Talkin’ Cowboys: Speed Trap | #DALvsMIA | Dallas Cowboys 2023

The Dallas Cowboys have their hands full this weekend with the speed of the Miami Dolphins. How does the crew think Week 16 will go? Presented by @BlackRifleCoffeeCompany

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The following is a production of and the Dallas Cowboys football club how about them cowbo Cowbo this is talking Cowboys streaming live from the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters at the star in Frisco streaks in touch has Prescott keeps it and he bangs it in for the touchdown and now your hosts Isaiah standback Nick Harris John maoda and Kyle yans it is a say with your chest

Friday here on talking Cowboys presented by Black Rifle Coffee Company it is the Friday of week 16 previewing the cowboy boys and the Miami Dolphins right yeah you guys are got mine’s in this week how about yourself I did I got it in yesterday very nice and I’ve got my gym bag with

Me today we’ll see if I actually make it two in a row pre-ad workouts okay strength you got carry three of them right I do that’s that’s going to be the hard part is trying to maneuver all three I got strategy for you cuz you

Know I didn’t have all three of mine at the same time but I had I had I had three two I had three under three three under three three under three right cuz we had we had one and then we had twins literally almost two years later so I

Had one on my chest and I had the double the double car seats so you had to the double bicep workout and you had you had a core stability in the back so you got to have the make sure you have the carrier in the front and you got to go

To double the Dual okay so you have the Dual car seat with the carrier that’s that’s what you got bro for your your forarms and your biceps going to be on point I’ll tell you right now add squats into there it’s it’s over I don’t know

If we’ve announced the Ginder on no you have the air yet you have not so okay so me and my wife did you get permission yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s out there it’s out there you got protect sometimes you know what I’m saying jump out the appreciate appreciate you looking out

For me that’s that’s big that’s big so me and my wife are expecting triplets two boys and a girl hey let’s go let’s go so you know who goes on the chest girl the lady goes on the chest and the Fellas they get out there on the wings

Get the biceps and and my My Little Princess she’ll be on my chest so that’ll be good yeah two and they’re going to be identical boys I don’t want to call them identical twins cuz it’s the triplets like it’s three and I don’t want to leave the girl out so we we’ve

Just said identical boys and then we’ve got the the princess in her own right so that’s she’s got built-in bodyguards you just went from a sports car to a full family-sized vehicle yeah hey Ford um see yeah just by the way for lightning for lightning we know that you guys need

Some more of those out there I mean it’s instant marketing it’s instant yeah upgrade I mean we we could talk we talk your people get in touch with my people which is me I don’t have any people tell your friends yeah yeah that’s how it’ll go but no they go through Harris he’s

Your he’s your I’m the pr guy for Kyle so just reach out yep paychecks in the mail you have representation thank goodness all right let’s hit some news and notes there’s quite a bit of it I believe over these last 24 hours right yeah we could start with the uh practice

Report from yesterday being Thursday and uh kind of catch up everybody on on injuries and things of the sort so if you remember back on Wednesday there were four players that did not practice as a result of injury for the Dallas Cowboys one of them being Jonathan

Henkins we’ll go ahead and start with him we were actually able to talk to him in the locker room yesterday he’s not a guy that talks in the locker room very often so that was um pretty notable that he took some time and he took a lot of

Time with us and uh really explain what was going on with him he said um he said first off it’s it’s not a major injury that something similar to what he’s um suffered in in the past in his career he said quote I’m not too stressed about it

I’m not too worried about it whenever I get get back on the field I’ll be ready to go so if there’s any concerns about you know him getting back on the field and not being 100% I don’t think those concerns are should be there um sorry

This uh did you propose the Ooo home remedy what is that the Ooo home remedy don’t bring that up man bring it up that’s awful what is it oo cinko said is this something Aaron Rogers did he was on the club Shay right yeah yeah okay so his conversations with uh

Shannon sharp he said that he was he never he he sustained ankle sprains and injuries but he would use human p as the remedy urine he would use urine as his remedy to get back he says so whenever he had sprained ankles he would collect his teammate’s urine boil it he said he

Said his own but he said he his own if he didn’t have enough he would use he would use his teammates he would collect his teammates and then boil it and then bring it down to like you know a hot tub level temperature and then put his ankle

In it he said he was good he said brings he takes all the swelling out how bad do you want to play how bad do you want to play I mean that’s the sacrifice you have to make to play then so be it that’s oo but when I do it it’s baby wi

Can’t fix like oo stink all right hey hey anyway um you wouldn’t do that to get back on the field if it actually worked but there’s no way that works ooo said it worked he was always available oo is not a scientist or a doctor or anything he has

Zero Bilal we know he’s smart oh my gosh say that to Aaron Rogers man yeah I would rather hit up Aaron Rogers for for medical advice ooo any day ooo was always available I wouldn’t hit either of them I wouldn’t hit either of them but if it’s one or the other and those

Are the last two available I’m not I’m not so do you agree with this I wouldn’t know I wouldn’t know now would I would I try it if I really wanted to get out there why wouldn’t you try it next time on talking Cowboys ain’t nothing of a

Little baby wipe can’t fix you know what I’m saying yeah that would be I would be disgusted in the process AB freak but if they took the swelling out and I was able to play everybody you pe in the bucket you pe in the bucket you pe in

The bucket I think that was too much apologize for anybody who’s listening anybody that’s like a firsttime listener this is not normal I it’s kind of normal it’s normal for a Friday is normal for Friday Beamer would do it anyway hins he’s not doing the P method that stin if

He got him on the field he would we’ll see um I I don’t think that’s a verif way of rehab not verified rehab team anyway we ask some of the medical staff over there that’s what Ryan Clark said Ryan Clark said it no no if you walk in

