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【ENG SUB】The Rainbow in Our Memory 11 | Haughty Boy Pursues Naturally Ditzy Girl

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✨The Rainbow in Our Memory✨

Ao ZiYi, Yang ZhiWen

Chen Mu Guang has led a difficult life, yet remains to be an honest and upright young man. He may seem cold on the outside, but he is actually sensitive and affectionate. His childhood friend Shi Fan Tuan is a natural ditz. Two contrasting personalities growing up together is bound to lead to a lot of misunderstandings.

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#TheRainbowinOurMemory #AoZiYi #YangZhiWen #Chinesedrama #敖子逸

Muguang. Muguang. Muguang. Let him go. Muguang. Muguang. Muguang. Muguang. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid. No one touches him. Kill him. Kill him. Let go of him. Let him go. Muguang. Let him go. Fantuan. Muguang. Muguang. Muguang. Don’t be afraid. Muguang. Muguang. Muguang. Muguang. Muguang. How could you be so stupid?

You bled a lot. Do you feel any pain? How could you sleep for so long? Are you going against me? You must be happy when you see my anxiety, right? Can you wake up? Can you wake up? Can you wake up? Uncle Heyun came up with new dishes.

And we haven’t tried them yet. And, you haven’t finished the composition our English teacher assigned for the weekend. I’ll write it for you, as long as you can wake up. Please just wake up. Wake up. Wake up, okay? Muguang will be fine. Don’t worry about him.

Dad, I’m afraid that Muguang won’t wake up anymore. It’s impossible. I’ll make her learn a lesson. Can you give me Qiang Hui’s number? I have urgent business to talk to him. Where is Qiang Hui? I can’t reach him. I need to see him now. I don’t know. Qiang Hui went out this afternoon.

You blamed me again. Why didn’t you think about your daughter before our divorce? I’m telling you, if anything happens to my daughter, I won’t let you off. You know what to do. Have some milk. Kexin, Mom is here. Don’t be afraid. Mom. I knew I was wrong. I just wanted to scare her.

I don’t want things to become like this. Are you sure no one saw you? I called 911. And I left. So, I think so. Mom, I know I was wrong. I’m so scared. I know it was my fault. Listen, since no one saw you, as long as you keep it a secret,

This matter won’t have anything to do with you. Mom. How about turning myself in? I have to turn myself in. Kexin, that’s out of the question. You’re my only family. You can’t do that. Mom. Fantuan. Fantuan. Go back home and have some sleep. The doctor said that, you also needed a good rest.

Fantuan. Go home. Now. Grab some food. How are you going to take care of Muguang if you get sick? Just go home. Be good. When they kidnapped me, they said that I offended someone. It’s really you. Fantuan. I just wanted them to scare you. I didn’t expect them to kidnap you

To threaten Chen Muguang. Fantuan. I’m so scared. Can you give me a chance to correct my wrongs? The police have been here. The police? What should I do? It’s not my concern. You shouldn’t ask me. Fantuan, we’re classmates, and we have been getting along for a long time. Please,

You have to help me. Fantuan, you’re going to forgive me, aren’t you? Forgive you? Have you ever thought about Chen Muguang? He’s now lying on the sickbed alone. You want me help? I’ll never forgive you. Fantuan. Fantuan, Fantuan. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know I was wrong. Fantuan, I’m so sorry.

How is Chen Muguang now? Is his life in danger? I always want to visit him, but I’m too ashamed to do that. You have violated the law. I can’t help you. But I can give you the chance to turn yourself in because I didn’t tell the police that you were behind this.

That’s all I can do as your classmate. Bad shot. Did you hear that the police asked Mr. Wang some questions. I heard that Muguang was seriously beaten up. I don’t know who did that to him. If I found out the mastermind, I will definitely avenge Muguang. Me, too.

I have to kick that person’s ass. Should we visit him in the hospital? It must be a mess there. Let’s not bother them. Don’t talk that much. Mr. Chen won’t come. I can wait. It’s alright if he won’t come. But I still want to make some things clear. This matter is our fault,

And I apologize to you. I’ve been busy with work so I didn’t have time to discipline my daughter. I never expected her to make such a big mistake. However, she’s still young. If this matter gets bigger, her future will be destroyed. I know that as a parent you are protective of your kid

But I am also a mother, and Kexin is my only daughter, so… I won’t ask for your forgiveness, but can we solve this matter privately, instead of going to the court? You’re here just to say the last sentence, right? How about this? I’ll pay for the medical expenses, and I’ll give you compensation.

Compensation? What are you talking about? Do you think you can fix everything with money? My son is still lying on the sickbed, unconscious. If he were your son and he had been hurt like this, would you accept the money? What do you want? I can give it to you.

Do you know what I want? I want my son to be intact. I want my son to be healthy. I want him to come back home safe and sound. No more speaking. We’ll initiate a lawsuit. And we have to take care of Muguang. Leave. Kexin. I know everything. Open the door, okay? Kexin.

Kexin, are you alright? Things have become like this, and what you can do is admit that you are wrong. Haichuan, I need you to beg for mercy for Kexin. Please. We can do anything, as long as the lawsuit can be avoided. How is Chen Muguang doing now? Not well. Fantuan.

