Golf Babe


This video is about the Craziest Moments On Hardcore Pawn

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#HardcorePawn #PawnShop #PawnStars

Ow oh okay oh brace yourself folks for a wild circus act at the pawn shop and to all you headphone users consider this a fair warning there is plenty of screaming ahead the wrong with this place who do I talk to around here can I help you yeah

You sure can first of all I’m mad this time a highly agitated lady stormed in demanding a refund on her ring but guess what she never bothered to read her receipt the issue is I came in here picked out a ring put the money down but the lady behind the counter didn’t tell

Me that I won’t get my money back I want my money back I don’t want no in store credit give your receipt yes I got my damn receipt if she had simply read the fine print the whole Fiasco could have been avoided this right here okay so you

Want a cash refund you said yes I did okay it says no cash refund I’m sorry but it’s on your receipt if you money down on of layway we don’t do refunds we just store credit but wait there’s more Les was there to Enlighten the lady on another crucial

Detail she missed a massive sign with bold red letters so when you came to put this in layway they printed it up on that computer over there am I correct uh you see that big red sign says no refunds so maybe she struggles with reading or she’s simply cannot grasp the

Concept of no refunds because even after explaining that it wasn’t the Shop’s mistake this woman still stubbornly insisted on getting her impossible refund so here’s your option you have 30 days to make payments I don’t want to make no payments this is a bull I just

Want my refine can I get my damn refine so why exactly do people think that screaming is their golden ticket I can hear you I’m right here I’m upset okay but I’m not upset and I’m not in the mood to get upset right now I don’t want

To hear it Ashley didn’t Flinch at the yelling but she sure knew how to crank up the volume too I can get loud just like you and make a scene if you want or you can act like a lady the customer is always right and we can most definitely

Agree that the customer is not always right there are limits folks if she would be calm if she wasn’t ranting and raving and swearing like a crazy lady we’d be able to help her out Chi can leave I ain’t going nowhere now really really oh naturally our disgruntled hero

Refused to leave quietly you know the good thing is the shop has a bouncer to show these lovable lunatics the door get your hands off me get your hands off me I don’t want to be in this place anyway I get my Later all right here’s a pro tip when you’re trying to sell something at a pawn shop it is a smart idea to actually bring the item with you not just a picture of it sounds logical right well a particular customer thought a photo would be enough for Seth to evaluate his TV spoiler

Alert it wasn’t I got a 60in TV it’s too big for me to load it up here they told me I could bring a picture in try to get some money for him it got HDMI all that on it can I get an estimate I can’t get

An estimate sure so anywhere from 0 to 250 Seth provided an estimate but he also explained that he’d need to see the actual TV to give an accurate price you got to bring it in what if it’s crashed what if it has a dent in it what if it’s

You know banged up totally reasonable right but of course things never go smoothly on Hardcore Pawn so what you saying is basically y wasting my time for me coming up here gas like 359 man you going to basically I got to come all way over how how far away you live I

Live in Dearborne okay so yeah about 359 16 miles look man tell me not [ __ ] man real talk man our photo wielding friend blamed the shop employees because he drove who knows how far just to show them a picture of his TV note to self engage Brain before hitting the gas

Pedal I don’t know without seeing the merchandise I need to feel it I need to see it you want to know how much you can get on a loan bring in your stuff bottom line so if you going either help me out or not help me out help you not only did

He want an evaluation based on a photo but he also so demanded gas money news flash pawn shops are not your personal ATM I’m going to need $15 to $20 on man for some gas money then for me to pay oh yeah for real I

Need to you wasting my time coming up in here I keep a reality TR all day real talk my I want to know what I can get my TV I told you denied both a sale and gas money our frustrated protagonist lost this cool you know what

Man don’t touch me dog man for real get my stuff bro I Ain serious dog man get off me get off me I’m telling you for real man real talk man know me man real talk well thank goodness for giant security guards who efficiently escorted

Him out dog I ain’t going nowh dog man get your hands off me bro see man you know what do go man what say something now dog get your hands off me bro real talk you keep throwing a fit we’re throwing your ass out real talk and even

On his way out he continued to make a scene treating everyone to a fence jumping performance despite the gate being wide open that’s just comedy gold right there y want treat me like trash don’t want to treat me like trash I’m going throw this bit garbage Huh oh okay oh you know working with people can be a mixed bag sometimes you have great experiences and other times well you’re treated to a near full of yelling and cursing a woman stormed into the shop to retrieve her Pond golf clubs but there was a slight issue she hadn’t actually pmed Them what are we doing today just getting out my golf clubs your Club you sold the clubs to us you didn’t P them the system indicated that the clubs were sold not pawned so either this lady was confused or she was trying to pull a

