The Late Shift: John Kelly and Darren Pang

John Kelly and Darren Pang are reunited on the set of The Late Shift after the Dec. 23 game between the St. Louis Blues and Chicago Blackhawks at Enterprise Center. Bally Sports’ Andy Strickland will hosts.

[Applause] And welcome into The Late Shift brought to you by Bud Light as the fans trickle out of the Enterprise Center a lot of excitement a lot of energy here tonight and smiles on the faces of Blues fans and a lot of smiles on the faces of

Those here inside the lexo lounge we got a couple of Blues broadcasting Royal here cheers pal Bud Light yes cheers thanks to Bud Light thanks to bud thanks for having us Andy John Kelly Darren Pang back in the house um I think the crowd is still celebrating Pang who was

More nervous now here tonight was it was it you or you know just the fans to be able to see you and and recognize you once again man that was a lot of fun this was a lot of fun coming here today and you guys saw you this morning and uh

You know not the the most fun I have but but coming back here and and seeing little Charlie and Hadley and and and all they wanted to do was come to practice and and as soon as Charlie came down the ramp and she heard the noise

She knew that there was pucks and she could hear the pucks and she said it so the whole day has been a great day um you guys know I me it’s not easy you know you come back and it’s going to be an emotional day and you know me I cry

Like you read about I’m that kind of guy but to have the tribute to say hello to so many people to see so many familar faces were really outstanding and to see a hockey game like that it reminded me of when I played in the 21 Team league

No lead is safe right against Gretzky right and gret has been in the house too so gret’s got to see a magnificent goal from Bard and a and a and a 5-2 deficit for the blues ends up being a win what a night you know we hear about it our

Players all the time they come back and play you know with their original team and and the excitement for a player I I don’t know if I’ve seen that too often with a broadcaster you know a broadcaster comes back and gets that type of reception but what was that like

To get that type of reception from fans actually incredible and I than to Tim paps and and the blues and everybody see you L regrets see you guys and and really to to get that you know to to to to have everybody uh on board with that

Um I got a nice note from uh uh from Tom Stillman as well uh actually who like how many owners you know send you a text and apologize that you’re not uh that you know that they’re not here so there you go pointing to the CH chest and that

Is sincere man the connection you have with the city and the fan base I mean that’s difficult to to to obviously not to you know game any game I don’t want I’ve been doing a good job here man I mean Johnny how about you though you see a lot of great

Memories or you have a lot of great memories you saw a lot of that video footage you know what I think is incredible is that number one was a great video put together by the blues but also the fact that this is a guy that played for the Blackhawks came to St Louis

In’ 09 and worked here for 14 years and he’s now back in Chicago as we know as a broadcaster but he’s loved here in St Lewis so you think about the entire circle of Darren pang’s career as a player and as a broadcaster and for him

To make that kind of impact on the fans here the great fans of St Louis I think is remarkable in his Testament of not only how great a broadcaster he is but how great a person he is and how he just endeared himself to Blues fans by what

He did around the community and they just love the guy and I just think again he’s he’s a Blackhawk player and a former Blackhawk but he’s loved by Blues fans it’s very unique I think and it’s really special well I remember that leap leap of faith when John Davidson you

Know called and we were in Arizona and Mike Caruso called and Kelly Chase is there at the hotel they want to play golf my dad was in town and we played in a five at the very end I mean John Davidson kept saying it you know he kept

Saying the same thing over and over hey if it doesn’t work out would you would you consider it we’re thinking of making some changes and tweaks here and there and would you consider it and I remember telling them I played for the Blackhawks they hate each other how is this going

To work and and JD was so persistent and his one line still kills me to this day don’t kid yourself panger you weren’t that good of a player you’ll you’ll uh you’ll win them over as a as a broadcaster and you remember what it was

Like I mean I come in here and you’re you’re trying to you’re trying to absorb the fabric of St Louis that you don’t know you don’t know how to say some C the streets and I remember Mike cuso texted me going no we don’t say it that

Way here and I’m I’m thinking to myself oh man this is going to be challenging because the amount of people that love the game of hockey and sports and they’re listening to everything you say and also with that comes every mistake you make because you’re not from here

