State Wrestling Championship match review w/ Keegan Duncan (Lou. Trinity; 2015 132 lbs.)

Keegan Duncan, a 2-Time KHSAA state wrestling champion from Louisville Trinity high school joins me to review his 2015, 132 lbs. state finals match video.

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The best donuts in the world are Duncan Donuts one of the best wrestlers in Kentucky history Our Guest here today sir if you would tell us who you are uh my name is Keegan Duncan um I wrestled at Trinity High School from 2013 to 2016 and I won state in 2015 and 2016

And there’s something great about Duncan Donuts Keegan Duncan I had to throw that reference in um man’s too bad the nil portal didn’t exist like it does now you could have got some Wicked nil deals I I would have legally Chang the name to

Make it look like d k i l i don’t I don’t blame you one bit man tell them hey show me the money right Jerry McGuire show me the money show me the money but uh you know eating too many donuts couldn’t have kept you at home

132 pounds like you were but before we get into all that we like to start everybody off with the standard question what gets you into wrestling how do you find it um so I was I didn’t start wrestling till fifth grade so it wasn’t necessarily like super early but it also

Wasn’t you know super late either um it was just like I was small um my dad’s five five five7 like me and he’s just like hey man um do you want to just try wrestling and see if it gets you stronger for football um because I was

About 70ish pounds and so I was like yeah sure and my and because my uncle actually my uncle actually convinced me that’s my fiance we just got yesterday I was gonna bring that up here just in a second but go ahead I’m sorry no you’re

Good um so um my uncle actually got my dad to try to get me to go out for it and I just you know that first actually my first practice when I got there a kid broke his leg and I and most most people that would scare people away but I was

Like yeah I’m I’m gonna be tough I’m a tough kid yeah and just fell in love with it did you start in the Trinity program like the feeder uh no no I actually started at uh North oldum Middle School and they didn’t have a youth program yet and so I

Was you know being a fifth grader I had to find a way into the lineup I actually couldn’t beat the starting 75 but I could beat the 82 so I bumped up weighing about 72 wrestling at 82 pounds and that kind of forced me to grow up

Real quick yeah and but I love but that’s what I loved about wrestling is that there was no Daddy ball about it like you know we’re going to put the best guys out there whoever wins in in wrestling you’re that that’s who we’re putting out there and I think a lot of

People not familiar with the sport the for a generation it’s the movie Vision Quest um lden shoot all those guys and they talk about wrestle offs and people’s like wrestle offs you mean what so I people finally start finding the series or their kid gets in the wrestling and

They understand that if they want to compete like maybe you go to a tournament or something and they have like you can be like a non-point scoring member but if you go to like a varsity duel or you you know trying to compete for regional and State placement you go

To be in that 14 person lineup if you’re not you know thanks for coming but you’re going to be sitting on the sidelines yeah no mat is guaranteed even in practice exactly and so you started North Alm when do you transition to Trinity uh my freshman year um and a lot

Of people thought that it was like I just went there for wrestling and that really wasn’t the case I I grew up in a a family of three sisters and a little brother um and you know we’re all Catholic and my mom really loved the Catholic school system because I had my

Sisters go to assumption the two older ones and um they and they also you know for me being ADHD they they’re like oh it’s a smaller classroom you get you know they’ll go at a pace that’s good for you and um I actually ended up in you know average to some honors classes

In there uh but they they really picked the school over the sport you know they you can get good sports anywhere I got you now before you made it the Trinity though you had a pretty decent run at North oldum tell us about your North

Oldum run um so yeah um in seventh grade um actually kind of what started it um was unfortunate cuz my uncle that got me into wrestling and was my coach for uh for a year after my second year of wrestling uh he tragically passed away

At 38 because he had sleep apnea oh my and um the next year in Middle School the coach was nice enough to actually put his initials on the back of our singlets and you know that whole offseason I was like you know whatever happens I’m doing it for him and you

Know like I knew I was like I’m gonna do everything I can to just you I you know running an extra Sprint doing something extra was nothing compared to like everything that I gone through and so and I also was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time and

Taking advantage of the opportunities I had a teammate that came in that year by the name of Hudson heidorf that had just moved to North oldum and um he got me exponentially better and so I go from not even placing in middle school state to making the finals that year um Before

I Fall to John shery for I think that fourth time in a row in the district regionals state finals and then High School reaches the next year but I qualified for the high school regionals um as a seventh grader and I think I

Went like two and two um but I ran I ran into a kid named uh Felix CAD Deva he’s a uh he was a runner up to Brock Irving that year um and he was a senior so you know when you’re a seventh grader against a senior there’s a there’s a

Little bit of a testosterone difference yeah big difference big difference and I believe that would have been the last year at the dungeon correct 2011 yeah and it was I loved every second of it it was one of those things where you know I from that

Second year wrestling I was like I want to be wrestling here then the um if you weren’t if you never got to go to the dungeon you I mean you just there we can’t explain it to you you just missed it didn’t they and I’m just glad

