Gift Giving | The Mystery 5th Hour

On this episode of The Mystery 5th Hour, we’re talking all things gift-giving.

Presented by McCurry Van & Car Rental.

#podcast #comedy #Christmas #gifts

Hey welcome in a special mystery 5ifth hour in studio we’re in the next round Studio Rockstar in his chair it is the Christmas season normally you see the mystery fifth hour in our lobby uh and this is not a complaint at all we are very happy that this is the case but

During the Christmas season our lobby is a very busy place we constantly have people coming in and out to see us and bring gifts and food and say hello so we thought let’s don’t disrupt that we’ll just do it right here right I mean I

Shout out to Mata pck but we had the ZD Fe Feast this morning and so there’s people in there in and out yep and uh yeah so moving in here this is a first yeah I kind of like it and I learned that it’s not proper etiquette to ask

For a family recipe I think it is are you beat up about that at all he only mention a doz I didn’t know I’m from the trailer park I thought it was a compliment to the chef to ask for the recipe I didn’t know it was an insult to

The family heritage yeah I just say like this is a great that’s great that it’s still in your family that’s awesome that well to Jim’s defense he did not know that he said is it wrong to ask for the recipe and of course I jumped in saying

Oh God don’t you know just to give Jim greef I I don’t know if it is or isn’t um I wouldn’t but I think disc complimenting is INR I really don’t know if it’s a v or not and the thing is there’s zero chance you were going to

Actually use a recipe you Maggie loves to when she does cook uh twice a year the uh but doesn’t she do her own uh Italian wouldn’t she be like uh she does Jane uh blessed us as she passed she kept all of her recipes which I think

Came from her mom in Memphis and so she’s got a whole book that some of Maggie’s friends have actually taken and reprinted them into a book how nice really a nice gift uh ideal for the holiday is that finny that Jane says we never got to uh do the segment Jane says

In a book that would be a great title for it inad of Jane’s recipes so rock star it played out perfect too dway he’s like is that a fuxa like yeah that’s a bad fuxa and she’s like oh it’s it’s a family recipe stacked on yeah oh God

List listen God came from the old country oh God that way we you ask for a family recipe she goes yeah it’s his grandmother’s recipe she actually came over on a boat from Italy oh and she’s dead I mean are you going to ask Colonel Sanders for his recipe it’s only seven

Recipes seven 11 seven spices right 11 uh herbs and spices 11 herbs and spices yeah the Lance Lance for the great line he’s God he’s a god D way you may as well have asked to sleep on their couch tonight with your shoes off it is the mystery fifth hour presented by McCurry

Vaned car rental if you need a car van or truck rent from McCurry McCurry van and car rental the local rental company you can depend on all kinds of vehicles to choose from that includes trucks SUVs and passenger vans easy to rent get you in and out fast Athens muscle shs

Huntsville and colan on Second Avenue Northwest big update coming soon to Tuscaloosa Skyland Boulevard reserve your rental today 26559 10003 or McCurry that’s 26559 10003 or McCurry as we record this we’re about 5 days short of Christmas so number 12 who gives us uh

Some ideas on the mystery fifth hour uh wants us to talk about giftgiving our stances on certain aspects of gift giving all right um so would you rate yourself a good Gift Giver or not we’ll start with you Lance fantastic fantastic gift fantastic I am the opposite I am

Horrible Gift Giver rockstar I am right there with dway I am bad yeah I’m giving I my gifts are usually what’s necessary almost like I think you need this not like I think you’re going to love this so my wife does all the gift purchasing

For my family used to the only gifts I would get were for my wife that’s the only gifts I would get and we and we’ve agreed uh we’re finished with Christmas gift giving let’s just get what we want throughout the year and make it about

The kids right so I am off the hook I am completely off the hook you say that that’s the way we do it I I mean Jennifer may be different but we always say we’re not getting each other for Christmas and one year um that was the

Case and I showed up at Christmas with nothing and all of a sudden Santa has a couple of gifts for me and Al for Romeo and I was like well son of a gun yeah and so I was left short-handed so now so you actually believe that so yeah

Exactly so now we you’re right we don’t give each other gifts but I expect to have a couple of gifts I’ll tell you my world changed uh when I was married to Bethany cuz she was an only child and so she got a lot of gifts