But I certainly feel like I am from here and I certainly feel like this is home for me all right were you nervous about that coming to St Louis knowing you were a Chicago Blackhawk and and when did you know you made the right decision that F

Actually that first game that we we you and I were in the broadcast booth on the 300 level because Bernie was down below at the beginning right and uh I remember walking through the Concourse and there was a whole bunch of Hawk fans and they were wanting to take pictures and so I

Do what I always do you know take a picture and and uh and then as I’m doing that Blues fans were going by and giving giving it to me and I’m like oh man I am in a pickle here like but after I got through that game and maybe the next

Game uh then I started to feel more comfortable you know it just takes some time I mean it takes time to feel comfortable and and know your surroundings and and uh over time it’s uh it was incredible actually I mean one of the greatest broadcasts we ever did

Was game seven against the Blackhawks oh yeah it was a great game Brower scores a winner um we had a massive rating the best rating ever on Fox Sports Midwest um it was a great game but you know what I liked as well about the tribute and

You know you cheered up a little bit which I knew you would because you’re an emotional guy but was the reaction of the fans was awesome awesome but also the players the players on both teams stood up and tapped their sticks on the boards it was really it was really fun

To see and really special I’m looking forward to seeing that again I mean I I look look at all the memories we have right here there a young group of ours and boy there’s our dear friend Chaser right there was at the game tonight and stas who just retired and you know the

Bench interviews how much fun oh man steer’s goal did I jump on you on steer’s goal short-handed five on three oh my goodness oh I jumped on many your goals from you that that was a great memory too and that was also a moment for me that was a little I was wondering

If if I was going to do it I remember Kelly Chase pulling me aside and said hey you’re playing I said I don’t I don’t feel real comfortable about that and he goes you’re playing there’s only one chance for a Winter Classic to play in St Louis you’re going to wear the

Blackhawk sweater and I and I did and it was you know that was kind of I was nervous going into that game to be honest with you these fans of St Louis they they it’s never ending in terms of uh my respect for the fans here and that

Moment was something else wasn’t it yeah and but they’re so knowledgeable as we know I mean they they know the Great Moments and they know great people so we a well they know guys that that go in and Hunker into bars too and say hello to people they they appreciate that part

Of it you know going into restaurants and being out on the streets and and just kind of just being a part of everybody whether I go to mcgr and say hello to Rick or somewhere else like OB clarks’s and have a couple you know I mean that’s just that’s the

Relationships I think that’s that’s the biggest thing is relationships you you guys were such a good tandem though Johnny and you’ve been around for a long time obviously but how well did you guys know each other prior to working with one well really well because you know

But really not as as as a you know never worked together right you know not together but first of all we’re from Ottawa yeah you know we have that everyone knows each other from Ottawa um but is that like Saskatoon everyone’s related right but you know I I worked

The Pan’s better I worked in in Colorado for nine years before coming here and at the time Darren was doing ESPN gam so the Avalanche were a really good team so he probably did including playoffs he probably did 15 of of the Avalanche games every year that’s so I saw you all

The time but we never really you know played golf or you know had drinks together but you I know really well but not as well obviously when he came here and became my broadcast partner so it’s special all right what’s the adjustment when you work with a personality like

Darren because you don’t know what he’s going to say what he’s going to do I mean he is certainly a guy that every broadcast every game is different you have to be on your toes because it could be a reference to music or golf or his

Career or the last play how many wins how many win he’s got 27 wins I know that how many games played but you know what that’s the that’s what makes him special is because not only is he a great worker a great analyst but he’s an Entertainer and you know what we’re in

The entertainment business and fans tune in and they want to be entertained and they want a laugh and that was at our the Oscar that was at our you know that’s on the bus and you know the video tonight though I mean all of the getups you got and how do you

Think of this [Laughter] stuff and the teeth I broke the teeth though darn it I broke the teeth we got a lot of good laughs on the teeth that’s for sure but anyways Andy we laughed a lot on and off the microphone and I can’t believe all the pictures so much F

Yeah there’s a young Darren Pang with Steve Le wow that’s amazing that’s in Ottawa where was that Ottawa that’s in Ottawa yeah the back room so oh I remember this one oh boy that was in Florida that was in Florida where I I I