A trading room they do not say go pee in a bucket put your foot in um said that um a realistic return date is the Detroit game so look for him to maybe return next week somebody had asked if if it’s realistic that he returns this week he said H we’ll see

We’ll have to everything would have to go perfect it doesn’t sound like that’s happening for the playoffs well the thing is get victories somebody somebody had kind of asked something to that similar point and it was like okay would you like to this was before he said I’m

Going to try to get back on the field of Detroit game he was like well do you want to try to get a game in before the playoffs just kind of get back and settled and he’s like I’m hoping to get a few games in before the playoffs like

I’ll be all right like I he’s he’s I I don’t again if he returns to the field he’s going to be 100% um from from what he communicated to us yesterday so I think that was good news on all fronts especially considering that I don’t

Think any of us expected him to play on Sunday against Miami uh moving forward down this list Malik hooker uh suffered that ankle injury against the Eagles a couple of weeks ago missed the game against the bills did not practice Wednesday but was upgraded to limited yesterday so yesterday was their final

Padded practice that they have allotted for the rest of the regular season they were out in the rain too and uh they they went ahead and trusted that Malik hooker could go out there and be all right and uh he was out there in full

Pads and he was working he did a little bit of rehab work he did a little bit of individual work uh before they went inside after the rain um and then Zack Martin and Tyron Smith it looks like these outlooks are just going to be day

By day we’ll just kind of see how they go um Tyron Smith there seems to be a little bit more concerned there than there does with Zack Martin obviously um if I had to just kind of pinpoint and guess and throw a dart at the board

Right now I think Shuma yoga starts at left tackle on Sunday and Zach Martin is back at Right Guard so um both of them did not practice yesterday the The Hope indigestion I did you start feel feel that a little bit who do you feel like you need most

In this game in this game if you had if you had to choose do you think you need a Tyron more do you need think you need a Zack Martin more that’s a hard question exactly that’s why I’m asking it so which which do you think would be more dangerous towards the backup

Bradley chub or Christian Wilkins that’s uh Wilkins probably so give me Zach Martin I guess that’s my answer is Zack I and it also comes down to where do you think there’s more of a drop off between Zack Martin and TJ bass at guard specifically or tyrant Smith to

Chew my do at left tackle or where can you afford to have more leakage this is a first question I think we need to ask this is a Nate from fris if Nate from Frisco is out there listen to text us who who would call in give us

A call Nate you’ve got a hotline right we’ve got it make iten question man yeah I I I I don’t know I I ideally you don’t lose either of them but I think I think the impact is like it’s even right there you think it’s even yeah I think it’s

Even because you look at the pass rush ability from Bradley chub what he’s done in the Run game as well I mean he’s been really dangerous this year absolutely um so we’ll see the the hope is that um Tyron gets back on the practice field tomorrow they’re not even going to try

Until then and if he can’t get on the practice field tomorrow then he will not um he will not play on Sunday so um yeah yeah so keep that in mind as we move forward as far as the other side for the Miami Dolphins um if you remember they

Had uh everybody in their mama that did not practice on Wednesday a lot of guys were upgraded to limited and or full uh these are the guys that remained out of practice there were three so you could look at Raheem moart who’s battling a knee ankle and rest so whatever whatever

That ends up being yeah um but he did not practice yesterday he typically doesn’t practice on Wednesday they they keep him pretty light throughout the week but him not practicing yesterday it’s a little notable me and Josh were talking about that before hopping on the air if he doesn’t practice today then

Maybe maybe there’s something there maybe he doesn’t play on on Sunday but uh I won’t really look into that too much until today’s practice report comes out Jackson and Robert hunt um offensive lineman for the Dolphins both did not practice yesterday that’d be huge if both starters right yeah it’d be huge if

One or both can not go so um you know dolphins and cowboys might both have some swiss cheese up front do you don’t love that does it give you a sigh of relief if if Raheem can’t play a little bit do you it’s not more like a it’s more like

A he’s really good but so is the guy behind Deon a aan and Jeff Wilson Jr like they can play they can still play that’s I was asking the question does it give you like a big side relief or you just like huh okay what that’s three

Gone it goes back to the same question I just asked about the offensive line how much of a drop off is there from a backup standpoint much Raheem Mo’s a really good running back so is H but so is Anan and so is Jeff Wilson j like

They can still have success and they can still make it happen and then Tyreek Hill was upgraded to limited yesterday I mean I think we all expect him to play he’s playing he that’s why he didn’t play last week and for everybody that like I mean seriously I mean I’m not

It’s true for everybody who was hopeful that Tyreek Hill wasn’t going to play I just want to remind you that when he sustained his ankle spring he left the game watched his team suffer said screw that and went back in the game and started catching the ball yep yep so if

There was a question as to whether or not he was going to be healthy enough for this game that alone should have went ahead and put that the rest saw the the Jets on the schedule they’re like ah yeah we got this it was that that was

The practice report or that was the injury for w w you got this one I got you reek don’t worry about it and it also goes back to whenever you’ve got that you’re going to get everybody’s Best Shot absolutely when whenever the star around the star yeah sorry for

Those audio listeners but yeah I’m pointing at the star if you’ve got that it you’re going to get everybody’s best shot it’s a platform exactly anytime because you know people are watching you know the nation is interested everybody’s watching not everybody watches the Dolphins on a week in week

Out basis that’s not how it goes but I mean the number show coming from the Dolphins fans man no it’s not it’s not against the Dolphins fans I’m talking about the country because what you could be a Cowboys fans or you could be a Cowboys fan or a non- Cowboys fan you’re

Still going to be interested in what the Cowboys do that’s just how it has been and that’s what the numbers show it’s the show it’s the stage it is and anytime you play against them you’re going to get of the best shot you saw it from the bills saw it from the bills

