Talkin’ Schmit Ep.206: DAN PLUNKETT

In between his digital golf lessons, Dan sits down and talks about his time spent in the ATL, helping Norm McDonald’s mom turn off her phone, going from Skate Mental to SWIM, Levi’s trip to Columbia, Cranny’s coma on his bday, driving alone with P-Stone across country, SOTY talk, working at Tired and more…
INTRO MUSIC: “Mary’s Cross” by Natur
INTERVIEW & EDITED: Greg “Schmitty” Smith
CREDITS MUSIC: “Adirondack gate” by Shane Medanich

If you want to help support the show, head over to and pick up some merchandise. There’s also lots of photos, video and extras to help complement each interview.

INSTAGRAM: @Talkin_Schmit

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#skateboarding #podcast #TalkinSchmit

This is Schmitty with another episode of talking Schmidt the podcast that is about to celebrate its 5year anniversary that’s right we have been on the air for 5 Years and we’re over 200 episodes and we’re damn proud of it some people don’t think I can do it some

People think I can some people think it’s a waste of time and some people can’t miss an episode I just love doing it for myself so anybody that’s been a part of this thank you so much appreciate you all just sent out all the Raffle winners from last week super

Hyped I think they’ll get there like day before Christmas so that’ll be tight and today on the program super super super stoked yes kids it’s Dan plunket today so we’re going to talk to Dan we’re going to see how tired he is of working working at tired skateboards and we’re

Going to hear about his new company he’s riding for one more episode after today and then it’s a new year and a new beginning and away we go this is Dan plumet watching talking Schmidt hey hey hey talking Schmid I’m already not watching it’s cool like

Tonight is the night damn this is like the coolest thing I’m ever going to do I wouldn’t say it was fun what do you mean bro Christian Fletcher’s younger brother F the doers all big dogs in what do you think toidy talking Schmid ala macaroni most these guys their opinion don’t matter

Talking Schmid right it’s skateboarding I remember that talking Schmid what are Yun doing holy [ __ ] skateboarding homies no Schmid you can’t jump in what is happening it’s here for Greg Smith y Gregory yes we Wi-Fi check one Wi-Fi check two all right guys second to last episode of the Year

We’re ending with bangers here we got damn plunket on the show and today is John ciel’s 50th birthday oh H Cardel how my headphones sound at they’re great okay I hear people talk talk a lot of [ __ ] about him sounding like I’m underwater a little not that bad

Yeah dude how are you doing awesome I didn’t know it was cardio’s birthday I’ve been running his playlist pretty hard lately oh yeah the re oh yeah oh yeah all day just leave it on in the office for hours what you got a memorable U cardio uh video clip or

Something that gets you hyped the first thing I think about is maybe it’s a trans video when it goes to pump for that big Smith crime and he just [ __ ] eats it like trying to pump to get speed for it yeah that as soon as

You said his name I just thought it out immediately we had the the anti-hero video where he boardslides that like Kink rail in uh petero in San Francisco and just eat [ __ ] and then after after that Luke took a photo of him like holding his head all bloody and they

Made a mockup thrasher cover of that but it was too Nar I’ve seen that it’s up at the office right yeah yeah yeah oh brutal yeah John’s the best um you’re not related to Jim plunet right no but I get that a lot I think my dad said I was

But I don’t think so because it’s kind of a rare name so I was like maybe I know anytime anybody’s at a game and they see the Jersey they’ll send me a photo from far away okay what okay I got my top three for uh for

Skater top three for skater of the year right and I want to know for each guy I want to know why you think he should win okay we’ll start we’ll start with uto oh man he’s unbeatable in any aspect of skating like contests obviously but nobody’s doing anything that he does it’s like

Impossible he’s definitely got trick of the year maybe twice yeah yeah yeah the new one too uh did the gnly uh front foot flip nose SL on the rail dude nobody that hasn’t been done that rail’s been there forever thought of a new trip yeah I think it’s funny because

I haven’t really thought about it that much but I think he’s probably my number one pick for sure what about uh mil silvas miles just [ __ ] man kid just took a dump all over SF is is what I got out of because I’ve only seen that video

Part did he have another one or it’s that one obviously was insane but h no but yeah I mean he moved to San Francisco probably a year ago I think and like yeah filmed probably close to 90% of that NSF uh pretty gnarly that cover he got

With the front crook down the top of Mason Rail and then bombing the hill yeah Frank’s rail yeah yeah dude yeah his man yeah that’s all the stuff he was doing there is like unmatched cuz obviously all that stuff’s been there too and somebody had

To move in just to take a fat dump all over it and then the other one I got is Pedro Delino [ __ ] um I mean he’s just straight up [ __ ] skate or die mentality right he just it seems like he’s just gonna die or make it at all times scariest to

Watch yeah yeah like you’re you’re you’re like the chances of when you’re filming that you might want to turn your head or pretty high yeah yeah yeah his is more of a it’s obviously amazing but it’s just too scary I’m I I find myself doing that a lot you know just like ah

Ah some of the slams he takes are so heinous too like you’ve been to that n Hill right like him switch bombing that thing I live right there yeah I used to uh before I moved like where I am now I used to drive through there all the time

And it’s dude it’s not real it’s like [ __ ] that thing yeah it’s going to be interesting they’ll probably announce it like pretty soon here they just dropped all the nominees but I mean when I saw Pedro’s part because it came out before the other ones and it was edited to Aussie

I’m like dude this is as Thrasher as it gets like he is [ __ ] gnarly and he’s skating to Aussie it’s filmed and edited kickass but then uh miles comes out and he just like you said digs a dump over the city and it’s filmed and edited well and then we all know

Uto is the magician you know so it’s going to be interesting what people gravitate towards it’s funny cuz last night I was looking at Clyde Singleton’s uh Instagram he dropped like some little thing he always analyzes what’s going on which is really cool how his mind thinks

On this stuff and a lot of people were coming in hot with Tony Hawk like dude 55y old dropping his part like he should get it so yeah yeah it would be [ __ ] pretty sick cuz I was super hyped when I saw the Birdman part come out yeah same

So it’s pretty it’s pretty interesting we we’ll see was he the first one ever yeah he was the first I think it was either 90 or 91 I think it was 90 he was the first zodie then Danny Way Then cardiel those were the first three wow

Okay yeah he’s claiming it’s his last video part but I don’t think you can stop himing but Grateful Dead claimed their last tour like 40 time so we never know yeah he how long how long ago did Tony retire too like 90 yeah totally are you still are you working at tired I

Still work at tired yeah I’m I’m in this distribution I’m like parked in front of our little we have a golf simulator in the office which is nuts it’s awesome uh yeah I’m still at tired and we distribute like a few clothing brands as well like bipar and stuff um I’ve just

Been helping some behind the scenes stuff I do like accounts receivable stuff super fun stuff that’s what Kevin Bron’s doing for Thrasher oh he does cool okay yeah sick yeah so I’m still we’re still here like downtown LA um uh all tired just shipped I’m like

Looking I would I won’t do it to you but I’m just like looking at all the product St okay sick dude I’m all yeah uh how any hint or tips have you seen anything for you guys are going to launch the annual Christmas video right oh yeah

Yeah yeah yeah for sure uh Mike Mike raw Rogers who runs the Instagram he showed me a few clips and I went out with my buddy Sven the other day to try to get a couple things as well um have any scuba or any of the old

School guys or like any Sven No SCUBA Sven for sure got something the other day like last minute sick uh and then you know just you’ll get your regulars you know people bow Karate Kid dude in there I would I would think so but yeah I haven’t seen much but Mike just shows

Me stuff here and there and I know they’re getting ready or they probably started working on it I think Doug had the footage or that’s what I it’s it’s time to like you know it’s pretty much time to do it so [ __ ] yeah I get always

Hyped that was a whoever came up with that idea is so sick like every Christmas it’s just like this is skateboarding not stuff you can’t relate to what you can relate to like dude’s doing a Slappy or just a no comply on a curve or like you know the essence of