Uh I had to get a ride back oh that’s that’s a beauty right there what about being inag let’s not forget about Hammer yes he made a lot of our broadcast great broadcast you put Kerber to sleep here it’s hard to do what about being back in Chicago what’s that been like

You know it’s been um it’s been it’s it’s such a change like when I came here Tim papson and Phil M and the production crew you’re getting used to them you’re getting used to the Cadence of your play-by-play guy I’m going through I’m going through a

Lot of that with new play new uh uh producer Shawn day came over from the Bay Area um didn’t really know the you know the directors and everybody there so I’m really getting to know everybody and they’re getting to know me and my ADD sometimes on talk back um you know I

Uh so that part of it new Fosters is a he’s a young caring smart kid that doesn’t have a hockey background like John does or like so many like curbs do that go to the miners and do do that so I mean he is doing a great job of trying

To find me too like it’s not easy for this young fell and he’s and every time he turn around and I might say something like John says that catches them off guard and uh Lynn and I are in the West Loop uh there’s a number of great restaurants right there we’ve enjoyed

That our little dog Bruce is there as well and we’re uh you know I mean the schedule is tough it’s a it’s a grinding taxing schedule flying in out of Chicago has made it a little bit easier going to National games uh back and forth but uh you know there’s there’s you know

There’s not a moment that goes by that I don’t think about being you know with the grandkids of being here being in St Louis and being close to Meadowbrook and the weather that gets nice and but overall going back to Chicago and having the warts family really it’s amazing to

Think that Rocky WS the late Rocky WS was you know Mak makes those calls brings me in I taught Danny WS how to be a goalie so there there’s obviously a lot of familiarity and there was a lot of want on their side and you know

Timing in life is is what it is and you knew Rocky’s dad uh when you played for the black house I I I’ve known Rocky for no his dad though you know his dad yeah I well Bill and then bill and I you know go back a long way and I started my

Broadcast career there you know that I didn’t just jump into a booth I I did a hawk talk I did a three times I updated a a hawk talk for 75 cents a minute you know think you know HW talk with Darren Pang and then I then I did I did shows

On Sports channel and sports vision and then I did radio pre post and and what have you and then I ended up doing some games and and the ESPN hired me so it was a long ride and I appreciate the fact that the Ws family uh really want

To be back as part of their family and being part of the next you know the next wave here with Conor Bard and the players show all right you just mentioned Conor Bard and we saw you know the Michigan goal tonight and obviously a generational Talent everyone was

Excited to see him enter the National Hockey League from he got a good Applause tonight before he did he did so what’s it like being around him on a daily basis what’s he like as a person behind the scenes and then calling his games yeah he’s he’s an incredible

Person and you can you imagine being 18 years old and being asked to do his first game was on ESPN he had three interviews in game his second game was on TNT he had two interviews in game his third game was Hockey Night in Canada Saturday night in Montreal he had two

Interviews his fourth game was in Toronto which they switched that to hockey night can hey Jordan good job Merry Christmas and and then and so that’s his first four games I mean like who does like that it’s incredible what he’s done and then he’s been able to

Perform and and uh the other thing is he’s got a he’s got a The Knack like all great ones do Wayne grety just went over to the room to talk to him just after the game and you know Conor they talk a little hockey and whatever and as Conor

Is about to leave he he he gives me a pat he goes that was a great tribute oh really so he P his attention yeah and this is the first time Wayne said he’s ever seen him play live tonight that’s exactly right exactly right and he got

To see a pretty magnificent goal but but I think the awareness that he has to to say that to me that that’s a great tribute like you know he’s he’s got he’s got it all he’s a he’s a great kid I’m looking forward to being the soundtrack

For a number of years to come yeah a lot of pressure I mean you think about these guys that have come in Crosby McDavid and you see all the questions these guys are asked all the time Bard mckin started on a on a bad team in Colorado

With very few points and you then you surround them with good draft picks and you know we saw that differently here in St Louis when I first came remember the you know the three picks in the first round getting EJ number one overall but then getting you know three guys

Including oce and what Bergie and Pan the pan and you know that’s how you you build it that way as well and and uh I think Kyle Davidson and the Hawks are hoping that that’s going to happen and Surround this uh this young Phenom with

