Unlock Elite Hip Movement In Your Swing With These EASY Golf Exercises!

Do you struggle to create the hip movement and turn you see from the game’s best golfers? Maybe you just haven’t ever incorporated the right training, the essential golf exercises to unlock more hip depth, hip rotation, and speed! What if the hip movement you see from the likes of Min Woo Lee, Wyndham Clark, and Dustin Johnson could be easily programmed? Milo Lines Golf and Superstition Mountain G&CC fitness coach, Zach Gulley joins me to reveal a few of our favorite exercises to getting students to move more like an athlete. This special 3-part series will give you some awesome patterns to train, not only this offseason, but also leading up to your next round. You can also schedule individual consults with Zach HERE: …You’ll start moving better, feeling better, and swinging more freely. I hope you enjoy!

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Learn to Swing Like an Athlete™ with Milo Lines Golf! My channel and coaching team will provide you with lessons and tips to help you play better at this game. Most of our content is filmed at the beautiful Superstition Mountain Golf & Country Club in Gold Canyon, Arizona.

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Hey everybody Milo here along with Zach Gully thanks for having me our fitness trainer at supersti Mountain and also for Milo lines Golf and today we have an awesome video about hip rotation and flexion all right I wanted to introduce a three-part series that I recently filmed here at

The gym at Superstition Mountain with Zach goly the fitness coach for Milo lines Academy as well as Superstition Mountains lead fitness instructor in this three-part series we cover some exercises to help you feel better move better and learn to swing like an athlete so let’s dive in to this awesome

Series all right Miley and we’re going to cover some exercises to improve hip rotation and get you guys being able to really turn athletically through your swing I always start with the main components of hip rotation and one is going to be the depth at which the hips

Move back a second is going to be can you actually segment the pelvis this away from the rib cage and if there’s issues with both of those those are the first two places I go to address as we do many times in our schools and with our students we’re always teaching a hip

Hinge type of exercise so that’s the first place I start and with the with the player I may just have them do the test itself which is going to be something where they’re moving their hips backwards and as a coach I’m looking down the line making sure that

Their pelvis is in fact creating some distance towards translating backwards I’m looking for like 6 in to a foot and can they do that without their spine gaining inflexion so the first key to this is getting the pelvis to translate back without much spine flexion or rounding people that have problems with

This you see a lot of bending happening with the upper body and or there’s just no weight shift back if that is you and you have a hard time moving back like that we me may need to look at Mobility exercises for the hip so first place I

Will start is on your back and doing a leg raise backup like this people that have issues with hip hinge they might have length issues on the back of their leg so if you’re taking your leg up and you are getting to like this area and it

Feels like it’s got nowhere to go this is the first place you need start yeah so the more of these we do right it starts working back back further there’s muscles on the front of your leg you may experience some cramping with that but that’s not a bad thing we need to make

The hamstring or the back side of the the leg be inhibited by the muscles on the front activating that is a very useful tool we can use to get muscles and tissues to open up hey Milo how’d you grab a golf club here and I want you

To see and understand why this hamstring length is important for the golf swing itself looking at you down the line what we see all the elite players do take this thing up to the top as they start to transition down you see some type of

Squat or hinge we like to call it a flexion of the pelvis yes gaining and hip flexion and what’s happening is this butt is moving backwards which is then creating more length on the back side of his leg so this is why this is important let’s say that you’re player that cannot

Do this like leg rise or you have a hard time doing this hinge take one up for me and as I want you to make a transition where your pelvis does not actually gain inflexion so you’re going to see some type of unloading of the tissue of the

Back the leg that’s going to cause a shooting forward of the pelvis and that’s really what we’re trying to avoid so a lot of these early extension issues we see are because of patterning loading into tissues that are probably a little bit too tight tight the second you load

A tissue it’s going to want to unload so if you’re loading tissue that only has let’s say like this amount of range of motion you load it up and you’re going to shoot it back forward so the best players in the world their hips move back they gain hip flexion and most of

Them or I I would argue all of them can do a hip hinge with very good success so every day on the lesson te yeah this is kind of one of the most common things I see and I’ve created some interesting EXC is using hockey sticks I love that

And things along those lines to help players feel what it feels like to add that hip hinge or that flexion in transition and for everybody it feels extremely strange at first but I find a lot of it has to do with just patterning the coordination because a lot of people

Just that’s not something that they’re used to doing so even though they may lack Mobility somewhat like me there are ways around it if they learn to coordinate it correctly they can get the patterning moving in the right way one thing I’ve always done in my career is

Teach this hip hinge and I’m G can I borrow this for a second I’ve always spent a lot of time working on finding the best way to teach this and I’ve done things like putting the golf club on your back it’s very hard for some people with shoulder Mobility um maybe using a

Weight in the front but the best way I found is to put a golf club or a stick a dowel whatever on your forehead on your stomach and as close to your belt buckle as you can and doing a pattern where you’re maintaining those points of contact while you’re creating a depth