Are your hands alright? I never expected such a thing to happen. Kexin has gone too far. I’ve gone to her home. Now, she is in a bad mood. She knew that she was in the wrong. So, can you just forget about this? Forget about this?

Can her remorse make up for the damage the kidnapping caused me? And Chen Muguang was seriously injured because of her. So, you are not here to visit us, but to beg for mercy for her, right? It’s not like that. Look. We are classmates. Classmates? Can my classmate do this to me? Bai Haichuan.

I’m disappointed in you. Leave. Fantuan. We haven’t finished our talking, so we’d like to continue it. Do you have more detailed clues for us? How is Chen Muguang doing now? Is his life in danger? I always want to visit him, but I’m too ashamed to do that. Fantuan. What are you thinking?

The police officer is asking you a question. I don’t know that guy. He must be someone from the poolroom. He was tall, like 6 feet. But I felt that he wasn’t going after me. He just wanted to use me to threaten Muguang. Chen Muguang has been doing his part-time job in the poolroom.

People there should be linked to the kidnapping. Ganglie. Why are you alone? Where is Muguang? Ganglie. I don’t have time to tell you. Something happened to Muguang. What? Ganglie. Someone is looking for you. Mr. Zhang. Have a try? Is Qiang Hui here? Fantuan. Fantuan. Fantuan. Muguang. Muguang, you are awake. Mr. Chen,

Muguang wakes up. Dad, Mom. Muguang is awake. Muguang. Muguang. Muguang is awake. You are finally awake. You scared the hell out of me. Muguang is awake. He’s awake. Dad, Mr. Shi. I’m sorry for worrying you. I’m sorry. Brat. Do you know that you’ve been unconscious for two days? All of us

Were extremely anxious. Indeed. It’s so relieving to see you wake up. Let’s cook something delicious for Muguang. Muguang. What would you like to eat? Meat. I want meat. We have it. Hurry up. I’ll be back soon. You can have as much meat as you want. There will be plenty of it.

Muguang, how are you feeling now? I feel good. Glad to hear that. Lie back down. I’ll tell the doctor about it. I’ll tell him that you have woken up. Doctor. Doctor. Do you feel any pain? I don’t. That’s good news. I was so scared.

I thought that no one would tease me in the future. I don’t want you to be my protector all the time and get hit because of me. I could be suffering along with you. I’m tough enough. Do you know what you are talking about? To be honest, you look ugly

When you have that sad face. Smile. You look uglier. Stop smiling. I’m a patient. Don’t hit me. I want to tell you something. Wei Kexin was behind what happened to us. Really? And one more thing. I didn’t tell the police that it was Wei Kexin’s deed. Would you blame me? I wouldn’t.

I’ll support everything you do. Kexin. Haichuan. Hello? Haichuan, is Kexin with you? I didn’t tell anyone that I was chased out by my father. Dad. Dad. Dad. Listen to me. I didn’t push my brother. When I came in, he fell to the ground. Hasn’t your stepmother been good to you? She acted differently

Behind your back. Do you know how she swore at me? Why would you believe in her instead of me? Am I not your daughter? Give it to me. Dad. Dad. Beauty, you alone? Where are you going? Do you want to hang out with me? Don’t run. Let me take you out.

I have something fun. I told my mother that I had the scar from falling because I felt that it was shameful. Ever since my parents divorced, my father didn’t love me anymore, and my mother just focused on her job. Haichuan, you’re the only family I have. I was afraid of losing you, so…

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Turn around. The conflict between your parents was not your fault. Don’t be sad. Kexin. Mom. I heard it all. I failed you. Come home with me. Mom. I know I was wrong. Why are you here again? Fantuan, don’t worry, I won’t disturb Chen Muguang.

I heard that he was awake, so I took the notes here. he could read them. L-Let me take a look. The notes are not that good. Fantuan. I want to tell you something. This is Bai Haichuan’s notebook. As expected of him. Even the punctuations are aligned. Have some oranges. Thank you, Mr. Shi.

Well, Bai Haichuan told me that Wei Kexin had a complicated family background. She hasn’t been loved by her family for a long time. She almost killed herself, and that’s why she did all this. In fact, she’s quite pathetic. Her family has spoiled her. Chen Zhi, what do you think? I’ll be yours.

About this matter, I decided to let go. However, Fantuan, you and Muguang should stay away from those guys. Don’t be close to them. Are you sure you will tell the police the whole story? Yes. I have to let everyone know the truth, and I should bear the responsibility I’m supposed to take. Fantuan.

What are you folding? Nothing. Just messing around. Messing around. Everyone, recently, there was a malicious attack, and one of our students, was hurt. You know that, don’t you? The directors of the school take this matter seriously. When you are getting along with each other, disputes are inevitable.

But no matter what the conflict is, you should solve it with rationality, instead of hiring someone outside the school to do something illegal. It will not only hurt others but also destroy your future. That’s right. Stop clapping your hands. I’d like to say that if you have ever suffered and felt pain,

But you wanted to shift the suffering to others, you’d be failing yourself. I hope that all of you will understand what kind of people you will become.


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