Review: Wellington Phoenix Women vs Adelaide United and Men vs Macarthur Bulls

The team review the Wellington Phoenix A-League Women and Men round 8 matches.
Quote of the episode: “Angel of the A-Leagues”
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0:00 Women vs ADL
26:30 Men vs MAC

All right hey everybody this is Denise Duffy we’re here at Flight of the Knicks we have Alex we have Jonathan we have Holly we’re here to talk about Nick’s football and uh what has happened over this past weekend I’m going to you Holly first um set the scene of the woman’s match and

And just tell us tell us what Adelaide was like and and your journey there and anything that comes to mind I’ve started saying that my favorite thing about visits to Adelaide is getting on the plane to leave which some people may find offensive but I mean I’ve been twice and

There were both to KN games and we lost both games um so yeah yeah not a great record there but yeah no we um we decided Dean and I quite late that we uh wanted to go there were the two of us plus two new fans that we hadn’t met

Before who stayed for part of the game and we also made some friends with um a really nice lady called Alan who now has the NEX as her second team um and we made friends with uh some of the uh Adelaide players because Dean had made them all par

He made all of them plaques yeah they came and got a photo with him it’s uh it’s really cool what a freaking angel Dean is he is like the angel of the a league making plaques sending words of support to all these different players across I mean he what

An angel Dean is incredible we’re lucky to have him yeah unbelievable Jonathan tell us about like what expectations you had coming into the match as a fan last week predicted Three N the next it could have happened it doesn’t happen I just can we move

On I think we all were like oh yeah you know last in the league we’re coming in we’re you know cruising on in we should play all of our backups um you know like we were I were well maybe this is a question for for later uh do you think we were

Overconfident so I’m going to pause that question and we can talk about it later um let’s let’s start with who started for the next and who didn’t any surprises there for you guys no not really um I kind of would have liked to have seen some more of the

People who started the week before as starting uh might have been good to have meing on um to Mickey Foster straight up uh it’s not what happened um it is what it is uh I mean temps has a situation where he’s got a lot of

Depth now we’ve got a lot of debt this year so it’s good to see um he can make some choices but I I feel like maybe there’s some other people who had been putting their hand up any surprises that uh hope brein was on the bench I was

Surprised you know I don’t know who I would have taken out but I was a little little surprised who was on the bench um okay so let let’s get back to the um first half what worked for the next what didn’t we tore them apart with our buildup play it was

Beautiful to watch um that was the end that they were attacking towards you were cutting them up the through balls were beautiful we could have easily scored three or four goals goals but we didn’t we scored one goal uh we really need to work on our finishing especially our on V ones um

Hopefully spec me is going to put her hand up to do a bit of practicing there because potentially we could have come away with three points against Victory had that work out not that we can expect everybody to score every oneon-one I mean I probably would struggle to score

Them as well but as professional players I hope that they are they are working on that so it was really disappointing that we didn’t take advantage we could have gone in at 3 n up easy yeah I mean I I didn’t watch the the first half because I was busy doing

Something else and I heard I saw everyone complaining about the finishing online I didn’t think it was going to be that bad because you know the finishing hasn’t been hasn’t been great this season but this was definitely a step down uh this game I watched the highlights it was that bad it was

Horrible we easily easily four or five goals I reckon like a good team would have would have gone in four five five goals out not saying we’re not a good team but definitely 100% we need to improve on that it’s that thing where the situation is like you know we’re

Standing behind the rail and you’re like leaning over the rail go on go on go on shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot and then they take the shot and you’ve sunk down behind the railing and you’ve got your hands and your heads because that’s how close it was there was one highlight one obvious

Highlight there was a through ball from Macy Frasier to Emma Maine I mean talk us through that I mean it’s kind of what we had done we had multiple opportunities like that those three we were absolutely those three bows were beautiful yeah so beautiful to see Michaela Foster did the