I got to see it one last time and you know got to see teammates wrestle in it I got the fact that I got to wrestle in it was just so awesome and I got some wins there too um it was it was an amazing experience yeah now I believe in

2012 you win the middle school state correct I did over um Angel Vasquez yeah Angel and uh man there angel in in my opinion he’s probably it’s hard to say the best but he’s one of the best onetime state champions ky’s had oh easily not even close he’s

Probably one of the best overall athletes I mean the fact that he was doing multiple Sports and just kind you know didn’t really do too many offseason stuff I mean the just the natural feel he has for the sport was insane you know if you told me that you know he was a

Second year um that was wrestling in the finals I you know I would have said no you’re no no he’s not yeah yeah that um of course Angel’s video is on the channel you guys need to go check it out and his of course Angel was in the finals in

14 um against um Shan FS from Campbell County and in 2016 against somebody you’re familiar with AJ Bender from Fern Creek we’ll talk about that just in a little bit but let’s talk about your high school run here 2013 120 pounds you come in seventh place

As a freshman and you win a seven to2 decision over Max uh corage I believe from St savior so it had to feel good to get a win over a rival in the in the placement rounds yeah but it it’s it’s literally what you say it’s a consolation prize um

Like the year before I took fifth in the state tournament as an eighth grader and it was great because I got revenge along the way of all these kids you know I beat Keegan Keegan beat North beat me in the first round and I go on and I beat

Him for fifth and sixth um which was great I got to be get revenge over Brian Crawley who pinned me earlier in the season and I beat him I think 63 or 6’4 um you know beat s Syler in a close one get revenge on uh Wilkerson over all

These years he beat me all the like six times and then I beat him in the regional finals and then I beat him in the state tournament um and then you know my run came to an end when a a kid named uh Joey parrot decided to just

Stonewall me um who wound up being my coach two years later really yeah well that’s did you ever like okay Coach you know give me the what me through here what’s the game plan how how did you do that to me right yeah well there I

Always give him a little bit of a a jab for when we first wrestled it was actually at OC super duels and I caught him in a nice little slide by and it kept him from getting the major I got you and he might have whooped me like I

Think it was eight2 that match and then he beat me 93 in the state tournament but I always mention that slide by always always got it on you no matter what happens always say you got you got you got slid by by an eighth grader by by an eighth grader of all things [Applause] right [Applause] 7 so 2014 126 pounds you come in third and let’s go over that bracket real quick first round you pin uh Stephen is it Steph or stepen I think it’s Stephen okay Stephen enzor from Tes Creek 2 minutes 57 seconds second round you went a major decision

The reason I want to bring this up you went a major decision over Trent Johnson of John Harden 10 to zero I saw that I was like whoa but we’ll talk about Trent just in a second you get to the quarters you win a 13-3 major decision over Colin Roth of Walton

Verona you get to the semis you run into to Trey Blackwell and Trey get you with a 60 decision of course Trey goes on I believe that year to win it no he got upset in 2013 14 oh yeah it is right David Carr gets him that’s right what am I thinking what

Am I thinking 20 that of course that that video is on the channel and both of Trey’s 2012 and 2013 review videos are on the channel um you get to the to the constellation semis you’re wrestling Trent again and you win a 70 decision and you get to the third fourth place

Match you beat Caleb Austin of chrisan County three to one and I want to talk about Trent just for a second is you scored in two matches 17 points on Trent which is a lot you know in two matches that’s a lot of points but Trent goes on

2018 and becomes the most outstanding wrestler that his review videoos on the channel so in that bracket you had you you had Tren Trey David Carr I mean there that bracket was absolutely loaded loaded oh my God it was really good and what I love my probably my favorite match was

Probably the Caleb Austin match because my freshman year he he beats me in the quarters in overtime um and he had beaten me at the dragon the year um previously before the tournament um when I was up to and then he I gave up a reversal in backs with 12 seconds left

And lose by two and so then losing him to again to him again in overtime was just gut-wrenching because he goes on to make the finals and and then I lose a close one in ot to Gus Adams going for seventh and there’s kids above like

Above me that I’ve beaten before in the bracket and so that so getting that one back was was amazing like was just great you know I what I love to make the finals absolutely but I feel like sometimes everything happens for a reason and um you know I and when I took

Him down it was there was 12 seconds left I’m like this is not going to happen again and that’s that’s what’s great about doing this series is you know men that we’ve done videos with even pril that we done a video with throughout their career probably between offseason camps regular season

Probably 500 plus matches and you don’t remember every single match you don’t remember every single takedown every single nearfall that you get or how whatever the match is but you can always tell when a match gets to somebody because they can tell this the seconds that was left the tournament it

Was left how much they were up on and then knowing they were able to come back and get revenge whether it was a one-point decision or they they caught them within a minute to go and something that they learned or they knew they were U they watched film and they were knew

They were susceptible to um you know whatever and you’re like I’m so glad that I you know got it so it’s cool that um you know you keep that I guess that me emotional attachment and you’re like he I didn’t win first but D onone and I

