going to take some time developing the muscle

Memory and can lead to some badly timed plays in the start of his career because he just doesn’t get the footwork right or he just doesn’t get the timing of the drop correct and a lot of NFL Concepts require precise timing I don’t see it as

A big concern in the long term it’s really more of a short-term problem but the next thing we’ll talk about is an actual full-fledged weakness which is being too loose with the football as a runner and careless with the ball in the air as a runner he is an extremely bad

Habit of holding the ball too far out from his body which makes him an easy target for Defenders and allows them to get their hands in to create fumbles he already has an extremely low PFF fumbling grade and I honestly think that he could have fumbled way more than he

Did and he’ll be punished for it at the start of his career which will force him to learn how to carry the ball better because he carries the ball too far out from his body and it just leads to too many opportunities for Defenders to get

Their hands in and knock the ball away he also has a tendency to be careless with the football at times not always as I’ve seen him make make some very smart throwaways and checkdowns but he also will just throw in a really confounding throw at other times like what are we

Doing here why are we throwing this same thing here although this is a completion here and we’ve seen a lot more cross body throws be completed recently in the NFL I just can’t stand behind this decision- making on a play like this because I honestly think this is

Probably an interception in the NFL but what I want to discuss now is a weakness I don’t see mentioned a lot but it’s one that I felt applied based on the film I have of him I think his accuracy and ball placement are pretty inconsist istant does he generally get the ball

Where it needs to go yes but he can be prone to Wild misses leading to interceptions like this one where he tempts to float this into the tight end it just gives it right to the safety overall I just wasn’t as impressed with his ball placement as Drake ma as I

Don’t think his ball placement as often maximizes yards after catch or creates as much separation for wide receivers at the catch point to make their catches easier that’s not to say he doesn’t have some beautiful passes at times because he definitely does but I don’t find that

His ball placement is as consistent as I’d like to see same goes for accuracy where he definitely could get two fancy at times and mess up throws by side aring it for no reason or he’ll simply just under or overthrow the ball randomly at times and Miss big plays

Which is something you’ll see on every College quarterback’s tape of course but it’s worth mentioning because I think the consistency of his accuracy is below some of the other quarterbacks in this class his last weakness is his size at 61 Caleb is only at the 15th percentile

For NFL quarterbacks and his weight of 2115 is 29 I don’t think there are durability issues by any means but it does cause concerns for his ability to read over the middle of the field without rolling out to his sides and you definitely see times on tape where he’ll

Not throw the ball with a defensive lineman in front of him or when an offensive lineman crosses his path because he thinks the ball will get batted down or that it’ll hit off the back of the offensive lineman when players get taller you generally expect these occurrences to happen much more

Another thing that I’ve noticed a lot too is that when he’s under pressure he tends to drop his hips a lot which makes him even shorter which makes it even harder for him to read the intermediate part of the field or even just read the field in general I understand why he

Does it it’s like an attack stance and it allows him to easily just burst off his back foot and out of the pocket or Up and Away if he wants to but for the time that he does it he can sometimes Miss big plays based on this and I don’t

Think it would be as much of an issue if he were taller but because he’s 61 he’s now dropping himself to Bryce Young’s size which just isn’t necessary but now it’s time for the Pro Comp who’s that Pokemon it’s Pikachu it’s I originally didn’t have a

Pro comp in here but while editing this video I watched two-minute drill’s scouting report on Caleb Williams and I loved their Pro Comp as soon as I heard it so full disclosure I completely stole this from them with their permission of course I highly recommend you check out

Their Channel as it’s one of my personal favorites I’ll leave a link to their Caleb Williams scouting report in the description anyways Kyler Murray is a great Pro Comp for Caleb Williams because they both come from the same linoln Riley system are both undersized both excel at creating big plays with a

Combination of athleticism and arm strength both can throw accurately from different arm slots and can both operate well from the pocket even if they’ll make some bad decisions at times not Target the middle of the field as much as you’d like or have mechanical failures leading to inaccurate passes I

