Golf Players

This Is How BACKSPIN Is Created in Golf!

In this video, I discuss how backspin is created on a golf ball and some swing tips to help you create or decrease backspin in your golf swing.

🇺🇸 Director of Instruction @ Spring Hill GC | Wayzata, MN
🏌️‍♂️ TPI Level 2 Certified | PGA Award Winner & Collegiate All American
📹 Instagram & Threads: @kraftygolf
⛳️ #TeamTitleist

Hello! My name is Justin Kraft. Thanks for watching my content on the golf swing! I have been coaching golf for over 5 years. I’ve given over 5000 in-person & online lessons and work with golfers of all skill levels.

Golf instruction has always been my passion! My teaching philosophy relies on mechanical improvement and skill development. My goal is to provide YOU with a clear understanding of your golf swing, identify your issues, and help guide you down a path of improvement to help you reach your goals.

If you’re interested in improving, you can find me on the Skillest App. I’m excited and ready to help you take your game to the next level!

Hey golfers if you’re someone who notoriously has too much backspin on your driver and it kills your distance this video is for you not only does too much backspin limit the amount of roll you’re going to get when the ball hits the ground but it has implications in

The air as well as the ball sort of wants to lift or float in the air instead of bore through and go forward right so having too much backs spin is an absolute killer on your drivve so this video we’re going to talk about why you might have too much backspin and how

To go about fixing it now the lowest hanging fruit the easiest thing to do if you have too much backspin is obviously to go get fit all these different driver heads Lofts shafts they all play a very large role in how much that ball is going to spin even how it launches right

So if you have not been fit that’s my first recommendation uh the type of golf ball you play also plays a very large role if you’re playing a a firmer ball you’ll get less spin if you’re playing a you know super soft ball that has a ton

Of spin around the greens that’s going to spin more off the driver as well so couple things to pay attention to there if you have a launch monitor and you’re wondering you know what is a good spin rate there’s not like a perfect number but I think generally accepted in the

Golf industry if you have a spin rate between like 2,000 and 2600 I think you’re you’re close to good there okay now a couple people think that spin is created magically and the good news is it’s not okay so I’m going to introduce a concept or a term here called spin

Loft and spin loft is how spin is created so I’m going to kind of demonstrate with two vectors what you need to know is the further these two sticks get apart the more Back Spin you’re going to generate and the closer they get together the less spin you’re

Going to generate now this bottom stick the blue stick it’s going to represent our angle of attack our angle of attack is basically is my club moving down or level or even up when I hit the ball okay so when you’re hitting an iron or a wedge off the ground typically your

Angle of attack is downwards now the top stick is going to represent the loft of of your golf club at impact you might say well my driver has 10 degrees of Loft that one’s easy it may have 10 degrees of Loft at setup or a static

Loft of 10 degrees but when we come through and we hit the ball you know some people add Loft with their hands some people decrease the Loft with their hands so that’s a static Loft this loft or this this Red Stick is going to represent the Loft delivered at impact

Or the dynamic Loft okay so again we have angle of attack and we have Dynamic Loft okay so let’s use a simple example let’s say we have a 56° sand wedge and when we come through we deliver Six Degrees of shaft Lane that top Vector is

Going to be 50 because we had 56 minus 6 okay so 50 degrees up top now the attack angle with a wedge is typically a couple degrees down let’s just use 10 for easy math 50 and 10 is a spin loft of 60 so you can see how far apart these sticks

Are that Ball’s gonna have a lot of spin now we apply that same concept to a driver and it looks a little bit different with the driver typically we have an angle of attack that’s a little bit more level and our loft is a lot

Lower so let’s say we swung 0 degrees a level angle of attack and we had 10 degrees a loft when we struck the ball well now those sticks are very close together that ball is not going to have much spin so if you’re someone who struggles with too much spin on your

Driver and it’s been fit for you and you play the right ball well obviously something is going wrong with one or both of these vectors so we may have an angle of attack that’s too low or too down and we may have too much Dynamic Loft let’s talk about a couple drills

You can go about doing to sort of fix both problems we’re going to start with the angle of attack okay so this is for you if you if you have an angle of attack that’s two downwards now in my opinion the simplest way to get the

Angle of attack more level or even up is by moving the ball position forward okay so let’s just say I’m typically playing the driver ball position right here sliding It Forward allow ows you the opportunity to hit the ball more on the upward portion of the arc okay but you

May already have the ball positioned forward and still be swinging down on it with your driver let’s talk about a couple things you could do if that’s you so what I like to do is take a head cover and place it a good head cover

Length in front of the ball and turn it sideways now obviously this ball would be teed up my goal here is going to be to really feel the extension in my body you can see my legs extending spine extending and getting this club to strike the ball and swing up over the

Head cover that’s going to help you level out that angle of attack and get that bottom Vector point at a little bit more level okay so that’s a really good drill if you struggle with angle of attack now the second drill pertains to adding lofted impact so now we’re on

That top Vector where you may have 10 degrees on your driver but there is a good possibility you come through impact you leave your hands behind and you add Loft so now we might have 10 degrees of Loft on the club but we’re hitting with 20 degrees of dynamic loss which is why

That top Vector is too high which is why you have too much spin so really good drill for that is to take an alignment stick put it on the lead side of your golf club and what we’re going to do is we’re going to try and go through this

Motion with a half swing without letting this stick hit me if I let this stick or sorry if I add a bunch of Loft with my hands this stick is going to hit me in the side which is why we start with with short small swings right this drill

Really encourages rotation and leading with the hands so you can see if I’m able to get to this impact position I’ve taken that 10 degrees aoft and I’ve maybe even made it five four three degrees a loft what that’s doing is taking that top vector and pointing it

More down which is going to get those two closer together which is going to decrease the spin so if you’re someone who struggles with too much spin on your driver try these two drills I hope they help you out thanks for watching

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