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Nia Jax gets too much HATE | Exposing the IWC

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Nia Jax gets too much HATE | Exposing the IWC
Joshi stans are weird
Top 5 free agents

Un mute testing testing one two three I think my mic got let make sure this actually is working this mic testing testing testing everything on I think it is all right guys well let me know in the chat if you can hear me because um the uh audio might be messed up right

Now so let’s see can you hear me in the chat what let’s M this bring that down okay don’t you just love audio situ oh thanks great okay start from the from the beginning we are ready to go all right so today at exposing the I IWC we will

Be exposing the IWC like always um today I’m talking about Nia Jax is the hate she receives is it warranted or not I’m going be talking about josi stands and how weird they are at sometimes not all of them just some of them and I’m also going to be talking

About the top five free agents in the women’s wrestling so that’ll be fun and let going talk about whatever you guys want to talk about later at the end of at the end of the Stream so uh but yeah those are the three topics Nia Jax Joi stands

And the top five free agents in women’s wrestling how you guys going picture quality is actually better this time well thank you thank you um I I don’t know what I did but I’m glad it’s better uh because last time it was I think I’m working some stuff out okay I

Don’t know how uh I I don’t know what I’m doing sometimes but I’m working it out we’ll see we’ll see how it goes all right so I’m going to be talking about Good Old Nia Jax here in a second let some people come on in I think Nia

Wasn’t if I think if Nia wasn’t Nia the hate she gets wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t Nia I’m I’m becoming uncomfortable with the hate she gets but we’ll talk about here in a second uh so let’s go ahead and get started on uh good old Nia Jax

Here um so she’s currently feuding with uh Becky Lynch and I would say that I have very much enjoyed this Feud it’s good uh Becky’s a good Storyteller Nia Jax brings a element to the women’s division that’s different than other people can bring her presence her size

Her she just it just works well to have someone with her someone like her in the division so I’ve been enjoying it but others have not and when you ask them why a lot of it stem from stuff that happened in the past now look I’m not

Here to tell you that Nia Jax has been perfect I’m not here to tell you that she’s been soft on her opponents in the ring but Nia Jax has done well since returning she doesn’t deserve all this hate and I’m becoming a little uncomfortable with it Whatever happened between her and her

Colleagues is her business whether they reconciled or made up is their business she doesn’t have to answer what for what happened in the past she was fired they brought her back she should be judged on what she’s done since she’s returned not on who she punched or what she said back

In the day and if you watch what she’s done here in the WWE since she she returned she’s hasn’t hurt anyone it’s been good work her mic Stills have been fine she’s delivering good onliners she’s she is something the division needed and she’s delivering and people

Can’t seem to just say that they have to continue to hate and criticize her like even even people that um people who are like big figures in the IWC they’re like saying she’s bringing nothing to the feud and it’s all Becky Becky’s carrying the whole Feud and she’s just there and

I don’t think that’s fair we need to give people credit what creditors du I don’t think it takes that much effort to say that n Jax is performing well and she’s doing what she needs to do what what she needs to do she’s giving these women different type of feuds different

Type of opponents and and we’ll see how where this goes I think this I think it’s going to be a good match here at day one I think n Jack should win it and the story theyt telling works I’ve enjoyed the story way more than I’ve

Enjoyed any of the other stories in the women’s division on Raw um this is the eight story uh I like her work I’m not complaining and uh you shouldn’t either you shouldn’t either n NAA gets hate because she broke Becky’s nose but but the thing is

Here I hear you but Becky Lynch is on record as saying that Nia Jax helped her she loves the fact that she broke her nose she said that was a big moment in her career that comes from Becky’s mouth herself so why are people holding that against her oh

Because she missed out on the match because she had to step out she had a concussion so Charlotte Flair had to step in is that why they ha her this is 2023 get over it Becky’s over it Becky’s working with Nia Becky says that that moment helped her career get over

It Becky should win I disagree I disagree necki necki necki NAA is a credible heal that the division needed but I fear she has a lot to go away she has a lot of go away he um I think it’s undeserved at this point the woman has come in and she’s made the

Raw women’s division more interesting than it was before she’s giving roel and and Zoe a different type of matchup a different type of Challenge and I think she should be rewarded and applauded for her efforts instead of being condemned and I feel like no matter what she does

They’re hating like she could cut the best promo in the world and they’ll come up with some kind of excuse that hate on her and I think it’s wrong give this woman her flowers let her stay in the moment and judge what she’s doing today

And not what she did in the past simple as that n and Becky are obviously friends too why are people still attacking Nia on her behalf yeah it’s it’s the same thing with Charlotte um I would hope that now is going to die down but initially a lot of the hate going

Towards Charlotte stem from the Becky supporters and I understand that I guess I actually don’t really I think sometimes fans need to realize that their their um faves don’t need saving they’re stand they’re standing these people but they don’t need their help they can handle themselves they don’t

Need you to go sticking it to Nia for on their behalf they don’t mind your business and um I think Nia and Becky are cool obviously the way they talk to each other I think they’re fine so why are you still holding on to any grudges

Or any like any like even even Oscar came out and said like when they rehired Nia this why I love Asuka I have a lot of respect for Asuka she came out and said why are you guys attacking this woman leave her alone and the people

Were saying oh but she hurt so many people and and Osa was like I’m sorry did she did she hurt you did she bother you are you like fighting on on the behalf of the wrestler they don’t need your help mind your business Nia Jax is

Fine with Asuka and she’s fine with Uka she’s fine with me too leave that woman alone let her cook she’s doing a good job and I maintain that she’s been one of the better signings and reigning that they’ve had over the last year stop stop hating

Ona I still think his best beats Becky at day one I think Becky should lose for sure I think Becky should lose because I think that tells the best story if if Becky goes out there and beats Nia the first go around with this whole build I don’t think it

It would work because then what do you do then you go into Rumble with Nia losing the Becky and then what Nia eliminates Becky Lynch and then Becky Lynch I mean that I guess that could work if if Becky beats Nia at day one then Nia eliminates Becky at at uh Royal

Rumble then Nia and Becky both go into elimination chamber gunning for R’s title actually think it works better the opposite I think Nia should beat Becky Becky should help eliminate Nia at the Royal Rumble and then when they’re both in the elimination chamber match the last two are NAA and Becky and then

Becky pins Nia to win the elimination chamber as the Conquering moment and that sets her up to face R Ripley bang I did it Triple H there you go uh you don’t need to send me me a check Becky pins Nia in elimination tamber match but

Becky loses to Nia at day one there you go I solved it or a DQ a DQ could happen at day one for sure I can see that it feels like um Triple H has been going away from the DQ finishes we’ve been getting a lot of distraction

Finishes but not dqs so that’s why I would want to believe that we’ll get a 10 at day one but who knows uh maybe we won’t let me um tweet out this tweet out this stream do me a favor and um if you’re on Twitter retweet my

Uh stream link TW tw Twitter Twitter my stream tweet retweet that live now okay send out tweet okay retweeted that okay cool all right let’s move on on well let me see if you guys have anything to say about n Jax book it um what what do you

Think the match would be if Nia won The Rumble wait wait wait wait what you talking about toss what do you think the match would be if Nia won the Royal Rumble Nia Dax is not winning the Royal Rumble but if she were to win the Royal Rumble it would be Nia Dax

