Golf Babe

Teenage Serial Killer Thinks She Can Manipulate The Police

#truecrime #Interrogation
This Video Is For Educational Purposes. It is meant to show the psychology behind how police interact with suspects to try and get their confession.
In this jcs inspired true crime documentary, we take a look at the interrogation of Cassandra Byorg.
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Channel Disclaimer: All assumptions of mental health diagnosis are just that, assumptions. We are providing theories of possible mental health issues based on what little evidence we have available.
Also, all suspects are innocent until proven guilty. Information in our videos is all public record.

This is 17-year-old Cassandra Borg Cassandra is about to be interrogated by the police regarding the violent murder of both of her grandparents as the detectives uncover the truth about what happened they will begin to realize that they are talking with a heartless serial killer a Couple here here I don’t think I’ve met you before have I no no no no you remember my name coolness coolness coolness really swear swear swear that’s probably that’s probably why I was class clown 25 Miss coolness that’s a pretty coolness Shannon coolness whatever you want that’s pretty I mean you look

Familiar yeah mhm but I couldn’t like I remember see if big man wants this I have to use a little girl’s room okay he’ll be right back in with you don’t spin this drink I W do you is anything in that bag going to help you um right now no no cuz it’s

Not utensils yeah I’m just going to grab it and put it out here okay you anything just help okay cu Ra’s grandparents Randall and Wendy Borg had taken her in when she was 16 Cassandra was a problem child and her grandparents hoped that they could straighten her out within the first year

That Cassandra was staying with them the police would be called over 30 times Cassandra would continuously run away from their home and on one occasion she assaulted her grandmother as time went on Cassandra would begin dating 19-year-old Johnny Ryder and she was able to convince him to help her kill her

Grandparents top of music list now I like every well not everything I’m pretty open-minded except you don’t like country do you I don’t like country I really don’t like country we can be friends then I’m not in the country I’ve tried but no I it just it doesn’t I

Can’t Vibe with it how am I so full sh well you have been in a hospital and you’re eating hospital food so this makes me so disappointed I don’t know she said she could eat to make chickens and she barely made it through what is it a qu those hospital food like was

Messing me up you did talk a lot of smack though I can’t eat this whole thing I’m not going to make I want get you sick not going to make it throw it up it’s all right you can drink your Frappuccino it’s a dtive but um I used to swim too for yeah

Mhm she quite a little athlete huh I wanted to play baseball or softball um I’ve also done soccer and that’s it maybe a little bit of tenis okay the detectives do their best to make Cassandra comfortable they buy her food and they talk about her hobbies and

They even laugh at jokes with her as if they had been friends for a while after they finished their meal the detectives begin talking about why Cassandra is there well obviously I’m the guy kind of in charge of what’s been going on I guess the past

Week okay MH uh I talked to Ryan investigator Ryan Thurman or investigator Thurman the guy that you talked to yesterday I guess oh was he how can I describe it was he like the tall he’s a short no he’s a short the shorter one okay so he was the direct

Attorney yeah yeah he’s investigator for I to him before he was helping me with the case that I had with my stepdad oh what do you think of that tall guy he was okay I feel like I’ve met him before I think I met him when I went to court

Once but he was okay yeah just wondering sort of weird sort of weird sort of weird and you remember when I came in yesterday I just asked you a couple questions yeah remember I made fun of myself cuz CU your Gram’s password was 1

2 3 four yeah it was I always did that with all my phones I don’t like complicated passwords 1 2 3 4 or I used to do zero all zeros that’s a that’s a good one well I don’t want you know kind of to make you upset or make you relive

Anything but I just got some follow-up questions I like to ask you do you remember uh when you read your wrs and all that yeah okay you you understand all them yeah okay well I’m just going to read them again just to make sure that he I guess he read them right you

Never know and then I just like to ask you some questions no stress and then and then go over some stuff is that cool mhm and I guess how your boyfriend Johnny MH how long you dat that dude for like three months three months you guys you you and Johnny

Pretty tight did you have feeling for him or just kind of a boyfriend type thing or I have feelings I still have feelings for him I care about him I guess someone ask a corny question is a Love or no yeah this is what he told me

Um after Ty we went to Atlanta and we were on like this I don’t know it was like this parking lot thing we got to see like the whole city and he told me that when we were sitting up there that like for a second he looked at me and I

Looked at him and he told me that all he could see which is me and then purple around me and he said like purple is like a sign of love and he said like ever since then like it was like love at first sight or something that’s kind cute though I

Don’t know I mean he got married to like this crazy [ __ ] and then now now she’s like saying that I’m stalking her when I’ve only met the girl like twice yeah I talked to Johnny a couple days ago and just talking to him she I think she definitely was crazy so is he

Okay yeah he’s fine so he send his regards and all that stuff so is he like is he doing okay was no he’s fine yeah he’s he actually better off than you you know they weren’t weren’t that deep or anything so he did he really mhm man I

Could have sworn he did worse than me cuz I remember when we were in the bathroom cuz he did it with me too he kept going and I kept telling him to stop so yeah his maybe this tougher skin I don’t I I don’t really know right before Cassandra and Johnny had been