Right um I don’t want to say she was spoiled but they definitely spoiled her on birthdays and Christmases so it was so bad like when I turned 30 she gave me 30 gifts oh what oh my gosh that’s fantastic a bit over the top yeah it is

But I learned to be over the top in giftgiving when I dated slash was married to her and she was always over the top too so it is kind of just uh I’m just that’s the way I am right now you’re now it’s just with certain people right right the immediate family cuz

I’ve always appreciated this about us is that we don’t the four of us we don’t exchange Christmas gifts or birthday gifts and I appreciate that yeah yeah I told my brothers this year let’s just not do it you can do it for the kids whatever but I got uh I would rather

Keep it in my circle but but like Jack so Leighton wanted money she in New York right now right so she’s like I really don’t want presents just give me money which I think is so boring and you’re like I give you that all the time anyway

But um but Jack told me because I’m so good at gift giving that he wanted me to give him gifts oh quite compl I take as a compliment yeah yeah like I don’t know if I could give you guys good gifts no probably not what do you think uh well

See that’s just it if Maggie and she has she says what would you want for your birthday and Christmas and I was like I I don’t know and she’s like well your friends are getting all all of them are getting brand new irons this Christmas

Uh God I hope this my shirts are going to look amazing I just uh let their gifts out of the bag the wife conversation that’s right do they watch the mystery for that I hope not I hope not so so which I think a brown you would ATT tested this the husband needs

To know before you go buy a set of irons because um well he’s yeah yeah I mean well I think I think if you’re the wife you’re going to have to accept that he may take them back and exchange for another set that’s right I would hope

The wife understands that and then I told Maggie I was like Maggie I mean you I was with you we were still in the radio when I got these irons it’s not going to add any distance to my shots I’m not going to play any better golf

With new irons I don’t need new irons I don’t need a new driver I mean I tried to buy a new driver last year uh paid $600 for it and was hitting it further out of the Fairway went back to my old one and played greatl golf still

Expensive ended up getting $600 worth of uh oh no dude the sound system I use for gigs was less than that and it is paid for itself beyond belief yeah you know has not done we golf clubs about $150 a club is that about right I mean a good

Set of irons you’re going to get pitch W through three or four iron for 1,200 bucks yeah yeah about 150 A1 $1,800 I don’t play golf but if you play golf once a week I would think you have the cloes for three or four years well worth

Yeah yeah but now you factor in the greens fees oh it’s not a cheap sport there’s no I’ll tell you what I’ve learned about gift giving what and like I got really killed uh years ago when I got Bethany a treadmill oh yeah yeah and then with vacuum I got killed when I

Gave somebody else a Roomba and a pelaton but the way I see this is it not only a win-win for me but it’s also stuff I can use not necessarily the Roomba I mean I do know how to send it back to home base but I use get back

There the pellaton I use the treadmill I think if you can give something to somebody they need that you can also use it’s a win-win I remember that same year I ended up uh because of you I ended up giving Maggie a Roomba how’d that go it

Went well well she loved it she loved it so hypothetically let let say there’s a family there’s a 15-year-old that looks like me so I was a freshman in high school and we were eating dinner one night and they were eating dinner one night and the Father Figure said you know

What I want to start wearing vests I would like to start wearing vests so somebody puts that in the bank in the memory bank and then Christmas Comes 6 months later and uh opening packages from Parisian and uh there’s a bunch of vests the man looks at the gifts and goes what is

This the wife says I got you vest CU you said you were going to start wearing vest I never said that I never said that kids did he say that you said that I would never wear a vest so I don’t know how much money this person spent but the

Look of disappointment of just like are you surprised this is awful so you saw it yeah I was there yeah are these were these sweater vest or these were like the button up like vest you wear with a suit like a three-piece suit vest yeah like probably eight of them eight wow

We’re going to need the progressive replay on this one right and not not a one was worn every single one was returned like the look of the face I don’t want this you said you did never said that and you you know good well you

Heard it we were at dinner he said out of nowhere he said it like just like you know what I saw a guy in vest I’m want to start wearing vest I think it’d be a good look just start wearing vests yeah I like that your mom fight or this