Versus Bianca yeah because you you’re not going to book Nia versus IO so if if Nia Jax were to win the rumble it would mean that Bianca beat IO at the Royal Rumble so Bianca wasn’t even in the Royal Rumble if Bianca wins the Royal if if Bianca beats IO at the Royal

Rumble then it’s possible that a heel could win the Royal Rumble and then face Bianca so if you wanted Bianca versus Nia jaxs for for whatever reason Bianca be Bianca beats IO at at the rumble and Nia ja Z wins Royal Rumble and that sets up Becky Lynch to win the win the

Elimination chamber in face Ria because Becky Lynch has never been in the elimination chamber match so that’ll be something new for her career as it’s dying down uh I think Becky wants to keep doing things she hasn’t done like she went she went she went to go win the

NXT title for the first time she she competed against um Trish RIS in a case match and that was Trish R’s first case match so I think she’s going to want to keep doing stuff she hasn’t done before because Becky has never been in the elimination

Chamber match Becky is going to do that this year and face Ria which means the winner of the Royal Rumble has to face IO or if something crazy happens Bianca if she beats IO at the rumble Bianca is not taking eo’s title Bailey will be doing that very possible

I mean only Triple H knows but I agree with you I think that’s very plausible that EO will face Bailey I don’t know for sure um maybe you do but Triple H knows for sure but yes that’s my assumption I think it’s going to be ba

Bailey versus EO but like I said before like I said yesterday in Twitter and then Twitter um went crazy when I said that if they book Bianca versus IO at the rumble Bianca is going to win I think if they avoid that and they say and Bianca comes out let’s say um after

Day one next Smackdown Bianca comes out there and says I’m officially entering the Royal Rumble Bianca’s doing that to get away from the EO match which leads IO being Champion into the into the Mania if they book Bianca versus IO at the Royal Rumble oneon-one you’re going

To have a hard time convincing me that they’re going to book Bianca to lose that match Bianca lost to eio Via cash in at SummerSlam Bianca lost to eio at Crown Jewel via interference she got the visual pin on iO and she still lost because Bailey interfered and then Kyrie

Came in what are you going to do to have your top baby St baby face star lose again what is Triple H going to do to have her have her lose again take another pin and have it make sense for Bianca going forward I don’t think that

Makes sense if they if they book that match again Bianca will win which is why I think Bianca will probably just decare for the Royal Rumble and they won’t do it if they do it I have a hard time believing that EOS sky is going to go

One-on-one with Bianca in Tampa Bay and Asuka and Kyrie if Asuka and Kyrie come out there you know what’s gonna happen Mia and Selena Vega is gonna come out there they’ll cancel they’ll cancel each other out then you’ll have Dakota and they have Shotsy there right then it’s gonna come down to

Bailey Bailey is going to cost her that match I think this is the time after after seeing that big that vignette with with damage damage control how they’re all on the same page you know they’re all um high-fiving each other is all Kumbaya what’s going to be what’s it

Going to take that to crumble EO losing that’s that’s what’s going to happen so in order to avoid that they’re going to just have Bianca declared for the rumble I think because if they have that match oneon-one I you can’t convince me I could be wrong I mean I’m not Triple H

But you can’t convince me that IO is going to pin Bianca not once not twice but three times when they’re kind to keep Bianca strong as hell all the time you know ENT rumper where Jay throws her out no way in hell I would be annoyed if they did that

Booking that viette feels like a curse for Bailey it did it felt like a curse for Bailey for for sure but it did kind of look a it did kind of feel like a bad Omen right like we’re going to do this we’re going to you’re going to do that

And I’m going to do this and it’s all gonna be great really is all gonna be great yeah we’ll see based on what happened at the smackdown taping I think we get eio versus MIM either at New Year’s resolution or the Rumble that could work maybe that’s why huh oh yeah didn’t

Oh oh spoilers if you guys don’t want to hear spoilers for Smackdown um I won’t say anything I won’t say anything I won’t say anything I say nothing I say nothing I say nothing I say nothing yeah but anyway Nia Jax she gets too much crap I

Love the reaction Becky gave here when Nia Jax said that um she T when she mentioned her daughter they’re doing good work I’m enjoying this Feud stop complaining about the feud stop complaining about Nia Jax she’s doing good and yeah yeah it’s possible we get m y versus EOS sky but

As far as nxs she’s doing great love her keep doing a good job NAA don’t let them keep you down we’re enjoying your work and uh yeah I don’t have no issues with Nia okay so this next topic is going to be kind of um so moving on to the next

Topic so this one’s going to be a little weird because um I’m not quite sure how to tackle this one without sounding like a coming coming after Osa fans and eio fans and Kyrie fans because I really I’m really not I’m not really talking about everyone who likes Asuka everyone who

Likes IO or everyone who likes Julia or anything like that I’m talking about a specific subsection of Joi stands okay there’s a section within a section within a section of people online who support Japanese female wrestlers who are very annoying and and borderline despicable in some in some ways

Honestly I’m I’m trying to tackle this subject in a way that makes sense it doesn’t sound like I’m like going after the entire fan base of people who like certain wrestlers okay um as you guys may know I like Bianca Belair obviously you like if you follow

My Twitter account you know I like Bianca Willer and because I like Bianca she’s been feuding well because I let me say it like this because I like Bianca I have been subjected to certain feuds because they’re feuding with Bianca and I’ve been more in tuned to

This side of the IWC because of Bianca feuds for example Bianca has been feeding with Asuka for a while now for the beginning of the year uh through that time from the moment Asuka won the elimination chamber to the Mania match there was dialogue between Bianca fans

And and osuka fans and then Bianca went on to start feuding with IO he had that backlash match that great backlash match um in Puerto Rico right she then went on to get beat by IO INF with damage control and now with three JIS in damage

Control Kyrie IO and Asuka I’m very much in tune with what’s happening and the the dialogue within the IWC okay so let’s say that um so speak speak your mind I will I’m trying to I’m trying to so when Bianca first started feuding with Asuka there were folks who were

Coming at me calling me racist because I said hey guys based on my understanding of Triple H is booking Vince is booking in my understanding of WWE Bianca is going to win this match she has a undefeated streak at Mania that they want to pres preserve I think um they

She’s going for the record for the longest streak for the for longest reign in the modern era it’s obvious that they’re leaning into it she’s going to win beat Asuka and there the were there were these accounts that Were fans of not just ASCA but some of them were fans of just like Japanese wrestling altogether and they were calling me racist they’re saying oh you hate Asians well this one this one guy I I I blocked him he created another account I blocked that account he

Created another account I blocked that account he created another account I it kept going he created like 12 accounts to yell at me about Asuka losing I’m like guy my guy I’m sorry but I just think she’s GNA lose and then it went on from that to

Eio and then these and then eio these people not eio fans not all of them I’m talking about a specific group of STS and the the conversations kind of continued uh I’m like where is this coming from this is weird Okay whatever and then even re recently with

Kyrie that terrible match they had where Bianca was kind of telling Kyrie come on let’s go like you’re Kyrie was off it was clear she was off she wasn’t moving fast enough during Bianca’s Mo moves as a baby face when she was building momentum as a baby face she wasn’t

Moving fast enough they were off like Bianca with jellen spots and these Joi stands spec like a certain certain not all of them just certain certain ones I’m trying to be careful here certain stands all right they were the dialogue was just weird and there I just don’t understand where

