Breaking 24 Baseball Records In 24 Hours

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The Momentum Team:

Cole Acheronti a.k.a. Certified Dude:
Eric Sim a.k.a King of JUCO:
Evan Scheetz:
Kevin Chan a.k.a. Chanterprise:
Kristen Arias:
Marika Lyszczyk:
Paul Haysom:
Rachel Luba:
Tosh Semlacher:
Trevor Bauer:
Tre Ciavarella:

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This is the longest blindfolded baseball catch ever please catch it he’s coming he’s just threw the ball through the ball he left that was close that was close I almost once take that this is just one of 24 records we’re trying to break in 24 hours and it’s not even the craziest

One we’re attempting yeah he can he can move okay oh oh my God I don’t know what I don’t know what you and this might take a little bit longer than we thought so let’s see an easier record the Guinness book War record for the most amount of baseballs

Hit in 1 minute is 25 and we’re going to try to beat that here we go set go go that’s one thr the ball three oh my God four most of the records we’re trying to beat are based on what we found on and the gness world

Record site but for the rest we’re actually going to be setting them ourselves for the very first time 5 Seconds seconds one more one minute and that right there is a record for most hits in a minute but later A’s going to try and set the

Record for most hits in an hour tired he is in one minute oh I actually can’t believe there’s no way he does 608 in in an hour n there’s no shot oh my God Eric how are you going to last an hour later bud hey uh what yeah what body part is

Hurting asph forus let’s check back in and see how the Blindfolded catches going he threw the ball threw the ball oh my right you’re need to communicate better trying like oh my God oh my God I’m trying dude there’s no way we’re going to do this I

Got it ready ready he just threw the ball right right right right down down balls oh my God thought I was hit him the balls can I say balls hey when I say balls go down like in your balls like it’s going to come to your boss he just

Threw the ball threw the ball down down down down down the fing close I can’t I don’t know what is coming hey stay left oh my God so close he throwing the ball stay there down we’ve been on the glove three times all right so for this next record it’s

Going to be the longest pitchers wind up held the record is 3 minutes and 21 seconds you think you got it oh absolutely all right I’ve been training for this your time starts now oh how do you think you need got this I think I think you got this I got this while

She’s breaking This Record let’s see what other records we’re breaking all right next world record it’s fing ridiculous world record day world record day all right the number to beat is 24 seconds this is going to be cake Ready set go world record day world record world record world

Record record record we’re record we’re record we’re record we’re record some kids man you’re at 25 seconds how we feeling s sore I think you got this got this I’m good we’re here for a while though as long as I don’t see Eric’s face I’m good yeah we’re fine we got

This all right we are officially 1 minute in 1 minute in I’m starting to sweat the sun here in Arizona is lot than Canada the next world record is the longest time spent bouncing a baseball on one knee the record is 20 seconds not a good start

Ready that hit me in the face I I got this i got this okay okay got rhythm okay so come on Trevor Messi oh my god oh he’s got it got it come on come on that was it well while you’re waiting for Trev to get this done make sure you

Get that door shirt that he’s wearing at Trevor maybe I underestimated this one a little bit I’m taking a break from this one halfway there come on come on you got this only half you got this record was 321 I came all the way from Canada to do this to do

This come on 2 minutes 30 seconds come on Eric shut up come on hold it hold it keep it going keep it going keep it going 5 4 3 2 one and that’s the Record ready he’s going to throw right right right oh my God why did you tell him right you moved him right into it I did I wanted to catch it got this we’re good we’re all right sorry Cole I got you there it is left no you’re good you’re good oh my

God I’m sorry Eric I said left one time he’s supposed to stop Eric we’re changing you out up oh my God oh my God or or what are you doing at least you didn’t get hit like that with me all right dud it is hard though when you get

Out there balls up go left left left left left can we get Eric back BS up left right oh my God ma you’re fired you got to try you got to try maybe it’s Cole not us don’t move what you oh my god oh I did see right there war supp three oh

No dude I don’t know if we can Eric get the gear on Eric’s going to catch yep yep yep it’s not catching gear is not going to fit me while we get Eric geared up let’s check out these other records that we’re trying to break all right so

For the next record we have the most barehanded catches with one hand with three people the records 90 catches in 1 minute let’s get it ready 3 two 1 go 1 2 3 nice job nice job all right what’s next what’s Next the one knee bounces were not as easy as we thought so we’ll have to save this for the next day let’s see what other records we can set this is the longest baseball thrown and caught by one person now Jester set this with a football at 31 yards So today we’re