This week I have a question how many pass attempts do they make to Tyreek H targets targets 13 uh yeah I think it’s probably low teens maybe maybe definitely double figures if it’s not double figures I think they’re doing it wrong that should be our pot pick this week how many

Tyreek KS what you got 21 I’m going 15 15 17 somewhere around there give me 21 coming off an ankle injury I’d say 12 I think he gets 12 targets I think because he’s coming off angle injury with a week of two weeks of rest he’s been resting

For two weeks yeah yeah I I believe they want to set a record two and a half cuz he he only played in like half that game I’m saying like so I think I think it’s 15 15 15 tar at least 15 Target it should be at least is you said the

Receptions record in a single game is 21 yeah yeah yeah I’d say there there’s no way that he gets to that but 21 targets though oh 28 is the Target right if it goes really bad and we don’t do anything on offense again then uh do you want to

Guess well you won’t guess this honestly but you can try go is it like a notable name yeah it’s a notable name but it’s not like the it’s like AER two name you would think okay give me like a a time period give me a time period um late 2000s late

O Deshawn Jackson no no um David Boston Wes Welker not that tier two no uh he was probably tier one in this two I’m talking like all time I was more so talking all time he was talking tier two all time this was a good receiver freaking amazing receiver in this era it

Would be tier one like low tier one I can’t remember his name for the life man but he played for the Broncos and he played for the Jets right um talking about yeah he he did he he did play for the Broncos okay it’s oh Brandon marshallon Marshall that’s it

28 I remember his name 28 times yep wow that’s impressive Jos that is impressive I’m just the best on here simply he almost pinpointed the the score a couple weeks ago that’s awesome AER one of his time but a tier two tier three guy all time like yeah good nice

Job and before that was good job everybody to right for the ners I honestly couldn’t tell you anything about that one one of my favorite running backs birthday was yesterday Mike allot oh look at that yeah I was watching some mik highlights yesterday was was he a running back or a fullback

You running back running fullback size r i was it was on Twitter it just kind of popped up cuth I saw it bro he was he was one of my favorite players yeah he’s just a b not what I had on the bingo card today he was the best running

Back to he would run through anybody yeah anybody like not just wanted contact like he wanted to run through you he run through you absolutely I would never be in a position to be on Def that’s the guy I’d be scared of fear that’s a guy I would fear see I never

Pulled as a guard but I would have pulled for him you know what I’m saying I would have I had didn’t trust me to uh really uh really quick last news and note I I don’t want to abandon our beautiful conversation about Mike allot but just get this in um Dak Prescott was

Asked yesterday about the road wos and conversations that they’ve had since Sunday that could possibly you know be a solution to the these problems and I’m going to kind of read you a quote here and it’s it’s a little bit lengthy but I think it really kind of dives into the

Mind of Dak and the issues that they’re having on the road um they were he was asked if they have found anything concrete that they can take on the road and Implement as soon as this week and he said no we haven’t uh I don’t know if there’s anything concrete honestly a lot

Of different aspects that go hand inand that go together different things you could say maybe it’s this maybe it’s that at the end of the g at the end of the day the type of guy I am the conversations we have they are all going

To be excuses we just got to come out with the energy and maintain it throughout the game regardless of the score regardless if we’re down the belief the emotional discipline maturity and competitiveness to not blink and enjoy when it’s you against the world yes so no you like that I freaking love

It I love it I love it why because everybody has been trying to find one reason why they are not doing well on the road and the reality is just step up and play Man overcome adversity on the road you got to win when you when you

Face adversity on the road if you don’t respond it can swing very quickly in the opposite direction for you and because of the crowd because of the momentum all those things so you just have to show up and ball man like there’s not one thing like it’s a game whether I’m at your

Crib or my crib we playing m it’s it’s the same yep right you got to block out everything else like if anything you should be more up for road games because you have you you should love to be the villain I I did I love to be the villain

Like I want to go to your house and shut everybody up that’s what I think if this team is going to have the success that they want to they want to have the if they want to go where they want to go as a franchise they have to be the villains

And they have to embrace the villainy they have to embrace that that mindset because I goes right back to what we were just talking about you’re going to get everybody’s Best Shot you will always and forever because of the stage that you play on because of the brand

That you play for you’re going to get the best shot so the best way to combat that be the villain be that guy there’s nothing better than like scoring and then just looking at the crowd and they’re talking mess and you’re just like what was that what was that yeah

Okay all right I’ll be back you know like there’s nothing better than that that’s it’s the part that you hate about Aaron Rogers whenever he’s going into smile you just yeah yeah that and and even in Chicago like I own you I own you exactly you hate him for it but he gets

Up for that that gets him that’s how he that’s how he gets ready yeah what was the best road environment you ever won in what the best best road game you ever had a victory in stadium how dare you yeah yeah no hesitation AT&T Stadium he’s like London dang

Um it’s not like you didn’t win a whole lot of games you got a lot to sift through there it’s probably a college game yeah for me it’s this college game yeah um probably crap I would have to say like Arizona for me Cardinals or Wild on

The road wild cats wild for me is college yeah NFL is kind of just a blur like it just I was just checking the Box yeah I agree how about you how about your best yeah exactly exactly seriously yeah no that was it yeah I kind of stumped you on that sorry

No you’re good no you’re good I love the road environments though like Philly I love playing in Philly I love playing in Philly I love I love that crowd like that crowd they suck so it’s fun yeah um so shutting them up is always really

Cool um but I would say aside from that I’ll would say probably I don’t think we won that game but it was fun having some success at Green Bay mhm because they’re right up on you in Green Bay too yes they are like you can hear everything yeah you hear everything

And it was cold as hell yeah freezing place a factor freezing bro like like the ground hurts but you see you can buy the house out front of Lambo field for a measly $700,000 it’s up for sale right now how big is this house it’s size it’s