Caught they decided they didn’t want to spend the rest of their lives in jail as SWAT was approaching the apartment building they were in they both attempted to take their own lives fortunately the police were able to get them to a hospital and the doctors were able to save their lives after hundreds

Of stitches and casts on both arms Cassandra was allowed to leave the hospital and go straight to the police station okay so I guess let’s uh guess let’s start from scratch of about what happened starting from when you ran away I guess is that the 31st do you

Remember or 28th or something like that I don’t really was it I didn’t really run away my grandma like kicked me out okay cuz like this is what happened like I was chilling with Johnny and my other friend Sabrina and I came home because you know it was time for curfew cuz I

Didn’t want to violate my probation so I came home and my grandpa was asleep and my grandma got really mad at me and she was like saying like oh you know if you don’t like it here you know we’re just going to find somewhere else for you to

Stay and she just said that out of the blue like she just got really mad for some reason and so I was just like if you’re going to find another place for me to stay I’m just going to leave I’m just going to find somewhere else to go

So and this was basically when you took off you came back your grandparents were home and I guess that’s when you had that argument what wait what so you just had argument with your grandma right did I left okay I’m sorry I got you and then when you left where’d you go

To I was just staying with Johnny like we were sleeping in his car and then so you’re kicking it with Johnny where you kicking with him at we were just all over the place Bailey we were just trying to find something something to do just keep you

Know just have something to do cuz we don’t want to just sit around and do nothing so you know we finally like people to chill with and go to the mall or something was it all your friends you were chilling with or all his friends or combination or it was sort of like

Combination between both who are your friends is just Sabrina or you got other I mean I only have like one other friend Izzy Izzy I don’t like chilling with like a lot of people just cuz I don’t trust a lot of people I’m same way I literally only

Have a couple friends myself so she’s one of them only one so you uh so I guess when do you decide to go back to your grandparents house uh in the middle of the night it was like a couple days after like two or three days MH you remember

Saturday Sunday do you have exact I don’t really remember like I didn’t really even know like what day it was that we went into the house and before you did that did you and Johnny meet up somewhere at a park or something to talk about going on we went to PE Church Park

And we talked about it at first it wasn’t my idea at first mhm um how did you even get I guess what was said how do you even bring up what was the context he first asked me are you afraid to die mhm and I said no and then I

Asked him are you afraid to die and he said no and he was just talking about how we could like run away together you know that kind of like dream and he asked me he was like would you kill your grandparents and I kind of like

Hesitated for a minute and I was like why and he was just like I don’t know I mean cuz I he knows probably everything that I’ve been through with all of my family and he he understands that you know like all I really wanted to do was

Just kind of get away from everything kind of just move on with myself like I wasn’t having a good relationship with my grandparents like it just it started getting really bad you know like that I got a charge from them because you know like I fought them you know I might have

Broken like my grandpa’s ribs when you know for that charge for simple assault and simple battery you know and it just like it just got really worse we kept arguing all the time and then I don’t know I guess things like just seem different they didn’t look at me the same anymore

Like they didn’t I don’t know it was it’s like there the vibe that they have was like they didn’t really know what to do they didn’t really know like how to like be around me I guess they didn’t really know how like how to talk to me

So I didn’t really know like how to talk to them either so it was like it was just a really hard a big age difference too so yeah and then you know before all of the stuff happened with my parents you know like they treated me so much

Differently you know they had you know they trusted me you know I could have done anything at their house you know like I was free and I loved going over there and it wasn’t like I was actually like living there so you know cuz I was

With my parents so I never like ever had that feeling but even though I did live with them before it I don’t know it was just it kind of just like changed throughout like the whole time that I was with them so I don’t know I kind of

Just grew part yeah when you guys met at the park did he did he ever go over the actual plan on how you guys would do it or anything like that or like what was that about uh well I mean we we’re just trying to figure out how to get money

And cuz he said that he might have had a warrant and I didn’t know if I had a warrant because you know my grandma kicked me out and then that’s she did the same thing that my mom did like my mom would kick me out then like a couple

Days later she would call the cop saying that I ran away when I didn’t like sometimes like she would physically force me out of the house cuz like sometimes like I would just be like Mom like why are you doing this and then you know she would like like grabb my stuff

And pushed me out the door and then call the cops on me so I felt like that’s what like my grandma did and I didn’t know so I was already figuring that I had a warrant or something that already violated probation and Johnny was saying that he might already like violated

Probation cuz he thought his mom called the cops on him or something I don’t know but how we started talking about it was like we started out like with is you know what time should we go to the house how are we going to do this you know

Like what are we what you know materials do we need to you know do this so you know we started talking about that and then you know so we decided to go around like midnight or 1 1:30 cuz my grandma normally went to sleep around like 11:30 12

So we would we decided like you know we would park down the road and then the park was literally like right behind my backyard like the neighborhood park so I was able to go through the park and then cut through my backyard cuz there was a fence like there was the trees then

