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Look at all the look at that ATV what’s up bro big stuff you never seen fig before welcome this is fig this thing is ridiculous this is so clean related I was like why are there fire trucks here what’s up look they took the whole wall what happened here look like folks

Welcome back to the channel tonight you’re joining me for an afternoon late evening Cruise out here in the hood we are by a figa Street we’re going to do a reverse Loop so usually we go this way down fig this is southbound this is the 110

Freeway going north which is a U-turn so North is This Way South is this way usually we start on fig and go south today we’re taking Broadway South going down I don’t know 10 20 streets whatever feels uh proper comfortable whatever we feel like doing really then we’re going

To turn around and come back up big the other way something we usually don’t do another thing we usually don’t do is come down here at this time it is about 30 minutes till sunset uh you don’t want to be caught out here for any reason at

This time but like I said I don’t have any of my brain cells left one and two I didn’t have anything better to do with my time today so here we are out here riding adventuring in the most exciting place that I could think of which is

Down here in South Central so that is what exactly we are doing today at this particular moment we’re going to go on Broadway I hear an ice cream truck so that is uh terrifying and we’re going to go south so right here is Broadway we’re going to

Cruise down the street here I don’t really ever check out Broadway for any reason you know it’s a it’s a it’s a street it’s the best way I can put it oh I got a bike job here pretty cool serving the community always love to see that uh it is

Summertime in La I know you guys sometimes don’t watch videos at the time that I post them so for feature reference it is August uh 5th I think so we’re smack dab in the middle of summer I’m hearing Sirens I don’t exactly know what’s going on but I’m

Definitely hearing some sirens and I’m getting some strange looks as I’m cruising around down here uh you may be asking most common question of all time on my channel why I’m on the sidewalk well out here is probably uh you’re damned if you do damned if you

Don’t you’re equally in danger if you’re in the street or the sidewalk out here so you know it is what it is ice cream truck damn why is he why dude that’s an ice cream minivan hold on wait look at this can ask you a what’s

Up bro can I find Main Street Main Street yeah uh that’ be like one more Major Street down this way more down that way yeah cuz this is Broadway next major Street Main Street that’s a nice bike oh thank you brother yeah how much you pay for uh 200

Really yeah I got it from a friend I yeah hey be safe brother thank you have a good time you too I mean I you know it’s just it’s subconscious for me to not tell the price look at this street right here bro I got to check this one out even though

It’s off the it’s off the route of what we’re planning on taking today it’s just got such a cool aesthetic to it it’s just so cool it’s like an alley SL Street look at that old school I hear dogs and I can’t see them because I’m

Going into the Sun and I don’t like that so we’re going to get right back off of this street right now I think this is the freeway yeah this is a freeway off R oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no

We’re good we’re good I don’t see any roadkill I don’t think you could have seen that I don’t think oh man dude we’re we’re we’re out here right now folks ladies and gentlemen we are out here on a cool look at that super though damn’s hot uh it is

A very nice Summer’s evening may I add there’s a black fire hydrant that’s something you don’t see every day it’s very cool temps I want to say about 70° it’s a nice evening you know it’s a very nice night for a ride I just happen to

Come out to out here this is just where I decided to go for my ride and uh we’re going to make the most of it and while we’re out here we’re going to see some things we don’t usually see and maybe some things that we’ve never seen before who

Knows either way we are going to go down to I want to say maybe 70th Street right now we’re on 67 ducking the street for a little bit let’s just pin it right quick um um yeah so right now the plan we’re going to stick pretty close to the

Freeway fun fact on the way down here I saw a like a full-blown fire on the freeway but that’s just uh you know that was a pretty nice welcoming to uh to the hood I was like oh hey well there’s a fire got that off the bingo card that’s uh something you

Typically see got homeboy getting across the street with his cart man let him cross oh [ __ ] we got mini bikes watch everybody dip out there they go Hood classic folks the mini bikes those things are so sketchy some people love them me I am I’m good uh we’re right here on Florence

We might as well now’s a better time than ever to go this way let see we got an alley right here I kind of want to check it out oh never mind it’s gated off a lot of the alleys back here as I’ve point pointed out in

Videos in the past are gated uh for whatever reason I don’t know if they’re gated by the city or by the people who live here or what but you cannot access them you just can’t get back there for any reason oring it’s kind of cut thr right now

With the traffic I’m really being careful in case you guys can’t notice little standoff right there that was a little like who’s going to go first I try to always let the cars go first even when it’s clear that uh you know they don’t want me to go I’m always trying to

Let the cars go first so we’re on fig the famous fig back on fig where we were about a week ago is where we are today and uh we’re going to go south what we always do I know I just mentioned I was going to do a big lap around and go from

Bottom to back up this way but you know it is what it is anyways big well known go ahead and make our way through here excuse me we’re going to go ahead and pop into the street real quick I think it’s a little too narrow for us to slide

Through even though it looks pretty cool oh we got FAL cats there Brave as hell Pig Stu if you never seen Pig before welcome first time I don’t think I need to add any commentary to what’s going on at this part of the video this is fig and uh

Yeah look at this parking enforcement this is a government building right on the okay this is a this is a this is a scene right here looks like there was just a actually I think this is unrelated I was like why are the fire trucks here looks like they’re here in an

Unrelated incident to uh the uh the the activities that are outside to say the least uh yeah that’s uh that’s that’s just uh that’s what we’re going to that’s that that’s fig I just you know I still don’t know how to like describe what I’m seeing when I’m there on that

Street it’s just uh it’s just is what it is like I don’t really know how else to put it I’d be careful to like not you guys got to remember I have to I have to be careful about what I put on YouTube as far as like sensoring things and

Showing things like I don’t want to show some guy like some random dude like ruin his life you know like I got I got to be very careful about what I do include I just bunny hoop this thing with ease holy I’m getting stronger um actually guess we’re just going to

