Single Plane Swing: Swing Plane the Most Effective use of the Arms #golf #gravesgolf #golfswing

Single Plane Swing Plane
The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.

And it makes it super easy to get the club back to impact and that’s why swing plane such an important part because swing plane is starting the club where you want it at impact least amount most efficient motion of the arm most effective way to square the face most

Effective use of the arms during the swing which is why we call it swing plane hope you enjoyed that content today give me a bell icon hit the Bell icon give me a thumbs up hit subscribe if you enjoy this content cuz I’m going to teach you more about Mo Norman and

The single plane swing

1 Comment

  1. Hey Todd, I adopted the single plane swing just last week and I am really liking it! Being a golfer who has been told to “slow down” my swing by all the older “club pros” because I swing “too hard”, I decided to give this swing a try and I really do see why Moe and yourself could/can keep the ball on target much more effectively!!! Thank you for your content because without it I never would have never given this a chance!

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