Going for 40 yards at least oh my God there’s no way lay no dude there’s no way oh my God I just need to throw it a little shorter I’m going to get this in the next two shots oh it’s too easy oh it’s short anyways run

That’s what’s our distance 34 Ys 34 longest baseball thrown and caught by one person Eric how are you feeling about this you I feel great this is this is nice left left left there right right right out stay right there oh left left left oh oh dude am I close CL out

Again stay right there stay right there oh my God can we have one more person on here can C be a 100 or two fall out stay there stay there stay there there there one out left one left [Applause] one for the next record we have the

Farthest ball hit to a Target we have 420 ft let’s break it ready are you ready set go go that’s right that’s right to us it’s right to us it’s right to us no with everything set up we thought we’d be able to get this regular attempt

Done without any setbacks should we put the target over there oh that’s right at us that’s right no no that go over dude it looks like the lights just went out so we’re going to have to figure out how we attack this challenge because uh for right now we

Can’t do anything with the lights out and time winding down we had to pack things up and save this record for tomorrow so we moved our things over to the facility to continue breaking records the next record to break is the most baseballs hit in 1 hour your time

Starts now go you’re on the clock go go go go go my God go lo oh my God Kev I need do this for an hour yes course you hit 609 before that dude my forearms low key cut on fire right now that’s 35 that’s 100 that’s 100 right there one

Counts this is the most amount of card you have done in three years you’re 4 minutes in really let’s just load what we got we’re chilling yeah you’re crushing you can take a break God what are you stopping for okay all right okay let’s keep

St next record is the most times you can bounce a baseball in 30 seconds the record is 105 so we got to beat that St one for the EG 158 after counting the number of throws on video we actually set the record at 171

269 y I thought we were like 400 oh my hands are from fire Lefty switcher all right you’re at 300 godam dude I swear I did practice like this in Jo I thought i’ never do it again and I’m doing it right now and I’m

34 years old what are we doing you’re in your Prime my job’s by far the hardest job in this entire challenge I have to stay so locked in mentally you’re not doing I got to stay so locked in cuz you’re yipping the ball you know like I’m the gatee keeper to the record

Like if I cut the count he doesn’t get the record I feel like those tennis girls like oh my God all right so for our next record we have the tallest Penny Tower stacked on a baseball with one hand the current record is 50 let’s get started this is

Going to be a tough one it is possible I’m going I’m going one by one I think that’s that’s the only way to do it that’s three 5 6 my hands are already shaking 11 dude look at that my hand’s already shaking we got this

20 come on baby nine my hand gets shaky around like 20 I got this i got this I’m call I’m calm tool collected that’s 13 I got this PR F this is 16 you something dude 41 42 great movie I hate 42 all right for this next record it’s going to

Be most buns in a minute wearing a lift small bun ball shirt Kev how many you think you’re going to get uh9 I think five five what you have a minute more than that that’s all the colors I have right now on the website go oh oh hepped

One four three two one and that’s the last one 35 [Applause] 35 all right so that was the most bunts in a minute wearing a li small bun ball shirt but Ma when’s the last time you bunted very long time ago have you ever bunted off 100 Mil hour absolutely not

For this next record we are going to do the fastest bunt ever by a female we’re going for 100 miles an hour how many is it going to take her I’m going to say four I got faith I’ll go over five watch I’m going to say 15 you got this ready out in

Front oh my okay I TI it I TI it I I oh my God oh my God if that was fair it was a [Applause] homer let’s go we did it that was 100 on the dot all right well have you ever got a hit off 100 milph know well first

Female hit up 100 mph let’s go next record come on good take that’s a big league take that’s we going to be here for a while my friends oh my B there official F get your folded merch at King oh okay I got faith I got faith

Is that even in the strike zone dude we got a shot that wasn’t 100 that wasn’t 100 that was 98 dude if she gets a hit and you didn’t throw it 100 oh no sit baby yeah 99.2 99.2 first you get the light shut off at

The baseball field and now you this one up too I literally just said if she gets a hit and you don’t throw at 100 and then it literally happens oh my God not my fault oh oh matter that was 101 oh oh 999 that doesn’t [Applause] count 101 let

Go swing the bat 500 500 hey we’re 21 minutes in do you want do you want an element I’ll make you an element yeah make an element okay Eric’s dying right now so we’re going to use element here we’re going to get a sodium back up we’re going to make him