Cross and go back up big the other opposite side against tra again and just see what’s going on on this side of the street not nearly the Fig Rod that I wanted to do today I wanted to go way further down but I think we’re just going to go slightly in a different

Direction that had electric drift Rak yeah [ __ ] sick oh thanks it’s called a suron how much was it uh like, 1500 yeah just giv different prices all day why not I mean hey I got nothing to lose anyways we’re trying to get out the hell out of here right now

Honestly this street is crazy bro it’s like this all the way up and down like say I was just like coming out for a regular ride like I would have no choice but to you know ride through [Applause] this bigest fig you know this is what it is out here

And it’ll probably never ever change same uh same speech I had last time but you know it still applies you know what’s funny though is I grew up in North Long Beach which has the famous Long Beach Boulevard right there you know and Long Beach Boulevard is known

For uh you know the same thing we’re seeing here obviously I can’t say it I don’t know if I can actually but I’m trying not to uh it’s really known for the same thing and you know it was really prevalent there too but I just never pay that much attention to it like

You would see it you know you see folks standing on the street uh sales people if you will but I never just like it didn’t really hit me what was going on like it does nowadays when I ride through I’m like damn it’s just I don’t

Know anyways we got to make our way back this is sketch right here okay see this is why I just hate riding in the street out here bro I’d rather take it slow on the sidewalk than deal with these drivers and just they are it’s such a rush

And I’m not wearing my green shirt either which I feel like actually helps a lot when it comes to being seen out here like it definitely helps a lot I’m wearing like just random clothes today gasing on we’re going we’re cooking oh man okay well talk about a hot lap

Folks that is a definition of a hot lap but we just did holy Wow Let’s see what are we at 16 minutes oh we got to get some more footage we don’t even have a full video done we got to go get some more okay let’s uh let’s go straight a little bit

Wow I mean dud it’s never a dull moment on this bike it’s always so exhilarating to just ride it around but uh we definitely saw the uh you know what’s going on down there on fig so nothing new there we definitely uh saw that last time we rode on

Fig oh boy pulling up was a little strange but you know actually don’t know he was pulling up on me but he definitely giving me a hard look like what what is bro doing here anyways there is that let’s uh let’s see what else is going on out here someone’s

About to get towed got the tow truck out here a jacket just in the middle of the street across the [Applause] street oh I was kind of aggressive I pulled out I thought he was pulling up to block me I was about to be like oh okay well we are going to go ahead and uh start accelerating away if that was a case but I don’t think it is but I’m

Kind of like uh is he is he on my tail here’s the thing about riding out here you get paranoid off of nothing but it’s not unfounded it’s not unfounded because when I was growing up in bad neighborhoods you always have to watch your back like constantly constantly constantly constantly constantly it’s

Just a way it’s just a way that you grow up you know you don’t even you’re not even let me know in the comments if you guys can relate cuz I know I’m not the only one when you’re raised in neighborhoods like that like it’s just natural for you to be suspicious of

Everything that’s a sick Toyota super clean uh you’re just naturally suspicious of these things like when someone pulls into you on a certain way like that was unnatural right there’s there’s no doubt about it the way that he came in okay he it turns out he was

Just driving like that but you would think that he was coming in to stop in front of me and I don’t know hop out or who knows what you know you don’t you never know what’s going on riding around out here is it like you could just be

Mistaken for somebody you know that’s another cold part of of uh being in in these neighborhoods is like you can just be chilling and someone can see you and think you’re somebody from somewhere else or someone that he knows from somewhere or some part of some family that he has problems with blah

Blah blah thing you know you’re in this huge problem I’m wearing a helmet you can’t even see my face so I’d be like hey man you don’t know me I’m just like I’m riding around you don’t you know and and then what it’s in my it’s just my

Story versus uh versus reality which would be uh you know who knows how that would go I know I kind of just came up with this crazy scenario but I I know some of you guys out there get it some of you probably think that sounds crazy

But I know others F that truck got smash understand what I’m talking about it is a real thing all right you got to stay on your two toes out here your tippy toes anyways we’re just cruising along we got a clean duly right here here I cannot see that well going this

Way so I’m chilling right now I’m going very nice and slow and I’m just chatting with you guys you know we’re just doing tails in the hood right now Taco spot cracking it smells so good we got the walk light I guess we’re going to keep on going straight for a

Bit we’re about to end up right back on fig honestly so I think we’re just going to go ahead and do that we did a crazy route just now got an alley right here there’s like oh my God okay that was a nice dog but he’s still scared the out of me

Bro it’s party season out here that’s right have little family parties going down anyways we’re back at the freway once again our our uh North Star if you will this is what guides us to where we are uh trying to not straight too far from is a

Freeway at all times we I trying to stay close to the freeway I get wild looks out here I mean I get wild looks everywhere cuz I just I’m on a suron but I get the wildest of them out here dude my phone straight up was about to fall out my pocket this entire time so that’s kind of even more wild than everything else Anyways I think we had a pretty cool run today we just uh we shredded a little bit we tore it up left right in center we did fig which was the main idea for today’s ride I wanted to do a lot more fig but just a little too active tonight

If you you catch my drift there’s a little too much going on there so uh we’ll Reserve that for another day it’s not going anywhere at the street quite literally and it’s like that all the time uh it’s kind of weird Vibes today but you know I’m just out here chilling riding I

Got nothing to worry about so folks we’re back out here in the City of Angels and there is a chicken straight up in the middle of the sidewalk just chilling on the sidewalk hey buddy hey if I go past will you picking me okay well anyways folks today we are out

Here in the hood once again this is where we came the other day when there was a standoff and I was in the alley with the uh dogs and cats or one dog oh some glass right there and a bunch of cats so we’re going to try to avoid