Absolutely refuse to comp anyone to Patrick Mahomes so this one sits well with me but as good as Kyler Murray has been in the NFL I think Caleb Williams has a higher floor in just about everything Caleb’s taller he has more starting experience and he strikes me as

Having a higher floor to become a better p from the pocket than Kyler is at the moment but now it’s time for my final thoughts I think a lot of his strengths speak for themselves and I think the combination of them are what makes him so unique a lot of the weaknesses

Section for this player is just nitpicking and pointing out inconsistencies of his game rather than telling you that Caleb Williams is incapable of doing something because he’s really not his height is maybe the only physical limit to his game but other than that he is the raw traits

Along with an above average processor to literally do anything on the football field absolutely absolutely anything but I ultimately think a lot of how you see Caleb Williams depends on how you choose to see him you could choose to look at him painting his nails and say he’s not

Man enough for football or you could choose to say he’s a unique person who’s confident enough in himself and his abilities to just not care what people think you get to look at him crying to his mom after a loss and say he can’t handle the ups and downs of an NFL

Season or you can say it paints him as someone who poured his heart and soul into his team and cares about winning more than anything you can look at his bad plays and structure and say he just cares about throwing deep and making plays he’ll never run an NFL offense and

He’s a college quarterback just like Johnny Manzel or you can look at all his good plays and structure and fully disagree and say he the next Tom Brady me personally I think he’s a generational Talent who has a lot of flaws but also has an incredible skill

Set and a lot of the flaws in his game in my opinion are things he’s shown he can do but he just needs to do them more consistently I’ve showed you the film I’ve given you my opinion and now it’s time to hear from you tell me down below

What’s your take on Caleb Williams did you have one coming into this video did this video change it do you believe more strongly in your take after seeing this still have no opinion I’d love to hear I’d also greatly appreciate a like And subscribe because it really helps out

The channel and I’d love to grow this community of people so we can all talk ball together but that’s going to be the end of this one guys later


  1. He's a little bit Justin Fieldish.. Holding on to the ball too long. Always looking for the bomb when the easy 5 yards are there. Not that impressed.

  2. "For all of you pessimists out there."

    Thank you for acknowledging me😅. I'd love to see a Caleb Williams/Justin Fields camp battle. I don't know if that's the best thing to do for either of them.

  3. Being a bears fan all I see is the Fields vs Williams debate every day. I love JF1, but financially and logistically it just doesn’t make sense to keep him. Drafting CW gets us a better QB on a cheaper contract and draft capital in return for Fields. It’s a passing league and he’s never even passed for over 2500 yards

    Edit: For those who complain that he holds the ball too long and will get sacked, he’s only responsible for 30% of his pressures/sacks while Fields is responsible for 80%

  4. Great and informative breakdown. As a Bears fan, I'd love to get your breakdown of Justin Fields, compared to Williams and Maye (especially if you've studied Fields in college). Based on your assessment of Williams and Maye, it sounds like they have a lot of similar issues that Fields had/has (footwork, not seeing open receivers sometimes, etc) – and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on if you believe either Williams or Maye show clear signs of being significantly better in the NFL than Fields.

  5. Might also be worth noting in terms of anticipation, there could potentially be an aspect of trust he has in his receivers. Wasn’t particularly impressed with the receiving cores ability to create space against man, and more importantly their ability to leverage defenders when the ball is in the air. A few of his ints weren’t even a result of a bad decision or even ball placement.

  6. Remember how everyone saying Bryce Young was THE quarterback in the 2023 draft. Not a single first overall pick QB has won a superbowl since Payton Manning. That was a very long time ago. A top QB could get you wins but its a total team that gets you championships. The bears should just trade the pick again for even a bigger haul to rebuild their team

  7. Older Pats fan here who saw them draft Jim Plunkett and Drew Bledsoe. We’ll never see another Brady but it looks like we will have an opportunity to get a good one after this dreadful season. Thanks for the vid!

  8. As a Bears fan, please draft Caleb Williams. After this breakdown, he’s clearly can read defenses way better than Fields ever has.