Got my revenge and that’s what matters yeah and what I loved about um Trent is that he was like man when I saw you place as an eighth grader it made me want to like realize like I can do this and so being able to wrestle him in that

Constanty I I even mentioned like hey dude like you’re doing awesome like like you’re going to be a state champ one day and uh we wound up training together at Etc and you know super nice kid great family him and U his brother Josh of course Josh two time the the entire John

Harden State CH as of this filming we’re filming this in December of 20 2023 the entire John Harden state championship roster is on Josh is two Derek Smallwood Austin Silva and so you you if you done with this go back and watch we know um we know a lot of people in the

Louisville area wrestle train with a lot of guys from other counties oldum North Harden County so if you’re friends with those guys go back and check it out third place for Trinity Keegan Duncan Trinity’s wrestler Keegan Duncan in third place at 126 lb6 lb from count Trey black Trey Blackwell I’m sure

Disappointed and not becoming a three-time state champion a runner up here in his senior year great High School career comes to an end and a great career just beginning David K eighth grader a record of 49- one finishing will the win today a record of 50-1 his first state championship an impressive

Fashion and like we saw Irvin just win five in a row we could very well see the same thing four years from now from David Carr and now 138 lbs first Campbell County wrestler of the evening senior Shan F A record of 52 and two state champion year go 132

Lb this is your 2015 review video 132 pounds and you’re coming in as a junior so you were on that third place medal or third place spot last year and you know you had two hammers on top which we didn’t know what David Carr we kind

Of kind of had the idea of what David Carr could be uh when as an eighth grader when he wins it but you know what he’s done now National Champion National Finals a couple years ago all that I was close we wrestled like three or four

Times he’d beat me by like two or three points every time really and it’d be right I’d be right there and and I knew he was gonna go on and do great things just based off of his family like I knew that he was gonna be special and so I

Wanted to get one on him just to say I beat him but to say that I went toe-to-toe with him even though I was a three years older is is really cool and he will I don’t know this I’m just guessing but I would say he will

Probably be in the Olympics at some point as well oh yeah that’s just that’s just my guess but you’re coming in as a junior um of course Trey graduated David moved back to Ohio um when you leave the Horse Park on that I guess it was cuz I was at

That it wasn’t that it was kind of cold but it wasn’t too too miserable I remember you know walking out going but when you leave on that cold February night heading back to Louisville there on I75 are you like thinking okay I’m taking some time off the heel or am I

Getting right back to the grindstone because I know I come up short of what I could I I pretty much went right back to training um I I knew I was right there um I knew that like if I keep progressing the way I I was and especially since that sophomore

Year um I had got I had starting getting privates by this guy named Dwayne and me and Ben started grinding hard um we just kept putting in work and um you know people don’t really know this but Ben didn’t Place freshman year and he was he

Wasn’t the greatest and I you know I was I was very upset about taking seventh my freshman year and that’s why I even re that’s why I reached out to him because he had seen a person named Bobby Bryant that was on my team yeah um and I was

Just fortunate enough to be in third L like in the senior lunch just based off how my schedule was at Trinity so I sat with Bobby and this kid Stephen stick rod and I was like Bobby I need to get this guy’s number and he wanted to make

You know and he made sure that um it was okay with him and um and that really helped me especially with getting good on bottom um like went from absolutely hating it you know if a guy threw in legs that I was done to you know a lot

Of the times I I would choose bottom on every like every time I wouldn’t defer or anything like I’m getting a free point I’m getting out in five seconds and um especially from going through a year of that um just knowing I like I’m probably gonna be high up in the

Rankings the next year like I was I was ready yeah no and the reason I I bring that up is course we’re in the as of this filming we’re in wrestling season I’ve had a lot of meets already and I couldn’t tell you the number of coaches um wrestling parents or

Guardians wrestlers have come up and said that they’ve watched you know however many videos they’ve watched or their favorites or whatever and they for the most part they have said something to the effect of um somebody’s story spoke to them somebody’s uh Journey spoke to them somebody’s um because like when I ask

You about leaving the Horse Park getting right back to it is we know that the next generation of what you were are watching these the next generation of the Keegan Duncan the Ben Bartons the Hudsons the Bobbies they’re watching these and we said it in other videos but

You’re now a coach I believe at Walton Verona correct that’s right and you’re not always going to have somebody like the the um the four horsemen if you will of Keegan Duncan Ben Barton Hudson aorf and Bobby Bryant come to your house and do review videos or review videos do um

Training with you do techniques with you come to your house roll the mats out say okay let’s hit it this is what we done this is what got us better this is what we’re going do two hours a day for a month that’s not going to happen but

When somebody can sit down and watch you know your review videos watch um Ben’s videos watch Isaac canabal watch whoever it may be watch their videos and hear their stories and be like wow oh yeah that happened to them I can I can do this I can do that I that after