Skateboarding kind of it’s like these guys are having fun they’re not sponsored but they’re just [ __ ] out there charging it rules dude and I SK uh I mean I’m in La so there’s a lot of skaters here but I skate mostly with my buddy s who just like he’s a he’s a

Woodworker slams a lot but it’s like I just like skating with him because he’s just like he’s just eating it and he’s going for it and it’s super fun The Vibes High yeah I remember when droba lived in the city he used to always want to skate with magnet head cuz he was

Kind of that guy like he his nickname’s magnet head for a reason he would always just eat [ __ ] and I think that fired up Jo like we would go skating and Rob would just eat [ __ ] and then yeah yeah turn up the session a little bit oh he always does yeah

Exactly well let’s get into I want to hear about damn plunket Post Buffalo and pre- Richmond what the [ __ ] is that that’s Buffalo pre Richmond so I think around like 19 I moved my dad was in South Carolina Charleston uhhuh I moved there with him to get away from shitty

Weather you know Buffalo kind of like what he did he he was a pro golfer when like when I was growing up so he moved away he can’t skate in the winter I mean uh golf in the winter same reason I moved away you can’t in the win

They son exactly so I moved he was down there and I moved down there and I skated there for a couple years and then started visiting Atlanta from there a bunch with some of the local dudes in Charleston and I don’t know I think it was Justin Brock or David Clark maybe

Both was like dude you should just move here so I ended up being in Atlanta for I want to say 10 10ish years or something it’s where my wife was from and where I met her and everything and then uh I think about 10 years ago is when I

Made my way to Richmond before here okay so I’ve been here like six years now but yeah I did a big chanka in the South ATL Charleston South Carolina like do you think that’s where you got your skate legs like you you kind of like went from

Like Grom to what you are now bit I think so Cu uh around like 17 to 19 years old I wasn’t skating too much because CU all my friends didn’t really anymore they’re like in bands you know all doing other [ __ ] but when I moved to Charleston uh these dudes uh Shane and

His brother Corey uh they were like filming and stuff i’ never like gone filming or like gone on a skate trip they took me to Atlanta for my first time so I was doing it felt like that’s what skating was you just go on little trips and [ __ ] and it was

Super fun we made a a shop video and all this [ __ ] and then I think I got more of my skate legs when I got to Atlanta and everybody’s just like super good gets you hyped to skate and it’s pretty family oriented down there like it seems

Like from my perspective like you got GT Stratosphere you got patl you got Brock and all these guys love each other and love to skate together there’s not weird animosity or separation I mean when GT won skater of the year it was insane like the bus with everybody ATL

At it was the best yeah um yeah it is a big family there it’s I always say that it’s it’s my favorite City too skated it’s my favorite City ever honestly but yeah it’s just like humongous from all age ranges skate family like it’s it’s

It’s the best ever I think I when I moved there Grant was a little little guy Alien Workshop guys still he might have been like 12 14 when I I mean he was already better than all of us but um but yeah that’s uh I really missed there I’m

Gonna go back for David cl’s wedding you got me thinking about how I can’t wait to go back there dude I’m excited oh David’s getting married David’s getting married in March so shout out he’s doing it oh dude I can’t wait to go back my wife’s family’s still there and stuff

Too so I’m excited ah it’s going to be a blast for sure what’s this story I heard a little rumor that you uh prank called uh John Sheffield ATL legend about some like flat bar in a parking lot H you talk to Patty huh um what were

We doing I think we were just um eating mushrooms or something I don’t know there was some something fun was happening but Pat always just quotes it I think that’s why I brought it up because I called the dude this dude is is the gnarliest rail skater in Atlanta

Ever back five I heard around the world Jamie Thomas was like all about him later dude um so he’s flat bar Maniac like nobody could touch him he’s the original Wizard before Justin so anyways I don’t know what the [ __ ] we’re we’re just [ __ ] being young idiots calling people and [ __ ] and I

Called him got voicemail and I I just I was just blurting [ __ ] out I was like Johnny yes you me flat bar in a parking lot and I I don’t remember anything else about it but like that quotes that so much and I was Terri I was terrified of

The dude like knowing it was me because he’s he’s a nice dude but he’s scary I was just like oh man this dude’s gonna kick my ass it never came to light that it was me or I don’t think we ever found out if he was looking around for anybody

But I remember being on my toes for a while and [ __ ] looking around my shoulders like ah [ __ ] this dude’s gonna kill me for being an [Laughter] idiot but amazing like he’s one of the before I moved to Atlanta when I was in South Carolina they had the ruin video

Which is a old ATL video it’s the other shop that was a little ways away from Stratosphere but like him Jeremiah bad Mike Divine and all these dudes were like the [ __ ] but I knew who they all were before I moved there so I was like so hyp so

Hyped to even Brank called the dude honestly when I first started working at Thrasher we I was doing the videos and every video we would get a tape that had Jeremiah bab and uh one other guy on it and it was like we knew it maybe no or

Chris head Chris head was out I think he was in San Jose for or no jeremi it was Graham bicker staff right oh G bicks obviously yeah yeah g it was gram and and and we would laugh cuz we’d be like here comes the deadline here comes that

Tape and they would always have sick [ __ ] it was [ __ ] yeah yeah I think that was around time what was Jeremiah R for Maple or something something like that that sounds right and GX was on World Industries for a bit he actually lived out here like Long Beach I think

Something like that okay and your first legit sponsor was traffic is that right like a board sponsor first board sponsor yeah I got that through my buddy Shane that had the shop in Charleston I think he sent footage or something like that but um Jack saac is from Charleston Oh

Saw the footage and he hooked it up he saw a spot in there that he was like oh [ __ ] he just like noticed the spot so I I always say I owe it all the Jack saac Jack saac getting me in that van the first time you talk to him at all

Nowadays yeah yeah yeah whenever I’m I’m always hit him up when I’m in New York love that guy what were some do you remember do you have a copy of the footage that got sent in I might even be in one of those earlier videos that they have they have

A couple videos oh I mean they still they still make videos but yeah there’s there’s definitely a few things in those older videos that was sent you mentioned your dad’s uh he was a pro golfer you like golfing too right what’s your what’s like your best score are you

Good no I’m not good I I couldn’t even tell you what my score is because I me and brono started really getting into it like coish times and we start playing so badly that we don’t keep scoring anymore but it’s a lot of fun dude yeah I can

Tell you I got a birdie but couldn’t tell you what the other holes what happened on those ones you know but it’s been fun like uh probably the only time I get to see Robbie now is I’m like hey dude you want to golf yeah dude I’m down is he in LA

Yeah he’s in La he’s doing production stuff now so he pretty busy pretty busy with work I love Robbie every time I see Robbie I quote Sam smice little rap from the King of the Road brocco your breath smells awful and he just goes [ __ ] shitty like dude amazing what came first skate

Menal Levis Nike Huff what was what was the order there before all of that uh my buddy Bobby Boyd in Atlanta he hooked me up with lwood oh really he was doing sales for them same time as Welsh yeah maybe no no no not not like

Skate wise no um this is a little after way after I would guess um but yeah he was the sales rep for them and he got me on a trip with them and it was [ __ ] insane because it was like Kenny Anderson Vincent Alvarez jobel Guru CSA Silas was like sodi or

About to be sodi papardo too right yeah papalardo was on there nebor side it was sick it was so sick but yeah I did a couple trips with them before I think Justin Brock like was drunk and told stab to call me at like a Nike thing like dude you got to my

Friend but it did a few El trips and then skate mental wasn’t long after I want to say like 201 12ish or something like that somewhere something like that wow 11 years good run [ __ ] no have been earlier it’s definitely earlier like 2009 dude actually I think of it but yeah it was

Cool going on those trips with like cuz I only really going on those skate trips I was talking about a minute ago like homies back and forth to Atlanta so like my first real skate trips were lwood with the sickest dudes it was so cool still

