Russ the Tar Heel’s Thoughts on Dave Doeren’s Comments | Both Sides Need to Hear Me Out

Dave Doeren’ds comments about UNC to his players in the locker room have become a hot topic once again as Coach Mack Brown alluded to them in his NSD presser. But how do I feel about those comments? The answer may be different than you think.

#unc #northcarolina #tarheels #russthetarheel #tarheelnation #carolina #goheels #mackbrown #ncstate #ncstatefootball #ncsu #wolfpack #davedoeren

You don’t want n you don’t n what’s going on Tar Hill Nation it is your favorite North Carolinian Russ the Tar Hill and this offthe cuff um huddle I guess you could call it man I just want to talk about a recent hot button topic it’s national Signing Day um coach

M brown alluded to I guess now it’s about 3 weeks later um Dave doran’s comments uh post un CNC State um what he said to his players in the locker room and I just wanted to touch on that real quick I guess um some people haven’t already heard my take on

This and I just want to go ahead and preface it with this um I’m not going to be sticking up for ma Brown and I’m not going to be sticking up for Dave Dorne in this okay um you know I am a fan obviously of the North Carolina Tar

Hills all right but I want to come to this with not a biased approach um I’m coming it to I’m coming to you as a man all right and I’m going to tell you what I think about this now I’m a former athlete um I never played college ball I

Played High School um I was a two-time honorable mention and onetime allconference safety at a small Private School in North Carolina um and I was also All Conference shortstop at the same school all right so I I was an athlete all right I played Sports um but

My sports career ended After High School so I kind of know a little bit about what goes on inside a locker rooms how coaches talk to their athletes and I understand that 2023 is different than the early 2000s when I played high school but I am who I am and I’m not

Going to change I don’t change with the times um you know uh because that’s just not how I’m built all right I am who I am I’m rust thear Hill and I’m not going to change my team’s not going to change my stance on things is not going to change unless obviously you

Give me a compelling reason why I need to change said stance now about Dave doran’s comments okay if if uh um if you haven’t heard already and let let me just go ahead and say this too I’m I’m pretty sure there’s going to be a lot of

Carolina fans I’ve already seen some on some of the message boards and some other people giv their two cents about Dave Dorne and his comments and Carolina fans are just like well you know then I I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore because we don’t agree it’s

Okay if we disagree all right we can disagree and we can still be friends all right as long as you know there’s no character flaws there’s no morality issues anything like that we can disagree about a topic and still be friends so you know don’t be so uh quick

To um you know go either way all right I’m not defending m brown and I’m not defending Dave Dorne all right I’m just coming to you as a man Russ atar Hill and I’m going to tell you what I think about his comments okay so like I said

I’m coming at this from a Fan’s perspective and as a former athletes perspective now if you haven’t heard already after NC State smashed North Carolina okay Dave Dorne went into his locker room and he said something along the lines of and I’m paraphrasing but this is basically the statement that he

Made it’s been 14400 and something days since those pieces of over there beat us that’s what he said and so what has come to light if you will is this notion that Dave Dorne was calling the North Carolina players pieces of now I can understand why somebody would off

The Jump think that that’s what was transpiring do I think that Dave Dorne thinks that you know the 11 15 whatever players that are on the practice squad Walk-Ons scholarship athletes do I think that Dave Dorne really walks around every day and he thinks that those guys

Are pieces of no I don’t okay I don’t at all just like I don’t think that the NC State players are pieces of I don’t that’s not what I believe taking the context of what he’s saying that’s not what I believe that he was trying to convey okay what Dave Dorne

Was and this sounds I hate this because it sounds like I’m sticking up for this guy listen to me I hate NC State I despise them I am a Tar Hill through and through all right but I’m not just going to I’m not just going to jump on the

Bandwagon okay because that’s the easy thing to do I’m not I’m not a uh I’m not a bandwagon guy okay I’m going to give it to you exactly how I see it now if something else comes to light then I will happily change said stance but Ma

Brown brought up in his press conference that he uh he didn’t mention him by name and he didn’t even mention the school but anybody familiar with the situation knows what he’s talking about he’s talking about Dave Dorne talking to his players in the locker room after NC State beat

Carolina and he said you know uh that this is 3 weeks after the fact you know and he said that uh you know Dave Doran called all those players pieces a and uh that their parents and said players didn’t appreciate it and M Brown said he apologized to the kids for that

