Massive Change To Worlds in 2025

In this video, I bring you the latest on the massive update to Disc Golf Worlds in 2025 in Europe. Whether or not this is good, is yet to be determined.

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We breakdown the news about the European Open and the Disc Golf Pro Worlds in 2025 and what that means. I hope you enjoy this breakdown. Thanks for watching!

Credit: @DiscGolfProTour

00:00 Intro
00:14 About The 2025 Worlds Update
00:55 European Open Outlook
01:59 Major Change In Disc Golf History
02:28 Why Did PDGA Do This
03:26 Tampere Course Concerns
04:01 Conclusion

#discgolf #worlds #breakdown

Instagram: “Wild Runs Disc Golf”

What is up we have some very very exciting news about what is going on with the 2025 worlds I definitely did not see this coming but I’m also very glad that it actually is let’s get into It all right so if you couldn’t tell the European open is on behind me and that is because this exact course the Beast will be the 2025 World course at least half of it and the PDGA just announced this I was definitely not expecting it I didn’t even think we’re thinking about

2025 worlds uh slots yet but I am betting that there is a lot more at play here than what meets the eye and I will get into that later but what was stated is that the Beast right here at this course uh which is the European open

Course and the Tay Disc Golf Center will be the two courses at Worlds in 2025 so this is also very intriguing because what is going to happen to the European open for 2025 but is actually going to be hosted in Estonia where the European disc golf Championship was not the

European open but the Disc Golf Championship uh I think that’s what the name was so the European open will actually be hosted at that course which is a pretty nice course I I liked it I liked watching Kristen just totally Dominate and then not dominate but whatever so I think that course is

Definitely pretty cool uh but there is a couple of things with it it doesn’t really seem like it’s that difficult I feel like a lot of the holes were very short um and I don’t know if there’s going to be other courses involved in the European open but whatever the case

Is we get two majors in Europe totally not on my radar did not see that coming whatsoever um I’m actually looking at this now I think you can see a little bit of black border so maybe this was a fail cuz my refresh rate is just a

Little bit off but with that said I am so excited to get two majors in Europe it has felt like this is a long time coming and actually stat Mando said this is not the first time that worlds has been outside the US because in like

1989 it was hosted in Ontario so like I mean I guess this isn’t the first outside of the US worlds but it sure does feel like it but this also kind of marks the first event in dis golf history where Pros even like top Elite Pros will have to decide if they’re

Going to go to Worlds that has never really been the case before everyone that is able to go to Worlds does go but when it is across the pond you have to wonder is that still going to be the case are people really going to be willing to fly to Europe for potentially

Like say a month if they’re doing uh European open worlds and maybe another uh Elite Series uh I don’t really know but it is very very interesting that they did this and looking a little bit deeper since this was dealing with Majors dealing with the PDGA this to me

Seems very indicative of the PDGA did not want to have such bad press about totally ignoring Europe they didn’t want to deal with that they probably didn’t have a whole lot of slots open for worlds like I bet there probably wasn’t a lot of applicants to even picked from

Uh so they saw UC doing European open stuff and they were like honestly yeah let’s let’s let it rip let’s do it and I’m very excited that they went down that route but it also is kind of hilarious that they kind of had to backpedal Super hardcore acknowledge

That the European Disc Golf Scene is a thing not only that but have Worlds at Europe and the European open also occur in the same area at the same time uh lots of fun stuff and I definitely don’t think this will just erase all the wrongdoings that the pdj had for the

Champions Cup and the placement of that interfering with the entire European swing uh I don’t think that is the case but this definitely does kind of give a little bit more Credence to the pdj actually knowing what they’re doing and I’m very excited about that there are a

Couple of things with the second course at Worlds the tempay Disc Golf Center uh looking at udisk there is a lot of complaints about poor signage uh there’s holes at crisscross Fairways there’s a lot of people complaining about grass being way too damp and making it kind of

Like impossible to play uh so I am very interested to see if that is an issue I very much could see that being an issue like say the mid- America open Harmony bins that course is just a total nightmare because there’s just no great way to play if it’s been rainy and it

Sounds like that is definitely the case of this course uh so I don’t really know how you fix that uh the signage I’m sure this going to be fixed not really going to be an issue but with that said I am very very interested to see how it all

Plays out and obviously I bet there’s going to be a lot of Americans that are very upset with this call saying like my family is in the US I can’t just fly to Europe for a month like I I just can’t feasibly do that and there is definitely

A very fair case for that but also it’s been the same case for Europe so now the pdj has officially made their stance that they do prioritize European players and the entire European swing even if it doesn’t really feel like it at times so with that said what do you guys think

Are you excited that we get two two freaking majors in the year of 2025 or do you kind of just not care cuz you’re not really a pro Toro player it doesn’t really matter where they play as long as you get to watch great disc golf I’d

Love to know uh but with that said this is going to be very interesting thank you so much for watching wild runs signing out Peace Oh


  1. Frisbeegolf is croving everywhere. I expect to see the words to move from continent to continent each year in the future. Europe is ofcourse natural place, but i expect to see words in Japan, Australia, Somewhere in south america and so on. As the sports get even more popular among the world and it is a good thing to hapen! New interesting courses to the pros! More people are able to see the best frisbeegolf players in the world live!
    Maybe frisbeegolf could become an olympic event even… Who knows.

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