That I thought that for a while I thought Sasha Banks fans were the worst online for a while I thought that was then then I thought it was Alexa Alexa Bliss fans that were the worst these Jo stands they take the cake my God they are annoying and even now when it comes

To like the talk about certain jois coming over to the WWE the dialogue is very much toxic very much annoying oh they’re going to be treated wrong or they’re going to get fed to Bianca or they’re going to be fed to Charlotte Flair or and it’s just just mult multiple layer multiple

Layers of it and I don’t really know I don’t know if that’s your experience online or just me maybe it’s just me is it just me uh are you talking about the horrible Oscar St see that’s this is what I’m trying to avoid here I’m not talking

About this what I’m trying to avoid there are plenty of people who are Oscar stands that I like online I’m not talking about all Oscar stands but there is a certain amount of people who support joi’s in general I think that are just very toxic and annoying and

Downright despicable how they how they behave online and because I a lot of a lot of um Japanese women have been wrestling Bianca or like over the last year I’ve been subject to it a lot so maybe it’s in my face a lot because of

That maybe if I if that wasn’t the case I wouldn’t feel the way I feel but right now I’m just really jaded when it comes to some of these people online and how they behave and how they talk about these other wrestlers who are matched up against their favorite JIS and it just

It’s getting uh really really annoying and it’s I had to talk about it so here is out here it’s out in the open uh yeah then that’s that and um and it kind of stems to also the conversation around Julia and how Triple H wants Julia if

You don’t know who Julia is she’s a very talented wrestler in stardom looks like a star she’s cutting English promos now uh and there there’s this conversation about her coming over to WWE and the conversation around that is also very toxic and annoying and it’s just

It’s just a problem and I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon because these people are they have nothing better to do but them on and complain honestly they’re no they’re yeah they’re they’re very annoying I mean there’s no getting around with it um and it’s not going to continue anytime soon

Especially if Bianca beats IO oh boy if they book even when I put out that twe that tweet about um it’s possible if Bianca is booked against eio that Bianca will win because I don’t think Triple H wants to have Bianca get pinned three times oh some of these

People and you click on you click on it you look at their Banner it’s all Joi wrestlers like okay I see what this is whenever a Joi wrestler is getting criticized or not criticized whenever the talk of them losing they just go on the attack and they’re very aggressive

I’m like this at at the end of the day this is wrestling it shouldn’t be that serious but uh some of these stands man I have to block them and they create another account and I block them and they create another account and I block that account they have like 12 accounts

Dedicated to defending their favorite josies and I’m like I don’t understand it couldn’t be me it just couldn’t be me maybe that’s what it is AA stands osar fans are a bit of an exception though there are a few crazies that are very annoying but Oscar fans

Aren’t even Joi stands I agree with that osar yes osuka has outgrown that fan base I agree with that that’s why I was trying to be careful um uh Uka she has her own fans like there’s like josi stands and then there’s josi stands who are Oscar stands and there’s like a big

Group of people who are just dedicated to osca so it’s a little different so I agree with that for sure I agree with that for sure I don’t want to spend tooo much time talking about see I see I didn’t have any like tweets or images prepared to talk about

These Joi stands but I just wanted to get that off out of the way um okay do you think they will do Bianca do you think they will do Bianca at the rumble think they do mia versus IO I don’t think they will do Bianca versus IO um I think they’ll avoid that

Because I don’t think they want to put the belts on Bianca right now if they if they do Bianca versus eio Bianca is going to win which is why I think Bianca is not going to do that I think she’s just going to declare for the rumble and they’ll do IO versus Mia

Potentially I actually like that for for Mia Yim gives her a spotlight gives her a big match to to wrestle in because she’s been sitting on the sidelines for a while and Catering so it’ be good to have MIM have that spot against IO I would like that for her she’s obviously

Gonna lose and if that is the match then we know if M Yim is facing IO then we know that MIM that IO is going to rumble what Rumble that EO is going to the mainia as Champion if they they book that match IO will be Champion going into the

Wrestlemania and that’s gonna be huge for Io a lot of people thought me myself I thought IO would last about a 100 day 100 days she’s going all the way to Mania that’s crazy that’s crazy all right let’s talk about um the next topic this is going to be

Quick quick and sweet I’m talking Um because uh within the IWC this is recent topic about mjf so let me just talk about mjf real quick this won’t be too long know most you guys not here to talk about MGF anyway all right so in a recent interview Maxell Jacob Freeman

Said that he is actually a free agent in 2024 and he has not signed a contract with aw and the bidding of 2024 is very much out in the open and very much here as a part of the narrative within the IWC uh this is obviously

Uh if you believe that mjf has not signed a contract then I have some snake oil I like to sell you this man is under contract with a it’s obvious he hasn’t said anything about the whole bidding war of 2024 because it’s obvious well because he’s a baby face cuz that’s kind

Of a heel gimmick that whole oh where am I going to go am I going to go to aw I’m going to go to WWE that’s that’s a heel thing he’s now baby face so he’s been avoiding it but even so this man is not going to the WWE he has signed a

Contract extension don’t let them fool you the IWC will try to entertain this but it’s over he assigned Tony Khan would have to be the biggest dumbass in the history of professional wrestling to have this man have this current title streak Title reign and not

Have him under contract in 2024 how many weeks do we have it’s the 20th he expect me believe that he’s going to become a free agent if they talk about that here in a couple of weeks it’s all complete storyline complete complete storyline mjf has signed a extension he’s going to

Be with the aw for the next four years they can make it into a storyline if they want but nobody he’s not fooling anyone they’re not fooling anyone it’s over he is under contract um so just just get that out of the way mjf ain’t even all that he’s a great

Talent in my opinion but I digress he is very good on the mic and he’s a solid in ring wrestler and he gets people talking he’s captivating and because of that he’s always going to have people coming after him no matter what the promotion is he’s

Very talented on the mic that I can say and he’s very he’s good at working the crowd’s he’s a I I think he’s a talented performer um he’s not no no freaking no he’s not Daniel he’s not great in the ring but he’s good enough with that Mike skills

That he’s gonna be a superstar wherever he goes he’s he’s a star for sure but I hear what you’re saying what you’re saying did you see that picture of MGF with that guy with that I stand with Israel pinned I did not I did not see that no way he’s

Leaving baby F mjf not the same like heel um what do you mean I think he’s I think he’s fine um I think heel mjf is best mjf for sure uh but it has been refreshing to see this baby face side of him cuz I know he could always do it but

Now he’s showcasing that and now he’s showing both levels he’s showing the WWE he hey look I can be a top heel everybody loves to hate I can become a top baby face that everybody loves to cheer I’m a multifaceted I’m a talented in ring performer come give me all the

Money when it’s time but right now he’s not a free agent if they tell you that he is it’s don’t fall for the IWC nonsense he is not a free agent he has signed I don’t care what they say okay now 2024 next topic which is free

Agency with the women 24 will be a big year for the women’s wrestling in terms in terms of free agency we have a lot of moving Parts a lot of women who have opportunities to move on from their current situations and according to Sean robs app this going to be the biggest

Year for free agency so I figured you know what is he full of or is he not so I went and looked up the top my top five free agents in the women’s in women’s wrestling and I have gone through it and I’ve decided okay where do I think