One earlier to spec Meyer and I thought that was an amazing pass as well you know often we criticize the you know the or celebrate the goal scorer but you know those some of those assists or potential assists were stunning yeah Mick Mickey Foster that

Was a great that was a great ball from her I’m interested to hear what you guys think on Mickey’s overall performance because last week we saw um Zoe mcmein kind of burst onto the scene having a great game and I wonder if it definitely would have been in

Michaela’s head how do I reply to that how do I kind of ferment my my spot in the starting 11 so it be interested to see hear what you guys think of her overall performance I mean she was our best player this last season she won all the

Awards She’s an excellent player I just think she hasn’t let the league on fire this season and it might not have been a bad idea to just give Zoe another run yeah she had some actually some really good um Corners um that just weren’t capitalized on as

Well um which was a total bum another thing is you know we’ve been last year we got killed on set pieces this year we’re you know we’re getting some of the set pieces in so um you know we need more of that Karma we need more of that

Connection on set pie pieces and I I think set pieces can be you know the difference with the standings for the rest of the season as well um I mean what do you think of uh going in at half you know what were each team each of the teams thinking and

Feeling if we’d been three in a lap you go into the half time you’d say great work let’s consolidate let’s just sit back a little bit will be a little bit more defensive they’re going to be desperately chasing the game and we’ll hit them on the counter and that’s what should have

Happened you know I and maybe you lose three soorry maybe you only win 3-1 or something like that but we didn’t that’s that’s the thing and then I I kind of Imagine That Temple has said to them just keep doing what you’re doing but you’ve got a score um

And I’d say Adelaide was the team that came out quite different and probably got a bit of a telling off they hadn’t actually won a game at home for a really really really long time so um they were definitely hungry for it and we just did not play

Well yeah they substituted um Emily Condon in and at the I think it was the 75th well I don’t know was it halftime or was it just after half I can’t remember exactly when but when she came in uh she made a difference I mean they they talk about substitutes as game

Changers I mean she was fullon a GameChanger um so I mean what what happened to us what worked what flopped in the second half I mean obviously there was this um this goal Chelsea Dober you know uh came and right Foster came out you know like made the awesome

Save um however there was no one who had tracked back to that space where the save was and so Riley Foster’s like what do I do I just like look like an awkward soccer player you know like and you know she obviously couldn’t save twice um from the edge of the box

There um there was maybe communication there right like and I I have to say I think Foster could have done better to both of the goals that we can see is certainly the second one but the first one she makes that great save but what happens then is everybody else has

Dropped then is that there’s Communication in which the center backs they go and they take out they take on that position of um trying to block shots and she comes back and stands in the goal but she just stayed out there and then we’ve got two backs who are

Just like okay I guess we’ll go and stand in the goal and they’re not going to stop a shot when there’s no goalie there it’s really that was a bad decision for her to stay out there and it’s probably a mix of both the Defenders and the keeper and a lack of

Communication but it was a disappointing way to to concede you no doubt it looked really awkward but what would you do stop the shot and then like turn and like would you look at the ball or would you just go back and Sprint you know if you were

A keeper like you know the ball’s still in play and it’s about two meters away from you maybe three meters I mean do you do you literally like I mean it’s it’s kind of hard to do everything at once do you go for it do you do you do you you know

Like you’re not going to be able to see unless you turn your head you know if you hit someone on your way back tracking to the goal I mean I’d be curious to see what you know a keeper coach would say what to do yeah me too I

Mean it’s tough because you can’t magically teleport yourself those 10 m back into your spot um I don’t know I’m sure that the goalkeeping coach will be working on that um with the defense and then what the decision making is is there do we want to talk

About the second goal sure let’s talk about it I think that one was a bit of a petty I think uh so the sun the sun would have been in her eyes so that is a mitigating Factor but she’s clearly come too far forward off her line and Sasaki has

Obviously put it enough on goal and high enough that just kind of gets a bit of a touch and it goes back into the net uh which was very depressing considering we’ given up the lead that we really could have had a bigger lead from I mean it happens you