Etc etc now you know I had one of the players for Carolina uh their parents allegedly I don’t know they said that they were their parents and they left me a long stinking uh comment because you know I had uh pointed out that their kid was

Playing out a position in one of my videos and and that he was targeted as a weak spot on the defense and they didn’t like that you know and they took it as that I was targeting that kid um you know personally and I wasn’t we’re talking about in the context of football

You know and I alluded to the fact that he was playing out of position and I also alluded to the fact that what he was attempting to do was honorable but if you’re the weak spot you’re the weak spot and in the in the In the Heat of battle you know when

We’re talking and we’re talking about Athletics man okay you know this is why it’s so important to have the context you can’t just read in life okay when people report things you cannot just read a statement one single sentence and you say oh my goodness I

Can’t believe they said that it is so imperative for you to do research and get the context and sometimes people are going to say things things that you say ah maybe I wouldn’t have said that per se but at the same time you know you need to be reasonable that’s just my

Personal opinion on it if Mack Brown said the same thing about you know NC stay after he beat him which he hasn’t in three years then I would have said the same thing that I said in my video talking about Dave Dorne statements you know I like the fact that there’s a

Rival aspect to this I like the fact fact that we don’t like each other okay and I believe personally that the context of what Dave dor was saying is he was talking about the school he’s talking about his rival he’s not talking about the kids per se he’s not

Individually pointing at each individual kid and saying hey you’re a piece of no he’s talking about the school he’s talking about his rival and in that context I don’t have a problem with what he said now once again you know we don’t have to agree all right we don’t have to

Agree it’s okay you can have your opinion and I have my opinion okay but I’m an athlete and I’ve had people say those kind of things to me and you know what I did I used it as ammunition I didn’t feel sorry for myself I didn’t go

Tell my mom and dad you know I’m just built different that’s just how we’re built man I’m from fville okay um you know the people that I grew up around we’re we’re not we don’t get really caught up in our emotions man I I that’s

The best way to to to put it okay as long as you don’t put your hands on me I really don’t care what you say about me personally it’s water off my back you know but I don’t even think that he was attacking each one of these kids

Personally he’s attacking the school and in that context I don’t have any problem with what he said okay so if you do then okay okay Ma Brown obviously did you know and that’s his prerogative but once again you know what I would say from a personal point of view is that I believe

That that in of itself is the problem the problem is is that opposed to you know either saying hey that’s not even true about me so what do I care about what you say you know the only reason that it hurts is because you allow it to hurt

You know what I’m saying what if Carolina goes to NC State next year and they end up whooping their ass and he gets to the podium and he says hey he’s who’s the POS now see that’s that’s how you handle this situation that’s how you handle it you don’t get you don’t get

All emotional about somebody calling you something let’s just say that he was personally attacking them okay I’m not going to devote my time and my energy at fixing some guy’s comments it’s not what I’m going to do I’m going to devote my time and energy to beating that guy so

That he can’t say that anymore and then I can get to that Podium and I can say hey who’s the POS now that’s what I’m going to do and I think that that’s where the energy and focus should be on and and and I’m going to be honest with

You man the fact that this comes to light three weeks after the fact I put a video about you know talking about Dave doran’s comments literally you know uh two and a half weeks ago because thought that it was something that need to be needed to be addressed then you know and

I I told you my stance on it has not changed at all I thought it was great because I got it in context that is the context he’s talking about his rival he’s talking about his school and I don’t have any problem if Carolina says that about State and I don’t have any

Problem if state says that about Carolina this is football man it’s football okay it’s not politics it’s not bad Mitten it’s not the Golf Club it’s football okay we’re talking about go guys putting pads on and attempting to uh make each other unconscious all right if you’ve never played football before that’s what

You’re trying to do and it’s not that you’re trying to hurt people but the goal is to make sure that people understand that you’re here okay that’s what football is about man that’s what football is about it is a hard nose Sport and if you look at the history of

Football the reason that it was even developed as a as a game per se was to mimic war and a lot of people don’t like that you know they’re oh well that you know I mean that that can’t possibly be right no it is it is a form of getting

Aggression out that is built up in every red blooded American man you know that’s and that’s why guys play it that’s why we love it that’s why we like to watch it you know that’s what it is and like I said you know you may not agree with my take on

