Do This When Next at the Range for Amazing Results

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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So in today’s video we’re going to talk very much about how you should be trying to organize your practice sessions and you’re going to find this really useful so the next time you go to the range you’re not just chaotically hitting balls randomly now there are four things

That are going to make you a successful golfer and you want to do them in this order the first one is contact so you have to have a good chance of getting a good contact on the back of the golf ball each and every time to become

Successful if you can do that then the second thing would be starting Direction this means that you can start the ball in the direction where you want it to go third one is curvature and then the last one is distance so those are your order of priority and that’s how I always do

It when I’m coaching now what I tend to find and this is what I found recently with a couple of students that I did video calls with is mid to high handicap golfers generally become good at controlling their contact but the question is how so I had one student who

Was good at striking it but he would come more this way so he’ sort of conditioned himself to hit you know good contact by coming over the top and I had another student who was more sort of this way so more standing up and finding good contact and obviously what I try to

Do um is to try and change those and this is the point of in terms of how you should be practicing so rule one is you need good contact okay rule two is you need to be able to control your starting Direction so for my golfer who is

Swinging too Steep and over the top what I tried to get him to do was get more of a feeling of shallowing the up so dropping his arms more down and Swinging more to the right of the target so can you see this alignment stick that I have

Just in front of me here so for student number one who was the golfer who was spinning out and coming down too steep I just got him to get the feeling of swinging the hands more to the right of the target see what I’ve done there try

Get that club head swinging way more to the right so it encourages the club to swing much more into out when you’re doing some practice okay and the reason for that is because that will sort of get rid of of this reaction to want to

Hit the ball this way and it will make him think more about dropping his hands down moving more to the left and I would say what you’re trying to do inside your golf is that as long as you think a little bit about the ball flight you’ll

Start to make changes because it will make sense rather than just randomly doing lots of repetition now for my other student what we had to do was get rid of this um getting stuck underneath it move and we actually worked on the opposite okay so we actually worked on

The feeling of playing more of a fate cuz what I wanted him to do is instead of kind of going this way I wanted him to turn through the ball like this and I wanted him to feel like he had more of an open face and was swinging more

Across it more out to him right so more this type of motion and that’s a much harder movement uh to to see more curvature on the ball more that sort of way as as I do it slowly and the point that I’m trying to make is you’ll make swing

Alterations if it makes sense okay so what you got to be careful of is just making a swing change and just trying to get into certain positions although that might make sense if you’ve got if you’re not really thinking about how you’re trying to change the golf ball it’s very

Unlikely that your swing changes will stick okay so if you’re somebody who is working on something and you’re just trying to work on it randomly through YouTube potentially you might stumble across good feelings but what I would do is just ask yourself those questions is your contact good

Can you control your starting Direction how’s your curvature and then last of all how’s your distance and work on your swing in that order of priority and that’s why everyone’s very sort of different and that’s why sometimes certain swing lessons probably work better for other golfers than others um

But hopefully this video kind of gives you a bit of an idea of what you should really ultimately be looking to do see you soon


  1. My ball flight with irons is start straight and then bend left (right handed player), I work on trying to push the ball out to the right to get it to draw back but then I tend to start hooking it or a big straight push to the right, I think I also have early extension and try to keep down through impact. With my driver I have a slice as I feel I fall back at impact. Any ideas on what I should be focusing on?

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