There was my fence and then there was the house so you could easily like go through the trees and then there was the little gate that you could go through I didn’t even think like you could even open it yeah how’ you guys move that cement to isn’t there like a cement

Block or cinder block or something yeah I it was pretty easy to move like I was able to push the door out a little bit and then like it was stuck but I was able to maneuver my body over to get in the you know into the other side and

Then I just moved the cement block over so then Johnny could get through and then I moved it back Cassandra claims that Johnny planned her grandparents murder but the truth is Cassandra was The Mastermind behind everything Cassandra is about to tell the detectives everything that happened before and after the murders took place

She will explain how she killed her grandparents and then lived in their home for several days with the bodies unfortunately the story doesn’t end at her grandparents home because Cassandra planned on killing more people yall were living out of his car did he have like a

Lot of clothes in his car that he would change into yeah okay he already had clothes in his car okay but did he have like different shoes or did he kind of just keep one pair of shoes on he had different shoes he had a bunch of stuff

In his car it’s kind of like Mary Poppins okay you got some good analogies I like that so when you guys made it to the I guess the back door or the back gate what did you guys do next how’ you move up to the house well we went up the

Stairs the the decking stairs yeah the back deck and my grandma was still up cuz we got there a little bit early so we went back down and we were kind of just chilling over where um the shed is yeah we were just chilling by this shed

And then we saw that the lights turned out and then we just like stayed outside for a little bit longer just to you know wait and then I already had the keys to my house cuz I already had a set of keys so I was able to unlock the back door

And then that would that just made everything easier and as back door do you mean the bottom back door or so you still talking about the door on steps yeah like when you go up the back on the back deck there’s two doors there’s a

Door on the left and a door on the right and I went to the door on the right because the door on the left had a sensor on it like one of those like beep beep or whatever yeah like the door four open one of the ones that

Kind of like announces each door M no but the one you guys went into didn’t have it yeah I was able to take that one out cuz like it was it’s it was like a really old like alarm system like they had this alarm system for years and all

You had to do is just like you had to push this little button just to open it and then just take the battery out and I already took the battery out like a while ago what was that for you taking the battery out just to like sneak out

Okay and plus I hated that thing that went off every time it was just it got so annoying I’m B so then you guys are at that back door now uh you’re the first one to kind of walk inside there or how do you okay so there was stuff in

Front of the door cuz my grandma normally would block off the back door so but I was able to open so I unlocked the back door I was able to open the back door a little bit and not have the stuff in front of the door fall and you

Know make a noise so I was able to like maneuver in and then I moved the stuff in front of the door and then I got Johnny in and then we closed the door and locked it and then would you guys kind of just hang out downstairs or you

Start moving upstairs or we we went upstairs we immedi well we didn’t immediately go upstairs like we went to the stairs and we were like just listening just hearing what was going on and we thought everything was good and then we went upstairs and hold on did

You guys have anything in your hands or you just I had um what’s it called it’s one of those Car Tool is it to do a tire or is it it was a tire iron so I had one of those where’d you get that at Johnny’s

Car cuz he had one in his car his Honda or whatever and Johnny just used his fist and he brought a black book bag um that had duct tape in it and it had um the tire iron in it and they had gloves in it cuz we were also wearing gloves

Too what kind of gloves they were like like Hospital gloves or regular Hospital what color were they you remember blue okayish yeah they’re blue Okay so so now you guys are at the stairs starting to go up the stairs yeah you actually have the tire iron in your hand or is it

Still in the book bag I had the tire iron in my hand you know we got it out before we went inside the house so I had it in my hand and Johnny didn’t have any weapon he just used his fist so and then so who’s first up the stairs is it you

And he’s kind of following you or yeah I go up the stairs he goes into my grandpa’s room and then I go into my grandma’s room M and yeah and then he do you hear kind of what’s going on over there and does that kind of queue you off to with your

Grandmother there yeah he’s he started going at it and then you know I could hear my grandpa just yelling you know them fighting and then I started getting the rush and then you know like that’s when I started hitting my grandma she started like screaming and stuff and was

That the first hit yeah the back of the head yeah she bit me I think I took a picture of that yesterday right yeah she bit me in my finger too but I forgot which finger it was on my right hand I think it was either like my middle

Finger or it was that one and when you guys when you and your grandmother used to get into it is that that’s kind of how she she did she bite you before kind of get you off or whatnot yeah she’s bitten me before well she’s bitten you

Before too yeah I haven’t bitten her but she she she’s bitten me before okay like when you guys are in it or did you just come up and bite you no like when we were in it okay like I had this um mark on my hand from where she bit me

For a while where did she bite you that night on your finger anywhere else on my arm where they took the picture of it and then that was it so you’re in the bedroom with your grandmother when I guess when do you meet back up with Johnny do you do you

Leave your grandmother there or kind of what happens um so I started hitting my grandma and I already had duct tape and then you know John is doing his thing and you know I stop hearing Johnny doing whatever and so he comes in the room