The season ended they went right back to the grindstone well maybe I need to do that or somebody said you know I took two months off I took I needed a break I needed I was so burned out I needed a break I come back whatever year it was

In school and when it was time for wrestling season I knew I was the best so the the stories that guys like Keegan tell if it speaks to you listen to what they’re saying and see how it does relate to you because like I said we

Know you guys are watching we know that the um we know that some teams are actually having I don’t want to call them movie nights but they’re saying hey go watch this video parents watch this video wrestlers watch so and so’s video and listen to what you know what they say

So you come into that 2015 season what about your wrestling had improved do you think definitely position like head position uh get for sure getting better on bottom um I’m pretty sure almost no one in the state could have held me down at that point um you know just defending against legs

And just staying keeping constant pressure um you know not letting kids just take breaks um yeah you know scoring after a score chaining things together like not not just resting and just you know even good mat awareness too because you know there you’d have these kids that you know oh they want to

Play The Edge or they want to you know try and get you know get a quick breather on the way back um and you know just having an attitude too of just like you know I’m gonna like don’t don’t go out there expecting to lose um even and

We and we had a tough schedule um Trinity always wants to make sure that we have they say if you go undefeated going into the finals our schedule wasn’t hard enough yeah um and every year there was a tournament we’ go to and I’d never win it up up at modern day

Um that my junior year I had Nick Lee in the finals year before that I had Nick and then the year before that I had Trey Blackwell in the semis and then my senior year I still didn’t win it I had Tre I had Bry Sheffer in the semis and then you really

Yeah beat him in a ride out and then had Chad red in the finals ah lucky you huh I know right like every year there’s some kid that’s just an absolute buz saw yeah but I knew that because I could be beat that you know I couldn’t take any

Match for granted that’s a fact and according to track it has your record your ending record at 45 and one is that correct in 2015 yeah I think it might have been 49 45 I would I would always lie about my record at other tournaments on purpose just to try and mess with

People like one time I said I was like 25 and 10 and Dallas miles got so mad he’s like you’re just trying to get a three seed like yeah get I upset the one seed guilty your honor guilty your honor but let’s go over your 2015 bracket real

Quick first round you start off the day or the tournament I should say against Jack Haynes of Callaway County you wi that by Fall 3 minutes 27 seconds second real you’re wrestling Cameron Neville from Wayne County you in that by a fall in four minutes and 16 seconds you get

To the quarters you’re wrestling Mason Smith of Walton Verona you win that by Fall 3 minutes 46 seconds and Mason’s review video is on the channel so go check it out after this one get to the semis you’re wrestling chance Collins of University hyps that’s in Christian

County you in that by Fall 3 minutes 17 seconds you get to the finals you’re in the finals you’re wrestling AJ Bender from Fern Creek and we’re not going to tell you the score we’ve got the match video the face off and the metal ceremony so you win that semifinals

Match knowing you’re going to the finals knowing okay like a new uh like you playing you know whatever Playstation Xbox new achievement unlocked made it to the finals what’s what’s going through your head it’s not you know job’s not finished um you know I didn’t even I

Didn’t celebrate too much I just kind of gave a little point to Joey because he was super excited gave a little point out to the crowd but I I wasn’t happy with just being there um and when I got you know when I was in the face offs I I

Remember talking to Bryce because he had been in the finals before and I was like like dude like what what attitude should I have going out there and he goes dude you got to treat it just like it’s every other match like you can’t don’t make

The moment too big just stay just stay in the match and you’ll be fine I’m uh I’m at the state finals and I want to because we ask we’ve done videos with Ben uh 2015 I think Ben was our first video that we’ve done for 2015 we’ve done a couple other Jordan

Blandon angel I believe we’ done a couple 2015 review videos but I want to ask you the same question is this is the year that we had to post pone because of snow we all woke up that uh that Friday morning and it was you know three four

Inches of snow a couple you know millimeters of ice and they was like there’s no way we’re having it and the next available opening for the horse park there was in March so I think it was like three weeks I believe something to that effect after the regional week

So give us your uh your grind on that because you 100 were you a natural 132 were you cutting down um I was yeah I was I wasn’t cut I wasn’t really worried about weight um it was I if anything I was just was worried about other guy

Because you know for some guys I mean that was absolutely draining for them because it wasn’t even just the weight it was the fact that like they like we’re ready we want to be done we we want we want to get the SE like you know it’s the state tournament it’s you know

You it’s what you work for and then you’re like I just really like some guys just want to be done with the gear they want to be done with the season and but I you know me and Ben kind of turned it as like guys are breaking you know guys

Are you know this gives us a chance to really get our conditioning up this gives us a chance to you know get that mental Edge and really refocus um you know and three weeks was enough for us to like okay we can we can go back to

Going hard we can go back to having some hard practices and then tapering off um but I could like I just knew that for some people I’m like I like they’re gonna be um they’re not going to be mentally there yeah and that you know it was

Teams were having to like do joint practices and just to see other wrestler and that kind of stuff so it was it was a challenge for everybody I mean it was a challenge all the way around now have you seen your 2015 video in a while um