Something special right now he’s going to love it this is going to this is going to bring him to 609 this is exactly what this man needs right now he’s going to love this it’s great for the soul made with love cheers shout out to element for sponsor me today’s video that tastes

Delicious that’s amazing tasting drink to quench your thirst did you know the element keeps you hydrated without the sugar and of course any other dodgy ingredients that are found in popular electrolytes and sports drinks I’m tired he’s pretty tired I’m tired I need a delicious SP drink to quench my

Thirst ah it’s trusted by Navy Seals and non-athletes like Eric trying to break a record what are you talking about he’s athlet athlet hyr your die so if you think hydration is important go to drink momentum to get a free sample pack of element with any purchase that’s any purchase any

Purchase that is drink momentum you get a free sample pack of any element of purchase your purchase why am I doing this or I’m doing this challenge to get free sample pack of any element with purchase free purchase just get gotdamn element damn it with any purchase 569

569 oh my God 50 left oh el el shout out to let’s drink momentum to get a free sample pack with any purchase and I mean any purchase 591 hey can someone get him a pizza 600 yeah eight more eight more 49 50 51 y oh my God

Oh this next record we’re doing most amount of balls pitched at a Target in under a minute we’re going to beat a Guinness World Record all I got to beat is 19 here we go more folded yeah she got folded five 6 7 608 now we’ve tied the record before

He breaks it we have a special gift for him get yourself a a nice piece of pizza go now for the final swing right here he’s going to try to hit a 100 off the te ma do you think he’s getting a 100 absolutely now this record was 608 in an

Hour done by two people Eric has done 608 in 33 minutes and he’s about to hit 100 which none of these jabronies could possibly do he’s got one shot those kids I broke the record watch and learn you rookies 100 100 no no no nice

What’s up team we did it let’s go 34 minutes ORD I’m fing tired and I’m going home all right it’s now 12:00 a.m. and most of the crews actually gone to bed because they are tired however there’s one more record I’d like to break before

I get some sleep which is the most home runs hit in a single game of Wii Sports baseball the current record is nine let’s see if I can do it all right so this is the first time I’ve turned on the Wii in probably about 15 years oh my God

This is so nostalgic comment down below when’s the last time you played any type of Wii Sport and what was your favorite game oh that’s one that Ball’s absolutely pissed on home run number two home run number four four more come on Michael Michael one more come on baby one out to work

With go please go go yeah H that’s the record baby 10 home runs in we sport baseball let’s go 10 home runs record broken it is now time to finally get some sleep let’s see you in the morning with everyone getting some rest we still had 10 more records that we

Needed to break all right you guys we got off to a late start this morning so I’m going to try to break some records while everyone’s getting ready to go all right check this video out here he got 33 off the wall in 30 seconds I’m going

To try to beat it set go 3 3 2 3 3 4 34 for this next record it’s never been done before I’m going to throw a strike into the nine pocket from 34 ft away here we go if I get this oh my God that’s so

Far this is going to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be here we go here we go maybe a too seam would help oh my God that was so close my back I can do this trying to break a world record oh that was now I’m getting mad

Take 5,42 okay one more one more okay oh my God thank God we’re back to break more records we only have three more hours to get this done so we got to go quick this one’s going to be the most balls caught consecutively without dropping one first one okay

Okay strategy I like it the goal is uh 20 here I think you can do one got one more in there there’s there’s room there CS between my C my Cavs are too big your Cavs are not that big between the jump there you

Go 12 all right how am I going to do this here I need to catch barehanded I think and then just like Place some oh that’s going to be tough dude I don’t know how I’m going to do this oh gosh don’t make me move dude well I got to catch the ball

Somehow 19 let’s go baby the 25 let’s go I can’t see put it in your mouth how many more can you do how many more can you do we’re at 30 right 30 I got do two more heads up kisten just a couple there you go 31 that’s 31

We’re doing the whole bucket 32 oh 32 32 record next record is the longest baseball thrown while balancing on a roller Bola the record is 109 ft you have to stay balanced till the ball stops okay for it okay good luck why am I so shaking hold up hold up does that count

Stay the ball hasn’t stopped rolling yet the ball landed though on the ground but it didn’t stop rolling you got to wait until then you got to wait till it stops rolling dude I did my my best man I tried my best at 280 oh let’s go baby