Two stor it’s got like three bedrooms you know I think it was four is it four I think it like four bedroom two and a half bath yeah that’s not bad that’s a house Allen literally like except for you’re in Green Bay except you’re in Green Bay like we’re sitting here and

You know where like the studio is it’s like the house to the to Lambo is from here to to the TV studio that’s pretty cool yeah H yeah it’s like right there surpris yeah yeah that’s interesting pretty cool yeah all right uh let’s take our first break when we come back we’ve

Got some key matchups and I got some gifts do I do it’s the holiday season I need I need Beamer in here uhoh Beamer’s got to get in here is jazz in the back one shot Could Happen Chris beam will get in here we’ve got some gifts to

Give out we’ve got some key matchups to highlight when we come back with more talking Cowboys Todd thought it would be secure to jog in the cheetah Savannah Todd believed the big cat repellent he bought online was reliable and now Todd is trying to be faster than this cheetah

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Show where I answer life’s questions with an ice cold can of Dr Pepper Sheila let’s hear from our next caller would you dear doctor my friend supported me during a tough time but what’s the right gift that says thanks for a shoulder to cry on okay this one’s easy I say give

Her a delicious Dr Pepper nothing says thanks G better than one of a kind soda yes any Dr Pepper flavor will do now just a reminder that I don’t need to be a real doctor to know that Dr Pepper is the one you deserve back to talking

Cowboys back here on talking cowb booys presented by Black Rifle Coffee Company the official coffee of the Dallas Cowboys this portion of the show is brought to you by Quaker Oats a super trusted superfood Quaker wrotes the official oatmeal sponsor of the Dallas Cowboys we’ve got some texts coming in

432 says all hail Josh tradus getting the the Brandon Marshall question right he was six and0 last week we’ll do our pick thems in the next segment by the way let’s go and we’ll see if Jos can keep it up don’t look at me Nick Josh was not 6 and0 last week

I’m tired the prior week sorry I you’re the hot sauce guy like just just stay in your lane stick to what you know man yeah uh Mike in New York says we need both Martin and Smith but definitely he thinks Martin is the important one on

The inside I think I’d have to agree but I want both of those guys to play I don’t want to have to deal with either one of them and then from the 702 the best text we’ve gotten all morning were you waitting me for me to talk about this one uh says morning

Guys that’s such a I believe the oo cinko trick works as a kid I had a bad ingrown toenail and my dad told me to uh to pee on it in the shower to clear out the bacteria it’s sterile but it doesn’t mean it affects anything on the outside

I wouldn’t know I’m just going off of guy a guy who was very successful in the NFL and was always healthy it worked for him you don’t think he’s doing the stuff as a bit you don’t think he’s like it’s totally a bit bro it’s a bit I don’t

Know the fact that he’s only had McDonald’s every day for 30 or so years not true I don’t know about that but there’s no way he’s done that I mean this this also the guy who would go to Claire’s and buy his earrings I believe that to a certain

Extent I mean that’s just that’s saving money right yeah that’s just smart that’s a business decision you know just so peeing on yourself he’s a smart man he’s bilingual please he’s a smart man all right best celebrations in the league it is it was one of the best

Celebrations all right uh Beamer get in here we’re going to do Gibs first and then we’ll do some key match ups wide shot go to the Wi shot get this knock this out real quick there yeah there you go so that way we can get you in this

One isn’t the best for my figure thanks Chris I I I don’t like this shot as much we used to have the one up in the in the top left-and Corner before they redid the studio that was like probably the best one when it had the high size

What’s up D Chris is here guys shouts to Chris get you on mic so good for those who know me around these parts I always try to take care of my people uh so I got make sure that my got my my Infamous my smell goods for my for my guys right

There what are you trying to tell us I’m just saying that’s not not it’s not deodorant smell good morning thanks thanks fellas thanks man you smell good you smell good perfume and cologne oils Hey listen here that’s the that’s that hotness right there if you guys never

Use the oils okay I got my boys information on the back okay you guys can up whenever y’all need to say less there’s a scent called that stand back yeah yes it’s actually one of my favorites oddly enough go ni doesn’t believe do you own this business no no

That’s my that’s my guy’s business but if this is just a segment of Isaiah pitching his businesses bro he’s like Josh I got you a steadfast membership I’ll see you Monday it’s like all right I say I get it he that smells good fig no it’s a

Good it’s a solid that standback smells good hey user beware if you use that out in public I’m not responsible for what happens after that all right an Kyle’s banned from using it he can’t use it anymore I can’t use it anymore I got married and had triplets since I started using

It so basically you yeah I’m just keep this you know there you go Beamer that’s yours right there huh you do you do a little bit of you do a little bit of traveling from time to time so I figured you might you might be able to use that yep that’s all

It is yep that’s my rap job nice wrapping thank you very much well done boom there you go look at that that is awesome there you go Beamer are those luggage tags yeah luggage tags from my guys over at Odin leather oh ni that’s awesome that’s so cool that is cool

That’s awesome how about that he does do some traveling too awesome he’s going to use that this week on the way to Miami you hear a funny story what’s that so one time we were uh going on the train from Oxnard to LA I want take a look at that

And um we all had our bags in this one area so I get off the bus and I grab my bag and I get on the thing and I get a call like a little while later and it was some girl she’s like I think you got

My bag we had the exact same bag i’ have been crazy if I got to the open up my bag and you know solves that problem this isn’t my stuff so like for some reason Dak called me and he has like a Louis Vuitton bag in his car no I don’t

Have Louis yeah Dak gives him a call I think you have my bag go than buddy yeah no those are awesome all right I’m going to go back and do all right BAC shop cool man thank very much hey yeah that’s good stuff right there it is good stff