Can’t accept expects us to save every every goal you Keepers aren’t perfect but I have to say I wouldn’t mind seeing Bri get a go in the next match just to sort of give a bit of competition maybe to Riley and be like you know what if you have an

Off game there’s somebody else who will come and take your your place yeah I mean Bri has got to be pretty hungry and itching to get in there I I about that goal one of the things that really is kind of annoying is the foul that

Occurred before the go I believe it was Haley Davidson and I think in general it was just kind of a they looked tired sloppy uninspired in that second half um you know I mean this kind of for me to say but you know it didn’t look like

Yeah this is my match we’re going to fight I mean they were obviously playing but they you know you got to be careful where you fell you know and we gave away we uh conceded three yellow cards every single one of those cards was a stupid foul a tug on

The shirt kicking the ball away like none of those manah did come in a bit late on a player and it was probably her trying to actually go for the ball but Maine kicked the ball away got a yellow card for that um and be L got a yellow

Card for pulling someone’s shirt on the top of the box and it was just I think that was emblematic of how that second half felt yeah just frustrating she had a she had a good match and um it was frustrating to see you know that kind of stuff happen

Because you’re tired or you’re your your head’s not in the game when your head’s not in the game I mean what what’s the reason for that is is is that part of coaching to keep your players heads in the game is it on field leadership I mean what are we like what

Do you wa okay you you’ve messed up you know what happens in a soccer game that tries to get your athletes back on track I mean Holly I mean what would you say I mean maybe you could argue it’s a bit of onfield leadership um I mean it’s hard when it’s

You’ve dominated a team and then they come out firing because they they want it they wanted it more they wanted it more I mean maybe it is a lack of onfield leadership maybe they needed to be gathered up and um being read the riot act by somebody in the team I don’t

Know um when Temple tweeted about the match he said he blamed himself for the second half um and you know maybe some of the substitutes he made that could have been a different decision or maybe what he said to the at half time didn’t fit the

Bill I I don’t know but they needed to get their head in the game and I think the frustration just built and then passes weren’t connecting and things like that I mean what what can we learn from this score more goals we got to take advantage of our opportunities and and

Seriously I don’t know what our XG for that game was but it was probably three at least yeah um and to only score one and that would have resolved the problem and we would have those three points and that three two goal difference I don’t it’s I think it was a

Mentality thing that they just adelay got the best of them um and it’s not to say they weren’t trying they were all trying but when you’re not in the right head space that’s what it felt like to me being there yeah tell us about Who was the player of

The match for you and and uh why you gave out The Medallion to that person so uh we picked K Malini which is um Mackenzie Barry uh she had a good game I think she uh oh she always has a good game but she’s it’s one of those

People who’s just always solid at back always makes big saving tackles and you know realistically in a um and sometimes it’s a recency bias with with choosing the player of the match right like if a player makes a fantastic tackle or pass in the eighth minute you

Might be inclined to forget about there but if it happened in the 80th minute then you’re that’s sort of more in the Forefront of your of your mind and I think we performed so well in the first half and the second half was so defensive it’s it’s you know there were

People who performed really well in the first half but when you watch the second half and you’re like okay look you know the defense is is where it’s at and I mean the Kenzie Barry why not it’s not the first time she’s received the award and

It won’t be the last no it won’t be the last she is a rock for the team and um hope we can keep her because she’s she’s just you know fantastic person to have week in week out on the team working so hard um where do you want to go from here

Holly no any any further comments and then we could make predictions for the Jets game no no hopefully we just we just pick up I mean look you know the we’ll talk about the men’s game um that was a disappointing result the week before and

They picked up and they put up a great performance yesterday so I mean hopefully that’s just the case with the woman you can’t win every game you’re not going to play well every game you’re not going to score every shot your keeper is not always going to do exactly

The right thing or be in exactly the right position it is what it is they’ll they’ll bounce back I think um we’ll be playing Newcastle on the Saturday in Wellington for the double header Emily F Egmont has gotten on a plane and Bug it off which I’m very happy