Friends with all those guys so it’s it’s awesome I still like hit up Vincent here in there to like go to he’s got tons of secret spots out here no way that rules he’s the best he’s such a good kid he’s awesome man he really is the best uhuh

That was colard was involved with that too right that’s when I I met colard him and Kenny like I don’t know they had a really good relationship I think maybe they grew up together or something I cart’s from Virginia yeah cart’s from Virginia I don’t know him and Kenny were

Homies for sure and then I was friends with were hobble and he got on and then uh so I met some of those other guys too it was a good a good squad super good squad I caught jobal at the end of jobal drinking times so we got to have a

Little fun party partying on the road and [ __ ] I red with him a couple times I don’t even think he doesn’t smoke anymore right uh he might I think I’m not sure not sigs last time I talked to him he he was doing Vape a little bit

Okay he switched over yeah I think so um uh just getting a gnarly memory of him having like waking up and just eyes close smoking a cigarette in the dark oh yeah and he had a little lugie cup too that most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen

Like all hung over with him too the best is going camping with them because it’s all dark and then you just see that little s EO at like 2 in the morning you’re taking a piss break yeah exactly what was the story I can’t I it’s a I mean probably you’ve

Told it a million times or you didn’t even need to tell it but remember at Fort Miley when it was like he hears us and then someone died like that was one of the radest things ever that was uh it was [ __ ] up because it was a goof like

I was with Tony V and Brad and uh I did something over to the bump flat you know and i’ like chested the rail like I kind of slammed and then my board was down there and either Tony or Brad was oh dude just like lay on the ground I think

It was Brad cuz me and Tony are down there but yeah just lay on the ground for photo I was like you know but I didn’t know he was like filming and like saying stuff and he like filmed these kids oh [ __ ] what happened and then they

Posted it and was just saying I think there was like some scam like a water company had just found out they weren’t donating the money they were saying or something so they were making fun of that being like everybody that hashtags he hears us will donate $1 to whatever

The [ __ ] and I think dude this is way back when dude Tony like put it on hard posted on Thrasher yeah uh Brad posted it and then uh my phone died it was like my first day in the city like just moved into Richmond go to the city state with

Them phone dies and I got heat stroke too so like when my phone turned on everybody’s like are you okay are you okay I was like how’s everybody know that I feel like [ __ ] from like not drinking enough water and then Tony and Brad are just giggling we’re at Tony’s

House dude dude look at this he hears dude look at how many people it was just like Ryan Flynn hit me up so mad at me dude he’s like dude what the [ __ ] is this you can’t be doing this [ __ ] I was like phone was dead dude phone was dead

And then I yeah fully like got had an insane headache from the heat stroke and like I was like taking a nap while they were just [ __ ] with it like making the thing pretty [ __ ] hilarious when I woke up but I was [ __ ] is happening

Dude see even in this new era of it being a new era is like when Instagram started it was even different than it is now like I remember Leo and atiba would just talk mad [ __ ] on each other and coson and everybody and it was so funny

And cool and you kind of just were laughing but now everyone takes their [ __ ] so serious yeah it was awesome um and Tony dude just because I was sking with Tony all the time I could just get a hard post from me doing something not that hard on Thrasher you know did you

Get a bump dude yeah I remember I got a [ __ ] ton of followers [ __ ] insane for fake fake dying I I’m trying to remember who who the scammer was that they were making fun of but it was fully they were just [ __ ] on these people that said they

Were going to donate and didn’t donate okay that’s so funny I believe that was my first skate Tuesday maybe in the city When Brad and Tony and This Crew would go out every other Tuesday oh yeah so talk about that because like what was the relationship with you guys and Jose

Roo I don’t I didn’t really kick it with some people got banned like somebody came I don’t know if it was Jose or not but like Brad would just be like you can’t come anymore you’re banned yeah I I don’t know what his he just likes

[ __ ] on Jose it’s just like or he likes [ __ ] on everybody but yeah we uh skate Tuesday was like every Tuesday dudes that had jobs would take off come meet up Digi would come with Johnny prior and [ __ ] from San Jose or like Tony would leave the office and or just

Whoever was in town you know and it was so fun we most of the time we go out to Moraga or just try to get somewhere near Walnut Creek so we could get uh those hot dogs that Brad likes with the sport peppers and [ __ ] yeah yeah so that’s why

And then duffel would always be around for that and then I think you know Brad has a few beers and he just bans people like you’re banned you’re not coming next to Tuesday you’re banned but it was so fun dude like we would just go out to these Parks away

From like our Zone it was super awesome there’s a couple edits out there I think you guys put them on thresher no for sure yeah yeah we got to bring that back like I think it’s just a good way to get the homies together and have a good day

I think peone started getting involved in those and then they started ended up going to the river a bunch for the inter yeah yeah yeah pstone came to a lot of them for sure yeah front row seats on that one yeah we definitely they definitely started turning into

Less skating like oh we’re going to play baseball today or we’re going to the riverday chev’s on the water yeah yeah you definitely end up at Chevys on the water good times right there going out to the river was cool cuz there’s that Park out there yeah in uh that El Rio or

Monte Rio yeah Monte Rio Monte or something yeah so something like that but there’s a sick Little River spot to float and then um hit the park obviously there’s bar restaurants and [ __ ] too but that’s when Cory wasn’t banned cuz we needed somebody to drive Brad be like

You’re [ __ ] driving dude I’m not making it home [ __ ] for two days bring Rachel yeah D it’s funny though because Brad shits on Cory but uh Cory’s fine with it because [ __ ] they love each other he’s known him since he was 14 or yeah it’s

Just so crazy Cory grew up next door to him and uh Brian Anderson right yeah yeah yeah yeah so sick small world blood wizard blood wizard blood wizard blood Wizard shop. blood Ticky tack hey it’s Cory at Blue Plate 3218 Mission Street come see us meatloaf Fried Chicken deviled eggs dollar Olympia beers we’re here every day of the week we got a garden and we got Smiles on our faces come let us make you happy did you

Go on some of those trips uh with Levis like with Chad now you know hit the pay phone what up I did yeah I went on a couple with Chad yeah I went on the first one I was still on still roote for Dickies actually I did that for a little

Bit but I like my homie was doing the skate thing and then Josh Matthews was like dude you should come and I was like I don’t I don’t ride for this I can’t be in any of the photos sh he’s like yeah but we’re going to like skate all this

Cool [ __ ] you should come so I came and my first trip was with Al and uh Chad was definitely there Joey pepper Josh Matthews and then you remember Josh’s homie Pat yeah from Oregon right yeah yeah old I think they called him old Pat back then but um yeah

We went on all these insane trips to Crazy countries and they were like building skate parks like I’m not going to say I was building I might have shoveled some [ __ ] but I like they had dudes fully like building these insane skape and like some of them were third

World countries right like you were going to places it was pretty crazy like oh we went to colia we went to Morocco like I’d love to see what the skaters are like there now because like there were so many they made these really cool like giant transition Parts

With tons of cool [ __ ] and like all the kids were super high darkart it was super fun to do but it was funny like the people that ran the Levis thing didn’t really know like you can’t help all day at a skate park and then go Street ska they’re like hey you guys

Want to hit the street like dude I’ve been lugging dirt around all day with these guys like I can’t I mean I can try to skate but it’s not gonna be very good you know but yeah that those were super fun going out with uh alen chat and uh oh

Marius how could I forget Marius oh that’s right Marius too yeah yeah [ __ ] dude sick crew it was so it was kind of random it was somehow uh Josh in charge of it at first or something so Josh Matthews knew it was this guy Eric walsky who lived in Oakland at the time

He worked for Levis and Josh Josh and Eric are homies so Eric didn’t he didn’t grow up skating so he doesn’t know like know too much about skating he does know skating but like he kind of had Josh help him pick and shoes dudes and

Like I don’t think he picked where to go but he definitely picked up skaters you know I’ve always been surprised that Thrasher and Levis don’t do more stuff together because they’re both San Francisco iconic in their own right you know it’s like Levis is right here and