This but like I’ve told you from the beginning I’m going shoot you straight and uh if you so decide hey I can’t support you anymore then I mean it’s no sweat off my back at the end of the day man it’s really not okay because I do

This because I enjoy doing this and um you know I’m proud to be from North Carolina so this is what I would encourage you to do whether you agree with me or you don’t agree with me okay go back and listen to what Dave Dorne

Said and I want you to put your NC State bias aside trust me I hate them I despise them and I’m talking about within the context of Athletics do I really despise Dave Doran as a person no I don’t I don’t and I don’t despise any

NC State player as a person but when they put that uniform on it’s different it’s different bro it’s different and that’s that’s how it is supposed to be that’s what makes it fun but if I saw Dave Dorne out here struggling or something I would look man this PE I

Would help him okay because he’s a human being I don’t have any issue necessarily with him as a person unless he’s being a jerk to me obviously okay or any NC State football player out here that was struggling they needed my help I would go and help them cuz now we’re not

Talking about what in the context of sports talking about being people and human beings so you say why do you not have a problem with what was be what was said because I’m looking at it from the context of he’s not talking about the individual kids okay if he was talking

About the individual kids I would say yeah that’s not cool dude but am I going to lose sleep over it let’s just say that I’m on the the UNC football team you know am I like oh man you know I personally you know I got to go talk to

Somebody about this because I’m hurt no I’m not I’m personally not now look I’m also coming up from the perspective of this man all right I was in the Army for seven years I know all about being yelled at and called names okay um my profession right now okay people don’t like

Me it’s no sweat off my back man all right some people like me you know a lot of people like me but there are people who don’t like me you know and they call me all kinds of names and sometimes while I’m in the middle of trying to

Help them there’s no sweat off my back man because I don’t get hurt by words so you know I think that that’s a uh it’s a characteristic that my father instilled into me and I’m very happy for that because things that seem to bother other people they don’t bother me I I actually

Don’t understand why you know people get offended by them but that’s just my personal opinion man that’s just the life that I’ve I’ve lived those are my experiences in this world and um you know I got more important things to worry about than whether or not you

Think I’m a piece of or not it’s water off my back bro so I mean that’s that’s my two cents man like I said some of you may disagree that’s fine still love you bro there’s no hard feelings you know there’s no reason that me and

You can’t chop it up and be friends that’s just my take on it all right and um you know if you want to actually get to the the nitty-gritty of it I think that North Carolina as a program in the context of football could uh use a

Little bit more of that disdain you know towards that program in said football now if Dave Doran comes out and he says Hey listen I was specifically talking about each one of those kids then yeah I got an issue with it but I’m still not stinking losing sleep over over it guys

So anyway let me know down in the comments sections what you you think man let me know if you agree or disagree it’s okay either way I understand man and uh if a couple of the subscribers go down hey bro I get it you know I’m going

To still wake up in the morning and go and do my job and I’m still going to go to sleep at night and I won’t stink a bad an eye man because it’s my opinion all right so anyway Tar Hill Nation I love you guys man and I’ll catch you on

The next one baby [Applause] I


  1. Pack fan here. I agree with your comments. Problem for your team is, we believe Unc is our rival. You guys think Duke is your rival. We get pumped everytime we play yall in any sport. For me, its always been like that. And yes, I despise Carolina too. Btw, coach Brown didn't say anything when Maye made his statements about us. We remember. I also played football in high school. I'm a Gulf War Veteran and been talked about and called every name in the book. You guys need to get fired up. We are!! Nice video.

  2. Hey Coach Brown,
    I don't like nc fake. Because they will cheer for duke.
    Go beat Nc Fake. Then their mouth goes shut !
    Stop losing to nc fake

  3. I think Dave was talking about UNC and everything/everyone that’s associated with them. I don’t think he wishes any harm to the players or coaches. I don’t have a problem with what he said – he’s welcome to his opinion. I try not to point out any particular player and his play – that’s just my way of thinking.

  4. as a born and raised tarheel fan and a current Virginia tech student I hate Nc state but I agree with you! Look out for my input on the post Bball game my guy.