  9. As a Bears fan, I just don't see him as some must take upgrade over Fields, especially since his issues, are largely the same ones Fields has at times, and the reasons given, are a lot of same ones Fields has on top of it…plus, some really horrible coaching from the OC who refuses to gameplan to his abilities most of the time. What most of those calling for them to draft Caleb never seem to mention, is do they think Getsy should stay? Because if Fields isn't the type of QB for Getsy, then neither is Williams, they're too similar and on top of having to adjust to playing under center more often, he'd likely have to deal with Getsy refusing to call plays that fit his ability, further handicapping…really don't want to see Getsy ruin another young mans career…..And if they get rid of Getsy, then, well other than the issue of having Fields in yet another new system with another new OC, you can negate a lot of that by actually choosing an OC who wants to run a system that would actually benefit Fields and the talent around him. The line is still suspect, but improving.

    Either way, good breakdown. I just don't see him as an upgrade over Fields, especially with other issues on the Bears team. If I'm the Bears GM, I'm sticking with Fields through his rookie contract, bringing in an OC who actually wants to work with him, drafting MHJ to add a second legit WR (right now he basically has Moore at WR and Kmet at TE as the only really reliable targets), getting an upgrade at Left tackle (I like Braxton Jones, and he has a lot of potential, but he's not elite at this stage and it's an important position worthy of an upgrade to let them settle it in training camp, either way, you end up with more depth at the position) and in the 3rd or 4th, add a Center because, my god, that is a huge weakness. They could also use more depth and upgrades at the guard position…while they can and will add some of that depth in free agency, the best bet to get players of the future long term, is going to be the draft, and if they have the 1st overall pick, the thing that makes the most sense to me, is to trade down, even if only one spot, to get additional picks and still get MHJ (though there seems to be several really good options at WR in this draft who would be great additions alongside Moore).

    Hell, with this strategy, it's likely the Bears would end up with three 1st round picks in the 2025 draft. If Fields falls to pieces or hasn't shown he can be the guy at the end of his rookie contract even with a better OC who is playing to his abilities, then well, you have plenty of draft capital to move up from wherever they would end up drafting to go get one of the top QB's in the 2025 draft. Drafting a QB is always a gamble, and with the defense improving much faster than the offense (largely due to coaching in my opinion), you don't want to waste 2 or 3 years of a competitive defense on a new QB who may, or may not, show you any real ability at the NFL level. No matter who is QB of the Bears though, I think it's clear Getsy can't be the OC, especially for Williams who has so many of the same pros and cons of Fields. It would be insanity. (Sadly, I've seen more than one Bears fan insist that we can't properly evaluate Getsy as an OC because of Fields…which, is backwards thinking, good coaches will adjust to the players on their roster, not insist on calling plays for the guys he wishes he had on his roster…he fails to do that, and that's the evaluation in and of itself)

    Just my 2 cents (and then some) appreciate the breakdown.

  10. Go to exactly 4:20 sec of the video and pause the video. Zoom in on the pocket Clean. Look at Caleb's eyes are down the field. There is a receiver in the back of the e zone. He been open. Now play the rest. He's not perfect, and I'm a USC fan. He misses wide open receivers often. He is great. But we will see on the next level

  11. Caleb’s talent is super high, he has the potential to truly be one of the best players ever. No prospect is perfect but he’s damn near perfect in terms of arm talent and the torque he gets on his throws.

  12. I've noticed A LOT of Bears fans in the comments with many different opinions, which is awesome! Really glad to see so many new people get involved in the community and discuss something they're passionate about. Healthy, respectful debate is always encouraged around here and I'm working to get involved in each discussion in the comments section to give my thoughts! I wanted to share my brief thoughts on the debate. I genuinely think the Bears could do no wrong at their current stage as long as they get either Caleb Williams or Marvin Harrison Jr. At that point, it really becomes a balancing act of what you prefer: (a) Caleb Williams + resetting the rookie contract window + whatever resources they get from trading fields; or (b) Keeping and paying Fields + whatever resources they get from trading #1 + whatever they lose from trading back into 3 to get MHJ (if they need to/want to). Both are great options, but what do I prefer?