Apprciate shout out to you good by the way it’ll last you forever long time it’ll last you a long this is a lot this is a lot no for real he gave me that in 2020 and I still like and I use it all the time and I still have it tell you

What I do take a shower okay okay when you get out the shower you got to hit the wrist what if I don’t take showers then you have problems okay you hit the wrist okay you hit the neckline okay you hit underneath the arms okay and then

You you hit the the the the bottom the bottom shelf okay okay and then you rub it in okay you rub not on that not on it above it okay you hit the glad we’re providing absolutely listen then you rub it in boom it’s in your pores it’s in

There then it’s cemented then you smell good just like the brand says K told my wife honey I smell like Isaiah stand listen up you put that on tell you what you might end up with triplets buddy that’s a we’re going for the world record quadr the bottom shelf the bottom

Shelf man the bottom sh absolutely any all right that just happened and I got you covered on Sunday yeah for those that are wondering like where mine’s at we got pregame on Sunday we together this my last time seeing these guys before Christmas yeah uh Merry Christmas I thought you me over to

Your house on Christmas hey bro I at Christmas time I will be we’re all GNA I think we’re all going to be the New Year’s I’m this going be my first time turning up on New Year’s yeah ever uh just behind the curtain can I tell the can I

Tell the the fans out there what you’ll be doing on oh go tell them yeah so with Washington playing on New Year’s Day down in New Orleans in the Sugar Bowl Los down college football playoff semifinal uh Isaiah Mr Washington Husky over here gets an alumni invite an exclusive invite to the Washington

Huskies semi-final party Wow Wow in New Orleans the wifey and I are we’re going to be down there for the first time we’re going to actually kick it she always gets on me because I usually fall asleep around 9:00 on on New Year’s Eve so this time time I would not cuz we’ll

Be down there in the French Quarters and uh we’re going to turn up that’s a fun place to be on New Year no kids bro just me and the wifey I’m going to put on that stand back and we’ll see what [Laughter] happens there’s so many so many right

There there are so many things I could just I’m going to hold back I’m sure she’ll text me here in a second like what are you doing dude yeah the water at the start I was informed the other day I don’t know who it is so I can’t

Even give a name if if not I’m not the only employee that’s having triplets it is in the water dude that’s what I said I was like oh my go do drink out the water like this Dayja blue stuff works wonders Deja you have there’s G to be some Deja all right

All right let’s get some key matchups out of the way we’re going to have to blow through these because we’ve got our uh pick them segment coming up we’ll dive into this super fast if you want to be a part of the pick them segment 888

8552299344 first match up of the week as we’re diving into this cowboys and dolphins uh uh contest cidd lamb versus Jaylen Ramsey and Kaden caho is that how you say his name Ken caho um so caho here’s yeah Texas A&M Commerce baby sorry who D so there’s been a lot of

Talk on Twitter this week it’s like oh Jaylen Ramsey’s just gonna follow CD lamb because he followed Garrett Wilson last week and that’s not the case that’s not going to happen because Jaylen Ramsey has only played five snaps out of the slot all season and he’s not a slot

Guy he’s a boundary guy and I think CD this offense they’re going to try to attack the slot with um with these weapons the uh uh the Dolphins they give up more yards than any team in the NFL out of the slot so why not utilize CD

Lamb in the slot so when he’s on the outside he’ll see Jaylen Rams for sure when he’s on the inside he’s going to see Kaden caho uh the guy out of Texas A&M Commerce um I I think there’s a really big opportunity for CD lamb to

Have a big day across the middle of the field I think all their action will happen between the numbers this week when it comes to Dak and CD so nothing outside at all well I mean yeah I’m not saying say nothing but I’m just saying most of the action will happen between

The numbers that’s what I’m that’s what I’m theorizing do you think he can get back to Triple digits CD yeah absolutely I think this is going to be a shoot out I think I think a lot of people are going to get some some yards and some

Yak and some to some rack some Tostitos honestly some that stand back I I was having this conversation with our intern lydiana and talking about whether it would be a high-scoring game or a low-scoring game I’m I’m with you I think it will be a high-scoring game

Even though both defenses are good if it is a high-scoring game I think it benefits Dallas I I for real I I think it benefits Dallas if it’s a high scoring game it’s a lows scoring game and there’s no rhythm and your defense is forced to to

Get those stops I think it doesn’t benefit Dallas as much I feel differently you think ITP because like you look at how many times the Cowboys have been in those games this year it’s really only once um the Dolphins have had a few opportunities with that let’s

Take that aside from it which offense do you feel like would be more dangerous in those highsc scoring games I feel like it would be the Dolphins I I love this cowboys offense I really feel like they put it together this season that’s not a knock on them way this explosion it’s

One play It’s one play drives and I keep going back to Seattle the Seattle game where they were physical immediately the physicality right up at the jump of that game it it it knocked Dallas off of their kilter for a second but then when their offense had the ability to answer

And they were able to put up points you kind of felt like Dallas had control of that game because the offense was there and it provided the the I mean the defense did not have a good day plain and simple because of the weapons that Seattle brought to the table so with the

Physicality that that Seattle brought early on then you go to a game like Buffalo where there was physicality and no answer and no offense so if they’re if they get some sort of Rhythm offensively I still feel confident that this offense can overtake their offense even with the weapons that they’ve got I

Agree with you in the fact that Miami’s had more experience in games with shootout caliber scores Dallas in their their recent memory has that Seattle game that gives me confidence and if it is a high-scoring game I think this is the first game Dallas will have this

Year where the quick strike ability is both on the perimeter and in the back field okay for sure that’s their challenge Seattle they were able to key in on just the receivers because shanet wasn’t not going to kill you that much right he’s a solid Runner but he’s a

