Derek Plays Sedgley Woods With Nothing But a Polecat(12 Days of Gatekeeper Media) Day 10

Derek and Adam take on Sedgley Woods Blue for an Innova Polecat only round. This video was shot entirely on iPhone and took place the summer of 2023. We were testing out some new wireless microphones for the phone, so sorry about the poor audio quality!

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Welcome back folks to day 10 for the 12 days of gatekeeper media Christmas that’s right folks day 10 that means we are almost done we just have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day left before we jump in any further I’m going to touch on today’s giveaway and we got a gatekeeper media T-shirt size large all you got to do to win this is to

Comment in this video letting us know what landmark you think would make the best disc off hole now this video is uh back from the summer and it was a PCAT only round at Sedgley woods with my buddy Adam so we’re going to jump right in and see how

Well we fared through 18 of the short layout what’s up folks dere with gatekeeper media today I got Adam here with me and we’re doing a polecat only Round Here at sedley Woods let’s get into it I’ve never thrown a pull cat before in my entire life so this should

Be fun well you got the uh 2022 pocoa there is some magic on this disc today oh wow yeah little deep not bad for the first one that felt good all right nine lives here Sweet Orange boy shout out to my orange boys oh right

Into got a commit for the two lay up for the three lay up for the three close wait you got orange cat I have an orange boy too his name is Oliver sweet boy oh he’s the sweetest oh that oh no those trees that thing is fun should be parked that would happen

I don’t know if I can heer around this with this I’m going to try forehand for sure that has actually never happened to me before at this course I play here a lot that is never happens that was sort of what was supposed to happen the first time good result

Considering and you are parked we’re playing shorts by the way sign’s back here I’m good I think yeah I think I got a good little kick big old turnover big old apple turnover I didn’t see it right the M didn’t see it come through that side

I it’s like the trick to the P cat give it enough time for it to do it l tree you’re damn near in Gose eye great shot oh let’s go nice just your casual pull cat star frame I hit the same tree I always hit though so right onine consistency is key that

Was dang [Laughter] four this is definitely a tough one with this yeah one of the longer H lots of higher just like to be on the right side there I don’t like to be there but my body yeah like that oh nice out here yeah it’s awesome little friend oh so close

Getting a two on yeah this is another tricky one with this all right lots of Hiser oh too mucher I got a Bonus roll I think I got pretty lucky actually I think it fought all the way through it’s uh he’s in there yeah it’s a little tough

Toting I don’t know if I have a backand forand back in he’s got it all Elevator this is the scariest basket on this course is the only reason I say that why do you say that the chain the chains are just funky it’s maybe it’s a that was maybe it was a mental thing I expected that to not go too it’s

A beautiful day out here under I think me not bad my best score here with the pat only four down uh try it Better well didn’t hit anything I should have a clean shot I got to the tree this is probably the hardest shot yeah I don’t have the touch for that I can’t believe I got up here with h can’t figure out the putting though for sure d i really gave that birdie right back

Didn’t I tubberware Wrong very funny all right folks checking in halfway I think I’m sitting at one down total what do you got I gota be like one over I think all right pretty good spread so heading on to the bag nine let’s get to it not as much distance as I thought

Right in there though turn do it I’m G to make this putt this time I think I think it was just cuz you down yeah a little bit probably oh nice park job that’s the best part of sedle is hanging out with people coming up here for the first

Time one I love to do every time come here just started yeah like make their experience cooler I did that on tour a lot just you go into a random City and you meet the locals they show you around and show you some tips it’s it’s a good Community disc golf that’s

Money oh that’s money bad bad that is all right I’m just going to try and do that do what you you just did do you see the the baby beavers where some mom and two baby Beav or groundhogs I guess whatever they are yeah groundhogs i h hadit a

Tree well cuz you’re in a basket I made it in the basket look I made it in does that count putting on these is hard not good at putting with these hole 12 is like my Nemesis this is the hardest hole for me on the whole

Course so I kind of want to throw a harder clip kind of in the middle of that dead tree and then the big one in the middle and then with this disc hope that it pushes a little further to the right Nestles me in the middle there if

You give it too much Hiser you end up in the ship on going to be a tough uh there little bit of slippage you out drove me this is kind of Precarious kind of have to give it a little had a little Gap there I’m at four down currently fighting for my car should I run it and potentially get myself in trouble or play it safe and take my medicine oo it’s a tough call how bad could it be if I

Run uh not too bad I gave a shot I think I can make this put I’m confident of it barely but it’s in no doubt never had a doubt I think you’re up no I oh you took a four okay hole 13 clear yeah I think so oh

Settle this key pad’s a little wonky as well it’s got like a severe drop off here but this is usually the front when I play so I try to roll myle not high enough I think I’m I don’t really know where I am actually I mean I wasn’t making it

Without the tree hit anyway another par oh and I didn’t get give it anything not even parked that’s tough cut over there I hate being on the left just a few trees to contend with here same hopefully that rolled a little further away he for fun oh I didn’t give it the

Height that’s okay did roll backward like I wanted y let’s go nice I got a birie oh and then I almost fell immediately I’m back this is a good one for a the pole cat uhoh just going to make sure he’s not like right there okay he’s over to the

Right I can’t get that thing to drift starting to warm up my hands are starting to sweat do it I’m overshot this is way better than I thought it was all right last three holes figured out the putting no yeah I’m going left rout for sure today with this

Guy can I absolutely rethrow that notice how I’m not laughing because that could very well happen to me too didn’t listen oh man guess I’m going back in doesn’t come out Adam doesn’t fade no way dude no way yeah dude I’m not going to take it for granted this be really

Nice it’s definitely [Laughter] a oh oh hey now that was so close it’s my boy too under that was for you bud it’s my guy you ready oh yeah biggest put all day hey be around H yeah that was fun so recap you’re two under I’m two under I’m

Currently five under if I can hold this I break my personal record let’s go dude last hole I progressively got worse throughout the round I don’t know what it is about this hole that gets in my head it’s like oh it’s so long but it’s really not like

I’ve seen putter rase after putter rase of this it’s got to not be that was perfect I’m already rolling gotcha all the marble right online it’s a little soft you’re up another Mist put coming right up did I say mist Putt I meant I meant I was going to hit this twig and then go in that’s what I meant all right there you have it folks finished 1 through 18 blue here at sedley woods with my good buddy Adam here you finished at a three down I finished it a three down very

Respectable I beat my personal bet personal best at 5 under so that’s feeling pretty good congratulations we’re going to venture thank you very very much we’re going to off into the Outback but we’re not going to bring you along for that but maybe we’ll report

And let you know how we did thanks for watching thanks for having me


  1. That’s my boiii Chips! Woot woot! You should definitely come to the Polecat challenge here at SF Golden Gate Park next year ‘24!

  2. Im a philly guy. Sedgley is the first course i ever played.
    Awesome environment . 19-27 the back back 9 is my favorite golf in the area. Feels like a totally different course back there.
    Thanks for the video. Gatekeeper rocks and i love seeing people play my local spots.
    Do fort washington next. Def a notch up in difficulty.
    Keep up the great footage

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