Golf Players

INTERVIEW | Kevin Maher pre-Kidderminster Harriers

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Kev you couldn’t fult last week’s performance against Bromley um but of course it is it’s the results that that you’ll be Keen Keen to get but do you feel like you know when those performances are there more often than not those those results will come yeah and listen the results been good you

Know I think that’s you know we ain’t lost many in the league at all um and watching it back as well it confirmed everything we saw in terms of the game and how we plan Planned it out and how we went about our work really in control

And one moment before half time and one moment a little bit after halftime you know apart from that you know that everything we wanted in terms of how we thought the game would pan out it did and just disappointing obviously to lose the game but you know in terms of the

Circumstances and you know one sub not having a second keeper on the bench um G having to go in ETC uh the way the players played was was brilliant and you know we can keep them levels um you got to know that chances are come and you

Win games yeah with all that’s that’s gone on as you just just mentioned then how difficult has this week been in training and to try and prepare for Saturday game away at kid Minster yeah I think it we we love this chat every week about how you prepare I think normal

Clubs will tactically you will have enough players to put go against P teams and within training um we have to manage players and you know we’re carrying bumps and bruises from last weekend um so minimal training for some and then we tactically you do a lot of stuffff that you

Know you be unopposed because we can’t afford injuries and stuff like that so they all the different challenges that you probably don’t see um so yeah it’s it’s a difficult one um but you know the players know their jobs know what they got to do and you know we we get them

Out on the pitch and we’re ready to go again yeah and and after the game against bomy you did come out and say you know something’s got to change as we sit here you know Thursday afternoon is there anything that you can tell the fans um as to whether anything will change

The head of sat’s game no I don’t think that’s for me to to come out and say and you know hopefully things behind the scenes are progressing um you know people are working very hard and doing everything they possibly can to to move things along and you know I’m grateful

To them for that and you know hopefully um that happen soon in terms of you know Dave Martin had to come off last week and and Gus got got more got whack but but still played on um what’s the sort of the latest on on both of those two

Yeah Dave obviously got a whack to his ribs and a bit of Whiplash and he’ll have to have a CT scan to see about that so he’ll definitely be out um gusy bumped and bruised um so we’ve had minimal training with him this week as well so we’ll obviously got you know

Today and tomorrow and we’ll see where he is and of course we’re going into um The Christmas period where we play three times in one week of course but for you you just have to focus on on one taking it one at a time yeah I can’t look further than Saturday you

Know um getting the bodies out there and getting the team ready to go and you know compete against the a real tough opponent you know we saw that in a in a home game that it took us right to the end to to go get the win and um you know

A team that’s really fighting really organized tough to be because they don’t concede many goals and um you know going away from home home in this league it’s always a tough Prospect yeah and you know obviously that the players will certainly put that effort in and you Al

Have the support from the stands as well because and the two away games that we do have coming up um we we be followed by a fantastic crowd as well and that certainly does play its part doesn’t it yeah without Shadow it’s even Saturday that I think it works both ways with

Fans and you know we’ve got to give them something and and then they give us back as well which they have done all season and you know you’re talking about and seeing the numbers that we’re going to look to take um is an unbelievable Testament to them

And to everyone at the football club excellent Chase if anything was to change for the weekend or the the games coming up over Christmas would there be players lined up have you already got that in your mind or is it a case of it’s not as easy as that at particularly

At this time of year yeah it’s probably time of year makes it very difficult um we’ve been working hard behind the scenes a lot of some have gone obviously that week by week that happens all the time um we’ve got people that we want to bring in and

It’s not as easy as just going right now’s the time get them in there’s got to be the deals have got to be done they’ve got to be right their Club has got to be ready to let them go um and there’s a lot of process for that

To involve and I think you know people look at our club and where we’re at and go right now you know hopefully when everything’s resolved it’ll be a good time to come and get a deal done um not always a straightforward as it looks and people will say what well just just sign

Players it don’t it don’t just happen like that um we’ve watched loads we’ve you know set the ball in motion on a lot of things and you know not everything’s going to come off and you know that’s a fact of life and I think the time of year doesn’t help obviously we’ve you

Just said there we’ve got a period of games where they come thick and fast so teams will want their players around them and won’t want to lose them um so yeah it’s difficult very difficult yeah and of course like you say what happened on on Saturday it’s not just a case of

You having fit bodies to to take into the games it’s about that player welfare as well isn’t it you know players who maybe have knocks who maybe have injuries having to to risk it to to play on yeah absolutely and it’s um it’s funny we’re talking today with d and Ben

When we go we’re on the side of games and we’re talking and go what about if we changeed this we go and sometimes IET at then we can’t because we’ve got to wait and see who fatigues first so everyone else is you know can make tactical changes can change things we

Can’t we’ve got to wait and see who breaks first and there’s players that we’re pushing to the brink um so so they haven’t trained this week because of niggles and we go right you got to rest and protect and be ready to go and you

Can see the effort they put in and they play every minute but we cannot make them changes um and that’s the most difficult thing I think you know and even we had two subs that were going we got to leave one because we get to the last 10-

Minute a game and we don’t know who you know we’ve already made the two that someone goes down and we can’t and do that 10 men then then that might be the wi losing the game so there are all the problems that come with it and the

Things that people might not see and this period of games you’ve got to get through them it is game by game as you say but um a real opportunity is it’s quite congested in that bottom half of the table an opportunity to to try and lift yourselves back up to to where you

Feel you should be yeah well obviously without the the points deduction we would be and it keeps saying it’s it’s a miracle the way Lads have been like absolutely unbelievable for what they’ve done in the staff and um that it’s only sustainable for so long obviously um but

You know I’m confident in everything they do and to perform they did like they did against the team second in the table on Saturday with everything thrown against them and still be you know the better team despite the result um is a testament to them and how does Christmas

Day look a bit like training for the the players here possibly we’ll see we keep them on their toes but listen they’re fit anyway um so we’ve got to look at obviously what comes off the back of kid Minster and we’ll be in the day after

That as well so um it’s important to us to keep them here as much as we can to see what condition they’re in and where they’re at because I think if you look between the the games and and when they come there won’t be much training done

Anyway um it’s all about recovery and we we’ve been working like that anyway and obviously good good to get a balance as well between spending some some time with family and after the year you’ve had I’m sure you’ll be taking a bit of time on on day to spend with the family

Will you yeah this I got three boys at home who be want to go out play football anyway so that won’t leave me and um yeah listen it should be a time for family and you know football then coming on boxing day is a is a brilliant

Tradition I think for this country and you know I know the crowd we’ll have um against Barnet will will be brilliant and we’ll look forward to that thank you thank you how’s uh Harry Cardwell yeah still hasn’t trained this week um so just still that KNE problem that um we

Want to get right and not put him In Harm’s Way have we got enough players to fulfill the game is that a genuine worry um yeah we’re still waiting on one or two so we need them to come through and you know hopefully we we’ll be able to

Get a teamate yeah and is Colin ready to step up yeah he’s trained and obviously he’s been you know on the grass so he’ll be [Applause] ready

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