PowerBack um they didn’t know Kenneth Walker would have played it been different story but he didn’t so this is the first time where they’re going to have to equally respect we’re going to get into this I promise I promise we will get into this here in a bit let go for second match

That more so on the third match up I think we’ll dive into that second match up Bradley chub versus whoever starts the left tackle for the Dallas Cowboys either Tyron Smith or choga Bradley chub is having a career year so far this season nine and a half sacks six forced

Fumbles so that’s some donand type vience yeah that’s a lot of violence efficiency he gets into the back field whether you’re running the ball or passing the ball he’s going to be back there so it’s going to be a challenge for whoever’s starting at left tackle if

It’s Tyron Smith with a bad back or chuma yoga um in a in a um um Fillin role Reserve role so um little bit of concern there if if eidoga is starting but he has shown that he can be reliable in pass rush situations against really good pass

Rushers this year so we’ll see okay Bradley chub are you the the question that was asked earlier was who provides more of a of a worry is it Wilkins or chub yeah Wilkins it does it for me yeah just because as know as whether you’re a quarterback trying to drop back and pass

Or whether you’re trying to get the running game you know started if you give up if there’s disruption in the middle of your offensive line it it negates everything like you just can’t get anything going it doesn’t matter guard between a guard and the center if

That big boy is up there causing Havoc it throws everything off and you know and if if they’re not causing Havoc there then you’re probably trying to stretch the play and now you have chub or somebody trying to run down from the backside so you got to stop the middle

So Wilkins Wilkins I respect the crap out of chubs Wilkins to me is Aaron Donald is I put I’m putting him in that you better better have a high regard for him in that regard in that in that light because if you don’t he will blow up

Everything he’s been great I mean he’s had a great career he’s he’s s like people are not talking enough about how big their interior defensive line is I think that is very undervalued right now that’s that’s something that needs to be talked about more I mean Wilkins is 6

What 64 300 300 310 somewhere around there he’s big and then yeah you got caler whatever he’s in a 66 315 I mean these dudes are huge they’re not just solid these guys are huge on the inside and then they just got power guys on the

Outside so got to you have to put some respect on that that our interior line needs to be together and they need to be able to move these guys off the ball they’ve seen big boys in the past obviously Philly New York things of that nature but you’re going to have to

You’re going to have to bring your big boy pants don’t think just because it’s the Miami Dolphins this is not the Miami Dolphins of the past like theyve they’ve been changing over their personnel and they’re they’re formidable upfront now they got to put that stand back on before

The don’t do that not in Miami not in Miami not in Miami you not do that in Miami what’ you think no I I think uh at least with this early on in this game I think the Cowboys need to get away from like the long developing plays I think

It you need to lean on the quick game screens and lean on the running game uh to start us off and uh I think that will negate Christian Wilkins uh to a point then again if you have TJ bass in there you know like who knows what that’s

Going to look like but um really got to lean on the quick game bass is a braw the one positive if if bass does have the play like he’s you know he’s no punk that’s one thing I like about him like you’re not questioning whether or not

He’s going to fight like that all but is he Zack Martin no me yeah no no yeah the one thing about TJ bass and he’s impressed me I mean this is an undrafted rookie out of Oregon and I had high grades on them I I had a fifth round

Grade on on bass in in my draft work I thought he was a draftable player he was a a top guy for me at least from an undrafted standpoint he might have been my highest rated undrafted free agent that Dallas even took a look at maybe

Hunter lipy lipy I think was one one notch higher but when when he came in to training camp and he showed off The Moxy that he did of of getting up there and competing and rotating both he and Brock Hoffman were kind of the standout guys of the young group that

They had up front he was right there with those guys and he was he was just as physical he was just as as like you said mer in the middle if he can continue growing in the right direction I don’t see why there’s not a possibility he could stay around in

Dallas for a considerable amount of time look at Terence steel and Terence steel I didn’t have nearly as much confidence in when he was an undrafted rookie as I did TJ bass and I I I like what I’ve seen from bass so far he’s just not Zack

Martin that’s the number one thing about it yeah absolutely I what I love most about TJ bass is like whenever he walks into games it’s T-shirt and jeans like he’s ready to go Mall uh yeah he I think he’s an exciting young guy on on this team I think he’s

One of the better rookies in this rookie class A final matchup that we’ll dive into Lester cotton versus Mazy Smith and you’re asking who are these guys right so Lester cotton has started four the last five games at left guard due to injuries up front for the Dolphins

They’re also going to be battling some musical chairs up front uh Miami is so it’s an opportunity for Mazy Smith to go up against a reserve guy and and potentially find some success uh season High 36 snaps last week for Mazy in in replacement of Jonathan henkins you know

Neville gallamore will also get snaps I expect Davis to get elevated off the practice squad once again you’ll see him get snaps uh but the matchup I’m going to be looking at is Mazy Smith and Lester cotton just cuz I feel this is a unique opportunity for Mazy to stack

Some good reps and potentially get into the back field yeah I think Mazy needs a she needs a showing only I don’t I think he’s fully capable I think for him he just has to flick a switch I I I truly believe that I truly believe that for

Him it’s decide to or decide not to and right now I think he’s just been living in I I’m here yeah type space i i that’s just my belief that’s I can’t put that on him right now but that’s what I’m seeing I feel like when you there’s

Flashes of him there’s flashes and and those when you have those flashes is because you’re deciding to make a play that time I will say this Jonathan henkins whenever we were talking to him yesterday about half of that availability was talking about Mazy and his development and how it’s gone so far

And uh he was like look i’ I had very similar growing pains when I came into this league it really I didn’t really get comfortable until Midway through my second year um he’s like he’s he’s on Cas he’s doing fine like he’s he’s got some scary onfield traits that will