  5. Even Wolfpack diehards thought the POS remark was over-the-top for a "church-going family man with traditional values". He did call Mack to apologize but still he should have realized locker rooms get recorded by someone all the time. Some people will eagerly construe UNC are POS for naming their stadium for a man who literally slaughtered African-Americans. The academic and other scandals were very low points in the UNC-CH's otherwise remarkable history but it remains a pantheon of public universities. And who did NCSU call for our own Dennis Smith Jr. scandal? Same law firm UNC-CH used. NCSU and Duke have a strange, secret love affair that started with Jimmy V and Coach K (or was it Vic Bubas?) but that's a tale for another time

  6. I dont mind Doeren's passion, but his comment was classless. But i do wish Mack had more passion like Doeren. And I agree use it for ammunition next year and get the best out of your players.

  7. I think what he said this year has basically guaranteed that Unc is going to kick the shit out of state 2024. As a shit talker myself there have been moments where I have said a bit to much and someone ends up proving me wrong or humbling me…I think this is that moment for Dorien.

  8. Doeren is trying to get NC State some attention b/c he knows it's not a National brand like UNC. No matter how good NC State, K-State, Mich State, AZ State, Fl State,T -A&M, etc do. They will be always be overshadowed by their University Of Schools, Period. UNC=Yankees NC State=Mets.

  9. Dave Doeren has been a lot saltier this year. I didn't like what he said regarding Steve Smith and thought he should apologize because there was no expectation of privacy when he said it. Maybe he thought his locker room speech was private, but since it got out he should realize his comments were not a good representation for the university. I think he should make a public apology, not because it may have hurt the feelings of Tarheel players and parents, but because it was a negative reflection on NC State University.

  10. As a state fan I appreciate your perspective. I’m close to my unc fan patents and we root for each other outside this game because this game matters. I want to us to beat a good and successful UNC team because who cares about trouncing a bad rival? Similarly I did track and XC but not a contact sport in high school. State wins in 2021 and 2022 were more meaningful because of the fight than this year IMO. Mack whining about stuff is so weak and is like complaining against horns down with Texas. If your rival “plants” a flag in your field after an upset, put up or shut up. Don’t lose 39-20 then whine about the meanie heads talking smack. I want to beat UNC as a dog when they are trying for a title. Not beating them down when they’ve tanked 3/4 of their last games. Rivalries matter when there are stakes.

  11. Mack Brown needs to stop whining and start winning on the field. As an athlete, I can appreciate how you motivate your team/family in the locker room.

  12. Pack fan here: great take. respect. its media spin attempt by Mack. He is a hall of fame coach and no dummy. 3+ weeks later to come out with this after state has a great transfer portal year… no coincidence. ESPN picked this up and pushed it hard. we'll see if this helps or hurts Mack's case in the coming year

  13. Pack fan here. Drake Maye said the only reason people go to State is because they can’t get into Carolina. The biggest pushback Drake got from Pack fans is the fact he apologized. 71st class of 79 living in Georgia.

  14. Nevertheless Russ you don't disrespect a prominent rival in such a gauche manner. Such statements can be interpreted as an insult about the quality of athletes on that rival's entire team, each individual player on that team, and frankly I've never heard any UNC coach make such statements about State players or their coaching staff, at least in a manner that would become fodder to create animus among the two teams and could possibly lead to on the field violence the next time they play each other. No wonder every Carolina athlete of any sport's team unanimously agrees they hate State even more so than Duke who I suspect has demonstrated overwhelming respect for Carolina as a rival in any particular sport. I'm sure Doeren meant the school as a whole but don't expect all these young players, some mere teenagers, not to think the insult was meant for each member of the team and being not yet sophisticated enough to determine the nuance of it, and that he didn't intend the epithet for each individual on the team.

  15. Hey bud! You popped up on my feed probably coming out of all the other videos I’ve watched on our game a few weeks ago. I’m a State alum. I feel the same way. If Mack said it about us, in the same context, it wouldn’t bother me.

    Selective outrage in society today. Like you said, anyone who has played sports knows locker room talk especially after a game is raw.

    I think this was move by Mack to try and get some edge back after a few losses. Don’t blame him.

    Merry Christmas brother!

  16. If this was going to be addressed by Mack, it should have been addressed after DD stated to his players. Motivation and trash talking is part of the game. I'm a UNC fan, but I would just use it as motivation.