Last one in the pawn shop either way she was primed for a meltdown I did not sell my clubs I know what I did I know that you if you would have looked at that receipt are they here if you would have looked at the receipt that was the lecture I

Did not pawn my club I don’t have them a heated argument erupted between the woman and a pawn shop employee why would I be talking about this if I sold them I don’t know you did not know what you were doing I clearly have a clear head and

I’ve been sober a lot longer than your today if you passed your drug test I don’t think so honey bunch really really Les swooped in to diffuse the situation but his efforts fell flat let me make this perfectly honest let me make it perfectly clear you’re profiting a lot

From people who are less fortunate with an education than me this is a very sad commentary anyone down on the lock you make big fat money off of in your Jewish ways the woman’s choice of words only sered to dig her hole deeper plunging her into the icy waters of Confrontation

What did she just say here’s the deal you get your out of here get the out of here out of here don’t talk about my religion you [ __ ] Not only was she incredibly rude but she was also Scrappy attempting to take on a security guard twice her size bold move get your hands

Off of me go outside get your hands off of me get your damn mother hands off of me she the did it hurt you oh like yeah cuz I’m really strong and Les had zero tolerance for her Antics get out don’t talk about religion don’t insult me with

Race this [ __ ] had to go ma’am go yourself even after being shown the door she continued to spout nonsense dude man you know who bred your butter or Butters your bread learn a few things about your father son you know some people really need a lesson in manners i w you Club anyways

Even know you’re sorry slimy faint ass have their dinners I’ll know it’s never a dull day in the world of Hardcore Pawn especially when it comes to dealing with customers can I help you want to look at a watch is that a ladybug it is yeah that looks

Kind of nice full cut Stones ladybug design that’s really nice ni just a lady interested in a watch and Seth being The Helpful employee nothing could go wrong right give me a Sec okay mother Pearl dial like I said going to take that yes I need to take this man so Seth might have been better off not asking about her texting but how was he to know what’s going on excuse me I’m here to buy a wife watch

I’m not here for you to be all up in my texting yeah he probably wished he could go back in time and never asked that question you get paid by the hour trying to rush people I’m not trying to rush you you are trying to

Rush me get the watch back out don’t try to play me Seth gave it all to remain composed but this customer was just Relentless you laughing I’m not you laughing you laughing what’s funny are you mental mental mental I am taxing taxing taxing or texting oh hell no good

Thing the security team is always on high alert for any trouble yeah this guy is like a superhero always ready to swoop in and save the day people around here looking at me like I’m crazy brother look crazy to you I ain’t crazy I’m a VIP you better recognize well she

Claimed she wasn’t crazy but her actions spoke louder than words have a good day ma’am you you have a good day who who this place I’m trying to buy a watch don’t be pushing me give me my I have a great day the customer was escorted out

But not without a parting display of her so-called sanity that’s on my flip flop are you serious flip flop fing FL in a dramatic final act the woman removed her wig because that’s what normal people do right know what kiss my kiss that’s what you do what is that on

Your head what is that oh now you’re trying to be funny watch your back is the name of the season 7 episode that featured a high-end watch dealer and collector who came to the shop to pick up a watch since he was Les Gold’s trusted friend Les agreed on giving him a valuable

Bradling watch for $42,000 in exchange for an IOU since allegedly the man didn’t have the cash at the moment 425 tomorrow I will have the payment for you by Tomorrow Gary you got a deal well it turned out Les trusted him a little bit more than he should have rather than receiving a traditional cash payment the customer sent Les an insane 130 cases full of watch bands to American Jewelry and Loan I trusted this mother and this prick with these watchs

If I had him in front of me that son of a [ __ ] the worst part was that hadn’t been the only bad deal at the time and Les was criticized for already making a few wrong deals so in the episodes that followed he was seen desperately trying

His best to make things right when nothing else worked Les started selling watch bands at a discount price of $2 a piece and luckily he finally managed to break even with a customer who showed up and purchased all of the watch bands for himself leaving some autograph versions

Behind to be sold on the Shop’s website in the season 5 finale of Hardcore Pawn a manager who had been with the store for over 20 years was fired after a few small slip ups when Les was in a particularly bad mood his name is Rich pile and he had become a

Fan favorite of the show since the 2010 Premiere I can’t believe after 25 years of being loyal to you I’ve been more loyal than your own kids have to you you know what Rich you get out of the store however after some time Rich came back to