Translate eventually or scary off field traits that will uh translate eventually so there’s there’s confidence at least from henkins from Dan Quinn from Mike McCarthy Jerry Jones whoever you talk to there’s confidence in Mazy Smith but you know I don’t I I don’t expect there to be Confidence from anybody else until we

See it on the field yeah and I think the the the air of like taco and like that is kind of permeating like his performance and what everyone’s looking for out of him because you don’t want that yeah um but totally different player tottally different player totally

A different position um it just has to have time to develop and that’s what they say about defensive tackles in the league you know it’s not every every day you get a Jordan Davis in Philadelphia that’s going to you know ride away going to start for you immediately and and uh

Show out so just got to give him time and even Jordan Davis was a nod doubter first round pick like top of the draft like he was that was kind of a no doubter thing whereas Mazy to a certain extent has been a developmental guy he

Was just taken in the first round so because of that is why the expectations are a little higher someone further down there you go in the draft all right let’s take our second break when we come back it’s time to update the pickham standings give us

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The official smile of the Dallas Cowboys you want to know who was smiling last week is the top of the top of the Cowboys pick them segments who that it was Nick Harris damn right he went five in one last week followed by Josh Rodriguez at 4-2 not bad not bad not bad

Didn’t go six and0 for the second straight week but always let me down four and two they did they did just me not anybody else uh just to put pressure on Nick by the way when I went back and listened to the segment to get everybody’s picks he said that uh that

The Cowboys would win out after picking against them last week he said the Cowboys would win their final three games did did he yeah he did say that I just just want to put it out there put some pressure you got to stand by it now

We’ll see we’ll see if that’s you better pick C or Nate’s going to call you again uh all right so so the pick them standings everybody else went three and three except for John who went two and four can we update the standings overall yep number one I’ve got 56 wins number

Two it’s the fans tied with Nick Harris at 52 wins I’m coming four games back right there uh followed by John who has 49 wins Isaiah who has 44 but a really good win percentage for Mr Josh Rodriguez he’s got 28 and 14 started a little bit later he’s only been here for

Eight weeks so we’ve got a little bit different he was afraid to put me on yeah that’s what it was we’ll start doing won this we’ll start doing some math on here but yeah hey you’re 14 games above 500 and yeah that’s that’s that’s a good start it’s better than

Isaiah who’s four games above 500 man listen I’m on the positive side you are on the positive side just just for a little bit all right we’ve got Gary in New Mexico here on talking Cowboys as our fan representative this week Gary what’s going on hey guys how you doing

Doing great glad to have you on uh you know how this works we’ve got six games including the Cowboys game that we are going to end up picking all right let’s get it started this week I’m pulling up the games as we speak starting with the Bengal at Steelers Cincinnati at

Pittsburgh both teams with backup quarterbacks both teams seemingly in the playoff hunt still in that division Bengals have been playing pretty good we’ll start with Gary what you got all right I’m going to be honest if these teams were playing in my backyard I would probably close the

Curtains but I’m G to go with I’m going to go with Cincinnati the Bengals are eight- six and the Steelers are seven- seven at least they’re at 500 or above Gary yeah but those are some bad 500 or above teams that’s some bad football being played over there right now we’re

We’re gonna go with CC I I really like Cincinnati’s what is it third or fourth team quarterback he’s looked pretty good the last couple of weeks so we’ll go with Cincinnati yeah he’s a buddy of Isaiah stands who you uh who you picking let go you know who I’m going with kle

What kind of question is that I’m not going against you dub okay Bengals and Gary’s got New Mexico State up the street they’re coming off a 10- win season he knows good football football um give me the Bengals here I would love to see the Bengals and Steelers battling

It out in New Mexico uh yeah give me the bingles on the road uh just for the sake of it let me go with the Steelers a trying to pick up a game picking picking uh he’s not playing he I believe he’s not playing here’s a little bit

Better football probably going to get ejected out the team little bit better football but just kind of odd looking football how about Joe flacko and the Cleveland Browns going up against the Houston Texans down at NRG Stadium Joey Flo you said give me the Keers oh you

Taking the KE Keers baby on the road against Mari Cooper is Bing Case Keenum at quarterback for the Texans he’s he played well last week no I’m going keer elves keer elves okay I’m going with the Browns give me the Browns too Browns easy Gary I’m only go with

Houston I like it I like it Houston in an upset love it Jags at Buccaneers this is an interesting one this is an interesting one you’ve got Trevor Lawrence and the Jags who have kind of been Pitter pattering but still trying to figure things out and then the

Buccaneers same sort of deal the Jags are not them honestly you said this last week too you don’t like the Jags what do you got against the Jags I don’t like I don’t like that QB man you don’t like Trevor Lawrence I don’t like what he did

To it honestly a little ttsd uh let me go with uh let me go with the buck I I like Baker Mayfield okay Gary what do you think okay according to Nick’s excellent article on the tiebreakers on we need the Buccaneers to lose because of that fifth tiebreaker

Scenario so I’m going with Jacksonville okay Jack know who does his homework yeah appreciate the read Gary thank you that was a great article great article I appreciate that thank you Gary and in light of that I’m going to roll with you let’s go Jags baby you know what I’m

Going to roll with it too jayville all the way Dov I would like for them to win but I’m going to go with the baker that’s in the kitchen let’s go M I don’t like it all right commanders at the Jets this one I think you would tell them to

Get out of your yard Gary if they were playing in your backyard say please pack up and leave police I knew say that I knew he was gonna say it uh commanders at Jets Gary we’ll let you start this one off well according to next TI

Breaker we need the debts to win so let’s go debts yeah all right I’m in yeah that sold me that’s all I needed I was going to flip a coin give me the Jets to win it give me the commanders here Nick you’re going against your own