We’re right here and I don’t know what the deal is but I feel like we could do something rad for sure and I think um we definitely did a couple articles like we went yeah but I mean like make some cool gear collab do a tour I don’t

Know like something like a little above because it’s like right know guys are so close it’s insane yeah it’s it’s interesting um what do you think like what sticks out to you as one of the best trips you’ve been on were you on that trip with Grant where they were

Went in the bus to Tampa no I was on a I might have put on a Levi trip or something okay but that one that’s the one that I wish I was on that one looked insane yeah yeah F crew they had Curry and Sh [ __ ] all the yeah

Um dude it’s hard to picking a trip is so hard dude it’s so hard I’ll just think of one with Levis I think we did Colombia that would insane because it’s just like San Francisco on steroids it’s just like Hills and house box and all this cool [ __ ] and then like first maybe

The first night Marius facetimes Fred Gul and the next thing you know Fred G appears he’s on the trip it was amazing Fred GA saves monks I swear to God so so much fun I think that happened a couple times we just had trips where we were

Like hey Fred you you should come and he would come just party and skate like I said I’m trying to not work dude that’s the best oh dude it’s so much fun you always need like a cameo like creature used to always bring Sammy Baka on their

Trips about the ones oh six yeah like I remember that in the early days then sometimes companies get a little sensitive like why is what’s he doing are you guys trying to steal my guy like you know yeah yeah no dude he just we needed another guy yeah you had to

Outsource another guy and [ __ ] uncle Freddy who’s like he should go on every trip amazing yeah he came on a couple and it was so much fun dude CU he just scared dating his ass up the best is Aunt Tammy still alive Aunt Tammy yeah

She is she’s still in Buffalo New York I love that uh story name in a video after your aunt yeah I think we named the video like right after might have been right after my wedding ah okay and Aunt Tammy you know partied with all my friends and

Stuff so I think Brad was like who’s your aunt like that’s insane what was her name Tammy yeah dude we should call the video Tammy I was like yeah love Aunt Tammy let’s let’s run that yeah can we talk about what’s going on with the skate meno and your new

Situation yeah see oh yeah it gets deep I don’t even know how it came about because when Kevin first started doing swim he was sending me just sending me stuff like hey do you think this is cool and then asking me like weird backend questions like

How much are boxes where do I get single board box it just weird [ __ ] like that and we were like talking about it so much that he was like you wanted to do a guest board and then like we just kept [ __ ] chatting it up and then

Eventually it was like [ __ ] dude wonder if like should I like can I ride for this he was super down because he doesn’t have a team or anything hey what do you know bing bing bing bing bing been all over the world with that dude

And I was like [ __ ] man I kind of I love Brad there’s no hard feelings there but I kind think I should switch it up dude you know just do a little change up and then it it just happened to be at a time where everybody like just having to quit

At the same time like I wasn’t like wasn’t thinking about that in any way but like it just so happened to to go down like that but I’m super hyped on it dude the boards are out and stuff boards are out the first run of boards are out

Um it’s fun helping because Kevin I’ve done sales and all that stuff you know and like I’m down to hit shops yeah so he doesn’t really Kevin kind of he’s figuring it out but he just like doesn’t really know how everything works so it’s fun to like help him do that [ __ ] dude

Because it’s like he got a little background in it so I can give him a hand give them some [ __ ] contacts and all that stuff but yeah boards our our boards just came out like after like right when we put the video out so for people that don’t know there’s Kevin

Turpening andan called Swim swim skateboards and Kevin does it oh he’s he does it he’s doing in Ohio yeah oh [ __ ] so he gets the boards made in Ohio um I believe Amish dudes like cut the boards out it’s not affiliated with like alien habitat stuff no it’s all it’s all independent

Wow it’s super small still and uh we’re just having fun just making sh like we just did that video we put that video out five minutes before Pedro’s part came out which was insane literally dude it was literally five minutes deadlines or deadlines it was like 8:55 dud his part dropped but people

Still saw it was cool yeah dude at the office everyone was [ __ ] hyped like not saying Kevin didn’t like stop skating or anything but hadn’t seen much of him in a while and like to see like he’s still ripping and skating it was like sick I always like that dude

Yeah he’s I mean he’s pretty secretive I guess he doesn’t like put [ __ ] out ever if he doesn’t like it so it was kind of we were having a little TP versus Dan situation like Rodney Dewan I kept sending him something and then he’d be like oh dude I gota get something and

Then we were just like doing that back and forth and then it eventually was like dude I think we could like make something we call a promo because it’s not going to be that long but you can make something yeah so super hyped on it and then

Um I don’t know if I can say his name yet but we found a dude that I think we’re going to put on am that’s like out in our Zone that’s super sick right um hopefully he’s working on he’s like filming right now so hopefully next

Couple months try to do like a little welcome part yeah I think so because we’re not going to have full Parts by the our next board drop for sure like me and Kevin are we got to start at zero again for footage that’s kind of exciting right like to just like grow

Something and and see it see what you can do like starting something from scratch instead of like you know jump into another team that’s already established yeah it’s cool um like I was saying like we’re hitting the shops and we’re doing all like I got

My buddy to do my board graphic and it’s kind of just like we’re hitting up homies we’re just like seeing Who’s down to you know help us right now we don’t have any money right now to like pay people for that kind of stuff but it’s

Growing like slowly we just got into a bunch of shops we’re super hyped on that and uh yeah it’s kind of cool like now there’s a kid we interpret like oh we should try to find somebody I was like dude somebody will just appear watch I’m

Telling you like we can’t just if I go looking everybody’s rides for somebody already you know right but then like I remembered this kid that I saw his part a while ago and then I was like hey what I just like hit him up was like

Hey what do you got going on for boards and he said he wasn’t doing anything and we’re like dude we’ll toss you some boards see where it goes and so we’re that’s the stage where at right now he’s he’s hyped dude we’re hyped he’s hyped

Now we could just get C you want to skateboard type guy like you don’t deserve a skateboard we’ll be all set dude is c a free agent right now he’s floating in the air and I have dude I hang out with him all the time I

Have no idea what he’s going to do he doesn’t know what he right I thought maybe he was going to go back to girl chocolate for that uh anniversary thing oh that was some good timing when he yeah people were talking about it but I don’t know if there’s whatever their relationship’s

Like now I I don’t think he I think he just wants to do something else but I don’t know what I told him dude I mean we got space for him oh this is the guy we’re looking for we got space for you dude us we don’t have the

Budget but he wants to hang out we’re there for him ready is there a story behind the name how did he come upon swim from what I I’ve come to understand it’s like an old like internet thing like when people would buy or talk about drugs on the internet they wouldn’t say

Their name they would say someone who isn’t me so it’s like someone who isn’t me it’s like s i m oh it’s an acronym it’s an acronym for it’s like an old super old internet someone who isn’t me okay I like that was you mean no coming I didn’t ask him

For so long and then I fin was like what what is that and he’s like it’s some [ __ ] old internet [ __ ] dude it’s crazy I was thinking about that cuz I was thinking about you guys starting a new company and and there’s been a bunch of new companies lately and the names

Are like some of them are to me are horeshit like it’s like are we just running out of [ __ ] ideas here because like throwing them out yeah dude it’s like what the hell is that how what are you guys doing is that going to ever work you know it’s like okay but yeah

It’s crazy it’s crazy too to be like all right we’re doing a board company too now we’re gonna throw out some stuff into the internet we’re hyped on it it’s fun it’s like fun to do we both like work and stuff so it’s like a little

Passion project we do like at night for whenever we have time you know yep super fun dude like right now I’ve been [ __ ] I’m working on stickers and it’s so fun to just like oh sick I’m doing the colors and [ __ ] and it’s just you

Send me one for the wall I got you dude we’re getting some made like right now actually I just sent them all into the dude so I littleit like that is fun it’s so fun dude I got like four binders of stickers like I collect them do you have