Apologize for what had happened in the previous episodes and Les welcomed him back however he still warned him he would be fired if he slipped up luckily Rich got a chance to prove his worth when a teenager came came in with microphones that rich suspected had been

Stolen it was a story of how the seller had acquired the brand new microphones that especially tipped off Rich the story was strange as no one just randomly tosses out two brand new microphones into the audience they threw these things out into the crowd and you’re just happen to catch one so at

What point did they actually take this off of the the rack and put it nicely inside of this thing fortunately Rich’s hunch was correct as the microphones belong to a local club owner and they had been stolen from the night before Rich made sure the stolen microphones were recovered the crook was arrested

And he got his job back deservingly at one point the show documented a sticky situation involving some stolen art being sold to the store for over a million which could have been by far the most serious scam on the show luckily the real owner of the art

Managed to call in and clarify what exactly had happened before Les closed the deal but there’s a guy on the phone he says he’s the guy who owns the artwork and he’s really pissed The Story Goes that Tony and Dena the people who had tried to sell the art behind the

Back of the original owner claimed that Les was a family friend of theirs and could get them a good deal on the art if you ever watched the show you know how much Les gets excited about art so he was about to get it authenticated as one

Last step before buying and he also gave them a number as the first step in bargaining for the paintings they ended up telling the original owner that they were getting it for less and pocketed the rest of the money when you are a pawn broker one thing is

For sure there are not two days that are the same you could never guess who will visit the store and what kind of story they will carry with them or whether or not they will attempt to scam you so when a woman came into the pawn shop

Trying to return diamond earrings no one could have expected what she would try to do she wanted to return the earrings for cash because a diamond was missing from one but she claimed she didn’t have a receipt unfortunately for her there were a few problems the first one was

The fact that you can’t return something without a receipt but even if she had a receipt she couldn’t get cash for it as the receipts from the store specifically State this did you have the receipt no do gifts come with a receipt yeah yeah um no with this one didn’t but the

Bigger problem was the diamonds were fake this woman was trying to scam these pawn brokers and she got busted even after she was caught she wouldn’t admit defeat as she started yelling and trying to cause a scene oh um excuse me anybody buying any Jerry from here don’t get no

More Jerry from here cuz the hey hey she didn’t want to give up on her cash grab but there was no way she was going to be permitted to stay in the season 6 episode called lawyer Upson from 2012 a woman came in to redeem her son’s Pawn of her mother’s

Gold ring however she was told that he had no pawns on file at American Jewelry although she insisted that she needed some information on a $10,000 ring pawned by her son though she later produced her Pawn ticket Les found it to be counterfeit counterfeit ticket man this y’all some bull y’all on some

Straight up bull bet you y’all going to pay me for this $10,000 R there are two scenarios for this unsuccessful attempt for one it could have been that her son gave her the ticket as she said and gave her the fake ticket to try and cover up

The fact that he had stolen her ring and sold it elsewhere however the woman and her friend could have also been running the scam on their own trying to pressure Les into paying for her allegedly lost $10,000 ring whichever it was they left threatening to come back with a lawyer

And they did of course Les readily explained to the lawyer why the ticket was obviously fake the number on the ticket was too long for one and the type on the back which Les explained was information required by state law to be in 12-point font was in too small type

The numbers don’t match up the Paper Stock doesn’t match up this is a fake speaking of receipts every person coming to the shop trying to return something should know that in almost 100% % cases the pawn shop seller would ask you to show a receipt so when a man

Came in with his iPhone 4 saying he had bought it in the shop 2 days before this episode and asking for a new one he was asked for the obvious receipt unfortunately for him not only could he not provide one but he also included that he bought the phone for $2,000 and

Felt like he got scammed get me another phone that’s all I’m asking for as soon as you give me that receipt I can see what I can do for it I don’t have my receipt I just clearly told you that this further proved that he was lying since used iPhones don’t normally cost

That much and not knowing what else to do he began blaming it on a confused employee and began to act very bitterly oh hold on no no no don’t touch him and let him go man you and your Mohawk shut the hell up my Mohawk doesn’t talk it

Clearly does clear with that go now goatee does talk damn though it’s never a pleasant thing when you have to deal with customers trying to scam you it’s even worse when that happens to be one of your employees that’s why no one could forget the dramatic moment when beloved Hardcore

Pawn security guard Joel Big Joe Shannon was caught stealing on hidden camera after various items went missing in the store Les grew some suspicions so he decided that he was going to catch the culprit red-handed his plan was to leave a diamond earring ass bait with a hidden

Camera pointed at it then all he had to do was wait and sure enough the next day it was gone no one could believe that their own head of security Big Joe took it even though Les argued that the white guard couldn’t have done it Les later

