Golf Players

Best Golf Shots From 2023 (Part 1)

Part one of the very best golf shots of 2023 on the DP World Tour.


Welcome to the Official YouTube channel of the DP World Tour. Every week you can find extended tournament highlights and individual player highlights from the likes of Rory McIlroy, Justin Rose and Tommy Fleetwood. This is also the home of the 14 Club Challenge, Little Interviews, Fastest Hole and many more challenges, pranks and world record attempts featuring the biggest golfers in the world.


This comes out low it will just keep on running oh out for divot ball below your feet wind in your face this is looks like it’s cutting it into the wind can here we go as he cut it in is it too much oh for goodness sake what is going

On oh no what a shot Rory mro sorry I’m not quite as excited as one M that was just magnificent again drilled it never got above 10 ft off the ground never left the flag my goodness what a change of clubs oh my God this is just

Magnificent low left to right carries it all the way comes up soft look at that my goodness and Bob’s not far away listening to that Roar but what’s he thinking now it’s stiff it’s in it’s look at that come off the face [Applause] here we go thas here we go this would be

Fun this is uh this is tough this is because he’s got a big up slope there up to the green and anything short is going to roll back either going to roll back on the bridge or into the water so he has to get this on the Green oh man how good is that how good is that perfect strike got some grab up the slope unbelievable he was very lucky with his t-shot he just rolled far enough away from the curb so he got a stance I thought one stage he’d have no stance but that was

Magic two Perez 17 and the LI is good I think you’re right all of you in the Box you got to pitch this all the way and just accept you got 4T by anything trying to run I think we’ll just run past so use the breeze it’s got

A good lie you can really fluff this one up it’s been well red go on then oh go on [Applause] then what a shot from Victor Perez and what a time to do it as well shot of his life did you see That bit Breeze into him actually in off the right up this slope and the flag is a tricky one this right the very front so you got to be spot on here I’d add on at least six here with the club cuz there’s definite Breeze into him here

got it he’s got it it looked good when it pitched on a little down slope marvelous arm shot hey Adrian big cheer from around the green beautiful great highlight in a year that’s had many of them in it big cut little low sliding one right

To left tough a shot with this club though like it oh my goodness sake oh oh my oh K what a shot one of the best shots I’ve ever seen him alive under the circumstances absolutely what a shot but it wasn’t just a plain straightforward forearm from the middle

Of the fair there were so many ingredients in that the strong wind the little three4 shot just watch it down the Sha little cut on it oh it’s like a sort of three-wood with a wedge the height ever Oh magnificent another the circumstances M doubt that watching a bit there look at this show look at what’s just Moving oh for goodness sake 26 and Rory is third yeah Billy horw just come up about 15t short just over 110 it’s a great chance you would back against him finishing birdie birdie birdie but first things first get this inside 6 fet hello Hello they might hear that shout in Dublin no need for the pter for mooy he makes an eagle there at 16 a hole that has been kind to him and he jumps to six under a lot of people have waited a long time today oh there’s a ball

Flight 42 yds on this pin and he’s taking it in there oh this is just Sublime please show us that again I mean he’s good with some of these shots look at that oh I could watch that on repeat just over 120 for a back pin

That’s always a challenge can you get it past it it’s a much easier put from that side oh lovely absolutely superb good angle from there skidded forward with t a Back Spin what Joy isn’t it oh I mean he’s he’s so good out to Ram well must have some sort of Gap

Otherwise he’s taking a mighty rist decent lie that’s for certain some shot to take on on Ken great are you kidding what a shot that isoy is okay over there he’s a natural drawer so the the trees aren’t in the way but they they’ll certainly sort of

Be in his ey line but not a problem and just 190 can he get it all the way back that’s the challenge plenty of room left for this flag and it’s all uphill from there so that’s the Miss roll time four holes to go two birdies required we think the

Cut’s going to be one over and how good is that oh my goodness he’s not wanting to take any weekends off I can tell you Jeff winter on 11 seen his partner go in very close here can he follow him a you go better there you go Eagle two on 11 and

That moves it to 12 andart you having fun out there guys back over to seven and this time Tristan Lawrence where’s this going to land you got to land it short of the Ridge and let it skid over oh that’s good yes absolutely perfect absolutely perfect couldn’t could it could it could

It could it oh yes can you had a Ben it so he’s never going to get [Applause] there well well well and he wins himself the uh DS4 P aut bastial business which is just sitting behind the te there 203 to the front right Ed or to the hole