Like insane ones from Grant like he makes just I’m looking at one now and he just makes I have I have a few of the pone ones like the maasi I forget yeah yeah there was Grant sent me like a care package with like a bunch of different ones oh dude when I

Send you the swim stickers I’ll send you I made some of Tom grinding the channel like the old photo of him grinding the channel like the grab sick when I made a bunch of those and yeah we kind of go a little crazy especially Grant because he just makes

[ __ ] stacks of and then I can be like oh Grant was here like all over la I’ll go to Whole Foods and be like Oh anti-hero sticker on the pole and [ __ ] it’s like he’s everywhere it’s amazing that is sick yeah see I love that [ __ ]

Cuz I’ll stick stickers up too and then some like I’ll Starbucks or whatever a drive-thru and then someone’s there takes a photo and sends it to me I’m like yeah I love that [ __ ] yeah yeah like I I guess that’s what graffiti is right I never could understand graffiti

Too much same same thing you’re just like it’s like a dog peeing on something yep yeah exactly Mark your territory I see Grant stickers everywhere dude it’s awesome I’m like wait when was he here I mean he’s out there he rips he’s skating so what does his sticker

Say dude it’s literally everything he makes like the one I’m looking he got T yeah like he makes his homy ones the maasi ones but the one I’m looking the one I’m looking at now is just a photo of div’s face and like smearing off bottles and then like Don vindon wearing

A watermelon on his head [ __ ] it’s just like an insane like I got hit up for a new batch oh he’ll send you a mountain of stickers every time I see him he just hands me a [ __ ] St hell yeah he’s the best uh dude I don’t know the story

Behind this but Doug told me to ask you about Han Zimmer but Han Zimmer the dude that does I don’t know what what that means uh it’s just well this brings me back to colard colard would always send me like uh soundtracks from movies like a Batman like Han Zimmer would make like

Insane Orchestra like Batman music you know [ __ ] like that oh but col cart got me super into it whenever I first came out to LA uh he’d be driving around just listening to like insane like Symphony music that’s like for scary movies or like [ __ ] like that yeah now now I love

It and now it’s like me and cart still send each other like he’ll be like oh you heard this one yet dude and it’s from like the movie tenant that I’ll never see but it’s like an insane action thriller movie but okay yeah it’s just like crazy soundtracks that like I’ve

Never got enough courage to use one of their songs because you got to be like Danny Way or something to like skat to that kind of stuff but yeah it’s just like it’s just a genre of music that me and card pass back and forth all the

Time I do you think colard maybe has like OCD or something it seems like that dude is I mean some people are like this but I don’t know anyone more than colard that just like he gets into some and it’s like 180% like he’s a bmxer now and he’s

[ __ ] losing weight and he’s snorkeling in the ocean and he’s [ __ ] like he just he’s do whatever he’s doing he’s not half ass in it dude yeah he’s super gnarly into mountain biking yeah I think I think when he’s mountain biking he’ll listen to some on Zimmer or some

[ __ ] like that you know yeah cuz whenever I hit him he’s either up in the [ __ ] Hills over there somewhere like the path is like this big you know dud I love that when he comes up here and he’s like meet me in Santa Cruz mountains I got my bike

Blah blah blah I’m like dude you scare me man you’re on another level like he sent me a video one time of like a a GoPro of him like flying down this insane Hill uhhuh and like it was so scary yeah just don’t tell my wife dude

Obviously I’m not gonna tell your wife but that looked so scary just like yeah he charges dude it’s insane he’s super fit now dude he looks good I know I’m stoked for him yeah I’m into saltwater aquariums and he W he was into it for a

While super hard and he would just be sending me like the most high-end corals and like fish and I’m like dude I really enjoy this but I don’t got that kind of money bro like once you get once he yeah once he locks into something and if

You’re into it too he’s going to share it with you it’s awesome no he helped me a lot with mountain biking because I’ve been slowly getting into it and he told me like all the different things and why this is better and price ranges and all that [ __ ] so cool same with photography

Like he knows a lot about the stuff he’s into he knows a lot about he does hella research oh dude for sure um who’s your favorite comedian you got one that’s super good question we’ve been getting into standup comedy a lot at the office and everybody’s like

Sending each other like did you see the new Bill Bird did you see uh the guy that worked they’re into this kill Tony thing I I can’t really get into it too much I know what that is uh I don’t have one specifically that I’m thinking of but

Like yeah we every other Tuesday here there’s like a right across from String’s place they’ll do like a a standup night at this like fish taco spot and I’ve seen some some sick people there CU you’re like you’re just sitting in like where you eat of a taco place

Outside but they’ll get people like Eric Andre or whoever the [ __ ] will just like appearer sometimes and that has been that’s been like super fun dude I’m trying to think of a comedian though I can’t think of one just like straight off the Dome you’re big fan of Norm McDonald

Right huge I don’t know how I didn’t think of that just now I was I guess I was trying to think of somebody new but yeah Norm is the number one for sure what’s a you got a favorite quote or something that sticks out when you think about

Him I just like when on his Show when he he’s like explain to the folks at home who uh John cardio you know he just like when he was doing that to super day of Osborne on like one of his I think it was his live show and it was just

Driving him muts dude it was awesome but I love dude I watch those like way too much um all of norms like TV shows and and his appearances on conon are the best I saw him here in the city at Cobbs dude I got to meet him um I just

Remember this do you know B I feel like everybody know oh hell yeah for days um he was like dude he like knew Norm’s manager from like being a bartender at the spot and his manager coming all the time anyways he was like dude I’m gonna go to this

Recording of like a David Spade TV show do you want to go and I was like down who’s Norms on let’s go we get front row all the [ __ ] after the show get to meet the dude and it was so [ __ ] cool he made fun of Kevin nean for not playing

18 holes of golf it was a quick five minute exchange but dude it was awesome he was like are you guys comedians or like no we’re all nervous and [ __ ] yeah super super cool it was like it was insane but then the lady I sat next to

An old woman and I was like she was like can you help me turn my phone off when we meet Norm it just ends up being his mom she was like oh hey see you again I like help Norm’s mom turned her phone off before the show no way damn so

[ __ ] cool dude I completely forgot about that that’s amazing is that you think that’s like part of living in La I always trip on that like you’re not from there you move there your perspective from being from somewhere else and like like you say walk into a standup comedy show and

There’s one of the dudes you’ve seen on TV or something or like maybe you see him in the in the wild in the streets or whatever like is is is that a trip like or is that just the norm now like how do you feel about it’s definitely a trip I

Am not used to it because you’ll just see random celebrities all over the place here of course but like the normal one I was [ __ ] tripping and he was with like David Spade and [ __ ] up like Kevin nean and I was just like all I could say

Was hey nice to meet you and all this [ __ ] and then like they were all talking and stuff but I was just like I was [ __ ] Blown Away there’s still like some skaters that like I saw PJ lad in the wild and I was oh I was like Star

Struck holy [ __ ] dude [ __ ] PJ lad right there he’s a unicorn yeah totally but it’s like Eric favorite skater growing up now he’s just like my annoying friend you know bothers me all the time that’s a trip huh do people if you’re with Eric do you

Is Eric cuz Eric’s like I can’t even explain Eric but I feel like he’s like a humble almost trying to be downto earth guy that’s not like he’s he’s a big deal but like do people fan out him on him down there or is he just kind of like

You see Eric and it’s Eric you know he he’s the best at that because like it happens to him all especially because he did that [ __ ] do a kickflip thing so everybody yells that I don’t know oh right and I’ve never seen him miss one also like it’s [ __ ] insane but yeah

Dude he gets recognized [ __ ] everywhere you go dude think so yeah and he’s the nicest he’s so nice to everybody he has time for all of them he’ll say what’s up shoot the [ __ ] give him a trick tip you know um yeah it’s crazy like I always forget because he’s