They’re going to land and if it is something that makes sense for them to stay or or not so number five number five is number F number five of the top five is C Camille now Camille is a former NWA Women’s Champion she was held the belt

For well over 800 days she held she held the belt for a while and she is a good in ring performer I’ve seen a full a few of her her matches she’s uh big girl um not that explosive ter in terms of in terms of athleticism but she is a good

Worker she has a good look she can carry a belt she can carry a division like she did in the NWA for a while and she’s North she’s a North Carolina girl which I like and she has an opportunity to move on I think thinks she is a free

Agent at the beginning of 2024 and the question is where should she go um Camille I believe is not a great fit for the WWE I don’t see her being any more than a midc Carter or at the very least um maybe I can see her

Maybe in the Tag Division but I don’t think the WWE is a good move for her I’ve seen some of her matches online very the ones I’ve I’ve seen in particular have been the one against MD rowski Maddy rankowski has recently signed with NXT and when I watched

Maddie rowski wrestle I’m like yeah this girl her personality her facial expressions her character work her she fits the WWE mold like she’s going to do well in NXT I think MD rowski is gonna do very well in NXT Camille not so much I think Camille she should go to TNA that’s

Where I have her going TNA um I think she’s going to walk in TNA and be a main eventor I think she can walk into TNA and be a compete against um Trinity and be a top competitive for Trinity and I think that that should be her move TNA and with Dianna perazzo

Leaving impact AKA TNA a spot has opened up for her and I think that is the move she should make um TNA Wrestling for Camille Izzy Izzy number four in W yeah she can’t I don’t think she can stand out enough within the WWE scene for her to

Move there I think if you go and watch her online watch her matches there’s full matches on YouTube you can watch her I don’t think the WWE is a good move I think TNA is the move for her she step right into the T title scene and she’ll

Compete against Trinity and all those girls and um I think that’s where she go she should go now number four is Dianna perzo now I just mentioned her a second ago because I had her leaving impact to make room for Camille Dianna perazzo she killed it in Impact she’s a main eventer she

Walked right into the main event scene in impact and now it’s time for her to move move on she did she recently did an interview with Shan rapat when she talked about her future she talked about where she wanted to go and and um she talked about mending fences and like kind of

Like um she talked a lot about her future and where she wants to go I think she’s going to WWE um that’s why I think she’s going I think she is going to have a hell of a career there you already have Chelsea Green her her good friend if deciding between Chelsea Green

And Brit breaker her two good friends are Chelsea Green and BR Baker brck Baker is in aw and she’s complaining about her promo time and tsey green is in WWE and she’s getting a lot of time a lot of character work and a lot of

Screen time so I think she she just move on to WWE and join up with her friend and have good storytelling and have good moments on screen together so that’s where she should go she should 100% go to the WWE and join up with Chelsea Green

Uh yeah that’s where she’s go for sure nowhere else will make any sense she’s already conquered impact where else should she go it has to be WWE uh it sounds to me like she’s already talked to Triple H she said that um this time she had an impact allowed

Her to have conversations with people she never thought she’ talked to before again so that sounds to me like she’s already talked to Triple H and she said that she’s wanted so that sounds good I think it’s over clearcut WWE I’ll be shocked if she went anywhere else else New Japan

Maybe what about aw see I’m avoiding talking about aw in general if you noticed because I think people who go to aw um especially women they they head to a black hole in an abyss that they can’t get out of and with the the current state of

Aw because Tony Khan doesn’t care about women’s wrestling I’m getting a sense that it wouldn’t make much sense for her to go there at all she Brit Baker her good friend Britt Baker one of her best friends is complaining about not having promo time in the ring so you have that

Dynamic she have your one friend in aw complaining about time you have your other friend in WWE enjoying her TV time and enjoying her character work why would you go to a I I don’t see it the way she made it sound in that interview when she talked to Sean Rap it sound

Like she was talking to people that she once talked to and H she talk about how Time Heals all wounds if you ask me she’s going to the WWE and that’s number four on the list New Japan um possible possible but I think I think WWE is where she belongs I

Think I think that’s where she needs to go because her first run was so bad in the WWE I think she needs this as part of her career to say okay NXT didn’t work but now I’m going to WWE to handle that situation you know that’s why I think it’s going to happen

Um there are people knocking the door so if maintenance knocks on the door I may have to stop this stream for a second but we’ll see if main it comes I will stop the stream for a second and I’ll come back but I don’t know yet we’ll see

Um yeah maintenance knocking on the door mve let’s move on to the next one um let’s talk about Becky Lynch number three on the list is Becky Lynch this is g to be short Becky Lynch is stting at WWE moving on no I’m joking I’m joking she already said recently in an interview

That WWE where she wants to go where she wants to stay that’s her home she has her husband there Seth Rollins cut a promo recently saying that the WWE is his home so why would she believe it makes no sense Becka Lynch is a WWE lifer and um I believe that is where

She’s going to stay I don’t see any reason why she should leave the WWE um this is where she’s gonna continue her career if she does leave it’ll be because she is um going to Hollywood if she decides to start acting more that I can see her

Taking that step but not she not going to impact or a or New Japan who are we kidding she’s WWE lifer this is where she going to be no point of even like disgusting or entertaining anything else is all she’s going to just stay here in the WWE okay so so that’s

That okay let’s move on okay they’re definitely going to knock on the door in a second I’m sure main is is going to knock on the door I’m gonna pause this stream and they can I’mma let them do what they need to do and I’mma come back but

They’re definitely going to stop here in a second I just know it okay I’m G you guys a heads up that maintenance is going to come in here and say something I just know it yep hello hello H hello hello that was weird um I’m back let me unmute so was I

Muted just now was I muted the whole time or not are in colge dorm no I am in an apartment I know on my own apartment but they are doing a maintenance sweep um you can see let me go wi screen this is my apartment TV you know stuff

Over there yeah no this is apartment not a I wish I was that young I’m not I’m not that young graduate from college a long time ago okay let’s get back to what was talking about oh yeah Becky Becky l she’s going nowhere let me sure so now I’m

Self-conscious is everything good can you guys hear me hear me it was muted all right cool all right yeah so b b she’s going nowhere all right let’s move on to uh next one all right now this is gonna be interesting Julia all right let’s talk this woman by the name

Of Julia let’s talk Julia okay Julia is a new is in stardom she’s a stardom Queen she’s a multiple she’s a champion over there strong Champion right now for the Women’s Division and the I really really really want this woman to go to the WWE why not so much

That I I need to see Julia in the WWE I just want these josi STS to be so mad and so upset that this queen is headed to WWE oh it’ be so sweet so sweet oh my God if Triple H can pull this off I’m going to be annoying on

Twitter let me tell you that right now if Triple H get this woman in the WWE I’m gonna be annoying because I will not shut up because these Joi stands are annoying when it comes to Julia Julia is cutting English promos and she’s doing a hell of a job she

Sounds great I love her I love her voice I love her presence she has that I don’t like using this word but I use it here she has that aura she has Aura you know I think she’s great I think she’s a star she sounds amazing I think her English

Is very good I think she walks into WWE and is a star and I think because they’re already talking according to reports they’re already talking she’s taking her English classes she’s she’s studying up on her English I think she should go to the WWE and set the Joshi world on fire as

