Charlie Woods Swing Analysis Slow Motion

Charlie Woods Slow Motion Swing Analysis Driver

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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

We’re having a look today at Tiger’s cup Charlie Woods is Swing what an absolutely lovely action it is so we’re going to go detailed analysis see what he does well see if there’s elements of tiger in there let’s have a look so it’s set up Tiger’s obviously done a

Brilliant job here really harped on to Charlie about the importance of setup neutral grip he’s weakened that off in the past couple of years he was a little bit stronger there neutral with the right hand nice bit of foot flare which will help rotate around his hip joints

That’s great his arms hang naturally just a little bit in front of his shoulder joint love that little bit of knee Flex nice upright spine nice and neutral love all that so really good fundamentals there from Charlie let’s have a look as he takes the club back so

We’ll have a look on the right hand side first so watch he’ll get a little little bit of a bump to that right side if you watch the hips you see that just that little bit of bump watch that that right hip try and draw a line there just a

Subtle little bump if you can see that just before it starts to wind up so it’s that little lateral shift to the right initially really wide with those hands far away from this midline let’s have a look from down the line so nice and wide

Little bit of a bump his Club shaft is out in front of the hands face is nice and square parallel to his back line love that position better than most tall players if I’m honest really classic looking takeaway there nice and wide like I said love

That what we’ll see now as he starts to wind up that right pocket is going to move back so the hips go move back and then move that right pocket back so watch that hip now can you see how it starts to move back he’s really loading

Into that trail glute will bring him up to the same position here starts to work that right pocket back get a little bit of wrist set there love that position now we can’t quite see the club position on let me just try and zoom out so we

Can see can’t quite see that club position on here unfortunately but I can assume I’ll assure you it’s pretty neutral in the past it’s been a little bit closed but he’s worked on that as he’s got strong longer love that position look at all the the

Um the shirt there you you see all those creases in the fabric as he’s winding up love that and let’s get him up to the top you’ll start to see a little bit of drop there watch watch the center the thorx here just see can you see how it

Just drops just drops slightly as he’s loading into the ground into that trail glute into that trail foot really load in there look at that wind up look at all that coil through the midline love that let’s bring it up down the line we’ve got a really nice neutral sort of

Club face there in the past it’s been quite sh but as he’s got stronger he’s been able to sort of neutralize that that arm right arm is in a really nice position I love that you’d say maybe across the line of touch but nothing too much do you know recovers really well

From that I love that top of the back swing position so let’s start him down as all good players talked about in past with some of these analysis is this transition move is really important watch there look that left knee is the first thing to move then that those hips

Move then the thorax then the arms and finally the club so watch left knee goes first watch that left knee then the hip start to rotate you see see that move and then finally that rib cage is going to move into that lead arm and create a

Lot of like you see that that real compression down into the ground you’re also going to see that as that left knee moves out that pelvis is going to move down that rib cage is going to move down see that really com so it’s not only rotating that way it’s also rotating

Down compressing the ground that allows him to push back up to create some tremendous speed if you look at some of the ball speeds he’s creating for a young man it’s phenomenal really phenomenal as he grows in stature grows you know gets gets in the gym puts a little bit of muscle on

That speed’s going to really ramp up and you see from down the line really that squat that power move you can see those knees are moving that left knee moves towards the Target right knee moves in towards the left what a lovely position he’s in there that right arms nicely

Going to get in front of his body there I love that position Club face would probably say his nice and strong there pointing up to the sky so he can afford to really Hammer that rotation look at that I mean the camera angle a little bit blurry but you can see how he’s

Retaining that lag there really really powerful move and then what he’s going to do he’s going to get down look that look how much he drives that right knee to the Target all tiger in 2000 and then because we’ve seen that drive down then he’s got that watch this left foot it’s

Going to go boom up in the air what’s happening is because he’s drove down into the ground ground’s going to push him back up and he’s going to push that way really with that foot look how it kicks back away from the ball really whipping the hips through whipping the

Arms and the chest through creates a load of speed really powerful it’s a move you’ll seeing look at any long driver look at Cal B look at um Bryson dambo tiger in 2000 they’ve all got this left kick move where that left foot’s really moving back just because they

Pushing the ground that way pushes him back pushes that hip back and it really creates a nice whip through the ball and look at that finish maoy esque holds that balance and we’ll see just from down the line he’s going to start now pushing up through the ground look at

That club face really stable position there not a lot of flip love that that motion I mean he keeps keeps working hard at his game it’s just such a solid motion I mean compared to most guys on tour it’s just really it’s really solid um I can’t

Get over how good this motion is for young man really really quality Act action you’ll see is he gets a rotation there that knee drives in and then he’s just that those hands are exiting lower than his shoulder Rory esque I’ve done another video on the Channel with

Comparing it to Rory and that position is frighteningly similar and then all the way to his finish where he just sticks that finish look at that finish I mean that’s tiger Rory is prime Club shaft fully rotated round up nice and Tall loads of rotation I just love this

Action really solid swing he’s done I mean if your dad’s Tiger Woods like you’ve got pretty good genetics but phenomenal absolutely phenomenal swing


  1. I'm a golf teaching professional. Not bragging or boasting, I think I know as much about the golf swing, and golf in general, as anyone in the world. Charlie has as much talent as anyone I have ever seen. As much as Seve, who I knew personally, as much as Nicklaus, Trevino, or Tiger. He is certainly the best 14-year-old golfer in the world. I think by the time he is 16, he could turn pro, like Seve did. If I was him, I would not play college golf. That would be a waste of time. If he continues to improve, which I'm sure he will, he will be ready at 16 to turn pro and make millions of dollars in prize money and endorsements.

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