It I haven’t seen it in a while um I do remember a lot of that match but um I haven’t seen that in forever so the the 2015 video was the last uh as of this filming the last video that I was able to find so you guys are going to see a

List of the videos I do have if you have a year that I don’t please contact me I’m easy to get a hold of Facebook Instagram um even through YouTube you can leave me a comment if you have a year that I don’t have please reach out

I would love to have we have 36 of the 60 years and my goal is to get what 60 we we understand that some of the years may not be a film but we at least want to make sure that we know one way or the

Other and that way we can do more videos for guys like Keegan whoever it may be that wants to do the review video that way we can have it documented forever so man we are going to go back to the Horse Park you guys are seeing what we’re

Seeing the Altech Arena right there in fet County on the fet Scott County Line man I believe we’ve talked enough about it let’s go ahead and hit it you can always pick out the count comes I believe AJ running out right now R are going out for this moment yeah we had uh

We had wrestled three times before this and every time I was beating him by like two and that was always nerve-wracking because I always wanted to try to beat guys by enough to where I’m like oh if I beat him by like six then you know there

You know they they’ll be out of it but every time like no he still thinks he can beat me he still thinks he can beat me like and so I’m like gosh dang like that wasn’t enough and so I had to like always I he kept me up at night oh and

There you are in that uh watt singlet with the green trim and lettering so when we’re neutral here as a junior what was your like bread butter go to what am I looking to do here get a single what so um normally I would be a big elbow pass

Guy and um look for a high crotch um but knowing that he loved those double elbow binds to go for his knee pull um you know my game plan was I’m gonna V block and uh when I block I’m I’m gonna stay in the middle and um you know use that

As a way to attack and yeah I remember this this part because a lot of people um that saw this were like oh my gosh this was called really quick and of course Fern Creek this year wins the team title they had Jorge Vega win

And they had cold do whim and of course I believe you guys had was it Ben that won and was Hudson in the finals as well no not this year the next year he did okay that’s right 2016 what am I thinking yeah he got a fling the M call

On that first uh time out of bounds and um what people don’t really see is I had a CR locked up from the front um but I knew that if I were to circle around that they would just call out of bounds and so as he was backing up I was just

Making eye contact with the referee just to show him that I’m not I’m not um moving him he’s taking me out and I had Joey parrot in the corner just screaming you better call that you better call that you better call that so um in this

This game plan it was I’m must stay in his face because I knew he’ like to wrestle from space and make him stay in a stance because a lot of people like right here I’m like you you have to stay like I’m going to make you stay in the wrestling

Stance for six minutes yeah that that that’s a that’s a big um well I don’t want to say a senior maneuver but that’s a veteran maneuver saying I’m going to keep you if you don’t stay in The Stance I’m going to attack yeah and I and I knew where he

Liked to shoot I know he liked to shoot on my left side um so I wanted to make sure I kept head position there um you know pretty much I’m like I’mma I’m gonna try and make you beat me anywhere else but there that was a quick first

Period very quick yeah we stayed in the we stayed in the center yeah and um he’s got uh Mark hitchings in his corner of course the hitchings family Trinity as well with Brad and Brent you he the crowd let’s go Keegan yeah I um I had had some people pulling for me in this match not just from myself but uh Union because I don’t I don’t think they knew that F Creek had already locked up the title at that point um and so they were they were you

Know doing the countdowns and they were they were cheering for me too um so it was it was nice cuz not a lot of people like TR for Trinity yeah um so now I believe did you let him up right there at the start he let me up okay he let he

Let you up so it’s one to one right two zip you see this kind of a lot okay yes that’s right the fle the M what am I thinking it’s like they counter yeah and you know this was probably our most boring match of all the times we’ve

Wrestled just because we had wrestled each other three times before so we kind of knew what each other wanted to do um so yeah then so right then and there I I I knew like right here no you’re not gonna you’re not gonna back away and get

A you know hop around you’re gonna stay in a snance yeah oh that’s man that’s smart I mean like I said that’s a veteran that’s a veteran maneuver on your part yeah and I I’ve told um I tell all my kids that like you know

If you let them do that five times and it’s about you know two to five seconds that’s 15 to 30 seconds that you’re just letting them get a breather yep I believe you’ve got Cody walls as your on the whistle official pride of cwell

County yeah I um I I think I told him later like man you are you gutsy for calling that real early yeah Cody he done the state finals several years in a row so there that’s the end that was the end of the second Y and

He’s going to take down so you’re up 2 going in or starting the third a period you just want to get point now this is the first time we’ve got to see you do any type of uh top work on top what we looking to do here um I was trying to go

For this um Navy mat return at one point where snake it and um um control his hips I’m really trying to control his hips here but he was real good at um you know staying in good position and just not let not you know just having heavy

Hips and he and he could always do that reach back wizard really well um other matches he did that before so I knew I had to be a little careful because he had reversed me before I think in the first match we wrestled I got you and I do want to say to