Hey 64 yards a 64 what what is that Fe do we do we go for 69 yards we got to go 6 we got to go 69 yards dude so hard my mic oh my godes does not count we already have the record but I’m going

To try to break my own record is he balanced no my God one more don’t breathe 69 69 or done and you died oh my God oh my God he stuck it 72 72 y That’s pretty good we we got to cheer for that we’re done I think that’s

216 ft definitely smashed the record so we’ll count that one is done all right for our next record we’re doing the most amount of diving catches in 1 minute all we have to do is beat 17 here we go 3 two one go oh no fingall we go oh yeah oh

Yeah oh still here ready I’m ready Kevin awesome dude you guys get Kevin Mar what are you doing we have 24 seconds I’m running out of B Mar I’m tired nice catch one more last one last one go Kev you made some sick ones dude I got through far he

Went all right so for this next record this is going to be the longest chip in with a baseball into a bucket using the golf club all right current record is 25 ft we’re going for 50 50 oh putter instead that would be nice oh that was trash oh well that was

Easy yesterday I tried to bounce a ball on my knee for 20 seconds but we’re now at a soccer field so what better place to do it now I am bruised on my leg from trying to do this yesterday I don’t know how much I have in me here but uh what

Time is it we’re like under two hours here to break the rest of these records so I got to just clutch up what am I doing wrong dude how did I get 17 yesterday that’s seriously 20 seconds is seriously impressive I way underestimated this left I don’t have

Much left in my quad I got to just I just do it 17 seconds again I thought that was it hey we’re switching rolls all right so was it 20 since Trevor can’t do it we’re going to try the power of friendship ready all right let’s go boys you go first you go first one three okay yeah okay never seen you excited to

Do cardio before I know oh yeah good no we need to keep it like a certain distance oh oh that’s a good oh yeah unfortunately after many failed attempts we decided to move on to different records because our time was running out this record is the farthest thrown

Baseball being bunted there we go baby 300 get there give it to me yeah 105 [Applause] yards king of butting baby whoa whoa whoa to Eric Sim hey that’s that’s my title man this next record is the longest thrown dunk tank at 250 ft but

We couldn’t get a dunk tank so if I hit this target Ma’s just going to get a bucket of water dumped on her head here we go ready ready K let’s go oh imagine up oh my God oh my God if he can get this under five oh oh oh oh my

God thatg give me it give it to me just hit the target just be better that’s all I got to do I have so much anxiety cuz I got I don’t know when he’s going to hit this it could be like 5 seconds and it could be like an

Hour dude how am I one’s got to hit it get there just under it so a foot short a target’s a target I got six throws left oh get there get there oh my God literally right above it got it first try oh oh this is my last throw okay oh

Bounce well I failed at hitting it so now I have to get dunked and Eric’s going to take his chance good thing is he doesn’t have very good command so I don’t think he’s going to hit the target I heard that let’s go young tank are we ready I’m so happy right

Now yes baby I am not happy that we broke that record next record is hitting most amount of apples in 30 seconds record is 17 let’s get 18 or die baby let’s go 3 2 1 go 1 2 3 4 five faster faster 6 seven faster 8 9

10 I’m getting blast of my apples 11 12 15 seconds 13 14 15 16 my class 20 seconds 18 19 I caught it in my 21 4 3 22 2 23 1 2 24 eat it eat it yeah need an instant replay on that literally one of the

Apples the lights got turned off from us last night but we’re back we’re attempting the farthest ball hit to a Target at 350 ft let’s get it oh oh hey this mat taking me a minute though oh dude oh is that ah short my On Target Target head Target oh this

Horrible oh my God oh my God coming coming oh oh my hands hurt so F I have legit taken like 8 900 swings last day and a half my hands and forearms are on fire but you know what matter content first baby is it Target Target Target

Target oh was that close or no so close 5et no way Target Target Target Target get oh my God went over it was that four one foot oh my you are Eric you are one foot away it is 4:26 and 3 minutes until our time runs out they have like five more baseballs

They’re Gathering up we’re down bad right now I thought we had this for sure come on baby come on baby that’s it Target no are you kidding me no dude there’s no way one foot left I want to die no way bro Eric you got this three last three

Pitches reach into the Tank Buddy my head oh maybe oh come on maybe go go [Applause] Go oh my God I did it my hands


  1. Eric with his hilarious faces while drinking LMNT 😂😂😂 Keep making me smiles y’all and welcome to the fun Marika.

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