Alleys for the most part today we’re just kind of I don’t know we’re cruising around some areas we don’t really go down that much look at this crazy truck and some gang taggin right behind it got some fellas over there with uh some’s on a ebike

Chilling we are going to scope out the alleys hopefully you know maybe we could check out a couple but I mean it’s just uh it’s kind of on a different level out here where we’re at in this part of uh South Central it’s not a place where you

Typically go and just ride around as you guys know I am uh lacking most of my brain cells so I just kind of ride wherever I feel like on any given day and today I picked down here and that’s where we’re at so right now we’re on

22nd Street we’re going to cruise South for a little bit usually we go straight down uh today I don’t know I I really have no idea what the plan is we’re just going to play it by ear and hopefully not get eaten by any dog and in the

Meantime I’m going to try and show you guys as much as I can of the neighborhoods out here graffiti stuff that’s going on that’s a actually a really cool Civic first off look at this wall straight up I mean this is the definition of of a gang taging right

Here it took the whole Wall wow that you really see a um a tagon that’s this big I don’t even know what property this is it wraps around to the other side too wow I’m not the best at reading tagging so maybe someone in the comments can fill us in on what that says but uh you

Know it’s been a minute since we just went on a cruise without trying to look for anything in specific police scanner is off we’re not even going to any uh particular what am I hearing oh it’s ice cream truck oh dude I don’t know why that it sounded like a a police

Loudspeaker or something dude that song is kind of cursed it just did not sound right I don’t know it’s kind of like warped this kind of creepy uh yeah you know so anyways I was saying it’s been a minute since we just did like a a random Cruise out here in

Uh in South Central LA so that’s kind of the agenda today we’re just out mobbing around see what we see um I’m just playing spectator on the ebike we’re going to check out some alleys we’re going to check out what’s going on out here in the city you know

Every so often I like just mobbing through the hood and seeing uh what’s changed right now we’re going into a blind alley which I might turn around I’m taking it real slow cuz I feel like there’ be a dog back here I can’t really tell see this is the

Type of alley that I am good on now because I know I just came from this way so that safe but I feel like if I go that way a dog could pop up and I’ll be cornered I do want to check out the art

Back here though the art is sick look at this barbed wire everywhere you go out here you’re going to see lots of barbed wire and so these fences with the spike points designed to keep people out and prevent you from coming in very cool graffiti

Back here very you know Mad Max Vibes is how I like to describe a lot of the alleys in La I originally wasn’t intending on even coming this far Rocky the family dog dude that’s awesome they have a mural for their dog that’s amazing uh really cool graffiti back here actually I’m pretty

Impressed um not sure what this building is or if they just this is just a known wall for tigers come and get up on I don’t know if you guys can tell but those are trains in the background you see that I haven’t seen A Train That’s that

Color though I don’t know what MTA that’s uh resembling anyways pretty cool Vibes in this alley right here in South Central where we’re getting our ride started we’re going to go up here and make a right turn on this street which is San Pedro Street runs north and south

All the way through downtown LA and through uh South Central that’s where we’re going to start our ride today we’re going to do a little bit of Dipping left and right through the neighborhoods see what is going on we’re going to make this right right here on

Adams and we’re just going to cruise for a bit we’re try to do a little bit more of staying on main roads than we traditionally do usually we try to like get a little bit of in between neighborhoods and main roads I just don’t feel like dealing with all the

Drama of being out in the alleys today I just you know it’s a hot day out here in La the sun is shining as you can see it’s about 90° right now and it’s about I don’t know 5:30 about to be 6 p.m. super windy I know that you guys

Probably don’t hear the wind because uh my GoPro wind screen is amazing but it also means that I’m going to have a very shorter than usual battery life so I’m going to try and give you guys as much content as possible before that happens I have three GoPros with me

Today that’s how hot it is I have two spares so I’m going to be rotating them all as they overheat as time goes on which they will I can guarantee you each one of them will look at this hat collection got a little bit of everything H there this spell California

Cali FN r i a wait I can’t spell either am I dyslexic f n o r n i a it’s a cool hat yeah you know here’s the thing a lot of these vendors they get the hats printed right down this street this exact street in the fashion district and they just

You know print stuff and then they come down here and sell it okay well anyways uh coming up uh Maple this is another main street that runs north and south through downtown uh just taking the the shots I wish I could get a better perspective of how cool this

Intersection is you have an overview of downtown back there you have a mural right here of uh oh well something that’s uh yeah I don’t know what that exactly is but a lot of character on this intersection right here even though uh you know it’s probably not a place you want to be

After like maybe 8:00 p.m. I’d say at the very latest even that’s pushing it pretty much every wall out here on every building has some type of art though you got to love that that’s very cool as we cruise through a few of the neighborhoods we will be checking out

Today let’s pop back out into the street this is the same ice cream man we just passed man he’s covering ground y That’s in bro that song is just terrifying bro it’s the same song You Know What’s crazy I feel like ice cream trucks are like kind of a thing of a

Past right are you guys do you hear ice cream truck where you live comment below if you do a lot of my viewers are on TV now so I know you guys can’t comment but if you’re watching on a phone computer uh let me know you guys have ice cream

Trucks in your neighborhood I don’t it always tricks me out when I come down here cuz like you hear the ice cream truck and it’s something you don’t really hear that much I feel like you know anyways uh we’re going to do a little bit of uh switching back and

Forth we’re going to leave the neighborhoods of the hood real quick to uh go to the industrial area such a busy afternoon we are past rush hour basically so we should be good on on being able to cruise around just a bit kind of hit that jump perfectly that was

Sick this strip right here is kind of crazy they got the leaf blower cracking we got a little bit of uh auto body parts here got the extension engine cable running across the street now this is uh there used to be some tents right here looks like they got cleaned up