They complain and and moan about their star in the WWE okay toss you ain’t even top five in Japan but I’m not gonna start that she doesn’t have to be top five she is positioned as a star right now over there and because of the hype of her

Signing and because of the hype of the WWE’s interest she’s going to be presenting presed as the top thing in Japan even though she’s not there are women in the Japan who are better in ring than her I don’t think I think um aumi uh AKA as Sasha Banks would say ASM

I think isumi is better in the ring than her but that doesn’t matter um she has that star power she has the it Factor she sounds good on the mic in English she is the person that I think they should sign and the Joi stands can

Go crazy I don’t care I have Julia headed to the WWE and making people cry what’s so special about her uh she has a good look she has a good look she’s good in the ring and she has star power that’s really what it is she’s very much

A she looks like a massive star she does and because of that and because of her in ring work she has very much she has crossover appeal and once once I heard that English promo she hit she cut I’m like oh she’s she’s going to be massive if

She makes the move I think they’re going to present her as a star I think when she comes over she will be she will have a winning streak she won’t lose and they will position her like the next let me not say that because I I say

That people in the Stream GNA get mad so I won’t say that they’re going to position her like the next DOI star from overseas that can’t be beat she’s going to have a long winning streak and I don’t think people who are afraid that they were treat her wrong I don’t think

They need I don’t think they need to worry from what I’m hearing Triple H is going out of his way to show everyone that foreign Talent can succeed in the WWE and I think because of that reason he’s going to go over and Beyond to present her as a massive star who can’t

Be beat especially to go to NXT she’ll she’ll head the NXT and she’ll have a run like no other and I think it’ll be appropriate and then she’ll move up to the main roster I think she’ll spend like a year down in Orlando getting used to the WWE

Getting used to American culture you don’t need somebody coming over for the first time and start doing a lot of traveling doesn’t make much sense they’re going to bring her in she’ll stay in Orlando she’ll stay in the PC she’ll work WWE style and then

I’ll move her up in about a year but Julia for sure she should go to WWE have everyone in the JC World complaining and bit and and being annoyed that she’s in WWE that’s what I want to see Julia in the WWE is fine but she doesn’t she shouldn’t be treated bigger than

Becky Binky Charlotte Bailey Oscar Jade she won’t I don’t think she will she’ll be down in NXT that’s what she’ll be she’ll she’ll be the it’ll be the same thing they did with Asuka it’ll be the same thing they did with IO you bring him to NXT you

Bring him to the PC they stay in Orlando they get used to the WWE style she’ll she’ll get gor a following in NXT and then they’ll move her up I don’t like the idea of her jumping into um the main roster and competing with the likes of Bianca I think that’s

Setting her up to fail you don’t do that you’re bring her in to the NXT system like you did Asuka if Asuka can do it she can do it if EO can do it she can do it that’s what they you do and then you bring her

Up see this is see this this is the type of comment I get from the josi St no Charlotte and Bianca beler are going to bury her stay away from the WWE this is the kind of stuff I hear from the ji stand first of all first of all what you’re saying is

You don’t like the booking you have a problem with Triple H booking you think Triple H is going to do do that I don’t think he is I don’t think Triple H or sha Mel is going to do that to her they’re going to get the word from Sha

MOS is gonna get the word from Triple H that treat her like a star and she will be treated like a star you don’t have to worry about Bianca or Charlotte bearing Julia okay Julia will have her run in NXT first and then she’ll move up and then what happens happens like this

Whole oh my gosh this this this conversation about being bar because they lose a match you don’t get buried from Tiffany shatton Tiffany shaton is the hottest thing in NXT in terms of potential she’s the one that they’re pushing forward at the top talent that will move up T Stratton is

Taking L after L after l in NXT she’s not winning any matches she lost to freaking Fallon Henley last night she lost to Fallon Henley last night okay this whole buried and oh then loose momentum this is fiction okay you can crank up somebody’s momentum like that there’s no nothing to worry about

Like oh people people worry about the wrong thing sometimes when it comes to press wrestling stop worrying about momentum and being buried and you can’t be buried by Bianca Bianca is the most overpowered know what bearing is singles match against Maxine and losing that’s being buried a single match against Nikki

Cross that’s being buried a singles match against someone who isn’t protected that’s being buried losing to the most protected woman in the damn division Bianca is not being buried because everyone loses Bianca’s beaten Sasha Banks she’s beaten Charlotte Flair by by DQ she’s beating begy Lynch several times there

Is no being buried when you lose to Bianca Blair Bianca Blair is protected same thing with Ria losing a match against Ria is not being buried is that’s just not how it works for the love of God oh my God like like I’m not even like like I think

Julia will be fine when she gets into WWE system and works inxt she’ll be fine I’ve watched Julia Russell I think she’s good I don’t think she’s she’s not EOS Sky people are expecting to see EOS Sky you’re wrong EOS sky is is by far better

In the ring than Julia Julia has that star power though she has that look but EOS Skai is way better in the ring than Julia so you don’t expect to see EOS Sky that’s not what you’re getting you’re getting a good in ring performer but you’re not getting another EOS sky eok

Sky is another another level in terms of in ring than Julia all right all right Lisa okay don’t have to worry about her being buried all right stand deserve respect okay people don’t get buried any more buried or the form of punishment you piss someone off and you go out there

And get embarrassed right losing a competitive match against a top performer is not being buried okay it’s not but I want to see Julia in the WWE so the Joi stands can get all upset and for number one who do you guys think the number one free agent in women’s wrestling in

2024 hard one I know right it’s really difficult one to come up with number one is good old Mercedes Monet all right so spoiler right this shocker right she’s number one Mercedes Monae has a few options she can stay in Japan well not stay well I

Say stay I mean resign because right now she’s out of contract she can sign a new contract with New Japan and finish some stuff that she didn’t get to do maybe work some aw dates like some forbidden door dates maybe wrestle Julia you know wrestle some other women

That she didn’t she didn’t get a chance to wrestle she can go to the WWE meet up with the people that she loves she loves Triple H she loves William Regal she loves Bailey she loves a lot of people over there there’s unfinished business she never wanted to leave WWE to begin with

Right or she go to AE dub which would be a colossal mistake as I explained in the last video I uploaded about Sasha Banks before um I think she should go to a to WWE as that’s just I that’s where she belongs that’s where she belongs she’s a top

Star she sees herself as a top star she wants compared herself to Vince McMahon so that’s the level she thinks she’s on so she should go to the WWE and um yeah I don’t think TNA makes much sense for her I think she should just go to the WWE is

Stop yeah that’s where you should should go I’ll leave it at that that where she should go um now there’s talk about TNA because one of somebody in TNA said that they have a big massive signing in early January I would be surprised if that’s Mercedes I honestly would

It could be but what do you do with Trinity you’re not going to sign Mercedes Monet and not have her go for the title so what so what you do a trinity versus um versus Mercedes Feud does she come in and they go for the tag titles I don’t love it I think

She should go to WWE and insert herself and insert herself into the um damage control storyline that way she belongs and um that’s it Tate couldn’t afford her anyways according to Shan rosap the contract that she wants is ridiculous and according to and based on what we just saw the news about

Charlotte Flair and her contract she’s probably looking at oh wait you you you gave her her own bus what kind of contract did Charlotte get yeah I want that and more she’s gonna get everything that Charlotte gets anything that Becky gets when they re when she renegotiates