For um they do have Serena Balden now who um I’m hoping does get a hostile reception in Wellington considering what happened last time she was in Wellington um what do we think I think we can beat the Jets I think HomeField Advantage is a thing um for the

Phoenix and I I have no reason that we couldn’t beat them um I’m gonna are they playing first or second I don’t remember not sure let me look either way hopefully there’s a good crowd and uh people who show up for the men’s game also shut for the women’s

Game so I have the women are at 300 p.m. men are at 5:30 ah 3M in Wellington that sounds lovely the winds kicked up maybe a bit of sunshine probably not but we we really sh you know these kind of conditions are the conditions that they practice

In you know the the the the stadium is something that they’re familiar with you know if you think about Riley Foster she’s never been to that you know Adelaide you know spatially everything is different when you’ve been in a stadium before and you understand where you’re playing and you know it’s not an

Excuse for the kind of wonkiness she had but you know you you get it it’s like when you shoot basketball hoops and you’re you’re in a different place and suddenly you have to kind of just you know you know how to shoot hoops but just takes you a little while to get

Spacially oriented where you know they they they they’ll be just fine in Sky stadium and um yeah I it would be fun to give Bria another go out there um anyone else you would start I I re can give Zoe a start that last time y

Zoe let’s let’s start Zoe 100% and Bri last time last time I watched the Phoenix at Sky Stadium or last time watched the woman at Sky Stadium Bri had an amazing game she was our she was our player of the match um Foster she she

Hasn’t done well in the last few days in my opinion you know she kind of she went she came out of her box or came off her line last match against Balon Victory we can see the goal from that she came off a line in this game and she was chipped

I don’t know in like in any other league in in Europe that’s that’s what gets you dropped like let’s start let’s start Bri I mean when we talk about Riley and mickeey Foster we’re criticizing something that’s made lower than what is a really high standard like

They both did great things I mean Riley put up some great saves that first save when she did come up to the top of the box was incredible it was beautiful and she did some really good saves so when we sort of criticize oh they’ve not been

Playing well enough I mean the bar is so high anyway for them that we notice when they’re not like incredible yeah so I um getting who I would start I would I would start um Breen um I just think she’s half and good um and I would be

Interested in see what um Cox has to offer what’s her first name I’m sorry I can’t remember it I’m having a brain isab she seems to Al she seems to also go by Izzy well according to her Twitter handle yeah yeah I I I want to know what

She’s about and um you know they they got her here and it’s a long way to come and they’re clearly paying her and she’s she’s from soccer royalty I I want to see what happens um against the Jets cool double header awesome uh that’ll be fun Alex are you going to be

There no I’m not we I’ve got a flight like just a few hours before the the start so I’m really disappointed I looked to if to see if I could delay it but it’s too expensive yeah so I’m gonna have to watch this one on the road yeah well I know Jonathan’s definitely

Goingon to be there so we’re gonna we’re gonna have some fun all right yeah uh our exes yeah how do our exes do I’m not sure Jonathan was going to cover our ex’s Jonathan has Jonathan has disappeared off the face of the Earth so let me just pull up the uh

Fixtures yeah so Jonathan was here but his internet connection just poof beone okay so um raw Drew with Weston Millie click is still not playing um but I’m assuming kushler had a good game as she normally does glory Drew with Sydney I have not actually watched any upate game I’m assuming that Jal

Played not sure like I said the person here hasn’t covered it uh Jets uh beat Weston 4-2 which was pretty good and it looked like Cho had a good game um Mariners Drew with City that’s right that was probably the shocking result Izzy Gomez actually got the um

Footmob player of the match rating awesome amazing so she’s obviously had a really good game that was a good game that was a good game I did watch that and uh Dean Dean went to it as well good okay well those were our exes uh thanks for coming in Denise um and I

Hope you enjoy the um the outcoming one and uh shout out to uh all of the yellow fever people who were doing the 12 pubs of lockhead that is Tony lockhead not Tommy lock head as I got confused about uh yesterday but uh they do a big pub