Interesting little cut right there that we just passed through a lot of broken glass on the ground as always nothing out of the ordinary we’re going to make a left back on Adams kind of double back the way we just came just a tad bit because if we keep going straight that

Way we’re not really going to run into anything at all like literally nothing so oh no they ditched the Barby truck they that’s an Escalade they just flipped it and left it for unlucky also somebody’s tent just trashed in the middle of the street or the sidewalk that is here’s sir’s behind

Me I don’t know what’s going on back there I don’t know if somebody’s in there bro I cannot tell and we have a lone scooter stripped to the battery or whatever was in there I don’t know if that’s where the that’s got to be where the battery is on these E Scooters right

And the motor in the rear wheel crazy bro low keep pulling up on me ohy anyhoo off we go this is right on the side of that neighborhood we just passed through you know it’s just people out here trying to survive the usual thing you see pretty much everywhere in La

People living in tents so we’re going to go back in the neighborhoods real quick we’re kind of drifting off topic I do smell a fire or something let me just check my phone no idea anyways got the vehicle repair Old School datson truck that sick neighborhoods of historical South

Central like right around here is where I pulled up on that police standoff situation thing that was going on and that kid yelled at me I think it was like right here or no maybe it’s another Street down lots of tagging as you can see right here tagging on these pillars

Right there across the street on that thing whatever that is on this building and there’s a dog oh no I don’t see I see he has a collar on but he does not have a uh look dude people don’t care out here she’s totally unfaced she’s just like oh no there’s a

Dog dude the average person is so less shook of a dog than I am for me it’s just like I mean that one oh man it’s definitely somebody’s dog that sucks but I’m still not getting close to it hey hey man I love dogs don’t get me wrong I do love

Them but I am good on getting close to one that’s lost and probably hungry they just they get they’re skittish and scared you know wait bro look at this is this a dunk they got a this homie oh my gosh this thing is ridiculous this is so

Clean the El Camino on 28s what that 28s bro Immaculate Immaculate I’m in love if I had El Camino I’m doing that to it you don’t see those very often out here in La man even out here in the hood you do not see donks I feel like I used to I

Used to a lot when I lived in Long Beach as a kid like I I my neighbor had a dunk and you kind of see him here and there I mean if you went to a car show out here you probably see a bunch but they’re definitely um less common than they are

In like Atlanta or you know in the South stuff like that so you got to appreciate a good dunk when you see one out here anyhoo we’re making a left right right here you may recognize this is a DWP building we’ve been through here before Mercedes coming in

Hot not really trying to be in these neighborhoods right now it’s uh you know it’s fine but we’re going to keep it moving more people out here trying to survive he’s got a GoPro head chest head head Mount thing head head uh GoPro head got the GoPro head

On I can’t wear that it makes my scalp super itchy for some reason so um see where see from here we’re down on 30th Street that means we travel 10 blocks south already since we started on 22nd uh we’re coming up on the the fork in the road where Avalon and San Pedro

Break off from each other I guess we’ll go up here I we’re going to make this right on 33rd real quick and try and take like a slightly different route I thought I had police on me keep going this way we’ll end up going by the uh soccer stadium not really on

The agenda for today and end up at USC so we’re going to try and do a little bit of uh swerving to avoid that look at this pretty cool art don’t know who that’s supposed to be but looks pretty sick up here on Jefferson that should tell you how quick we’re covering ground

Pretty dang fast more broken glass back here on Avalon we’re going to cut straight and go through if we keep going this way it just turns into straight like industrial hell so we’re going to try and avoid that to the best of our abilities and try and keep it

Interesting we’re going to go through this Plaza and then make a right through into the neighborhoods I don’t know what that is I know what the Market but I don’t know what that little a little tell thing in the front you see it there’s an alley

Right there but it’s kind of hard to get to let’s see where could we go from here I do like the area man I just don’t know exactly where to go from here we’re on Stanford this is not a through Street to the city so we are going to make a

Left lots of alleys right here we’re probably going to end up taking a couple just to save us some time cuz uh we could say no to every single alley but that’s just boring right we got to check out at least a couple well let’s just go this way I

Guess we’re going to end up going back to where we started eventually so I mean of course right that’s where I parked but we kind of ended up off track of where we were trying to be big time so we’re going to turn it around through his D

Way there’s a lot of stuff right there I don’t know exactly what this what’s going on at this part of town you I have no idea there’s just lots of things on the sidewalk some people collecting them looks like money’s being trans they’re making money something’s happening I don’t know I

Don’t know folks you probably know better than me I just ride around nice guy oh wait we’ve been this way yeah we’ve been this way this like a a lowkey industrial area so last time we came down here these doors were open yeah I remember okay that’s you know that’s a

Rare sight out here in uh in the hood but it’s a sign of the times folks puddling through here without a care in the world you got to love it man I’m riding without a care so same but different a bro is fixing his car in the

Middle of the street that is just that’s the definition of get it how you live right there looks like he’s already done too maybe I don’t know I thought he was fixing the flat but I think he had something else going on anyways off we go hitting all the jumps we can and

Everything hting every single jump possible on this bike look at all the broken glass out here man that looks like someone just threw something on the ground bless of uh damn hey man calm down it ain’t a get away why I’m always half spooked while riding around these areas there’s just

So many crazy drivers you know it is what it is though people parked in the middle of the street that is called there’s not enough parking in La that’s a prime example right here I bet they they Park overnight that’s clean Camaro and some pretty cool parts of town though we

Never come out here this is uh much further than we usually go on our uh on our Hood rides or our BMX Adventures on the suron continuing on we’re back on Hooper any Vlog viewers know Hooper is uh that means you’re pretty much in the middle of the hood right now when you’re