A lot of good talent Andy had a great question to Bard by the way he interviewed Wayne live on our show and he asked Wayne if he never did that and Wayne he’s so humble he said oh I could never do that because of his blade he

Said you know he had the old Titan stick right but I think Wayne would have figured out how to do that absolutely if he would have wanted to do it um or had a different stick but anyways it was pretty cool to have Wayne on the air

Right after that happened but you know in our day didn’t he say on the air that if I was a net he would have scored I I think he did I on the with the your on your yeah if panger was a net he would have scored but I think too

In our day keep in mind mind that that you were prohibited to do that if somebody did that in practice the goalie came across with a stick and said if you get can’t do it in the game don’t do it in practice we used to get irate at all

The hot dog and moves yeah I don’t think Bob plager would have liked that not one day Wilson it would have been a cross check right to the chops there there was actually two of them tonight Z did it also tonight oh is that right yeah Z did

It tonight too as a goal tender though I mean that’s a you’re just not expecting it it’s almost a high stick like I was talking to Doug Armstrong between periods and I said the the the problem with that is it’s not a hockey play now the great thing is it’s a great athletic

Play and it shows great hands and it’s you know it’s phenomenal for the sport but from a true like the pucks not on the ice you know and I know sometimes just SWAT it out of midair but like we’re not used to playing goal with somebody that has it

On their stick like a lacrosse stick you know so that’s difficult I would have come I if that would have happened to me this is just I probably would have come stick first at one point but I think he absolutely shocked Vinny I think he absolutely had no idea that that was

Coming the way he did and the way he turned it as a right hand shot and came back that right remember a couple years ago Zer tried to do it against benon remember and pero was right there I think he swed it off his stick so but

That was a that was an I call it one of the most unbelievable goals I’ve ever seen in my broadcasting career tonight you agree I don’t know I can’t I don’t remember what my I would have cut you off like you read about yeah there would

Have been a jumping in fact I think I might have called the goal you probably would have I think I got a scor yes hey but that timing and that that Rhythm that communication you know that Chemistry Between play-by-play guy and and color commentator right me that’s

Important well listen I just saw Joel Edmonson the other day and uh funniest thing I said I said during the broadcast said you know Joel edmonson’s first goal I actually called that goal I took it right from you did well sure enough he scored his first goal with Washington he

Skates by me goes I need you around more often it was great great to relationships and uh but you’re right about that like there’s some Cadence or there’s some things that you see right away and you get so excited it’s not like you’re trying to I mean those are

Important calls for your play-by-play guy and I don’t mean to do it but you just get so fired up and you see it go in like that you know what he’s excited Andy and he was excited when Joel scored his first goal because we all love Joel

And heor he hadn’t scored a goal so it was just utter enthusiasm for a guy that he really liked so that’s it is hey I want to ask you cuz uh you mentioned it but Kelly Chase was in the house tonight you know I’m sure you’ve been in touch

With him and talking to him often you guys have always had a great relationship so I don’t know if you had a chance to go see him tonight or not I couldn’t get from that from the top level down an elevator go across and come back in time no you would have

Missed the so I I couldn’t um I got a I got a note during the game I actually called Chaser this morning he was meeting with doctors I wanted to walk over there cuz we were in Clayton um and and uh and anyway uh I talked to him

Yesterday talked to him the day before and and I’m going to be here for Christmas so I’m going to definitely get a chance to see him and I I we all know he’s a he’s a fighter and a scrapper and we know it but I I think his attitude is

Great and the fact that he had a pelaton bike in the hospital hey your buddy or sunny how you doing Budd good to see you big guy when you cut that hair give me some of that okay I’ll send you Merry Christmas to you okay I’ll see you at mcgr

He’s one of our all-time favorites you know that hey that’s got to be the best part right I mean the relationship with the players seeing all the players come back it all it is I mean it’s it’s a hard um balance that we all have you

Know when games are going on and you’re disappointed your fans are disappointed you’re disappointed you’re watching the game you you just you know you got to say the right things and sometimes you know have credibility have credibility come in the locker room afterwards and the fun thing that I like I I’ve always