Person filed that away yeah they just like and just to have that in the my wife does that just like oh you said you like that thing and then like 10 months later you got that like you remember that conversation oh my God you remembered that so does Steve wear vest

No that never was not one time this day I don’t even think they were tried on did she also get the uh did she also get the pocket watch with the long chain that could button on the front of the vest there no they were very uh they

Were not very good-looking bestest I don’t think and like it h he made the good choice to take them back so how do you guys react to a bad gift I’ve been fortunate I’ve normally been around good gift givers or at least knowing what I want right so I can’t remember ever

Getting something I really didn’t want I mean maybe going back to you know uh when you were a kid with the relative something like that but typically I get really good gifts does Maggie ever give you a bad gift open up Jim nobody’s listening yeah Jim your friends and watching this do do

The top 10 well you know she’s gotten really good at the clothes for a while early in our marriage she would buy me clothes that I did not like and I don’t know if you’ve helped her with that LT or what but have you helped Magie I have never been shopping with

Maggie yeah would she ask you for advice NOP yeah like last year Maggie rowback hoodie please yeah so we could hear the end of that like last year what’s the the sort of joggers that start with a VOR is good stuff she gave me four of

Four of those oh that’s a great gift and I was like this this is fantastic and it was even the brand that seemed to be very popular with you guys and I was like all right you know it wasn’t a knockoff brand and their shorts are my

Favorite it’s my favorite thing to wear of the viori shorts yeah well maybe Magie listening to this maybe that’ll be under the tree this you tell me I need to jog more I don’t know what you’re I no she’s always been good but we’re to the point we ask each other now like

What do you want like uh yeah and and I get that and I what I want I know a lot of kids that do that I see kids you know kids in their 30s 40s that their parents are like what do you want and they make a list and

Then they get that list I like the intrig and surprise yeah me I’m kind of with Lance on that I like to try to surprise when I had more time I used to like going out and trying to figure out oh she would really like this yeah um

But truthfully she loves one of our sponsors Woodhouse Day Spa I’ve given it now for a Christmas and a valentine or Christmas in an anniversary and she loves it so I will include that in this Christmas again uh it fits in that’s the thing she gets the biggest kick out of

We do this tradition called stocking stuffers we literally stuff each other stocking not what it sounds like is that is that a euph and um so I mean you know you put socks in there or you put a piece of jewelry in there you put you know some sometimes for me golf balls

Are in there brownie or something like that almost like a yeah yeah exactly we talk about it like a tradition nobody does everybody do we do this thing where we rap gifts and we get a we stock I honestly everybodys I was going to say I honestly don’t remember

Getting stockings as a kid oh I do yeah it was kind of my favorite part but back to the ex-wife she would take it to a Next Level back when DVDs were big and one of the reasons I’ve got like over 400 DVDs is like that was part of my

Stocking I would get like DVDs and like uh good body wash soaps all kinds of candies good razors exactly candies you actually need yeah that so that was that was always in the stockings not have those see I I didn’t have that growing up in the trailer park we didn’t stuff

Stockings yeah we didn’t either stole right so Maggie introduced me into that tradition so everyone else does that too oh yeah yeah my dogs get stockings and regular gifts our dogs get stockings too be bullet and Chili’s first Christmas oh boy but they’re fired up they been tell

What they want truthfully I’m starting to feel like this is Charlie’s last Christmas oh no we did the math the other day right dude’s 13 and 1 12 years old maybe 14 we don’t know exactly how old he is but I mean six years old I mean sixth grade Harper going into sixth

Grade when we got him will we all celebrate it like it’s his last I think we should all celebrate every day like it’s I kind of agree with you yeah every day should be Christmas every day should be your last but it just dawned on me

Because Ang Angus is now three and just flying by like yesterday we got Angus and I’m like how old is Charlie you know he’s still sort of the alpha of the group and he’s the best Walker he’s a good little boy but he’s still Charlie

blocker till the end hey this is I don’t want to make this prophetic but this is the first Christmas I have I’m going to treat like the last like trying to save a little bit budget but you know I was like about three week I guess it