With me and my grandma and um you know he helps me like tie up my grandma with the duct tape and and how do you tie how did you do that is just her hands or I got her hands I got her whole head and then I got her ankles okay with her

Hands I guess go behind her back so like just like this yeah okay and Johnny helped you tie her up yeah I mean I mostly did but I needed like a little bit of help because you know she was like you know moving around and stuff

And so he helped me a little bit and then he went back into my grandpa’s room and then where were you doing when he went back in your grandpa’s room he I was still with my grandma and then in her room yeah and then I dragged her

Into my grandpa’s room and then Johnny asked me to go get some knives so I got some knives from downstairs in the kitchen and I got three really big butcher knives I asked her for the code to her um safe cuz I already knew that

She had a safe in her closet I just didn’t know it was in the safe so I mean did she tell you yeah I mean like she kept saying like I’ll give you money I’ll give you my keys you know I’ll give you anything you want but um yeah she

She just kept was she able to talk with the duct tape around her face yeah like she was she was like mumbling you could you could still understand her but like at the same time you couldn’t like it wasn’t like her mouth was shut almost as

If it was like that okay almost as if like she could still move her mouth to make the words be on the table MH so we we left my Grandma sitting there on the floor and then I got the code to the safe so Johnny’s watching my grandpa and

My grandma and I’m over how’d you get that code did she tell you guys she told us okay um so she told us to code and you know I went in the closet cuz that’s where they kept the safe so you know I go in there you know I’m checking out

All the stuff and I grab the book bag and I just start stuff in the book bag with everything you know like there was envelopes just filled with money there was probably about like $1,000 that we found in that save that they were just saving and did you know about that money

Or you just said no well my grandma it was kind of weird like she was kind of giving me like an idea about it before like she was saying what if I just gave you ,000 would that just make the world a better place I’m just like no I don’t want

$1,000 you know so you know she kept saying that and then like when I saw it I was just like wow she actually had $1,000 in her like that’s crazy so you guys put that stuff in the bag and then uh basically Johnny’s in the in your grandpa’s room with your grandpa and

Your grandma in the room do you come back in there and say hey I got this stuff or what okay yeah I go back into the room and I tell him that got the stuff and so after that and then we drag my grandma into the bathroom and what was the reason for

That just to bring her the bathroom yeah I don’t know why we brought her back into the bathroom I guess we didn’t want to bring her into the bedroom okay so we just brought her into the bathroom um and then yeah and then Johnny

M and and she it was was kind of creepy cuz she was like scared to D she she sheded herself and PE herself oh did she it was kind of gross that was really so you said the last blow though was just like the last hit like that last hit

With the tire and who did that you were Johnny Johnny excuse me and then did you guys pretty much just leave the upstairs or yeah well we were just after that then we closed the doors and then we were just checking around seeing if everything was okay and then I

Started grabbing my clothes and start stuffing bags with my clothes and then Johnny’s you know walking around doing his thing checking to make sure that they were both dead and checking to make sure if we uh didn’t forget anything and yeah then we left and then we came back

To the house when you guys left where’ you guys go to we went over to like Kroger or Publix to go get something to eat and then we went back to the house and we just kind of like chilled there did you guys kind of just stay in the house then or yeah

It was kind of both we kind of like in and out of the house for a couple days it was just me and him we didn’t tell anyone I mean I told I told my friends that my grandparents went on a vacation for like 2 weeks um did you call some of your

Friends ever and say hey if you guys want to come over cuz I spoke to some people and that’s just the rumor going out that he said hey if you guys want to come over not for a party or anything but you know I got some money grandparents are out of Town after the murders took place Cassandra and Johnny lived in the home and went about their normal lives Cassandra went to her karate lessons while Johnny hung out with his friend they would spend their day shopping and dining at various restaurants then they would go home and spend the night only a

Few feet away from the bodies the couple continued living like this until they decided they wanted to murder Johnny’s family next conversation where you guys had that and you were talking about maybe getting out of town and stuff like that starting in your new life starting over

And whatnot yeah um how come you guys did stay well because this was the plan first we were going to get my grandparents you hot huh you hot yeah I want to give her the oh squishy things okay what your exercise stuff oh thank you um yeah so the reason why we stayed

In town was cuz the plan was we were going to get both of our families that’s why hold on what okay so the plan was that we were both going to get both of our families but first we got my grandparents then that’s why we went over to Johnny’s house and we attacked

His sister and her boyfriend cuz we were he wanted to kill his family okay so that’s like we stayed in town for a couple days cuz you know we wanted to get some money we wanted to get ready to leave and then that plan just going over

To his house kind of just like it didn’t work out at all it it just went it went downhill from there no there seems to be a pretty big gap yeah still though between your grandparents and then attacking his sister and the boyfriend was that kind of in the plan yeah to try

To get away with it for the week and then yeah kill them well we were really like going on like a week thing it was kind of just like a day to day kind of thing like what are we going to do today sort of thing but I

Mean we wanted to get out of town like as soon as possible course but just how it all just kind of timed out thank you so much didn’t really like it just I don’t know it didn’t really work out as we planned it to be oh so so there was