Everybody watching the um the video that we have up fleeing the [Applause] mat so you’re up three to one yeah and and that one um I really like you know I’m glad I got got the the point uh to be up two but I really want

I was really wanting to get that two to um really go to go up three to force him to have to get one and then two and the uh the copy of the video that we got from the archive um production quality production uh processing was not the

Same as what it in 2015 is what it was in 2023 so if there is a glitch or two just know it’s it was in the actual video that we got so we apologize if there’s a couple glitches we know that there are so we don’t want nobody think

That it’s your phone or your device messing up so you’re up three to one uh probably about a minute to go maybe a little bit less than a minute to go in the third yeah I um at that point um I’m like I’m just I’m just staying in good

Position um and and I’m just you know I had good head hands defense and I was you again I was wanting him to beat me any with anything except a knee pull there it is man 201532 PB State Champion2 yep um excellent excellent job man you walk over you get a mark gives you a hug yeah he um he said like man if anyone was going to beat him I’m glad it was you um you know he’s had Sons go to Trinity and he you know he always you

Know gave a little homage to us and um and like I said he coached us coached through some battles between me and him so um nothing but respect for him oh yeah and we’re we’re going to be meeting with Brad and Brent as well just getting up with them getting

Them together on the same day getting them lined out so and the um of course while we’re waiting here on the metal ceremony Trinity has a great great tradition um Team state champions 2009 team state champions 2010 team state champions some of the names your your bradberries your

F the the hitchings brothers Alex Ray Bo Hoffman some of the guys that we’ve met with of course now you um Mike Mike Clark that we done the 2005 heavyweight video with I mean just a lot of great Trinity wrestling you add to that history if you will there’s

Mason getting his third place medal yeah uh we we practi I practiced with him I practice with Nick wise um fourth um you know that’s that was another big reason I was I felt very fortunate to be in that position was just because you know there it wasn’t

Just my teammates but there was other guys that we would I’d see on Sundays um putting in work um all we were all looking to get better and when you’re and when you see one three and four all up there I mean that that kind of showed

The results that um you know just putting that little extra work can do yeah that’s a great shot of everybody there a lot of great wrestling and of course don’t feel bad for AJ he goes on next year 2016 138 pound state champion he beats um Angel

Vasquez in the finals like I said that review video is on the channel so been a while been a little bit since you saw that video besides you win and does it play out the way you remember it yeah um you know like I said it it was

One of the times where I’m like well I technically didn’t score like score many point like any points it was all it was too fing the mats and Escape in which he just let me up um but you know I was I do remember like I’m gonna stay in this

Like I’m gonna grind this out um no matter how you know whatever it takes to get it is is how I’m G to get it and um that yeah when I when I finally won it that was proba one of the best feelings I’ve

Ever had um imagine it was it was m just because you know you just think of the work that you put through and you just think of like just the whole process of and just at you know from setting goals when I started goal setting in eighth

Grade um just being able to just see uh the progress um it just kind of is just overwhelming I can I can completely understand and the um the of course like I said you’re a junior you’ve got one more swing at the plate coming in as a senior let’s go

Over that 2016 bracket real quick now track has you with your record 49 and three as a senior oh yeah um I mean close probably um I had I had one loss to Bryce Sheffer um That season at the tenway um and then I beat him the next week at the Moder day

Tournament oh wow but go on to lose in the finals to Chad red um who wound up being pretty good um an All-American from Nebraska and um I’m trying to think of who my other loss I might have just put an extra loss on there just because I got you no that

I I can understand uh the first round in 2016 you win over by fall over Austin Harless of Harrison County 41 seconds the second round you win a major decision 13 to one over Louie um Regal from Fort Campbell the quarters you win a by fall over um jaon Elliott of

Southern out of Louisville the semis you win a 4 to2 decision over Joey Roberts of Woodford County and then in the championship you’re wrestling Zane Brown out of male in Louisville you in that by 5 to3 decision now the reason we went over that bracket is as of this filming all

That we have of this are the highlights video that I have from I purchased from the khsaa and you have about a 10sec clip and we’re going to insert that into the video but before you know we watch it kind of walk us through your uh your senior season

What about your wrestling game had you like been like okay I know I’m good at this I know I’m not good at this what is it that like well I guess what I’m trying to ask the question is kids go to camps kids go to all these

You know offseason nowadays go to all these offseason you’re a coach and you hear coaches say um you can learn too much you can have too much and you um instead of being an absolute Hammer at four or five things you are terrible at about 50 things so had you kind of

Shrunk Your Arsenal down to know okay I know nobody can stop a single leg I know nobody can stop you know this that or was you was you still using a bunch of moves or you kind of condensed Your Arsenal down um I’d say the biggest

Thing that changed was um well I I kind of slowly was progressing from sophomore to Junior to senior of just being less conservative um and just you know I would you know my biggest problem would be sometimes I would hesitate or you know just not fully commit to stuff um