Enjoyed this part of it I made some mistakes my C by saying something that that was inappropriate and that a player you know wasn’t happy with and and I learned really quickly and I think one of them was Ty DOI and he let me know that it wasn’t the right thing to say

And I I after that I’m like if I can’t say something to the guy’s face I cannot say it on the air and I think that’s a it’s a great foundation for young broadcasters just to just to follow that true you know like and then when you go

In the locker room and you say oh Sunny can’t believe you fanned on that past you know oh and he’d be like oh I know I’m trying to flip it out you know but that’s the way you that’s the way you I think get the respect from them and and

They know that you’re you’re trying hard for them as well you guys both have to just think and just got to reflect how long you’ve been in the business and how long you’ve been doing this I me how fortunate you are very I mean every time I turn around panger whether it’s a

Historic game or something that happened I feel like you were there and you continue to call National games to this day lucky huh yeah you know I mean lucky that uh you know TNT is a a great Network to work for and I think they like personalities you know they let you

Be you yeah you know they they they’ve got a one point I’ve got a camera on my headset I got a camera in the booth they know that players are going to come and talk and and I think that’s great for the game of hockey when they see the

Personalities of the players and and when I’ve got oetkin looking over there and I say oh I think it’s a high stick and N it’s not a high stick and he swats his hand and he walks away the guy people like that stuff you know and and

So that that part of it been great but starting at Espen was a great ride you guys know that I did I called many games here in St Louis and many great games and man oh man do people remember you in Chicago still as a player I mean the

Younger fans I mean the old ones do yeah the old ones do do they no not no you’re right that and that’s the balance just because you played there doesn’t mean you know doesn’t mean that you uh look at the wow that was that would be a

Glove save off of uh Steven Eiserman right there that you have some great glove saves coming up that we’re going to see I on big Probert right there look at the TV what kind of TV was that back then no wonder people couldn’t follow hockey huh

This is uh not exactly HD is it no no the the saves would have looked a lot cleaner there but that’s the battles you like right there you know clch of scraps and and then uh had a couple my first G at at Madison Square Garden right there

That uh I I’ll never forget that and look at there’s no no advertising on the boards and see the way the crease is it was a rectangular crease and I think the goalies complain that they’re going to change it to the oval crease and uh we

All said you can’t change it just yet we’re we’re working on our angles from that rectangular crease so I I had I had a there’s a couple in Washington that I really enjoyed their Breakaway saves I had like threeway on in the same game and it was like that was kind of a

Defining moment this is one yeah that’s Bobby ghoul Pat Foley with the call Pat had some great calls didn’t he oh he did if it wasn’t Bannerman it was you know when he yeah when he belted that out and you know you Andy I know you know this but

Maybe our fans don’t know this but Darren Darren is the second shortest galie to ever play in the NHL it’s pretty remarkable really short shrimp wers right yeah Roy shrimp wers how tall was he like 53 125 he could eat an apple off his head yeah for sure 54 and a half

I played at 135 lbs I played one game at 128 lbs I lost a little weight I was a little nervous had a broken finger I was throwing up before the game I I was told by our goalie Coach Wayne Thomas or and I what are you talking about he goes or

That I didn’t understand it he goes you got to play well to stay up or you going to go down wow that’s pressure I was like oh my God that’s when I started throwing up before games I think great about then how often do you see the

Blues play you try to catch absolutely absolutely 100% keep in touch with the guys and keep in tou hey how you doing Budd was that good a thanks buddy I appreciate that Merry Christmas to you me too buddy thanks otter another good guy that’s a one of

The best right there how about how about the time that he went into the boards right in front of me and BW his hamstring both hamstring and it was like oh my God you could probably hear him gring oh but he didn’t lay lay down on

The ice did he he tried to get up right back up again amazing actually yeah yeah amazing amazing guy what’s the uh plan for the holiday break now going to stay here in St Louis uh and uh on the 27th I’ve got a game in Buffalo for TNT then

I’m going to go to Dallas then I’m going to go to the Winter Classic in Seattle and uh and do that and then I’m going to go from there to I’m back here actually going to spend four more days back here how do you keep your energy what’s