No so you guys basically stayed in town after your grandparents because the plan was then to kill Johnny’s family and maybe get some more money yes okay and it wasn’t like a set schedule on Saturday at 5:55 p.m. we’re going to go kill him but more of a day-to-day thing

Yeah I mean like you know we were we were just planning on doing it at night mainly okay so so what made you guys pick that night that you did it and not any of the other nights before was anybody going to be at the house that

Shouldn’t have been or were you waiting on someone in particular to be there with them who’s in Johnny’s family do you got a mom and a dad just a mom two sisters and that’s it okay and um yeah we were we were really like planning on like what time we were just

Kind of like just going how it went I guess m just seeing how it would go and then it it just kind of like really downhill from there okay um with the bear spray and everything the baseball bat the what spray we had like bear repellent that we bought from Bass Pro

Shop what was that for for the just to like get them away or to like kind of like knock them out that stuff is strong like yeah that stuff oh my gosh we have to get sprayed with like the obviously non bear spray and that stuff is strong

So did you spray it on them yeah we both did um well I mean Johnny did more he sprayed more because my bottle stopped working for some reason so I couldn’t like really use it and you know it was it was so crazy like it was just all

Rushed like it was just the spray was going everywhere and it was like like your eyes were burning like your whole body was burning it was so painful like and who did you guys spray who got sprayed with that uh one of Johnny’s sisters and her boyfriend was anybody

Else home no God were you waiting on them to get home yeah like that was the plan yeah cuz you obviously waited at your house to make sure Grandma went to bed and to both obviously I I assume your intention was to catch them while they were sleeping yeah and then with

Johnny’s House you went before everybody else got back for the night yeah cuz like our plan was like why didn’t you want to attack them while they were sleeping I’m not sure why we didn’t do that but um he kind of said it would be

A lot easier if we kind of just waited for them to each come home so then we could each of them knock them out yeah and it didn’t really go late that okay you guys talk about much about the incident actually at Johnny’s or no no I

We kind of segwayed into it just cuz I was wondering why they stayed in town so long but I didn’t realize that was the reason was because they were planning withing Johnny’s family too who whose idea was that was that also talked about at Petri Ridge Park yes that was

Johnny’s idea cuz then that’s why that’s the reason why he asked me if I wanted to kill my grandparents cuz he wanted to already kill his family and he was like let’s be Bonnie and Clyde H he said that yeah I was like okay that’s what I

That’s what I first said when uh cuz I’m the one that got called out to the scene initially and that’s the first thing that came out of my mouth so H and C mhm have you seen the movies of course you have or you haven’t yes of course I have

Of course you’re too young I I’m 29 and I have thank you yeah my mom was really into like old movies so as I was a child I used to watch like a lot of old movies I guess with your grandparents then we can move on to Johnny’s I

Mean did you was there like ever a snapping point or I mean do you feel bad about what happened do you think she deserves what happened or what you know how are you feeling right now I’m not in your shoes my grandparents I mean I feel terrible I

Mean I feel like the worst person on the planet but at the same time it’s it was kind of just like I don’t know I mean there was so much stuff going on between me and my grandparents already like I couldn’t I couldn’t handle it anymore you know

Like um like he said with his follow-up question though I mean did they deserve it did Grandma deserve it did Grandpa deserve it or was it kind of just more getting away from your own family it was more kind of just getting away car um so you don’t you don’t think that Grandma

Did anything I mean I was pretty pissed at her for you know the couple times that you know like she would call the cops on me for you know no reason sometimes or like um just like a lot of the stuff that she would say would be really

Offensive because they’ be about my mom who who did you have a cuz your your grandparents are essentially your parents at this point and they’ve been taking care of you for how many years and you you live with them it’s a day-to-day thing who did you have a more

Contentious relationship with who was the one you were butting heads with all the time my grandma your grandma more so than your grandpa yeah I couldn’t talk to my grandpa like like I I did not have a real good relationship with him like I you know before we did but then I don’t

Know like I wasn’t able to talk to him okay as much and he kind of like pushed me out pushed you out of his life a little bit do you think that maybe was it Johnny’s plan to you get your grandma and he get your grandpa or

Did you want to kind of get your grandma yourself because of your relationship like your your strained relationship it was sort of Johnny’s idea more I mean I don’t know I I didn’t I don’t think lady deserved it but I just wanted to get away from all

Of that you know like I was so tired of dealing with my family it it felt like I didn’t even have a family like it felt like they weren’t there like even though they tried to help it’s just like the way that they were kind of

Doing it was like I don’t know it didn’t really work out so I don’t know I I just I started feeling was your mom ever part of the plan of killing them I wanted to was it something you and Johnny discussed or is it something you just

Thought of well I mean we did discuss it but then Johnny was like no we can’t waste our time on them and I was like okay but I wanted to it appears that Cassandra was tired of dealing with her family and her intentions were not only to kill her

Grandparents but her mother as well had their plan been successful Cassandra and Johnny would have murdered seven people by the time they were done fortunately for their family the only people that were murdered were Cassandra’s grandparents what about the you guys had a scale and stuff like that in the bag M