Like he’s just a good bud now so I kick it with him all the time and I forget like oh yeah you’re the dude that [ __ ] back nose Blended break time and you’re [ __ ] and hubba Hideout and hubba yeah I was gonna say yeah I always

Thought it was so random that him and Brad were so tight like I was like really C like that’s crazy because they’re both they’re both Maniacs so yeah I see I see the connection right they’re both [ __ ] yin and yang for sure dude their insta when they go to

Like golf tournaments is out of control yeah yeah it’s awesome so good man I I mean Instagram like how do you feel about the whole Social Media stuff like is it Yin and Yang or are you for it are you against it like how do you

Feel about it I go back and forth for sure like take breaks which is you got to take a break here and there yeah but it’s cool it’s cool how many [ __ ] people like hey we put our video out today go check it out or like hey our

Boards came out put a link like it’s super helpful for promoting super super cool but then like you get overwhelmed with [ __ ] tons of skating and [ __ ] like I can’t look at skating I mean my Instagram’s mostly golf now but uh but I got to take a I’m just like it’s too

Much info but it’s cool it’s a great tool for like promoting your [ __ ] you know how many days of how often are you golfing ah not that much I mean I I like to hit this thing it’s like I’ll be it’s so sick um I’ll does that thing help do

You think that that if that translates to real yeah I mean it does I mean it definitely helps with like your pract you’re swinging a lot more so you’re getting your motions but like it’s sick because I’ll be like just jamming on the computer doing a bunch of [ __ ] and like

You got to get some stress I’ll come over here and [ __ ] blast the driver at this thing dude dude I got get that it’s um but we [ __ ] I don’t go out as much now because it’s [ __ ] dark as soon as I leave the office right so are

You kind of 9 to five yeah I’m in here all day every day for the most part I’m I’m terrible at I could work at home but I I I get too distracted you know nuts gota go we were on lockdown I was [ __ ] going crazy like it was like I’m

Working here I’m living here I’m sleeping here like I need to get out of here like you know you’re doing everything that you’re doing in there in that zone so and the and the tele or the refrigerator is your best friend all of a sudden you gain like 10 lbs you’re

Like oh another cookie I’m down we were dude it was kind of crazy we were skating more like I filmed a bunch of [ __ ] when everything was locked down I was riding my bike more and [ __ ] it was like it was obviously skating was easier because there was no people yeah

Driving around here was easier too was F crazy it was like a ghost town there was spots that you could never skate that you could skate now and yeah it was cool that video Alyssa made was insane where they had the Drone and she’s pushing I

Don’t know if you saw it but she’s pushing through the streets of the city and there’s just no one yeah yeah that was really cool I was thinking about Alyssa earlier my homie that I grew up with uh sent me some like jazz album that he found that

Is like it’s called Welcome to Hell and then all the songs are named after the skaters oh no so like and the one I was like listening to over and over is called Alissa steamer that one’s really sick I’ll send it to you dude it’s just like some jazz like background music but

It’s awesome so stat made it that’s amazing I want hear that yeah Lissa just ate [ __ ] actually she was in a hospital like broke her col bone yeah bomb in a hill I think yeah was it was I just heard about it just actually right now I

Just texted Rachel before I was talking to you like hey send her my love like she’s fine and she’s like yeah she’s okay she’s getting better oh God damn it she’s the best she’s just charging still like BM in Hills the whole deal she’s one of my like top five for sure

Or just like the Welcome to Hell is my first video so like oh she’s she’s one of my favorites dude I love yeah that’s a great video I mean and she’s the nicest person ever too what uh and you you’ve kind of you you’ve been off Boozer lately yeah dude I quit

Drinking think in October I just hit two years I’ve been oh really uhhuh okay because I got still smoke still smoke weed and [ __ ] okay but you know I gotta tweak on something dude but what made you stop did you do something that you didn’t gnarly anxiety dude it was getting bad for

Hangovers just like yeah I was getting [ __ ] up well cuz towards the end of lockdown there was still nothing to do and you couldn’t go anywhere the the drinking bouts were getting closer you know like and longer so like a few I do like a few days just

Going for it and then like the anxiety was just [ __ ] so like it got to a point where I was like dude I cannot this is [ __ ] killing me dude I can’t even do like easy [ __ ] I’m just like I should probably I still have it a little

Bit anxiety but obviously toned way down dude no that’s exactly what happened to me like it seemed it yeah like seven years oh [ __ ] yeah because like I think when I hit 40 I always say like when I hit 40 that week I needed glasses it was

Crazy like I hit 40 my eyesight went to hell and then I was drinking like I mean I’m not I’m no PE Stone but I could handle my booze at a time and all the sudden like I I drink all night and then go to work in the morning like fine all

Of a sudden I was like I can’t leave the house like my anxiety was I’ve never like it was crazy and uh yeah like you said after like a little bit of that you’re like no it’s nothing’s worth worth this yeah well it was like perfect

Timing for me because I got the job working with tired so then I had I had something to do like I didn’t have anything to do before I was Pro Skater yeah a lot of it’s boredom right yeah totally and then everything was [ __ ] locked down so obviously everybody’s

[ __ ] partying over here um but yeah it was like kind of perfect timing I got the job and then like not too long after I I quit drinking and then having somewhere to be and something to do every day really helps D what’s some of the hardest [ __ ] that you still do

Without liquid courage like do you karaoke stuff I haven’t done that I’ve been to but I haven’t done it myself yet I I do want to work up with courage to do sober karaoke it seems [ __ ] terrifying yeah but but dude uh you know what it was

Hard at first but now like I’ll go to the bar and [ __ ] I don’t care I’ll drink a fake beer at the bar like I’m down but after a minute like I’m like all right it’s [ __ ] getting late I’m [ __ ] over it yeah I start test I I start like just sensing the

Room kind of like it’s like when I used to drink and drive which I do not promote at all but when I would do that I would have a three beer rule where I was like out of the whole night I can drink three beers and I could still

Drive and is a stupid I look back at it now but um when I’m in a bar with people sober now I kind of give them the three beer rule so after three beers I kind of want to leave cuz I I don’t want to be a

Hypocrite but it’s like I can’t relate to you when you’re five deep you know that’s a good call I should start doing that because once people get to a certain point like some people and they don’t miss you you know once they’re five in they don’t even know when you

Left the next day they’re like that was fun huh I was like I know last call you were crazy yeah there’s no no time they have no time frame or anything exactly yeah that’s true you could just ghost and be like dude had fun last night it

Was good to see you yeah man super fun and then instantly I’m a morning person dude I was never a morning person now I’m like I can’t wait to drink coffee in the morning like I can’t wait to wake up and get a coffee and and I’m I’m in bed

At like 9:30 I’m like what the hell’s going on dude I love it yeah been getting up early too and [ __ ] and like it just I mean definitely lost a little bit of this action I had going on too you know right that helps a lot and

Money right like a lot of it oh my God yeah if I looked at the here let me look at the app dude it’s still counting I haven’t looked sometimes your credit card that you used after you black out on taxis and other people’s rounds and

[ __ ] it’s like what did I do what happened last night yeah exactly what’s one of your go-tos when you when you would do karaoke I think we we went to a bar in Portland for that silus contest and you guys all did karaoke I Jake you Jake definitely did Jack

Curtain maybe Joey Pepper’s wife is a huge karaoke fan it was probably her idea to go was it at the was it at the shrip club or was it a normal bar because there’s a shrip club you can do karaoke at that’s a good question I

Don’t really remember but my go-to is uh I’ll do Montel Jordan This is how we do it that’s right that’s what you did and then and Jake did a really good one too I was like holy [ __ ] that’s a sick one I forget what it was but Jake probably did

Something insane where like you’re yelling a lot like or something but there’s the bar there’s two right there but like next to Mickey’s Other Bar not catspaw um has Thunder in the name something I think that’s where it was because I think we were at Mickey’s Other Bar because the

First night we went to catpa and then the next night we went to Mickey’s Other Bar and so then after that we went to karaoke yeah so there’s right next door to that bar there’s strip club karaoke and then like across the street on the another corner there’s like a regular karaoke bar