When you hit Hooper that’s a halfway point so we can go north or south and it’s the same difference pretty much I guess we’re going to go north we go north we kind of end up in uh in the ARs District of downtown if we go straight

For long enough but I don’t know if that’s really the plan we’re just going to chug along for a bit and see what happens we have an alley this looks like a fine one to check out right little B more tagging nothing too crazy out of the ordinary the least

Thing you could expect to see in alley in South Central is tagging of all types gang tagging it’s kind of bumpy look like there’s a few cars trying to get past what’s up look hey hey dude I am bro don’t CAU me off guard right there I can’t lie with the what’s up

L anyways rush hour is beginning as you can tell out here on Naomi Street we got vacuums on the giveaway and more gang tagging of course Everywhere You Go I can’t read any of that so I’m not even going to try but we got an alley as well I think

We’re going to check out this one why not right hopefully it doesn’t dead in in front of us I can’t really tell if it does or not I got my dog senses on uh on acute mode right now super high dog awareness the thing about being on a

Suron too is when a dog catches you or once to start chasing you they’re going to take off full flight because it’s like they’re chasing a car you know they’re going to come Max velocity directly at you so it’s very uh scary there’s no other way to put it it’s it’s scary as

Hell anyways out here covering quite a bit of ground and not that much time we did a nice little route wow looking for alleys looks like there’s nothing really to check out over here bu your homeboy just chilling on corner you know that’s just La for you I

Don’t know something going on up here doing more zigzags Summer’s hot out here in La man it’s turned up it’s just a lot of uh it’s a lot of stuff going on you got to watch your back we got alleys let’s check out another alley huh why

Not this one’s actually very clean I pointed out before some alleys are going to be clean and some are not oh there’s the sound of them pit bulles getting ready to chase me put some fear into my soul Jesus yeah not much going on in alleys

Right here so we’re going to you know avoid unnecessary dog confrontation is what I like to call it not really worried about people so much as uh dogs specifically pit bulls they uh they’re they’re the least friendly things that you’ll encounter as far as people anything you can possibly

Run into sick artwork right here getting through the bush overgrown pulling up on downtown LA honestly that’s how close we are to the city if we keep going straight we run straight into downtown back on Washington where we started we’re going to go across the street here do a quick

SG through uh the very edge of downtown not so much in it but we’re definitely going to scoot around the edge of it real quick just to see what’s going on you know play it cool play it safe wouldn’t be a hood video without at least checking it out real quick you

Know Tag’s over there this is where we rode through and there was a metro bus just chilling uh on the sidewalk that was right here you make a left right here looks like that’s long been uh taken away we’re going to go that way though and see what’s going

On got to be real careful the traffic out here I don’t think we can make it through right there those pallets look like they stop top of so we got to go against traffic which is just a sketch Walter White season out here folks lots of pallets you must be a lot

Of money in the pallet game cuz you that’s one of the main things you see out here especially in this little part of town oh we got loose dogs nope nope we ain’t even playing with the game folks going all the way around for those

Okay well it ain’t much going on on the edge of downtown I can tell you how much the usual things you see are the same things that we saw today so uh yeah that’s uh that’s how I describe that it’s that time of day wor

It’s it’s kind of hard for me to see going this way towards the sun they’re working on the truck that’s right getting her done uh so yeah I can’t really see going this way but we’re still going this way having fun while we do it too got to be careful these alleys

People come speeding up out of them and these anyhoo quick run through South Central in the hood today not bad still going let’s take the let’s take the scenic R huh might as well finish off strong we got an alley right here and an alley to the left let’s take the left

Alley going is the way we got to go bless me all right let’s check it out ooh I’m going straight into a uh road block oh I can’t get through hold around okay well can’t go that way they’re having a good time you know I

Ain’t going to sit there and make a move of the car plus I get to sh down that alley again which is awesome we’ll just go all the way around the block b more graffiti I like dang they really get into every crevice and W they

Can back here man I must Su for the business owners you know but that’s La for you ain’t nothing ever going to change some people think it’s part of the culture some people you know it’s just normal for them I can’t lie all the gang stuff

Was normal for me for my entire life honestly growing up in North Side Long Beach your friends being in gangs and everyone you know being part of gangs is just kind of part of life it was normal back then I don’t know so it’s not out of the ordinary to see it everywhere

Still to this day and not getting any lesser at all got two cops rolling back to back where are they going oh they’re coming in here they’re coming for me it’s over folks I’m going to jail if they P if they P me right here it’s actually going to be

Insane depends on how hard they swing this corner that’s going to tell if they’re looking for me or not I’m down to get pulled over for Content I’m not running the way they turn in they look like they’re coming for me so I don’t know we’re not going to sit around and

Wait for it either so let’s just keep going for now if they want to catch up with us hey find me on YouTube all right absolute Banger of a day folks on the Sur if you guys enjoyed consider subscribing as always thanks for watching I’ll see you in the next video

Very soon peace out I heard making moves how funny is it that when we started the video we just saw a chicken on the ground that’s something you expect to see like later on like somewhere in the middle of the day usually we saw that thing right off

The Jump that’s that’s our Central for you folks oh we’re coming up on uh what street is this I don’t know we got to get off the sidewalk for sure there’s a bunch of people up ahe got the taco stand cracking that smelt so good e

Scooter gang love to see that we got to keep going this way I want to try and get across this street right here if it’s possible it is so deep in the rush hour it’s just like I’m trying to Avid all the main roads right now it’s just

Not really panning out oh something’s going down see police officers oh they got someone arrested what happened here looks like he was standing on the road and they got him in cuffs hard to really tell what’s happening but not the best day for that guy unfortunately that brings us to a really

Weird part of La that I just uh once again don’t ever come to but we’re going to check it out right now we’re like on the border of the Fashion District low key over here there’s uh you know people living on the road stuff like that so it’s pretty self-explanatory you