Was that Johnny’s or yours those was Johnny’s the scale yeah yeah that was Johnny’s does he sell or just buy or what we were just using it just to make sure no one was like ripping off yeah ripping us off cuz sometimes like that’s what people would did cuz yeah we were

Smoking weed so the place we were yeah we were smoking weed and sometimes like our do you know what a plug is right yeah I didn’t know things were really old no no no I didn’t know if you guys knew like that term so yeah like sometimes like our plug would like

Shortest and we just you know wanted to make sure like she ever did you know so did she ever short you or no only a couple times I mean the reason why she was shorting us was cuz she was going to get me a phone so every time like we would buy

From her you know she would put in money to get me a phone H what kind of connect was she that she could get you a phone too she work at a phone store no she’s just this old lady old lady yeah she’s like this old

80 something year old lady she sells J she’s crazy I call her mama bear she was almost like a mom to me she’s pretty cool do you get is that at that mobile home place you buy That Dope From or no h is there a mobile

Home I don’t even know what it’s called I don’t think it’s the greatest area uh isn’t there a mobile home office Seer or you have no idea I’m talking where do she live she lives she lives over Swan I forgot what it’s called what the area they call That but yeah so oh yeah well give us a second you got to use a bathroom or anything or no sure even e at McDonald’s um yeah I’ll go to the detectives leave the room to regroup and go over any questions they may have missed when they

Return they want to know why Cassandra did what she did the thing is we can basically piece together kind of what happens based on the evidence and stuff like that but what we never can fully explain is why it happened or what happened um like the reasons that

Happened like why we did what we did yeah I mean the main reason why I did what I did was cuz I kind of just wanted to get away from my family how were you feeling so that was your plan going into it killing Grandma and Grandpa would get

You further away from your family yeah when you were actually attacking Grandma when you heard Johnny attacking Grandpa you said you got to rush yeah I had like this like kind of like this Rush where I was like okay like I’m ready to do this you know like you know like it’s you

Know going to happen there’s no going back so it wasn’t like a good Rush she was kind of just like kind of like okay like go time I I got to do this you know like I got to I got to do what I got to

Do no I’m not going to pretend I’m any expert in karate or anything like that I got a cousin who’s a Filipino world champion he’s pretty good at what he does in whatever art form he does it in um but I know a lot of it it’s kind of

That controlled aggression yeah okay um no lie that this was a pretty an attack on Grandma and Grandpa yes were you able to kind of control your aggression based on all your training over these years were you angry were you were you sad when it was going on what

Kind of kind of walk me through what was going in on in your head I mean was it like you said the rush where it’s go time I just need to do what the came here to do or was it like [ __ ] them they gave me curfew they deserved it it let’s

Get this [ __ ] going it’s both both honestly like like I mean I stopped doing kung fu for a while just cuz you know my mind wasn’t there you know I I just all of my feelings were and my emotions were all over the place and I wasn’t able to focus so that

Really affected you know my Kung Fu but when I was there you know like I don’t know like just all of my emotions kind of just like came out when it was happening like I was just angry and I was sad but I was heartbroken at the same time

You know cuz it was just like you know why did all of this stuff have to you know happen with my family you know like why did I have to deal with all this [ __ ] you know and it’s just I I just kind of really got tired of it and I

Couldn’t handle it anymore like I just kept exploding inside almost M like I wanted to just run away and just be by myself with someone you know and just start my life like I I was just tired of being and Grandma and Grandpa were your bigger Turles yeah just cuz

You know is that how you saw them as your biggest hurdles to being with Johnny no they were my biggest hurdles because a probation okay if I didn’t get probation like I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be in this like I don’t know like probation kind of really messed me up because you know I

Was going to get a job you know I was going to like start getting money just you know starting my life and once I got probation and it kind of just like really messed up everything you know like I had to be home at a certain time

And I couldn’t do as much stuff as I you know used to do and you know that really made me angry because you know I used to just be able to do whatever you know I wanted to you know like when you uh during this whole week kind of in between um

You guys obviously took Grandma’s credit card you swiped it a bunch right did you ever get denied when you were trying to swipe it no we tried to take cash out but then we found out it was a debit card okay that’s the only reason why we get denied

You got $11,000 in cash did you spend it all or do you have it all we spent it all okay on food money weed and the money you were going to potentially get from Johnny’s family was going to be what you were going to start new with

Yeah where where are you going to go afterwards we’re going to go like to Florida okay anywhere in particular maybe like Pensacola Panama City just somewhere you know where we could just like Escape yeah just somewhere where we could just kind of like Escape reality cuz I got you this

Kind of just all I’ve been wanting to do for such a long time which is escape reality or kill G well no no no not kill them kind of just like escape from everything you know just start my life you you know like I don’t know like

Just I just wanted to move on from everything just my family you know like I I couldn’t be around them because just everything that you know we’ve all been through you know it’s just so much betrayal and life did Johnny have a similar relationship with his family or