Article I’m going against Kyle oh you’re trying to pick up got three weeks I need pick up four games you got to pick up four games I got pick up 12 games all right um I I think you’re done I’m going with the Jets I think River Jets Jets

Yeah I think Rivera is going to lose out the rest of the Seas season um hope he does let me do uh let me go with the Jets okay uh this is the best game of the week and that includes the Cowboys and dolphins which I think is the second

Best game of the week the Ravens at the 49ers on the West Com huh you see what KD said whatd he say he pretty much just got on the people who do the scheduling he said oh yeah they just fell into this one like he pretty much is making a

Mockery of them setting this up a nighttime Christmas a Monday night a Monday night game on Christmas Super Bowl preview I mean we’ll probably see this game again ineg this is on the script I mean no we’re not going to see it again Vegas we’re going to see the

Ravens and the Cowboys guys guys come on all right Ravens at 40 not uh Ravens at 49ers yeah I’m going to take the ners here I think them being at home is the difference I think in this game HomeField is huge player here I’m going to take the ners on Christmas

Day I just think it’s about time that the Niners lose give me the the Ravens get it done yeah they just lost their running back um I’m going with the ners okay give me Agent Zero I want the Ravens to win this game okay Gary okay I’ve Been a Cowboy fan all my

Life that’s 51 years I freaking hate the San Francisco 49ers I cannot stand the San Francisco 49ers they’re the best team in the league but Baltimore can go out there and beat them so give me the Ravens love it let’s go Gary and with that being said now it’s your chance to

Pick the Cowboys at the Dolphins 325 kickoff on Fox Christmas Eve gather around the tree gather around the TV get all your family friends be sure to watch film room this week because Isaiah did a great job of making you the smartest in the room if you really want to watch

Film room go on YouTube or and do it but then watch this matchup 3:25 Cowboys pregame live at 2 pm Central Gary who you got in this one something’s got to give uh give me Dallas 38-27 with the Brandon Aubrey field goal late to seal the game 3827 Gary we

Appreciate you as always always great conversation continue to to be a Cowboys fan and do the Lord’s work out there in New Mexico there he goes thanks Gary appreciate it all right Isaiah what do you think um I really want Dallas to win but yeah I’m

A matchup guy and I think this is a matchup nightmare for Dallas I just I take emotions out of it um I’m hope I hope I’m wrong right shoot we need to keep going the fact that they haven’t lost back-to-back game since that don’t mean crap to me this is all about

Matchups um cool this uh 38 17 oh 3817 you don’t even think it’s close 3817 oh my God gosh I agree with everything you just said except for the final score um I the matchup I have a really big problem with here the running game that that Miami has been able to

Kind of build on especially since H Chan has come back from injury I think this is a high-scoring game I think this is going to be a fourth quarter brawl I’m looking at a 3835 type of outing um but I just I I I struggle to figure out how

Dallas wins this game and don’t forget they can afford to lose this game and still win the division with as long as they lose the last or as long as they win the last two games the Eagles lose one so um give me the Dolphins unfortunately that’s the big thing for

Me is that it it doesn’t kill your your chances it doesn’t really change a whole lot even if you do lose this game and I’m with you guys I think the matchup is tough and I I think it’s a high-scoring game I don’t think it’s a blow out I

Just think the Dolphins in this specific scenario if they were to play again next week I think I would pick the Cowboys but I’m going to pick Miami in this one to to get it done 34 3430 final all right all right uh I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts

This week uh over 30 hours combined of podcasting uh I’ve heard all about the matchup nightmares and all of that I could give a damn because the Dallas Cowboys are going to win this game 4434 and not a barn burner wa 3434 34 4434 not a barn burner but a farm burner

Uh Farm bur give me uh Dallas and I need need that Turpin return touchdown do it I need it do it all right there you go thanks Josh appreciate you saving the show here only because I don’t want to get an angry call from Nate again there

You go would T in the top three fastest guys on their team uh yes he is actually statistically he would be the third he so I did the research on that it’s Hill followed by moer and then Turpin is ahead of both Wadd and uh Anan what

About what number zero what’s his name it’s wild uh the receiver Tyreek Hill said he’s almost as fast as him you talking about braxon baros yeah I haven’t seen it’s not on next Tyreek said that he’s yeah right there on his heels turpin’s the he’s hit the fifth

Top speed in the NFL all right we’ve got to get out of here call story lines for Nick eatman uh 888 8552299344 Cowboys this has been a production of and the dallascowboys football club how about them [Applause] Cowbo


  1. Can the fools front running dak and contradicting mike offense get a lead or match score or disappear if defense is not dominant getting turnovers scoop and scores as usual until 3rd quarter once 3 scores down

  2. I don't trust this trash ass D on the road. OVERRATED. Only chance we have is if Dak and I can score 40. Dolphins win 34- 24 unfortunately. Hope I'm wrong tho.

  3. Congratulations on the triplets. That dad strength is very needed! I have a three year old and a one year old and they push it to the limits daily lol

  4. Wait.. did Kyle give Aaron Rodgers shet for medical advice.. um

    He was 💯 correct! Anyone disputes the covid fake vaccine was a money grab scheme is gullible as F and too embarrassed to admit the truth.

  5. Listening to these podcasts every week you'd think we're playing the 85 Bears on defense and the Greatest Show on Turf on offense. Unbelievable! 😒

  6. Also listening to Isiah you'd have no idea the team is 10-4, you'd think we were 4-10. Dude pumps up and overhypes the opponent like no other. It's ridiculous at times. Smh!

  7. Dallas over miami, 42-38. Miami is 0-7 against teams with winning records or over .500! Miami o line is weak with injuries, and Dallas is #3 in defensive pass rushing. Ya'll don't bet against Dallas, you'll go broke. DC4L

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