I think Sasha is going to get that and I think I keep saying Sasha Mercedes you know you guys know what I’m talking about I think Mercedes is gonna get that deal and I think they’re gonna make her very rich and very they’re gonna take

Care of her on the next deal and I think she going to resign with the WWE um and so that’s it so if you guys noticed all five well four of the five I had going to the WWE and only one I had going to TNA so this as a refresher

At Camille going to TNA at Dianna perazzo going to the WWE at bianc I had Becky Lynch staying in the WWE I had Julia going to WWE and pissing off all the the josi stands right and I had Mercedes Monae going back home to the

WWE now some of you some of you might say hey why not a what’s going on with that well the problem is Tony Khan does not care about women’s wrestling so I will never recommend anyone well that’s not true um when when Maria May that’s her name

Right the girl who’s now shadowing Tony storm Maria May is that what her name is she used to she was wrestling in stardom but now she’s in aw I thought that move made sense for her because I didn’t believe that the WWE were looking for her and because the WWE weren’t

Interested I didn’t think they were I thought that the only move she could make if she wanted to move back home to to to USA would have been that move to aw and I thought she fits a different mold that they don’t necessarily have her look um there there’s no one that

Actually stands out like her in that regard so I thought that aw move made sense for Maria but not for the WWE not for impact so that I agree with yeah you go to aw but beyond that I’m not recommending any woman head over to aw

Until Tony Khan can prove that he gives a damn so until then it’s going to be it’s going to be TNA it’s gonna be the WWE it’s gonna be Japan like New Japan but it’s not going to be aw until Tony Khan shows that he gives a damn all

Right so that was my top five and in that respect so we already been going for an hour but so I’mma turn this over to you guys the topics I had before I’m going to leave that off talked about NX we talked about Jo STS talked about MGF and

We talked about the top five in the women’s division that are free agents so now I’m going to turn it over to you guys what you guys want to talk about before I end this stream how will Jade do in the WWE I think she’ll do fine once she learns how

To wrestle um that’s her biggest stop Gap once she learns how to wrestle properly and get all that bad a training out of her system I think she’ll be fine she she looks amazing she’s an athlete she can move she’s explosive she just she she just needs to learn how to work

And once she learns how to work well she’ll be fine unfortunately for her a lot of people are expecting her to jump into the main event scene on the main roster and that’s going to be a problem because she’s not ready the best thing for her to do is

Continue to work in Orlando because I don’t think they want to do the Jay carel her presence is too big for NXT that’s a problem if it wasn’t that if it wasn’t for that you could send her to to NXT have her work Tiffany Shon have her work

Um uh roxan have a work these women and grow her grow her in ring prow that way but the problem is she’s she’s above NXT the way they brought her in and the way in her way the way they presented her and her look she’s above NXT so she has

To go to the main roster but you’re not ready for that so what do you do keep her off TV have her work how I have work the house shows that’s what I would do have day Caro go day cargo go on the road work the house shows work the shows

Even the NXT shows let her get those reps in and then bring her up to the main roster in a big way but I don’t think NXT is a proper location for her she’s just too big for that you can’t have her out there wrestling fon

Henley have wrestling um JC Jane and it just doesn’t make sense she’s too they made too much of a big deal of her she’s too big of a big deal now she’s too big of a big deal so she has to go to the main roster unfortunately for

Her okay I’m guessing you’re talking about uh Merced Mercedes stealing shine away from Bailey in the storyline I disagree what is that ringing I disagree if bayy needs help if it’s Bailey versus damage control by that I mean bayy versus Dakota IO and the Kabuki Warriors I don’t think

Sasha Banks returning and helping Bailey will overshadow Bailey at all I think this makes good sense because of their history and uh their familiarity with each other it all makes all the sense in the world that Sasha Banks will return and help Bailey even though he used to

Have this Feud you know there’s there’s a LoveHate relationship between the two and I think by then enough enough time has passed where where it would make sense that Sasha would return and help Bailey I don’t think it would overshadow Bailey at all um maybe for the first few weeks but I

Think I think it’s going to work fine I think it would here’s a good one what current records in the women’s division in the WWE would you think will be broken past in the next five to 10 years for examples Reigns streaks records Etc um I think it’s very possible that

Bianca’s record for the longest her record for the longest um reign of the modern era ISS broken by Ria next year I think that’s very possible um what else records whatever a record give me example of a record um besides Bianca’s um longest reigning modern era number um

That’s only thing I can think of like what else would be I don’t think asuka’s NXT record is being broken anytime soon I don’t think anyone’s gonna catch up to Charlotte Flair anytime soon um maybe Bailey’s record because ba right now Bailey has um oh yeah Bailey’s record get broken um Bailey Bailey’s

Smackdown record is with the with the R title the lineage with the world women Championship um so she’ll pass Bailey’s record for sure Ria will pass Bailey’s record but besides that I don’t know um SCH rain no Bianca will have that for a while Bianca will have the shortest reain for a while

Um like Ria will break a lot of Records she’ll break Bailey’s record and she’ll break Bianca’s record I think because I don’t think she’s G to lose at Mania um would she lose to Bailey will she lose to Becky at backlash maybe uh I don’t know backlash is in

France right yeah backlash is in France right so if they do Ria versus Becky at backlash in France do I think Becky could win sure um I don’t know where that would put her her her in terms of Bianca’s record I think it’ll be close maybe I

Don’t know I have to look at I have to look into that why does Bianca and Charlotte get so much hate online but get so much Che is in ring oh I can answer this question that’s a good question um the internet is not real life it’ll never be real

Life the IWC is not real life and it will never be real life most people who watch the WWE they wake up they go to work work they come home they put the kids to bed watch on Netflix they watch the little WWE and they go to bed okay they’re not

Online bitching about creative they’re not online bitching about um booking they’re online complaining about this person going over complaining about Reigns and they’re not complaining online the vastor the vast majority of folks who are WWE fans they are not online so they go to the C

Crowds they go they go to the shows they go they bring their families they cheer the baby faces they love Bianca they love Charlotte every time I see a house show on YouTube Charlotte gets huge cheers Bianca gets huge cheers and then you go online you think these people are hated

But you got to realize people like me who are online they’re miserable people online are miserable not all people I’m joking obviously right but a lot of people about creative online and the people who are going to the shows do not care about that they have lives they’re not online

Bitching so because online is not real life you have that disparity you know you have that you have that situation where it seems like everyone hates a certain person online but when you go to a show you think wait wait a minute I thought I thought we all put the boo Charlotte boo

Right no no people online hate Charlotte Flair and because people even the people online you’re looking at a small small small percentage of people who are even active online right you have people you have people who are in a WWE Universe who love their favors favors right then

Within that you have a small section of people who are online let’s say 10% of those people are online and within that there’s like 2% who are actually active so see you’re seeing a very small small percentage of people who are talking about wrestling online and those

Thousands of people do not make up the millions upon Millions upon millions of people who go to the shows so what happens online will never be real life ever Bianca Blair and Charlotte Flair can get all the hate online all day long it will not affect how they’re seen in

The Crowd by the crowds it will not affect how they’re seen by creative because bitching online does not matter what you notice a lot of the time it’s the same 100 accounts who are complaining in the comment sections of these tweets and in these comment section of the YouTube videos okay it’s