  17. Mack Brown is a reflection of how soft the UNC football program is right now. Instead of getting your feelings hurt lets figure out a way to make DD suck on those words next year. Pathetic Mack. Just pathetic.

  18. You dont see Peyton Wilson apologizing for his comments like Drake had to do. The culture difference between the 2 programs right now is staggering.

  19. Number 1, Dave called Mack Brown weeks ago and apologized, Number 2, Mack was pissed because Keenan flipped to State so he threw Dave under the bus. Instead, he should have focused his statements about the young men signing with Carolina, Number 3, Mack said he has never heard a coach call someone a piece of S***. Well, that statement in itself is a lie. You can't tell me in all the years of football, Mack Brown has coached he never heard cussing in a locker room … That is BS. I agree with your take. It was in the heat of the moment over a win against your rival. If Mack said the same about NC State, it would just give me fuel for the next time we played.

  20. Mack Brown looks soft. Imagine 25 days later bringing up NC State and Doeren on a day which should be about you and your program. Yes I am a Pack fan, but even Larry Fedora would have understood. Brown is just upset recruits are flipping from UNC to State.

  21. Mack was taking up for his players, staff, and institution. He had to do it publically and be the adult in the room. As a Tarheel we always should defend the family and set the record straight. Get behind coach. Its who we have and lets win on the field in chapel hill next year. Merry Christmas Tarheels

  22. If anyone should know about "No Class", it's uncch and their 30+ years of fake classes. It's unfortunate that the recording got out. A locker room should be as private as a church confessional, especially after a rival game as intense as this one is and especially when one fan base hates the other with the intensity of 1000 suns. I'm pretty sure Roy Williams (who is as big a redneck as any State fan ever thought about being), wasn't telling his players how wonderful the State guys are (at least when he isn't trying to shoot us in the rear with his BB gun). This is such a non story and the old man bringing it up a month after it happened is quite frankly, PATHETIC.

  23. Mack Brown used to be one of the good guys in sports, hopefully he won't go Rudy Giuliani on us. Dave Doeren was OBVIOUSLY not referring to UNC's young men (maybe Drake Maye a little). How quickly everyone forgets the idiotic comment that Drake Maye made, not understanding that NCSU is an engineering/STEM school whose students have ZERO desire to attend UNC.

  24. Brown is a whiny loser in his old age. You got you're tail kicked this year, Mack. Twice by teams that didn't belong on the field with you. Pack it in, Lard Gut. You're going to run Carolina into the ground just like you did at Texas.

  25. Since NCSU has won more than 70% of the games in the last 17 years, UNC needs to win at least 3 in a row before it becomes a "rivalry" again. Beating UNC every year is boring.

  26. I'm an NC State grad and fan; and I didn't care for DD's comments. But you have a great perspective. Agreed – rivalries make things more fun!

  27. I completely agree, and I thought the State fans who got upset about Drake Maye comments were soft. IT’S A RIVALRY!! if you’re going to be soft as a program, you’re probably not going to win important games

  28. Spot on take. Mack needs to grow some balls. As a former athlete, I would pissed if he was my coach and was complaining about a rival coach’s comment. The competitor in me would handle business on the field. Mack’s comment says everything about the current football culture at UNC.

  29. Well said. 71st and Pack alum here. Doeren has taken over this rivalry and Mack is only adding fuel to the fire waiting 3 weeks to speak up.

  30. As a UNC fan myself, from Goldsboro N.C., I like a little spice in a rivalry too…Mack needs to stop with the apologies and quit coddling these players! They are 18 to 20 something yrs old. I'm sure they have heard curse word's before…this is the weak culture that needs to change! Also, the not practicing in pads before the NC State game was once again being soft on the team and that's exactly how they played. Soft! ✌️

  31. I agree with this russ all day long this is football period if you never played you will never understand these types of conversations 💯

  32. NC State grad, and Dad of NC State grad here – Thanks for being objective and having a balanced attitude about this issue. Personally I wish DD had used different words, but in the context it shouldn’t be a big deal at all.

  33. I Guess Mack Brown Got Some Bad Information From A Reporter. Until He Beats State He Can't Say Anything. I Remember You Was Saying After The Game You Was Saying About Coaching And Culture, And It's So True. PS Those Words Should Be Motivated Next Year. It's Just Childs Play.

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