Can see as I’m riding along I guess so they recently cleaned this underpass it’s funny to me how they they picked specific ones like this one was recently completely swept out as you can see there’s people still living on the side of the road right around the corner but they said like you

Know what you cannot live under this underpass I feel like maybe they’re they’re trying to go step by step and and deal with each one like one at a time my best guess but you know who knows see the police helicopter overhead they’re going southbound towards the uh

Towards Figaro Street we are not going to go after that we are just going down this road for a hot second to get back to uh where we got got to go it’s a oneway road but you never know people come zipping down the wrong way roads all the time in

LA got the RVs on Deck Ebikes pretty uh you know survival mode in La what’s going on right here that is what it is get on the sidewalk here I have a weird feeling about this Turn bro hopping on the little ebike all right back on Washington finally took us a while but we made it that is how road rage starts folks I don’t want to be on the receiving end of that whatever’s going on there what is that seg oh that thing sick you’re just

Chilling dude I was like what the hell’s going on that’s right yeah hell yeah all right off we go folks dude they’re in the look at these people oh my God you’re going to trip out on this they’re in the middle of the road oh my God that’s just a little bit dangerous

Just a little bit just a little bit yeah just a little oh my God that’s that’s completely stupid to be fair they are just a doesn’t I don’t know what to say about about that one folks they’re crazy they are crazy that’s a Death Wish [ __ ] glass right there not uncommon to see

People’s cars getting broken into in this area this is the arts district of downtown La La and we got a pink Porsche look at that brand new 911 what color is that can someone fill me in I know it’s not pink but it’s also not purple it’s like somewhere in

Between looks good I want to say a few weeks maybe even a month since I’ve been out in downtown LA on the ebike so I figured today we were overdue I was trying to figure out what I was going to do out here but we’re just going to Freestyle

It most of the time that’s when uh I have the most fun and that’s what it’s all about you know first off I just want to thank everybody who’s new to the channel everybody who’s not new to the channel if you just been watching and showing love I appreciate you so much

Thank you thank you thank you if you’re new if you’re old doesn’t matter you’re watching my stuff I appreciate you and thanks for watching So today we’re doing like okay uh we’re just going to do like a little kind of like a checkup of downtown you know the last time I was

Out here was 4th of July so we’re going to do a little Cruise today we’re just going to do a a check up and see we’re going to compare how things were on that day the 4th of July to today which is about you know 2

And 1/2 Weeks Later we’re going to go through skid R which is where we are right now at this very moment as I do this uh intro we’re going to go through the middle of downtown and we’re going to go through a couple of other parts of

Uh the city that I I don’t really go through that often but uh we’re going to try and just do a full coverage look at those boxes what the heck they’re all like the same size hey and we got the the the forklifts just coming for their nightly naps right here fire trucks

Going off in the background I don’t see any fires nor do I smell one so I’m going to go ahead and assume that it is probably for an injury uh anyways as we try to get our way through skid Road that’s is where we’re going to start today

Um skidrow a place that most people uh in the world know if you’re not from LA but you don’t know skid roll for any reason it is a uh it is a place where there’s lots of homeless people that’s the best and simplest way I can put it

Uh anyways right here in skid row it looks like uh an event just happened or some type of uh something the the fire truck just kept going paramedics stopped looks like they’re doing some type of evaluation we’re just going to go ahead and keep going uh I don’t know what’s going on

Right here this car is stopped in the wrong side of the road uh looks like some type of something’s going on there that we’re just going to go ahead and keep going oh man he’s coming hot oh we are out here in the midst of skid

R we’re going to start making our way out of here because especially around this time of day you know you don’t really want to be here for any reason it’s just kind of like uh you either end up here or you like me where I’ve been

To Skid bro so many times it’s just you know nothing out here really phases me or shocks me the stuff that I see I’m just kind of going you know I’m just doing my route to get into the City and for me it involves a little bit of

Zigzagging so you know it is what it is but um I don’t know I’ve I have so many videos about skoll on my channel where I explain kind of like what goes on in this part of town and there’s not much more to it other than that it’s just people trying

To survive you know that’s the simplest way to put it and it’s also the realest way to put it is that it’s a bunch of people just trying to survive and I used to go this exact route right here on Fifth Street going northbound every single day so it’s not really uh it

Doesn’t really feel that crazy to me to ride through here as you can tell I’m I’m really chilling you know the key is to not really ever stop you don’t really want to stop for any reason whether you’re comfortable with your surroundings and or not but if you’re somewhere where you don’t know

That well or if you just do know it and you know that it’s a place where you shouldn’t be stopping then don’t stop just keep going run stop signs Run Red Lights it doesn’t really matter cuz at the end of the day even though you may be quote unquote breaking a law I’d

Rather break a law 10 times out of 10 than uh deal with the consequences of not breaking a law and then something happening you know that’s just it’s pretty much simple as that so anyways uh we just did a a speedrun through Skid Row one of these days I’ll maybe go

Through like all of it like front to back but even today you know it’s just it’s hard to do that because uh it just is I don’t really know how else to put it it just is it’s it’s it’s not a simple place to to navigate through and the thing is word spreads

Quick out here when you’re somewhere where you’re not supposed to be and you’re somebody who is uh you know it’s clear that you don’t belong right so um even for me we just going to have to get off the sidewalk you got to kind of play

Things by ear right so that’s why I’m try not to be in skid too much got a meeing of the mines right here interesting car coming out off we go into downtown so we did a skid row route uh and it looks like we’re at a

Dead end I truly did not ever never know that this alley dead ends if I’m not mistaken we can just push this open and get out though let’s go ahead and find out okay that was wrong it smells terrible right here let’s see if we can get out to here on