About 195 comfortably gets you up on the green if you get it going left anyway right’s fine just take the water out of play oh he hasn’t what a shot oh that is just outstanding I cannot believe that I think most players would have just played right to the green chipped it

Down the green and and gone that way that is absolutely door closed Richard made him smile that one let me just interrupt for a second Jordan Smith put his Club against his leg looked over and applauded that shot that’s how good it was and this is Nikolai haard the twin brother of

His Rasmus who won last week he’ll be desperate to do the same this week excellent chip there in the rain is it going to go all the way it is it’s in fantastic chip that bring a smell to your face what rain they won in consecutive weeks a few

Years back didn’t they in uh in cron Montana then Italy couldn’t happen again could it and let’s go over to Pia babnik one the longer hitters out on tour third shot into the sixth quy little hole pins on the right hand side today oh what a result the easiest part you could

Imagine and a hug from Mom at the end of it as well well on the wood chip you never know what’s going to happen out of it pinned very tight to the front left of the green oh what’s he going to do with this one risky did not play this hole well

Yesterday did he but how about that Ken that was Absol absolutely stunning frightening flag particularly from the Fairway because it doesn’t like there any green at all there’s a little bit strip of water in front of it a mound Beyond he got a little smile on his face now impressive wasn’t it now

Bjor has great vision with these shots you never know whether he’s going to go with a lob wge or a six iron he’s picked his spot he’s picked his Club get it what a way to finish for Thomas F it is an eagle three for the man who won

The MCB TOUR Championship on the Legends tour last week with a thumping display let’s catch up again with Marcel seam yeah four holes left to play for Marcel get your drive away everyone’s a birdie chance second shot p on the left you can see he’s got to aim this right of the

Flag All Above his feet depends what the lies like but it doesn’t look brilliant does it so it should run a bit out of this see maybe he did get it see what the action does on it just running it out look at that an absolute be get in there

Oh my goodness good Beauty that’s unbelievable able well a fantastic round has just got even better for Marcel seam and a celebration to [Applause] match well stay waight we’ll hop back over to 15 LW Lee yeah nasty bogey at 14 just Haled his progress just slightly first bogey of the

Day is he got in store for us we Delight the crowd yes he will there you go very nearly the ultimate recovery and then some easy to get the movement from such yage easy to get the movement from such a short yardage what a shot found a gap get

In I’m not sure that was what was intended completely but it’s worked out really well cuz it it looked like to me that went through a gap in the trees yeah I to me it look you have a look at this it looks like he’s actually decided to go

Up and over and I don’t think it does I think it now it goes right through that overhang of the tree and almost pops it in someone in the clubhouse knew didn’t he let’s go to Pino on the 13th T split Fairway Fair very rual only 286 yards all up oh

My oh my what a shot that is H tapping Eagle 2 let’s skip over to 14 down the hill par three here is the rder cup Vice Captain Nicholas karts won’t be hitting very much down here 174 yds what’s a nice little bounce in it and how about that from

Kart he hasn’t had too much to shout about recently in terms of his golf but that is certainly a highlight as we watch Frederick the chir here I know waiting patiently with microphone poised anak’s son will who’s been with us Thursday and and Saturday as well in the commentary box will to us

Through this one um well that was amazing um great shot there that was impressive I only bring you in on the important shots will you know that thanks McIntyre second at the 10th downwind left to right to just a wicked green there you can see the slope short

And to the right kicks right down to the hole oh hard to do much better than that he going to fly it to Green I don’t know cut spin against the right to left wind we’ll help him oh my goodness oh my goodness and

Did I tell you it was an easy shot you guys all taking the Micky out of me the ball’s setting up nicely it’s teed up did see it as a sharp flying all all the way Lauren’s thinking elsewhere what a Shot needs a little bit of cup just teed it down a fraction just to get a little bit of slide from left to right on it come on boy moving enough yes great shot okay this one Tony not too bad at the up slope oh nice that it’s on the up

Slope you can just flop this out almost all the way to the hole come out High soft and in okay second shot very po but forgotten now now that is a serious serous boost down Green side at 14 park at the short path for his second this is

Awkward Ali a decent lie but you need to chip it up to an elevated green and then everything slopes left to right gravity will do the rest oh hello going going gone what a moment for song H Park and the Korean crowd go absolutely wild so does he fist pumps high

Fives and just like that he moves within one of the lead we were saying Lal had energy out on the course there’s no one with more energy than Sim park right now


  1. There were some seriously good shots from the Scottish Open which was my favourite tournament this year.

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