Okay yeah I remember wish we could do another one of those contests I know can’t we do it somewhere else I know I’ve been trying to figure something out like get does Nike still have their indoor park Nike bbl’s turned into Nikes and then that’s not there anymore oh [ __ ]

I was going there all the time dude that place ruled yeah I know if we just had a good venue it’d be so sick cuz that was like I don’t skate contests but I’ll skate that again sure dude it it was the best Vibes the one I went to like Dan

Vanderland and was there like a bunch of dudes that NE like you like you guys don’t see contest but it was like homies that silus handpicked and it was just perfect so fun dude yeah yeah so many people you wouldn’t expect it was it was so red like West Kramer and [ __ ]

Austin Gillette [ __ ] right and then like Rob Welsh and uh and Al or no uh and S it was Rob and S on the mic dude I got uh I did a s flip I got like 50 bucks for like for for a sth flip I was like

Oh sell Barbie is here dude I gotta Chuck a South flip out there uh kind of wrapping it up but I’m thinking about making a video montage of like as many of my friends telling uh a good memory with Keystone um whether it be funny or something that touched

You or just like I don’t know anything that’s kind of like something maybe that I don’t already know about you know like oh this one time we went on a trip or he showed up and we did this you may or may not know about this but I’ve done I’ve

Been on tons of trips with them dude but yeah um my favorite was I drove out to Atlanta for Pat’s wedding with Santi and I was just telling him about it and [ __ ] and I was like yeah I’m driving out with Santi and then [ __ ] it I’m driving

Home solo he’s like no you’re not driving home solo I got you so so me and him drove from Atlanta back and the whole drive like first of all he made me backtrack I go down three hours to hang out with Ben Gilly it was awesome it’s

Out of the way but it was awesome now we’re going there come on and then and then he was trying to go to New Orleans but he passed out so then I started you know beining toward where we so we needed to go cuz he doesn’t when he goes

Down he doesn’t go down for long but he’s he’s out three hours couple hours so we slowly made our way across and he [ __ ] calls every single person that you could call if you were in that area I swear he called Mike crumb we were driving through Texas and like I’m

Coming through I need to drink a cool one with you dude he called like once we were getting we were closing in on SF he was like calling Birdman and [ __ ] and let me see if Tony let me see if Tony has the same number but like insane he

Would just call like whatever Zone we were in he’s calling somebody like what you guys got coming through I did because because I kind of had to get back for a trip I don’t remember what the [ __ ] yeah so I did Texas one day straight across and he was always like

Let me know if you want me to wheel it D I was like shud I got it you’re [ __ ] partying dude it’s all good drive and uh we stayed at his homie’s house in like El Paso who was super cool oh [ __ ] I can’t remember his name dude huh he he

Was sick he had a pool in the backyard and [ __ ] um wish you remember dude’s name but whole Drive literally just calling people he was so sick he got who did he get on the phone I know he got Joey did on the phone I know Al Parton

And answered I know [ __ ] uh I want to say talk to figgy or somebody like we’re coming through like he had calling up like they answered he just like nonstop I mean obviously he’s got stories for day so I did a cross country trip of just like he told me every story ever

And called everybody it was like it was [ __ ] amazing dude but then we got what I think I dropped him off at alden’s and then he was trying to get me to hang out dude and I was like dude I gota go home man we’ve been driving for

Three days come have a beer dude you earned it I was like dud oh the best was though like he tried to get me to stay another day in Atlanta I get to Atlanta him and Tom and Pat like hey we got bloodies dude like let’s

Hang out and I was like have a bloody but dude I’m not I got we have to go like we already delayed one day because he’s trying to hang all the boys are in town for yeah for the wedding and like but I was he’s really good at like

Anchoring in somewhere like oh we got to hang out with the dude you know we stopped it I’m just now I’m just like remembering ran like they’re all in no order but stopped in the middle of nowhere had to piss come out he made friends with [ __ ] eight like gnarly

Looking dudes biker vests and [ __ ] they’re all cool as [ __ ] but they’re scary looking he’s like oh this is so and so this is so and so like all homies already by the time I would was in the bathroom for five seconds you know yeah yeah dude I’m gonna have to say

Just the entire cross country trip with Keystone was like was that the same um time in Atlanta that he [ __ ] ate [ __ ] trying the uh slanted wall over the stairs you know that spot in Atlanta there yeah that might that he just ate it so hard like he was cooked and he

Went for it and just boo whatever that was Tony Vell was in town so I don’t think yeah because Tony did it it might have been no he was he wasn’t here when Grant got married right no maybe it was Pat it might have been Pat’s wedding if Tony was there for

Pat’s wedding but I don’t think it was that trip because he yeah he koed he was [ __ ] snoring dude uh no I don’t [ __ ] I think sent me the footage so I know Pat was around because he sent me the clip and I was like this is insane I think that was Thanksgiving

Dude because he the slam was Thanksgiving because he would always roll through Thanksgiving and bring dudes like oy and and Fernando and [ __ ] and they’ all go they go to Pats and then the deal would be go skate um that water park you know that Grant had

Footage in it was it was always a Thanksgiving Day thing I only got to go once but they were doing it every year it was like so sick I think he slammed in that thing too I’m sure he did towards the end he was getting a little he used to pull it

Off a lot more and slowly you were like I don’t think he’s got it this time yeah we came home from a trip like we used to drink bloodies every flight it was those little bloodies that they give you and me him and Jake got home and we were

Driving somewhere we went by his house to drop his bags off and then we were driving back down and he’s like hey let me get out of the car I’ll bomb the hill and we’re like dude you’re in no shape to do that he’s like N I got it and he

Started bombing the hill in front of us and he just eats [ __ ] and he’s like rolling and he comes in he’s like no problem no problem he gets in and he’s his head has like a lump on it and he’s just like oh got we’re like well

Dude Jake’s just cracking up it’s like oh man him and Jake’s relationship was like you can’t even explain it it was just oh no way yeah it was those both the king of slams both of them oh my God nobody slammed like those dudes well yeah dude thanks for uh the

Time uh definitely send me some stickers and uh as you guys grow with the swim stuff let me know what’s going on too like it’ll be cool to see what comes out of it uh what did you say your friends are just doing the graphics for right

Now like I just hit up a buddy to see if you could do a graphic and he gave me like it’s just stuff like that he was like oh you he was like check out my dad’s drawings and he was like you can

He sent me like 20 I was like pick one I was like [ __ ] man thank you colored it for me so it’s kind of and then like John Fitzgerald did a board for tur it’s just like a homie guest board drawing and then um our buddy Hayden he

Did turs Graphics it’s all just like yeah it’s just super small but that always seems like the best easiest thing is like you got homies that are talented and each one is like a different homie that’s talented making a cool graphic and then all a sudden there’s your

Catalog dude it’s super fun um like par should make a graphic for you like everybody that’s like good at that [ __ ] my board is para’s Dad is drawing oh because para para was like I don’t think I should you know because you know Tire I do tired and it might look too similar

He’s like check out my dad’s [ __ ] and I was like dude you can use it it’s all good I was like dude thank you so much it turned out super R did par get paid bank for the Olympics dude I wonder I’m curious because he’s big he’s a big Tim dude he

Does like [ __ ] big shows and [ __ ] no yeah he had a Nike shoe too a couple times uhuh you yeah I got I got one for my wife she loves it oh sick was like a pink and white one or something I forget yeah yeah yeah sick he uh I mean I’m

Just guessing I’m he’s probably had to be had to be I’m just yeah I’m gonna say yeah after the Olympics the tired stack started getting a little taller we’re ordering more boards that’s what I’m talking about dude yeah well what’s the best way for dudes to get

That stuff is it online yeah it’s on the tired site order it online order it online and then whenever tired posts their Instagram they’ll post links and stuff then the video’s coming out soon dude what’s Christmas Day I always I always wake up get the coffee and get