The left nope locked we may have to go the exact route we just came cuz I parked here before so I think actually yeah right here boom there is a r out to get to uh I don’t know what street that is right here maybe Broadway actually not sure whatever

Street this is that we’re on right now is the one that we’ll go down right here very famous street in Los Angeles I don’t know how many people know but right here a very extremely viral moment that went viral across the entire world happened uh I can’t really talk about it

Too much on the channel hey that guy was staring at me like like he had a personal Vendetta against me I don’t know you dude I’m just riding too crazy we got a walker just trying to make our way through going to make a left on Spring and go this

Way this video serves a few purposes right if you’d ever been to downtown I’m going to try and cover a lot of ground in this one video so you can kind of see what’s going on all over the place second uh if you thinking about moving to downtown I strongly recommend that

You don’t you know as a person who is from Los Angeles I born and raised La Northside Long Beach uh lived in South Central all over I’ve lived uh you know also lived by the beach lived in the west side lived everywhere you know I do not

Recommend downtown La La out of anywhere you could possibly move to don’t come here just come visit it’s not worth it it’s totally not a place that you want to live for any reason it just sucks here all right it’s cool to visit it’s fun to look at and uh it’s relatively

Exciting but overall I would say that you don’t want to live here you know so that’s just my two cents you know everyone’s going to make their own decision some people I would just having a conversation with my friend about this today I don’t understand why people are obsessed with

Living down here there’s some people who come and they move here once and they never leave they just they they get stuck here in downtown and I mean hey man to each their own but I for me personally I’ll never move back what’s going on Tracy what Up that is Tracy he is a food delivery guy out here in downtown I should see him all the time when I liveed here looks like uh he was in the middle of trying to get a job or something so anyways this is uh the middle part of

Downtown we’re about to hit a couple zigzags and then we’re going to end up back at Persian square that is our next stop always a little bit of construction going on in downtown so bro what is that okay let’s go investigate what type of Motors he got on

There did you make that yeah dude that big sick Bro I just I wrote it to Glend I mean I go to Glend like a couple times no [ __ ] if you taking it to like uh to Sun Valley North Hollywood anything like that yeah yeah I I go all the way to the

Par dude dude that thing’s badass man hey be safe brother wow dude that thing be so cool what are the odds we run into a a cool dude on a uh those those are the old school style of uh motorized bikes depending on where you live you may or

May not have seen one of those before they basically put a um a lawnmower engine on a bicycle so that thing probably had like I want to say three horsepower who knows where the engine’s from like where he sourced it from but uh those things are super common out in

Like South Central or Long Beach where I grew up in I used to see those all the time I mean dating back for like 20 years ago you know it’s not a new design by any means but I feel like they’re starting to take more popularity because

Everywhere you go in La you see people on ebikes and not everyone can afford an electric bike but it is surprisingly affordable to convert a bike into one of those one mower motor conversion style bikes so that’s where that uh source is from oh man mobin on the sir on anyways

There’s a little bit of the city we did Skid Row we did Mid City and now we are heading up to staple center we’re going to cruise through there real quick see if we see any cyclists and then uh I don’t I know what this what

The day holds I’ll try and show you guys a little bit of the top of downtown we’re going to do a whole like uh top to bottom but so far so good huh so for reference the city that he said he rode to from uh from downtown to there I’m

Curious to know how long it took him to do that route because if you’re going to ride a regular bicycle without a motor I mean that’s an easy hour you know going anywhere from downtown of Burbank just riding that that’s going to take a little while so I would love to know how

Long it actually took him to do that route I should have asked him but I would assume I’d probably say like 25 30 minutes something like that you know got some goon Riders those goon bikes are all over the place now they’re just so popular everywhere you can look

In La if someone’s riding a bike they’re probably on a goon damn LA Live is cracking tonight go try and make our way through just messing around going to check out LA Live LA Live is packed where’s so many people here tonight think I might have been talking to me I don’t know

We’re chilling there’s a lots of lot of families here so we’re going to go ahead and slow it down just a little bit there’s not any sporting games or anything going on like that tonight so I don’t know why there’s so many people here but it is surely Packed turn around this way to the other side of LA Live got some obstacles got spot your route and commit damn it’s packed there must be something big going on cuz you don’t ever see this parking lot full of cars so whatever is happening tonight is a

Big deal it’s got to be a big concert let’s ask this lady hey what’s the concert tonight um no idea you don’t know oh thank you let’s see if we can find out no cyclist here today there’s at least one there’s a bmxer but other than that nothing going on rck RS

Hey let’s see if we can ask someone what the event is tonight how much are I don’t know anyways we’re going to keep going on our next stop is Ping Square we’re going to end up there one way or another so let’s go ahead and start mobbing

It must be some type of nice event damn what a nice view right here right look at this beautiful view of LA Live and the convention center hey what’s the event here tonight I think it’s the Jurassic world but I finished already oh we have a couple U Aladdin artists here at the

Peacock theater Aladdin all these people here for Aladdin yeah what the hell oh thanks bro Kurt Medics out here it looks like somebody not having the best night oh they got the stretcher out uhoh I don’t see any evidence of a car accident very common to see people in

This this little area right here outside of LA Live getting too drunk for their own good it’s very it happens it happens fast you know what they say life comes at you fast and so does alcohol poisoning so uh we’re going to go ahead and keep

It moving from there next stop on our downtown La Tour as tourist in our own city is going to be the persing square risk it for the biscuit I would love to make a right turn right here let’s see if that’s possible oh God Yep this is one of the only spots we can pin it in LA cuz there’s no cars that pull out there all cars that pull in though we got a Double T got to do a double take and keep going outo for people feeding making rights against the red and we’re off