Crawl Denise you could go you and jonath could go to the they have they go to 12 pubs it’s a whole thing Brut it’s a pub it’s a pub crawl they go to 12 pubs it’s called the 12 pubs of lockin not really sure why maybe you can find out and

Report back I’m not sure my liver could take 12 pubs I don’t know how they do it because when I go to a pub I actually do drink they only have one I’m assuming they could only have one I I don’t know how they’re going to do it especially

With the women’s game earlier they’re going have to start real early but good on them um I hope that they enjoy themselves and nobody gets so drunk that they can’t go to the game Cool all right so are we rolling or we uh cutting here okay keep good to

Come in Denise Alex and I will have a chat about the men’s game sounds good all right over and out see you all right Alex uh the men after having had a rather depressing trip to Adelaide I was pretty happy to head out to Campbell toown uh

3-0 went on the road three points three goals there were about 60 people in the away section which was incredible it’s the best T out that I think we’ve ever had what a great what a great evening what do you think of the match yeah it was awesome I think this is our

Best match we’ve played all season like we’ve had some other big wins when against Brisbane stands out um who else against Perth Glory against wi United that was only one nil though but those games we’ve kind of been surviving off mistakes from the other team you know

Oly s gave us a goal Brisbane gave us a couple um this game we we earned it ourselves like all the goals brilliant team goals brilliant passing what more can you say fantastic you’re right uh we did a lot of the goals were gifted to us it’s a really

Really good point I hadn’t thought about that the buildup for all three of our goals was incredible um one of the Costa goals there were I believe 27 passes uninterrupted 27 passes every team member touched the ball in that sequence uh Dean is doing a gold

Diagram for that it is I have seen it is insane it it is insane uh yeah it was beautiful to watch MacArthur was still in the game uh for long periods they really before we scored especially before we scored that second goal they they were still capable

Of of coming back but amazing it was a beautiful performance and our crowd was good uh the mathur crowd was actually good as well normally they don’t get that many people and I was worried being a Monday night however they did get about 5,000 people and there was a

Decent turnout in the bullpen as well I’m still very certain when I count that there were more of us than they were packed into the bullpen but it’s still good to see increasing crowd sizes at MacArthur it’s good for the entire league yeah definitely I heard that it

Was their second highest ATT Ted game to a non Sydney to non Sydney opposition um both of those the F the first highest has been against the Phoenix as well um why do you think that is are they are they are they key weeds like around that

Area I don’t think so and it’s a little bit strange because Matha isn’t close right like it’s like 50 kilomet from the center of Sydney you do it does actually take a while to travel out there there is a good train connection so there’s a station that’s like right next to the

Stadium which makes it a lot easier those transport points are a huge issue in the smaller cities where you don’t have as much sorry larger cities where there’s not as much parking I’m not sure uh it was a nice night I think that probably helped the

Fact that it was even though it was a wind a Monday night uh being a week night a lot of people are off work and off school already so that encourages more people to show up yeah I don’t know what it is about the next I don’t I think it’s

Just it’s maybe just a coincidence I mean there are decent number of new zealanders who do live in Sydney but the amount that showed up yesterday was was beyond what we had had since uh the little corner of yellow had formed yep that’s fair enough um let’s talk about the changes so suton

Came in for Lucas Hy heeld at left back and being old came in for Mo in Midfield might have had kind of slight change of roles he was dribbling a lot more than Mo but he came benol came quite quite deep you know out of position he was definitely he was definitely Defender

And the other one David Ball came in for Oscar Z who was injured at the moment a f injury or something like that he was kind of what was what was it called Chief I think it’s called a contusion I think it just means like a really deep

Bruise yeah I’m not a doctor that’s what I got from the injury from the press conference sorry as well um how how do you reckon that they played changes Aldi was great I thought Aldi was great uh people have been calling for him to get more match time and I