Backwards early extenders this one’s for you AKA just about every one of us we need to learn how to hinge we need to learn how to hinge in different angles we need to learn how to rotate and get back into your hinge so here’s back swing and then back into the hinge that

We are working on this will take you out of early extension allow you to stay down through the ball I think this goes hand hand in hand with the patterning you’re talking about cuz if we add rotation let’s say we do a one where we turn and then hinge that’s going to look

Very similar I think to your hockey stick turn and hinge yes so the way I the way I teach it is I we go first straightforward and then we start implementing rotation while hinging and we’re going to do that both ways and the key with this is is not

Letting the upper body move out this way in the golf swing if you’re ever working with the player and their back swing looks like that do you like that hard to recover from there it’s hard it’s hard to get out of that so we can try to influence some of these patterns

With hinging or with the work you’re doing in the gym if you have the proper like alignment or if you’re focusing on making sure that it looks similar to what you’re working on with your golf swing yeah I actually find players make the fastest progress when they are using

The same patterns under some load in the gym their muscles get used to it they they actually make progress quicker so Zach everybody’s wanting to to get that more rotary pattern and you’ve shown us hip hinge with basically without rotation you’ve created rotation and hip hinge no hip no rotation and then

Backwards rotation and hip hinge but really there’s no rotation happening during it yeah how do we tie this together so the hip hinge portion is the gaining inflection or pelvis moving away where the hip separation really happening is going to be like at the top with transition and with a with players

That lack uh hip dissociation this is a skill that we need to learn so I I’ve worked with some really high level players they come to me and they’re really good and their hips don’t move at all and it’s just kind of shocking to me but they have adequate amount of little

Separation and I’ve worked with other players that you ask them to do something like this and their pelvis is all over the place so this is Step One is just creating an exercise where you have stability where you’re in like somewhat of a pelvic tilt and you’re creating some separation of the pelvis

From the Torso the reason why this is important is because as we go up to the top create our little hip hinge and start to get moving into the down swing my shoulders need to be able to lag maybe for a decent word or stay a little

Bit back so that way we can get some shallowing mechanisms to happen and that’s coming from the pelvis starting to create a little rotation first and one of the interesting things I find if a player winds themselves up and then begins to go into flexion naturally the

Pelvis unwind it wants to unwind some amount mhm and so a lot of that is like you get it for free you don’t actually if if you move correctly you don’t have to try to turn the hips the hips when I flex the hips naturally just turn and

Res Square so really what I’m looking for is not to gain the ability to rip the hips and turn them I’m just looking for some freedom to do exactly that I’m thinking of it we’re trying to get a segment below the Torso to move Freer so it’s not a pattern where you’re trying

To whip them and really turn them it’s just to create more effortless freedom so Milo I got I got you with this orange stick and I just want you to C try to create a pattern that’s similar to your golf swing and what I want everybody to

Recognize is that go back up to the top as you start working down start going down the pelvis is moving backwards the upper body is maintaining some uh lag maybe for a better term as you turn down the pelvis creates some freedom and you start to see this little

Bend happen in the right side of ler that’s because the that’s upper and lower separating slightly separating yeah the way the spine works as you start creating rotation it’s facilitated with side Bend so that’s why it’s important that we have this ability to turn the pelvis so that it allows things

To naturally Bend in the proper way up the chain all right Zach so you’ve got three main exercises to accomplish this task these are exercises we do at golf schools you do them with clients here at the at the fitness center kind of walk us through what are the main three

Exercises so first is going to be creating a pattern that facilitates or allows you to create a better hip hinge so it could be like a Mobility exercise for hip flexion so opening up tissues on the back sides of your body okay the second is the patterning part of hip

Hinge itself so we got the stick and we’re creating a hinging type of motion a flexing type of motion with something that gives you some feedback about your spine not rounding or flexing that’s the key and then the Third is being able to create some pelvic rotation or separation it’s a little disassociation

Of upper and lower right yeah and this is all it really needs to be it doesn’t need to be anything crazy you don’t need to go super fast but you do need to have that pattern so the these are three like very simple exercises you guys could do

On a daily basis maybe spend I don’t know 3 to six minutes and I guarantee you’re going to start to see some change with how your pelvis moves through your downswing and through your golf swing hopefully you like this video and you learned something if you did hit the

Like And subscribe button also come visit us at Milo lines where we’ll teach you how to swing like an athlete and if you need any one-on-one coaching with Zach you can find him there


  1. Great video about fitness and flexibility. I'm having trouble with the right-side bend at impact (I'm a right-handed golfer). It seems that I cannot bend down far enough to get to impact with a slightly bent right elbow like you seem to manage (and others like Morikawa and Dustin Johnson). At slow speeds I can manage, but I can feel that my side starts to get that scrunch burning sensation from trying to bend too much. At high speeds, it is nearly impossible unless I completely disengage my torso from my hips–as opposed to keeping them all as one moving unit. I'm pretty flexible and can reach my toes without bending my knees, but the side bend is limited.
    Any suggestions?

  2. To Milo's point, if you sink (flexion) into the ground it works much like the Flutes of a Yankee Screwdriver.

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