Wow you know it’s very rare that I get to actually floor it through downtown on this bike so that’s always a lot of fun all right what a route we’ve taken so far okay well that worked out next up we have at fitm if we can get across the

Street today it’s going to be difficult but hopefully we can do it but we got the Domino cyclist legendary in Los Angeles the downtown LA Domino cyclist are some of the most committed delivery d drivers or Riders uh on bicycles in the city they are right neck and neck

With the uh Jason’s liquor store delivery Riders out here in Downtown LA if you know you know if you don’t know what I’m talking about they are the fastest people on bicycles out here when it comes to uh delivering stuff just trying to get across the street okay anyways we are here at

Fitm one of the places you are not supposed to be for any reason on a bike not really much to do here oh we can’t get out of here okay well now we know I guess we could through there it sounds like that put in along oh no we’re good we don’t even

Want to go through that though go ahead and jump oh never mind let try it again I don’t know what else we can get ourselves up to we kind of did a little bit of everything we hit Skid Row we hit the Staple Center got the Instagram but uh yeah quick tear through

Downtown just seeing what’s going on with the city I mentioned to you guys not too long ago I want to do like uh weekly checkups in downtown just see what the vibe is out here you know see what’s going on and uh that’s what we

Did today we got a cyclist this uh oh no that’s not a cop usually cops Undercovers in the city will drive those cars those Dodge Darts even if you’re just cruising around in La you never know what you might run into you know you never know off we go you know I

Don’t think you can really consider this Skid Row but there is some really sick artwork check this out big tagging right here nerd this is the stuff you see on the outskirt downtown like this where we’re at right here just trying to escape from Los Angeles right now this

Is the this is the getaway portion of the day I thought I would run it to some people I know but even better we ran it to some new people which is also really cool so um you know that’s always fun I really need to get out of my shell

And start meeting more people when I see them on uh electric stuff I’m just so antisocial man it’s been a problem my whole life I just am very uh I’m not the best communicating so like I’m just so awkward man I don’t know how to talk so

It’s time that I dud look at this trash what the okay man anyways SK roll folks we’re going to start mobbing along look at all the look at that ATV what’s up G yep he was not happy about me just look for the record no I don’t like

Anything there I was just looking hey man at the end of the day I’m just riding around around on my suron so like I mention all the time folks sensory overload in Los Angeles it is very important to stay focused on the road out here it’s and it’s easy to get

Distracted there’s just so much going on at any given moment that you want to look at and it’s like oh my God those some streets we went down in the past we are going to pass on all that for today we might do another downtown Tour by the way this is all

Downtown this is that’s how big of the city uh uh oh look at that Buick GNX oh yeah baby that’s what I like right there when I get a whole bunch of money I ain’t getting no sports car I ain’t getting no Lamborghini I’m getting one of those the Buick Regal

GNX got a little bump right there might as well send it real quick huh got to jump every bump hey rule no matter what two wheel device you’re on you got to jump the bumps that’s just a little bit dangerous just a little bit just a little bit yeah just a

Little oh my God they might as well be in the middle of a freeway that’s how crazy that bridge is people go flying down that thing I’m talking like 80 90 100 mph on the regular so to be standing in the middle of it doing a photo shoot

Not the best idea as a matter of fact I think she had a microphone so even worse I think they were doing like a like a podcast or like a video shoot I don’t know people the craziest part is not even close to the weirdest thing we saw in Los Angeles today go

Figure anyways that’s going to do it for today I kind of random video I just I was like you know what instead of sitting at home I’m going to get out and we’re going to record something so that’s how we got to today if you watch this whole video I appreciate you so

Much whether it was on a TV computer iPad iPhone doesn’t matter thanks for watching see you in the next video very soon peace out


  1. A full hour of adventures in the hood! Let's go! Fun exciting ride. Alley cruising at its finest and nice street art. It's best to always keep on your toes while exploring the hood. Take care, stay safe! Peace!

  2. A Bright red top you will certainly stand out 😂❤ and a bright blue top in Inglewood 😂💙 going by old skewl rap 😂

  3. I gotta do better about liking these videos😅 I'll binge watxh em daily and forget to like em. Keep it up big dog.

  4. That shady vato in the Dodgers jersey asks you for directions to a major street he should already know of and then compliments you on your bike and asks how much it cost you…….yeah you got out of that situation just in time.

  5. Big John, thanks for the ride!! You and all your fans have a very Merry Christmas !! Be safe and show some love to one another, peace ✌ out my friend's

  6. I watch all your vids man, mad respect for riding through these hoods like that for our entertainment. keep up the great work brutha, thanks for all the dope footage!

  7. Hey John since you’ve been going through a lot of gang neighborhoods and Compton as well why don’t you come to San Fernando Valley explore around Sherman Oaks or Woodland Hills that’s even better besides, their neighborhoods are better but if I do see you I want to picture with you bro 👍🏾

  8. With all your riding around LA it has made me aware of how much I do not want to visit LA. I have fond memories from the early eighty's and it was so nice and now it looks like a pig sty. what a shame it was so nice then now I can not believe the amount of garbage on the streets.Merry Christmas John

  9. LOL i dont blame u for not saying the actual price i would be scared of being robbed

  10. I don’t know if it’s me but I swore he uploaded this video already. It hit me when almost hit roadkill. I might be having deja vi tho

  11. If you really from the hood then you know they won’t do anything unless you disrespect them in there hood or looking like the ops or the enemy, me and the boys always chillen in that hood

  12. John, you should do an interview with Mark Laita, that would be very interesting, you could probably tell a good story.

  13. U paid $200 ill give u $300 . $100 profit . Just go get another 1 from ur friend for $200 $100towards another 1 . Stay safe out there bruv
    That's crazy ass hoods

  14. August 5th huh, either your current footage is unstable/cant be read or you clearing the archives/making space for the new year.

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