Think that was a good choice We had baly on I think baly had a really good game he always does he’s not our biggest golf scorer but he works incredibly hard and I haven’t had a look at what his passing rate is but it is so high for somebody who plays up front

Chiefy described the front three as three narrow 9 which I thought was quite interesting and I hadn’t heard as a concept before I think one of the things that’s been interesting is we’ve been a lot we’ve had a lot of dependence on Oscar Zada a lot and we play differently when

He’s on the field we play a lot of long balls because it’s like ah big nine we’ll just play it to his feet or we’ll play it to his head but I think we actually play more interestingly as a team when we don’t have zado on the

Field because we actually pass the ball around a lot more than I think that we would otherwise W ofad is on there and that’s nothing against Oscar and he’s incredible player and I do prefer having him in some ways but we’ve actually been fine without him and the way that we

Play without him is different and I think that’s actually worthwhile because if all we’re going to do is play the ball to Zada if he’s on the pitch that’s very easy very easy for the opposition to realize and then you just put two Defenders on him when the ball is being

Crossed in it’s a lot easier to defend against so it’ll be interesting to see what happens yeah definitely I I I was actually about to say that as well I reckon we do play better without Oscar Zada um the one thing is that when when Oscar is playing as you said they put

Kind of two Defenders on him and then that that draws that or that lets other players like C barbarus been Al KV in particular that allows them to have more freedom and get and get free or the other team can bring back some midfielders and put them on bak and then

That kind of means the team is parking the bus I’m not sure how we’re going to go against team to park the bus West and United didn’t really park the bus but they were deep like they played deep against us and I reckon that’s how you beat us like not pressing uh backline

Because Alex pson our center backs they’re really good at breaking the line so what so there’s like four or kind of two three two CX one goalkeeper and then they draw in the front three from the other team just whack it over the top and then that that’s you know a third

Half of the team taken out that is how we play and I think that is how you beat us by by not pressing that front for and kind of giving them enough time or more time to play out of the back it’s incredible uh we’re going to pay the the

Price for playing out the back a couple of times this season for sure but it’s just it’s worked so well and there have been times where Alex has just played the most incredible past he’s got like the pre assist assist kind of level of seeing where people are open at the end

Of the game when we were three in the lap every time we got the ball we started calling out shoot it didn’t work but uh he he was incredible and I think one of the interesting things I I noticed is that the expected goals against us yesterday were

1.41 and we didn’t let anything in now a lot of that about half of that percentage of of that 1.41 would be from the penalty but um and in a way it’s possible that things are going to sort of even out but the fact that they had a

1.41 XG against us and we managed to not concede at all was huge well like how much of that is the penalty because apart the penalty apart from the penalty I don’t remember them having any kind of big chances that you’d expect them to score and I think that’s our main kind of

Defensive I don’t know what to call it that’s the main thing we’re good at in defense just not giving them the chances it’s not giving them the chances and then taking it off them before they shoot or something it’s just they never get the chance at all the main CH I reckon half

Of our XG conceded this year or this season have been from penalties and we’ll move on to that in a bit but Alex bson just saves him I think so penalties have approximately a 75 or 80% XG so that’s a huge chunk of of that XG

Uh they did have a couple of chances probably their best one though actually was Nico Pennington I think cleared the ball and it rebounded really strongly towards the goal and it happened to go straight to Paulson that might have been one of them but it’s funny what they

Count as contributing towards XG and what doesn’t and and things like that we’re also scoring above our exg weights which was our expected goals were 1.85 and we scored three so we’re punching above our weight in XG on both sides of the field yeah I’m just looking at the stats

Now um goals conceded per match we’re top of the table we’re top for that 0.9 goals conceded per match um in the moment expected go we’ve we’ve got 10.7 expected goals which which is actually bottom of the leag so we’ve got the least expected goals when I’m not sure how many we’ve actually

Scored um XG conceded 11.5 so that is the third best Only The Wanderers and the Mariners sit below or above us on that so yeah we’re definitely um outperforming ourselves defensively but will that come back to bite us you know we’ve had some very good defensive games