Was his more of a beneficiary kind of thing he wanted their money and well um the way I saw their relationship was um his mom you know would get on him a lot saying you know like you’re not doing anything with your life and blah BL blah

When he had like he just got out of jail he had two jobs he was back in school he you know he was you know getting his [ __ ] together right and then you know his mom kept saying you know like you’re just worthless you know you’re not doing

Anything kind of putting him down yeah so it it’s more of a hostile relationship between between them with that Cassandra claimed that no one was allowed at her grandparents home after they were murdered but the detectives have evidence that she threw multiple parties while her grandparents bodies

Were locked in their rooms we got a problem man I Mean as you know I’m a cool dude so is she okay I’ve been doing this longer than you’ve been alive okay I’m a no bullshitter I don’t know what those da investigators I don’t know what type of you know how many times they talked you’re that uh we’re different in that

Aspect okay I’m cool as [ __ ] with you if you’re cool as [ __ ] with me but once lying and stuff like that starts I have a problem I believe that there were people at that house okay if it was it was probably only such I mean I just

Want no if or anything like like that unfortunately you’re you’re in this okay there’s no you know there’s no saving face right now you know so a lot of this was on the news Okay as you could imagine okay so he’s been getting phone calls about you

Inviting people over to your house okay so who was there the only person who I can think of would be there would be sunshine and her boyfriend okay so sunshine has a boyfriend what’s Sunshine’s boyfriend’s name Alex pear Alex Pearson Peterson yeah Peterson white dude black dude white how old is he

20 where’s he say at think right down the road for me golf receiver yeah now again you’re saying you think they showed up I mean you have to is that video from during that time frame do you know it might have been I don’t know I mean you you remember pretty good

Details I don’t see how you forget this is your grandma going to let real talk is your grandma going to let Johnny Alex and sunshine over at her house no they didn’t she didn’t even know about them okay I mean she knew about Johnny but she didn’t know about so for all these

People to be inside your house we’re going to both have to assume that it was after you guys killed your grandparents I’ll be straight up dude we heard about a conversation that that took place uh inside there where someone was bitching about the smell and Johnny’s like no dude it’s just sewage

There’s a sewage problem upstairs is this not that never came up now that could be rumors you know when kids talk rumors that never was a conversation that came up the only only people who came over to the house was sunshine and Alex so they did come over to the house

After you killed your grandparents yeah I mean all of it was like one big rush you know I don’t remember what day they came over but I’m not asking for a day I’m just asking for in seven days after you guys killed your grandparents and before you went to go

Attack Johnny’s family yeah sunshine and Alex were at your house yes what did you guys do we just SM some okay did you order food no if we got hungry we would have left and got something to eat but the conversation with the smell and the sewage that well just don’t don’t hang

Up on there that’s just rumor people in high school talk a lot of a lot of crap and that’s just rumors that I heard uh I I knew somebody I mean I’ve seen videos and things like that and I pretty much knew somebody was in that house why would you

Protect them and not tell me about it let me ask you a question you killed grandma and grandpa with Johnny Johnny you said glues and what we know to be [ __ ] cock’s the doors was that immediately after or was that before people came over it was before

People came over I even poured bleach on them before he did you P bleach on Grandma and Grandpa yeah and you left one of the bleach bottles in the bathroom next to Grandma yeah why did you pour bleach on them Johnny told me to for the

Smell okay so when did you pour the bleach on them it was like a couple days after like it was like before we left the house to go go chill with some friends like we did it before anyone came over to the house okay so you kill Grandma and

Grandpa you basically grab all your [ __ ] and put it downstairs did that happen the same day yes okay at some point you’re chilling downstairs with Johnny you end up like let’s have some people over Johnny tells you to pour bleach on them yeah you pour bleach on them yeah

Where did you put Grandpa bleach bottle we use the same bleach bottle okay so you bleach grandpa first yeah then you bleach grandma and then you throw the bottle in the trash can in the bathroom I don’t remember so it’s like a all right let me it’s more like a Windex

Bottle then it is like a tub of bleach okay and then Johnny [ __ ] the doors yes after you bleach them yes several days after you killed them yes and that was because it smelled and you were having people over we weren’t intending to have any people over we only had Sunshine

Alex come over just that one day cuz we were like you know it was only a couple days after so we thought it was going to be okay like it didn’t smell in the house do they know that your grandparents were upstairs no they have

No idea they had no idea I told them that they were on vacation did they go upstairs at all no how long did they stay there for just for like a few hours they came really late at night who else came over it was just sunshine you said

We only thought sunshine and Alex were coming that was it was just them no one else came to the house what the detectives find interesting is how easily Cassandra was able to lie about having people over it wasn’t until they showed her evidence that she was lying

That she finally told the truth if lying is that easy for Cassandra what else is she lying about as I stated before the police would eventually find out that Cassandra was a mastermind behind the murders and if she headed her way there would have been seven bodies instead of

Two okay let me ask you this then you literally have showed no emotion towards your grandparents and I don’t have a problem like I don’t know the life that you were having and I guess I can kind of understand that you wanted to sever that part of your life and start over