And even if it was like hey I have something there why aren’t you going for it you know like that you know Dwayne would always be like dude you have like quit shutting down like you don’t have to clamp up even if you give up a takedown you’re good enough to where you

Can get an escape and come right back in this match um so I think my biggest thing was um opening up a little bit more um not being afraid of failure and just um you know and just embracing just the challenge and just being okay with

Be you know trying you know trying stuff um more in practice doing doing stuff more in matches and um and again just SL you know improving the way that I was junior year also with my bottom game with my top game with with with everything else and just just um just

Keeping those fundamentals sharp too because I think my biggest thing was sharpening up my fundamentals from freshman to sophomore year and just when you keep when IR when you just keep slowly sharpening it um it you see major progress yeah no I I completely and

That’s like I said we know the uh the high schoolers middle schooler Elementary we know they watch the review videos we know that uh and we just like to get out as much information as we can to them about the the uh the elders that come

Before them if you will you know what I’m saying the 132b State title went to Trinity Louisville’s Keegan Duncan following a 5-3 decision over M’s zaye [Applause] [Applause] Brown seven SL from County M [Applause] bin sixth place County [Applause] Cameron fth Place County Joey [Applause] bars [Applause] Place third place from ho just [Applause] Cor2 St up Z [Applause] Brown champion [Applause] Ladies and gentlemen now St you won two rings at Trinity you won 2015 and 2016 but I believe last night you gave a ring away um so I believe that there’s a uh there’s a marriage there’s a wedding in your future there is is um yesterday I

Um got engaged to uh miss Emily Graham soon to be Emily Duncan and um this and it was funny because we were at um this at lunch and I got an email on my phone that my prais scores came in and she’s like oh do you don’t want to like I’m

Afraid that if you open them like what if you if you don’t pass will this ruin your day I’m like no it won’t NOP promise you it won’t and uh and I ended up pass um you know so I can get my masters in special ed so it was it was just another

Thing to celebrate it but like she’s like why aren’t you like excited like because I have in my head like because I have something else that’s a little bit more exciting than that um but yeah nice little Arc nice little archive on that is yeah I got engaged yesterday and it’s

Awesome and that that was gonna I was gonna ask you um was you more nervous popping the question or about ready to go out to rest with your state finals um that’s tough um I I would probably say state finals because there’s no guarantee right I got you um

I got you I knew she’d say Yes um but it was it was still nerve-wracking in terms of the process and um it’s funny because the guy that ended up taking our photos was Colin Roth who I wrestled back in high school um and I actually knew Colin

Before that when I was in fifth grade he gave me a black eye the size of a golf ball um when I was at youth State and um I would not have thought like hey this is gonna be the guy that takes your proposal pictures yeah what what what are the uh

What are the odds there’s a um U to kind of I don’t want to use the pun marry but to but to marry how uh wrestling can keep people friends or even keep people they don’t even know um I guess become friends friends with each other is we

Done a review video with um Eric sluggin 2001 and 2002 state champion from Woodford County and Ben bessels 2002 state champion from senica um Ben and Eric wrestled each other in the 2001 state finals Ben of course fell a little bit short to Eric but when it come time for Eric’s wedding

Uh I believe uh Ben vessels was one of Eric’s best men or groomsmen in this wedding and they was like you know we didn’t really know each other BEC friends after this and that’s how we kind of hooked up with them so it’s amazing what um what

Wrest can do how they can bring you know people together that need kind of didn’t know each other so man we wish you and the uh the bride to be uh the best in life I’m sure that um you know you guys can look back on this video and watch it

Be like oh my god look how young we were remember that time I peak in the door you were doing that wrestling video after we got engaged yeah it’s cool and that that’s something about this series is we you know we we leave school we go

Through we go through life and you ask the the men that have become dads and you say okay what’s more important being known as a state champion or being known as being a good dad to my kids and they’re going to say everybody is going to say being a great dad what’s more

Important being a state champion or being known as a great husband there gonna be being a great husband every time but when you can look at what you were able to accomplish not just just you but success is measured So Different by different people but of course this is

The state championship review series and you can sit back and you can say if it still matters to me because I know I was able to get the best out of me I’m not going around uh wearing my um my medals around my neck 247 I’m not going around saying you

Know look at me uh whatever the case is but you can always say when most people are ju you know being the opportunity to become a juvenile delinquent is there you were in a mat room you were in a weight room you were there on a Saturday grinding you

Were cutting weight you were you were doing this you were doing that and it still matters that I was able to be the best version of me when it mattered if I can do it then I know I can do it now if

I can do it when I was 17 18 I know I can do it when I’m whatever age I know I can pull the best out of me whenever I need it and that’s something that’s so great not just just about this series but Athletics in general and that’s why

You know whether whether your sport whether your activity is basketball football baseball soccer dance band swimming and Diving track and field whatever it is just be the best version of you that you can be I think that that’s something that get so lost is y I mean I never met to

The state tournament I wasn’t the best wrestler ever was but I know I’m able to pull the with this series I’m able to pull the best version of me out what you guys see is the best version of me I that’s that is just the way it is and