We’re conceding a lot of it sorry we’re not we’re not conceding what did I just say sorry I’ve I’ve got mled well I mean we we are defending well and we’re scoring more than our XG as well and it can’t happen forever really and and it’s it’s going

To regress towards the mean at some point um and there’s points at which we’ve been just lucky like getting that goal own goal against Melbourne Victory which kept us a point in a match that we did not have a single shot in otherwise so it is you do have to wonder how

Sustainable it is and we are kind of writing our luck and we are definitely going to conceed at some stage from playing out the back but you know what I’m okay I’m okay with that let’s worry about it when we worry about it and chiefy he always talks about the process

And he does talk talk about the usual coach things like we move on to the next game but he does he he he talks a lot about the process of getting better and I have got so much faith in and chiefy now um he’s great love chiefy love TS

Too but we were very happy we were chanting for chiefy a lot and he came over and said hello to us after the match which is always appreciated because or never did that I don’t know about Coach PR the most he gave to us in yellow fever was

Clap as he went as he walked in the tunnel and you know lots of people look up to him I I want to go into coaching football I don’t think I’m good enough to be a player so I’d love to ever talk to him um Chief is Chief’s nice here

Sponsors Instagram DMS follows people on Twitter and on Instagram um I’ll just go back to what we were saying before we’ve conceded 11.5 XG and we’ve only conceded seven goals Melbourne City have also conceded 11.5 XG and they’ve conceded six 16 goals so that’s the difference that is that’s a massive difference that’s

That’s nine nine more goals conceded from Melvin city with the same XG amazing and Alex porson so much of that just incredible and I think some of the credit needs to go to the goalkeeping coach his name has slipped my mind um because a lot of it’s research research Ruben Parker right I

Mean they’re putting in the research that he’s guessing the right way um and he even guessed the right way in the penalty he conceded in the Jets game because I mean he went the right way he didn’t go high enough it is what it is

But he still went the right way so the the research is going well it wasn’t a great penalty from OE to be fear I’m not a fan of that stutter run up it works for some people I guess but it did not work for for oie thankfully no it was a horrible penalty

I don’t think he’s that good of penalties we we saw him do some penalties when he was at the Knicks he didn’t score that many of them well we scored a few probably scored above 50% but I remember one game against perf when we were just about to it was at

Eden Park we’re about if we won we were going to qualify for the elimination final and he got a penalty in like the last 20 minutes and it got saved I still haven’t really forgiven him for that um but yeah all of Paulson’s penalty saves have been low even like in

Like the Australia cup a couple years ago when we beat melbour City on they’re all low is that the way to beat them J just going high maybe he’s not a small guy though right like if he wants and we’ve seen spectacular top Corner shot

Saves from him but it is a lot harder because you’re station you don’t really get a run up right if if you take it I’m not a goalkeeper but if there’s a shot coming over you’ve got a little bit of a run up before you can

Leap to get your hand on the ball you’re stationary for a penalty so it’s a little bit harder I guess to Spring that far but it’s quite risky to take a penalty in the the top corner there’s a reason why you’re you’re told especially at the lower levels just go to the

Bottom corner it’s hard for the keepers to get there but maybe that’s what we’ll see is people going further up yep definitely we need to figure out how many what’s the max amount of penalties someone saved in a league season as well yeah the uh Andy how stat guy was

Asked and he said that it wasn’t a stat that’s been kept very well over the yeah life of the a league so someone will actually just have to sit down and work it out yeah that’s not y I did a bit of a bit of Research into that I couldn’t

Even find it for the Premier League I found most saves in premier league history I forgot how how much it was it was kind of like High Teens so kind of 18 19 he says in the a Le he can definitely get that many but I don’t think he will I think

He I think there are going to be some suitos after him at the end of the season it was discussed uh in the press conference with chiefy after the match and you know I mean I think the Knicks have the attitude of like they want