Again okay but why are you showing emotion with when I brought up sunshine what the hell is this chick you know what I’m saying she’s just a close friend she was there most of the time when I was going through the stuff with my parents so she’s really close to me not

As close as Izzy though like did Izzy come over no does she know what happened no did you tell anyone what happened not a person no one knew I told everyone that my grandparents left on vacation why were you even telling people that your grandparents left to

Let them come over because my grandma kept texting everyone saying to look out for me you me to see where I was cuz you know after she kicked me out she started texting all of my friends and everyone saying look out for Cassie you know tell

Her to come home and then I told people I went home and then I told them that they weren’t home they left a note and the key saying that they were going on vacation for 2 weeks did you text anyone one on grandma’s phone yes pretending to

Be Grandma yes what did who did you text just siia okay and who’s that to you she’s a family member in California okay so you texted Sylvia what did you say to Sylvia she kept asking is everything okay because she just started freaking out like that my grandma wasn’t texting

Her and so I started texting her saying everything’s fine where did you take Grandma’s phone from was it on her nightstand was it in her it was on her nightstand okay did you take it before or after you hit her with the tire it was like in the middle in the middle so

She couldn’t call them1 one yeah know we made sure that they couldn’t call them one no one else came to the house Cassandra and Johnny would both be charged with two counts of murder the family decided they did not want to go through the trial process and relive those terrible moments so prosecution

Offered them a deal in exchange for their guilty plea they would both be sentenced to life in prison with parole after 60 years I would love to hear your thoughts on this case who do you think was The Mastermind was it Johnny or Cassandra I’m going to stick these in your bag

Okay okay for all that stuff we did you with your prints and they they took the swab and all that stuff I just can’t take it I got to get a search War okay you understand what do you mean I did it but what I’m saying is I had to get a search

Warrant to do that I can’t just take those items this is a search warrant that I got to take those items to take your fingerprints the swab and she took some pictures right yeah okay so I’m going to stick this in here you know can read

It and as for the incident that happened with at Johnny’s Place you’re charged with uh 2 counts of EG assault and so is Johnny because of what happened there okay MH uh and obviously with your grandparents now you you’re being charged with uh I give

You yeah these two I’ll serve I gave you two more two more anyways you’re being in charge of malice murder for your grandmother and then malice murder for your grandfather okay it’s just the two warrants on there I just like I told you I’m a straight shooter and I’m just

Letting you know about that okay and obviously you know my name if you want to talk later on down the road or whatnot you’re more than welcome to to call me okay my information’s in here so okay Officer Duty now going to transport you to the jail so is there

Someone who can WRA this better we can probably get that done by the nurse they have nurses at the jail I hate to make you hurt even worse if you can just the Jail’s literally right around the block it’ll take two seconds and then it can okay which way um go here


  1. Happy Holidays to Everyone! If you believe this channels has earned a subscription, this is a thank you in advance.

  2. This girl has been so damaged. There's zero excuse for her actions. None zero zip. But I almost can feel her damaged spirit. 😢

  3. Thats not how bonnie and clyde were🤔 they loved there families and even the people they did kill they didnt set out to just kill people and it was a very different time. Read a fuckn book and learn history

  4. she wanted to get away from everything she was dealing with, now she will be dealing with an even rougher time for the rest of her life. she could have taken that thousand her gma was offering and just left. talk about getting mad because of a curfew, now she will be in a cage.

  5. And just cant figure why these demons are setting in prisons playing cards, getting 3 meals a day to live out they lives on someone else funding. There is some cases that should be a pass to a front seat for a
    Long long long sleep.

  6. She is deeply damaged but also she’s very smart, she was trying to lessen the punishment by saying certain things. She knew she wasn’t getting away Scott free. Scary kid

  7. My thoughts here: I was mentally, physically and sexually abused by a wicked stepmother for nearly 20 straight years so bad that I am still (at the age of 37) so traumatized by that I can't even speak or read her name. I had to literally sneak out of that house to finally run away from it. The amount of times that I actually thought about killing that woman AFTER I left (never once before) is literally uncountable now, but the thing is that evil woman is still alive. There is not one manic bone in my body that could possibly hurt a single human being on this planet. I honestly believe that all kids are this good, and ALL it takes is for one kid to say to another kid who's in a bad situation "Hey I heard about this, and this might be possible" to put that wicked thought into a kids head for to even be a possibility. Kid's minds are so fragile and so impressionable, and they're too dumb to the world to know of any better real world solutions to avoid this tragedy – like literally just running away like I did. Its sad. We need better community/ school help to look for these things in kids, badly.

  8. Her grabbing that drink with a bandaged arm got me. Doesn’t that turn the lights on for her and be like damn. How I get here

  9. The male officer was the worst! Every time he did anything it felt counterproductive, him even walking out the room for a minute was weird timing. They should have kept him out

  10. What percentage of psychotic teens are among us in this country? At what point does a society become seriously concerned about teens with psychotic tendencies? The crazy thing is not knowing how bad this phenomenon is progressing.

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