    At this stage, I lean towards option (a). By taking Caleb, you reset the rookie window, allowing a bit more time to continue to build up the team around him without having to spend extra money on Fields. Although I have been vocal in real life supporting Fields in the past, I don't think I've made it clear on my channel so far that I believed heavily in Fields after year 1. However, I recognize that he has continued to struggle with some of the same weaknesses that he came into the NFL with. At times he shows flashes of being an unbelievable player, but he has yet to put it together consistently for someone who has played 35 games and it's risky attempting to hold out hope that he'll be able to do it in year 4 right before you have to decide on his 5th year option and then pay him long term. Also, this is a fantastic (and very deep) WR class, so taking Caleb doesn't eliminate the choice to get another great WR. Especially since the class is not super deep in some of the areas that the Bears need most (#2 CB, #2 Edge Rusher, IOL). I think the Bears are better off restarting the learning curve with a new QB, with a ton of upside, and grabbing 1 or 2 WRs from this really deep class and supplementing the depth of other positions in free agency and later in the draft.

    This is not to say that option (b) isn't also great, it's just my preference. MHJr and DJ Moore would be a nasty WR core for Fields and would significantly increase his margin for error. His rushing ability, plus Khalil Herbert and Roschon Johnson (a RB tandem I really like), will put LBs in flux and allow MHJr and DJ Moore to win over the top and in the intermediate areas of the field (if Fields can progress to the point where he's finding and hitting those throws in between the LBs and Safeties). Obviously, the extra resources from trading #1 would set them up down the line to add guys in future draft classes that are better stocked at positions the Bears need.

    Anyways, my main point is that I think the Bears are in a great spot and I'm excited to see what happens! I hope you guys appreciate the nuanced take and my relative preference of one over the other, rather than just choosing one thing and refusing to acknowledge the potential of both options. I'd love to hear if you guys agree, disagree, don't really have an opinion, or think I'm missing something. Also, I'm very fine with people insulting me or making valid criticisms- there are quite a few on this video and I appreciate all who brought great perspectives on some of the video's flaws. However, to some of the others, if you're going to disagree or insult the video/me, atleast watch the whole video / read this whole paragraph first so we can have a substantive discussion 😉(I kid, everyone is entitled to post what they want – that's what the internet is for!). Thanks for watching, sharing your thoughts, and supporting the channel!

  13. as a bears fan, im scared because we never get a good qb BUT i do believe drafting a qb and getting that rookie contract is huge

  14. No to Caleb as a Bears fan. We need to stick with Fields and continue to build around him. Fields is an easy scapegoat, but the fact of the matter is he's done as best as he could with an O-line that has not been the focus as it should be, and it shows. Real fans know this. Imagine Fields with an average to above-average O-line with the skillset he brings to the table. Caleb, for all the praise he gets, and it may be valid, isn't a guaranteed thing once in the NFL, and behind an O-line, that's not as good. The Bears know what they have in Fields and should continue to build around him (O-Line being the priority) while stacking draft capital, which will continue to give them flexibility. They have money to spend as well.

  15. Caleb might be so talented to the point his gifts become his curse. I can imagine most coaches would love to get their hands on him. To see if they can reel in some of those Hero ball tendencies. Cuz his gifts you cant teach.

  16. I see a more Aaron Rodgers than anything else. He does little stuff like Aaron. As a bears fan, I wish our fan base and would keep an open mind on our situation. We should be happy about this!

  17. Everyone needs to stop comparing Mahomes to any other QB in College or the NFL, there is no one that’s even close, Field’s was the 2nd best QB in college then fizzled out in the NFL, the same thing can happen with Caleb…..Just a stupid comparison

  18. I have been pushing Jayden Daniels all year…. My problem is everyone has Caleb Williams so far ahead of him… I don't see it.. Both have won the Heisman Trophy Jayden had a better 2023 season AND SEC VS pac 12 .. Look at the 2023 stats Also 6'4 vs 6'1 in nfl that makes a difference

  19. Just subscribed, I love this breakdown, I agree with you in the way people view him, I feel that most people online have a set opinion on him and judge him unfairly. I think he has very minor flaws but will be able to clean it up in the NFL, can’t wait to watch him!

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