What’s the key what’s the secret are you able to energize coffee you do this guy we could we could land at 300 in the morning Andy in Edmonton we have a 45-minute bus ride to the hotel and this guy is yapping he’s on the mic microphone he just won’t shut up I’ve

Never met a person with more energy than I on that one yeah I mean you’re amazing well I think I’ve always had high octane there look at this I remember that that was great where is this I tried to take a scooter from the Elbow Room in Fort Lauderdale and I I

I’m like oh that’s not going to work very well remember that that the bus got who has got all these videos this is unbelievable in Phoenix that was in Phoenix the bus stop yeah the the the glass broke remember oh no no that was in calary we got locked out but where do

You get your energy panger really I I I I don’t I don’t know I I get good rest I tell you when I fall asleep guys I fall asleep I go hard I think my batteries have emptied I’ve always been that way uh high octane at the middle of uh you

Know in the middle of the day later in the day we’ve always been hockey so it’s always been hockey so my game goes that way you know that and I’m fired up by the time of the game and I can’t go down right so I mean whether I’m having

Poutine that’s an Ottawa by the way in Ottawa by the way where surprise you guys go back on the air with some f team that was a funny moment right there what’s the weather going to be like in Seattle coming up you got that cold that was Minnesota right there that

Was as cold as I’ve ever coldest ever ever had yeah yeah and your cousin Daryl here made an appearance right cousin darl every time I see Jake Allen he always asks where cousin Daryl is he’ll be in the hallway and go hey Daryl and guys are looking like it’s

Darren I love it I love it and the grandkids are getting older and they get to see you work and everything come down to the ring that’s the best part right I mean it they get they get to be a part of it too well you know what remember

Was like with your kids being young and bring game you remember it was like being I still see that picture upstairs in the broadcast Booth with you and your dad and and uh those are amazing moments and you know you’re going through you’re coach and you know you’re been with your

Kids but from you know having five granddaughters under the age of four three of them in New Jersey I’ll get there in February and see them and then and then obviously the two that are right here with Luke and Samy it’s precious pre we brought him to Chicago I

I brought him to Chicago and uh I got I got I’ve got little Charlie and Hadley a a Tommy Hawk you know that’s the mascot and uh little reluctant at first you know cuz Louis is in the in bed as well they haven’t had any fights I guess in

There I guess they’re getting along great but you came to practice today they both had their blue sweat and I yeah I was going to say they had blue sweaters on so that’s great they’re smart kids they’re born and raised in St Lou they are Blues fans they are you

They just they think Grandpa got traded like Ryan O’Reilly she says I traded like Ryan O’Reilly did that’s great was a different com of the game today yes very much so oh very much so the whole whole way about it just coming through the coming through downstairs even for the practice this

Morning and saying hello to people that I haven’t seen you remember that I was in Michigan when this all happened and things happen you know it’s like bang you don’t get to see anybody you don’t get to see security you don’t get to see a number of people that I you know yeah

It’s nice coming back yeah well I know the fans love especially this time of year Christmas always great to see you than I appreciate itk Merry Christmas hey I brought you something by the way cuz you you left this so it’s about time you take this this was left behind man

Yours oh that that is great that’s I’m going to I’m going to keep that for sure you’re taking that home oh I’m taking that home this has been the late shift brought to you by Bud Light thanks for tuning in as always John Kelly Darr Pang Merry Christmas guys Merry Christmas Oh


  1. Man this makes me want to cry just even seeing these guys together knowing how much memories have been made and such great life lived together, it’s very very nostalgic.

  2. 2:02 I feel Blues fans do respect the alumni and tradition that has been established with the franchise. However, we might under-appreciate the hockey royalty that randomly shows up at Blues games. There's not a lot of fan bases who can say they randomly see arguably the most dominant athlete in North American history on their hockey broadcast on a regular basis.

  3. The broadcast is terrible now. Kelly has always been awful but Darren made it watchable. Hopefully after bally sports dies they will put Kerbs and Joey on TV. Those two are the best radio team in the league. Its time to move them up

  4. Red wings fan, but love Darren Pang. Listened to him for Blues, Blackhawks and tnt. Grew up in Michigan watching the Wings at the Olympia, yeah I’m that old. Big fan of original 6.

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