Said that Joe had owned up to the crime and pulled out an assortment of jewelry from his pocket which estimated at over $7,000 the easiest way to get through to an employee is to tell them your sad story either you lost a loved one or that you got fired from work and not

Being able to support yourself on the other hand though it is okay to ask someone for help manipulating others into giving you stuff is a completely different thing it’s not uncommon for an average Pond broker to hear a sad story but often people who come to the store

Turn out to be real scams one such case happened in an episode when a mother who is supposedly divorced and unemployed and expecting a child came in looking for Toys she was so convincing that she made Ashley completely fall for it I’m a single mother my husband just left

Me really yes by not only selling a $20 rocking chair for only $5 but offering the woman a job at American Jewelry and Loan what happened next was one of the most ridiculous scenes on the show when they went to load the toy she bought into the truck the mother gave a fake

Birth straight on the parking lot floor then off she went with her husband thank you so much oh my pleasure anything to help you in the baby what the hello excuse me try it turns out not only do scammers appear on the show but there have also been some criminals David kuchinski was

First remembered after a video of him attempting to intimidate Seth gold on Hardcore Pawn surfaced a few years ago I’m going to allow you to pick up your ring when you have the right amount of money you’re not listening to me I am hearing you but you’re not listening to

Me however one day officers responded to a 3:30 a.m. 911 call only to find kuchinski attacking his girlfriend when they arrived at the scene when they warned him kuchinski still refused to comply and was tasered twice he died as a result capu Chin’s girlfriend later said that she and her children loved him

And that there were no previous incidents of domestic violence in fact she claimed that her boyfriend of 6 months had been loving and supported her emotionally and financially so that she could go back to college the last one on the list is not a scumbag customer but actually a member

Of this famous family who betrayed the family business Ashley Gold spent nine seasons on her family’s popular reality TV show only to leave her father and brother to break out on her own the former manager of the jewelry counter at American Jewelry and Loan has started an online jewelry pawning business with her

Own website in addition to the site she also has an accompanying podcast she claimed that she wanted to leave for health reasons so that she could spend more time with her husband and two children working with her father in the family business was always her dream but

She was never treated with much respect by the customers let alone her father and brother ridiculed about her weight and her competency have plagued her interactions with customers at the store and even among her family perhaps these were the reasons she eventually decided to leave a pregnant lady visited the

Pawn shop hav been there before to buy an item she had seen earlier seemed innocent enough right I was just here last week and I seen this horse that y’all had and I really wanted I didn’t have the money last week for sure you saw where is it it’s right over here she

Shared her story with Ashley who was more than happy to help I was qu at $20 for it all I have is $10 I’m a single mother my husband just left me really yes do you work I try I look for a job and Stope but it’s just hard right now

And this is something that I want to get from my baby this would mean so much to me now the horse was priced at 20 bucks but the lady only had 10 and touched by her sad tale Ashley decided to give her a discount let me tell you what I can do

For you you give me five and then my gift to you is the remaining 15 that’ll be great okay means so much to me you know Ashley went above and beyond selling the horse for $5 and even offering the woman a job after her baby

Was born so let’s take it out to her car right now and seriously after you have your baby come back here I’ll have you fill out a job application I sure okay thank you very much they brought the horse out to the woman’s car but when

She opened her trunk well you’ll see do you want me to open it for you I’ll open it again thank you so much oh my pleasure anything to help you and the baby what the surprise it appeared that the lady had her baby earlier than expected uh what the hello excuse me you

Trying to scam me excuse Me what well she scored a discount a job offer and casually left her baby in the parking lot okay unbelievable I even offered her a job after she had the baby I think she just had the baby And now for a lighter in a slightly loopy encounter some people are a few fries short of a Happy Meal but as long as they’re harmless we’ll let it slide how can I help you I need to sell this earring because my little r Corvette broke down I show

Absolutely wow imagine that enter a prince look alike so convincing that Seth can’t believe he’s not royalty you know who this is it’s your neighbor isn’t it Prince Right Prince absolutely Wow but truth be told he does also bear a striking resemblance to a certain shy bird it reminds me of the the bird up there you know what look at this service that I’m getting I can see why Dov cry this guy takes his Prince Persona very

Seriously you like where do you get I design all of my own clothes oh so you make it yourself y I can make you one no are your parents see-through yes my parents are see-through were you looking down there it’s yeah move over roosters the pawn shop Prince would make one heck