Their players to move up and move on to bigger and better things yeah um and hopefully whatever that might be requires a hefty payment from the uh Receiving Club from the purchasing Club because you know we could do with that that I think it’s been part of the point

Of giving long deals to these younger players but chiefy also said maybe he’s not ready for the January window so he maybe needs you know at least to say the rest of the season obviously we would prefer that yeah I can’t imagine anyone coming in from in the January window you

Know you can’t you can’t judge a goalkeeper off 10 games if he does it over the course of the Season sure you can judge him off that but not over 10 games but he’s got you know two three seasons after this after this season so if someone does decide to come for him

It’ll be a T of money um yeah we’ve just signed lb Kelly held to a long-term deal as well so you know we’ve got Jack Duncan at the moment we’ve got um the other Kelly held brother um in the gloves as well so seems like we we’d

Be set um honestly I it’s it’s been so crazy like Ole s having played quite well for us a lot and he’s left he’s gone to Perth had a horror couple of games got dropped and is now like warming the bench and and Alex has just

Been has just taken off so amazing to see any more comments on the men’s game um no I think that’s it for me so we have Miss and Sydney wandz on Saturday that was a n game that was the opening game of the it was n

All it was especially in the last part of the game it was all The Wanderers way I I don’t know how we held on to be honest it was and it was at our end that that second half of the game and we just watched shot after shot and

We defended really well and that’s why they didn’t they didn’t score but they’ve been performing really well this season so I’m not to sure what to make of it I I’d be happy with the draw considering how well they’re playing it’d be nice to get a win but you never

Know yep that game at the start of the season um that was kind of a game where we didn’t think we were going to play that well over the course of the Season defense was on top and that game attack wasn’t that good and I saw a lot of

People in yellow fif forums and online T were after that game but we’ve come on Leaps and Bounds since then uh um I think we should be winning this you know the wanders have they lost a game so far the season yes did they lose to West no they lost to

Melbourne two weeks ago um oh right yeah 43 was that result that was a crazy game yeah other than that wild they’ve and you know they got BR Bruno fori he scored he’s he scored all four goals in that so I’m not sure if you can

If you can blame them for that because Bruno is is on yeah incredible yeah so they’re a dangerous team but yeah hopefully hopefully we can and and that would help me if we get a win that would cend to at the top for another round uh which is I we’re getting a nose

Bed up here it’s incredible Inc yep I reckon I do a prediction iic and 2-1 um Eric and c will score both you had a good match he had a good match and Costa Costa had a great match he’s been playing so well um after having not a great season

Last season um so it’s possible that it’s Chief’s man management or it’s just the style in which we’re playing he’s definitely improved and he hadn’t scored in 17 games and to score two in the space of what like three or four minutes yeah that was awesome yeah he

Only scored two last season they weren’t kind of the best goals there was one against city which looks like a mistake from him last season looks like he didn’t actually mean to put in the back of the net and then there was one from Jack Duncan dropping across I

Believe that was in that was in py um but yeah he seems to really kind of chiefy seems to have shape the roles that Costa and kind of holds could I have play like according to what they’re good at and it seems to be working really well dribbling heat of dribbling and the

Fluidity between the front three is crazy like ca will be at right wing K will be in the middle old will be on the left at one point and then 10 minutes later they’ll all SWAP all to be on the right cost be on the left K will be somewhere else

Amazing it’s so good to watch when it’s working it’s just beautiful have the faith of course all right uh that’ll wrap it up then um thanks Alex and uh Denise and Jonathan we don’t know quite when we’ll manage to do a podcast after the matches this Saturday but I hope everybody can

Show up uh who’s listening and lives near Wellington I hope you can make it uh I hope that if you do do the 12 pubs that you stay safe uh make sure you drink plenty water uh and enjoy both of those games have a very happy Christmas

And a happy New Year uh if we don’t see you before then by everyone

1 Comment

  1. Yes! We need more Bri! Really can't understand why Zoe didn't start and thought Alyssa was worth a start too.

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