Was Black Friday I was like you know what to hell with it I’m going to blow it out this year for the people around me wow I like that can’t wait to see what we got Jim yeah I don’t know if y’all are getting anything didn’t blow

It out that much uh well I I went I ran through a lottery scenario last night with LT um cuz I’m not playing the big one I’m playing the FL Florida Lottery flottery the Florida Lottery because of the folks at the florama recommended why are you playing against all 50 states

Just play against the State of Florida and I was like good sales Point great advice your odds in crease some yeah and I was like great point but also the winning is only like you oh it went from at dinner last night to you know what

All the people around me I’m going to take care of their debt to I’m not giving anybody anything it convince me I mean if I had have won this last drawing it was only $28 million well if you take the first time payout that’s going to be

What about 12 well after taxes you’re probably going to get 10 million bucks $10 million maybe eight that’s almost not even worth it yeah I know do you even buy the ticket at that point so at that point I at that point I go to work on

Monday but but when I was playing the Power Ball my dream was always winning and not telling you guys right and then one day when we were having our meeting handing out 13 checks of $1.5 million to you guys you would finally buy some friends and you would say finally

Everyone up here would like me and uh and you guys would say why 1.5 yeah why 1.5 I wanted you guys to have all have a million dollars in the 0.5 was to take care of the taxes for you I hope you win this thing I’m not playing the Powerball

Anymore I’m glad you’ve thought through it yeah uh last minute or early Shopper uh last minute 100,000 100% last minute I’m the same way I’m a proc Fator by Nature so I do last B on everything uh even back in the day of the malls before you ordered everything online I would

Love to go to the malls after our last day of work about 3 days before Christmas oh my God and the enthusiasm and the excitement in the mall the Galleria screaming kids uh of just going by and buying and stuffing your bags full and um maybe drinking a little hot

Chocolate just for a ride did you go to Barney’s coffee oh yeah I used to love that when I was a kid at the Galleria of the smell of Barney’s coffee and Cindy cinnamons I tell you I love 15 bucks I can get a scoop of hog and D starting in

College for like a 5year window I’d love to go to the gallera and sit in one of those restaurant Windows have cocktails and just watch people shop oh yeah yeah I mean it’s a good luck people shopping is like they’re happy I missed the malls

Yep people are happy um I miss the malls too yeah you think they’ll ever come back uh yeah I’m sure sickal yeah yeah I was watching Bad Santa last night and obviously he is a a mall Santa yeah and uh just I don’t know we just don’t have

Malls anymore if you think about it what is popular right now are the outdoor shopping areas right where you park in a parking lot shop that’s really just a version of what it was back in the 40s and 50s when you just went downtown and it was one store after another right but

It’s cold you know well I know it’s cold but I’m just saying that cycled back around think them all will too it’s not even the outdoor shopping now it’s it’s Amazon everything well that’s true that’s what’s going to kill but here’s what disappoints me and listen Amazon is

Amazon but here’s what disappoints me now if I’m buying everything online like I don’t know you guys when it shows up often times it’s it’s it’s shitty it’s it’s not as well made as you got to know what you’re ordering online before you get it you got to go Brands like let’s

Just use vori again so I’ve had enough vori that I can order whatever vori online you know exactly what you’re getting but if it’s a but like my sweatshirt the other day a I thought it was a sweater when I ordered it to get shipped over overnight to have it in

Time for tacky sweater day it shows up and it’s it’s it’s poor quality yeah oh it’s it’s crap yeah like the shirt I’ve got on is like I forgot what it’s called like 32 blues or something and so I order it well the end seems a little

Too short yeah see so you wear a jacket over it well I wear a jacket over it and then a shirt under it that goes a little longer but I I probably wouldn’t buy this again because I know about the NC yeah are you a fan of giving gift cards

So my wife always asked me I need something for your mom and dad just your mom a gift card to such or such she loves that store Ryan I am not giving your mom a gift card I know but I love getting gift cards I do too cuz you know

What I can do then I can buy whatever the hell I want yeah uh do we do it for like nieces and nephews uh but the problem with that is that’s why it’s like a bajillion dollar industry people they used go unused like we’ll use we

Don’t need to use it tonight let’s just put it in a drawer and you find five years later like oh my God we still have this thing to Ryan steakhous you want me to blow your mind on that so 12 gave me a stat to go with this 47% of American