Of a wakeup call oh that okay SC and you’re watching it no in true celeb fashion he’s here upon an earring but sadly it’s as fake as his identity I need about a thousand thousand that’s a real earring but it’s not real diamond are you kidding me trust me you

Know Hardcore Pawn wouldn’t be the same without his fair share of quirky characters and this one is no exception big bear bam bam out there there is definitely something wrong with this guy Ashley was dumbfounded and the guys were equally bewildered yep we cannot blame them I mean look at

This Swagger riic the crazies are here today yeah crazy as I was yesterday okay so what you got growls and Kung Fu aside this guy tried to fetch a hefty sum for nonfunctional equipment which as we know does not fly in this shop got some brand new tools

Here all use probably once okay now I’m going to see if I can’t get me a couple hundred this one cost me 99 bucks brand new I couldn’t get this one to work you can’t get it to work and you want me to

Take it from you I tried to use it and I couldn’t make that one work the wannabe grizzly bear demanded 200 bucks but less countered with a more reasonable offer so how do you figure I’m going to give you 200 bucks well this is 100 something

Come on who you kidding if you don’t want it I’ll take it to another pawn shop it’s going to be 60 bucks no hell no okay sorry okay well I’m out of here our Kung Fu officia wasn’t pleased with the $60 offer and made his way out he

I’m going to get my stuff up I’m not no crackhead my name ain’t crackhead Fred and I’m out of here y’all pow pow PW PW PW PW pow PW pow pow G oh now the relatively peaceful exit should have been a warning that something else was bound to happen and

Of course it did what up big dog what’s going on homie here he comes again how can I help you today hey man my lady put me out last night I had to sleep in my van so I need you know some good stuff

So I put some Gant in my so you got to fight with your lady she put you out yeah man house was it yours or hers the guy returned with more equipment hoping for 100 bucks but accepted $10 instead you know all seemed well until his inner

Wildside rear its head again this guy has a bare tattoo on his stomach wiping his ass with a bunny rabbit who in the right mind puts a tattoo on their stomach that says happens I started thinking this guy is dangerous but you know luckily his eccentricity didn’t cause any real

Trouble so there was no need for security to step in hey boo boo let’s go Ste us a couple of pck basts the Yogi the r that’s just a [ __ ] C grizly bit a guy walked into the pawn shop looking to buy some Essentials for his

New house and he definitely came to the right place American Jewelry and Loan has everything from appliances and Furniture to bikes rings and toys I just moved from New Jersey uh my wife and I we just bought a house and she sent me here she said see what you can pick up

Perfect let’s find some after striking up a conversation with les the guy pointed out a sofa he was interested In like I’ll bet you can make a deal with this one over here I’ll bet I could yeah see this is more in my price range I’m good with it you know what I’m saying the price was fantastic and the guy was ready to empty his wallet but the sofa

Wasn’t exactly in mint condition which could be a problem you going to clean all that up before I buy it that’s why it’s so inexpensive right now really yeah I got to tell you man that nasty as Les explained the sofa’s low price reflected its condition you know

You’d have to Shell out a bit more to get it cleaned elsewhere we have used furniture and we give deals our used furniture sometimes has things on it the guy was baffled by the Sila’s grubbiness but let’s be real it’s not new so what did he expect why is it so freaking

Dirty man because it’s used that’s why it’s 3977 well only got 200 bucks the price of the sofa was $397 but since the guy only had 200 bucks in his pocket he was prepared to pay precisely that much but not before giving the couch it tests it I tell you

What my shoes are cleaner than this couch then don’t buy it make me a deal I got cash in my pocket man wow 200 bucks come on sure you know maybe his shoes were cleaner than the couch but if you don’t like it don’t buy it simple logic anyway things escalated pretty quickly

From trying to haggle for a better deal on the couch to hurling insults and Les was not having any of it I bet you you’re the mother’s been sitting on here farting and the guy’s next comment was even more unpalatable for Less this was actually

My couch we had a re Pooler and I gave a tler is that right yeah is that your daughter that’s my daughter she must be nasty too unsurprisingly the guy was escorted out rather swiftly what an attitude it’s time to go come on man on come on don’t make my come on

Man walk out walk out my man have a good day man I’m going someplace else T of Detroit I got $200 sir I’m going someplace else this guy entered the store to pick up the ring he bought armed with his receipt and everything however the Shop’s computer system was

On the fritz causing customers to wait unfortunately this particular Gent


  1. Enough is enough already!
    You're playing the same video clips over and over and over and over and over again!
    If I see one more repeating video, I'll be unsuscribing. I would suggest everyone else follow suit because the owner of this channel is getting paid for suckering all of us in every time we click on these videos!

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