Ready for that thing I got to edit one one year with Brad and it was so fun watching his editing technique was like next level like they’re out they’re out like a whole like nope done like like yeah you’re not you’re not making the cut dude and didn’t he have like on his

Keyboard that thing that told you what did what he like put it over his keyboard and like how to cut it and [ __ ] yeah remember seeing that I remember seeing that thing I walked him through uh I think either that was Premiere or Final Cut and he didn’t know much of it

So I was over there and then halfway through the you know two days in he’s like pushing me aside he’s just like I got this he knows how to do a little bit of everything it’s pretty it’s pretty um incredible really it’s like yeah he’s a [ __ ] human sponge if he learns

Something it’s in there it’s locked he can do it now it’s [ __ ] crazy he was talking about um bringing a tripod and a video camera to Raymond’s filming the screen and then the videoos on the screen and people are eating pizza in the foreground and stuff like I think

We’re going to try to do something Monday SI oh sick okay oh yeah he’s got a projector at the at Ravens and stuff I guess so I don’t know Tony was telling me about yesterday and I was like I’m down like oh that’ll be so three knots

I’m in yeah oh my God those knots are so good he honestly my favorite pizza dude this pizza is amazing if anyone’s out there in the Richmond area go to Raymond’s pizza for sure Raymond’s go out of your way to go to Raymond it’s worth it’s a spot well

Hell yeah you hang with strubing at all do it all the time yeah okay tell him what up that’s the homie forever oh absolutely I [ __ ] love him every time I see him no matter what even if I saw him yesterday I’m getting a huge hug

Like a gnarly like a [ __ ] choker or for sure and the best Smile In The Biz oh he’s the best dude yeah it’s when he’s he does production stuff too so he’s pretty busy but whenever he can get out it’s a sick little crew of like him Shamu and Clint Peterson they’re all

Super tight so they all we like whenever we can all get together it’s super fun to stay with them I just remembered okay one last thing was it your birthday when cranny got the coma yeah dude it was after my birthday party uh we dude it was so [ __ ] up I I

Wasn’t there because I went home to you guys went to horse races or something yeah my wife set it up we went to horse races everybody came out I won [ __ ] 250 bucks no big deal um [ __ ] so sick but so after trifect the Box oh dude I’m so

Hyped it might have been like two 280 years but so everybody it started getting dark we like hey we’ll go to Clint Clint has a little sick build out in his place like of a bar he has a a gate that opens up and it’s like a sick chill outdoor zone so

We’re like yeah let’s go over to Clint I go home feed and walk dogs come in and everybody looks like they saw ghost and uh I guess cranny was [ __ ] around with like because Clint has a bed that hangs over the bar it’s like you know

Overhead High you know and he was like [ __ ] with the uh Clint hadn’t like screwed it in yet the little like a bar so he tried to like tried to grab it and like do a little front flip over it but the thing just gave you know it wasn’t screw so he

Just fell on his [ __ ] Dome dude yeah yeah yeah like 12 feet or something he fell from like definitely overhead but he went straight to his his head yeah and he’s obviously all good now but [ __ ] was [ __ ] scary dude I got over there and like I think

Stubing’s chick took him to the to yeah no I was in full contact with Justin through that whole thing and he said that his girlfriend knew medical stuff and that if she wasn’t there he might have died yeah she would did like she knew exactly what to do did it and

It was crazy cuz I just got married and we were going on our honeymoon and I didn’t know like I literally almost postponed my honeymoon cuz I was like if this dude dies while I’m on my honeymoon it’s going to [ __ ] up every like I you w be

Able to think I was tripping so it was crazy I was so hyped when I saw him in person for the first time I was like oh my God cuz all I could do was hear phone calls and so I didn’t see anything and and so the visuals were what I was

Making up you know which yeah what I’m hearing is super gnarly and so and then I’m talking to his mom and his wife and it was just man I’m so glad that dude’s okay he’s like one of my best friend so it was just really scary he’s he’s the

Man dude I love him and then so fun it’s crazy I hadn’t seen him in so long after it happened and the first thing he said to me was like dude I still got that [ __ ] polarizer in my trunk for you I was dude yes you’re [ __ ] man yeah

He’s the best he he’s got a heart of gold and all he wants to do is have fun yeah he’s super fun to skate with and to watch skate dude yeah absolutely it’s funny every every time I can’t not do it if do like a a tail block drop in I say

Cranny yeah every time I’m just like cranny and then I [ __ ] go in there’s no no way around it I’m gonna say it all right well sick dude thanks for doing this have a good holiday and all that and uh if you’re up here [ __ ] swing

By the office or give a call or something dude yeah I trying to figure out coming back soon but I’d love to come see you guys I haven’t hung out with Tony in a minute either so to see everybody I don’t know if you’re paying attention but that dude is

Out fixing spots that’s his like it’s inspiring as [ __ ] like he’ll be at like some place like Napa and he’ll have like some I don’t know if he calls all these people and says send me your spots from all the cities or whatever or if he’s on

Google Earth I don’t know what he’s doing he’s a little secretive at times but uh it’s it’s pretty sick dude like all a there’s a new Tony spot and Jack curtain’s there yeah the whatever the crooked grind with the drop he did I was so yeah yeah yeah and he’s ripping yeah

Yeah he’s been ripping I love it dude love to see it he’s he’s just he’s got a good nose slide transfer and good CP transfer to that’s those are his moves yeah nose manual he’s working he’s working on the front of the board yeah he’s all over the nose I think that was

Cuz when he [ __ ] up his did he [ __ ] up his ankle or his knee or something I think he started it was harder it was easier to do the nose than the back for some reason thought it was a toe thing but you maybe read about the knee

Yeah swe was well hell yeah hopefully I’ll see you in real life hopefully soon I I haven’t been back to the bay in a minute I really I’m due for a trip you’re not coming to sod party huh well who is it tell me who it is I

Don’t know I don’t even think they uh I mean I think it’s one of those three I think it’s miles Pedro or uto and I kind of feel like it’s like if you ask me honestly and sometimes I get in trouble for saying what I think but I thought Pedro would

Get it just cuz like what I said like he was more Thrasher but then when I saw miles [ __ ] it was like it’s so SF so that’s rad and he did insane stuff but like is like I think the voting goes into the whole you know equation so when

They put the polls out they’ll see like who’s everybody voting for I mean if all of a sudden it was 90% Tony Hawk you got to put him in the equation I’m coming to as of Tony hog gets it dude yeah that would be really cool [ __ ] yeah have Jason Ellis give it

To him dude [ __ ] yeah so sick well hell yeah dude take it easy down there and yeah I’ll talk to you soon hopefully all right dude thanks for having me thank you I appreciate it of course dude peace peace okay kids even though there’s one more episode that I’ve already recorded

Which is West Kramer for next week yeah that was the last episode I recorded for 2023 so Excuse me while I go celebrate thank you for listening to another episode of talking Schmidt you can subscribe to the show on iTunes anchor Spotify or anywhere you get your podcasts when you subscribe you’ll get

Notifications every Tuesday of new episodes the minute they become available also please leave reviews in a five-star rating it’s the best way to help the show grow all of the episodes will always remain free but if you would like to help support the show you can do

So at talking where you can pick up some mer andise like t-shirts beanies hats and stickers the website has an entire Archive of all of the episodes with extra photos and videos email us with any suggestions comments or ways that the show may have improved your life at talking Schmid atgmailcom

All interviews are conducted edited and produced by Schmitty the intro music is Mary’s Cross by the band nature a very special shout out goes to the executive director Cheryl kamisa shout out love it this is talking Schmidt where the Rolodex is deep but the conversation is deeper keep the wheels greased


  1. Goodjob guys u flowed well for the holidays… shoutout greg, misa, and 🍯 🐝, rocking u like a baby was priceless..

  2. Hell yeah Shmitty great year and Pod! Love Dan's skate style and love to hear about GT Sticker shit. Have a happy holiday and Keep killing it!

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