I’m sure um you know you said you’re going into special ed it takes a special person I mean it really does it takes a a blessed person to really work with um and teach special needs special education classes so man my had my salute to you on that yeah people that

Will take up that um that battle if you will so Keegan man we’ve covered a lot of ground we’ve went over a lot of topics uh do you have anything you like to add say take away uh add in a possible marriage date or wedding date

Yeah that that one’s to be determined I mean I’m not the best planner so the so the proposal took a little bit but um a little shout out to my brother because he wanted a shout out um Declan you’re doing fine he’s a freshman at Trinity

And I told him to Don’t Be Me Be you um you know it’s um you know you’re you’re writing your own story um and shout out to Jarvis elim because he’s also a special head teacher no shout out to special ed but not shout out to Jarvis salum no I’m

Kidding Jarvis you know I love you I know I love um but um but yeah just I guess for guy for kids that are coming up in wrestling um you know don’t look at um you know wins and losses as a way to determine your overall success um

Value your performance over outcome um you know the the reason why I was able to to do what I did was because of my failures um I wouldn’t have re I wouldn’t have seen Dwayne had I you know maybe if I beat Caleb I don’t realize

The mistakes my flaws in my game and I don’t you know and maybe I don’t end up on these videos um if you know it came from you know losing a loved one for me to get that exponential drive and you know just being with teammates that um you know

Like Hudson and like Ben that you know kept you know I’ve never being the best I was never really the best in any room I was in um you know look to be in a room where you’re not the best um you know and ask the guys that are better

Than you like what what they do or what they you know what have they done to turn in their corner and their um whether it’s work ethic or technique or anything um and just stay being a student um always be a student never you know of the game you know I’m coaching

And I’m I’m still trying to find ways to learn um you know I look at guys younger than me um and they’ll ask you know they’ll show me some stuff and you know I’m not going to be like no that’s not how you do it I didn’t do it that like

Like no like the the sports evolving and um and that’s okay absolutely and something too that just hit me um I believe I could be wrong about this but I believe you went on to college and wrestled correct I did um I did for a little bit at uh Gardner web

University that’s what I thought in the um I was getting getting your information together and everything and I was like I you know got to always go bring up Collegiate so was you what two years at Garden of web yeah around a year and a half two years um um you know

I had a lot of stuff going on around that time um wait cut obviously wasn’t fun but that wasn’t like biggest reason but um there was just a big multitude of things that led up to like me wanting to be done and um I you know a big I’d say

A big thing that made it easier to walk away was I done I did what I wanted to do in the sport um my health was still intact um you know and I wanted to F I wanted to focus on school I got um you know making sure that you know hey it

Doesn’t matter if you don’t get if you don’t get grades it doesn’t matter how good of a wrestler you are you can’t you can’t wrestle for college and and um also just um you know like I said looking at the body of work um that I

Had done I was ready to you know I got offered to coach at the sales and you know that year in 2019 and I took it and fell in love with coaching um but yeah no I loved Garder I loved my time at Gardner web I liked um saying that I got

To compete against some of the best guys I think one duel I had Sebastian Rivera and Michael McGee in the same back toback um that and then that was back when uh Seb Rivera was at Northwestern and um McGee was at Old Dom Minion Okay and um in small details in that second

Match against McGee I went from losing 13 to one the first time to losing by five but it was really four because I was going for a take down at the end he ended up taking me down and then the riding time was like 56 seconds so he he

Kind of rote out that last eight or something and beat me by five but um but yeah I did I did so so my La my last match I won so I can so since eth grade I’ve finished the SE I’ve always finished my Seasons with a

Win which that’s a pretty cool uh little little tidbit man that’s a that’s a pretty cool little tidbit and something we’ll I promise we wrap it up after this one but in your um 2015 video I meant to say this and it just slit in my head is

You won by of course three to one two Flyn the mats and he let you up so there you know three and he got his escape and that’s something that in wrestling not just any type of sport that you compete in especially wrestling is you never know how you’re going to

Win you I mean the I’m not you know we’re not here to make you know this isn’t a sports book but if you’d got the odds on winning three to one that probably would have been on the board but if the three points would have been

Too fleing to mats and a a cut before the period started you probably could have got astronomical numbers on that so you never know how you’re going to win guys and girls so always be ready to wrestle take what the match gives you and understand know know the rules know

That yeah you have been hit for fly the mat or know that your opponent has been hit for a locking hands of fleeing the mat and knowing that the next one if you push them it could be a two-pointer it could be a DQ who know you know just

Just know the rules so man uh Keegan brother thank you for doing this I really appreciate it man been uh been a long time coming um I’m sure I’ll see you around uh probably U some meet this year we I’m sure we’ll get up get to get

To see each other and we’ll you know you can tell me how how you enjoyed the video how much you uh wish you could have you know done this or done that but man guys that’s all that we have thank you all for watching we’ll see you on the mats

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