Not it’ll never be real life it’ll never reflect real life ever now if you ask me why she gets hate online Charlotte Flair gets hit online again doesn’t matter because what happens online will never be real will never be real life but charlot Flair gets hate online because she’s a flare

Because they feel that she’s over pushed because they feel that she’s always in the title picture like this person like he says here he or she says right here and because of the Becky situation a lot of the hate that went towards Charlotte Flair was due to the

Feud she had the real life Feud she had with Becky Lynch now that is over you’ll see less hate but again people still have a programming in their head that think that Charlotte Flair gets too many opportunities so that’s why she get hated online by a small small segment of the WWE Universe

Did you ever notice how the damage control segments get no reaction from the crowd I don’t think the story is going to hit the people the way they think it will I have also noticed this I talked about this before EOS sky does not get any type of reaction online on

In the crowd right she doesn’t get much of reaction from the crowd in nether this damage control really but they are invested in the story they’re investing the story to to a certain extent because you see the crowd reacting to certain things that are happening to Bailey like

That one time when they thought Bailey was going to get kicked out the crowd oo and odd so they’re invested in the storyline they’re not really invested in anyone in particular Beyond Bailey and Asuka and that that comes from what happened before damage control Asuka was

Already over bayy was already over as a heal before damage control but the damage control don’t they don’t get much of a reaction from the crowd I agree and that’s not going to change unfortunately especially for eio until eio goes baby face cuz right now heel eio is not

Cutting it in terms of the American crowd reaction IO is gonna have to turn baby face before he ever gets like cheered to a level of a Bianca or Charlotte she’s going to have to turn baby face and go solo and just go all out in the ring cuz he

Doesn’t have the mic skills to carry the character work so it’s going to have to be a more more physical performance that’s going to get her over with the crowd and I’ve been saying that for for a while IO people thought when IO went to Puerto Rico that that was going to

Carry over and I told folks the second she steps into Smackdown again is going to be crickets and sure enough the first time she stepped in front of SmackDown crowd it was crickets again because she’s not the character is not over the EOS Scot character is not over damage

Control is somewhat getting there like the story Arc but the characters within damage control on its own is not getting over with the crowd but it’s not quite enough that it’s a problem EOS Sky she gets a reaction just not a big one you know she doesn’t get a reaction like like look

Compare eios Sky to Ria think about that difference Ria is is over with the crowd EOS sky is not that’s the best way I can put it Ria Ripley say what you want about her rain her rain is bad but she is over o EOS Sky I think if she lost the title

Tomorrow the crowd would kind of be like yeah okay wow okay if Rio loses the title tomorrow there’ be a gasp right it’d be a bigger deal did y’all see that um that uh let me show let me add this to to the screen real quick um the WWE is

Trolling with this let me see go to um here it says um who is the wb’s greatest champion of 2023 and they have pictures of three individuals who get so much online for how bad the Reigns are thought it was hilarious freaking Romans barely on TV R Ripley’s

Reign is terrible and elos sky has good matches but she cheats to win all her matches by interference or by some kind of weird um freaking um Shenanigans so I thought it was funny that they had these three instead of having gother instead of having even like a Seth instead of having

Like who else could you put there go three had a good run Seth is having an okay run I’m actually tired of Seth’s run right now I want Seth Rin to drop that belt but he would make sense but yeah eio of the of the three eio has the best

Reign I would say but yeah gother should be there for sure I don’t know what they’re doing with this thumbnail like bringing about criticism me me SC let me scroll real quick let see what it thiss this start image let’s see what else let’s see what else people are saying

Here gther and Rollins I agree R Rollins remove Roman from the list here we have an EO stand here um very popular EO stand count um let’s see uh gther Seth gther and eio I guess if you had to put three that would be the three right Seth gther eio

That would be the three you had to put three gther and Rollins gther gther gther Choo Chief gther gther gther yeah gther wins basically it’s gonna be going through what else you guys got Blair and Asuka yeah the reason why I won’t be Blair because he lost it

Bianca’s started she started the year with I believe the Uka not Asuka but before osca the the the Alexa Bliss the Alexa Bliss Bianca Feud was terrible it wasn’t either their fault it was bad because the booking was terrible and then the build for Bianca versus Asuka was wasn’t

Great I thought the match was fine at Mania but the build for their match wasn’t great and then Oscar with the belt and then Asuka didn’t get a single pinfall victory during her Reign and it was used as Asuka was used as a transitional Champion for eo’s Reign so that’s

Why the women’s division has been kind of low in terms of good title Reigns right now um EO would be the best that’s available um but it’s not that great either now this is true this is something that people want to admit when Bianca was winning during

That match the crowd was very much on Bianca’s side they like bianka on the come up they like Bianca chasing and when she won the crowd erupted they erupted for her they errupted for the cash in because they always erupt for the cash in if you notice every time somebody comes down to

Cash in the crowd always go come gets alive whether it’s um IO Carmela whether it’s um Nikki uh Nikki Cross or um Nick Nikki h assh no matter who catching In The Crowd Goes Crazy live Morgan you know but yeah they they they popped for Bianca’s win they sure did and eio eo’s

Reign hasn’t had that but she’s a heel and she’s supposed to be winning by nefarious means um I’d be curious if they have her defend at the Royal Rumble and if they do and against and and if it’s against MIM I don’t know how much crowd how do you guys think the crowd

Will react to a MIM versus EOS Sky title match you think they’ll care you think they’ll be invested in that match unfortunately unfortunately I don’t think they will I think the crowd will very much be quiet during that EO versus mm match unless they cook if they cook

In the match that’d be one thing but I don’t I’m not convinced that the build for eio versus mm will be any better than the build for Ivy Nile versus Ria The Ivy Nile vers Ria Feud is like the bare minimum build bare minimum their matches next next time we

See them they’re going to have a match and the build has been nothing absolutely nothing no build whatsoever for n for um Ivy Nile and Ria and I don’t really blame them they’re just trying to get to Becky let me tell you something right now they’re not gonna

Care about a r Ripley Feud until Becky Lynch wins the elimination chamber and until B Lynch is really gunning for RIA they will not care creatively they’re just buying their time Ria Ripley is over so it doesn’t matter right she’s already over so who cares if the feud is

Good she’s over so they feel they feel like it’s mission accomplished we’ll keep Ria over we’ll have her wrestle Zoe Stark we’ll have her wrestle Ivy Nile and then we’ll get the Becky Lynch Feud and then we’ll heat it up but because she’s already over we don’t need

To do much of anything with these feuds because we we have the mission accomplished of having her be an over Champion so until she faces Becky you’re not going to get anything from this from you’re not gonna you’re not gonna get anything from R Ripley feuds until Becky comes around so that’s just

It um yeah yeah um mam is not over so to no to no follow of her own I mean she’s not over so I mean what they did with Bianca is the same they did with Ria Ria booking with the title has been awful creative can’t book women when they

Have when they win titled um Bianca’s booking at the end of Vrain was bad it was um Ria’s R Ripley’s booking has also been bad when they’re not invested in the story you can tell they weren’t invested in Bianca versus versus Asuka they weren weren’t invested in Bianca versus Alexa

Bliss they were kind of invested in the damage control story line with Bailey we got the we got the we got the latter match got the last women’s standing match they were invested somewhat but post elimination T not elimination chamber but post war games last year they they checked out of Bianca’s