Adults have unused gift cards correct oh yeah all right I’ve got one to a a local liquor store somebody gave me two years ago and I don’t know if it’s it’s probably expired probably expired most like 150 bucks listen to this though the unspent funds and gift cards in the

United States around $23 billion that’s why if you own a business you want people getting gift cards 100% because they they half the time apparently buy I number half the time they don’t get redeemed that’s why like at one point Starbucks was one of the largest banks in the world because

People it’s not really gift cards but it’s like the uh the prepaid card the Starbucks card they people load it up and they just don’t use it so Starbucks is holding that money or the apps now where like Dunkin Donuts when I used to go there I’d throw $50 on so I could

Pick up forest and I some coffee and occasionally a sandwich and but you know that’s my $50 in their W now but now they’re holding my $50 it’s their $50 their $50 cuz they’re the one making the interest don’t it now you’re going to be

Giving it back to me so if you time that yeah if you time that by you’re right there’s something right now that back to the stockings I’ll go to CVS or Walgreens and I will stuff the stockings with a ton of gift gift cards from everywhere and late in the other night

At dinner when she asked me for money and not present she was like will you please not give me an Applebee’s gift card again but I mean I’m like spraying the board and it’s more of um having a little fun with it too oh

I got a $20 gift card to Red Lobster but at the same time they’ve got all this other stuff so I put a lot of gift card s in the stockings and I spend way too much CVS and walgre I saw this on Tik Tok and this and you know people

Actually um they launder money through gift cards that’s why they they break them up and you can only get a certain amount they give you receipts with them okay so let me tell you what people are doing though and I saw this on Tik Tok Rockstar this is 100% this was an actual

News story that I saw Tik Tok they are stealing like they’re going in the store and they’re stealing the gift cards with nothing on them right the gift cards have no value at that point so they’re stealing the gift cards they they heat them so that you can open them without

You know L tearing it they take the gift card out and cut off you know the part you scratch off and it’s got the redeemable they cut that part off and keep it they put the card back in the way it was uh reseal it and put them

Back in the store because when you go to the register they scan it you put $100 on it they now have the red the redemption code for your $100 but how do you I mean like if I was a server and they were like I don’t have the car but

I’ve got this number no you don’t have to have it you can do it online you go online you ENT it that’s really not fair it is not fair so what the cops for saying is the as best you can try to fill the package before you

Buy it make sure it’s got the whole gift card in it or just open it at the register and only keep the card just don’t worry about giving them the envelope to the card well we are a society full of criminals because how do they think of that well and and and but

About laundering money through so you’re a drug dealer and you’ve got $200,000 worth of CAS cash you got to wash they do with their gift cards yep anything that somebody comes up with somebody’s going to find out a way to use it for nefarious means right y I’m

Still hacked on my I mean I deleted that account still hacked noticed I saw it this morning there was a story up on Facebook where you made some kids some money par somebody got a uh Subaru outb Subaru the other day congrats me yeah

Good for you Jim well done I mean I am changing the world you really are with my Bitcoin knowledge by the way I did read you won’t be here uh for Friday show but I got this for Friday show uh seven hot things in 2024 Bitcoin is going to be one of them

No is it now is coming back yeah the bitcoin’s coming back Brown and lford will be excited about they kicked out they’ve kicked out all the bad seeds now and good and so this supposed to take a big upturn in 2024 good I’m in I’m invested little advice from Jimmy D

There for you all right he is a Bitcoin King if you’ve seen if you’ve SE crypto King if you have seen that on on Facebook Hey if you need a car van or truck Rim from McCurry McCurry van car rental the local rental company you could depend on all kinds of vehicles to

Choose from includes trucks SUVs and passenger vans easy in Easy Out easy rent in Athens muscle Sholes Huntsville and colan on Second Avenue Northwest coming soon to Skyland Boulevard reserve your rental today 25655 91003 that’s 25655 91003 or McCurry uh this is our Christmas episode I hope you know how thankful we

Are for all of you that’s more of a Thanksgiving message right but it still works at Christmas so so merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy New Year whatever you’re celebrating happy and thank you for joining us for the mystery fifth hour


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