Feuds and they’re kind of checked out with Ria feuds well but they’ve been checked out of Ria feuds since he won the damn title the Raquel they kind of cared about the Raquel Feud we’ll see if they care about Li Morgan if Li Morgan comes back we’ll see

If Li Morgan gets a run at Ria we’ll see if Li Morgan gets a um any type of a good story line because everybody online are convinced that IO not IO they’re convinced that Li Morgan and Ria have this great history I disagree but they think

So so if so if Ria and Liv have this great history you would think that when the time comes around they’ll have some good story I wouldn’t hold my breath Ria Ripley versus Becky is when you’re going to get a good story until then just hold on tight and try not to fall

Asleep can we talk about spoilers for this week Um I don’t know let me know in the in the chat right now if you don’t want to be spoiled for next week because I don’t want to spoil anyone if they care about the results of next week’s Smackdown my next week I mean this week’s Smackdown

Um yeah I don’t want to spoil anyone but uh there I mean we know for a fact we already know that there’s a um a a six-woman tag match is it six women or eight women um it’s it’s a eight women tag match with Bianca Mia zelen Vega and shsi versus damage

Control and we already know the result I already know what happens but I don’t want to spoil it Liv fans are saying the story has been ongoing but it really hasn’t yeah it’s I don’t want to get into it again there there’s there’s some delusional people in the live Morgan fan base

Um that tag team was created to to facilitate the Wrestlemania tag team match there’s like a f like a four-way tag team match at WrestleMania they needed tag team so they created live for brutality and once the tag match happened they broke up immediately and r

Went on to be pushed as Mommy and Liv Morgan got taken out by R by Ria and um yeah that’s kind of it there’s no real actual story there then they had the Royal Rumble so as a as a apology to live Morgan because Triple H booked her

Title rign so badly because he never believed in her as a singles competitor which what people don’t want to accept Triple H booked her like a chump against Rhonda because that’s how Triple H sees her he sees her as a Underdog Story now they could argue well she’s an Underdog

Story so maybe she’ll be the underdog against R Ripley and win the Royal Rumble if listen to yourself RI Ripley is Triple H’s daughter he loved that woman he said she was on Roman Reigns’s level do you think based on what you saw in that Rona

Feud do you think he GNA book Liv Morgan to beat her let be serious so no it’s just about you know there’s no actual story there that’s with any real substance Beyond Liv Morgan stands thinking there is one like the average WWE Fan does not care about that story that they have cooking

There no spoilers though see no spoilers no spoilers for SmackDown yep no spoilers so I won’t say anything what do you mean I don’t see osca people people out here like told like that’s funny um are are you guys hyped for this are you

Hyped for day one Ria versus n AV now I could care less I could care less unfortunately I could care less didn’t Ria lose twice to Bianca in the main roster or something um Ria and Bianca has never had a one-on-one match Ria lost to Bianca in The Gauntlet match

But Ria had already Ria had already been wrestling for 40 minutes so it wasn’t really a fair one-on-one match Bianca eliminated her in the Royal Rumble 2021 and Bianca pinned Ria an elimination chamber so Ria Ripley has lost to Bianca in different ways never a full a straight up one-on-one match and RI

Ripley has never beaten Bianca whatsoever on the main roster so Bianca pinned her in elimination tamper she pinned her in the gaunlet match she eliminated her at the at the Royal Rumble and R rley has never been gotten he never gotten oneup on Bianca on the main roster at

All yeah the closest to a one-on-one match with the gaunlet match was was a good match it was actually a good showing for RIA Ripley because she went on a 40-minute run she eliminated I want I want to say she eliminated Riv she eliminated hyper nien she eliminated

Someone else and then she got to Bianca and then she lost so it was a good showing for R Ripley yeah Bianca faced R Ripley twice in NXT and Bianca lost so when it comes to Bianca versus Ria Triple H booked Ria stronger which makes sense because Ria

Ripley was the was the heal Bianca was the no no Ria Ripley was the baby face and Bianca was a heel in NXT so Triple H wanted to push Ria at the top face of the division so R Ripley always beat Bianca in NXT they they fought twice and

She won both times on the main roster R Ripley was the was not the top baby face it was Bianca and Vince saw Bianca as the top baby face so every time they fought Bianca beat RI Ripley but they never had that they never had that oneone match regardless

On the main roster so Vince like Bianca more Triple H like RI Ripley more but I can’t say how I don’t know how he feels now I just know that he loves R Ripley I think loves them both which is why I think when he books the rear Ripley

Versus Bianca Feud I think we’re in for a treat hopefully I think he he he holds them both in such high regard that I think once that Feud gets announced and once they put the plan in motion I’m expecting there to be fireworks I’m expecting there to be really really good between those

Two and if he ask Ria Ria says that when they Feud it’s going to be the greatest feud in the history of the women division so that’s why I want to see it as soon as possible yeah Vince saw Bianca as the star Vince Vince saw her as the star

Triple H C’s Ripley as the star we’ll see how we’ll see what happens when they cross paths CU as much of people think that Triple H doesn’t like Bianca as much as Ria I agree with that but I think he loves Bianca enough and he’s booked her strong enough that when that Feud

Happens it’s going to be like a real equal oneon-one equal booking kind of Feud I think Bianca will win at first will win the first match then re R might in the next one and then they’ll have like a final rubber match in the end like I can see

That that Feud going into a Hell in a Cell like I think I think the re Ripley versus Bianca Feud can end up in a Hell in a Cell match of some sort that’s kind of how I see that Feud happening big time Feud can we talk about how mam kicked

Out of the kod on a pre-taped episode of NXT so they scrapped it for the Airing for the following week I didn’t know that because I know that Bianca has never landed the kod and lost I know no one’s ever kicked out of it but if that’s the case that makes sense because

That that that move needed to be protected and it is protected so when rear Ripley so when re Ripley kicks out of it it’ll be a big moment because I’m convinced that I am convinced that some point during that Feud R Ripley will kick out

Of the kod she won’t kick out the first time I think the first time Bianca does it she’ll win the match the second time around when she land that kod R Ripley would be the first one to kick out on TV oh you’re just lying yeah that sounded

Off like what since when did that happen um all right folks we’ve been streaming for an hour and 30 minutes um I’m gonna call it quits here thank you guys for in gal for joining in uh it’s been a blast talked about a lot of stuff today probably stream

Again Friday or tomorrow depends I’ll I’ll create a thumbnail and when you see it make sure you have no notifications on because some people say they don’t see the notification but I will stream to tomorrow or Friday probably Friday and we’ll see how it goes uh feel free

To tweet at me some your takes and um hey it might make the topic it might be make the list of topics I talk about depending on how annoyed I am so you if you have a hot t send it my way if there’s a hot take that is pushing the narrative online

Send it my way and I will talk about it if it’s annoying enough but thank you guys so much for joining the stream and I will talk to you guys later peace

1 Comment

  1. Its kinda wrong for them to keep crapping on her for the injurys that she was involved in when it was couple of accidents even Asuka had to call out these people to let them know Kairi Sane doesn't hold ill will to her these 🤡 whos bashing her are just haters of the whole company anyway its also hypocritical to bash her for injuries and don't say anything when its injuries weekly for AEW with the unsafe workers there

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